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Thy Will Be Done Edition

Post Wood (furniture)
Oil your wood and buff to a shine
.308 Price Index = Fucked
Tighten up your MOA
Froppy Frens Find Fun

Thread Theme~

Mission Impossible: Survive
Previously on /burger/: >>62800276
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Pastbin: It was lost to time, my son.
Getting the PTR soon.
new HK gonna add another 1k to the mr 762
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first for galil. Next project is a 7.62x39 md94 out of an md65 parts kit one of my gun store owning friends is trading me. Just finished my beginner long range setup out of a 6.5 creedmoor bergara b14HMR
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more like lost do to my sheer laziness

PasteBin -
Remove The "

(you) with updates or make them yourself. See pic related for code
Has anyone checked on Sarge lately?
I drove over 308 miles today.
I just want it ok? Thappy Black Friday, /brg/.
Dew it.
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she cute!
I piant it super soaker colors, I'm not joking....
Do eet
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The wood is Good
The plastic is Evil
Swiss @ 77 pr: https://trueshotammo.com/ammunition/rifle-ammo/308-win/saltech/saltech-308-win-147-grain-fmj/?
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Nice 28/30.
>reflex II
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I've got that sling on my M2
90s have an underrated aesethic
>/hg/ +90
>/brg/ +1
the pricetag for the tavor should be changed to 2 foreskins and 700 shekels and 1 cheese pizza pantry.
arg is currently debating the scar-17
What is /brg/'s opinion/experience with it vs the AR10 category?
If you had to choose one for the rest of your life, which one and why?
Is is true that the garand was supposed to be magazine fed to start with? I saw that as a claim, and the guy said it had nothing to do with Winchester's attempt.
Waiting on reciever to ship
we really don't want to become anything like /hg/
It is magazine fed.
>plastic is evil
>two rifles with plastic
Pick a lane.
Box mag.
I like Rifles chambered in a full powered catrige that accepts detachable magazines
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I think that's true, but I'd have to dig out some books to be sure
What do you guys use for stuff like marking a front sight or filling in lettering?
>ree don't do that
New production, such as filling in the SEF on a paki trigger housing after painting it a different color. I'm not going to fill in my M1 numbering like a retard.
Has anybody tried putting real loads into German Blue Plastic Cartridges?
>we really don't want to become anything like /hg/
With the exception of one notable anon, it really is horrible.
There's an error on this page.
The Garand T1922 and the Thompson Auto-rifle have their labels switched.
>Has anybody tried putting real loads into German Blue Plastic Cartridges?
Like a 110grn proj? I wouldn't. They are rumored at .38spec muzzle energy anyway. But I doubt that would pen a metal coffee can, if you could still find one.
>one notable anon
who? hopefully you're not talking about the almost-tripfaggot who keeps posting yom doujins with berettas. He somehow managed to become a bigger attention seeking faggot than Burt.
Notable does not mean drinking buddy. I do admine the hg imgs "Burt Gummer" posts, if that's even his real name.
Free hazmat.
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Are we G3 clone and Finn mosin posting now? Also why the fuck I can't find 28-30 for a decent price. Next you're going to tell me your Civil guard district is Viipuri.
>Next you're going to tell me your Civil guard district is Viipuri.
My 28/30 was sent to the Hankasalmi Civil Guard. They had a cool flag.
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What’s parts compatibility like for the m76 and m77? Thinking about getting one of the apex kits and using the majority of parts for an m76 build, but not sure if it’d be worth it if I have to source more than an m76 bolt, stock, and grip.
>I like different
2,800CID, supercharged: https://bringatrailer.com/listing/pratt-whitney-r2800-radial-engine/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_2648449
This goes on your custom trike to haul brs to range day.
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I really want a 308 AR. I’ve got a pretty nice Ptr, but I like to reload and that thing mangles brass like it’s cool. Looking to stay below $1500. Options are the Sig tread, armalite, and PSA. Really thinking I want one with a nitrided barrel in either 16” or 18”. Half of these things have such cringey tryhard hardguards that it’s an instant turn off, and the parts compatibility issues and a whole additional dimension. Not sure which direction to go in. PSA has been upping their standards by quite a bit lately so I’m not as averse to that option as I used to be. Armalite uses some fucked barrel nut thread pitch and has no adjustable gas block. Not enthused about a shining ss barrel either. Ideally I’d like something with a continuous top rail without some vin diesel-esque crosses and webbing nonsense all over it, adjustable gas block, nitride finish, standard-ish parts, 18-20 inch barrel. Thought about building one, but the headache of parts compatibility makes me just want to buy one and be done.
>Options are the Sig tread, armalite, and PSA
I've been recommending the Savage MSR-10 since '20, but built my own due to Corona shortages please buy one and l.k?
The armalite 308 is on sale on PSA right now.
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Late night bump
A question for the early risers: What barrel material for a normal 16-18" AR-10 if built from the ground up?
if it works reliably and i have a fuck ton of money to burn then scar, but i am not a fan of FN personally. But the scar is more appealing to me than an ar10, however i decided to go between both and get mr762 so it is the worst of both worlds
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I got a rice cooker and crockpot, maybe I'll get a PSA next year when literally nothing I want is on sale and feel like wasting more money on trash.
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You can find used scars on Gunbroker for $2600. Their prices have come down a bit because people are realizing $4,000 for a rifle is crazy. This market is in a flux of upheaval. Random things are going down and up in price as people are seeing where the balls fall.
>Stribog Up / Beretta PMX Down
>Scar 17 Down / LMT Up
>H&K USP Up / Sig 320 Down
Cheaper stuff is more expensive and more expensive stuff is cheaper. We might not go back to 2016 prices but they will come down within the next year. I wouldn't rush to spend a lot right now if you have your gear and guns in check.
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>M1 Garand 900$
>cries in europoor
.30-06 is expensive as fuck anyway...
That's 7.62×63mm to you, bub.
>mentioning Scar prices is a bannable offense now
wtf are we doing here?
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Did you blow your daily requirement of feminine penis today? You're not allowed to post until you.
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I like Burt and there's worse things you can do than post big anime tiddies. What's weird is that guy can post big anime tiddies and /akg/ can post big anime tiddies. But if we do it, we get banned.
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Gm, frens
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Good morning.
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Checking. The PTR will be ordered soon.
Its shipped :D
Anyone have builders tools they want to rent?
Why did you choose a PTR? I've been thinking of getting one too.
Because I wanted something different than an AR for the first BR I am going to buy.
PTR is shit, should have bought a CA3 which is built on a military parts kit and doesn't use commercial parts like the fucking PTR, which are full of gremlins.
Waay over my guestimate!
Don't you need special tools and knowledge to get a tank up and running? I must not being seeing the value in owning a tank.
I thought PTR was fine for HK91 clones, and they also assemble the CA3 themselves with some of their own parts.
PTR is the best you’re going to get for a G3 clone in America (unless you’re very skilled and assemble and finish one yourself), he’s just some shizo.
I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers. I've seen anons "build" a rifle over years and years. There was a .308galil anon that was waiting on a barrel to show up for 4years. I don't remember if he ever got it built.
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New Russian Battle Rifle
Stoner won
Hasn't been that long yet. Only need a couple tools and a locking shoulder. Assembled a bunch of ARs but this will be mu first build.
I think he finished the Galil a few months ago.
what the fuck is that rail? did ziggers really make an even more retarded version of keymod?
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Anything to do with this cracked stock besides throw it out? It's the smooth plastic type which is cool but the bottom rear part is cracked all the way through and the butt"pad" is shattered internally as well.
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My T48 dust cover was missing 3 of 5 rivets due to my dumbasssery and use of hunting .308 in my FAL that knocked the clip guide portion loose.

After months of preparation and practice, I was able to successfully replace the missing flush rivets with 2mm aluminum stock and the power of a cheap hydraulic press.

It is now rock solid inside the countersinks that I made, and I am deeply excited of the holiday weekend and the opportunity to test it under fire. Wish me luck lads.
Someone on FALFiles can rent you tools I’m sure.

Pro tip: wrap the barrel with paper before you clamp down the barrel vise. This will protect the finish and also prevent the barrel from spinning in the vise.
Feels like they copied the Haenel but slightly worse.
Well done, anon. Good luck.
>I think he finished the Galil a few months ago.
Would be nice if he actually posted with it. Galil's are a lot of fun and have history behind them. Weird how the dude spent so many years with it unbuilt then throws it in closet to be forgotten once he does. I shoot all of my 19guns, there isn't a safe queen in my collection.
>Pro tip: wrap the barrel with paper before you clamp down the barrel vise.
I just use dirty shirts or towels when I put stuff on the vice. Paper is slippery in my opinion. Don't need to extra about it. Terri cloth rags are like $2 at walmart and I have a dozen. Use them all over the place on guns, tables, screens, vice, glass, dish washing, dish drying. So cheap that you wash them a few times then toss them away when they get thin and raggy.
>gendarmerie marked rcv
>pic shows no markings
>special tools
No, you just run over to the motor.pool and ask the guys for the keys.
>stop copying me
They wouldn't know what to do with out us.
Nicely done. Good shooting.
>I just use dirty shirts
A proper gentleman doesn't have dirty shirts.
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He did but he juat moved across the country so I assume hes been busy lately.
Ill look thanks
Other side
>Other side
Thanks, I got the kit and need this and thier bbl.
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Better hurry b4 they sell out ans you're stuck w a regular upper. I was worried it'd sell out tomorrow and they're not making more.
However they said they weren't making type 2 gendarmerie uppers but now they are so idk
Epoxy the interior and get a new buttpad, should hold up fine.
I was going to suggest adding a 20,000mAh nattery pack inside and installing chassis mount USB-A and USB-C connectors for maximum future proofing.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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Happy Thanksgiving fren. We made it another year. God Bless.
Amen to that.
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Happy Thanksgiving /brg/
You too.
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>good news
>finally finish dpms pattern 308 parts build
>bad news
>between OT and family obligations no time to go the the range anytime soon
Just buy more guns and ammo you can't shoot is my formula.
I honestly have no point of reference when it comes to people bitching about the economy. These have been fat times for my industry.
>They made forged T1, T2, and T3's of the Gendarmerie receivers
Damn, I wish I would've waited, I bought a regular Type 2 SA58 receiver to use with my FN kit since I thought they were only doing one run of the Type 3's.
>Just buy more guns and ammo you can't shoot is my formula.
Range trip on new year's eve. Let's get those fireworks going.
Yup I saw they only had type 3s so I said fuck it Ill try and find a type 2 gear logo or something for $9000. Checked recently and saw these forged ones and scooped it.
Aero is running pretty nice sales. Do I get an M5 assembled upper and lower, or do I get a Stag 10 receiver set and put it together myself with a Criterion barrel?
DIY AR10 is always a worrhy learning effort. You become the SME.
Follow the graphic here

Anyone have a SAN 751?
>2 feasts today
>1 tomorrow
Good thing I fasted Wednesday! Bless yawl y'all.
Night Anons
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Ok ok I'm up keep it down we can decorate for xmas after coffee
Mmm, gluttony. Travel day 4me.
I wasn't around to make a christmas themed thread last year. I will try to make amends.
Thanks bruv
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Thoughts on CMMG dissent?
I did it. I'll keep an eye out for good barrel and bcg deals in the future. Is it worth buying the headspaced bcg with a criterion barrel or is anything fine?
>me on lower left
>good barrel and bcg deals in the future
Check with SLR, 20% sale now.
>me making tea
Just got a CA-3
Any thoughts on these?
Did you check bolt gap? Mine is .016"
I will now post a bum post.
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Do FPKs count as a BR if I have 20-rounders and a red dot? Mine doesn't have the PSL cutout at the rear of the receiver so it's got a magpul grip and a regular ak stock
Yeah post it, its Pumpkin Spice Latte season anyway
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I'm no professional photographer, so forgive me if this pic is a bit off.
The stock is an archangel opfor and the optic mount is made by fab defense. pistol grip is magpul and handguard is standard psl plastic.
I don't have 20 rounders yet and the red dot isn't in this one.
>forgive me i
Nothing wrong here.
>Thoughts on CMMG dissent?
I need to do research on it. Reliability, affordability, availability, fuckability. Think it's time something changed, but I'm not sure what.
>AK bigger than a FAL
Feels so wrong.
Next to a wasr it's really unnerving when the bolt travel is way farther back lol
does hk mr762 go with ar10 or am i not allowed in the house of fren?
That nigger has literally never been funny except for the one time on a meta level when he tried to be intentionally unfunny while blowing through a huge budget of a movie as a joke.
Scar17s for $3k @ PSA right now.
He was good in Roadtrip and on Norms show. Tge 90s were a different time
Let me just pull out $3,000 out of my pocket. That's not the kind of money an average person keeps on hand for an impulse buy. I'll keep it in mind, that's definitely a good deal.
House is full, you will have to fight a pepe in mortal kombat and take their spot.
>average person
You should have a cash pad of $10k, either in the bank or your sock drawer. $3k on a credit card is just a convenience and not a long term debt. You should be able to pay the card in full each month with no debt carried over. It's not about the amount, it's about the choice, choosing to spend such an amount. That choice is why I still don't have nvg. Though I did see the AGM Rattler priced at $1200, I chose not to buy it. Where I understand your choice to not but a Scar, if you don't want one, I do think you should have enough cash cushion to buy one if you want one. Savings discipline, adulthood and battle rifles go together well.
The average American lives paycheck to paycheck and can't afford an expense over $3k without taking on some debt
Yeah that's why BNPL has become such a big thing.
>You should be able to pay the card in full each month
Good way to get into debt. Interest rates are 20% plus right now. Nothing is worth buying on a credit card anymore. If you can pay a $3,000 credit card debt right away, then it's just better to pay it outright from the start.

Think that's called layaway and it's better than getting hit with credit card interest rates. That dude has the right idea, but it's not practical under Biden's economy. Interest rates are so high, cars and houses are nearly double their advertised price after long term payments are done.
>Interest rates are 20% plus right now.
You only pay interest if you don't pay the card off, unless you choose a real shitty card.
>Nothing is worth buying on a credit card anymore. If you can pay a $3,000 credit card debt right away, then it's just better to pay it outright from the start.
The trick is to get a card with good cash back. Even with a shitty 1% cash back you get back $30 that would be lost if you payed cash
The best way would be save up the money in a high yield savings account (some growth on the money), then pay with a cash back credit card (claw back some money), and pay off the card on time (no interest charge). You may only realize $35-$40, but its still something. Also if it's a "want" purchase schedule it for the sale periods of the year. 5%-15% off may be lackluster but it also let's more money stay in your pocket.

There's a part of me that thinks finance and budget isn't taught anymore. I know at least people don't get exposed to the older penny pinching generations.
I bought a box of 308 today. I won't use it until the PTR arrives.
>You only pay interest if you don't pay the card off, unless you choose a real shitty card.
Interest rates are up across the board on everything. You don't get to decide not to pay less interest. You either take an offer or go some where else. Oh, and you're heavily penalized for canceling a credit card by the way. The major card companies are a monopoly and "agreed" to charge the same interest rates.

>Even with a shitty 1% cash back you get back $30 that would be lost if you payed cash
Now this depends on which credit lender you use and what card you apply for. A down side is that not all banks give you free money at cash value. Some have conditions like only for gas or flier miles or only for use X stores.

>The best way would be save up the money
Layaway isn't about saving money, it's about not paying more money. Everything that you wrote after the above comment is not about layaway but saving at a bank. Good advice but what does that have to do with layaway? Buying gold or bitcoin is a better way to incur interest on your saved money over using a Savings Account. You might not realize it, but inflation is out pacing the interest you earn in a Savings Account. Your money is becoming worth less as it sits.

20% inflation in the last 3 years? So your $100 saved just became $80. Ouch.
>You should be able to pay the card in full each month
>Good way to get into debt.
How does paying off the full amount turn into debt? I have a $0.0 balance the 2nd of every month.
False confidence or the illusion of stability. All it takes is a car in need of repair, a slip at work, a gf that spends too much to throw you off your planned payments. Ideally in a perfect world, you pay X every month like you planned and intended for but we don't live in a perfect world. That's what causes people to get behind on their card payments.
>we don't live in a perfect world.
Some people's worlds are more perfect than others. I pay my bills, I have no debt. I charge within my means to pay to a zero balance monthly and still save, both cash, savings, HSA and 401k. For some, this level of responsibility is unachievable due to thier natures. I refuse to criticize them, they have thier own priorities and live outside my judgment and responsibility. There is no time for regrets. This is not "false confidence", it's skill. And I have no illusion of stability, the pendulum swings for the last several dexades, it has been swinging my way. So yes, charging a $3k gun is only a matter of choice, a choice I have earned.
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This was a good weekend, BRos. Went hiking with a friend through former army training area. Started on Friday night, went home on Sunday morning, not much distance covered but still 2 nights outside, got some fresh air, stretched my legs and checked cold season gear. Sunshine for most of the Saturday, frosted wonderland on Sunday morning. Comfy.

Mine was from Etelä-Uusimaa district.
deal, i'm commin after weheraboo fren or scar 20 duplicate fren on overwatch
It appears to be .43 or .44 mm (so about .017 to .018 in)
>All it takes is a car in need of repair, a slip at work, a gf that spends too much to throw you off your planned payments.
You're saying you pay your credit card bill out of your emergency fund? I'd say the credit card isn't really the issue here, whether you drain your bank account on a gun or put it on your card you still couldn't afford it.
>.308galil anon
He did, he was here a few months back with a lot of completed pics, came out really cool
damn, i really really like this. add a little folding stock and thats one cute small bigboi
Good Evening
Night frens
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Why do you sleep so early, it's only 2am. Let's stay up all night and look at cool stuff on the internet. We can get all the naps we want and more once we're died, but while we're alive, let's live every minute.
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Anybody use steel case 308 in their AR-10? Can a PTR91 use steel case ammo?
>all the naps we want and more once we're died,
Based candle at both ends burner. Just remember, Roy, the light that burns twice as bright shines half as long.
According to rentry.co/brg_V09, the PTR is okay with it, AR-10 may or may not.
"...buy a couple packs and test it for yourself..."
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You can use steel on your ptr, it will just wear out the ejector faster since the PTR ejector is aggressive and bites on brass cases. My problem with cheap steel is that the ribs have a 15% chance to snap off when ejecting, leaving a casing stuck. It's happened to me 3 times over the years. Nothing major but something you should be aware off. Brass flexes and bends, steel will just snap.
Best M1A to buy so I can slap it into an aftermarket chassis?
What's the best chassis now that the TROY SASS one is out of production?
>Best M1A to buy so I can slap it into an aftermarket chassis?
A used one?
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Night bump
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Good Morn
I like battle rifles, they are cool
Does anyone have a good fix for a loose trigger guard after installing a tapco saw grip on a FAL?
What state are you in fren?
Good morning.
I'm sorry anon, you're fucked. You never had a chance. I'll see you in may 24 for fishing though.
Wouldn't live anywhere else. Come to frozen mosin fest this year
Are you new? The person being the poorfag ticket into brg was recommended because of its ability to reliably chew through the most bullshit tula and wolf steel cased 308 with no issues. Muh ejector, did you mean to say extractor? Even then they're 3 to 13 dollar parts. Maybe you don't get it as well as you think you do. The ptr is not something to be babied it's not special and they certainly don't need brass cased ammo to function reliably longterm.
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I do not own a battle rifle other than my swedish mauser
You've got that Mount Langdon drip, Anon. Great stuff.
>swedish mauser
>a rifle for battle
>not a battle rifle
Today is Asuka's birthday
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But has it seen battle?
Any rifle caliber rifle is a battle rifle just as any intermediate caliber rifle is an assault rifle
>intermediate caliber
>M1carbie ass halt rifle
Trying this hard.
Muh M40 Battle Ryefull.
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I know, I've been watching her threads on /a/, /v/ /e/ and /h/. If we assume Asuka was born in her original airing, she would be 30 by now.
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If we take it one step further beyond Asuka would be 44yrs old if we go by the fact that she was already 14 when she first aired back in 1995.
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>Are you new?

>Muh ejector, did you mean to say extractor?

>Maybe you don't get it as well as you think you do.
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based image. into the dragunov folder it goes
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based (silently, softly weeping)
>(silently, softly weeping)
don't we all?
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>she would be 30
>already hitting the second wall
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
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So are DSA made FAL mags good now or do they still need more attempts to get it "right"? I'm looking at youtube and haven't seen anything on them review wise.
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have moar, once I'm healed up I'll take a similar pic with the NDM
Time to get the reciever bump
Afternoon frens
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It's here
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Based. Jealous you guys get imported L1A1s. We just get kits here.
The South would've have adopted the L1A1 over the M14. I feel very strongly about this.
>The South would've have adopted the L1A1 over the M14.
Well the M14 was designed by a US Federal Armory in Massachusetts, so yeah.
Like I said. I feel very strongly about this.
Very cool!
When someone says this, I feel like they're always being sarcastic.
Not in my case. /brg/ is the one thread I never shitpost in. Frankly, after posting, I noticed the snow backdrop and had a chuckle at my own inadvertent yet high brow cleverness.
>it doesn't take much
>Zombieland Rule 32: "Enjoy the little things".
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I'm considering buying my first Battle Rifle, is 1700 a good deal for an Imbel?
Yes good buy
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Guys I think my AK in 7.62x54 has autism.
Anyone know a place to get inch pattern receivers? Am I going to have to beg DSA to do another run of Australian receivers at this point?
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Ok now what
Someone should put a FAL build video on jewtube
>and he showed me the light and the way
>and I did call him friend and brother
Building a FAL is like drawing an owl.
Have to boot up Gun Disassembly and beat the FAL level. Mostly need just specialty tools at this point.
I just want it to be more accurate than my poverty spec DSA. 3" more barrel should help.
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I wish I would have won the lottery on those part kit option to buy. At least it saved me from scouring the part dealers to find the FN parts to have a complete kit. Seriously FN, importers and retards are the only people that give a fuck about 922r. Would have been nice to have a FN FAL to go with my Steyr FAL.
yes buy this rifle. seller is g2g too
t. saw the ad
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>Someone should put a FAL build video on jewtube
Used to be a lot of build videos but youtube starting taking them down by force and giving out strikes for them. There are no build videos any more. Hell, there isn't break down and cleaning videos any more. Anything that has you putting together a gun or gun parts (triggers, stocks, etc) isn't allowed on jewtube.
I had to piece together my own build guide from various FAL files threads, youtube videos, and a couple of emails to Gunplumber who was an absolute bro.
Is vemeo still a thing?
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Are Ljungmans battle rifles?

Also what are some accessories for completionist retards?
Currently got night sights, weird bayonet clip to keep it attached to the scabbard and kind of replacing all parts with new in box things.
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Noice raifu, anon.
Can I pay it in pennies tho? I only have one dick, can't donate another foreskin.
Nice source, also the TASS article quoted on it is just literally an ad by the gunmaker. No evidence whatsoever of the rifle having actually seen service in Ukraine.
Fuck yes it is. You will not regret it. Price on those is only gonna go up.
>chk brg
>hot ass fal postin'
We back!
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I say yes, but i might be biased.
you might pick up one of the crappy extended mags for shits and giggles
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I tried to finger the barrel to see how the chrome lining would feel against my skin, but my finger wouldn't fit so I used my pp.
Catbox is not large enough, and litterbox isn't working for the video I ripped off youtube awhile back. Any other ideas to share 391mb file?
I just saw one of those at LGS, and I didn't know what the hell I was looking at. Please elaborate.
Digits, but failed the stealth check. I know what you are.
I'm batman?
Well, we're waiting faggot.
Autistic Swedish iteration of an SVT chambered in 6.5 swede with negative recoil.
The MG13 mags?
If so then yes I got one, was able to find the PDF with detailed instructions as well.
>negative recoil.
So it pushes forward upon firing?
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I meant the fedral arms 30 rounders, but if you've got mg13 mags that's definitely the better option
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See if you can identify all the weird aspects of these Argentine soldiers’ FALs.
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For comparison, here’s what an Argentine para FAL usually looks like.
>This particular rifle was captured at Goose Green, during the 1982 Falklands Conflict. It was then passed to Brigadier Tony Wilson, Officer Commanding 5th Infantry Brigade, who carried it as his personal weapon for the remainder of the conflict.
I'm not so sure, the MG13's need work to fit into a hakim.
If these fed 30 hakim mags exist still then they might be a better option.
/brg/ bros, if I could find it, should I replace the plastic furniture on my BRN-10 with wood? I've been playing New Vegas lately and i've been feeling the need.
Why not, if that's what you want? I understand seeking a second opinion, but just do it, if you want it.
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They make the best fully featured modern furniture for gooners like us.
Thanks senpai
I was wondering if anyone would think that it would be tasteless or something, granted nobody I meet in person even knows what it is, so they wont even care.
>>>62999896 (You) #
>I was wondering
My AR10s have plain walnut from Blackrifles.com and I think it is tasteful and retro without trying, so I'm a biased observer. The BRN10 may not accept the AR10 option from them. I contacted them in advance for a fitted set as the 10 has dimensional differences.from the small frame ARs. Though I forget my contacts name, he was very helpful.
Sorry, that didn't seem right: http://www.blackgunswood.com/placeanorder.html
>Check the front page
>hes retiring and not making anything new

This is just like when the Ironwood guy died, now ill never get a proper retro stock, FUCK.
>hes retiring
Sorry, I didn't see that when I linked. But thanks for the heads up, I'll order the 20" A1 grip set on Monday as special build. Ive been wanting to strip and plate a rcvr set in nickel for.yrs now. Time to kit the parts for that build.
Here you go.
Neat. I'm not spending my money on it, but it is cool.
Based king
Should be put into the OP.

>Gold Guard Review
Dedicated rust protection, from autism for you:
Lubrication's still in stock too:

>mail Lubeanon for the SAR BULK ORDER, check their catalog and tell him if you don't find what you want in there
>mail LUBEcu19s@eclipso.de and include your order-ID/order date to be included in the lube mailing list for news, updates, questions etc.
>lube and rust protection available via Moka's shop
>I'm not Lubeanon

Reminder that SAR G3s will get you
>anything from 0.275 to sub 1 MOA depending on the version
>Regular G3 (wooden furniture/BW olive version are separate products):
>DMR version (aka THE NORDIC MODEL)
>G3 PSG1 version (for precision enthusiasists):
>5 years guarantee
>2 free check-ups
>officially certified German master artisan crafted weaponry
>literally produced just 15 minutes away from the HK HQ
>peerless reliability and unmatched quality
>never even came CLOSE to grubby PTR hands
>break in period? Are you gay? (>>>/akg/)
>trigger? Not shit!
>the highest quality barrel
>Polygonal rifling (none of that cheap L&G shit) coldforged and stress free annealed in a vacuum by Lothar Walther (rip)
>national marksman competition winning accuracy
Don't want an old school battle rifle?
How about something newer than the SCAR for only 3k?
>the HK417 (aka MR308 in the civilian version, HK original, so feel free to post better deals or deals in your region) is also available at SAR
All that and more, only at SAR with worldwide shipping.*
Buy SAR, buy quality.

*American import restrictions apply, blame your local governor/president
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Write Lübe a mail for one of these triggers if you want one imported, the same goes for WIDE HANDGUARDS, FURNITURE and other shit you just can't find anywhere else.

Lübeanon, widely renowned for providing the best lube around for /k/commandos by far, stepped up and offered to just proxybuy and ship them through Korbo's LLC in Arizona, he was offered an extra cut for his services but refused and preferred to do it for free. Buy some of his lube or rust protection if you need a refill though.
>what does that mean for me?
Cheap European parts INCLUDING PIC RELATED

Already got a PTR or intend to get one soon?
Want SAR quality for your G3 clone but live under a tyrannical government that colludes with your gun lobby to restrict imports in any way possible?
How about a high quality 1900g pull weight G3 match trigger for 400 bucks?
>not a refurbished old G3 trigger, actually a fresh product from their own production
>all new parts, nothing recycled
>long development to ensure quality that matches the rest of the M41 (SAR G3 clone)
>triggerstop customizable to your taste
>crisp break
>completely SAR made from start to finish
>high production quality, top quality surface treatment, finely CNC'd
>improved spring
>production via the highly accurate machines of SAR (it doesn't say whether machines refers to the actual machines or Germans here)
>Black Rheinmetall finish over a corundum blazed surface (wooow!)
>No flimsy plastic
>large precision increase if you have any idea how to shoot

Get fucked HK Parts.
The PTR will finally be ordered tomorrow.
A red letter day
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You might end up hand fitting the federal arms ones anyway. The ones i have at least range from snug fit to not happening. The one that was in my ljungman when i got it had to be knocked out with a mallet. The build quality is also on the bad side
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Well this is whats needed for the MG13 so anything thats intended for a hakim should require less work.
I have been told the MG13 will have a better final fit, who cares as long as its cheaper than 500 bux for a mag.
Dio Sabbath is superior to Ozzy Sabbath
i forgot that you have to cut on the rifle to get those to work. Definitely go for the federals
>Here you go.
>Should be put into the OP.
Anyone have FAL jigs for rent? I could mill the reciever jig from an oak block probably but barrel taper jig would be harder probably.
Oh and timing rods
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>timing rods
tbqh I’ve had my best luck using .22 cal cleaning rod pieces (one through gas block, one laying across rear of upper) or just mounting the lower and seeing how the rear and front sights line up with my naked eye. some of the more common commercially available timing rods are known to be out of true themselves.
t. been building FALs for 15 years
Neat thanks. I was looking at them and its basically just a washer on a rod. Probably could build one but making it true? Basically eyeballing either way
as far as the barrel vise, look up a guy called ratascalientes on FALFiles.
Finally ordered it.
the under cutters pizza sketch was funny
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It had alot of..sand?
Either way its been coomed and winter prepped.
Kek true
Dutch style rear sight and shorter barrel, not sure about other details.
Coke residue.
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Thank you! Those old DPM windproofs are really comfortable, too.
Relatively unmolested guns and open-bolt semis are some of the few perks of gun ownership in Central Europe, but I still think you have it better in the Land of the Free. I can have fun, just not my own kind of fun.
Good eye. I can see at least one more…
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Charging handle placement is primo, at least
We grant you the title of Battle Rifle but you do not have a seat at the High Table Council. You have to prove yourself, your commitment with blood, tears and prayer. Yours or your enemies'.
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ching ching chong
That's sexy. It would be sexier with a thermal scope on it.
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>title of Battle Rifle
yeah nah
don't want that fake counterfeit fantasy fraudulent unreferenced superfluous jejune retrograde moronic made-up midwit larp videogamer appellation

(t. although if there ever were a couple of select fire rifles that actually deserved to be named that—chambered in a real 'full power' hurrrr durrrr slurrrrp snarf cartridge—SG 510 and its contemporary era sequel SG 711 fit that bill)
p.s. the M1918 BAR and Colt Monitor are automatic rifles
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Anon you need mental help. You take this too seriously.
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>too seriously
um yeah what about (You) just posted a meme
in /brg/ thread






(and _I'm_ the 'serious' one? ...)
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A mentally ill anon having a meltdown.
/brg/ #1
once was enough
the "mentally ill" are those entities (most bots mot even human) propagating /hg/ /arg/ /brg/ cancerpestilence over and over and over
/k/ has been destroyed since 2016
2014, generals started in 2014
nice psl
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Battle rifles?
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yeah but even back then generals weren't as cancer-ridden as now
it's the State Dept-CIA Whole Of Society censorship propaganda "pro democracy" color revolution stuff that got re-directed domestically, anti-populism
4chan catalog content is provided, curated now 24-7 by (intelligence agency client) NGOs
you're a sheep, everyone knows the deep state and the CIA are just lackey of the lizards aliens who run everything.
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A glowie would only be slowly wasting his life away watching me do nothing.
checked and kek'd

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