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Thread for AFAB reppers.
>What makes you happy?
>Are there any weird/minor things that help you alleviate dysphoria?
What is happy?
I think pretending to jerk off and watching my hand move up and down under the covers is weird enough.
Hi ferg you're back
Yay femrepgen is back
Daily reminder this is thread only for AFAB repressors.
No pooners, no troons, no AMAB repressors, no clg posters etc.
>>Are there any weird/minor things that help you alleviate dysphoria?
T, going to gym, expressing myself freely to my self and living life like myself. Rep if you really can't come out.
>What makes you happy?
music, nature. gay shit like that
>Are there any weird/minor things that help you alleviate dysphoria?
Drawing is pretty fun and it helps me feel OK with my body since I'm using my hands to make cool things at least. Not sure if that's small or weird though.
Reading and trying new beverages I've never tried before. Living life as an amateur, hobbyist food critic can be pretty fun.
Drastic changes in demeanor and presentation from one context to another. I have to be highly feminine at work, so the drastic change once I'm off work can be deeply refreshing and cathartic.
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What would you do if I forcefully injected 100 mg of testosterone cypionate into your body every week, without your consent as you slept?
take your shots, retards
>I have to be highly feminine at work
are you a flight attendant or something
>Daily reminder this is thread only for AFAB repressors.
but how else can i get my based ftm repper gf? but ok i'll just lurk
Fuck off and die
>no clg posters
About that...
>only for AFAB repressors
>no clg posters
Look, you can post if you're not going to be annoying and post shit like "take your shots/get pregnant" etc.
If you post something that is actually related to AFAB repressing and if you aren't just some annoying pooner or troon shiting up this gen you're welcome here anon.
You should get pregnant though
Most of clg posters are TERFs larping as actual repressors just to spread their bullshit here
I guess I should just said no TERFs larping as us
Take shit ton of estrogen.
Assume god answered my prayers
how would your body being a temple make you exempt from paying taxes on other property and candy
I’m injecting you with E blockers too
The logic is pretty straightforward.
>acknowledge there is no such thing as a woman with a dick
>acknowledge there is no such thing as a man with a vagina
>good god, trannies are uncanny
>repress for that very reason
It just works.
>post shit like "take your shots/get pregnant" etc.
nah thats boring
Front desk secretary. There's etiquette guidelines I have to follow.
Realistically looking only AMAB repressors should be allowed. At least we have something in common.
Everyone else needs to fuck off.
Then you're allowed to post anon
But I wish I have taken estrogen blockers before puberty
>Then you're allowed to post anon
ok but i might sometimes mention that ftm reppers should sometimes let out their frustrations by domming boys :3
What kind of man do you want to be?
I wish I was a man
I wish I was a man
I wish I was a man
I wish I was a man
I... WISH....I...WAS...A...MAN
I... WISH....I...WAS...A...MAN
I... WISH....I...WAS...A...MAN
I... WISH....I...WAS...A...MAN

>girl dinner
When will it end the fuck. When will we be free of this rancid femaleness. Why couldn't we be the true repgen
That's because WE ARE female you fucking moron.
just use regular repgen
Lot of stuff, I'm pretty easily pleased for the most part. I celebrate the first time I see grass after winter like it's a holiday and shit like that. Don't need anything special to happen to feel like a day is perfect.

Mindfulness and learning to be present with a clear head did a lot for me. Meditation etc
Good shit to feel happy about. Also that's not a small or stupid thing you being able to draw and appreciate your body for allowing you to do that; things like that can really mean everything.
I'm a light sleeper, wouldn't happen.
The other repgen is largely mtf and has a different vibe so this existing just makes sense.

Can't control who turns up unless you make a discord or something.
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Keep wondering if I should do drag as a coping mechanism. I don't like how weird and sexualised the culture is but eh, could be fun. 50/50 if it would help or push me further towards pooning out tho.
What is this a reference to? Sounds exactly like my mom.
>Why couldn't we be the true repgen
Mtfs and ftms will never relate tbhon.
t. AMAB repper who thinks FTM transition is absolute body horror. The best part about being male is I will never be a pooner (but I could be a hon if I troon which is probably not much better)

>I’m injecting you with E blockers too
Are these a thing?
>Are there any weird/minor things that help you alleviate dysphoria?
I don’t do this currently, but I used to larp as a guy on discord servers. I got pretty good at taking low quality photos that I looked male in that I would post in selfies channels, and they’d compliment me kek
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Idk if I count as a repper, I'm not against the idea of transitioning, and nothing is stopping me except laziness and social anxiety
And European trainers have to get looked over by sexologists for some reason, and I'd spill my pasta because I'd hate and fumble audibly explaining my condition
I did this for a very long time, not the pictures but everything else, started as a kid. Stopped because I wanted authentic connections.
It still wouldn't do shit.
I did fucking Nebido for years and didn't pass.
>Are these a thing?
Tamoxifen is somewhat of an estrogen blocker, at least a selective one
How do you cope with dysphoria
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>What makes you happy?
cute kawaii slop like sanrio, gloomy bear, sonny angels, rilakkuma. they are my friends
>Are there any weird/minor things that help you alleviate dysphoria?
binding my chest…. am i allowed to say that here?
>I used to larp as a guy on discord servers
lmao me unfortunately most of my online friends think im a boy
If you ever decide to tell them the truth it'll probably go well, it did for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There were either zero fucks given, multiple positive reactions, and one even told me he was in love with me shortly after and that was lifechanging because years later and we're still a thing.

They all thought I was joking or coming out as a tranny so I had to show them myself and let them hear my voice and whatnot but yeah really positive experience overall.
im never gonna tell them are you kidding me its like a little glimpse into my dream life do yk how hard it is to get male friends who won’t ending up doing this:
>and one even told me he was in love with me shortly after
I know it can happen a lot (though I get that more from randoms who don't know me and just think they do because they've seen me and know a handful of things about me), but in my case it went well. Being fair that happens with friends of both genders anyway.

It's just sort of empty to connect with people without truly being yourself, can't ever meet them or talk to them outside of a screen etc when you're hiding. That became depressing to me so I stopped. I dont like shallow connections
ughhhhhhhh i know it’s bad but i don’t even know the real me
It would all aromatize, you would need estrogen blockers or some shit as well
t. forcemasc fetishist who dreams about this shit
We're not really dysphoric
exactly we just want to be cis men
Forcemasc pervert sounds like a fucking dream come true I hope you land a good little victim
That sounds like something you should find out, I know it probably doesnt seem like it but things like that can actually help dysphoria and everything else really.
Hey hey... And how about you're my good little victim
If that sounds like a dream come true to you then I don't see why you'd bother repressing. Reason to not transition is not wanting the end result in the first place.
Larping as a man online while talking with cis men feels so good
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They're just memes. No references
I remember you, I like these memes do you have more?
Here's an imgur album with all of them

Every time I see a cis man I want to dig up a hole and burn myself there.
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So real, queen
what if i'm a mtftm repressor (I'm post op and all so i'm pretty much stuck being a girl now...)
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Never forget that every one of you guys is special and unique and worthwhile. The concept of a girl who wishes she could be strong and independent like a man due to rape trauma is so fucking sexy. I wish I could touch every last one of you up and down, fondling your barely legal college age nipples and smelling your sexy feminine skin that you hate so much from 1 inch away. God youre so fucking hot
are u nick mullen?
>no clg posters
yet this thread was posted in clg… curious
I can be whatever you want, babe ;)
I don't really hate cis men.
It's just envy.
You make me want to die.
Fuck you.
What is so hot about autistic bitches with dysphoria? Why not just find a normal woman?
>smelling your sexy feminine skin
I smell like stinging sauteed onions
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Your plump and curvaceous pixar mom bodies coupled with your yandere, wanna-be masculine personalities. Oh, I cant get enough of your lack of agency and self-respect.

ty nona <3
>Your plump and curvaceous pixar mom bodies
im built like a door
What's your letter? Just normal cishet guy or?
prove ur nick mullen by having sex with ur dad
You have vaginal hole. Which means you're suffering. everyone who have vaginal hole is suffering and ones who have womb are suffering and living in hell.
You can sit with us.
Every autist has body image issues and avoidant attachment styles basically. They want a cat, basically.
Almost there. If it was about not having a christian "normal" daughter or constantly dropping hints to give up, get married and give her grandkids it would be my mom.
Lot of stuff, would be hard to make a list.
oops vocaroo was for another thread
i can feel my heart aching when i think about having a completely flat chest
just remember the only way to get a flat chest involves losing all sensation in your chest
were all these memes made by an ftm repper?
i have almost forgotten what it used to feel like back when i was a child.

don't care about that, but a completely flat chest looks weird on an adult woman. unless you're a narrow-hipped skelly, of course.
>i have almost forgotten what it used to feel like back when i was a child.
same but i remember how it felt when my mom took me shopping for bras for the first time hahaha :(
>in love with a transbian
yep it's fucking over
another reason to not poon out!
transbian hands wrote this
i was a really cute 6' twink but i threw it all away to be an ugly tranny recluse who creeps everyone out
how does that make you feel?
my mom didn't like discussing "sexual" topics and expected me to know things out of thin air, so i just ignored puberty until classmates started teasing me for being a retard. then she bought me a random bra (wrong size ofc) and it gave me bruises. good times.
yeah cool the person I love can see me as and be attracted to me as the person I hate being
I cried going up to the elevator to the womens section and begged my parents that I didn't need a bra but they made me get one anyway. Awful day
The one medieval guy who wrote about femaleness being inherently satanic is probably right
if I wasn't princess of all femlets/womanlets at 5'3" and testosterone wasn't so hard on the body with the health issues AND I could mitigate/manage some of the hair growth from it I could see myself transing out maybe.
I was a reverse trap as a child. for years. then more or less grew out of it although of course part of it was no longer being able to get away with it due to social scrutiny and puberty.
I don't know what the fuck the average trans person is talking about, they're not grounded in material reality and I don't connect with that. I have always been interested in masculinity, androgyny and I am fucking sick of my breasts. just tired of hauling them around, fed up with the under breast sweat, how they feel in the summer heat. I kind of want top surgery without going on testosterone or transitioning otherwise.
>have almost forgotten what it used to feel like
part of all of this is due to the world hating femaleness but I feel there's also simply: I miss my chest. I miss how streamlined it was. that was the chest I had for the first 9.5 years of my life. I got used to it one way, then it changed. I liked my chest back then. being outside and running around shirtless without any additional weight on my ribs was nice.
>males: born with flat chest, pp and balls, even with the balls descending later on their bodies mostly stay put
>females: born with flat chest and vulva; suddenly their chest goes convex along with sides of hips
I did not care for this sweeping change in my body, I liked it better when it was more aerodynamic.

I don't hate my femaleness, I don't have the gender feels after childhood that trans people report, I just miss my chest and want it back.
>cue flashbacks to when i would pretend the bra was actually a bandage and i was a wounded soldier, very heroic, so it was fine
>also wishing for breast cancer at 15 because i didn't know shit and thought the treatment consisted of a single surgery
5'3 is an inch below average for a woman, not sure why so many women are convinced they're super short at that height. The universal average female height is 5'4.

That being said I used to feel that way too like "maybe I'll just get top surgery and that'll be enough," but surgery has risks that just leaving yourself alone doesnt so I never went that route. Not to mention one option is free even if it's not ideal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>The universal average female height is 5'4.
being female is a disability
Men tend to get a lot more body hair, their voice and faces change. It's not like they stay relatively the same post puberty, if they did I'm sure most people who feel dysphoric and transition wouldn't develop all the issues they have with their own bodies. Women dont change more than men do, we just change differently, but it's really more or less equivalent in terms of how different.
Not at all, no reason to tear down all women just because you feel dysphoric. There's nothing wrong with women or being a woman, dysphoria is just a painful thing to experience, but the perspective of what's an individual issue and what isn't has to be applied. Just having something against women in general and feeling dysphoric indicates a need to look at whether or not the feelings towards women stem from dysphoria or if the dysphoria itself is a product of your feelings towards women.
I kind of like my vagina hole though
that's how tall I am
you misinterpreted my post, reading past
>Not at all, no reason to tear down all women just because you feel dysphoric
was pointless
All ftm reppers should get a subby bf so they can take all their frustrations out on him :3
I know that and yet I can't reach the top of the supermarket shelves. women do the majority of household shopping and the top of the shelves I cannot reach.
I'm looking at everyone's height, men included, when I think of mine basically.
it's only one inch below average, sure... and that is actually quite fucking short to go through life with.
both sexes get fur although the voice thing, yes. the point is: sudden body anatomy just there! it was weird.
I got a service top hyper butch that'll get top surgery then stop there.
I fucking hate my life.
so what's stopping you lot from transing out? short? health risk of t?
You're disabled because you have female traits. That's why you're here with us.
Being a woman and looking like a woman is curse and disability.
There is nothing more disgusting on this planet than that.
damn girl, I just miss my flat chest... I suppose I feel some repulsion over female anatomy yet I sort don't give a fuck either. too much time spent being occupied with surviving and misery maybe or from just not being able to actually change sex perhaps. in a sense, who cares? it's a body.
By the time i was 15, i had very large breasts. Unusually large for my size , which was always bordering on underweight. I was actually a statistical anomaly and they borderline disabled me because i could hardly do any other movements than light walking. No jumping or running. I couldn't bind them down, obviously, so i just overlayed 3 sports bras on top of each other. It was hell. When i went to a consultation at the doctor they told me my breasts were composed of 90% tissue or something , so very little fat like how breasts are usually supposed to be. I took all of this as a sign from god that i should never transition, i did get a reduction though which went kind of badly and now my breasts look a bit deformed but i did get slight relief. I'm still suicidal though
I never saw a pooner who pass and looks hot it's always bearded women or ugly goblin male. No thanks.

Too scared of detransing. Rather live in misery like I'm used to and hope the dysphoria goes away eventually than humiliate myself and become a sideshow freak.
I need a FTM repper friend

T. MTF repper
Tfw she sissified you to vent her masculine dominance

Also I like to see a ftm regressor get sissified and wear a shiny satin maid dress
Well I just want a repper friend. I tried to be friends with MTF reppers but they all have personality disorders, and not the fun kind.
I'll be your friend, I used to rep. I am going to undo your shame and guilt and make you a proud Stacy Chad tranny
No thanks sounds cringe.
I'm too much jealous of cis men sorry
Take estrogen for a year and we can talk then
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but im not cis.
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Makes me want to have brutal sex where I top you. Trannies are so kino, the ex-man factor makes me horny as hell. It, stupidly, is one of the few things that alleviates my dysphoria
Sorry for you that you regret something you hoped would help you. Not much else to feel about it.

Being fair bra sizes are fucking confusing and weird and I only somewhat recently even learned mine (I'm in my 30s)

Hence why I said "tend to get a lot more" on their face included.

I'm just under 5' and I manage ok, nothing good is ever up there anyway.

I no longer have dysphoria but prior to that I'm just under 5', have some very feminine features, found out about transitioning not just being mtf when I was older, have male relatives who look like Franciscan monks, didn't want to be some in between thing (I can find people who have transitioned attractive but there's a difference between my own body and someone else's), didn't want to go through the hassle of seeing doctors and dealing with all that shit, didnt want to go through the hassle of name changes, didn't want an internal issue dictating my life, had mixed feelings about doing it spiritually, have been dealing chronic health issues that made me afraid of taking certain risks and that also made a lot of things pretty impossible (years ago I had points where I was near bedbound and they'd last a long time), being unsure of what the end result would be and even more unsure that it wouldn't make me even more dysphoric to have done all of that and still feel off (and potentially worse off because as is I'm normal)

It was always a million things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Might want to check to see where all that bitterness you have is coming from, the root cause and unraveling it could help you a lot.
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Girls, what would you do if:

1. You would get raped?
2. You would get raped and pregnant?
3. You would get raped, pregnant and forced to carry and give a birth?
Take your hand out of your pants no one is going to play your game so you can jerk off to the responses and you keep posting ftms that look like twinks when probably no one here looks like that or is your type unless they're a ftm peeking in. Even in that case they'd know who you are and already dislike you so you won't get what you want from them either.
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Please please please I'm normal please I beg of you please please please
just for not being very tall? that shouldn't matter
>mom is 5'2
>all of her family is short
>dad is at 6'0
>all of his family is short
>i'm 5'8
dodged a bullet. kinda scary when you think about how much worse my dysphoria could have been. i still seethe when i see a taller guy sometimes kek
I don't mind my height as a woman but I would have if I transitioned. As is I always have leg room and can sleep comfortably in cars and shit.
reminds me of when incels hate their 6'0 dad for marrying their short 4'11 mom making them stuck at 5'6. its funny because a common incels talking point is that short women should not breed so their sons arent stuck being short themselves, and ive seen that exact same sentiment among ftms and ftm reppers
>short women should not breed so their sons arent stuck being short themselves
and daughters. especially daughters.
>I tried to be friends with MTF reppers but they all have personality disorders
like what?
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We are friends now
what's the end goal of repping? how do you define success?
Generally speaking most people expect this to be a lifelong issue so there's no end game other than living the best life possible while dealing with a painful issue. My dysphoria is gone, but before that happened I expected it to be a forever thing, so my only thought ever was "How do I live with this?" and that's a day by day thing.
>what's the end goal of repping?
unless it's actually impossible for you, if the means are within reach you WILL end up trooning eventually. if your means of repping is hanging out here it's already too late for you
Not true, not everyone turns out this way but it's a narrative people who have transitioned like to push. It's some validation thing just like silencing detransitioners.
I don’t mean this in a rude way at all, I’m genuinely curious for my own sake: Why do you still come to the board?
Today I saw my naked body and instead of feeling disgust and pain I felt AGP! Developing it works!
No it's because you are short take estrogen and have vaginal canal

Being a woman is being a subhuman
AMAB Repressors are cis men with gender dysphoria
AFAB Repressors are cis women with gender dysphoria
I'm not that short and the estrogen is just for health and the vagina is useful when I want to have sex it's not really something that makes me subhuman
Yes, yes it does
The more you're close to looking like a woman the more you're close to being subhuman because women are subhumans.
And with this all being said, I'm even bigger subhuman than you.
I just wish I am 6'5 and born with gigantic shoulders, head, hands, rape stick and most masculine facials features ever in combination of hunter eyes that makes women scared the moment they look at me.
I just don't see how my vagina makes me subhuman
Everyone who have a vagina is subhuman...
And ones who have womb are even bigger subhumans.
So you have to:
>be gynephillic
>be masochistic
>have porn addiction
Develop humiliation and sissification/forcefem fetishes. Disassociate hard enough from your body that you see it as a random naked woman, then develop a fetish for being in a womans body (AGP!!)
This does not work long term. There is post nut clarity.
I just want to get rid of AAP
I feel like my AAP is terminal
It's cool, I come here because of boredom and conversation. I used to come to these boards a lot when I was dysphoric and talk frequently, then I stopped and only checked in as I changed and my life did. I was bored at work one day and felt like seeing how things were and now I'll linger a bit before I go again eventually.

When I was dysphoric I thought the only things that could happen were transition or be miserable for as long as I could take it and maybe even suicide. I know that's how a lot of people feel, but life didnt work out that way for me, so I feel like I have a unique perspective + insight that I wouldve appreciated hearing when I was at my lowest. Something that isn't "suffer forever or transition" a third way life can go you know?

A lot of people have this idea in their heads that if you're not suffering actively there's no reason to speak but I think hearing from all kinds of people is important. Transitioners, repressors, detransitioners etc anyone who has experienced dysphoria and had it take a chunk of their away in a sense. Moving past something doesnt mean everything you could have to talk about when it comes to the subject is gone.
Genuine question. Do you honestly think like fantasize about this? What's even appealing of having gigantic shoulders, hands, feet, and overall looking like a neanderthal? I always think that being handsome means having some feminine features, like nice skin or medium size cock (could be bigger)
t. not ftm rep and not a transbian
>I think hearing from all kinds of people is important.
I agree.
>was dysphoric
In what ways did your dysphoria manifest/what was your motivation for wanting to transition at the time?
Absoloute jelous of AFABs who have there dysphoria just disappear randomly. Why the fuck can AMABs operate like that? It's not fucking fair
not the person you're asking, but i also find the idea of looking like a big scary ass guy appealing. it seems nice, having a strong body, and no one would want to bother you.
This absolutely does happen to AMABs. I have seen several examples posted to the board. Sorry you’re struggling, though, I obviously know how much it sucks since I’m here.
>What's even appealing of having gigantic shoulders, hands, feet, and overall looking like a neanderthal
I just want to be AMAB.
Also gigantic shoulders look more normal than whatever the fuck AFAB shits have.
> I always think that being handsome means having some feminine features, like nice skin or medium size cock (could be bigger)
I would be fine with this too
As long as I'm AMAB and not soi
How is being scary entertaining to you? Nobody wants to do anything ever w you
it wouldn't it would just look disproportionate as fuck. I agree women get the short end of the stick though. But gigantic?
>How is being scary entertaining to you? Nobody wants to do anything ever w you
Women don't want to do anything ever with you*
Nta but genuinely asking have you ever see person with small shoulders
They look so fucking weird
Big/medium shoulders looks better
It wasn't random at all. I've dedicated years of my life to daily meditation and shadow work and confronting my issues along with mindfulness etc. I'm talking since 2011 and the dysphoria lasted from the time I was 4 (that I can remember) til I was 32. This is something I still do, and it's gotten me through a lot of shit. This wasn't just like an "Oh I'm better now" woke up one day and shit was fine kinda deal at all. So nothing to be jealous of, if you put all of yourself into yourself and dedicate sometimes hours (I'm talking like 4+ hours just spent on meditating at a time sometimes) of your day into something then you can get to better places in your head than you are now. I can't say where those places will be for you, but I'm sure they won't be where you are right now.

I didn't feel like my body was right or mine and I felt like presenting myself as a woman was dishonest. I felt a lot of discomfort in my body and had points where that even went into self harm and attempted suicide (once, it didnt work out obviously lol) when I thought about living my life and being the age I am and still like this. I couldn't imagine that. I used to spend a ton of time online because that was where I could present myself as male and a lot of shit like that. As a kid I cried when I found out I was going to go through female puberty because I just had it in my head (I was under 5) that I'd be a guy lol.
How do you cope with the fact that you'll never actually be mentally strong enough to "man up" and will have to spend the rest of your life as a weak woman instead
By knowing I'm mentally strong enough to survive all the shit I've survived without turning into a hateful, bitter person.
Straight up anon that's a very cool response
Thanks. I've been through a lot of shit and I've seen the ways other people have become from those things (abusive childhood, points where I was bullied in school, abusive longterm relationship that was a result of my childhood, chronic illness that's been so severe I had points where I was near bedbound and could barely even keep my eyes open without feeling sick + constant pain that almost nothing helped outside of taking the edge off, drug addiction etc) and I've managed to pull myself out of a lot. It wasn't easy and I've fucked up plenty but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that's how life goes sometimes. I'd rather be the best person I can be and keep striving for continued growth and learning as lifelong thing than worry about the shell I'm in being a specific gender. No one's body is the full sum of who they are.
The last part is a little meh I think you should be whatever you want and if you want to be a man I think you should walk the road that leads in that direction but overall that's a pretty cool chill attitude to have
I got rid of my dysphoria through meditation and shadow work etc, so I'm ok with myself. Also had I transitioned it wouldn't have worked out well lol. While I'm all for people altering their bodies however they want because it's your only real home and the only thing you truly own everything and everyone else can come and go but you're still you I know that even when I was dysphoric that would've ultimately probably made it worse. I wouldn't have been a man I would've been a just under 5' (I'm like 1/4 inch shorter) bearded woman who probably didnt pass with probably male pattern baldness and chest scars where my tits used to be and the risk of surgery would've been high given my health. Personally I prefer my body looks normal and to not wear issues I've had in my head on my body permanently in a highly visible to everyone I walk by way. If transitioning makes someone feel good then that's great and I'm happy for them and I hope it always does that and everything works out, but I don't see how that would've made me feel anything other than worse personally.
I see (sad) you sound like a really nice person I hope you live a wonderful life however you can you've already had your fair share of troubles
Thank you, likewise.
>4 til 32
Wow, that’s a lot of years struggling with it. When did you start trying to find alternative ways to cope with it?
>Health stuff
Do you happen to have a disability or autism?
most based gen up rn
t. mtf
I didnt really know what was wrong until my 20's and then I just didnt have a choice but to live with it because transitioning wasnt an option so you're kind of just always coping and looking for ways to when your baseline state isn't ok.

I've always had issues with my stomach and joints, and then I got lyme disease which completely fucked me up and left me with a bunch of longterm issues. I went from exercising daily and being able to walk 14 miles in a day for fun to not even being able to stand to brush my teeth. I've had to crawl to get to the bathroom and just lay on the floor on the way back because I was in too much pain to get back into bed. Just like that everything got stripped away, and I spent a long time on/off near bedbound barely being able to eat and being in a ton of pain that nothing would help (which led to heroin addiction, but I had drug issues prior to that anyway) I'm much better now, but still deal with a lot of shit. Mainly now the biggest issue is my joints like coming out of place and I get severe reactions to a lot of things so if I'm not careful I'll end up on antihistamines for like a week or so to stop the tremors and heart racing etc. Other shit too but those are the worst of it. I've never gotten back to where I was before lyme, but that's life. I don't think I'm autistic, but it wouldn't shock me if I was, and I do have ADHD. I don't know exactly everything wrong with me in terms of diagnosis as I gave up on doctors when I spent years trying to get help while being as sick as I mentioned and them being no help (I've had some really fucked up hospital experiences) Every health related issue (mental and physical) I've gotten through has been on my own. I have pretty much 0 faith in the healthcare system.
Super wide shoulders is kinda shit to deal with even for guy clothes from my understanding.
I have periods of time where I can repress very well and times where I have moments of weakness. When I'm repressing properly I won't come here at all. Every few months it starts bugging me (to varying degrees) and I'll spend some time here again. I don't poon out because I know I'll get through this eventually just as I have many times before.
If you did anything to "validate" those feelings (eg coming out socially, binding, cross-dressing), do you think that would have helped or hindered getting over it?
I did do those things at one point, helped briefly but then over time I started to feel more dysphoric and uncomfortable. I went in that direction after hyperfem repression, and they both over time produced the same result (though the hyperfem repression felt worse.) Ultimately internal work is what helped, trying to find an external means to fix it can only help for so long in my experience. I also regret doing that but I did it because I needed help to transition + relief and at the time that was my intention that I'd eventually do that. I regret it because it made eventually moving past the dysphoria uncomfortable because it's just like "I'm better now" and then a whole new set of shit to explain and deal with. Was it worth the temporary relief it provided? I dont think so but I also think that it helped me figure out some shit when it stopped helping and I realized I needed to sort my headspace out. So it was a push in that direction at least which I guess was important but meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The whole thing made me feel like a dementia patient in the end basically. When I worked in a dementia ward a good chunk of my job was just acting and improv to work with their delusions and that's what it started to feel like from accepting people you know? It helped me realize that I didnt want my life to be that and it wouldve been that for good if I had transitioned. Ironically the understanding/accepting people were the ones who made me internally cringe at myself the most eventually even though initially they were helpful.
+ There's just something about people treating you with kindness and it coming from a place of them knowing you're all kinds of fucked up that just feels like absolute shit.
Why do you come here when you're dysphoric? Does it help?
Is there anything specific that brings you in/out of those dysphoric episodes?
>be me
>napoleonic wars nerd
>go to library
>pick out book on a calvary"maiden"
>nadezhda durova.jpeg
>russian soldier who disguised "her" self as male and went by the name alexander for the rest of "her" life
>read the introduction

i havent picked up the book in a while i only got past 30 pages but im not lying when i say that made me rep harder, the soviet movie didnt help at all
Why did it make you rep harder?
Well, Durova never stated anything about trannyism or am I wrong? Although this still feels disrespectful. At least with Heliogabalus we don't know whether his proclivities were real or slander.
Maybe it's just a habit at this point. When this stuff is more on my mind eventually I find myself here. For example, this week I had a short thought I wanted to post to /ftmg/ and here we are. Dunno if it helps or not.

Last summer I had an internship at a place where a passoid trans man also worked which really screwed with my mental state for the duration of said internship. But otherwise it's just the passage of time I guess... definitely possible there's more to it but my memory is pretty shite.
feminists love femwashing obvious historical ftms all the time. it doesnt matter if he went by he/him pronouns his entire life and would rather die than has his sex discovered, to the average feminist writer thats just a strong woman fighting male society or something
they should at least use they. theres obviously a chance they only presented as male for political reasons well never know, but to declare they identify as female despite never knowing them feels insidious
>be eleno de Céspedes
>Born AFAB
>Marry some low value male
>Have his child
>Don't like him
>Give away the child
>Go to Granada
>Marry a woman
>Wear men's clothes
>Study medicine
>Literally first AFAB surgeon
>Never come out
>Christcuck demands penis inspection day
>"First woman surgeon!"
i hate the way my body looks, but i find feminine features normal or attractive on other people. i hate my voice but find similar female voices soothing. i hate the idea of getting fucked, and then i feel nothing but passion and awe when i'm the one doing it. yadda yadda tranny thoughts.
why can't i flip the switch and apply to myself the same standard i apply to others?
so when are these threads going to get infamous posters like cureanon, gokuposter, etc that generic repgen has had over the years?

it's only a matter of time until the mental illness crystalizes and forms a femrepgen version of someone who spends 18 hours a day posting about how they battle dysphoria and are a TRUE lesbian only to crack a year later
there are probably some clg posters that fit the bill, start recruiting
most clg anons redirect their hatred towards mtfs, unlike repgen anons who direct their hatred for themselves and sometimes mtfs
I feel like that would be an AFAB equivalent of a sissy
Hyper feminine and focus on everything womany
the agp anon who masturbates to their body is basically that but on crack
>agp ftm repper
that's so fucking based but also they shouldn't repress
i wish i wasn’t attracted to men
Ah I get you, for me it's just that 4chan is a blackhole that always sucks you back in and ftmg is a familiar place. So even without the dysphoria my brain just goes "Wonder what that's like now"

I'm generally harsher on myself with everything than I am anyone else, might not be the best advice but ritual use of LSD and shrooms helped me with that.
not a repper but i want to forcefeed you to morbid obesity in my basement and then fist your asshole until you oink and squeal like a pathetic sow and call me your lord
I read that in this voice: https://youtu.be/CBt-mwGtvHc?si=7b-jHa9RWXJOi1KO
you only say that because you want to regain control and you think sadists control you
congrats, you are malebrained and are gonna make it
Coming here just reminds me of how little dysphoria I really have compared to you all, keep up the good work
fatties are hot thoughbeit
Is this ftm sissification? Malebrained I guess
Reposting because I wish i had someone who understood how I felt >>37263531
I want so badly to live as a dyke but I'm too mentally ill and female to follow the correct and intelligent path.
luv you're so mentally ill it's unbelievable
I thought we were all friends here.
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Get pregnant!
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AFABs, what would you do if you would get rape, made pregnant and forced to give a birth???
Mentally ill for sure, being a woman is essential to being a dyke though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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i wish i was easy to understand i wish i was comfortable in my own skin i wish i was desirable
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me off T still looking like
Can work on 2 of those the third well... no one is truly easy to understand not even the people who seem it.

Doubt you look like that, and if you do you should lose some weight.
Rewatched Saving Private Ryan today, the cemetery scenes were exactly as pointless and not worth keeping in as I remembered them being, but it was still alright otherwise. Not my favorite war movie but decent.
How do I stop being misogynistic and resembling something like BPD because I hate being the inferior sex so much
>Stop being misogynistic
Either have genuine and meaningful female friends or become even more misogynistic there's no in between. Women are subhuman for the most part
I'm 5'0 and have a scoliosis/kyphosis hunch. my life is honestly pretty good. manageable dysphoria. great career. But still, 5'0 and a hunch is a hell of a life.
I'm the same height and that's been fine in terms of being a woman so... gotta ask: How bad of a hunch are we talking we here?
BPD doesnt go away.
>Women are subhuman for the most part
I thought we didn't have any underage posters.
Not so noticeable I get public comments on it but noticeable enough that people say "yeesh" when they see my back. I have a 60 degree inoperable curve so my arms look really long and hunched on my stubby body.
I was kind of exaggerating by saying BPD, I just mean I'm emotionally unstable and self-destructive
Ah ok, had to ask because that can go so many ways.

So work on yourself. That's all anyone can do to fix shit like that. Can become less self destructive and more stable, it just takes work and being dedicated + not shying away from shit.
No shit retard, I just want to know how to stop being misogynistic
By working on yourself obviously. Or just continue to be an emotional mess and blame it on the fact that you're a woman by holding a magnifying glass over the negative female traits that exist, and ignoring positive ones; you know instead of the fact that you have shit wrong with you and that's got nothing to do with your gender it's just who you are.
If you are a church, you are also required to have men enter you to enter into communion.
How the fuck is "working on my mental health uwu" gonna make femoids less inferior
It would potentially help you realize how retarded you're being. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Going to ignore that you were also talking about your issues with your emotions and self destructive tendencies to focus on where you can bitch about other people now?

"How could working on myself possibly make me a less hateful and bitter person?"
GUYS wake up!!!!
Does anyone religioncope? I'm not sure how else to bear my bleak reality, thinking about trying it out.
Nice song
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/femrepgen/ers feel more like real men than most non-repressing ftms. At least you guys want to be men instead of nonbinary lesbians who don't want to be seen as the same as cis men. It's not fair that the most malebrained and dysphoric ftms are the ones who are repressing.
I often wish I was a fat ugly man, but sadly am a curvaceous short latina with narrow shoulders. I have been actively repressing for 8 years. I cope by having and drawing weird fetishes, and telling myself my womanhood is punishment for sins of a past life and I will be made male in the afterlife if I get past the test of not killing myself. It is not working very well. I don't believe I can last much longer.
I don't know how to stop viewing myself as a boy. My brain tries extremely hard to perceive my reflection as a boy even though I have the knowledge that I am female and a woman. It is very distressing. Should I kill myself.?
try testosterone. if the alternative is literally killing yourself, why not give transition a shot at least? worst case scenario you can just kill yourself later.
It's simple. Reppers are ruled by logic, not emotions.
>At least you guys want to be men instead of nonbinary lesbians who don't want to be seen as the same as cis men
Hence why they identify as nonbinary. They probably don't have typical ftm sex/gender dysphoria
Occult practices fixed my dysphoria (eventually took a long time) for whatever that's worth.

No you shouldn't kill yourself, there's a lot more to life than what body you're in. It's a painful situation I get that, but it's not an insurmountable one that has to destroy you just because it's hurt for a long time. Working on your connection to yourself and life are a lot more helpful than you'd think. Mind over matter.
Not sure how it's unfair, it's not like transitioning changes your biology or anything underneath so what difference does repression make there? Choosing to not go that route when you know it wont work out or make you feel better is just a common sense thing. "Will this help me or make my life more difficult?" If it's the former then by all means, if it's the latter then it'd just be stupid.

Transitioners can be satisfied with the outcome of transitioning and that's not being perceived as cis for everyone, and for some people being just perceived as something by a stranger doesnt mean much (goes for both people who transition and repress.) Personal comfort and what's feasible for you always are the most important things. If they're more comfortable with that (and it can be for a lack of choice) then that's fine, but it's not a matter of "fair. Life often isn't fair anyway, fairness is an internal thing brought on by consciousness rooted in both an individual's desire for themselves and empathy rather than being a principle the world operates on.) No sense in dwelling on something individuals need to create rather than how life's sorted. You're also putting transitioning on a pedestal in a way with the mentality that if life were fair someone repressing would transition and someone with a different comfort level for themselves wouldn't; no sense in that.

It's a treatment option with varied results that some people regret, nothing more or less. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you're as unstable as you make it out to be, then you must know that sometimes you can't think straight. It's very likely that you hate yourself and project that feeling onto other women instead of the other way around, along with learned helplessness and a bunch of insecurities and fears. This makes your impression of the world horribly skewed.
Go offline as much as possible. Make friends and acquaintances in real life. Go out with friends and family. Cut off any and all sources of curated hate, such as 4chan (it's all psyop anyway). Talk to people and try to put yourself in their shoes. You have to grow as a person. It's the only way.
I thought the other advice given to you was vague/not so good so here I am. your problem is having the marketing of maleness shoved at you since birth. once you take a step back from media - books/writings/films/pop. culture sentiment and so on - and just look at males themselves in the flesh there are plenty of things lacking in them.
you're looking at them in the context of females compared to males, rather than observing males by themselves in daily life. along with that you're not thinking past the typical party lines of thought. once you think it over more and question some things: males have superior brute muscular strength, that's true, yet - so do some wild animals, but these wild animals are not considered greater than man. part of the issue is meaningful awareness of femaleness has been hampered over time by males as a class. female individuals have superior pain tolerance, can withstand famines better, have superior long distance endurance in ultra marathons and cold water swimming, heightened flexibility over males, females and males compete the same or just about in sport shooting as well.
the reality is global societies were set up to champion maleness. of course the 100 m sprint makes females look less impressive - they ARE slower in sprinting. if sports revolved around endurance and flexibility then female individuals would stomp and males would look less impressive.
on top of what I've said, if you've been hurt/abused by a woman/women especially repeatedly then obviously you will not be keen to view femaleness positively. if someone needs to be cut out of your life or you have a little revenge on a specific female as treat that has personally harmed you that can improve your mental state.

"go to therapy" or "work on yourself" doesn't necessarily do wonders. it's true maleness still rules the world. part of what you feel is standard female socialization, looking down on femaleness instead of rage toward the original source of a problem.
question for all the ftm reppers: do you have autism or not?
Never suggested therapy, and wouldn't as I have no experience with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's a fact that if you're a hateful bitter person who has views not grounded in reality you should probably do a dive into yourself and find the roots of those issues. Most shit that's projected onto other people is a result of internal dysfunction, if they were in a better place with themselves then it's highly unlikely they'd have such maladaptive views. By making everything about people outside of them they'll never fix the root cause of their issues, because other people aren't the issue.
Don't think I do, do have ADHD. I wouldn't be shocked if I was autistic but I think there's more of a chance that I'm not than that I am.
my first advice is clearly general/one size fits all because I do not know the origin of your feelings. do you feel bad over the female body itself? if so, what specifically about it seems lesser to you? is it because males in gov. still call the shots and control female bodies? is it the lack of accomplishments by women that galls you (plenty of those have been diminished or hidden by the way)?
you have to identify the very foundational levels of your feelings or attitudes. what specifically do you deem less-than when it comes to femaleness? is it appearance/looks? how often female individuals get sexually assaulted? be granular. once you figure it out you can determine if there is true backing to your feelings. if it turns out it's mostly smoke and mirrors then it dismisses itself. if not, you can probably work with it or work around it.

if you say, it's everything, you just don't want to actually tackle this and yet I still have not wasted my time in typing this up for there are always other eyes silently reading along in this place. you never know the ripple effect one can have.

I know better than anyone how bad women can treat another that's female but I also know now how very nonsense it is when it comes to thinking male = better. they are losing the plot but the plot all along wasn't that great to begin with anyway. look at this world. look at how males treat each other. they're homosocial yet they never stop bringing up how lonely they are.
female individuals have vastly superior interior landscapes. it takes the same level of trigger finger strength for both sexes. I am not religious except for myself but do take this quote with you:
>"God created men, Col. Colt made them equal."

if you can carve out enough breathing room for yourself you can craft a life for yourself that is much more palatable. you do not have to be feminine or masculine necessarily. consider a new type of living even if it's unusual.
no, not on the spectrum.

not wrong, yet other people are frequently the issue - if they are identifying a source of oppression or abuse with clarity.
hatred can be extremely empowering for the average female individual. just has to be done correctly.
to further clarify: hatred is not the destination. empowerment is not a feeling, or not a feeling alone. empowerment comes from material gain and material power, and will feel unfamiliar and not comfortable at first. after existing under abusive/oppressive conditions it will not seem friendly or familiar initially.

hatred is the flashpoint to break female socialization programming and to generate energy to begin and continue.
You can't find out what's other people vs what's yourself unless you look honestly at yourself first. It's impossible to realistically see other people for who they are if you can't see yourself clearly. Identifying things like abuse and society etc as playing a role in an issue you have can't come from only looking outward, in fact that's another thing that can be found internally. I advised them to look at themselves and work on themselves first because if someone is just looking externally and has no clear grasp of themselves and reality on that level they're just going to pass those issues off onto others. Their views might change, maybe they'd hate women less but it'd likely come through some maladaptive filter that wouldn't be beneficial either. Also that's ignoring that they were also talking about their own emotional issues at first being a problem until confronted with the idea that they should work on themselves. They immediately only started bitching about women as a whole when confronted with the reality that they could solve their problems if they worked on their internal state, which shows me they're unwilling to look at themselves and I don't believe someone like that will form a clear view just looking at shit outside of them because they can't. It's far more productive to look in before out.
my advice is also advising to look inward as well. we are basically agreeing with each other. relax. what are you really upset about?
+ There's no shortage of people with warped views where everything is blamed on everyone else while they ignore any possibility of working on themselves. Incels, radfems, political extremists etc are generally all internally fucked up people who will do anything other than look at themselves and better themselves. Society isn't perfect, and feminine energy has become warped and devalued in an unbalanced way yes (ironically I see this as an issue brought about largely by feminism as it exists rather than just being "the patriarchy"), but if you only focus on that instead of making peace with yourself then looking you'll end up somewhere that's not necessarily better.
There is no such thing as "feminine energy".
Why do you think I'm upset? Because I'm speaking to you? Why wouldn't I be able to say these things calmly, would you have a hard time doing that so you're projecting that onto me? I don't understand why we can't have a discussion that's obviously lacking in tone due to its nature of being text without you projecting a lot of feelings onto me that I don't have. Do you want to talk to me, your imagination or not at all?
"feminine energy"? anon should go shooting at a range and grip some material power in hand to realize what can be protected and what can be had to feel more grounded in life and in a female body.
Disagree. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's a very old concept that clearly outlines "masculine" vs "feminine" and what that embodies. Not to mention you can just look at people and see that play out for better and worse. However if you divorce the concept from how it actually plays out and just study the concept as a way to describe something then you'd know there's a long history behind the words I've used and it indicates something very specific. You don't have to believe in energy in some woo sense to have that discussion, you only have to be familiar with the concept.
Holy mother of copium. Just accept that women's bodies are nerfed, shit sucks, then get on with your life. No need to do all this mental gymnastics about hypothetical famines blah blah.
Age old concept that's prevalent in various cultures and generally boils down the same way.
>It's a very old concept that clearly outlines "masculine" vs "feminine" and what that embodies
A concept being old doesn't speak for or against it. There is a lot of ancient bullshit about.
From what I remember (it's been years since I graduated), historically the concept of feminine energy is associated with fertility gods (women coping with life before modern medicine) and sex (ohhh the dark feminine, chaos and darkness and water and the moon, i'm so horny owo). Both are a load of tripe.
given that you thought I claimed you had said go to therapy to anon versus a general statement of poor advice that's popular currently and you began a dialogue with me when my advice already contained yours and there's more than you and I talking to anon, you appeared to take umbrage. if that's not the case then cool.
It's not just that, it's about polarity and balance etc. Also I get it you're probably an atheist, not forcing those views on you just because I'm discussing these things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I thought I was the only one who had given advice at that point (to my recollection I was) and since you mentioned that specifically in conjunction with talking about the advice given and quoting something I actually had said. I wanted to clarify that I didn't mean therapy. I just like clarity, no feelings on it past "If you took that from what I said you're mistaken this is what I meant." Why would I feel strongly about that enough to be upset? Lol That'd be pretty weird to have a ton of strong feelings about no?
+ I'm weird by some people's standards but not that weird.
+ Though I guess some people are pretty volatile online with zero provocation maybe you've encountered a lot of that. Either way it's cool we're good. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
there were a couple of posts before mine up above.
Oh I didnt see them, my bad. Fair enough that you got that impression then I suppose. I thought I read the whole thread, but nope. That's what I get for not being fully awake before talking I suppose.
i (mtf) want to impregnate a repressor......
Legitimately wonder if the posts about ftms being reincarnated as themselves as a punishment for their past lives are true. It seems too coincidental that the majority of ftms are shorter than cis women.
Regardless, to all the women I raped in my male chad past life: you deserved it lol
i (subby boi) want to get pegged by a repressor
I've had past life memory experiences (shared with other people, historically accurate etc so I have nothing else I could call them other than "memories" but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows? Could be all kinds of weird shit in this world I don't know about so I'm hesitant to label them completely.) and I don't think it's punishment though I used to be concerned it was. Not for rape in my case but other things. I've yet to meet anyone who has these kinds of memories who can't recall being their opposite gender at some point regardless of their feelings about their body. Is there past life shit attached to being trans? Potentially, but things like attachments and unresolved issues etc rather than "this is some punishment." Suffering isnt necessarily punishment and can even have good outcomes over the longterm we just tend to equate the 2 because of childhood and such. You're bad so your parents punish you sort of mentality magnified on some universal scale. Sorting through some of that shit is a part of the weirder shit that helped with dysphoria that I don't generally talk about. I stick to the stuff that's more Jungian and such when talking to other people because no sense in trying to get them to meet me in a place that's even crazier to them than where I'm already asking them to meet me you know?
well, if the digits say so... bend over.
I think this might be true for me... I am way too horny and degenerate compared to most other women. Many 'illegal fantasies'. Must be the rapist in me
MTF have autololiphillia so do FTM have autoshotaphillia?
>bend over.
Thanks but
>female individuals have superior pain tolerance
False. Google "do females have superior pain tolerance?" and studies show up debunking this.
>superior long distance endurance in ultra marathons and cold water swimming
Nice, shoddy science with little evidence.
>There are not enough sample sizes to determine whether women are better ultra-endurance athletes than men, said Dr Bryce Carlson, an ultra-marathon runner and the first American to complete the 2,000-mile (3,218km) North Atlantic west-to-east-solo row. "In some years, a woman can win outright," he said. "When that happens, it's a really small sample size, where you have an elite female runner who has trained really hard and well and has great skill in the sport, and the competition in the men's sport might not be that high."
>Are Women Naturally Designed for Ultra-Endurance Sports? Strava article by Jazmine Lowther
>To summarize, elite female open-water ultra-distance swimmers improved in 10 km but impaired in 25 km leading to a linear decrease in sex difference in 10 km and a linear increase in sex difference in 25 km. The linear changes in sex differences suggest that women will improve in the near future in 10 km, but not in 25 km.
None of this proves shit. Women making up lies to cope with being female doesn't make me feel any better about being female.
To make it easier to get raped and give birth. That's literally the reason. Both of these things are horrifying.
You're right, strength isn't everything.
>wild animals are not considered greater than man
The natural order of animal nature, females getting dominated and raped by males by many species as a normal thing, is something I actually think about frequently.
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>what seems lesser to you?
Picrel. The only things that don’t make me wanna kms in regards to women is that women commit less crime, and have more empathy (it's still limited by social influence, and if it’s not, it makes them develop retarded suicidal levels of empathy). Women support each other more emotionally. They don’t externalize their problems as much as men do, at least not as violently. Less ego & narcissism. I hate men more than women.
My inner male supremacist can’t stand how moids inherently see women as lesser, don’t view women as human beings, are pretty much incapable of romance or anything more than objectification of women.
The things that are “good about women”
>being a mother
Studies show that fathers are more important in raising a stable child, kids don’t release dopamine when they play with their moms as much as they do with their dads, mothers are basically worthless after we’re not babies anymore. But women’s whole entire lives revolve around being emotional and coddle everyone around them (harmful), which they evolved in this way to nurture children. But the father is more important, even though all that mf contributes to the life is orgasm and roll over.
(I can’t find studies and link them because they make me want to die)
>being nice
Most of this is female socialization, without that women would be assholes just as much as everyone else. This makes women come off as fake.
Picrel. Women are creative so much as they can put on colorful makeup and outfits.
Not real. Heterofoids would rather worship cock.
I don’t know what else there even is.
The thing I hate the most, is how women are more neurotic, emotional. shit mental health, back to picrel- estrogen is associated with these things. It’s biological. To be a woman is to be in emotional pain, physical pain (menstruation, pregnancy, rape, abuse from stronger humans), devalued and mistreated by half of the human population.
Wow guys, being unhappy makes you focus on negativity? I had no idea. Groundbreaking.
>They immediately only started bitching about women as a whole when confronted with the reality that they could solve their problems if they worked on their internal state, which shows me they're unwilling to look at themselves
It's not like you gave real advice other than a passive aggressive "yeah just work on yourself you fucking selfish incel and maybe you'll start LOVING being a female XX woman!!"
Negativity aside,
>consider a new type of living even if it's unusual.
Yeah I don't know, I have been thinking about the fact that the world is huge and I can just live in my own little bubble of a curated community and ignore stupid people if I wanted. Where would that be? Maybe I'll be a non-binary furry, they seem happy. If I roleplay as an animal, I won't have to think about my humanness lol
I know that I need to ignore all the shit I said in >>37284580 >>37284603 because I can't change any of it, I need to accept everything and get a life. It's so hard to ignore it
>go outside get a life
You're right, but then I step outside and my also chronically online brother talks about stupid culture war shit. I step outside and literally nothing is changed because nobody shuts up about gender BS, also differences between the sexes are unavoidable, we're basically different species and it's seen in every inch of society
So stay a miserable fuck, not gonna affect anyone but you anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're twisting my words btw, but that's unsurprising since you just want to argue and be right. You don't want help, you don't want to improve, you want to whine and bitch and assert your perspective as "fact" and aren't open to anything. Well you got the attention you wanted, so hopefully that makes you "happy" for a couple minutes 'til it wears off.
I've never been more turned on by something in my life
>states the most obvious shit on earth
>expects me to worship the ground they walk on
>wow you're such a miserable attention seeker
ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No matter how much happier I become, the things I mentioned don't go away. It's just a matter of distraction 24/7.
The end of the post is literally me trying to figure out how to be less miserable. They asked why I felt the way I do so I went in detail.
Btw I've been going on walks, drinking water, getting sun, improving my sleep, trying to be less hateful, less isolated, tried medication (it backfired tho), getting into stoicism, improving my diet, trying out therapy methods, I only check two 4chan gens and limit my time, I avoid things that upset me instead of dwelling, trying to get into hobbies, less social media, and I got a job, if you really want to know
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1. Enjoy it
2. Enjoy it
3. Enjoy it
ive heard about that theory a lot before, and if true, then what sin did mtfs made as cis women in their past life?
Refusing to bear children
oof, i could see myself having done that. don't know what you have til it's gone
I didn't ask you for a list of things you're doing (also the list doesn't mean anything unless you're sustaining those things over the longterm they're not going to work, sometimes things take years. For all I know you're like a fat chick eating one meal a day for a week and calling herself anorexic. Not looking to find out by the way, so don't tell me.) I said carry on. I can tell what you really want is attention and to complain. I said what I had to and you twisted it and threw it back in my face like I wasn't trying to be kind and help you out. You saw passive aggressive behavior where there was none, and lashed out and I'm not dealing with that kind of shit. I don't have the energy to coddle you or that kind of bullshit because it's worthless to. If someone is determined to twist things and project shit then there's no reason to continue to try to reach them, they become a waste of time. You want a echochamber and to complain, you paired that with asking for help because you needed attention and all the help offered you've shit on because nothing is going to be good enough for you unless it's someone telling you that you're right which would be another thing that you'd complain about. This is clearly just attention seeking whining on your part.
>woman asks for help
>wow what an attention seeking whore
>all you do is bitch and whine
Many such cases...
>you just want to complain
And? Let a nigga vent! So much for "women are empathetic" and "women support each other that's why they have lower suicide rates" baka
Maybe I do want attention, maybe this is a cry for help.. So much for the "high emotional intelligence"!
Whatever, I don't care. If you think I want attention why give the attention to me?
>improve yourself
>I don't care that you've been trying to improve yourself
The other anon thought you were being a bitch too so it's not just me. So much for "women are more socially adept"
Have a good day queen
hello frens. i am a tranny but i am also somewhat of an anthropologist type and i am interested in understanding what makes an afab repper tick as i have never spoke to one of you before
can i ask why you rep?
>why you rep
iwnbam. Gender identity is fake, I can't convince myself of pink brain blue brain psuedoscience anymore, and I'm not convinced trannies break down toxic gender roles / are the political heroes that some gender theorists think.
Even if trannies weren't delusional though, I am very feminine, and don't feel natural around the typical cishet guy and can't relate to them much. I am submissive, shy, weak, emotional-- all things demonized in males. I'd be a horrible partner as a male, an annoying friend, useless overall. I didn't get male socialization as a child/teen so it feels like it's too late. I am so feminine. Name something stereotypically female, I probably like it/act like that. Even though I don't perfectly relate to the typical cishet neurotypical woman, I get along with them more smoothly than the male equivalent. I fit in most with weird autistic mentally ill queer women and fembrained ftms. also the obvious reasons, it's a pain, expensive, will divide my family and I further apart.
t. terfmoder
nta, but i (mtf) don't really give a shit about any of that gender shit, either. i take hrt, etc. because the physical effects make me feel better about my body. who gives a shit about the social aspects?
im rogd and would regret transition in a few years, better to just wait for gd to go away. plus im gigafembrained, and my face and body are unpassable, why humiliate myself for a fruitless exercise
rapid onset, or rapid realization?
True. For me going on hrt would be "giving into" the brain worms that make me hate myself in the first place. I'll probably end up on T tho realistically. I have the urge to larp as male still so I guess it's still "repping"
what's the difference?
You're not just venting, it's disingenuous that you even say that. You're lashing out and namecalling and twisting everything that's said to you trying to turn everything into a fight. If you wanted to vent and were capable of being civil that'd be one thing, but you're not and then when you're treated accordingly you lash out harder. Zero self awareness.
the closest i come to "larping" is just having to act a certain way in society or else i am treated weirdly. so i guess in that specific context, i could maybe be said to be larping as a woman, but otherwise? i just act how i want to act. i unironically just bee myself
i think you might be getting too in your own head about all of this. you don't have to be like one of those "i'm le heckin SMASHING THE GENDERINO ROLES by having a beard while wearing a dress" types. as much as the mainstream media doesn't want you to know this, it is ENTIRELY possible to be a normal, unremarkable human being, even while trans. i have a job, pay my bills, drive a car, have healthy friendships. i'm literally totally normal. i just happen to be trans
plenty of people repressed (or were made to repress) trans feelings as a child. it doesn't mean they weren't there; you just didn't have the tools to process and understand them
+ None of the stuff you're doing the "s about were even things I've said so you're making shit up to rant about too.
true but i actively preferred being a girl to being a boy
interesting. haven't ever heard someone claim that before. i wonder if it's just cope (whether cope as a child, or cope now), or if it isn't cope, then why you're suddenly feeling this way? you're an interesting specimen
i was cis as a child, exposure to reddit trans shit gave me dysphoria
Yeah that's true. At this point I'd feel like I was deceiving everyone probably. I have my whole life to decide how I want to live, so I'll see what the future brings I guess
Why do you have the urge to transition then? What about being a girl do you prefer to being a boy?
What type of dysphoria do you have?
Just curious, this is interesting
what are ur thoughts on trans women? most terf reppers vent their anger by bullying trans women, but those types usually arent selfaware enough to realize they have gender dysphoria unlike u
sounds like you should just avoid reddit for a while and see if it goes away, then? if it doesn't, though, you might be stuck with it. it doesn't matter how you break your arm: it still needs to be put in a cast. maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones, for whom the feeling go away. i doubt it, though. we're not that lucky. god hates us
i mean, who cares if you're deceiving them? maybe this is just my being a bit sociopathic, but why do i owe them honesty about every facet of my life? frankly, it's none of their business. the only reason i'm forced into acting this way is because of society. i'm not a martyr. i'm not going to sacrifice my life and my happiness in some ill-advised attempt to change society, or because i feel guilty that i'm being forced to blend like this. i wouldn't feel guilty for stealing bread if i were starving, either. fundamentally, it's a societal issue, and it's unrealistic to burden such a tiny minority with having to destroy their own lives to change the opinions of the majority. fuck that. i'm doing what i have to do in order to stay sane, and because of that, i am adapting my role in society to better blend and not stand out. if someone finds fault with that, that's their problem. they can sacrifice themselves to change it. i'm not going to
i no longer prefer being a girl to a boy, that was my opinion in childhood. i now have both physical and social dysphoria
i havent been on reddit for a long time, i should probably quit tttt though
i usually don't ever come to 4chan. it's pretty rare for me to be here. recently all i have been doing is reading isekai escapist fantasy lol. works decently well, so maybe try that? :^)
I don't blindly hate all of them. There are good and bad mtfs. Just like every group of people. Since I view them as men, a lot of the "advocating for trans women" or bashing "terfs" just comes across as typical male entitlement and *insert feminist analysis or whatever.
I feel bad for them, all that self-hating and dysphoria. Even if a lot of it (for white mtfs at least) comes from incel and 4chan hateful alt right brainrot.
I don't care if someone is AGP really, as long as they know that sometimes it stems from sexist views, don't only view women as objects, and as long as they're not acting creepy irl. Some of them seem to become like that because they're 'weak, submissive, incompetent' manlets who are "bad" at being men, so they surrender and become a meek worthless femoid who gets dominated, a sexy bimbo blow up doll with no thoughts. At least that's what I get from the little I've stumbled across regarding sissy fetish content/on this board. It is actually misogynistic AND misandrist
FTM are fun to hang out with because they hate women.
ill keep that in mind
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On the topic of misogyny, how do you grow to understand femininity itself, even find value in it. I don't see sensitivity as a feminine or masculine thing, and I don't think men are better/worse communicators or leaders.
When I was at work, dishwashing (mindless process that makes me feel like picrel), I had the thought,
>The search for alien intelligence is here, in women, and they hate all of us. We aren't even human, we're a different species, weaker in most regards, our responsibilities are alien or unknown to others- even myself. We are not equal animals. We don't hate our pets for being stupid, lots of people see them as interesting and of equal value to humans (Equal living creatures, we should respect them as such), we consume animals because it is how our world has evolved. But we hate women for being lesser in any regard, and for all of time we will always be below men, for one reason or another, for better or for worse, deserved or not, because we aren't as 'efficient' or 'good'. We are aliens. Why don't I feel differently. Why do I only feel a woman has equal worth if she is "masculine" in some way or attractive to me. Even if it is only to a very small degree, it is real in me, it permeates all of society.
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*And it's not that I hate women. I think any feeling of disgust/discomfort/hatred towards women was intermittent years ago. But mostly I just don't see the value in them. Even though the average man isn't a coal miner, isn't a doctor, I automatically give more respect to their words and less to women because they aren't doing "enough" (Although I can also feel the same way towards men, it's just not a default emotion that permeates how I view women).
How do I stop thinking men are somehow doing more for themselves and society while women are children (Even if i think it's true More often) - especially when men can and do the same shit, all the time, in their own ways.
It's even harder to get out of this when 90% of the harm done to me in my life was from a woman, and all of the daily bitching I get to hear is from women, who are never corrected because it "doesn't matter they're girls they're not hurting anyone"
I can go on and on.
I feel like I'll never stop feeling retarded, never stop feeling like prey. And it makes me feel like that's all being trans is, even though I think trooning is a perfectly acceptable life choice.
You people all say this kind of shit, but I've never had an issue being respected by cis guys. They'll talk to me about religion and philosophy and so on, I've even changed their views on these things before. They come to me with issues and for advice and I don't feel unheard or get treated like I'm stupid. The majority of shit treatment I've gotten from other people as an adult has been women in their 50's, (unless they're neurodivergent) they're the ones who are disrespectful and fucked up.

In my experience most guys are pretty open minded and willing to give people a chance, if you prove to them that you don't deserve that chance then that's different, but generally? No issues.

As a kid and as an adult I don't have people treating me like I'm an idiot or a child except those women in that age group for whatever reason I rub them the wrong way.

Respect is generally something that's earned, civility is given freely, so if you make people feel like you're worth respect and say things they feel are worth listening to they will.

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