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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT: Post your fav britpop song
prev >>37281449
sabrina carpenter is my favorite britpop singer
She’s amazing.
i measured myself im 5'8.5
i mean i am drifting from the thread
its pretty sucky here
how do we improve gaygen for the next gen
>Post your fav britpop song
don't know any
who are the uggos in the pic?
get rid of the bisexuals and trans people
ignore the trolls and mental cases
Incest is always best
kissing a 5'9- bf
im not trans im an estromale
QOTT Bizzare love triangle or blue monday
Permaban Normie
hate that you can't get dance/ele playlists without that garbage country mix shit now
america was a miss steak
Liam and Noel Gallagher
Treat each other with kindness
Bring up interesting conversation topics
Share experiences and life tips
what would count as britpop beyond oasis and blur?
Watching my 5’4 bf sleep, occasionally playing with his hole
i'm going to assume they're not related and move on with my life thanks
The most successful bands linked with Britpop were Oasis, Blur, Suede and Pulp, known as the "big four" of the movement.
post your hole
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>this drives white tops insane
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imsofuckingsad, makesme angry
i think i should think straight, but there's something charming and funny in a fucked-up way of having a homophic bf who's like "fuck we can't be seen together", "my family won't approve", "i hate you, you'll never bring me kids, i should leave sooner"
and then he squirming and purring when affection is shown and he's being held and showered with love and a lot of patience
sexual dimorphism in homosexuals
the nature is healing!
Owo nulloboys
don't think I've really got a favourite britpop song
anyway here's wonderwall
>Oasis, Blur, Suede and Pulp
Love them
i luv those edits of cats as colorful aliens
does he play with your hole?
Not while he sleeps, nah. He smacks my fat ass sometimes
ull have to find a new anon for that
i am gone from here
what, again? no last messages this time?
freedom at last
post hole
Speaking of britpop, has anyone here read Guide, by Dennis Cooper? It wasn't really a music genre I was around for when it was alive, so it was interesting to get an insight into what the culture was surrounding it. Plus, there's a really interesting cancelled interview between the author, and Damon Aldebarn (from Blur), that's a whole rabbithole I really, really recommend going down.
I'm the guy with the fucked up hole, remember?
im bored of this place
would rather have a bf or just do anything else
edward scissordick
Who's that? I've only been on this site for like, a month, so I'm not him, if that's what you were asking.
ok post fucked up hole
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he looks fair and demure
You are SICK (in a good way)
her music is very good
tankanon needs a bf just like this
he needs a style upgrade
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You guys bleach the anus?
>no holes
>no poles
>no soles
What's even the point?
they could listen to shortwave radio together

valid question anon
a mormon would be great for him tbqh
all i want now is bf
no more shitposting
You would not appreciate any of mine. Although I like my cock and holes.
post holes
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hi anon im so sorry i didnt see your post from like 4 threads ago but ty you :3
i slept for like 5 hours and then woke up, took a shower, dressed myself and then fed my neighbors cats because she wasn't home for the weekend so i feed them once in the moning and in the evening. she also told me to put medicine on the treat and give it to the bigger cat. but yea after i fed them i went over to my friends new house and helped him with the heavy stuff and now i'm sooo tired :s
shiza getting flooded rn
stop chasing bfs
start chasing birkins
I NEED hole again brothers and he’s still asleep
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I have massive hemorrhoids bro.
knock 3 times with your dikku and see if he opens up
maybe it's better cashing it outside
how are you gonna get one
what about your other holes
The mouth is under the mask, can't do it.
belly button then
open sesame
i was usually lucky enough to be found, but i haven't tried serious dating in like 4 years
maybe it's time to move to apps, i'd feel bit awkward asking people around out now
I don't have one.
you're ready for grindr and tinder
lots of other incels there
ill probably be found by a woman
or so i say
but i don't wanna date on grindr at least, it's fine for fucking but anything serious doesn't seem like the best place for it
i know that tinder is supposed to be better
don't care just want watch alien romulus with bish
i get mistaken for a girl rarely
is this ok
a bit boring
are words like "gorgerella", "gorge" "That's so cunt" and "Perrrioooddd" gay slang or zoomer slang?
black women slang
do gay couples attempt to kill each other
as much as lesbians do?
Hearing from police experience, no.
no, they have open relationships to ignore their problems
no i think they'll either end up loving each other dearly or fall apart
open or not
are guys with long hair suddenly ok
am i claimed by gays or
should i keep iding as bi
lotr is about gay anal sex and how bottoms should be thrown into volcanos
i want a cute sub top bf so bad
nobody claims you hi
who are you
You are our mascfem kingqueen
the volcano was a homage to dan's hole
ded thread
illiterate and lost, tragic
wow sucks for you
that always happens when the human void known as normie is posting
i cant stop squirming aaaa, do i really need dick every day? that's crazy desu
that’s pinworms
soo umm it's not over?
i do
>i do
you will get over it
what do you not like about bi men?
You’re literally a femboy chaser xanthippe stfu
he hates that he cant compete with them
bi on bi crime
impossible. they don't date each other
gay on gay slime
finally, a good fucking post
Lesbian bed death
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Would you eat my cat paws?
i met my bf at the gay bar
no, russians have aids
gross, gay bars have aids
Why does this dumbfuck site switch from baka to baka i dont wanna baka i actually wanna baka :C
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how? that seems cute. i only met 40 year old trans chasers at the gay bar. i met my bf on 4chan.
jk i am not a russophobe so i would eat your aids candy
nooo, i want a bi bf
bigay is based
You're not completely wrong.

You can hate me if you want, I still give you chocolate.
slava ukraina
you're a bottom aren't you
im domvers
mascfat bots desperate for bi cock
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I don't know how to finish paintings
This looks so amateur
having a full on meltdown ftw
I wonder if russian richfags get aids or do drugs
reposting because because its mascfem and I'm bored waiting for a transfer

https://unsee cc/album#MrHfk9kUtOGy
looks moody
you could add an apu
Imagine an alternate timeline where instead of Ellen doing the "Yep, I'm Gay" Time cover, it was Matthew Perry and the title was "Could I BE any gayer?"
good so far isn't the rendering stage left?
this is really good! maybe the green box to the left of the two figures could be touched up a bit?
so this is what a man who is dying from lack of cock looks like
do i not look toppish
that's what i said
are you sick, i'm being serious
IDK how to render
perfect ozempicface domtop
you kind of do. im very envious of your facial hair, it really suits you.
You look unhealthy sis
it's a very boring process, some youtube guides on it might be worth
saved fingerprints
it was the morning after not much sleep
or maybe it was the night before not much sleep
either way
you look like a cum vampire
it doesn't look like a sleep issue
no i love playing with holes
you look like GD in an alternative timeline where he got into weed instead of meth and anonymous chemsex
sounds like you've got a bitch issue
what's the cure
a job
i'm not buying but i also don't care so whatever
ok miss ma'am
im gonna get a ...massage tonight

gay sauna pov
was GD the one who lived on a reservation or something
something a fellow bottom would say
u suck so much, its hard to believe that this is not ironic
maybe if you were a bit nicer the universe would have given you latex hole
you know what fuck you all you're right
i don't to be a gay tranny bottom software developer
i want to be chad bi top electrical engineer
eh, nothing wrong with being a bottom
ironic art is still art you jealous pig
i wish i had one
not liking my hole is 90% of my bi cope

that's a joke I think
i dont believe in karma cause im the counter example, i should have gotten more better things but noooo just pain and suffering
you could just take care of it, it can’t be that hard
I'm trying to improve my painting skills. It's not ironic. I'm open to critique.
what's the protocol
no he was the canadian qt pie (model tier) with a meth habit
wonder where he is now
holy shit ur hot
u havent seen my face lul
@bottoms can you teach bish how to take care of his hole?
you aren't the counter example you're proof that past life karma is real
but ur body is hot
yeah he used to go to reservations or something
we don't look alike
imo he looked more like steve
both have that coomer gaze
steve has it so bad it makes him look like a nonhuman entity wearing a human suit
Mommy, mama, a girl behind you
need a 3 hole bottom
>yeah he used to go to reservations or something
really? completely forgot about that but I think I have some memories of him memeing about being indigenous
a boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim
it's over
i will never have a latex hole
can’t believe /gg/ bottoms are withholding vital holecare techniques from bishit out of bitter jealousy
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gaygen i have a question
is flirting with other guys while you are in a relationship okay? like i know for myself that i wouldnt flirt with someone else but other gays seem to be okay with that i dunno :s
like my friend told me to sit on his lap after helping him move his stuff into his apartment. my bf doesnt know because i dont want to get into another argument with him
my estrohole is fibernated
>like my friend told me to sit on his lap after helping him move his stuff into his apartment.
is your friend kuurst? aren't you german, too?
yes that's natural and encouraged unless both of you are incontinent
is that like when women get benign tumors on their ovaries
gay monogamy doesn't exist
all gays end up cheating
jesus i see what youve done for other people, and i want that for me
agh that poor guy, he's visibly in pain. you can see him reach back and shit, wtf is wrong with the top.
audio: oi yas m8 put your wankpole innta ma chav boycave safe
my hole is ugly and awful
it's so over
same but it's always fibernated so i don't have to worry about douching when i've taken my estrodumps
don't worry man, I'm the same. Nice people can look past it in relationships.
stfu with this awful schizo bit
nice people staring into your gangly eye of sauron is how bad people are created
link the rest
post him deepthroating your BWC
lol, you've hit the nail on the head, when i was like 14 and schizo this was an insane anxiety i had.
is that haribo
lmaoo the things we used to care abt
nein, der macht gerade kinder froh
>dude you suck!
>OK can I get crit pls
tfw not applying creams, masks and bussyboi soaps and detoxes to bish' hole
British tops are so lucky
mmmm toxic hole
it wouldn't be enough anyway
my hole is damaged
it's over
I'll have to top
British bottoms are so lucky
bottoms are bottoms because they don’t have enough jing and need to siphon it from other males, if you try to become a top you’ll end up like dan
but my hole is sore
its over
was... was i himmler?

thx buddeh u too
damaged in physical or psychological sense of the word? please we can get your hole therapy
why is everybody's hole damaged in this gen, you'd think gay men would know how to care for a hole
worse. you were queen elizabeth 2 the flop sequel and you must pay for your crimes
its not possible to make the anal skin thicker and more elastic, u r born a proper buttslut or forced to go full degenerate...
care for their own, or others?
there's like a slightly puffy sore spot, been there for years
not like a hemmy
but its sore
when my bf fucks me my hole just kinda stretches outwards like a sleeve
tommyjoyer on xhamster is literally perfect
like, he has no flaws
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you should look into bussy boy
what kind of douche do you use
it's just nerd statistics
nerds have damaged holes due to lack of activity
nerds are the only ones to find places like 4chan instead of being a fresh tight fitness influencer
thus damaged hole gen was born
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idk who that is and yes

why do i feel a bit guilty then for not telling him? like compliments are perfectly fine but my friend also held my hand and was lying on the couch telling me to sit on him lmao
i didnt fool arounf with him or anything but the thing that kinds crossed the line was him holding my hand :'s

that has nothing to do with what i osaid earlier but go off sis
Order today and Azealia might get around to sending it 2 years from now
damn that’s fucked up, gays don’t even live that long
its fucking insane right? u d think gay bois would know to lubricate but this insanity is everywhere...
guy i was meeting said to me he'd spit... cause i was out of lube ... buddy u r not getting ur hole abused...
what kind of activity, because i don't have any hole activity and mine is great
my sides
he’s saying that nerds have slack musculature from their sedentary lifestyles and thus slack unhealthy holes i think
nerds sit on chairs for 12 hours a day which causes the immense hole damage
way more damage than taking 12 inch dicks daily
god is cruel
attention whoring nigger wtf have u been doing in school? i am better than u, whats there to critique? its horrible, from hilarious perspective to composition to everything else
learn to DRAW first
my hole damage is actually from stuffing random objects up my arse since teenager years
it's so over
gaygen should have a hole and pole night
my bad. these dudes seems to have fucked up destroyed holes though and most of them are incels
New Bottega, Prada-da
sponsored by:
please we can get into it
you just need anal training, antibiotics, icing and specialized care for it
anal transplant at worst
please don't participate in pole and hole night if your hole can't stop queefing due to being gaped by your hemorrhoids or your pole has frog eggs on it
what exercise would you recommend for hole rejuvenation
an island monkey... yeah that would do it
gott strafe england
okay how do i go about anal training
will it make me straight leaning
Death to macaques
This, brit accents are too funny to get hard to
>random objects
like what
gay sauna
He didn't made a single sound hate bottoms like this
carrot, cylindrical lego piece, brush handle, chair leg, plunger handle, roll on deodorant
yeaaa yes definately
we'll just do penis and kegels exercises and you'll maybe need a plug too
if she made a sound it would have scared the gays
anal whore
no judgement but how do you get a chair leg up you?
>cylindrical lego piece
based! delta will now fuck you
no judgement but wtf bruh
this is your average “vers”
this was when i was a teenager
lol leave him alone, teenagers are notoriously horny
kek quakery
here is a real tip though that u never heard before:

there are nose sprays that reduce vasolidation, they make the veins smaller and tighter, applying them to my vein (not a hemorrhoid! important) reduces the expansion after use, i also smoke for the nicotine which also constricts
showerhead, lots of water easy
odd thing to say
it wasnt like a thick one, just like a thin smooth wooden one

I had a condom and curiosity
normie busting it open on an f-350s tow hitch
it's a bit on a verge of a mental illness
when i was younger i didn't do all that, fingers and a cucumber in condom at most
i wasn't a bottom as a teen
most teenagers do stuff like that
anal compulsions would be a good grindcore band name
why were you attempting to make a chop salad in your hole?
so it was still attached to the chair? did you do a jd vance?
>I had a condom
safe sex is important
>it's a bit on a verge of a mental illness
to be fair being horny as a teenager is basically a mental illness
i also got off to cumming on my face, another vers thing I did
because i couldn't get an imitation then and wanted my hole to be able to give tops the chop
very gay and bottomy but props for having shooting skills
please tranny , go back to ftm...
can’t believe people hate on bishit smfh
you think normie is ftm? that actually checks out
I'm not tired, and very fortunate when it comes to neighbors. None of them have asked me to do shit for them, nor expect me to, but some of them have been amazingly kind and accommodating when I really needed them. Who knows? I'm not a lonely guy and pretty good at conversation, good at dish without being particularly bitchy. As for heavy stuff, the heaviest lifting I've done for a living is three ring binders and phone handsets. It's odd to imagine that you're so hefty, in view of previous posts.
i fucking hate women
I hate fucking women
i never considered it that gay tbqh
i am a woman in love
i hate fuck tops
i don't think a lot of straight dudes are into cum facials but i don't really discuss cum with straight men
im a bottom
i hate bottoming
we exist
what kind of dish
I find women fun, if in a different way that I find men are. A certain lightness of spirit goes all the way, whichever sex.
you were training yourself to get bukkaked in a straight way?
well there wasn't much of a gay element being honest, like I didn't imagine a dude cumming on me or something

nor did I imagine a man fucking me when I put stuff up my but, I was just kinda drawn to that stuff lmao
Im str8 and i cum on my face frequently
it seems like half of all bottoms are like this
just saying enjoying cum and putting stuff up your ass is a big gay thing. doesn't matter what you're imagining
if you're in here you're not straight
I was largely into women with dicks as a teen lol
i need a top who can give it to me daily, like right befor bed , so i can sleep well afterwards
Trans women are women m8
Who told you that?
They did
trans women belong to bi bottoms
Oh shit go on sorry, I can't fight against (((them)))
when did i say they weren't
U said i cant be str8 and be here
Be more careful next time goyim
normies is not bothering to beat ftm allegations at all
Yes sorry sir, ma'am, them, ham.
anyway my point was is that my hole is too damaged to bottom
so I need to repress and top
My pronouns are (((they)))/(((them))
tops get bottoms because their soft healing touch can cure their anal fissures
they are talking about them again
and i'm right. you also shouldn't be here if you're trans or a woman
bishit looks like such a top
Why not dont gay guys love str8 guys?
top that pussy
...Said no one.
come on
i straight pass I think
not me, i don't know wtf the rest do. also you just implied you're not a guy
Shake that ass bottom, make that bussy wet (oh-woah, woah-woah)
Gurl I mean thurl I'm sorry for misgendering you, are you ok with any pronous or is it exclusively non-gentile (((they)))/(((them)))?
only because the br*t accent is already flamer-tier
Most do acc. How did i imply it ?
no like
i have muscles and chest hair

and I make myself act masc in public which is a masc trait
tahp dat wankhole m8
bish looks like such a hot pooner
would fuck
you look like you pass along the straight crowd
You can actually use any pronoun as long as u put ((())) around it
>How did i imply it ?
the trans women are women comment. how does that even relate to anything, unless you're a woman
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Does normie/xan pass as an ftm?
The BPD is out of control again.
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Oh thats because i thought u meant this board, not this thread specifically
i posted myself earlier
one anon agreed I looked toppish
what does (((xer))) pussy hole taste like?
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all that trolling made her age like milk
bottoms are like cats
tops are also kinda like cats
ok, now explain why a straight person would be on this board in general and this thread in particular
9 out of 10 anons agree you look ready to be impregnated
tops are panthera and bottoms are house cats
im an orange cat
depositing my semen into bish' innards
baby on board
Easy, str8 guys like women and trans women are on this board so im here too. And as for the thread, gay guys also like str8 guys so im here for attention.
im a doggy owo
woof woof
there are no gay guys here
they stink
don't tell anyone else but I'm actually baiting for people to say I look like a bottom
Ill put u down
seeking attention from gay men and trans women is not straight behavior. we already have one delusional basket case in here, please seek help
who would bait on 4chan
you look like a meth addict
Im str8 but i have bpd
good boy
me too bro
yea, sure thing bro
perfect domtop look
thanks I've been losing weight
i see, help is not possible. ok well i'm out of options. good luck with life
you are safe here we all are bpd <3
im a longbottom
eating disorder claims another bottom
yeah she displays a fundamental lack of understanding of the Male sexuality, lile fully 0
and her persona is basically a flamer while claiming to be top lol
you are not safe here leave </3
i met a guy from kazachstan
he was a bit like borat but in overweight
100% sure he was a bottom
can I still just call myself vers
I control it well ud never guess it if i didnt tell you, while yelling at you for triggering me because you looked at me wrong
bpd is a superpower
doesn't matter to me what you call yourself mate
tell it to jesus
Social and circumstantial memory, memory in general. Descriptive power in the most general sense, about anything from particular women and men--for instance my Yvonne or Rochelle or Joe or Russell--to subjects remote from experience as stellar evolution.
Jesus stopped talking to me after i started my meds
i have avpd and schizotypal pd
bisexual vers for hussy tussy vers queen
Are you the infamous henchman of bishit?
how many tops have you gaped?
why is no one making a new thread ? where are the men when you need them??? :s
no but he do be cute
good it was always meant to be a one way conversation
shut up fat
when women my age or younger are clearly checking me out I'm flattered
when women older than me do it I'm repulsed
I'm a gay man, what causes this?

It's not just pretty privilege because when it's an ugly girl I still like it
and I've never been molested, either
the only reason I can think of is feeling that older women are more sexual about it than romantic but idk why I think that and it's really not a conscious thought when I feel the skin crawling thing from having old ladies trying to get my attention
Where have all the good men gone ?
baking is bottom work
Im starting to think that jesus is finally inside of me and that i am him, but im not sure
tfw no vers bf
I swear cute guy wolf whistled at me the other day
bizarre women never hit on me
kinky. use protection
Yeah i think jesus is finally inside of me and that i am him, not sure tho
you always split my threads niggers, i'm not bothering anyway
make new i have a delta rape joke to make
i think the most i can comfortably take right now is 7". any more than that would be too much. there is a physical limit for short guys. i could see 8" being fun the first few times, but then after a couple weeks of getting my sigmoid poked, i think i'd be over it. or maybe i'd get used to it somehow, who knows.
you would love debaser he's a cute guy wolf :3
are you the sissy thread maker
Ur not a true sigmoid male...
no way, I'm not mentally there yet.
Believe whatever you want to like everyone else just don't make it other peoples' problems
wolf whistle

the guy was a twink shorter than me
nobody else was around but his faghag I kept on walking because I'm autistic
I will make it other ppls problems i need to fix everyone, im jesus
>shorter than me
Baby that's dwarfism
i don't care what size dick my future bf has. if it's too big to take all the way at first, then i'll adjust to it slowly. most guys aren't over 7" though
Just put the fries in the bag
i think they are asleep not that awake men arent good men but still

tops are supposed to be the head of the household you cant just put all the work on bottoms :s
Tell me any problem u have and ill fix it for you
I have a mild headache
When women of any age are interested, I enjoy the interest especially if the woman is even decently rich, accomplished and cute. It's not hard to tell the difference between those and stiff huge enormous matrons that no one, I mean absolutely no one, but desperate men live with.

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