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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Welcome to gaygen and good morning! It's 8:30 AM in America!

you know the drill, no trannies or trans related material or you will be banned immediately (likely permanent)

>>37279235 is previous thread
hi gaygen! what are you all up to today? i'm still in bed in the middle of the day, so i'm going to try and be extra productive later. i think my uni needs some help moving new people into flats, so i might do that, then i'm probably gonna do my weekly shop. how about you guys ? : )
I'm bi
church soon
unironically kek
xes yag
okay but keep it to the gay side while in this hallowed thread

I'm in love with a tiktoker. He's perfect for me.
just took a relatively massive estrodump
'ate rich conventionally attractive thin bottoms
simple as
t. poor old unattractive bottom
You're the most tolerant gay I've ever come across.
I'm lesbian (male)
bis have never really bothered me honestly. you guys are like the bridge between the homo and the hetero
idk how how that works but based i guess lmao

wait doesnt that just mean your straight lol
Heh I finally got some ass. Night gaygen
luv bish
>conventionally attractive
he looks positively annoying as fuck
I wish my university club felt the same way.
did you raw doge it?
post feet
Was he cute?
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>austria getting flooded
>university club
probably run by hyper political femfags anyway
he actually was poor but made money on TikTok and YouTube to travel and live in japan
>gays love straight men
>but hate bi men
I will never understand this
So you haven’t come across me yet? ;-)
well then he had beauty and health capital
what a fucking cunttwatwanker
how do you cope with the fact that you'd be 100% getting shitdick if a straight guy experimented with you

even if he actually tried to prepare
luv straight men
luv bi men
luv gay men
'ate myself
simple as
bishit is gayshit now
Why are minorities eating our pets?
stop polluting our thread with your presence. don't you have bingo games to attend? go away. SHOO
many white americans feed their pets better than they feed their own children
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>Why are haitians eating our pets?
can I see your eyes, nothing else?
Why so mean? I have just as much of a right to be here as you do.
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>me when a bottom 5 years older than me messages me first
reviewbrah is unironically demure and breedable
would watch cute porn of him
what will you do now?
im three years older than my top bf :(
he do be taller tho
my dad is getting me a mcdonalds bacon egg and cheese biscuit because he feels guilty for yelling at me :^)
no, you don't
nice dad
It's cool, it's just intimidating. I've only been with virgins.
Why do u wanna see my eyes weirdo
Why not?
young top X old bottom
name a more iconic match-up
So true
rare anomalies in gaygen
middle aged faggots in gaygen
Mommy, mama a girl behind YOU :purple_heart:
I like your personality
Thanks anon :-)
i doubt even a hobo would fuck xanthippe. bro's ugly as fuck
Gaygen in the middle ages
also, stop replying to yourself
Funny how I’m dating a really rich and hot guy then :-)
tfw no fist inside my hole
a turd next to steak is still a turd, luv
My wig shrieked
so can i see your eyes?
>bragging about your partner's money
this is so strange lol. God I'm so glad there are actually normal and chill bottoms that aren't insane
Don’t be jealous that I have someone while you don’t :-)
The guy I’m madly in love with would stop talking to me forever if he knew I was voting for Trump. I’m keeping it in the closet but I don’t know how long I can keep up the act. It feels very dishonest having fake reactions to things, acting like I care about something I don’t. For the record never voted for Trump and 8 years ago our politics would have still aligned. Are most gays going to be libruls?
absolutely. I've never been jealous of a turd
Don’t act like it isn’t normal for bottoms to care about the financial situation of tops
>Are most gays going to be libruls?
im an unemplyoed bottom and i don't care
you can't stop the Kamala train
ngmi. this is why I always let people know I'm conservative up front. I don't mind if they dont want to talk to me

I cant live a lie anymore ever after being closeted through most of elementary to high school
luv bomber harris
simple as
you could have just pretended to be apolitical
why pretend to be a liberal like him? what a weird and cucked thing to do
the older i get the more I feel like I'm living vicariously through others and I don't like it
the older I get the more I feel like killing myself
same lol
the older i get the more i want to replay crazy taxi
That’s all I want
I wanna play saints row 2 again so fucking bad
hate straight men
hate straight men(reddit coomers)
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someone made a de-make of megaman x8 into 16-bit glory.
all i want is capcom to remake megaman x3 with the same graphics, but new robots and levels. is that so much to ask? all of x4 and beyond is terrible. their venture into 3d missed the target audience. even the megamam zx games were decent. a little less story telling and a little more jumpy shooty and the games would've been amazing.
blame trump
we all know kamala is a muppet, but trump fucked it up so much that we feel we have no other choice.
trump's own former vp, closet gay, mike pence said trump is a threat to the constitution as trump violated it.

what the support should really tell you (not just on one side, but on both) is how stupid the average american is, and worse, how staunchly tribalisistic they are. when it's baseball, nobody bats an eye with the red sox fans riot after losing to the yankees on their home turf. it's just a bit scarier when it's over politics that have a larger social impact than the winner of the world series.
listening to Landser ironically
overdramatic bottom post

vote trump because he's less shit
apolitical is a cop out. it means you're lack conviction in your beliefs. you're a people pleaser that doesn't want to upset anyone by having an opinion that they can back up.
I try to take a middle ground stance, I don't talk politics but I make it pretty clear theres no way Im on the left so they know
no you're just a zogged politard
I would say the conversations go l like this

Him: I don’t like Elon musk
Me: why not?
Him: reasons
Me: nod understandingly and contemplative but I really don’t care what Elon musk is doing one way or the other

Him: great debate, Trump sucks lol dogs and cats
Me at home reading the text while doing the robot to eating the dogs remixes: yeah I can’t believe he’d say something like that

I’m never outright lying just bullshitting and being quiet. I think over time it will become obvious I’m not a liberal because all my answers are designed to straddle the line.

It is pretty cucked regardless yeah
I voted for the green party and left party but even the left parties here are too right wing and capitalistic for me. I think I will burn some cars and throw stones into storefronts.
politricks is for stupid people
fuck politics
anarchy in the UK?
post hole
Read my body language
i deserve payment!
then that makes you a boot-licking sycophant who feels the need to put on the badge of his favourite political party for muh validation
apolitical is not a cop out
apolitical = anarchist
"politics"/tricks is an outdated framework
how much
about £50
I hope my mother and my father die painful, pathetic deaths.
Trump isn't even conservative he's fucking psychotic
if your thinking is confined to some kind of framework (that is not of your own design) you might as well be asleep
i wouldn't pay you 50 to fuck your hole
don't then
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him: what music do you listen to?
me: it's complicated
So if two guys are really into you, they’re both exactly the same except one is a multi billionaire while the other is broke and in debt, you wouldn’t have a preference for one of the guys?
i'd pick the one with nicer voice and better dick
man thinks illegals are eating cats and dogs based on no evidence. he made fun of joe for being to old at 77, now he's 78 and the age is showing.

you exemplify my entire point. when born american citizens can't pass their own citizenship test they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

republicans brag about trump's policy's. what did he do? he ended net neutrality. so next time your internet is running a little slower than usual arbitrarily. thank trump for that.

literally what i said. you're too much of a pussy to step on anyone's toes and want to be one of the good gays with your conservatard friends. it's a cop out.
couple things to unpack for the uneducated. zogged is a reference to the zionists. there's a huge swath of young people that are trying to say the palestine situation is the reason they're not voting, but the reality? they people that want to vote trump, but feel they can't because he's morally abhorrent, so they abstain from voting in protest because they want to try to claim the moral high ground as if they're better than everyone else because they withheld their support over a niche issue. the reality is they're cowards. a number of these people crying about palestine are anti-semetic. alternatively, they undermine the point to dei initiatives by using them nefariously to prop up those that seek to destroy the foundations that lifted them up. queers for palestine is an oxymoron. how can you support people that would kill you if they assumed power? how? you're like the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but they're not your friends. they hate you. and the queers for palestine just take it on the chin. you know why? internalized homophobia and self-loathing. you got all these feminists screaming free the people that would have them enslaved and they don't see how that's counter-intuitive.

just remember:
>as stupid as you think the average american is, half the population is dumber than that.
>thinks illegals are eating cats and dogs based on no evidence
that man from the Springfield council said that haitians were beheading ducks from the parks in public and butchering them for meat. and these are haitians lol. if you have not seen clips of haitians in the wild, consider yourself lucky, if not ignorant
danmark numba one
They have the same voice and dick.
>some guy said it
>that is politically compromised
>this is evidence
You're lost
call me what you want. i'll call you what you are: a pussy.
then what do you suggest to maintain social law and order? do you like eating food that isn't gunna kill you? do you think the fda should be abolished? what about the police? when someone breaks into your house, who are you calling? your boyfriend?

anarchist are contrarion solely for the sake of it. they underestimate the malevolence of human nature that necessitated the creation of government.

the reason things like communism don't work is because man is inherently flawed and evil.
i'd pick the poor guy out of spite
or be with the rich guy for a night and steal as much as i can
if that happened, don't you think there'd have been tiktoks of it by now? you guys record yourselves strangling yourselvs with belts. you'd think someone would've recorded these so called haitians.
"social law and order" is not necessary, or even real; whatever you may consider it to be
it is a product of conditioning
we are conditioned such that our only mode of cognition is confined to the framework of "law and order"
it is ultimately possible to undo that damage
do you want to squat with me? im from "germany" tho
Oh are you one those “I hate rich people”? Well then you also care about how much money someone has.
if suicide was legal, quick, and could easily be done in such a way that you could get closure and have a goodbye party with your loved ones
I wonder how many people would choose to exit..
i don't ate them
just don't like em
simple as
i am in the UK ;^(
i tried hanging myself yesterday but it hurt
it was a council and the guy was a citizen of Springfield. there was another woman who said that they were harassing her in front of her own yard in their own foreign language. and there were a lot more people after her. the influx of the haitians in that town has made them about 25% of the population. I'd take the words of the people actually suffering in that town over some sanctimonious faggot like you
i could take the train to visit
i want to be a hobo in norfern ingerland (too bad heroin is not a thing anymore)
social conditioning is necessary so people don't devolve into literally throwing feces at eachother.
the conditioning is why we have social law and order. without it people would be wild.

we have kids committing grand theft auto, literal kia boyz, that think they did nothing wrong. they'll steal someone's car, take it for a joy ride, and total it. how would you feel if someone did that? i'd be upset, but insurance will get me a replacement more than likely. in your world, there is no insurance. there is no safety net.

how naive of you. how cruel.

do you think people should be allowed to throw you off a building for being gay? should they be allowed to openly hate you? it's easy to sit their in your ivory tower and claim to be against the man. but you know what? you're the man. you'd only be hurting yourself.
same exact shit is what you'd expect people in the 70ies say but about gay people and italians lol
Real eyes realize real lies.
i really do not care about anything like that.
as i previously stated, i do not operate within a framework
Who's scalping whom?
>kuurst moves to finland without me
What do you mean by framework?
heroin is still about but i am more interested in ecstasy and hallucinogens these days
I think the law protects people who can not protect themselves also. So when considering the most vulnerable in society I like it.
no heroin is hard af to get here (only fully synthetic opioids available)
i like meth and mdma, too
hallucinogens are nice but nowadays im too depressed to take em
post hole
>i do not operate within a framework
you do though
do you live in a house?
do you shit in a toilet?
do you buy food at a store?
please stfu you hypocrit

>/herrr derrr i don't operate inside a framework/ as he posts online

please skunk. you're cute enough, but you're equally as retarded as the rest of them. this is why we prefer the strong silent types.
a confined/limited mode of thinking
often the result of social conditioning
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>Real eyes realize real lies.
It's a word so he can pretend he is smart rather than just being based and admitting to himself/everyone that his politics are just a mask. It's a fantasy enabling his refusal to grow up. It also excuses him to mistreat others which is why the law has been involved with him more than once.
imagine shitting in a toilet lol
I don't have politics
I don't confine myself to political thinking
it is far too structured, and oftentimes senseless.
hi delta
Farmer Cersei, the pig is loose!
im shittin on industrial society and its future
Trip on indiananon
im german
im living in a tent inna woods
ran away from psych ward
post tent
how is your train of thought not literally a product of social conditioning that you're trying to shun?
you're literally operating i a confined/limitted mode of thinking as a result of social conditioning whereby you're deliberately trying to be contrarion as a virtue signal or dog whistle to attract other people of a similar mindset.

you're not above social conditioning because you've been conditioned. oh you know how to read and write? that's social conditioning. oh you wear clothes? social conditioning.

dumbass edgelord
what is your name handsome
mark ruffalo
ngl i'd bottom for apostle if he wasn't so racist
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my point is that "political" thinking is unproductive
policy is not useful in of itself and neither are policy makers or enforcers
i have ED, sorry
post woods
Let me guess, Bochum = Ohio?
I don't think tiktok allows gore in their posts, dumbass. also this slaughtering ducks and swans from public parks is getting a lot of attention because it makes for a bizarre news
i really couldn't care less about business or politics or borders or otherwise any of those modes of thinking
i think so but i don't know tbqhon
whatever makes you feel good about yourself, babes
again, you're retarded.
should farmers be allowed to feed cows by products from other cows? no. that's how we get mad cow disease. if there wasn't a law halting that behavior, mad cow disease would be a problem. how is that unproductive thinking?
>hey people are getting sick. we can trace them getting sick back to their diet. what did they eat, beef. and what was that beef raised on? cannibalism. oh, no wonder why the meat is no good. maybe we should outlaw that practice to so that meat quality doesn't fall off

how is any of that unproductive? you couldn't even get mad cow disease under control until 2015 in the uk.
I'll take your ideology seriously only after you stop using the welfare checks given to you by the government and paid for by the tax-paying citizens. until then you're just a hypocritical edge lord on the internet

>it's illegal to kill, unless it's on a mass scale.
nuclear power is illegal, but nuclear bombs are not.
>it's illegal to trespass, but it's legal to invade.
>it's illegal to steal, but it's legal to "repossess".

politics is literally doublethink
meant to subvert, confuse and subdue
If your bf asked you to lick his armpits, would you?

What if he asked you to scratch his nuts if he’s not in the position to do so?
lol this guy is a tard
>loses the argument
>i don't care anyways! it was never an argument
say it with me boys:
>female brained bottoms
i just don't consider politics to be anything but the constriction of human consciousness.
wassup gays
a simplistic mode of thinking designed for the sleepy masses
>If your bf asked you to lick his armpits, would you?
>What if he asked you to scratch his nuts if he’s not in the position to do so?
sure, my hand is usually down there anyway
yes of course
i do it without him asking
i also lick his unwashed nuts but he tends not to like that
>>it's illegal to steal, but it's legal to "repossess".
if you bought a car on credit and didn't repay your debt, then you never really owned it. the creditor owns it. they're taking back what you tried stealing from them.

do you even listen to yourself?

it's not meant to subvert, confuse and subdue. people that say that are those frustrated because they're too stupid to understand all the nuances so they say fuck it i didn't want to play anyways like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
>If your bf asked you to lick his armpits, would you?
only if he wasn't wearing deodorant
>What if he asked you to scratch his nuts if he’s not in the position to do so?
You're not special. You're an unemployed burden who depends on the state and other people.

You do this shit as a covert narc to think you're above everyone. As accepting the failure on your shoulders is too much for your narc brain to take.

You are not an inventor, artist, or ideological savant. You are like an everage person. Relax.
credit also doesn't exist
it is a fictional concept
Are tops male brained?
It has multiple uses. Some amount of subduance and confusion is needed to help those who cannot help themselves.
most are
>it's illegal to take someone else's hard earned money but it's legal to receive their taxes as welfare benefits

muh subvert, confuse and subdue
imagine getting into debates with skunk on a sunday afternoon when you could be doing chores & drinking tea
i am not interested in arguing with NPCs
or posting hole
that word ("NPC") is forbidden in this daycare, sorry
just remember:
the next time you and the boys are bullshitting about something and then you start seeing ads for it online. that's impact of the end of net neutrality as siri never sleeps.
robot, if you prefer.
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Thoughts on lime lips?
imagine using apple
that's cause you are a hypocrite. you wouldn't even be on here using electricity and Internet without the gubmint paying those bills
i don't operate within a political mode of thinking
But you only sound male brained when posting as theapostle
way to miss the point.
it's not a problem native to apple. what do you think all these ai expansions are going to facilitate?
imagine using ai
no you don't. don't lie
no russians
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Thoughts on bathing with friends?
He might be too dumb to lie.
i used to shower with my bf in a non sexual way while his parents were at home
i hope they did not think we had segs
i went to some hut that had a bathtub with ppl from school and all the guys (presumably straight) bathed naked together in the bathtub except me (presumably gay)
i felt really uncomfortable seeing them being naked together and had to look away because i felt like a perv
or posting pole
only if they're gay
>You're an unemployed burden
It’s not very kind to call people a burden just because they’re unemployed.. :-/ in Christianity we all have human worth, employed or not.
Turn all of my entire blood into alcohol. I drink whisky oblivion. What would you do with a man who had the biggest penis and balls of all time? Too big even for your mouth or asshole. Or vaginer if you is womans.
you literally shit on poor people any chance you get. stfu
i have been unemployed since 2015 uwu
do you listen to pet shop boiz?
Imagine if Elon musk started selling his sperm. I think many women would want it. Soon Elon musk would have thousands of children
i am partial to west end girls
9 am is berate to r.

I would have a beverage with you my love. I love women so much bros. I wanna get married to a a
Girl and 8mpregnate her in th e vaginer.
probably saved yourself from getting their herpes
I'd buy some and make musktinis.
stop drinking
log into genshin
imagine rubbing together with a bunch of ottermode 18 year old men and not getting a boner
i don't get it
its pretty normal to not get boners to what you're attracted to
when i was 18 i had lapdances from different women
didn't get a boner once
and im bisexual
are you sure they didn't get boners?
bisexuals never get boners for women
im gay but i think i'd get boners even from women if they'd lapdance or something, just from physical stimulation (as long es they don't show their vagenes)

i mean i assume so they were literally stacked on each other in a small metal bathtub
i know at least three of the four had girfriends and they were pretty straight i think
the straight guys i know would intentionally try to make the others get boners and then tease them. straight dudes bathing/showering together are not as bothered about boners as you think
but how would they not be tempted to suck them
it sounds like my perv brain fantasy, i feel so excluded now
they get topped by them i assume
terminal coomer brain
Please go back lying biscum.
>straight guys rub their dicks together and tease each other
>they are no pervs because they are straight
>i can only be a bystander because im homosexual and it would be perv if i joined
because they're not gay? people can play with dicks and not have sex with them
that wasn't my point
and yes we do
i wish i were bish but im masc4masc while never being being masc enouf
what's the appeal of the star wars franchise?
That's how it is. Find a bf.
never watched those movies
i have a bf
I love that bishits don't even have decency to pretend they're gay outside of their own thread.
how can i make friends
Pussy is hot but i would never date a woman
i had semi-nonconsensual sex with straight men before
did they just play with my mouth and anus in a non-sexual manner?
Then rub dicks with him
i would never date a woman (am homoromantic) and i think vagene is off-putting
according to this thread im bisexual though
it is the American equivalence of ancient mythologies of the Greeks or Egyptians
im bavarian and old and have no frens :(
i did
the size difference is staggering
My boyfriend is shorter than me
I guess that makes me bi too lol
>defending israel

Absolutely disgusting
>i also lick his unwashed nuts but he tends not to like that
Describe the smell and taste
is your boyfriend your friend
>semi-nonconsensual sex
first of all you said sex so that answers your question. what we need to figure out is if it was rape
My mom's health is getting worse. I think shes had another stroke. She can barely talk or lift even a cup. I'm not ready to lose her.
>did they just play with my mouth and anus in a non-sexual manner?
and also...probably? it sounds like rape to me so that's mostly power issues and degradation
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my bf is taller than me and hairier and has a thicc wankable dick (mine is smol)

armpits: coffee and skunk (cannabis), sometimes a bit of garlic. luv it
balls: yeasty, doughy, almost like eating bread. luv it

are you the devil? he used to be my fren before we became boifrens. but being frens and boifren is different.
Damn bro i am sorry
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reminds me of this top lad having a joke with his bud
that's literally just kinda porn
if dark haribo were here he'd post an evil apu in a devil costume but hes not here...
do you live with your boyfriend
how? they're not gay
Just be there with her man it’s all you can do right now. i am sorry
When i am at my worst i watch joan rivers to feel better maybe you could try that. stay strong bro <3
>do you live with your boyfriend
no i wish
only sometimes
>and also...probably? it sounds like rape to me so that's mostly power issues and degradation
I'm thinking about it every night and it makes me wanna kms because I let them dishonour me. i have to restore my honour by means of suicide
sorry to hear bro
if you're in the usa and live near a sollis health site i would recommend signing her up
Anon don't. Find love.
what does semi-nonconsensual mean?
i have a boifren but i will never love myself

it means im a retard
just tell me what happened
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but i didn't get hiv or any other sti
even worse, you got mental illness
You can't fully love your bf as long as you don't love yourself
i'm pretty menthol yeah

true, another reason to end it
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Nobody is ever ready to lose anyone
Suicide is fem. Murder-suicide is masc. Choose wisely sis.
i'm bored
time to start drinking
i could never kill my boyfriend even if i got like a brain tumor and wanted to
he can carry me around and when he lifts me from the floor i can't get back down until he wants me to get back down (like a cat)
i'm also mostly bottoming
is your bf the straight guy that semi-nonconsensually diddled you?
who made the water brown?
no eww
>i'm also mostly bottoming
ma'am we knew
then why would you murder-suicide him?
do you live with her? if she had a stroke call 911
i said i would never do that and even if i wanted to i would be physically incapable to do that
I hate much you need to eat just to maintain your weight. These bodies weren't designed right.
>These bodies weren't designed right.
yeah. they need bigger dicks and balls
End the part of you that you can't love only
have her watch this
tlhat's a matter of gene tailoring
but there are so many genes that control the size and shape of the dick that we prob won't have it figured out for at least 50 years from now
i'm glad for the people of the future
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Tfw spiritually fat
Anyone else enjoy eating a bit too much
I'm ready to lose myself to you Deltoid :3
just like ur parents can't seem to lose u from their basement
yeah but healthy foods
i loooove fruits and veggies
i like crunchy stuff like lays but apart from that not really
>pic rel
what are the things between the strawberries and the peanuts
how fat do you have to be to chow down all the sugary trash in this bowl
apple slices then tamarillos

i'm in love with stacy's brother
what do those taste like. haven't seen them before
depends on the color but usually somewhere between a tomato and a passion fruit
what a range. from godawful to god tier
i'm in love with bish
i agree passion fruit is garbage for dumb cracker bitches
who isn't at this point
Sane people.
>dumb cracker bitches
only one would be stupid enough to make the post you made
the intersection of gaygen users and sane people is the empty set
also bish do you like clean shaven or stubble types
not him but i like stubble types
Bishit and bipiss and bicum
i only like two of those (p and c)
speaking of stubble, i hugged this guy yesterday who was taller than me and his facial hair rubbed against my ear and i got hard lol
was he gay
damn but i need to shave or trim even i don't want it to grow
think so. but he could be one of those straight bros who likes to throw their weight around. it was a bear hug
it was, very few people are taller than me so i haven't had this happen before
>it was, very few people are taller than me so i haven't had this happen before
top him asap
i have a bf but if i was single i would
how tall are you
not very, i'm only 6'1
how tall are you big man
>taller than me
pls hug me (5'9, bisexual, bottom)
sorry, bisexuals aren't for me.
I'm 6 foot and my bf is 6'5
imagine if he topped you and you topped me haha
but i want to top the tall one :(
we don't have to become bfs or anything. Just hug me.
plz pick me up
>t. 5'7 cis gay verse
he is top only tho
i don't interact at all, but there's tons of people here who will. don't waste your time on me
lame but that's his choice
6'4 but don't get me wrong 6'1 is a very cute height but i can't help when people say it there's rarely people taller around when i personally get mogged daily
bisexual vers
the king setup
i live in a land of shorties. i rarely have to look up at anyone. except at home cause i'm the shortest in the family lol
You first
Yes my bf is very cute
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*swoons* okay now ur turn to pick me up
lol pick up slut
my boyfriend's mom is taller than me
please stop saying you're masc4masc when you're just autism4narcissism
Maybe that's why he likes you so much
wait how did it work? everyone is short yet your family is tall yet you got the shortest end of the stick
ok *pick up* now what
Is she very tall or are you very short?
yeah it's weird. i don't live with my family so i only see them for holidays but where i live now even most dudes are shorter than 6 feet.
I'm 6 foot tall

hmm. his dad is actually smoler than me
that is crazy the microplastics are turning men into women where you live
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this is you
thank the govt. they could sort the environmental shit out but they won't
im 5'8.5 bi for fem gay
Oh my god her wig...
nobody ever gives me an answer
you never post hole
Or pole or sole
the answer is golisopod is not worth the investment so just go with mr rime
is it the sole specifically that gets you guys horny or the foot in general or the humiliation aspect?
will you let me pick you up and throw you around if i put a clear coat on my nails
wait a minute im not g
he said before inhaling cock
yes but you sound like you're not actually fem
feet are a type of hole don’t ask me to explain it
having some beer
what's the point of dating a fem only bi
How is that me? :s
i'm a glutton for punishment
im not fem only im just latently hsts
kys and go back to your gen
i'm 5'7 cis gay for gay
said the turd pusher
oh like a feeder chaser
im straight now
britney spears - breathe on me
is that finally enough for you
are you a boy or a girl
Mind your glass house hunty
what? you really are a retard rofl
he's the guy they make those fleshlight dismembered feet for
don't look it up
i jaked off again
where is kuurst?
ive changed my mind im not into fem gays
cause when i say it
people think boomers who liked britney in 2002
and who have weird dyed hair

i dislike you all
ah just low iq
don't worry, that sounds like enough of a horror show for me to skip it
based femboomer hater
i hate masc gays
i hate fem gays
i hate pussyfooting "neutral" "normal" gays
finally something reasonable from you
am boy
very based faghater
someone's gotta do it
can't say i'm keen on straights either
are you gay
he's obviously bi
[for freshienon and those who are suicidal]
you've lost me and you sound like thatcher x
How do I gain respect for my top again? We had a threesome with a guy I've wanted to bang for a while. This guy was 2 inches taller, way more hung (8.5 vs 7), and wayy more dominant. My BF was annoyed with the guy since he insisted on going first in my hole and took control of me.

This has made me lose respect for my BF, what do?
im only into half passing twinky trans women now
Bully him until he reasserts dominance
how many characters does xanny play here
I would advise stop being a bi whore, but it's clearly not a way out for you. Give me the 8'5 guy bio tho.
64 approx
why does steve have such dead eyes
what kind?
Omg it’s so over for your relationship
maybe you are the short and sweet vers bf type
I made a mistake looking at out and now my brain is all fuzzy
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Is your bf still ok with you sleeping with other people after the incidence?
Post his BBC.
would anyone here date a homophobic 5'8.5 vers bisexual
>homophobic bisexual
no and you're 5'6
i would say yes but at this point it's futile
give up the ghost sis
hobgoblin gold one of my favourites

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