Canadian Firearms General>New here? Read this:>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):>Want to help firearm rights?https://firearmrights.cahttps://nfa.cahttps://cssa-cila.orgPrevious Thread: >>62937072
>>62945525I meant how the CAF pushes it and has some good tips but it soldiers don’t fucking listen.
Best truck gun?
>>62945950Pump 12 gauge that’s not made in turkey
>>62946001*pump 12 gauge that is either mossberg or over 20 years old.
>>62945950A shotgun since you can get small ones that are still NR (Shockwave, 590A1 Compact), and you can easily bring a collection of shells for different purposes.
>>62945950also keep in kind that if you want to store it in your car legally, it has to be NR, locked, and separate from ammo same as if you were storing it at home.
>>62946001>>62946067Benelli Novas aren't made in Turkiyeyeyeeeyyeee
>>62946152I forgot that Italians still made pump actions, their semi auto's are the goat.
>>62945950Keltec Plastic doesn't give a shit about maintenance >>62946127Fuck that
>>62946157IIRC Ithaca still makes their shotguns in Ohio, though they tend to be on the fancier/pricier side of things. Beautiful guns though.
>>62946152I had one because it was recommended here but it was too plasticy and the long forend taper felt strange
>>62945950Type 81 folder
>>62946295only if you circumcise it in dayz to get it even shorter
>>62946275Yeah forend is a big part of shotty preference, it's why I like Winchesters and Mossbergs more than Remingtons. Always felt the Remington 870 forend was too chunk and bulky with no grip.The Novas definitely look kind of odd and even dated, like very late 90s aesthetic.
>CHS scandalExplain
>>62946499Chink Halitosis Supply
>>62946499CHS buys cheap aliexpress NVG’s and marks them up thousands of dollars
>>62946127“Seperate from ammo” had no legal definition btw so uhhhhh good luck :^)
>>62946499Just a schizo who keeps trying to fake advertising in order to trigger another schizo who will go off about it for the next rest of the thread. Whole thing is gay.
>>62946545best practice would be ammo in a locked container. you can also just keep both the gun and the ammo together in a locked case.
>>62946561I see you
My Rough Ranger shoot 6 inches to the right at 50 yards. What are my options?
>>62946653>>62946667Can't say it didn't crossed my mind but no.
>>62946610You don't see shit faggot the whole situation is gay as fuck. I don't wanna see some retarded e-celeb on cangen, even if it's shitting on said retarded e-celeb. Fuck CHS fuck she who shall not be named but also holy fuck can we have a SINGLE FUCKING THREAD where it isn't brought up? FUck me.
You NEED a thermal defense umbrella.
>>62946646Aim 6 inches to the left at 50yards.
>>62946742If it was him he would have 0 issue mentioning and shitposting her.Anyways lets get this over with so we aren't going back and forth all thread.>chs selling chinkshitconfirmed>chs selling used goods and refusing returnsunconfirmed>chs shilling an instagram attention whoreconfirmed>instagram attention whore shilling chsconfirmedIf you are in the market for nods try and buy elsewhere. But you should really be spending the money on something better than to play dressup for some boogaloo fantasy
>>62946561Basically this, until schizo anon actually provides some proof for his claims I'm discounting him as a shitfag.>>62946610Dude just post some proof if you think you're providing some valuable service to us all with your inside scoop. Otherwise shut up about it, it's bordering on spam at this point.
Cooking up some deer steaks tonight boys. Should i marinade them?
>>62946791No you should marinate them.
>>62946499we are boycotting the only inexpensive source of nods because a schitzo here thinks the cheapest aliexpress digital gen 1 are just as good as analog gen 2+
>>62946791Nah you should serenade them.
>>62946803No the only inexpensive source of nods are the Russians and Ukrainians selling us PNV-57's. $9k is not cheap >>62946765>$200 offWow what a massive sale
>>62946190>Keltec>Plastic doesn't give a shit about maintenanceBecause it breaks regardless of how you maintain it.
>>62945826I like nods
>>62946610Based noticer. Ready the raid spray. >>62946765Based and reasonably-balanced opinion pilled. I don't wanna see that thing that tried to make a forced meme of herself, nor do I want it to economically benefit from Cangen. Women are fucking incapable of doing a hobby quietly, and Chinese are incapable of enjoying an activity on its own merits (gotta make a quick buck!).
I did it, I bought a henry levergat (.22)
>>62946765I thought this was photoshopped when someone mentioned it a few threads back holy shit lmao. What's the fucking point
>>62947105Everyone said to get the 88?
>>62947105lmao should have got a used mav88 and a cooey
>>62947021Nods are cool. I must be autistic because I want to walk in the dead of night looking at things thru nods.
>>62947184I wanted to that so I got some NVG10s off of aliexpress for like 300 bucks and a cheap iiia helmet. Well worth it. I'm not about to go into combat likely ever in my life, so for just night hiking it's based as fuck.
>>62947021if you had thermals you could have spotted the samsquanch
>>62947209it’s good to train with a heavy helmet anyway so your neck gets used to it
>>62947172>>62947182I didn't want to get a used 88 knowing someone else's sweaty hands finger fucked it before I did
>>6294722199% of my guns are used
>>62947229How do you sift through the shitty boomers with ridiculous pricing that I always find on EE
>>62947274i bought 99% of my guns pre oic and pre hyperinflation
>>62945950Tavor., or a shorty mossberg.>>62946646Hit here, with a dowel and hammer.
Cons are putting up a no confidence motion in regards to workers next week. Doubtful that even then fagmeat will support it despite his cries to help workers but it’s something about to happen isn’t it? Maybe we get some toys back for Christmas maybe?
Going to be refinishing this stock later on tonight. Going to go with linsneed oil with a satin finish. Any reason why I shouldn't go satin and take the matt coat? Going to do cold bluing another day
>>62947461there is no reason for him to side with the conservativesThey are winning until they cant anymore when the election in October is here. Jeetmeet is currently trying to try to distance himself from the liberals but not actually in practice. they are setting up for the election after 2025
>>62947477>there is no reason for him to side with the conservativesAside from the whole country going to shit, of course. That never stopped a politician though.
>>62947500>Aside from the whole country going to shit, of course. That never stopped a politician though.Long nosed "people"
>>62947461the bloc will side with trudeau for no reason if jagmeet betrays trudeau, canada is rigged
>>62947303>>62947334Thank you.
>>62947500It's not his country anyway so of course it wouldn't stop him
>>62947469>Going to go with linsneed oil with a satin finishFucking Based>Any reason why I shouldn't go satin and take the matt coat? Anything except gloss, is based.>Going to do cold bluing another dayAlso based, though cold bluing is kinda shite, it doesnt hold up well to wear and offers little to no rust protection.
>>62947808really? Im not sure what the steps are for regular bluing, ill have to look into it. you got any experience?
>>62945826>day four of UPS canceling delivery because it’s cold outside. Give me my ammo you fucks
Pic of my wife's holes
>>62947870disgusting any more?
>>62947870looks pretty blown out, i bet she's taken a ton of black powder
>>62947888Mutts law, kys cuck
>>62947838You need a furnace or something for hot bluing, not something most people can do at home, unfortunately, youd be taking it to a gunsmith.
>>62947900yeah because that's not the whole point of OP's phrasingntma
>>62947875here>>62947888>mentioning niggers in any capacity on my comfy general*sigh*
>>62947911>>62947917and she just opens up for people on the internet? Disgusted but interested. Whats her number?
>>62947922im sure you could find it somewhere in a Prince George gas station bathroom stall
friend bubbaed his sks but didnt replace the handguard.said something about the retaining pin refusing to come out even with a punch
>>62947954>retaining pinIt's a lever you flip forward to release a locking block that contains the first piston. What kind of fag ass fucktard is your friend? Getting the trigger pack out is arguably more difficult with how stuff that shitty little button is behind the trigger guard.
>>62947954Give me one good reason, why you are still frens with him?
>>62947931see pic>>62947954are u the anon that asked about how much a SKS stock was?
>>62947870what calibers?
D3crm or d3crx chest rigs?
>>62947954because hes a retard, ask him how he even will take the top cover off now without taking the whole thing apart>>62947967hes talking about the retainer that holds the wood on the gas tube. the pin is crushed on both ends so you have to drill out one side slightly to remove the part that was flattened down
>>62947967There's a pin that holds the handguard together. Needs to be removed to replace the wood with the poly that comes with that stock kit.
>>62948034Which ever one HeroOutdoors has.
>>62948006no, im NTA. i wouldnt spend an extra $200 just to bubba a stinky chinky shooter
>>62948034neither get a plate carrier and some plates
>>62948040>>62948045>hes talking about the retainer that holds the wood on the gas tube. the pin is crushed on both ends so you have to drill out one side slightly to remove the part that was flattened downAhhh my mistake. I thought those kits just came with the gas tube and guard as one piece.
>>62947967>>62947993>>62948040for posterity, i have already called him a nigger for this, just thought it was good for a laugh
>>6294802812/12/.222 they're never chambered in something common, only retarded fudd calibers like mine.would be nice to have one in 12/12/223 or 308
>>62948135im willing to be its also not even 2.75" or 3" shells but something wack like 2.5">>62948128the main problem with bubbaing an sks is that it ruins the ability to field strip. either by obstructing removal of the top cover or removal of the trigger group. its just a garbage deal
This is it boys....FALs in every home by Christmas.
>>629481472 3/4 thankfully
>>62946329Garbage guns. Don't allow yourself to be tricked into buying Israeli trash.
>>62948161>represtenting millions of canadiansI found it a bit jarring and odd, watching him in court being drilled on that like "so would you say, that your opinions are shared by all firearms owners" "are you speaking for all firearms owners"shits just kinda weird, but he replies logically like "i would like to think that most firearms owners agree with, but i cant really speak for everyone" etc
>>62948188chek'd, but post your chinkshit or kys, nigger.
>>62948188i wouldnt pay 3k for one. 2.5k for a brand new one is perfect because then that would mean the used market would be like 2k for one which is the most anyone should pay
>>62947870Didn't notice the 3rd hole at first glance, nice.How much does she weight though? I believe thats the main complaint with drillings, as a concept, theyre heavy bitches.
>>62948247And we shouldnt be paying 1.5k for t81's, 4k for brens or even 500 for sks'; but the market, and our economy, are straight fucked.
>>62948161Doubt it. For PP to undue what the turd did only plays back into the turds hands and whips those antis into a froth.Its a shitty time to be pro gun quite frankly.Of course theres always the arguement against the anti's that if one student was allowed to CC then the shooter could have been dropped sooner.
>>62948251about 8 1/2 or 9 pounds give or take.she's pretty so i dont take her innawoods much. more so just a range toy
>>62948260>Allowing people to carry or even buy guns, with the intention of using them on other humansAnon, this is cucknada, thats unthinkable, there is zero room for american nra culture up here.
just bought a semi-auto turkshit stoeger 3500 for $600 from a fudd who never fired itworth?
>>62948282>semi-auto turkshit>worth?Not even once.
>>62948282I wouldn't take turkshit if it was given to me for free.
>>62948282I've heard good thinks about Stoegers. If it runs well then you could definitely have done worse.
>>62948282600? are you kidding me you could got like an old auto 5 or old remington 11-47 for less
>>62948295no interchangeable chokes and some dont like steel, but it'll probably by next one
>>62948282You know what you have to do now, anon.>>>62948294Cowboy action shooters do use stoeger coaches. But i have never heard anything postive about turkshi semis.
>>62948299be my next one*
>>62948294You probably heard good things about Stoeger before they moved all their production to Turkey and just became another panzer arms/charles daly. They used to make really good firearms when they were American made.
>>62948299dude chokes are a meme just get good, and guns that dont like steel dont matter because a boomer already shot steel in it and fucked the barrel but it still works fine
>>62948286>>62948287perfect. i'll list it on gunpost for $1500 + tip
>>62948282"Never fired it" is like a car only driven to church on Sunday; bullshit.
>>62948305>steel dont matter because a boomer already shot steel in it and fucked the barrelAnother concern with steel is the higher pressures. Steel shot is usually higher velocity, to make up for its low wieght, has a bigger pressure spike, could be sketchy in a sketchy gun.
>>62948305i already said i was buying it next nigger >:(
>>62948310>i'll list it on gunpost for $1500 + tipThat gun can be bought brand new, right now, for $675. And turkshit only ever depreciates, it doesnt go up in value.
>>62948317well get your 600 back from some other tard first off
>>62948330Retards on gunpost will still eat it up. Its like you have to score a maximum of 80 to use gunpost (myself included)
>>62948330shit, forgot link>>>62948333Still, if youre asking more than a gun costs new, while its still avilable new, you are going to be waiting a long ass time for it to sell. unless you get lucky tricking a genuine retard.
>>62948333some guy on gunpost asked me if his dad could look at the gun and i said no and then he lowballed me. i guess he wanted his boomer dad to lowball me in person
>>62946765>>62947149It is fucking photoshopped. This isn't on the CHS site and it's bullshit FUD.
>>62948260>Its a shitty time to be pro gun quite frankly.Not really, with all the violent crimes and home invasions more Canadians than ever are looking for way to protect themselves. Heard some old boomer couple at Cabelas a few weeks ago that just bought a shotgun talking to one of the employees and they were just openly asking about which rounds were best for home defense lol. Who gives a fuck if anti gun lunatics get angry, they're always angry and luckily are all getting old and hopefully just die soon, of natural causes of course.
>>62948376Kill yourself retard
>>62948407Nope. She and her shills posted herself. She drew and posted fanart of herself and posted herself flipping off cangen on her surface 10, not to mention herself on a scale. You're a shill and probably a discord simp.
>>62948387Goyvidd helped too, people going in trying to get a gun, and experiencing for the first time, that our gun laws are more strict than they would like them to be. Still doesnt mean it isnt a shit time for gun owners tho.>>62948406cull your links. i now know where you live and how much blak'd pornogrqaphy you have watched this browser session.
>>62948413dont you think if we were being attacked by discord shills they wouldnt be focused on fucking nods of all things. theres way more stupid shit they could be shitposting aboout if they were actually here
>>62948034Neither, get an LBE setup
>>62948387>suffering from some kind of finfag ptsd stillAnyone who lived through it all, may never recover from that ptsd.>>62948434>what's your problem with her anyway?nta, but please go back
>>62948426Feminine gaslighting. Who benefits from people buying from CHS? also way to not address anything I said, shill.
>>62948434>what's your problem with her anyway?She's Chinese
>>62948260>For PP to undue what the turd did only plays back into the turds hands and whips those antis into a froth.The earlier he does it the better, after 3 or 4 years most people won't give a fuck.
>>62948441you realize theres only a handful of places in canada that even sell nods, not sure why youd want to boycott one of them because of finfag spamming 2 years agoi consider it just another source of equipment
>>62948454I doubt anyone will even care when he does it besides crazy cat ladies and boomers that still think Canada is the same happy go lucky place it was when they were kids.
>>62948471Gaslighting and now avoiding addressing the claims. You're either a woman or a moron (but I repeat myself). She posted herself constantly, that's a fact. You're making things up because you're retarded, a shill, or both.
>>62948482i honestly cant even remember the last time someone posted her picture here. youd think if discord shills were here they would be posting her every day
>>62948487Gaslighting doesn't work when there's an archive, bug. Go back.
>>62948473Its amazing the damage that can be done in just a generation or two.Most boomers parents owned guns, odds are the boomers shot those guns when they were kids, but exposure to propaganda starting in the 60's ruined them now most of them hate anything more than a woodstocked durr rifle.The following generations got even worse and holy hell has the propaganda been kicked up a notch since the mid 2000's. its ogre.
>posties still on strikeAnd nobody is doing anything. Not even the minister of labor.
>>62948498post it then, burden of proof is on you
For those that handload 30-06, give me your recipes and why you enjoy it>>62948473>>62948499picrel
>>62948511They are going to ruin Christmas for a lot of people. Probably what the gov is hoping for since it will really turn the public against them.
>>62948514trudeau is going to freeze that guys bank account, rip
Holy fuck we've been over this already. Cold harbor supply is ran by chinks, for chinks, selling chink night vision, and being shilled by a chink. Stop shitting up the general.
>>62948516Turn against who, the unions, Canada post, or the government.
>>62948511You expect any work to get done, with this is the president of the union?I wonder what her opinions are on firearms and firearms accessories.
>>62948512Flip us off on your IG again lmao, or post yourself being fat on the scale again kek, or post shitty fanart of yourself... Again rofl
>>62948530the government is probably hoping it will turn more people against the posties
>>62948511>>62948516Because Christmas is about Parcels? get fucked you consumergoyim faggots
>>62948537I sent Christmas lettermail to my family every year.
>>62948537yeh we all saw the grinch, anon.But it still works better with presents. or even >>62948541 letters
>>62948535lmao you think im her sheeeit
>>62948434>It's a cloned site and the L in "Cold" is a capital i.kek what the fuck that's a blatant lie; just copy the link into notepade and you'll see it's a proper lower-case letter.
>>62948568My mother is a saint.Who invited the meenie, to my comfy kangen? >:(
>>62948574heres the thing... there are other nods stores in canada that sell chinese equipment so why arent you boycotting those also
>>62948568You have no idea how much boomer and silents love Christmas lettermail. I do it because they appreciate it. Did you know I also call them regularly? you fucking cunt retard bitch NIGGER
>>62948568I got a present for you as well.
>>62948568>.t striking postie
>>62948638christmas has way too many pagan rituals in it, your pope is a dumbass for letting that slide
>>62948638Why do I have to be Catholic to send my elderly family lettermail? Are you stupid?
>>62948658based. another dumbass pope kicked you guys out because you were using leavened bread in communionits a joke that catholics think they have reign over worshipping jesus
>>62948660and iterally another dumbass pope said that jesus would save jews even though they dont even believe in him
>>62948532This is why I can’t stand this joke country. You literally can’t tell a normal Canadian to go onto the postal workers’ union website, look around, and report back their opinion on whether or not the union is a serious workers’ organization. You’ll just get gaslit because that’s the social requirement. It’s impossible to have a real discussion about whether the prevailing power axis / social paradigm in Canada should continue or not. You can’t even engage them on traditional socialist rhetoric. All they can do is gaslight and pretend. This country is so FUCKED. Guys look, we should be focusing on leaving the country any which way we can, as if we’re 3rd-worlders looking to emigrate.
>>62948677where do we run to? hyperborea? argatha?
>>62948680I really hope he expires soon.He's basically the equivalent of those prideflade preachers. He does not speak to or for God, but rather the potential for corruption in the church.Fuckin guns tho, lemme tell you about them.
>>62948742based guns mentioner
>>62947954Bully him until he accepts rifle is fine
>>62948584Here's the thing, you're financially invested. We see you.
>>62947021Me too desu
>>62948188Talk crap post gat. Tavors, along with the Bren 2, the G36, the sg-540, and the AR-180bs (the real ones not the canadian cope ones) are basically the only combat-used 5.56 guns you can get at this point
>>62948282I would not be paid to own a turkshit semi. Quite happy with my m4.
>>62948940I'd knock the SG-540 off that list as while its a reliable design the Chileans have been able to fuck it up.
>>62948407Yeah this. >>62948413Oh my goodness shut the fuck up lmfaooo
>>62948946Based chadnelli owner. Turkshit owners can keep coping.
>>62948940>>62948950The 180b is suspect, too. One of the worst og AR designs.
>>62948977its the worst ar-18 version but its still far superior to any 180c on the market
>>62948977Yeah it was supposed to be a cheap stamped short stroke piston alternative to the AR-10 and AR-15 but it was also built to be reliably enough to give to thirdies.
>>62948950Yeah the older ones with dipoter sights are cool as fuck though. The new ones with the dumb quadrails are gay as fuck tho
>>62948916Holy fucking cringe. Buy an ad
>>62949051clean your guns instead
>>62949051>AK-104I am very OK with this
>>62949051Context is everything.I need to know the ethnicity of you, your gf, and your side piece, in oreer to make an informed call.>picrelfugg, i wanted vss, plz.
>>62949074>realized vss isnt even one of the options.ok nvm, i am fine with this, short barrel folder would be based.
>>62949197you're taking advantage of your girlfriend leaving for 3 hours to go fuck a phillipino twink?
>>62949197You have still failed to tell me your own ethnicity. But regardless, based on the information you have given, i determine that you are a dirtbag, there is no reason to cheat on your woman for someone else of the same ethnicity.Regardless of who owns which firearms.
>>62949221>3 hours to go fuck a phillipino twink?East asian anon and not a twink faggot.>>62949224>>62949249I am Master Race
>>62949283plz picrel yourself, youve been posting about your miscegenation for awhile, and it will not earn you many friends here.
>>62946530until you can find me where they are sold this means they are the only source of these mystical chink nods, and that is fine. everything on aliexpress is digital or sketchy as fuck.apparently the chinese are making thermals for russia but i haven't been able to find anything for sale online that would actually be used in war so i think most of this stuff is closed off to consumers.
>>62948899>no blems Anon you’re not using them enough.
>>62948899I like this newd be the look nice, but not like they sideway.>>62947021>>62949899These newd look the blurringWhat newd look the nice but not the sideway?
>>62950312>look blurry It’s hard trying to take a photo with my phone through the tube. I hate taking off my helmet to grab a photo so I kinda always awkwardly place my phone in front my eye while wearing my tube to get a picture. I should get one of those nod cameras but uhhh I’m a cheap asshole.
>>62950330The blue newd isnt better than yours? just a better camera?
>>62949876i wouldnt be surprised if russians were using iray stuff
>>62949899Sorry, I try :(
>>629481842 3/4 will chamber in a 2.5 gun but it has minimal clearance for the shell to open so you get pressure spikes
any good 100% wool canadian made drip?I am bigoted against microplastics so no arcteryx/anything synthetic for me
>>62950384now your newd is the blurring too.
>>62950384Beautiful >>62950394Best bet check value village or any thrift store it won’t be “military” stuff but it’s wool and that’s all that counts. Most surplus stores will also carry wool sweaters from UK/CAF. Funny CAF story, a lot of the gear like underwear is made out of wool. When I left I had to hand in my wool boxers to be destroyed. I was upset I couldn’t keep em because they are like $30 a pair. I did smuggle out some socks. >>62950400So with nods you have to adjust it to your eye. Because everyone eye is different if you took someone’s nod it will look blurry, same with taking a photo. I’m linking a video here that describes it best.
>>62948940Shooting children isn't combat rabbi rabinovitch
>>62950394Bought Canadian made moose hide mittens from them before. They are good to go.
>>62950477>real wool shop >100% cotton I’ve never seen such bullshit.
>>62947870Put 2 in the pink and one in the stink
>>62949299>it will not earn you many friends here.What's the downside?
>>62950639Thread derailment.Now please get in the oven, sir.
>>62948161Eh I don’t think this will go well even with Sask and Alberta on team CCFR. Props for trying though.
>>62945826It’s out
>>62950667>Thread derailment.And what's the downside?
>>62950849did they fix it this time
>>62950849i Cannot wait for the next cycle of; Anons talking themselves into buying one, arguing with everyone. Buying it and trying to convince themselves and everyone else that there nothing wrong with it, arguing with everyone. A few months later finally admitting that it broke, or just going silent, disappearing into the aether.
>>62950898The only real test for how long a gun will last is the cangen shitposting test - how long anons still post theirs after purchase. There are some tavors, skses, type 81s, and maverick 88s on /cangen/ that've been here for years. Ergo, I trust those guns. Never seen someone post a wk-180c more than two or three times. There was one type 97 anon, but he clearly fucked off for whatever reason.
>>62950914Just goto any kind of tactical competition.People will brag about how many hundreds of rounds theirs lasted.
>>62950914turk shotgun guys come and go also, i was one of them though but i tossed it when the gimmick wore off
>>62950849> new trend of taking the handguard all the way until the end of the fbarrel has to be the ugliest fucking thing ever. How did they manage to make it look uglier and jankier than the gen 2?
>>62950928Yeah I've got a turkshit pump gun that I've posted a few times (it's one of the painted ones) it's just a cheap target-load truck gun to lend to newguns if they wanna try shooting clay pigeons. Wouldn't trust it to anything real.
God help me I'm unironically considering a lockhart raven
>>62951001Buy a copesader crypto and mill out the magwell. Just like that you can have a budget ATRS set.
>>62951001can't you just be happy with what you've already got? fucking niggerbrained retard
>>62951025If the Crypto had a normal magwell it would essentially be one of the lowes ARs available in north america with 6061 aluminum and a dogshit barrel, bad QA, unpromising accuracy results on youtube, etc. Basically a Norince CQ AR, except for $2,000.The Raven has a bunch of downsides especially on the pricing side, but at least on paper its specs are good and accuracy results on youtube seem fine. It's basically a jankier looking ATRS modern sporter in terms of its position in the market (purpose/price/function).
>>62951031What do I already have you spaztic?
>>62951059Are you literally a nogunz?
>>62951050Source me on the poor accuracy. of the copesader. I assume you are talking about the completed builds they are selling for $2000 rather than just the receiver sets you can buy for $1000 and put your own stuff on. I would personally never buy a lockshart raven even if it is good. Proprietary charging handle, bolt, and ugly receiver is such a turn off. And the onions consooomer tier pricing system is extremely distasteful.
>>62951001get an lmg instead
>>62951073Don't listen to anon he's trying to get you to buy clumsy overpriced chinkshit. Buy an X95 if you can afford it or an SKS if you can't. There is no semi auto in the $1000-$2000 range worth getting other than a 1301/A300 or an SKS-D meanwhile in the $2000-$3000 range you have the AR-180b, X95, TAR-21, SL8, and others.
>>62951001>God help meOpen your bible, my son.See if you can count how many times "Canada" or "lockhart" appear.Now count how many times the words "Israel" and even "Tabor" appear in the texts.Use this newfound knowledge and perspective to guide you, to the righteous path.
>>62951082Where did this meme that the OG 180b is a good rifle come from? It's a stamped piece of mass produced shit, unironically a western equivalent of the T81
>>62950849Just gonna wait for the oic to be tossed by Pierre at this point with these prices ffsAt least then I know what I’m getting
>>62951091It looks cool, its OG Armalite, and it has the blessings of Eugene Stoner. It is overpriced now but anything that isn't dogshit is going to be expensive. Also even the jankiest AR-180b is still going to be far more accurate and better put together than the best T81's.
>>62951095Yeah its a shame in early 2020 you could get a Diemaco SA20 for the price that some of these cope rods are going for now.
>>62951102If these were cheaper, like 900-1200 then yeah I’d actually look into getting one or maybe two of the nicer ones. They could be filling a potential niche then, but with all these problems and breakages people run into and how much you’re shelling out what’s the point when you can nuts wait 1 year at most and getting something that is quality again?I get that manufacturing is expensive but fuck guys. Nice “canadian” quality if you charge neatly 2k for a rifle that not only looks and feels meh at best but just has parts break out of the box
I really hate to admit it but anything that was prohibited by the May 1st OIC back in 2020 is going to be at least 25%-50% more expensive if and when it becomes legal to buy again.
>>62951149I know. I try not to think about it. Or at least when I do look at the time from then to now and tell myself it’s just more time to save for something
>>62951149Dude, try 100-150% more expensive. The retailers are literally allowing their inventory to be "bought" by the government as we speak.
>>62951149Lmao! What makes you think that? I'm pretty sure any retailers that had any of the banned guns would have found a way to offload them in the past 4.5 years. Any boomers that have them in hand, if they decide to sell, will list for 10x. Try adding at least two zeros to your estimates. Also, it will take a LONG time for retailers to import more, so probably at least a year, maybe two, before new imports can have an effect on boomer pricing
>>62951181>retailers that had any of the banned guns would have found a way to offload themYeh, RDSC offered to buy them all.
>>62951181Most retailers did not export their inventory so they're currently sitting on em, but the buyback for retailers has begun and many business owners are making the arithmetic business decision to sell to the gov, so your point is directionally correct. Some madlad owners will wait until after the election, so they'll have stuff to sell, but yeah an AR selling for $800 in 2020 like an M&P sport II will probably go for like $2000 in 2025. If not more. Forget supply restrictions, the CAD itself is worth like 2/3 compared to 2020.
>>62951171>>62951181Isn't part of them being prohibbed that they cannot transported? How would they sell them?
>>62951001it's fucking retarded looking. If you want a $3000 (after gay pricing for normal features) 5.56, buy a x95, a sg-540, a bren 2, or an sl8 or something instead. Hell, even a crypto
>>62951204They can't. Legally, their two options up until now is Exporting them or sitting on them. That changed this month when their got a third option, allow the gov to "buy" them "back". We don't know what prices the gov is offering but the first retailers have begun this process.
>>62951095wait till youre dead
>>62951195> CAD itself is worth like 2/3 compared to 2020This is actually a good thing and it helps our economy
>>62951546>it helps our economyBy robbing the working class of the value of their savings
>>62951204not a legal expert or whatever but I imagine that it would fall under the same category as companies that make bombs or whatever, can't sell to the public but can export
I've come to terms with the fact that I'm losing my hearing and shooting is definitely accelerating it, even when doubling up earpro which I always do. I have to sell all my 556 stuff and can only shoot "quiet-ish" guns like 22lr, 9mm subsonics, and maybe 410 now... feels bad man
>>62951606I find x39 out of my t81 isn't so bad. When I wasbatbthe range a year or 2 back, a guy next time mebeas shooting the 556 keltec thingy and that gun was vile. Too loud
>>62951546when the cad was on par with the usd a decade ago we were getting brand new glocks for $600 and used ones for $400
>>62951696Idk your the dumbass that moved next to a gun range
>>62950898>>62950914>>62950849>>62950896The people that bitch about a gun not working are usually the retards that shove dirt into the action and try to mimic "real combat situations" to see if the gun breaks or not. When it does its suddenly a piece of shit, they post online that its a piece of shit, and blame everyone else for their lack of mechanical aptitude and no crayons to munch on.These are light duty range toys and should be treated as such. Out of the box they need to be cleaned, screws degreased/retorqued all over, and proper lube applied to the moving parts. I bet they'll run quite nicely when treated properly.
>>62952288If a gun does not work out of the box it is a piece of junk. And when you have major parts a few hundred rounds in (if it makes it past 100 rounds to begin with) break while doing light duty range stuff like redditors do and on top of that asking $1500 plus for them>.t former 180 cope owner who's rifle exploded on the second mag.
>>62951149This is why I'll buy US made ARs at low prices. Fuck Canada and fuck their pot metal shitrods
>>62952449Reading comprehension isn't your strong point i guess. We are never seeing $700 M&P 15's again. We'd be lucky to get Norinco AR's for less than $1000
>>62950496>Canadian madeyeah by jeets in a sweatshop in Hongcouver
Just going to be driving near tenda tomorrow but haven't had time to look for any deals... Anyone know if there's any crazy deals to be had at tenda right now for black Friday?
>>62952497Stop supporting those communists.
Any anons try out the vz61 scorpion? seems like the closest you can get to a handgun for now but if its just a shitty plinker ill just save til pp lifts the ban
>>62952459Reading comprehension isn't your strong point i guess. Even PSA ARs are better than Canucks coperods
>>629524979mm 115gr for 0.305 CPRHelluva deal>>62952504Oh and support Jews instead?
>>62952401Well clearly you didn't follow the break in procedure.
>>62952641Normal guns shouldn’t have break in procedures. In any event, in the case of the wkek it’s just a “breaking procedure” (firing the gun) moreso than a break-in procedure, so the point is moot
>>62952749I think he was being sarcastic and quoting redditors and snake oil salesmen like JR Cox.
>>62952749I remember the company that made the M10X saying that you were supposed to fire 200 rounds of brass cased ammo to break in the gun before you could use steel.
>>62952288>>62952319yes its the end users fault that they are now in the 3rd gen with this piece of shit
>>62952521Yeah it’s good
Any recommendations for a new red dot?
In my spare time compilation of information on the historical use of handguns in Western Canada I came across this on Reddit. Appears to be a Whitney Navy based off of the top strap, the loading lever and the frame design. It was dug out of someones garden on Vancouver island. The sooner that the Historica Heritage Minute lie that “men don’t wear pistols in Canada” is put to rest the better.Realistically, my guess is this wheel gun was this probably brought up during the gold rush from San Francisco or Seattle as there was direct ferry service from those cities to Victoria. How it ended up being forgotten in what became someone’s garden is a mystery. Thought some of you might find it interesting.
>>62951546Whose economy is “our” economy?
>>62952894Everyone's economy, chud! #TeamCanada
>>62952882Vortex crossfire for cheap but decent (made in China). Aimpoint M4/PRO if you don't mind spending $700-$1100. (Swedish)
>>62952882what gun and what budget
>>62951556Glad i spent all my savings during early goyvidd.Ive been rebuilding it ofc, but i was able to use it to buy way more shit than i wouldve been if i held onto it all until now.>>62951606Losing your hearing is actually a lifehax.With ~90% hearing loss you wont have to wear earpro anymore, just turn off your hearing aids. great for ignoring your wife, children and vile jew propaganda from the tv, too.Then on a whim, you can crank those bitches and have super hearing like batman and navigate at night with echo location based on the sound of your farts and rickety bones.>>62952288>the retards that shove dirt into the action>These are light duty range toys and should be treated as suchGot a mild chuckle out of me, gj anon.>>62952890>The sooner that the Historica Heritage Minute lie that “men don’t wear pistols in Canada” is put to rest the better.Amen
>>62953044Its hard to believe people were stupid enough to put their trust in BCL again even after all the other 180 copes turned out to be lemons but lo and behold, redditors really are the dumbest people on the internet. Imagine how many more cases we would be hearing about if people actually took these rifles innawoods and tried to use them instead of only bringing them out of the safe to post pictures to reddit.
>>62952548>Oh and support Jews instead?two sides of the same coin dawg
>>62952882Vortex sparc
>>62952920>>62952894Just get with the vibe bros >actual quote from freeland look it up.
>>62952467Work as a truck driver,Been inside so many "made in Canada/USA" factories Its all jeets/spics
>>62953305Its so sad. You'd like to support Canadian businesses but then they cheap out like that.
>>62953305It’s truck driving all jeets? While I’m at it when I left the CAF all the new officers were jeets.
>>62953351Yeah, it's massively jeet-dominated for a bunch of reasons. There was massive pressure to keep shipping costs down starting several years back, and the only way to do this was to squeeze driver pay (the cost of trucks, maintenance, and fuel are hard to manipulate). As you can see, trucking companies are always hiring because they burn through drivers so quickly.Incidentally, stories you hear about jeets cutting holes into the bottoms of their trucks so that they can shit while the truck is still being driven are true.
>>62953351most of them pay to work, or work so cheap its almost less than minimum wage now. Ive moved on to Hazmat which kind of protects me because you need a Fast card(which they cant get) but i still get calls from jeet companies offering me 700 a week to do 3 New York cities loads a week XD
>>62953305You need to get into a more specialized field of trucking anon, I deal with 0 nons as long as I don't stop in one shit hole for coffee
>>62953351>>62953305It's been 10 years since I saw a white person (or at least non-jeet) driving a truck.I wonder how many of them have real licences
>>62953383I tried for tanker, but not enough exp, they need 5 years i got 3. Even applied for fly in in NL and Sask even yellowknife lol
>>62953405Oh, the licenses are always real. It's just that they're either someone else's or they paid off the examiner or they went all the way to a different province with lower testing requirements.
>>62953405They stack up too, there's like 5 of em in a truck and they all just take turns driving. It's why they have holes in their cab floors, they never have to stop except to re-fuel so if someone has to crap they just shit out the floor onto the road.
>>62953443>Incidentally, stories you hear about jeets cutting holes into the bottoms of their trucks so that they can shit while the truck is still being driven are true.Way of the road Saar, way of the road.
>>62953443Every time I hear this I almost can't beleive it. It's so disgusting it can't be true. But I know it is because I've heard it from people who work on trucks.>>62953453kek
>>62953407>not enough expTime to start leveling up>
>>62953465>>62953453They literally shit everywhere. They shit on beaches. Saw a lady scrape the shit out of a dirty diaper onto the edge of a picnic table at a public beach when I was a teenager. She put the diaper back on the baby. It's seared into my brain.
>>62953498Shit to jeets must be like sand, or wood - just a completely mundane material that isn't worthy of any special attention. I wonder if they can even smell it.
>>62953528it's far worse than that, they enjoy it:
>>62953421We need to have more restrictions on them. Too many jeets killing people in trucks they don’t know how to drive. If highway patrol started checking immigration papers for every truck they pulled over, the problem would start sorting its self out…. Or not since our CBSA inland team and courts are ass.
>>62953559>I had like, 2 bottles of vodka, sar>Like little ones, big ones?>Big ones sar> love guns tho
>Tell /cfg/ that I'm getting an Archangel mod for my 10/22>Everyone says not to>I get it anyway>It's a cheap plastic peice of shit that doesn't fit together, has incomprehensible instructions, is missing at least one screw, and has such sharp plastic corners that I manage to scrape the skin off three fingers and bleed everywhere putting it together
>>62953659Congratulations.You played yourself.
>>62953659We told you so.
>>62953659Now you have to follow through with the prophecy and list it on gunpost for twice what you paid for it so the next retard can make the same mistake.
>>62953659Looks badass though
>>62953659>Everyone says not toTo be fair, one anon did encourage you, and should probably be shot for it. You even thanked him for his comment.>>62939707>>62940596
>>62953705i wouldnt be surprised if it was just him samefagging
>>62953659theres only one gun on the market where converting the furniture is a requirement
>>62953705I felt it was worth $350 just to make it look cool>>62953757It wasn't
>>62953782Everything made by gsg is shit, look it up on any forum and people regret buying it
>>62953808i have zero regrets. i got the stg44 and mp40 also.
Bump limit hit baked early >>62953846>>62953846>>62953846>>62953846
>>62953818the 9mm mp40?
>>62953351>all the new CAF officers are jeetsI can imagine they will be very good at following orders from higher ups but also incredibly inefficient and nepotistic about things. For a laugh you should read the part in Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger where his unit encounters some Indians on the Western front and how the Jeets get fucking massacred and keep saying “Anglais pas bon” upon being captured. Reading that part of the book it felt almost like a comedy, reminded me of that MDE sketch 100% taxes. Indians had any competence in military matters they wouldn’t have been conquered by the Aryans, the Mongols & the British East India Company which managed to control India with only a few thousand men and a few hundred thousand sepoys controlling millions of Indians.
>>62953443Do they gang rape lot lizards as well?
>>62953453Why don’t the police enforce seatbelt tickets and fine the companies for violating occupational health and safety laws? >>62953528Let’s be frank, they use so much seasoning in their foods they probably like how it smells
>>62953808My friend has one, he seems to like it. It is admittedly pretty fun to shoot.