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Drone Edition


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
http://pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed) (embed)

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (embed) (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (embed) (embed) (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png (embed) (embed)
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing
https://pastebin.com/yszadpNZ (embed) (embed)

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

You should have checked the catalogue first
The other thread is going to get deleted by a mod, so I am making this thread for when that happens.
Proactive enough, I respect it
I go to Boot camp in February
>t. missed out on neetbux due to peer pressure
>he is salty other people are getting paid more than him to do nothing while he still gets pennies and lives in a moldy barrack. Making $650 every 2 weeks as an e1.
>is being a recruiter for free
>white knighting for the military
This is the same military dick rider that isn't in the actual military.
How long is a shower when you enlist?
Any tips about that as well?
Threadly reminder to enlist/commission in the Navy as it’s the only branch worth a damn.

Coast Guard included as well.
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I go to OCS in a few months. Still no idea what job I would like to do. I have an interest in chemistry and firearms, but my degree is in finance. I have a bum eye and am in decent shape, but by no means leet super high speed operator tier.

What do y'all figure I should do? What are the most kino jobs in the army?

Literally justifying soldiers being abused and shames them for being happy to be getting out.
As long as you want it to be? And just walk in, turn it on, shower, get out.

It's just like the YMCA
At army OCS, you don’t get to pick your job until the end where your pick order is based on your OCS “grade”. Pray for intelligence, but most likely you’ll be in logistics of some kind unless you want to do infantry.
Honestly I can't wait until this faggy general gets banned outright
This general has been around longer than >(you).
any good military slut stories
yeah me and your mom
You will end up as a miserable perma-staff officer whose life revolves around the UFR. Pick anything else. Pick infantry. Pick supply. Pick armor. Pick fucking finance and use your degree. Do literally anything but CBRN.
you're comissioning with no plan, are you a retard? if you're not in top shape dont expect to get the job you want or a good one
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I am an active duty infantry officer. I’m about to take command of a basic training infantry company (OSUT)

Ask me anything. I’m sure some of you fuckers have questions about enlisting or about officer life
>be me
>be on tinder
>agree to meet
>end up getting my dick sucked, and fucking her in my car
>agree to meet again
>gives my address
>holy shit it's in the housing on base
>go over
>is married, husband is in field
>fuck her in every room of the house
>ghost her
>few months goes by see her on tinder again
>recently divorced looking for new love after my husband cheated on me.

Women are scum.
What can I do in the coast guard?
Just left Navy OCS, AMA.

Looks like RADM Mattingly is pissed with how long people have been stuck in Student Pool/TMG after graduation and is now breathing fire at all the chokepoints he can find, which is nice. Still not sure if I would recommend going to Navy OCS if you solely want to be a pilot unless you’re pre-qual’ed given how many people end up getting med DQ’ed by NAMI after they’ve finished the 13 weeks of fun.
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Hello frens,
I'm interested in Army ROTC, but a lot of the guys I know say that I'll be fighting for ZOG. can you weigh in?

>inb4 polfag
The people who tell you shit like that have no clue about the military whatsoever. They either get all their info about it from facebook or /pol/ or they did one contract, spent it being a whiny shitbag, and got out or got kicked out for being retarded.
If you join right now you're most likely to sit around in garrison or deploy to allied countries to train and deter. There are very real issues with the military right now, but they have fairly little to do with jews or DEI or le ZOG or whatever the fuck.
One was marines enlisted out in 2021, said go for it you'll be fine
One was army airborne out in 2020 said you'll die for zog
One was army SF out in 2013 said you'll die for zog

Also I know this is stupid but I do want to see combat
I'm planning for 12A and trying to go rangers
>but I do want to see combat
So have half the anons who used these threads in the past decade. Doesn't mean it worked out that way. Whether you go on a combat deployment at all is dependent on the geopolitical situation and luck, much less actually get in a firefight. Even SOF rarely does that stuff these days, except for tier 1 units.
That said, if you ended up in the Ranger Regiment your chances are much higher. If you do want to do this, you're going to need to be a stud - crush school and ROTC so you branch the way you want to, pass Sapper and Ranger School before or soon after getting to your unit, crush your PL and XO time, and know when your window to apply to RASP II is open. It's definitely possible but you need to hit the ground running from day 1 if it's your goal.
>I'm planning for 12A and trying to go rangers

The 75th is an Infantry Regiment. You'd be competing for like one or two slots against a shit ton of other dudes especially as an officer. I'm assuming you're very young since you're talking about ROTC, but if you're interested in 75th RR, infantry is the way to go. You also can't go directly to RR as an officer. You're probably think you're motivated now because you haven't done shit, but the path you're looking at would be a needlessly difficult way to get there because I guarantee the Regiment is gonna require you to be double tabbed as an Engineer Officer.
The only people who will tell you how awesome the army is are the following.

>boomers who had parents serve but never served themselves
>neverserveds in general
>people who are in the 36 day a year military
>vetbros who's highlight of life was sitting in Kuwait doing nothing for a year.
>people who think the gwot was actually to stop terrorism. (That the US sponsored)
Ah, schizo steve found the thread again
>national guard recruiter found.
How much extra do they pay you to work off your drill weekend?

I wish I was a skitzo. I could use that easy 100% Va rating.
To add to what I already posted:
Imagine, being so deluded that you think the military gives enough of a fuck about you to have a guy shadow you and then having the complete lack of self awareness to not think youre a schizo.

Wait, actually, im in your walls. Im the zogbot in the walls. Waiting. Watching. Mocking.
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How the FUCK do you improve on this shit?
I'm scoring 100s or high 90s in every other event and barely over a 60 on this bullshit. It's embarrassing.
I've tried kettlebell swings, power cleans, whipping my spine, jumping when throwing, not jumping when throwing, interlinking pinkies, locking the elbows, not locking the elbows. The farthest I've ever thrown was like 8 meters and change.
>imagine being a weekend warrior shilling for the military
>imagine calling someone a schizo as an insult when they would get max VA from it.

You are one sad, strange, little. shill.
At least I'm not a fucking cook lmao
Its too late, im already in the walls. I see you, your bad conduct discharge (which will never not be funny btw), and your cope that the military failed you when you have instead failed at being even the bare minimum of a productive person. Next ill move into the foundation, as youve already taken the basement.
You're right. You're a weekend warrior shilling for the military you're not in.

In 65 days you have an open invite to my burning party.
I love this fantasy you've constructed where there is one guy on the entire internet that dislikes military recruiters and you've doxxed him
Oh ive done more than doxx, ive become the computer. Watching you skip your meds day after day. Fucking your mom when she leaves to get you more tendies. Always there, us dastardly recruiters.
>you're an obsessed schizo retard with a BCD
>oh yeah?? well you're... in the national guard!!! take that!!!
It's fucking bizarre how the resident schizo thinks the military is gay and pozzed and ran by jews but simultaneously views active duty as more prestigious than compo 2/3. Fucking nobody gets this mad about "weekend warriors" except literal boots in basic training.
Its like he's the eternal boot, which is possible. Im like 90% certain thats when he got kicked out and his brain fucking broke. Or he's just one of those guys that literally never mentally made it through the boot stage.
If I have a 3.75 GPA, can max both the ACFT and the RPA, might get dive/mountain school this summer, and leave ebolc double tabbed, could I go in as a 12A?
It's also funny how he calls it the 36 day a year military as if in any given year there aren't schools, activations, and orders you have to do it. My drill schedule for FY25 is 40 days, but if I actually snapped up every opportunity the guard offered I'd be in uniform clos to 3 months out of the year.

It's only truly part time if you're E5 and below, and do literally nothing extra.
major is engineering and have done ranger challenge if it's relevant
Possibly. Keep in mind that, like anon said, positions in the Regiment are extremely competitive, particularly those outside the infantry.
Getting double tabbed is pretty much a requirement for consideration, but if you get any other cool schools under your belt that will make you stand out more. I'm kind of surprised you even have a chance to go to dive school but if you get it that will definitely set you apart from your peers.
Keep in mind that the Regiment wants people who get honor grad, Commandant's List, top block, that kind of thing. Your time at your first unit is just as important as schools and PT tests as you will leave that unit with a documented record of your performance, for good or ill, and that record will form a big part of your success or failure in even getting to attend RASP II.
If you have NCOs at your ROTC unit who have worked with/in the Ranger Regiment be sure to reach out to them for mentorship and advice, if they can tell you're hungry they'll probably want to see you succeed.
>leave ebolc double tabbed

You can't leave EBOLC double tabbed because they don't send cadets to Ranger school anymore. I'm not telling you not to try, I'm just telling you to hit 50m targets. You would need to:

>Get selected for Engineer Branch
>Finish ROTC and commission
>Attend and complete EBLOC
>Get PL time at a unit
>Finish Sapper without getting injured or dropped
>Finish Ranger without getting injured or dropped
>Go back to your unit as PL or XO and start your packet for 75th RR
>Hope you get picked up for a likely VERY limited number of 12A slots
>Go to RASP and not get injured

I'm not saying any of this is impossiblenor hasn't been done. Just pointing out that there are significantly more opportunities for infantry officers in Regiment, and that you'd have a better chance to get as an 11A which is already difficult enough. You're trying to overlap a small section of a Venn Diagram, so you'll eventually find out that the Army is pretty good at fucking up your plans. If you're deadset on 12A in 75th RR, then take it step by step because there are lot of steps to get there.
What’s the OCS run down? I’m going in February and I really don’t want to be DQ’d/put in a holding company for anything retarded.
Good to know, the ROTC people said that EBLOC has a ranger/sapper train up and at one point you take the RPA, I figured that meant you could double tab after EBOLC.
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> I figured that meant you could double tab after EBOLC.

I thought you meant complete Sapper and Ranger while in ROTC. That's my bad dude.
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I assume you are going for pilot or something? I didn't have to do any type of interview besides with an officer recruiter. Did have the background check though a month ago, but have no clue about my results on that.
>Teaching english in asia
YEAH. That is an option as well. I hate the idea of teaching, though, so would sooner reapply and wait longer then that desu.

SHIT. Well, I am lower on stats and choose not to put in for SWO because shit seems like ass. Went for Intel, CWO, IT, and Supply. Just want to do 4 yrs and get out. Worst case, I have an application for BPA and maybe firefighter depending on timeline. Just redo it and study harder is an option as well.
I did a practice exam online and it said I got a 76% with a minimum of 80% to pass. I did it rusty.

Would you say this is enough for most jobs in every branch? I feel like its a pretty alright score.
Are you talking about the ASVAB?
Assuming you’re reasonably smart, the first three weeks are going to be your only problem. You can have a major advantage if you learn the Bravo knowledge ahead of time. You also are going to want to be more than the minimum physically fit, though the Navy needs people bad enough that they’ve stopped rolling people for just failing a physical event, since you really don’t want to get hurt bad enough they don’t allow you to do RLP. The goal of OCS isn’t to do amazing and be the best in your class, it’s to graduate and move on, so don’t volunteer for any position except linen bod/mail bod early on and don’t do anything stupid which would get you in trouble.

What designator are you going for? The only people who have issues with getting DQ’ed are mostly aviation, with a handful of Nukes.
Supply is my designator, and I’m reasonably smart and fit. I’m going to start memorizing the ranks and 12 navy orders (I think they’re called).

Not being physically DQ’d, or at least the threat of it being minimal, is wonderful as even the most fit people have off days. I was mostly worried about the room inspection as (from cursory research online) seems to be the ball buster.

Anything else to study for before OCS/practice?
It’s actually kind of funny you applied for every designator that won’t be taking in any more applicants until summer 2025. Did you manage to get into the boards for all those designators this year?
Indeed. Figured sense they are all reasonable careers and would gain me valuable experience, I would shoot my shot.
RLP is the ball buster inspection, Room Locker Personnel. Do some basic googling and I’m sure you can find the Bravo knowledge, but you should focus in on the ranks, code of conduct, and general orders of a sentry. Make sure you’re memorizing the exact wording since you’re supposed to recite it verbatim, and if you want to get really good, practice doing so while you’re doing a HIIT workout. You can also learn how to shine your boots quickly, which will save you valuable time, and see if someone has posted how to fold your clothes and bed, but those folds also should be taught to you while you’re in Indoc phase and that’s far easier then trying to learn online.
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>army caught my sperg diagnosis
>knew a recruiter who helped me while joining
>show him the waiver needed to continue
>his reaction was "oh fuck"
How fucked am I?

>Yes, I did accidentally post in the bait thread, gomen
>n-n-no! It's actually 40 days a year. The military is awesome! You should join!

Why should someone join something even you won't join? Why do you think I'm literally the only person on earth that hates the military, and is glad to be getting out?
NTA, but anyone who wants to join the Army should read this anon’s cautionary tale. The army is a dogshit branch bros don’t do it to yourself.
Why BP instead of HSI?
>This. Big time this.

The weekend soldiers, shills, and neverserveds try to convince people to join something they themselves won't even sign up for, then get upset when someone tells the story as to why the army is trash.
What's their story? Is the army really "that bad?" Pls don't be biased. Just spit the facts.
>anyone who wants to join the Army [with an open contract and no plan] should read this anon’s cautionary tale
Not him but he had a plan he posted the whole story a while back. He just kept getting done dirty. I don't blame him for getting out and being happy about it.
>Enlisted with a degree, chose an open contract, failed AIT, then became a cook

If there was a plan, it wasn't a good one.
>failed ait
He was sent to the wrong AIT when he reclassed, and his unit wouldn't help him.
Helicopter pilot is the unquestionably most based job in the Coast Guard or entire military. You got rescue swimmer, port security, drug interdiction, and their version of the SEALs

I have an OCS packet working right now. They let us know in February. The officer interviews were surprisingly chill. I can tell that they are far more casual than the Navy yet are hardboiled bad asses.
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Who the fuck enlists in 2024? Here's what you'll be a part of. Every June every branch will be tweeting "Happy Pride Month" and everyone will think you're a fag while some dude back home is porking your girlfriend.
I am a fag though, so I don't have a girlfriend
Come January 6th, you faggots will not be allowed in the military. Rightfully so
I’m not entirely sure I agree with a full blanket ban on trans service members. If they can pass boot camp and whatever schooling they have after that and don’t need to take hormone pills or whatever, I don’t see a reason to stop them from wanting to serve. Maybe there is a bigger picture/problem I’m just not seeing or ignorant of, though.
Nah they're annoying as fuck. Gay people serving is fine with me, as long as they shut the fuck up about it during work hours. They/thems are something else.
yeah I will, keep seething though
the military rejects people for way less than full on dick removal surgeries and hormonal experimentation. not to mention joining with medical preconditions (gender dysphoria) so they, the tax payers, don't have to pay the bill. its not as simple as a trans person joining the military, which if you want to serve and you meet standards that's fine, but there are more moving pieces here than just surface level acceptance.
It’s all about PR, rather than actual readiness
Haven't seen any other openings besides BPA, CBP, and Secret Service. BPA is actually doing shit on the border from what I have researched, and CBP is more so behind a desk and removed. Secret Service seemed eh. Saw nothing on USAjobs for HSI agent shit.
In short you have under-researched a lot.
And most of the job announcements are open for only a few days or max out their apply limit early, and only a few times a year, so you're seeing the leftovers.
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>yeah bro just go 35N you'll totally be able to get a sickkk high paying cleared job after a contract or two
Meanwhile, actual job postings:
>agencies advertise a handful of positions a year, the majority of which are tailored towards applicants with advanced degrees
>contractors and private sector have a handful of entry to mid level jobs with a far larger pool of applicants to pick from, guaranteeing each position is competitive as fuck to get
>didn't have a rock star career working multiple high-level strategic or special operations positions? application goes to the bottom of the pile
>cool CISSP bro hope you have minimum 3 years time on keyboard or you're getting eviscerated in tech interviews
>no bachelor's degree? add 7 years to minimum experience required to apply
>found a posting that you actually meet requirements for? $65k starting in the DC area
>hope you like ramen and tap water
>and don’t need to take hormone pills or whatever
That is the sticking point, I believe.
It doesn't make sense to recruit someone who comes with an expensive medical necessity out the gate. It in the same vein as to why people with type one diabetes aren't allowed.
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>he fell for the 35N meme
This job market is so terrible that I think even cleared jobs are taking hits. I can't confirm this until more data comes out, and the most up-to-date chart I can find points the other direction, but from my own personal experience, talking to former coworkers, and browsing LinkedIn, I'm pretty sure cleared jobs are on a downtrend. Seeing how much trouble I'm having getting a job at the moment even with a TS/SCI (which expires in January hahahahahaha fuck me), I would strongly consider moving back in with my parents if I didn't have the clearance. Shit's fucked yo
dont you get paid to go to school and get those degrees..? and dont you get credits toward your bachelor while you're in the service?
sounds like you fumbled bigly. its called competition for a reason bucko
film yourself doing it
improve form
lift heavier
anyone lifting 340 on the deadlift can throw 12 meters I believe
read a book, practice long division and fractions for an hour or two, do the OP linked asvab practice tests
you'll get a 90+
RLP isn't that bad anymore, they're hurting for bodies so fucking bad nobody can get kicked out anymore it's like 2 week recycles on any failure at any stage
no reason to be crazy about it
just keep trying while working on other stuff in your life, either it works out or it doesn't just like everything else
I never worked a day in my contract and retired in my 20s
just pick a good job/unit/schools/etc.
Army is the ultimate choose your own adventure
you are a redditor and failure in life, please leave the website
>I don’t see a reason to stop them from wanting to serve. Maybe there is a bigger picture/problem I’m just not seeing or ignorant of, though.
They're universally bad at their jobs and massive morale problems. A small small minority are decent but you're just asking for problems, like when you accept someone with 5 suicide attempts into service guess what they're going to try again and get kicked out before ever being useful
also trans comorbidity with other mental illness is close to if not exactly 100%
I did a sub 4 year contract, did a skillbridge on my way out and got 110k starting as a contractor, if I didn't sleep through the whole thing and ghost 90% of my work I would've started at 150k
There's no meme, it's a great job

Most of that dude's points are completely wrong. A raw CISSP can get any six figure job anywhere in the country as an ISSO/ISSM/whatever. You'll also be #1 on any remote IT job and kick out any brown Sec+ holder even without a clearance for an easy 80k job where you barely work at all.
>dude fumbled bigly
Basically this, he's just coping he's put forth zero effort and done zero interviews and zero internships and has no degree and no experience and complaining nobody wants to hire him, like no shit dawg lmao
Imagine complaining before even applying for a job
>A raw CISSP can get any six figure job anywhere in the country as an ISSO/ISSM/whatever.
That hasn't been my experience, but I'm not going to argue with you about your talking points.
I did get close to 100% just now, I think I’m ready. I’ll head over to a recruiter and ask for a practice exam before taking the real deal ASAP just in case.

I want a tech related job, how likely is it that I’m getting my dream meme cybersecurity gig? Am I gonna have to haggle with the recruiter or something?
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>anyone lifting 340 on the deadlift can throw 12 meters I believe
Anon you gotta believe me. I can literally deadlift 400 fucking pounds but I can't throw this dumbass little medicine ball to save my life.
>anyone lifting 340 on the deadlift can throw 12 meters I believe

Nah. I've been deadlifting 340 on the ACFT for years, bench 225 and squat 275 for reps. Still never threw the ball more than like 8m. It's one of those things like basketball that's very easy if you're tall, but requires significantly more effort and skill if you're not.

Same, it sucks. I'm 5'5 and I never doompost about being short, but the ACFT Standing Power Throw is the only thing I've ever done in life that made me wish I was taller.
>I’ll head over to a recruiter and ask for a practice exam before taking the real deal ASAP just in case.
Back when i enlisted in 2017 they would have you do a practice exam before they send you to the real deal. For me the practice exam was harder than the real one, i got 85 on the practice exam and 96 on the real one. They're not gonna waste time sending you to meps unless they're certain you'll pass. So do well on the practice one and they'll be chill with you.
What’s the social aspect of officer, specifically infantry officer, life like? I heard it’s extremely corporate and you don’t have the same bond the enlisted have.
>I’ll head over to a recruiter and ask for a practice exam before taking the real deal ASAP just in case.
They basically always make you take one just to see where you're at
Don't be worried when you get a 93 or whatever there's one version that maxes out in the low 90s because the questions don't get hard enough to give you a 99, the practice is irrelevant
What service are you looking for and what MOS if you've looked at any
What's your ideal day to day, contract length, duty station, etc.
Just record yourself throwing it and play it in slow motion you'll improve several meters fixing all your shitty form then realizing it's a twitch muscle explosive exercise
>A raw CISSP can get any six figure job anywhere in the country as an ISSO/ISSM/whatever.
What do you get out of posting this?
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>join active duty
>all the cute girls are in the reserves/guard

why is it like this bros.
>why is it like this bros.
because they have richer parents that can carry them through life and don't need to escape a broken household or lifer parents
I joined AD because I needed a job, my cousin joined air guard because her dad was paying her college fully and just wanted a new experience or two
>What do you get out of posting this?
I, with no certs, got offered several skillbridges
the one I took paid for Sec+ and CISSP and offered me six figures to stay
Just take advantage of the doors that open to you
I interviewed with a dozen skillbridge companies, all are open to it, it's an unpaid internship for them, and conversion rate is like 98% to a full time job
Could be worse
>join active duty
>unit actually has cute girls
>get shot down because I look like shrek
Just join the air force you'll come out with an 8/10 one hundred percent of the time if you stop being a fuccboi and lock someone down as soon as they get to the unit
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>be Ausfag
>apply for ADF
>do my JOA
>do really fucking well
>week later my recruiter contacts me
>recruiter tries to groom me into picking cook
>told him my cooking is dogshit and that my food will get everyone sick and that should stick with MREs when I'm cooking
>tries hyping up the position likes it the most important but easy and relaxing role
>no way fag
>do my JOA in person
>pass it again with same results so I get to keep my choices
>month's later I do my in person interview
>asks me about my roles
>give him the answers
>tells me I barely know the roles
>passes me simply for the fact that I knew the length of training period and other small shit
>annoyed because I knew I had all the information of each roles
>months pass
>my new recruiter contacts me about doing my medical
>ask him about my roles and tell him what had happened
>laughs his ass off
>tells me that I had everything correct and that the interviewer was trying to do some new form of recruitment with psychological reverse psychology shit
>months pass
>do medical
>months pass
>get to do medical again since role requires extra tests
>do it again
>sitting on the train back home
>eshays sitting across from me doing usual Sydney eshay shit
>loudest one was bragging about finishing his tests and going to Kapooka in 3 weeks
>excited to go to Russia and kill Russians and taking souvenirs back home
>mfw I've been waiting for over 11 months while this psycho but based in some way eshay is getting ready for Kapooka
>2 months pass
>get told that intake is over for the year and that my medical has just been sent off and I should hear back in 8 weeks
>it's now been one 8 weeks and no word
>it's also been a full year since I applied and still waiting

Any other Ausfags waiting around, while our government begs for recruits and trying to tell us that the waiting period will be changed from 300 days to 100?
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Active duty

3d0x2 preferably

Just doing my 9-5 so to speak and taking advantage of all the educational benefits, as it’s my main reason for enlisting.

I’d like 4 years of active duty and the rest in the IRR if I’m correct about that stuff. I can’t be sure though, maybe I like it enough to want to commission as another goal and do a lot more time, but I feel just 4 years is realistic.

Preferably not deep in the sticks, other than that anything else is a bonus.
what do you want after service though
>you are a redditor
Oddly enough, shills like you are all over r/army promoting how great the army is.
Use either the GI bill or Montgomery bill for a master’s degree at a reputable school. Hopefully I’ll have enough certs, degrees and experience to get a wfh job which is somewhat “well paid” (close to 6 figures to low 6 figures)
i want to drive a bradley is 19c a good mos
true, went to enlist for space force via air force and the chick running the show was a total hottie. looked up the instagram of the office and their recruits were full of patooties.
good thing chicks weren't a factor for me, feel like space force is gonna be reeaaal dry.
>designated fed thread has designated feds
Imagine my surprise, you fucking schizo. Next youll tell me the bbc is under british control.
>I, with no certs, got offered several skillbridges
>Just take advantage of the doors that open to you
Every post you make sounds like you grinded and got lucky. That isn't the case for most people.
What's your definition of "good MOS?"
If you want to be in the motor pool all day long, go to gunnery several times a year, frequently change track or perform engine maintenance, and get stationed at Riley, Bliss, Stewart, or Hood, then sure, go for it.
>calls people a redditor
>acts just like one

Holy shit, the military is retarded. Glad I'm getting out. :^) hopefully with 100% va too
Does anyone here have Naval Postgraduate School experience? If so, what's it like?
Make sure to tell the va about your schizophrenia, itll help
Imagine spending Thanksgiving posting on 4chan lmao
I didn't claim it on my form. But maybe they'll catch it on my c&p exam :^)
>Imagine, being so deluded that you think the military gives enough of a fuck about you

They apparently do. Because the reserve recruiter keeps calling me trying to get me to go to them instead of the irr. And isn't the recruitment crunch still in full swing?
Why were you retarded enough to enlist to begin with?
I mean yeah I know that. I caught a few before but didn't get them, CIA and FBI for example, even ATF. But I need a job sooner rather than later, and as long as it's an agency or government and pays well enough, I don't really care too much. Figured too once I get my foot in the door it'll be a lot easier to move around.
He probably gets a commission every time someone clicks a link. /K/ seems to be completely taken over by recruiters of various types. I got banned when I called out people obviously trying to recruit for Azov.
The stereotypical story anyone joins. Broken home, dead end former big manufacturering city that no longer manufacturers since ww2 ended, so I just bit the bullet thinking the military would at least be a semi decent choice. It wasn't, and now just counting down the days until the only uniform I have left goes into the burn pit, or I make it onto a doormat.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I'm not shocked. The recruitment crunch is very real, so they must be desperate and using any means necessary.

It blows my mind how even people with him will acknowledge, and even say the army sucks because X. Then the second you say something like "ya, Im currently serving and it's garbage-" they get offended and go into full damage control. The military is a very strange bag.
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>Every post you make sounds like you grinded and got lucky. That isn't the case for most people.

This is facts. Most people end up getting put through the wringer and never even get a slight taste of the opportunities the army claims it has to offer.
I'm just glad there's someone else as dedicated to mindbreaking the guy who spends every single day in these threads trying to trick children into joining the military as I am.
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>the army is great, bro! You should join and see what all the fun is about!
The irony is that he's not even in the actual military lmao
Good lord, they still haven't fixed that shit? I'm about to put on O-3 and the sub and pilot communities were already raising hell about Newport holding people too long when I commissioned.
It looks very good on your FITREPs if you're staying in, and many designators (including mine - I know all of this because my peers have to go) require it or at least highly encourage it to promote.
If you are not staying in, it's about as prestigious as an online degree mill, i.e. it's worthless. From a demographic slice of retarded O-4s it accepts everyone and then passes everyone, so it's gonna be shit. Civilian employers do not know what it is and it doesn't teach you anything they care about anyway.
Essentially, NPS exists for three reasons: a) the Navy gets to pretend its senior officers are a lot smarter than they actually are; b) they can dangle it in front of junior officers by offering a "free" """advanced degree""" if they stay in longer; c) some of the civilian STEM researchers actually do good projects by collaborating with Fleet Numerical METOC Center, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, DOE, etc.
tl;dr If you're staying in for twenty years it's a nice break in the middle of your career, if you're not it's a trap.
good point
I think it’s a result of OCS ramping up to 100+ sized classes as the normal and the various medical and administrative entities being understaffed and lazy pieces of shit by and large. TMG, the rebrand of student pool, was up to like 140 people when I left and about to run out of room on first floor King since more people were joining from each class then got out in the 3 weeks until the next one. I know there is a push being made to just send the flight students down to Pensacola where all the flight medical staff actually is instead of relying on the civilians in Newport, but the obvious question is what happens to people who get DQ’ed and either redesignate or DoR.
>tl;dr If you're staying in for twenty years it's a nice break in the middle of your career, if you're not it's a trap
If I'm working as a DoD employee following my enlistment, would an applicable master's from the NPS still be a trap?
Do you unironically think this shit will get through to anybody but the most unhinged trannies?
if war breaks out I'll sign up willingly. imagine wanting to miss out on one of the most awesome experiences of your life.
also, read some history books, you're far more likely to die if you're a civilian in a war zone.
Cheapest way to live near your base without living in a hellscape?
>lived rent-free in the home of a defense contractor
>defense contractor is a lobbyist for Sikorsky, a division of the defense contracting giant Lockheed Martin
>put up Bobeck in a basement apartment after his divorce and held discussions with him about joining the firm, said their friendship dates back 35 years. The free accommodations had nothing to do with his business, he said
>At minimum, Bobeck needed to seek advice on the ethics of accepting gifts, particularly living quarters. “This raises a number of red flags,” Amey said. “The job offer opens another can of worms. He should have recused himself from any matter the company had an interest in.”
>if war breaks out I'll sign up willingly
>imagine wanting to miss out on one of the most awesome experiences of your life.

A lot of guys like you joined during the gwot, only to woefully regret it. Especially after the fact that the taliban now control Afghanistan. Similarly to how the old nam guys regret it, and we left with our tail between our legs and let the vc and nva take the show.

>read some history books, you're far more likely to die if you're a civilian in a war zone

I could also just as well be a civilian working for one of the many defense contractors and make on the low end 80k a year, while private joe makes $650 every 2 weeks, lives in a moldy barrack or in a plywood box with 2-12 other dudes in the hot sun with no air conditioning, getting shot at by pkm's and mortars. Then coming back to the US and becoming one of the 22 service members are day that hit the end of the rope by jumping out of their barracks room window.

But hey, momma anon will get a few hundred thousand and a cool folded flag.
>day after thanksgiving
>multiple schizos come here to whine and bitch instead of doing literally anything else
Looks like you're in good company then, recruiting scum.
I would say that depends on what your field is and what specific master's program you look at. Hard STEM with a good research advisor would probably be worthwhile, but anything broaching "military studies" is a waste of time for everyone involved.
I don't know as much about the civilian side but my guess would be that it's mostly the same deal - if you intend to keep working for the DOD, take the opportunity to just go chill in Monterey for two years and check a box for your next GS position. If you intend to shift into the private sector it will probably do nothing but delay your career and you're better off getting a real master's from a real school.
As a general bit on education that I give my own sailors: covid shattered our idea of learning and made everyone assume online zoom forum shit is higher education, but it's not. All degrees are absolutely not created equal. When you were enlisted and now that you're in the DOD, the people giving you career advice - especially the ones explicitly hired to do so like TAPS teachers - are generally retards who don't know the difference between an online diploma from Thomas Edison University and an in-person MBA from Wharton. Do VERY thorough research before you shell out money to get a degree from anywhere, and know that there are very few cases where a 100% online school is ever anything but a scam. I've lost count of the number of guys who got excited about blowing their GI Bill money on a piece of toilet paper from University of Phoenix, got out, couldn't find a job, and bitterly blamed the Navy or education in general for their own fuckup.
Jesus fuck, shut the hell up and go do something else with your day. You know nothing about the military. It's not 2005 anymore, the suicide rate (at least for the Navy) is literally lower for us than the general population.
Is becoming a drone pilot easier than trying to become a aviator? And by easy I mean getting selected. War seems inevitable at this point now with the bourgeois losing their seat of power to a rogue bourgeois, I feel they're going to try to start something. But I really want to commission and at least not be fodder but still do something cool. Sorry for ramble I've been drinking the leftover nog mix since I woke up. Anyways any help is appreciated.
Is it true sailors can't use TA until their second contract? I think it's fucking wild that people still currently serving would ever touch their GI Bill, but I think I've been spoiled by the Army's fairly generous tuition assistance policy.
I haven't looked at the instruction in a long time, but my understanding is that you cannot touch TA until you've server for four years and you need signed approval from your CO.
That would mean it's not specifically tied to your first contract, just depends on how long said contract is. I've heard stories of terrible toxic commands where COs will refuse to sign TA for sailors but I've never met a CO myself who would be like that, so I suspect a lot of those stories are people who didn't advocate for themselves and fell victim to a disgruntled chief that they wouldn't stand up to or something.
I still think that's kinda nuts. In my branch you can just go to an education center and sign up as soon as you get to your unit. Your CO might not even know until you finish your degree.
And reconsider your entire life.
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What's the chances the new administration gets rid of MHS Genesis after inauguration day?
At the very least, Project 2025 specifically calls for getting rid of it in their Mandate for Leadership. (picrel)
Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025
He's already hired dozens of authors and contributors of Project 2025 into high level roles for his administration. Many more if you just count public supporters of Project 2025.
Whether you believe Trump has something to do with or not, at the very least his administration will have ties to it and will definitely seek to implement it.
the heritage foundation is probably the biggest conservative think tank in the US. they will advise trump and his team to implement their proposals and already have in his previous term. i believe trump's plausible deniability "ive never even heard of it", but he does/has taken counsel from the group who organized the policies. doesnt mean he's gonna do everything in it, which is retarded, but i'm sure his team will cherry pick the good parts.
>new administration
They're scaling back medical DQ standards right now since people have been sounding the alert about Genesis for years.
Nobody actually gives a shit about trans people in the military. It's more the fact that you have to go through so many hoops, bureaucracy and other bullshit for stuff like ADHD, let alone trying to get in with Autism, which is a major gray area in terms of there have been stories of people getting waivers for it, and some not. You also have to factor in how deep the mil is digging for medical history and some people have been denied enlistment because of Anxiety they had a decade ago.
The excuse for that is "Uhm we don't know if you'll react in a bad way if you're in a combat scenario you'll never be in for 99.9% of your enlistment" but some person who has to be on hormones for their rest of their lives will be able to go right ahead.
Recruiters also need to stop harping on the rejects for not enlisting because half of them barely even do their jobs, and are glorified HR jannies who email some documents every so often
It is the same for 35L. Unless you fell into the rockstar lane, which is completely out of your control, you will never get hired into the ABCs (or at least never have any advantage over anyone else) or be qualified for any of the cool guy contracts. And 1811/0132 jobs are rare, only open once or twice a year for big agencies, are super competitive and are basically starting over from the bottom with no seniority at the GS9 level with guys off the street with no experience.
They need to get rid of it. I joined in late 2020 just Genesis rolled out, and I for sure wouldn't have been able to get in now or get back in if I got out.
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Should I be an Army Heli Pilot?

For context, I have 8 years in the Army, 4 in active and 4 in the National Guard as Infantry. I get out of NG in a few months. I used my GI Bill to get my helicopter pilot's licenses on the civilian side. I am a fully rated helicopter pilot but I have really low hours because I'm just finishing flight school so it's been difficult to find a job, although I only started looking a couple months ago. I was hoping to be a civilian pilot for the rest of my life but now I'm married and have a family and I'm broke as fuck and on the verge of losing everything. I really don't want to stay in the military but I am starting to feel like it's my only choice.

So my questions are:
>NG or Active Duty Warrant?
>Does my experience as a fully rated pilot give me a massive leg up in choosing the aircraft I want to fly after Army flight school? Do I even get a choice?
>Should I just suffer for a while longer as a civilian instead of fucking with the military again?
Hey LT
I have a packet going for ODS. Decisions are made in February. Did you deal with ODS while in OCS?
I’m the recent escapee, not the LT, but yea, ODS happens at the same time and while interactions are officially forbidden, you do learn some stuff about it. What’s your question?
Solid college advice and it lines up with my own research. I'm only using Thomas Edison to fulfill math reqs. They transfer well enough to other universities across the country (I'm talking places like University of Oregon, different state universities, Texas A&M, etc.) but they won't do shit if I gun for the likes of Notre Dame, Stanford, or a good number of foreign schools. I will say that I am not deterred from getting an online bachelor's degree, but it's gonna be a secondary degree if I do. The ASU Global Leadership program looks like an attractive option to tack on to my resume something that shows I have business acumen without having to commit in person (and put those damn clep/dsst exams to use at an AACSB accredited institution, too). Truth be told, I'm still working on my bachelor's, but I am trying to get a feel for what my options for masters degrees are.

You have my gratitude for the elaborate explanation, anon. I think the NPS is a decent option for Electrical Engineering, but since they don't accept the GI Bill I think it might be a pass.
>I've heard stories of terrible toxic commands where COs will refuse to sign TA for sailors
I cannot say I have had those COs directly, but I can safely assert that some Boomer sub COs refused to support their sailor's educational goals.
can I get a few recs for good socks that'll not tear up while rucking?

seems like a rip my feetures socks every other week
How's the swim test?
I'd say that using online courses for prereqs is a smart way to go but I'm glad you also had the forethought to specifically check which credits transfer in advance. You sound like you're doing enough of your own research to be safe enough.
Always look at acceptance rates, graduation rates, and clearly stated job statistics for any program. If they aren't very easy to find, it's probably intentionally covering something up. And for grad school especially, once you narrow it down to a few options, don't be afraid to directly email some professors and just ask them questions - they're usually happy to answer, especially if you skim one or two of their papers first and clearly articulate that you have an interest in what they're working on. EE is a good field to be in, all my friends that went that route make way more than me and seem to enjoy their work.
If you have even the most basic capacity to not drown you'll be fine. Nothing is timed and they're very lenient on form. If you can jump off a tower without panicking (not even a proper dive, just a jump), cross a pool, and float for a minute, you pass.
ODS in general is quite easy. I was at OCS during covid and they shortened your classes to three fucking weeks. The staff will still try to scare you but you suffer through fewer fuck-fuck games trying to push people to quit because you're already commissioned so processing you out would be a waste. Surgeons in their 60s with full heads of white hair make it through ODS regularly, you'll be fine.
Omniwool or Darn Tough
>EE is a good field to be in, all my friends that went that route make way more than me and seem to enjoy their work.
Pardon because I tried backtracking through the thread and didn't find anything so if you've already said it, then I've missed it. I was wondering what your degree is in.
I never rucked, but I don't think socks get better than Darn Tough. I use T4021 for everyday activities, T4022 or T4033 (depending on temperature) for hiking, and T4050 for snowboarding.
What’s the shortest contract I can do in a branch where I can get mechanic type skills? I wanna join the navy but 5 years fuck
>Jesus fuck, shut the hell up and go do something else with your day. You know nothing about the military. It's not 2005 anymore, the suicide rate (at least for the Navy) is literally lower for us than the general population.
>brings up history
>gets mad when history is used against him
>hurr durr the navy
Because they're letting the fags and drag queens keep you company on the ships now, right? Fag.

>go do something else with your day.

I am. Working on getting out. :^) Fuck the military. Only 61 days on my sentence left. You're invited to my uniform burning party.
>5 years oh no!
Stop being a pussy. Free room, food, education, mobility, etc...You are guaranteed work post-service.
Army, typical contracts are 3 years and 2 years are sometimes available.
All of these are lies
Those things are appealing but I’m only concerned because I’m doing this older than most. I turn 29 in a couple weeks. I fucked up and made mistakes wasted time.
My options are work 2-3 jobs to move out asap and try to move up in one of those jobs, or join the military. Either way it’s gonna take me a few years at minimum to get my shit in order, and I honestly see no future in my current job like the companies small so moving up requires someone to retire or die or get fired I was their first hire in like 10 years. I don’t wanna be doing what I am, I want new skills.
I digress, I’m not meaning to be a pussy, I just worry about being 34/35 when I’m out. I feel I won’t know which way is up or how to really proceed in life, how to go form a social network date again maybe find a wife etc.
In all reality I’ll be better off for it than if I don’t and it’s not like I’m in a position to do anything else with the next 5 years anyways. It’s just kind of a scary thought, what happens when I get out at 34? I have no friends, I’m an autist and when out I will have not dated for 7 years so starting again won’t be easy.

I just what get my own place maybe consider GI bill for an apprenticeship for my desired job or a degree if I find something else, enjoy finally having my own place and the independence and then figure it all out as I go? Maybe get that project car I’ve always wanted and work on building it? Isn’t it kinda weird to be mid 30s and only just start having it in together in the ways most people do from 20 onwards? Idk man. Maybe I’m not just being a pussy but being a bitch too and just worrying too much
I’m not sure. I feel like navy is the branch for me and I really don’t know why. I had family in the navy. I feel I’d rather call myself a sailor. Fuck it I may as well do my 5 years and get out.
I’m who he replied to and the only thing he said which isn’t necessarily true is guaranteed work after. And I know that but I do at least believe in my ability to find work. If I struggle to find a job there’s the GI bill as a safety net, and if I use it for an apprenticeship then I’m good. My main concern is this yap fest blog post >>62952065 essay. I worry about feeling lost after. But realistically that’s where I am now anyways. He’s right I’m being a pussy about this
>Every post you make sounds like you grinded and got lucky. That isn't the case for most people.
>Most people end up getting put through the wringer and never even get a slight taste of the opportunities the army claims it has to offer.
If you just pick a good job it's not really "lucky"
If you want to do some shitty bad job you aren't "unlucky" when you have a shitty bad time.
Just go 35 series and enjoy being "lucky"
I also didn't grind anything besides doing like a dozen skillbridge interviews during work hours and spending a few hours during work revising my resume several times
Pretty much the bare minimum level of effort to be a human being
>He probably gets a commission every time someone clicks a link
You're a moron, think about how that would work (it doesn't)
>I'm not shocked. The recruitment crunch is very real, so they must be desperate and using any means necessary.
post asvab score
>Is it true sailors can't use TA until their second contract?
Yes, which is patently insane. Don't join the Navy.
>What's the chances the new administration gets rid of MHS Genesis after inauguration day?
>I feel like navy is the branch for me and I really don’t know why. I had family in the navy. I feel I’d rather call myself a sailor. Fuck it I may as well do my 5 years and get out.
>If I struggle to find a job there’s the GI bill as a safety net, and if I use it for an apprenticeship then I’m good
Do a fucking 3 year in the Army, or a 4 year in the Air or Space Force
The Navy treats you like a press-ganged criminal out of the London slums in the 1600s and works you twice as hard for half the benefits. They're having to let in people with 10s on the ASVAB and force-extending people because nobody wants to stay to work 16 hour days and never come home
The food isn't free. They take 400 odd dollars of your pay for it. Same for housing. They stuff you in a moldy barrack and take your bah. And no, you don't get to choose where you go. That's a good laugh.
>They take 400 odd dollars of your pay for it.

More like they give you 400 dollars for food then take it back.
Forgot to check for replies since I posted it in the other thread but it died
Anyone try any of those special forces workouts listed in the OP?
I run 1500m twice a week, run 3x week (20 mile/week) and meet the lifting requirements. My main problem is I would need to bring down the run time and start rucking
The SWCS one is the same program a SORB would give you if you walked in and said "I wanna drop an SF packet." Basically straight from the horse's mouth. Might as well try it and see what your times look like at the end if you're looking for ways to get faster and ruck farther.
>half the benefits
Elaborate surely this is untrue
>16 hour days
I know

Btw I hope you don’t think I meant nuke fuck that.
>mfw prolapsed anus greentext
Yeah that’s okay. I meant normal sailor on a ship or shore

>army airforce space force
I have to look into the jobs they have again. I specifically want something mechanic or trade. I’m also color blind so airforce is probably gonna severely limit me. I don’t do well behind screens, my brains more ape like better suited to using my hands. I’d have to check out the PT reqs and the reqs for the job but there’s coastie’s damage controlman.
Specifically wanted navy to go be a wrench turner, if I could get it a seabee as a CM.
Can I own a full-sized desktop computer on active duty or does everything you own have to fit in a duffel bag or some shit?
You'll get a barracks/dorm room if you're single and BAH if you're married. No one cares what you have in your private living space as long as it's not illegal. The only exceptions are Navy personnel who live on ships for whatever reason.
Anon it's not 1810. As long as you clean your room and obey the rules no one cares. Where'd you even get this idea?
Regarding bah I’m sure I know the answer is “no bah”, but what happens if I’m married to someone and they’re
>not a citizen (yet)
>not in the USA
>not a citizen
shouldn't be a problem in 99% of cases
>not in the USA
Worst case you're considered a geobachelor and get barracks and no BAH but this is very unit/branch dependent. Once your spouse is physically present they can't put you in the barracks.
Anon you're gonna have a bad time if you think you can keep your roommate up all night so you can have cyber sex with your totally real online girlfriend,
Now I’m torn. I like the idea of navy and I feel I have much more interest in the navy. But Air Force sounds better in terms of quality of life. I’m also not so sure there’s any jobs in the Air Force for me
Would feel proud of self and have this little faggy achievement to be happy about
5 year contract minimum, sucks but savings would look good debt would be paid off
Jobs I have interest in and wanna do which I qualify for
Shit quality of life
Shit working hours, no work life balance
Chance to work abroad
>Air Force
Not much interest in fact couldn’t give two shits about it wouldn’t really feel proud of self
3-4 year contract, so savings wouldn’t be TOO different and could get out sooner
Better QOL and WLB
Maybe not looking hard enough but I don’t see any jobs that interest me which I qualify for (I’m fucking color blind so 90% I can’t do)

I take it no chance for color vision waiver to be an aircraft tech/ mechanic?
I would split the difference desu. Join the air force as active duty and do navy reserves on weekends.
>I’m fucking color blind so 90% I can’t do
This will limit your navy options a bit, too.
What duty stations should I reenlist for as a 35N?
Meade is at the top of my list because the conventional wisdom is to stay strategic, but is there anywhere unusual I should consider?
is joining the coast guard at 35 retarded? i want to be an amt. i have a fine job now with benefits and a pension coming my way but always wanted to join
>i have a fine job now with benefits and a pension
Leaving that to join any branch is retarded.
i work in construction and building apartments ill never be able to afford to live in is pretty soul sucking. i like the idea of being able to actually help someone being in the coast guard and it seems like worthwhile work.
If you're working in construction that's a little different. You're close to the age cutoffs for several branches so research that before anything else.
Yeah coast guard is 41. Only rating i cant do is pilot which is a cut off at 30
Why the coast guard?
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I've been thinking of enlisting in the Air Force, hopefully with an MOS regarding something that translates to civilian life like cybersecurity. I thought this was a good path, but I've been second guessing a lot of things.
Will they even take me for a job I'm interested in? I know the military has had recruiting problems, but the Air Force isn't really one of those branches. I've done fairly well on online practice ASVAB tests but I'm still scared.
I'm also worried about whether or not I would do well in a setting structured like the military and what i'll do when I get out. I've led a pretty aimless life for the duration of my youth so I'm worried it might take a lot for me to adjust.
I know I sound like a faggot but I'm totally lost. any advice would be much appreciated.
The Air Force doesn't guarantee your job. If you want a specific job or field like cyber guaranteed you need to join the Army or Navy. The Air Force draws people in regardless of that because most people's number one priority when joining is "not being in the army" with everything else being secondary.
For anyone currently enlisting/commissioning, or have in the past, did your recruiter ever mention the term MSO (military service obligation) or that contract is actually 8 years?
CBP AMO is the best 1811 gig you can get if you want to be a filthy fedboi. Swoop in on a helicopter and catch dopers or swoop in on your Midnight Express and catch dopers. 10x better than BP and it's not even close. A lot harder to get into, though.
i'm also hearing that application processing time is long as fuck, don't know if that is exclusive to DHS agencies or all federales.
since you've already got your comm heli, do what this anon says.
Yes, of course. If you're enlisted, you'll have the option to get out after 4, and the remaining 4 years will be served in the individual ready reserves... you will not be obligated to drill or maintain physical standards, for all intents and purposes you are out unless WW3 starts, then they can pull your ass back in before they open up the draft.
I'd bet that most have never even heard the term MSO and when asked their recruiter said it was a 2,3,4, or 6 year contract. They're not expecting 18 year olds that are dumb or desperate enough to enlist to read the full contract. If they want to be deceptive, then they can go fuck themselves when they try to enforce that part of the contract.
I want to work domestically and doing search and rescue sounds really rewarding. I'm too old to be a pilot but going amt ill get to work as air crew. i also have a dog I don't want to give up so staying in the country is a priority since I can get him watched if/when I get deployed
The MEPS ship package (DD form 4) is fairly black and white about "4 years active + 4 years IRR = 8 year total obligation" and the friendly desk jockey makes everyone read it out loud word by word. It is not really deceptive since the active duty length is the only relevant part.

Threadly reminder that USERRA forces your employer to hold your civilian job and keep the clock running on any pension/seniority benefits if you enlist or commission on active duty. You get 5 years free, and a free army of DOL lawyers to fight your boss if you get pushback.
This may be incompatible for you. While waiting on the AMT list (1+ year) you could be a nonrate on a 270' gone at sea for half the year. However all AMTs/AETS i know are supremely happy and get to do cool shit.
Everyone knows about it. It's not a secret, nor is it even fine print. You always sign an 8 year contract, how much of it is active vs IRR depends on the contract. When you ETS, the IRR will mail you shit and try to get you transfer to the active reserves as well.
>this form your recruiter or some cunt at meps filled out and had you initial/sign is fairly black and white
>the friendly desk jockey makes everyone read it out loud word by word
Bullshit lying nigger. If they actually had them read it out loud at MEPS, then 80% of people wouldn't be questioning what they are any time MSO or IRR is mentioned.
>If they actually had them read it out loud at MEPS, then 80% of people wouldn't be questioning what they are any time MSO or IRR is mentioned.

Not that anon, but when I went to MEPS 4 years ago I distinctly remember reading over my contract with a DoD civilian and a military liaison before I signed it. If random junior enlisted kids are too dumb to understand what they are reading that's not really the military's fault. The language is plain as day, and the 8 year obligation was explained to me very clearly. Those people probably either forgot about the IRR obligation or just didn't understand what it meant because it literally has no relevance until your ETS, and even afterwards it doesn't really matter unless shit hits the fan.
hmm, guess they aren't as shitty as they used to be. When I went through, they were either hoping you wouldn't read it or would not give you enough time to read all the forms. It was just initial here and sign here.
It could have just been the MEPS you went to or the people working there at that time. You also should have been given your own copy of the contract to read it yourself.
Keep in mind this is the same audience that can't figure out birth control or interest rates on vehicles.
Could have, but it was likely just standard for the time. Guess they're actually trying to improve their abysmal IRR compliance rates through education instead of making threats later on they can't back up.
Guys who are/have been in the military, be honest, what is the actual fitness level of the typical soldier/marine? Is it true that infantry soldiers can pack march 20 kilometres and still have energy to fight? Or are they all worn out at the end of it? How many push-ups can they do? What is their running like? How far do they usually run and at what pace?
>Is it true that infantry soldiers can pack march 20 kilometres and still have energy to fight? Or are they all worn out at the end of it?

They'd be worn down but they will still fight, just a lot less effectively than if they had airlifted or mechanized. Combat arms doesn't train you to be a physical specimen Olympian athlete. The training is hammered in to be so automatic that even if you are exhausted from a 20km movement you still know what to do.

On that note, physical fitness levels vary wildly between branches, MOS, ages, and motivation levels. I'd say though that your average SM is fitter than your average civilian because they still have to maintain HT/WT and do a PT test at least once or twice a year. Your average civilian can be as fat as they want with no consequences.
>>6295 e36585
I'm looking at guaranteed district 1. It looks like there's 5 175' boats and one 225' my understanding is that they don't generally go out to see for more than a week, correct me if im wrong. I have a lot of family in the area too who are willing to watch the dog during those times. I've heard detailers are willing to work with you to a certain degree although at the end of the day you get sent where they need you
is joining the United States armed forces a good way to make friends
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I am eligible for both va disability and ssi but I’m having a really hard time coming to understand that I can make 96,000 a year as a disabled person that sits on their ass while others work very hard for their money. I feel like such an asshole taking this money. I know there are people whose parents have paid everything for them or won the lottery but at least the lottery winner had to be lucky and people from rich families usually have miserable lives.
I have a question regarding 11B OSUT and SFAS

I've seen people say that "you can just volunteer bro" out of OSUT, but how likely actually is this? Or does this take place after Airborne school?

I ask because I'm hesitant to lock in a 6 year 18X contract when I can just sign a 3 year one (as a hedge against injury)
Does this video make you feel better
I got my ets orders today. I'm getting so close. I am going to cry when that dd214 hits my hand. The torture is almost over.
>feels like an asshole
>takes the money anyway
Your the same as the guy that got 100 p&t for faking a mental health condition, and told others how bad they were for trying to play the system.
what are you gonna do when you get out?
its probably unlikely. rasp would be easy to volunteer for at osut or airbone , but sfas is definitely harder. likely have to wait to get to your unit and stay there for a whole before putting a packet in. why not just go 18x? you'll have a higher chance at passing selection as an 18x than as a regular infantryman
Depends how high my va rating is. Can't work to much or I'll lose my va bux
>is there anywhere unusual I should consider?
Go into the ASK list and look at all the positions
There's like 2 slots for 35N in Tokyo's Yokohama or whatever
If you ask for all of them you'll get a decent shot at one
However they give those to women around 90% of the time
I went Meade with zero regrets
Gordon's okay, Buckley is pretty good
Hawaii is... fine
San Antonio has goodish surroundings but the most forscom mindset of the css locations
>did your recruiter ever mention the term MSO (military service obligation) or that contract is actually 8 years?
Several times
>I'd bet that most have never even heard the term MSO and when asked their recruiter said it was a 2,3,4, or 6 year contract. They're not expecting 18 year olds that are dumb or desperate enough to enlist to read the full contract. If they want to be deceptive, then they can go fuck themselves when they try to enforce that part of the contract.
Dude, once you're out you're out
Over half of people choose to ignore any calls and not show up to the yearly IRR muster
the people who do show up do it for the $250 you get for showing up
There's effectively zero obligation, it's less than a formality
If you get out with VA% you're immune from the recalls in a hypothetical WW3 scenario
They told me if you don't go to the muster they take your va benefits away. No more va bux
unless thats in writing its bullshit
Kill yourself and you don't have to take the money.
If you faked it, you don't deserve it and you are a piece of shit. If your conditions are real, then you deserve it. It isn't your job to determine the amount of money that is disbursed for a given condition - there are armies of healthcare providers and bureaucrats for that.
>be me
>actually have issues
>pending c&p exams
>have 21 things on my claim
>legitimately have issues with all the things I claimed my back is the biggest issue.

I still have a full believe the va is gunna fuck me
I made a friend he was pretty cool but his whole personality changed when he got out, it's really hard to read someone when they're in the service to see who they truly are.
I have a buddy who got out and he still is fighting the VA 5 years later trying to get his bennies. VA loves to play the waiting game.
I did the bbd claim program right on the last day I was allowed to possibly do it. On day 90 before ets. Hopefully the DAV lady did me right and was able to push everything up. I gotta schedule my phase 1 and phase 2 exam later today though.

>59 days left on my sentence.
Daily reminder that if you're infantry you should go to Ranger School
>but i don wanna
>but its gay and a smokefest
>but but but
Just fucking do it. If you get tabbed as junior enlisted you'll get treated like a demigod and it's minimum 2 months away from motor pool monday or hanging out in the COF waiting on the word or whatever the fuck.
If you're non infantry you should also go because people will basically suck your dick for having a tab as a POG.
If you have the diagnosis and the nexus event, you're fine.
People who get "fucked" by the VA are those who fucked themselves and didn't go to medical when they got injured.
>Did four years of active duty
>Got out last year
>Considering going Air Guard/Reserve
>Have Adderall prescription
If I decide to (attempt to) join, I would try to do the thing where I opt out of all applicable health information exchanges or whatever so Genesis doesn't find my disqualifications. Should I tell the recruiter beforehand? Obviously I wouldn't tell MEPS, but is it beneficial to come clean to the recruiter or nah?
Most of the things I have on there were caused from just time taking its toll on my body while in. I went to sick call for them and said "it started a while back, and got worse to the point where I couldn't ignore it anymore."
Dont disclose, but dont lie. Be an idiot and say "oops i forgot" if caught. Probably wean yourself off and see if you fail at life prior to so you arent booted out of the military for being a failure like the dude that shills here.
You're saying that as if anyone can just go and pass ranger school. Don't they have a pretty high drop rate? Isn't that shit nearly as hard to pass as sfas?
It never will on this board. /k/ is glowie central. They make sure a recrootment thread is always up.
Why is it so hard to get in contact with a Coast Guard Recruiter?

good morning resident shill
>Lived next door to Coast Guard recruiter who my parents were friends with
>Have easier access to joining the Coast Guard than probably 99.99% of the country
>Have irrational fear of water (no I'm not black) and general dislike of boats
>Joined Air Force instead
I don't regret my decision, but when I read posts like these I do feel bad about throwing my luck away.
Infantry Officer in USMC Reserve, feel free to launch question regarding part time crayon eating. Also, I've barely even lurked the past few years. What the hell is going on with the captcha?
Omniwool or nothing
Depends on your unit, and everyone's personalities (as with most things). I've seen officer cadres who still have 20+ year reunions and others where it's cut throat.
That itself is a nexus.
>i was doing X while at work, field, whatever and got hurt
>thought i could power though
>over time, it got worse
>if I didn't get hurt during X event, i more than likely wouldn't be hurting now.
>anyone can just go and pass ranger school
Correct! Unfortunately not everyone who goes prepares themselves for success adequately. People show up unable to pass the PT test, unable to do land nav, or generally unprepared to patrol for long periods. If you can do all the RTTs and comfortably pass the 12 mile, RPFT, and CWST before arriving, you will almost undoubtedly pass RAP week, and if you can pass RAP week, it is highly likely that you will graduate.
Is this true?
If it is documented and you got a diagnosis, you're good.
As I said, the people who don't get rated are those who were retards and let their superiors bully them into not going to medical, so now they're trying to prove that some injury or mental condition was caused while they were in, and that is pretty much impossible so they'll never get a rating.
I'm trying to commission in the Coast Guard.
Reading their requirements they're is very little info so tried contacting a recruiter to help clarify more but no dice. Apparently I have to be selected to flight school while serving? Any coasties that can clarify this more?
Now looked at Space Force and it seems cool too. Would just do acquisitions. I just want to commission but no way in hell I'm going Army or Navy.
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Recently, I've been considering joining the military.

However, I do have a bit of a record, one misdemeanor expunged/ one misdemeanor DUI out of high school.

I haven't been taking any ADHD meds for a few months since the DUI. Genesis will flag this down, but should I wait until it is a year since I last took Adderall to talk to a recruiter? Should I tell the recruiter that I've been on Adderall/have been arrested before? Which branch is more open to accepting waivers? Also I've been to rehab but have been sober for a year.
Will i get popped for kratom at meps?
Use the money to have a bunch of kids and raise them properly
Money is neither good nor evil it is a tool to be wielded by its owner
Do good with it
Ooo I know this one!
The DUI will more than likely fuck you on some job choices due to how codes work. No different than how if you admit to smoking weed to the recruiter and they put it down on your processing forms it bars you from being able to become military police or working in medical due for whatever boomer reason the top brass assume you're going to pocket drugs if you come across them. At least that is how it was for the Navy.
Don't know anything about ADHD meds and what they'll do most likely waiver it depending on severity. As for which branch hands out waivers like candy that would be the Navy and Army.
>why not just go 18x?
alright I will
I'll cope and say Navy isn't THAT bad depending on your job. But I am actively trying to commission into it, so I am biased haha. I have not served but from research and going partly through the process with CG, I can give you some information told to me, or learned.
None. Besides degree. You don't have to take any sort of test, only the medical stuff at MEPs. It is more based on resume and interview which you are required to do in front of a panel of officers. Flight school for them is competitive, but it goes a different route if I recall correctly. Actually the whole thing from my understanding is close to air force level acceptance, counting piloting is even more difficult. But, if you land it, pretty good gig. Actually doing flights to save people and shit.
That is mainly why I want to commission in the CG and be a pilot. I feel like I would be directly helping the American people more than any other military branch. Had a friend in the Navy who gave me the 411. I would only want to work in intel or aviation as a pilot in the Navy. Can't be assed to work in any of the other options.
NTA, but you won’t work in the Navy in a designation you did hit apply for as you go into OCS with that already set up.

As far as CG aviation, it is incredibly difficult to get into and will probably take multiple applications. CG is very unlike the other branches as they care way more about your resume, leadership experiences, etc. instead of your degree (which they consider just a check box, STEM degrees obviously being more wanted). Once you get accepted to CG OCS, you will not go to flight school for about a year as flight school is booked a yearish in advanced. You will most likely be in rotary instead of fixed wing. GL though anon, CG is a tough entry point for those who aren’t prior CG service or from the academy.
>You won't work in the Navy in a designation you did hit apply for
do you mean didn't or am I retarded?
Dumb question but should I be transparent to my recruiter about my past?
I saw on Leddit that you shouldn't disclose anything at MEPS but don't lie because that will get you in trouble.
Also edit on my previous post, but I haven't taken Adderall in two months & I got the DUI back in the pandemic.
what are my chances for making this coming ocs selection board?
>my gpa's going to be pretty mediocre 3.0 +/- .25
my current pft
>max plank
>16 pull ups
>21 minute 3 mile
How common is bullying in the military and how does one deal with/avoid it?
I'm joining late and have already been subject to harassment in a workplace. I want to do my time and nothing more.
is harassment a thing in the ranger regiment?
That doesn't tell us anything. Who are your letters of recommendations from and what previous leadership experience do you have
I did reserve commission and got in with similar numbers. However, that was six years ago, and obviously a pulse is the main requirement for OCCR.
As for actual OCS you can hack it with a 20-21 min three mile, but I'd really try to squeeze out 4 more pullups before you ship.
I mean’t to write “didn’t”, I’m the retard. I type out my posts extremely fast on my phone. Sorry
What designator? SWO accepts even the most mouth breathing apes because they need to make numbers, while Intel is closed until the next fiscal year minus however many already accepted people don’t show up, and you’d be fighting against all the people med DQ’ed from aviation who want to redes after finishing OCS. The fact that you think your PFA results matter at all suggests to me that you’re an ideal SWO candidate by virtue of being the stereotypical frat bro retard who continues to do exactly the same thing in the Navy.
>did your recruiter ever mention the term MSO
Yes. I am in the process of commissioning. Being a Navy officer for 8 all together guarantees me O4. I can't lose
I am waiting for ODS intel to open up. Some anon told me here on /k/ that the new fiscal year begins in February when they decide. Is that true?
Whats the best branch to drop an OCS/OTS packet with a degree in Public Admin and red/green colorblind?
Would prefer the Air Force, Space Force, or Coast Guard but I don't think they'd like my colorblindness or degree
>I don't think they'd like my colorblindness or degree

I don't know many times this has to be said, but your degree major is fucking irrelevant. Getting good letters of recommendations from former or retired military officers and a good interview are all that actually matter.

College does almost nothing to prepare you for getting a real job, and it certainly doesn't help you with the military aside from proving that you can read, think critically, and complete a long term goal. All the training you need is provided by the military. So for the love of God if you're trying to go into OCS stop asking if your degree matters.
>but your degree major is fucking irrelevant
not for the airforce. shut the fuck up
I guarantee you faggots have tons of history, English, and polysci majors walking around as officers.
They went to ROTC, numbnuts
I'm 29 and don't have to luxury of doing ROTC
He's not even in and he thinks he knows

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>leadership experience
eaglescout, that's about it
one from my dean
two from proffesors
one from my old boss
and one from my old scout master
I should have specified marine corps ocs
the boards not until march, so I think 4 more pull ups will be achievable. If I keep improving my runs I might be able to shave one or two minutes too.
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Urgent PSA: do not trust PX food court chinese food after 1900
Is commissioning as a supply officer nice?
I'd imagine I can order a lot of cool shit to make deployments nice and comfy for people I'm in charge of. Was thinking about trying to become a supply officer in the air force is this a competitive position? Or will I have relative ease getting selected?
Toilet status?
Intel goes to OCS, so you hears wrong to begin with. I don’t know why they feel the need to send restricted line officers like supply, intel, and other support roles to OCS, but it’s what they do. ODS is for medical, legal, and a few catchall proffesinals who should never even be near a war zone like NRE. Fiscal year also starts on Oct 1st like literally every federal budget, so you could be trying to get a slot for 2026 but 2025 is already more or less full.
I've spent 3 of the last 6 hours shitting. There's red stuff coming out but I don't want to look long enough to see if it's blood or not. I'm actually lightheaded from dehydration, which has never happened before, even when rucking my bodyweight up a mountain while black on water.
The cramps leading up to all this were worse, though. I thought I just had heartburn or something. What I was feeling turned out to be the mass of likely raw chicken and orange sauce I ate forcibly completing the entire digestion cycle in about 30 minutes. It was like getting ass raped from the inside out.
The absolute state of the US military. Zoomers have got to be the most worthless fucking generation to ever exist lmao
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>a dude got food poisoning
>holy shit its so over the west has fallen
"The West" is an imaginary concept created by nostalgia-addled pedophiles who yearn to return to Greece and Rome's glory days of boy-diddling and slavery but want to pretend they follow Christ.
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Don't join the military.
But I need experience to get hired. Taking a year break, fucking around after graduating Uni instead of interning fucked me over
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Become a plumber or an electrician, and use your formal education to help you run your own business down the line.
Both of those people are brainwashed slaves.
>woman gun

Military is a 4 year commitment that can basically guarentee you middle class for the rest of your life if you aren't a complete retard. Go for it if you want, but its gonna basically be a deal where you trade those 4 years in. Don't plan anything in those 4 years, those belong to the government. If you can live with that, it might work for you.
>no gun
>if you aren't a complete retard
90% of people in the military are complete retards, and the other 10% are hollow psychos
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Here's my remshit i'm trying to get some use out of. The scope is fucking trash but i didn't pay for it, so meh.

That's quite a sweeping generalization, but its not entirely inaccurate just based on demographics. 18-22 year olds are fucktards, always have been. Giving them a uniform doesnt make them less fucktarded.
>no timestamp
>reverse image search goes to ebay
Yeah, i dont regularly timestamp my guns while i'm at work. That's what a retard does. The same kinda retard that thinks that an ebay ad for the magpul stock i put on it is the same gun. Go shill somewhere else, you chinless wonder.
cope + seethe nogunz
btw the only person shilling for something here is you
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Uh huh, you come here daily, so ready to shill with a prepared gun and time stamp because you know you'll get called out. Fuck off, retard.
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That's not me, schizo. I hardly have any chest hair, and I've never been a part of the military (because I'm not retarded.)
>alas, a second chinless wonder has entered the thread
At least you're not such a delusional fucking moron that you can't admit more than one person in America thinks the military is gay.
Is that why you're shitting up /meg/? Because you believe you're in good company?
I do it because if even a single child reading this thread decides not to join the military because of my posts then every single second I have spent here has been worth it.
If you read >>62968124 my post you'll pretty clearly see my glasses aren't rose tinted. >>62968002 is also solid advice. It's not a bad deal, but you need to know what youre getting into. High risk, high reward if you aren't already some trust fund baby. There's a difference between realism and "just get into trades, military gaaaay"
Some of us care about the souls of our fellow man and don't want to see them sign theirs away to a globe spanning criminal empire.
If someone has any doubts about joining, IET is where they find out. It's entirely possible to axe a contract after putting up with basic/boot and in the middle of AIT. That's the real point of decision.
Besides, I've convinced way more soldiers to not re-up from face-to-face conversations than you ever will while shitposting on an Indonesian duck farming board. Even children don't take this site seriously anymore.
no idea what that is
Intel is indeed full for 2025 slots. IIRC the next intel board that is open will be July—as that board will be filling the 2026 quota—but I’d still get in contact with an officer recruiter. Intel goes to OCS, not ODS, as a side note.

Supply is on the same boat as Intel ATM with their next open board being July.

While this is true, Degree does have weight on a lot of things in the application process. Off the top of my head, to qualify for supply officer, without needing an academic waiver, you would have needed to take CALC 1-2 which some degrees do not require to take, or stop at calc 1. Aviation in general are tougher on degrees as most of the other applicants you’re up against have some STEM degree, and AFAIK need a physics course completion as well.

Though for a lot of the “general” officer positions, a degree is only required to get in the door (exceptions being Air Force, and Coast Guard as they are much more strict).
I assume you also shit up russian, chink, iranian, british, and french threads as well then, or go seek them out? Considering the daily effort you put in here youre missing a shitton of the people you claim to care about.
New thread


New thread


New thread


New thread

You're so against the military that you have no idea what happens in it, even at the most fundamental level. Why don't you let people who've been through the dogshit experiences sway young people away? Because all you bring to that discussion is "military is gay" and mumbling something about babykillers.
If I lived in any of those countries and spoke their languages and they had military recruitment threads on the website I've been using since 2006, then I absolutely would.
>You're so against the military that you have no idea what happens in it, even at the most fundamental level.
Correct. All I know is that the US military is the enforcement arm of a criminal empire that engages in drug / sex trafficking, blackmail, and terrorism.
How can you know all that elaborate crap if you don't understand anything surface level? Some expert you are.
I guarantee young people lurking just see you being a jackass and assume people against the military are all like you: willfully and blissfully ignorant.
If you think that you should be seething about literally every government in power ever and be surprised how little the us actually does any of that by comparison.
Because I'm a student of history, so I know about Iran-Contra and the Phoenix Program and Operation Mockingbird and Operation Gladio.
This new thread blows, can someone make a better one.
A man should be far more concerned with the actions of his own rulers than the rulers of other nations.
And yet you nothing about external influences and context. You just know people were shot and the U.S. were a bunch of bullies. Being uninformed wins over no one. You would know this if you studied any history at all, when in reality you looked up events that cater to your biases and ignored everything else (even convergent/parallel events).
Get it right


Get it right


Get it right


Get it right
I know that my rulers are amoral, sociopathic criminals who literally do not care if my countrymen live or die, and that it's wrong to trick children into signing their souls away to serve those criminals.
See? All you can bring to any discussion is schizobabble and words you looked up in a thesaurus. None of what you said will dissuade anyone. It'll only reinforce their own biases about selective "history students" and the endless string of bullshit they spout. By playing up your end like this, you are encouraging people to join because you are showing yourself as a jackass. Is none of this landing at all?
How is any of that schizobabble? Are you under the impression that organized criminals aren't amoral and sociopathic? Or are you one of those people who thinks the mafia doesn't exist?
I'm under the impression that every time I've heard someone rant about oppressive systems and criminal masterminds running the country, it was by drug addicts, diagnosed schizophrenics, and both. And given how you are unable to see from anyone's perspective other than your own, you might actually have schizophrenia. I spent a few posts trying to get you to see from another perspective and you are resistant to the idea entirely. Just dig your heels in and keep talking about criminals and sociopaths, right? Because that's worked so well so far.
I guess you also believe that the Banco Ambrosiano scandal never happened lmao. It's funny how you call others schizophrenic when you are terminally delusional about the nature of our rulers.
You will never understand the viewpoints of others. You will never understand why that can change someone's mind. So you never will.
I understand your viewpoint entirely: you refuse to believe the we are ruled over by criminals because you've been forcefed a lifetime of propaganda. I'll pray for you : )
believe that*
Just call me a government shill and call it a day. You stayed up way too late last night.
I was in bed at 9 PM last night.

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