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Qott: We’re only getting older what are some of your life goals that you wish to accomplish before you die?

Q4T: Do you known how much chasers love you?

Prev: >>37289218
First fir mother russia.
Run done, 8.5mi at ~8:45/mi pace
If my life don't become better in 4 months I will blow my head
Sorry I have posted in the dead thread.
I would like to one day paint a picture of Atlas holding up the world for my dad since he mentioning wanting a painting like that.
You were drunk, you couldn't consent. She's no good.
I want to marry and make passionate love to Jade Slade!
in no particular order
get a boyfriend, lose virginity, become a mother, get married, get a bachelors, get a phd, get a job relevant to my degree, cure my depression

Q4T: Im no toot sure
i cant type fml
Can you tell me more about your depression?
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guts kitty gives me life
>Do you know how much chasers love you?
i do not. im a weird novelty that people tolerate

have a new chao gif
I want jade to be my live in maid who doesn't get paid
QOTT: match pfps with a girl before I die
It’s over for ziggers
Nice. That’s a really good pace
What are you doing to help accomplish that anon
So don’t do it. I wouldn’t suck a girls dick unless she was my wife and was on her knees begging
What’s stopping you?
How’s all that going?
do you want to have matching chao pfps sometime? not tonight but sometime
I cannot draw or paint and I keep putting off starting my art reps
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Wish I have dollar every time I hear "zigger" and "kys"
Not a bad idea anon
>What are you doing to help accomplish that anon
Get my archives, go to europe get a job and scape neetdoom.

I think I will also dropoud from uni since I failed tons of classes due to depression
>what are some of your life goals that you wish to accomplish before you die?
i wanna do a full split.
And like obviously i want ffs but naming surgeries seems unoriginal in this thread.
>Do you known how much chasers love you?
Oh yeah lol, im very aware
Notice he's talking about getting paid in real money and not rubles.
>QOTT: Share love and happiness and good memories with those around me until I reach my expiry date
Yeah I would like that
its probably genetic not environmental, my dad and his mother both have bipolar. Im too privileged to really be depressed. The worsening of gender dysphoria at the start of puberty is probably what started the first episodes. All of other issues just compound with it to make them all worse. my antidepressants havent worked, i just started my third and hopefully it does something
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I would accept chocolate and food too.
>Qott: We’re only getting older what are some of your life goals that you wish to accomplish before you die?
I have many goals but realize I will only achieve very few of them. Honestly just want to be happy.
>Q4T: Do you known how much chasers love you?
They better not love me.
find someone and die together (not old
What’s going on babe?
Go for a walk :)
What you generally feel and how you are treating it? I also have depression btw
She dropped a hint to me suck her dick last night.
Do you think she'll be okay if I said no?
We were both drunk that night. She's a good woman.
You're gonna get raped.
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do you want to be the hero or dark chao
He’s not June.
I’ll be the dark one I like how he’s an edgy lil guy
Then you're both no good.
I think I want to move to Costa Rica, and if nothing else as far west as I can from the east coast USA
Maybe start drawing 15 minutes a day and by this time next year you can draw him that painting
Pls stop being a zigger
Hope it works out for you. Escaping neetdoom can be rough
> They better not love me.
That question is for tranners
They prefer to be called zegroes
Please no bully.
take a break. lie down and close your eyes. One anon said go for a walk, that's a good idea too
Why costs rica? What part west? PNW? Or like Cali?
If you want to but aren't sure just take it slow. If you're uncomfortable then don't
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darn missed the deadline


mostly just be happy or content for at least a year then im good, depression has been constant for a long time now. I would also like to live on my own one day and am making plans to hop cities to try it out even if i gotta livr in my car or something. Move to a state that requires insurance gives me ffs where i work. then if i pass move somewhere else and just live out life, maybe return to my family or could try and start my own if i ever meet a like minded person and am stable enough. id want to foster one day or maybe even surogacy but idk i have to be functioning member for a while before that happens. gonna be 23 in February, really starting to feel like a pipedream but fug it ig. ill make something of my life i aint gonna be a complete loser forever.

i dont pass enough for love, even chaser love. most seem to only fug with passers. one day ig
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when i think abut the time thats gone by and the time that continues dwindling i feel depressed. in so much time ive managed to do nothing but let others take pieces of me with them. i dont really want rhe future where i find someone nice and we make it out together anymore, i dont have the energy for that. but i also dont want to be alone. i want to die but i dont want to die all alone. when i think about dying and the person that means the world to me going forward, loving again, it makes me sick, its like i never existed. i want someone to die with me because im alone and tired and it all hurts and because that way i wont be left behind anymore. i dont the people i love to suffer and i want them to live long and happy lives without me but i also cant stand the thought that they’ll live without me, i’ll be dead and they can leave me, i hate it.
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:( poor guy
yay ill be the hero one
Same. Anyone else feel like they’re wasting away? I feel like I’m waiting for moments that’ll never come? No virgin tranner, no good job, no house. It’s over bros
God I smell like BO
Whoa this shrimp cat is really fantastic. Saved.
It's such a pretty country and low COL. I've also heard good things about just how the community is extremely welcoming(sacmmers and police aside) and at the very least indifferent to trans

Probably Cali. I've been to OC/Carlsbad a bunch and have been all up and down 101. I've never been in an area that felt more like "home" than OC
Take a shower stinky
How close are you to doing a full split?
flying cockroaches
Don't all cockroaches fly?
I don't want to, I'm gonna get into bed all sweaty
I am a man

I have to use my cellphone to learn a forwign language, I have to use pc/cellphone to work, cellphone to study, screen to homework, screen to radio, screen to video. Screen. Screen. Screen

My eyes fucking hurt. I want to smell fresh air, I want to talk with people, I want to do sport, I want to do anything
I’ll make it my pfp whenever you do
Prove it
It really is and low col would be sick of you could do some wfh type job. Yeah I fucking hate ca but love it and can’t imagine living anywhere else
They do in ca
i will do it right now. cropped to the hero chao. we will match
Holy shit pichu making dreams come true
its beautiful
>what do you generally feel
I feel like a failure, constant regret over not doing enough or doing things when i should have. I hate myself, almost every aspect of myself. my appearance, weight, skeletal structure, i hate my lack of social life. I hate how i never do things i love or have relationships i enjoy. I always feel like im ruining things for other people. Im too sensitive and want to cry at everything.

Im not sure if im in an episode or not. I started an episode in January and im not sure if its over or if i just got use to it. I act very depressed but dont feel it right now, mostly just dealing with other issues

>How are you treating it
Started with fluoxetine, 30mg when i was 13. I went cold when i was 18 because i saw a tv show about mental illness and i saw how one of the characters was just so depressed, and he seemed a lot like me when i started feel depressed, but he seemed to have such a worse life than me, i just felt like if he was okay without antidepressants why should someone so much more privileged like me need them? I just went off and told everyone its cause they didnt work. Honestly they didnt work anyways and i didnt notice anything when i went off and i had recurring episodes when i took it.

Then my depression returned in January when i was 19. I decided that i was too old to just cry about it so i just tried to fix stuff i hated about myself. Mostly losing weight. The weight loss helped but it didnt stave off the depression completely and it got worse and worse. cut to around when i joined this site a few months ago. After fighting with my mom and my doctor they pressured me to go on wellbutrin. After that i tried more stuff, daily lists and scheduling, getting into dating, fashion and beauty, nutrition, skincare etc.. basically anything that was "that girl". It helped more than the wellbutrin, which has done nothing. So last week my doctor prescribed me lexapro last week, hoping it does something
Nikocadoposted too hard last thread
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ive never been medicated for mental stuffs does it work?
Were you able to perform at work and school?

I take 100mg of zoloft + antipsychotics and I basically failed at university and became unenployable
no it just makes you tired and not cut
My nights been made
i was getting pretty close earlier in the year, but then... some stuff happened and i haven't stretched in a few months. I've lost a lot of ground :/
yeah i was functioning, mostly. There were times in school where i just couldnt do it at all and made serious considerations to end it, but for the most part it was tolerable enough. One of the reasons i dont really think i need help
depends on the mental stuff and what you're taking. it's less like looking for a perfect solution and more like finding whats best for you, but yeah you can get good results
<3 this was nice to do together anon
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im already tired tho, i also dont cut

and that can be generally found through therapy right? like medications and stuff? sorry if thats a dumb question
i fortunately can choose when to endear and when not to on an anonymous imageboard
in this case i dont see it as important
my intuition on jew haters is rarely wrong and in this case you are either out to deceive or here to backpedal
Yeah exactly. And like it's such a beautiful country, and it's still on the west coast as far as beaches (east coast sucks)
I feel like I can semi understand that lol but I've never been so happy like when I'm in California. Plus the saltwater in the air is good for your skin!

>They do in ca
Ah, well all bugs are good for the ecosystem lol
am sad therapy is not gonna be fun tomorrow
how the fuck am i supposed to take legal hrt instead of grey market one if like around 0.1ml out of 0.8ml of it is leaking out??? and I'm taking only 4mg of ev this shit sucks dick
I just always stop going after like 3 months

Injections? Are you doing them right?
I rarely have any come out and it's usually no more than a tiny drop (IM)
>> /HRTgen/
dont talk about HRT around the chasers they dont like it. its like when cis women talk about birth control with their boyfriends

>only 4mg
4mg is not a small amount. I take 3.8mg + 100mg spiro + 100mg prog and my T is 17.5 ng/dL. and i get to about 300 pg/ml of E on peak days. I dont see why this board seems to encourage outrages amounts of E
Everything will be fine, your majesty.
>a bloo bloo
i laugh when normalfags describe their clinical depression
>with their boyfriends
yeah, you're not their girlfriend, so have some respect in their turf, bitch
don't shit the place up with girl talk, take that somewhere else
Don't make her start BDDposting at you.
why is general so active?
Because you generally want higher levels if you want an adequate T impression with an AA, but obviously there's a lot of variance person to person
Without an AA**
in what world is therapy meant to be 'fun'? you are meant to discover things about yourself, reflect on your behaviour, and essentially listen as a student would his mentor to the counselor
and then ppl like u will complain that therapy doesnt work
you cant build a clinical relationship over 3 months, stop running from yourself
this is not true lol. chasers love talking about HRT because they're doped up on roids formerly or presently and enjoy the pharmokinetics
Best posters are here.
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a bop
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give her a firm slap if she starts yappin'
what is a bloo bloo?

not really sure what youre trying to say? Why are you calling me a bitch?
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>not really sure what youre trying to say?
what I'm saying is quit your girl bitchin', this ain't the place for it
>Why are you calling me a bitch?
why are you actin' like one?
a bloo bloo bloo
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i was too late for the shrimpcat thread ough
violence against women-core
women on women violence ain't real, and you're about to catch these hands sis
If you take spiro you have a piss kink
im not june but i really really want to bdd post and worm it up in here
im not gonna but the fear is constant and the urge is strong
>and then ppl like u will complain that therapy doesnt work

No I know therapy can work, I've just always had bad luck with therapists. There's only like two in my area that are "lgbt friendly" and they have a different definition of that than I do
And the others I've been to that insurance covers are fairly rude if you have any original thoughts in your head
you want me to BDD post?
Can you read
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idk, i think most everyone could benefit from therapy, trannies especially
why is this the "midwest" shrimpcat?
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its been 2 whole months since I last even attempted girlmoding Because i own no girl clothes and Im poor as fuck and a retard what do I even do
please do not encourage indulgence of dysmorphic rumination
watch this lecture and get back to me
boymode with me, we'll do it together
>And the others I've been to that insurance covers are fairly rude if you have any original thoughts in your head
thats a good way of putting it lol, ive had similar experiences
get a job you fucking loser
I will actually watch this, ty anon
i had a therapist for a while but i stopped seeing him a few weeks ago cause i had more and more issues that i didnt want to talk to a man about
Are you hot? I’ll buy you clothes
gay male psychologists are the best psychologists
i feel actively antagonised by a lot of straight men and women in their counseling, if not at least ignored and coddled
Piss skink
I'm seeing a gay male psychologist rn, fucking love him.
Yeahhh. Like I've definitely seen people benefit from therapy, I just always have bad luck with it
I'm sure I'll try again eventually
please don't encourage self-harm
step one is get a job. Or if you have one, maybe a better job or curb some excess spending so you can save up for a better wardrobe.
>male therapist
i could never
why'd you even pick him in the first place?
Why is chaser gen so active? Because /tttt is filled with hsts trannies
i cant stand female psychologists because they remind me of my mother but i also get frustrated by heterosexual male psychologists because they seem bull headed or clinically sterile
Are you doing online therapy or in person?
any other homophobic gay men in here 2nite
i like boys but I dont think I should be allowed to be one because im not thin or 'charming' enough. Im a big scary retard who is always getting side eyes and dirty looks etc.
hey buddy fl studio is a real job
people tell me i am but people also tell me im very ugly so thats up to you to decide through the screen by pressing your palm against it. Also dont buy me things I would rather die than owe anyone anything
I've always done in person
Though I do get like 3 or 4 free online sessions through work so maybe I'll try that eventually
Go thrifting
also another thing
dont bother with anyone but a clinical psychologist
and look for those with experience in schema therapy
important for those of the transgendered persuasion
Genuinely same. I am a direct reflection of my mother personality wise so any psychologists that resemble her also, make me instantly get really emotional and check out instantly. But I hate male psychologists generally too because they remind me of my father and I hate that too.
Im doing the fat injections not the im ones and I haven't had those problems when I had to inject less liquid, now I have to be more careful and skillful or get the grey stuff again
it was more of a complaining thing desu
4mgEV/5days is medium or small dosage yeah but I'm thinking about going down to 3.5mg or maybe even 3mg because picrel was just right before next injection and that was postponed few hours so it could be ~10% better because of how quick ev decays after 4th (or 3rd) day
I do that already I just end up buying BOY CLOTHES because i am too ashamed / humiliated by male body to purchase GIRL CLOTHES.
Okay drop disc. You don’t own me anything cute girls deserve things
transgendereds need schema therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy
Then buy girl clothes goofy
>fl studio
get a job you autistic leech, nobody gives a shit if you buy girl clothes at the store, if anybody asks (they won't) just say they're for your girlfriend
stop being a dumbass
1. nobody knows who you're buying for
2. nobody cares. The store employees do not give a single shit about you
3. go somewhere far enough away and you just never have to see them again anyway
There's nothing to be anxious about. Just exchanging currency for some cloth.
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tha block is 2hot lilbros
buy crap girl clothes online and after you will figure out the fashion and get the courage go thrift shopping for something that has any quality to it
they are just wanting to skip the fueling line ACAB
be careful anon <3
yeah he is a gay man. it felt like it was harder and harder to talk about stuff that i was feeling because it felt like he wouldnt really understand. Stuff i dont really talk about here either because its stuff that arises from female socialization and adolescence (this isnt me trying to project superiority or gloat, its just honesty, there are some aspects of being female that you wont completely understand after certain ages and thats not a bad thing its just how it is). I dont think as a therapist he was necessarily bad at anything other than listening, its just an issue with me wanting to communicate certain things. For women, I think a gay therapist is better than a straight male therapist, but ultimately, unless you have trauma with women, theres no way a male therapist can compare to a female therapist of a similar skill level.

My mom picked him when i was like 14 or 15. She was really upset with me when i told her i wanted to either stop going or find a new one. She things its really rude of me to have seen him for several years and want to stop, maybe shes right but idk

Him and my doctor both recommended i see some trans female therapists but there is really no way of me communicating that i dont want that, i want to see a cis female therapist. The fact ive seen him for years and he doesnt understand that being trans is not a big part of my identity and i struggle to relate to other trans women is crazy to me

not sure if ill see a new therapist or not, i see a few that might be good, specializing in women my age with depression and body image issues. But im not sure if its worth trying about when this one hasnt resulted in much good
I like the police.
ill boymode till death because i will never pass :>
theyre yelling at this guy to get out of his stolen car but he keeps saying no lol
Ty rose, u are so sweet, ly
anxious retards really be like 'omg people are looking at me'
they're looking at everyone you dumbass, that's what eyes are for, just live your life and stop worrying about other people, stop giving a shit what people think
you think they're gonna stare you to death? They ain't gonna do shit to you
physically impossible.
you could die tomorrow and this would be how I remember you.
if his white then he'll be fine if he's not than throw a bottle at them and you may save someones life
cancer spawns
literally me
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ly2 nonny <3 safe travels :)
i have been going for longer than a decade and im still awful
its never fun but some days are worse than others and there is just too much stuff for me to talk about. like there is never enough time for me to work through things
>you could die tomorrow
but I won't, and if I do I don't give a fuck, I don't spend my time worrying about this shit you anxious dumbass
>this would be how I remember you
do you think I give a shit how you'll remember me? You're a total stranger
stop caring, liberate yourself, put as much effort into putting yourself out there irl as you do in your pathetic neet begging
if you had any real anxiety or shame you'd be dying of it right now, you're a pathetic neet
If I don't have my beret on, I've got my cop cap on.
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uuuuaaaa i wish i had a boyfriend
and its like each week i fail and create more problems i need to talk about and i never actually improve
>'omg people are looking at me'
How do you know they're not? They wonder why I'm so ugly.
How do the boots taste fag
the heat is stressing people out. lot more violence and crime until it cools down and the sun stops being so intense
student of /pol/entology
i dont know why it makes me panic it just does. i stop being able to think rationally. something is deeply wrong with my brain
>She things its really rude of me to have seen him for several years and want to stop, maybe shes right but idk
i mean you're paying the guy. like it's a transaction, it's not personal. His feelings shouldn't matter more than yours anyway
>But im not sure if its worth trying about when this one hasnt resulted in much good
well i think it is. Therapists are all very different, it can take a few tries to find the right one. But i do think that's important
i don't pass and i never boymode. It feels disrespectful to myself and women in general to not always be giving passing my best effort. Even if i know I cant succeed.
don't, boymoding is a form of self-harm. Free yourself
>it felt like it was harder and harder to talk about stuff that i was feeling because it felt like he wouldnt really understand.
lol what. girl u are far from the first to come into his clinic. get over urself. u think a gay man can't relate to female body image issues? or the difficulties with navigating female intra-sociality? he's literally seen u since u were a child and u want to drop him for things as frivolous as this. have u even broached the subject with him?
if it's not working out, it's not workign out, by all means try out some new ppl, but dont throw away a 5 year clinical relationship because of how you believe he wouldn't be able to understand it
Q4T: No :c, but i wanna know
I was taught not to stare at ugly people or invalids actually
so chances are, if I'm not staring at you it's because there's something wrong with you :)
>something is deeply wrong with my brain
there's nothing wrong with you, you're just a coddled spoiled manchild and you need to go outside more
stop fucking thinking there's anything wrong with you and start doing shit, put yourself out there
>i don't pass and i never boymode. It feels disrespectful to myself and women in general to not always be giving passing my best effort. Even if i know I cant succeed.
skill issue just let people boymode in peace
Do therapy 'homework'. Write shit down that you talked about, especially whatever sticks out to you as something to investigate further, and spend the rest of the week any time you're alone to just be introspective about it. Tell your therapist you plan to do this too so they can ask you what you've worked on in the past week. If you just go there, yap for an hour, and then completely stop thinking about what was said for a whole week then no shit it's not gonna help you.
but do you wear girl clothes? I only seen one or two pictures of you and you wear wearing a shirt and jeans
>boymoding is a form of self harm
so is doing makeup desu i feel like a gigahon every time i try
not self actualized enough to have a normal woman’s wardrobe either because i got the stupid dysfunctional autism
>coddled and spoiled manchild
kek if thats what you wanna think
>go outside more
i go outside at least 4 times a week because i have a job, dumbass
I'd love to stop lol. I try not to boymode at home too much but it's not safe enough where I live to risk going out without doing it
Plus I need to do proper voice training

Tbh I'd recommend you keep trying and keep looking for that therapist that works best for you
I know that's what it usually comes down to so that's why I'll usually try again every year or two. But I've also been doing that for nearly 10yrs so I get it
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heres my other one that I wanted to do for the shrimpcat thread so so very sad I missed it
The thread is on page 2. What are you sad about? You didn't miss it.
you didn't miss it, its not even at bump limit yet
feline prawns
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it was killed way too fast, someone really dosent like shrimps. very very good anon its beautiful love the diff perspective
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>because i have a job
yeah your job at, and I quote, the 'fl studio'?
I assume you go outside so you can leave your basement and head to your DJ cuckshed
spoiled ass anxious autist, there's nothing special about you, I see hundreds of people like you on a daily basis
honestly i think your priority should be reducing T, then raising E to ideal levels. Unless youre the size of a mammoth 4mg will raise your E levels to that comparable to cisgender women if not somewhat higher. Having more E isnt really going to help with much itll just make you sick at some point. If 4mg isnt enough for mono therapy introduce some AAs or get orchi. because raising your E to levels that most cis women wont ever even experience just for the sake of reducing T is not healthy.

if youre just starting HRT then 3mg is probably just fine if not too high for a 5/day cycle, maybe more appropriate for a week cycle. If youve not been on E for a while you should probably be starting off lower, probably not even injections if you can get the pills first desu. I think going from a 100% natal male post pubertal endocrine system to a complete estrogen cycle in the snap of a finger is a bad idea. You should ease into this firstly by getting your body used to not having T then to it having E.

You need to remember that women dont wake up and have a complete adult menstrual cycle when the moment they turn 10. They slowly get higher and higher levels until menarche and then some, plus they also have progesterone and prolactin helping manage difficult hormonal swings.

I understand wanting to go faster and i get that it sounds like im hondosing you. I understand hondosing and also i get that my expirience with HRT isnt typical. I was on a gnrh agonist for about 2-3 years until i was 15 and i think that is too long and shouldve started E sooner to get better results like plate closure and less emotional developmental delays. But the approach my endocriniologist took was to basically revert my endocrine system to a child and then let me progress naturally with increasing levels until i could start injections. And i think thats not really the worst idea. because shocking your system is not the way to go
:D I was so so excited to see the shrimpcat drawing activity then scrolled down and saw NEW and was like "aww" so I just did them anyways
no i work at a local fried chicken joint
i dont even have a basement i live in a one story crackhouse lmao
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The ideal relationship is 2 trans and 1 chaser because the trans can les out and do girly stuff together but can still get a rough pounding by daddy on demand and all the validation that comes from male attention.
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>you think they're gonna stare you to death?
also tried to pirate fl studio and got a virus :( had to format my drives
>they're looking at everyone you dumbass, that's what eyes are for, just live your life and stop worrying about other people, stop giving a shit what people think
sorry, but im trying to avoid the evil eye sir. you seem like you desire my misfortune
it just makes me uncomfortable, im sorry i dont really know what to say. my mom said that same thing about getting over myself about it but honestly i cant it just feels wrong to talk about that stuff with a man. I tried talking about it but it felt wrong at some point i kinda just went non verbal and it felt like form other conversations he didnt understand why some of my nonclinical issues might specifically be arising from female socialization or growing up being treated female
i just wish i was normal
does wearing men's clothing not hurt you?
i promise you've never seen me not wearing women's clothing. Even if it is just T-shirts. In my picture from the last tier list i saw im just wearing a bralet lol
not that you can really tell
"girl clothes" doesn't mean a sundress, you don't have to go 0 to 100. just keep pushing yourself
>so is doing makeup desu i feel like a gigahon
you're probably using too much. That's an easy mistake to make and one that i did for years. Too much makeup always makes trannies look like drag queens, you need a subtle look
>but it's not safe enough where I live to risk going out without doing it
ah, well. Safety comes first. sounds like your head's on straight about this
you know you can probably just keep making those. You don't need to wait for a dedicated thread
2? I can’t even get 1 girl to like me.
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You just need the right defense against the evil eye
wow you have a house, rich bitch over here, talking about how she's poor but she lives in an actual house
fuck you
I wish I had laser eyes so I could actually stare both of you fuckers to death
looks girthy
>your priority should be reducing T
what T? there is no T in me
>4mg will raise your E levels to that comparable to cisgender women
yeah I'm even overboard with E and could cut it down a bit I know that above certain point sunken costs starts reaaaaaly quickly
>I'll just skip the rest
injections are only affordable thing for me and powers methods could be real or not, we don't know it could easily just be that he has more personalized way of managing his clients. no matter what the truth is my body was already on E for more than 6 months so even if it was the shock for it then it should already be over it. read to learn i mistyped few sentences if you want to respond pls at least shorten it a bit
never said i had a house
just that i live in one
they are not made out of anything poisonous and do not have inward spikes so idk how clothes can hurt you
I completely understand and I'm sorry. I hope things work out someday for you though <3

Yeahh. As straight as it can be ig lol
That's part of why I want to at the very least move west. I'm 100% down with the idea of starting over somewhere no one knows me, and where if I'm clocked I won't get shot immediately
how do I lower my standards
just saying that what you're talking about isn't inaccessible as long as you haven't grown up with female socialisation. you're kinda elevating it higher than it has to be
a lot of psychologists are familiar with the teething issues involved with female adolescence, and the insecurity that evolves from it
i would expect a female psychologist to understand male socialisation in the same way, if they're well trained. their training is specifically involved with a broad number of patients, and trust me, it wouldnt be something they havent seen
why the fuck do you live in a crackhouse
I don't know.
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i wont i will die alone before that happens, i just hate they were set so high
Don't do it it's not worth it
Just don’t. Unless there actually unreasonable there’s no point.
Exposure therapy plus a concerted effort to make note of the good that you do see in people
What do you consider high standards? Or what’s yours?
psychologically, dear
why would you want to do that? hold out for a guy who deserves you
is it possible to change your sexuality
can I somehow become attracted to women or not
bad luck
why would you wanna do that? being a transbian is not fun, most of the time
>is it possible to change your sexuality
no but people can find out their own sexuality pretty far down their road of death and suciccitity mnm anrg the himalias i meet there ortodox rabai xi xin ping
you make your own luck
find somewhere better
im never going to be the person i want to be so i should just kill myself right? like its just going to be me jealous of people better than me forever
wrong place to ask this while tripfagging
okay chasergen, im going to get some sleep tonight
I guess the understanding part isnt as much s the discomfort part. After all almost no therapists understand gender dysphoria and i dont really want to see the ones that do. But even then its mostly just that i feel increasingly different about men and my feeling about men continue to evolve as i am on E longer and longer and i transition longer and longer. Need to remember i started E at 15 and reached female tanner 5 like within the past year, so coupled with brain plasticity and lack of male development im like mentally on par with a 16-18 year old cisf and following weight loss and behavioral changes men have been acting differently around me. So i dont think its unreasonable for me to be uncomfortable talking about some of this stuff.

I know that he can understand the issues and probably help me work through them but i just dont feel like i can work through them with a man that i dont have a personal relationship with because he doesnt understand it personally and im at that point in my life

I mean i got a new primary care doctor this year since i aged out of pediatrics and since most of my health issues are stemming from mental health issues im mostly touching on them (not therapy level since thats obiouvsly not appropriate) and she clearly understand pretty well what im going through, sans the gender dysphoria. She very often kept saying "that is a very normal issue for women your age" and "ah" moments when i reveal certain issues and feelings. And i feel like having a therapist that can see my issues like that would probably be a lot more helpful than one that seem kinda obtuse on why i would have these feelings.

i kinda feel bad for her since she says im her first trans patient and any future trans women she sees are probably not going to be youngshits like me. Also its clear whatever medical database shes using for get trans care does not seem to consider youngshits much
goodnight. I love you
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
Is it as frustrating for you as it is for me seeing you loop back to the same thought over and over again instead of making a breakthrough closer to solving your problem? Because it's pretty frustrating for me.
nobody gives a fuck, go do your fake moping somewhere else
goodnight mommy <3

woah who said that
if its been 6 months best to just keep doing what youre doing but probably dont increase. You jumped into the deep end theres no reason to go any deeper or shallower

As for leakage.. im not sure what to say. Do you mean the syringe leaks or youre like using more of the vial than you expect? maybe look into a different sryinge or needle brand

ive used two needles, both luer locks. One is 25G prescription the other is a retractable vaccine needle i got for free when CVS closed. Both dont have issues with leakage. So by leakage are you refering to a different issue?
Nothing like a nightmare and crying for 15 minutes to start the work week off. Usually I'd go back to sleep after something like this but tonight I can't.
I love you so much
Yay perfect timing
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never skip thos random 300 veiw songs they can be gems

well inherently i really dont have very high standards mainly cause ive seldom been in any relationships. but in my small experiences talking with guys, just someone who generally respects me and sees me for who i am. someone to be mutually comfortable enough for fun things. someone that enjoys talking to me unprompted, to be vulnerable with in many ways. someone with at least a little life experience cause i kinda lack it, mostly socially. i cant lie i like tall so that would be nice, i really dont like similar heights. someone fairly stoic or calm about most things cause im not very. and someone very secure with themselves. he was real cool almost felt too good for me so i ran away, but at least i know it is possible now. this may be a big ask for a lot of people and im sure itll unwind the more i meet people but the last guy i really liked was pretty much this desu and i fumbled the bag hard. i really gotta get over it

sorry anon hope you can feel better soon
>but probably dont increase
for the third time Im talking about LOWERING IT
3 is LESS than 4
I have to use 23g one at least for now because of how ampules work and because of how much liquid I need to inject (0.8ml)
yea because i dont know how to make it stop
Honestly, it's been roughly 6 years of the same dream every now and then and I've grown to accept it. I just wish it didn't affect me tonight of all nights when I start my new job in six hours.
horrible suggestion but i use weed to stop dreaming
If I start to rely on substances again, I fear I won't be able to stop again.
How much time do you devote to practicing gratitude for what you do have in life, including things you're actually strong at? Do more of that instead of thinking about other people and how you think they're better than you.
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i still have some reoccurring nightmares every once in a while i really hate em sm, i mean 6 hours is still an alright amount of time maybe unwind a bit and try and nap. ig thats what i would try to do but in that situation id most likely just be staying up till then. just try to get some rest tho. i smoke a shit tone of weed it generally dosent help for me at least. a lot of my dreams are still vivid just have a harder time remembering them. last night i had a dream i got shot it was scary and felt very real.
>Q4T: Do you known how much chasers love you?
Yeah but some of ya'll could also realize I'm a whole human and not just a hole to pump and dump. Female chasers are nice though
who shot ya?
I freaked my roommate out badly because I woke up yelling and now I feel bad. This is the second time this month. At least he understood.
>tfw no exhibitionist gf

>lose a bunch of weight
>become way more self-conscious
What the fuck man
Whenever you think about killing yourself consider the idea that you could just be hungry
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idk thats the weird part, it was like a regular day with some mofo im dont know but did have feelings for. we were on a drive and we pulled into a driveway and dudes in masks and rifles came out from behind the house and just started shooting through the windshield then it went black and i woke up.

ive learned how to be very quiet during times of distress, my dad would get mad at me for being loud. i usually wake up hella sweating and having a mini panic attack.
yea then dont do that im retarded sorry for suggesting
im not strong at fucking anything lmao i dont have talent there is nothing im hiding the one thing i was good at was soccer and that has no actual use
Ya this isnt high standards at all you just want to be treated right. You want to be respected and seen and want someone with some more maturity. The only physical thing you mentioned is tall and that just a normal want it seems. T I do hope you find the one and this time don't feel like there too good for you. I know how that feels but remember it's a made-up thing in your head.
i went to get cereal fuck u anon u dont know shit about me and my hunger that is directly tied to my happiness
Most normal resident of Seattle
fart tuah shit on that thang
fucking delete the word talent from your mind. It's a useless word for you because all you're doing with it is creating a bullshit narrative in your head that doesn't help you. Go play soccer. Doesn't matter if it's not 'useful', it's something you were good at. Build confidence in yourself by reminding yourself of things you can do. That's what your brain needs because it keeps short circuiting on bullshit that doesn't matter.
If medical science could invent something to erase memories, that'd be really cool right about now.
Ya I get this. No matter what I do I'm unhappy with the way I look.
Jade what cereal? And you will be judged for your choice
want to talk about it anon?
wish i could forget when they shot my dad
i hate soccer because its partly why i repressed so i have zero enjoyment because it reminds me what i threw transitioning at 14 away for
hey I just saved your life

Least you could do is post a cute pic
blueberry granola corn flakes with almonds so yummy
The long and short of it is I was first responder in my 20s >>37291866
and a call from years ago continues to fuck with me. I'd go into specifics but no one should be exposed to that, not even over text. Honestly, I'll be OK. I just need to cool off. Thug it out, as people say.
Make sure to shoot your shot in passgen before it dies
sounds good
Shit, can't even reply right lmfao.
>blueberry granola corn flakes with almonds
Ok, that actually sounds like a 10/10.
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i did this with football and track, but i still enjoy football to a certain extent at least whatever the falcons are doing and i wish i could still do track competitively.

thats what he would say too but its real hard to find nowadays especially for a tranny
>but remember it's a made-up thing in your head.
i need this though to be surgically drilled into my head
This right here is why i never became a fire fighter. The first responders and jobs like that require you to see some shit humans should not see. Im sorry
Well for lack of other options you give me, either find a way to reconnect with soccer by accepting life for what it is now, or find something else you're decent (or dare I say strong) at to do. Because, again, you need that shit to move forward.
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Ya dating is hard but as a trans person, I can't even imagine. Makes my complaining seem selfish.

Off topic good music as always. The Kanye was nice, even tho he's crazy as shit.
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need a bf to roll joints for and put on random chill playlists in the background to talk about life and the future with

i still appreciate certain aspects of him as an artist but yah hes insane and purged anyone that kept him grounded unfortunately, now he larps as a homeless person why high on nitrous 24/7, such a shame really


i hate this video lol but its like the only version on yt with the charlie wilson intro
I fucking hate this shit.
get owned sucka
whats wrong anon?
holy fuck guys, I got a new gf. I'm not telling who it is because I don't want it to get sabotaged. How do I impress her and never fucking lose this one this time? I seriously can't fuck this up, god normally doesn't give second chances and this is my last and final hurrah
>need a bf to roll joints for and put on random chill playlists in the background to talk about life and the future with
You do need this. It's probably one of the best feelings.

>purged anyone that kept him grounded
This is the part that makes it sad
>larps as a homeless
He also buys houses and guts them like in this picture. >>37291980
Someone needs to help the guy
schizo Rick got a new gf and ive been alone forever. Life truly isn't fair bros
guys r so hot ughh
you got a gf before i could get a bf? Not fair
>I would've transitioned at 14 but I loved soccer too much
your dysphoria is obviously not that bad then if it was outweighed by soccer lol
i want to become a guy but i am mtf
You should probably tell her about the repper feelings now
i want to become an mtf but i am a guy
Who knows if he's telling the truth or not.
lol she will find out at some point if shes real
You'll get one soon enough June, I just stopped posting here and downloaded a bunch of apps. We've been on a couple dates and I made her blush by holding her hand and telling her how cute she was. She thought she'd be taller than me but she's only 5'9" and I'm 6'3". We're gaming later tomorrow. I just hope I don't fuck it up. I'm trying my absolute damn'dest

but yeah, no worries, June, you'll find someone really soon I know you will. You seem sweet when you post and your huge Bozongas will definitely have a lot of men take initial interest. Just don't let them be fuck boys
>Jade suicide baiting for attention for the 50th night in a row
fuck off you annoying retard
nah, I was just goofin' you guys
it is the truth and I'm so fucking HAPPY rn :D. I literally thought I'd be alone for a long while but I just prayed to the universe and it delivered me. Ask and ye shall receive
This is actually a good point like how do you apparently have gender dysphoria which is a severe mental illness but say "oh but I love soccer too much" your dysphoria must not be that bad, probably because you don't have any
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it is but like what can you really do when he does it to himself, like i get mental illness but like theres a certain point you just gotta give up ig. also yeh i know about his yzy house dude is wild haha. i genuinley miss the old kanye lol

thank you rick :)
I should also point out that most matches led no where though. Apps can be frustrating but they DO work eventually. I probably sent out 100 hello messages before meeting 80's girl.
I wanna make out/have sex but I don’t wanna just hook up with random guys. I’d be fine if I did it with friends but I don’t really know how to do that and not get hurt. getting into a relationship is also not realistic cuz I probably need to move in a few months

this is a stupid problem to complain about but I just feel really lonely and needed to vent
for sure! but yeah, just please don't men use you. I know the male psyche. Sometimes guys just want to fuck. I'm past that but I did in my early 20's. I wanted something real and I hope it pans out. When I think of something crazy, I just say the opposite of that and it works out well for now
thought i had dysphoria but i just love transbians
hi jade
Must be so hard for guys i rarely get rejected
Also, if any chasers read this I hope this instills hope in you. If someone like me can find a catch and have her actually like me. There's hope for you, please keep chasing. Salutes, and peace out my brethren
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I’m what would happen if you took a transbian and turned them straight
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damn it

are you a really hot girl? Yeah, it is. I think that's why when a guy gets a relationship. He holds on for dear life. That's another reason why I think open relationships are unfair for guys, generally speaking. From what I've seen the woman can get laid pretty easily and the guy... well, the guy pretty much gets nothing
Ill try my best but im not very good at reading mens intentions
>theres a certain point you just gotta give up
I think that is what happened. I think people tried for years and just got tired of it.

Ya I didn't know about his house till my buddy was telling me about it. He went to go check it out and its a mess.

I mean you could just ask a friend to fuck but it's usually not a good idea. If feelings start you usually end up hurting some one and losing a friend. Most people who have friends with benefits that I know had hookups who just decided to keep doing it.
basically, if he's pushing for sex way too soon. Harmless flirting and calling you pretty is fine or even calling you sexy. But if he's really trying to hint at "netflix and chill" early on. He's just hit it and quit it. It's just generally how guys operate. Unfortunately, I was like this. Testosterone is one hell of a drug
I don’t know anyone in the area so I’ll probably just wait. Not sure how I could meet someone trustworthy either who would want the same kind of fleeting relationship.
Yeah i can barely handle it when a single guy rejects me, let alone a large number of them. Ive realized theres some narcissism buried in there and deal with it a bit better now but it still just drives me crazy
Ill keep that in mind, thank you rick!
Men only want one thing (reunification of yugoslavia) and its disgusting
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Yeah, guys don't normally get that luxury unless you're the top 10% of guys that women want. I had a friend that was that kind of guy. He was beautiful, sexy even. Every woman I knew wanted him and I was filled with so much jealously but I accepted that was his fate whether he wanted it or not. I was born an average male. The average male gets rejected most of the time and it's just a numbers game at the point. I tried to look at it from an outside perspective of Ratopia and realized I'm an average Rat. I get what average Rats get in that game. So I realize how lucky I am now and want to hold on to her for dear life.

I guess you're a pretty woman and that's your fate, it must be nice but I'd imagine some parts are exhausting. I would be annoyed if people called me hot all the time and only cared about my looks
yeah of course June, can I ask though. If a guy was courting you, what would you want him to do or say? I still feel like I'm in the courting phase of this relationship and I know I need to be more present than ever before. I don't want to whisper sweet nothings into ear. I think I'm going to buy her a gift for the next date
Finding someone trustworthy is really hard. Just be safe if you do try.
>i can barely handle it when a single guy rejects me
Women are the worst at accepting rejection.
>How do I impress her and never fucking lose this one this time?
Maybe this time don't
>catfish her
>lie to her all the time
>flirt with other trannies while 'dating' her
>be a repressing tranny
Just my two cents
Im not sure. I mean personally i would enjoy sweet nothings and would find gifts uncomfortable but i imagine a lot of women would not. Personally id want to hear compliments physical affection and stuff like that but she might not feel the same.
I'm literally too happy right now for this to even make me upset :) I think the reason I acted this way was because I just lost a certain someone and I felt vunerable and like shit. You can't touch me bro :) I've got a cute girl that wants to see me this week <3 Hope the next person you troll isn't as mentally weak, you might actually do some damage, be careful bro
nta and maybe this says something about me but for some reason I don’t mind rejection at all but really hate rejecting people
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>I think the reason I acted this way was because I just lost a certain someone and I felt vunerable and like shit.
That could be or you're just lying again. The thing about pathological liars is you never really know. So I take everything you say with a boatload of salt. Good luck with the girl though, hopefully she makes you stop being here so often.
She REALLY likes me when I describe the way in which she's beautiful. She was literally red in the face and kissed her red cheeks and they were so warm. I said "Your eyes, a spellbinding dance, ensnare my gaze, Unyielding, they draw me in, a shimmering maze. Your skin, a canvas of perfection, pure and bright, And your hair cascades in waves, a silken flight."

I felt kind of overboard complimenting her physical appearance but I guess girls are okay with that mostly?
yeah I see your point and yeah I probably won't be here as often since I want to talk to her when I can more often
Yeah I just assume he's lying nonstop and it usually works out for me.
I wish I was more like that and good at rejection. I tend to stick to dating apps and rejection on there feels a lot different in person. I don’t really do a lot of flirting or asking out in person even tho I think I would do better then in the apps. But rejecting is also wierd for me so I always try to shut down the flirting so it dosent get there
I find both of them to be awful and dreadful. It sounds melodramatic but that shit is near to physically painful for me sometimes.
To play devil's advocate why would I lie about this? It literally serves no purpose as I was whining about being single for a while (kind of embarrassing but oh well)

Regardless I don't need anyone to believe me as long as I have her <3 It's so nice to have someone excited to talk to the next day
thats definitely overboard. I mean if she likes it she likes it and if a guy did that to me i wouldnt complain but thats definitely a bit weird and overly dramatic
Pathological liars don't do it because they get anything out of it. It's pathological, pure compulsion.
how many layers will you keep adding to this schizo meltie? it's genuinely startling how deep into fantasy and hysteria this man is
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>Your eyes, a spellbinding dance, ensnare my gaze, Unyielding, they draw me in, a shimmering maze. Your skin, a canvas of perfection, pure and bright, And your hair cascades in waves, a silken flight
June. Isn’t this the guy that was harassing you with sexual threats?
wait rick was one of the rape threat anons?
that's actually true. hmmm I guess there's no way you could tell if I'm telling the truth or not then. Welp that's unfortunate oh wellz
not a layer, not schizo. I am laughing though, everyone thinks I'm crazy but I finally found someone who's making me happy
I like to write poetry
lies and mudslingging, lmao
I’m not sure but it might have been. I know he has been known to threaten people and notice how he’s been gone for a wile and they stoped. I don’t know but he might of been the one
>I said "Your eyes, a spellbinding dance, ensnare my gaze, Unyielding, they draw me in, a shimmering maze. Your skin, a canvas of perfection, pure and bright, And your hair cascades in waves, a silken flight."
this man is literally going to be in the news for having seven women dead in dumpsters behind his apartment building
what the fuck
this is frightening
>barbie doll
agp, meta, the clock is ticking
no, people just hate me here so they make up lies.
I literally haven't been here for like a week or something

okay, I can see my haters are coming back so I'm going. bye
Yup, same
The guy is beyond crazy

maybe thats enough 4chan for tonight
ill think about this for a bit
it's really late on a sunday anyway, you have a goodnight, June
I didn’t want to bring it up but I don’t trust that guy. Talk to who you want just be careful he is known to manipulate and try to emotionally harm people. But this is just what I have been told
idk June, you can believe what you want but anons don't like me here so they slander me and Jade. Not sure why at this point, I can't keep track of all the stuff they accuse me of but whatever, they can fuck off, they won't get to me tonight. I'm happy, I've got a win. I'm going to leave with a smile on my face
It’s safe to say he has proven himself extremely untrustworthy so that’s smart
the thing that gets me is that this writing is actually GOOD
i feel so so so unsettled right now. what the fuck. i could picture some miltonian demon sweet talking a human into terror and harm in this exact way
sorry im just not over how many of those posts i saw
place your bets on which happens first:
she realizes he is insane and leaves, her meta runs out
are all pathological liars this fuckign insane? can someone please remove this psycho from this material plane? how many others are just like him?
I really didn’t want to make you think about it but I wanted you to know he might be doing a bit. Just try to not think about it.
all my money on she never existed
Nah the vindictiveness and casual cruelty he gets into is not normal at all
This is my bet too
Rick is legitimately insane, the kind that uses a girl, burns her heart out, mocks her for it and humiliates her in public, and then comes back as chatty as ever and ready to do it all over again to someone else.
so is he a big case of ASPD? do i have to worry about interacting with a skinwalker like him who would do me harm in such a way? this is genuinely fueling my paranoiac tendencies
it's "good" because I'm actually an intelligent, caring guy. I have my faults sure but I posted here during a point of emotional weakness. I should have just checked out of the threads but I was stupid and I didn't. That said, I never talked to June much at all before today.
wow lol sorry y'all feel this way about me. anyways take care
he would never admit this tho, unless he claimed that it was an “elaborate troll”
Timestamp when
NTA but people as insane as Rick are statistically very, very rare
youre a fucking evil daemon, god is taking notice. he wont ignore your malevolent nature
I wouldn't wade into a diagnosis here, but I don't think it's as simple as ASPD. Either way he's an anomaly of our evolution, not something you should worry about.
Don't want to freak you out or anything.
>take care
u say that but u never leave
i wish u would tho
... Insane? Well, that’s one way to describe my unique take on reality. I prefer to think of it as ‘creatively unrestrained’—keeps things interesting!
but yeah, Honestly, I’m rooting for nothing but the best for everyone here. Holding onto hate is like clutching a hot coal and expecting the other person to get burned.
ngl if guy turned out to be an actual serial killer, I’d change my mind about him

go to church you evil creature. i hope a man of the cloth drowns you in holy baptism and cleanses your soul
>then comes back as chatty as ever and ready to do it all over again to someone else.
This is the part that creeps me out the most. Like we didn't all watch it go down.
it’s like 4 in the morning in ohio just stfu and go to bed schizo freak
lol you want to be murdered?
You want to fuck an actual serial killer?
This is more NPD than ASPD. Notice how he doesn't acknowledge just how fucked up his actions were.
not unheard of for babytrans bc they think it makes them fembrained or smth
maybe a lil bit
I did... several times and I apologized. It's worth noting she stopped talking to me first. But I choose to leave that in past
Well I accidentally just turned this into Rick drama. I think it’s time for me to leave for the night

Night all.
Get help.
It's very npd, but there's something missing in him if he's not using people in his immediate vicinity and has to target people online that he'll never meet. Real NPDs are not shy to meet up.
where were you like 2 months ago
you have to look at what unconfident narcissists are like
arm chair psychology, really? okay lol
You should kill yourself as soon as humanly possible.
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You should work on that.
41.3083° N, 72.9279° W
Just ignore the faggot. As long as he doesn't fuck with any of you, I'm fine with that. Anyone who deals with him in person will just have to see how sick and crazy this cunt is. I unironically hope he kills himself once he realizes how crazy he is.
you fuckers let this one hit page 4 instead of making one right when this one hit bump limit
fuck you
NEW >>37292506
NEW >>37292506
NEW >>37292506
NEW >>37292506
NEW >>37292506
I've always wanted to visit new haven
but just how does he have such an eye for poetry? it genuinely feels like demonic possession, and i feel unsafe
its was pretty nice compared to all other cities I’ve lived in

are you autistic, why do you want it to be made at the bump limit?
I was literally helping June with some issues she was facing. I was actually trying to genuinely help. I still don't understand why everyone wants to vilify me still even after I apologized and tried to make things right. I don't think there's much else I can do?
Lol. Wait til you hear about what some of the great writers of humanity were getting up to in their free time.
Those with ASPD or NPD are charming with words. This is how they attract their victims.
to make you seethe
how am I seething?
I don’t mind either way you just seemed upset lol
I mean if its ur special interest to have it be made at the bump limit I’ll try to remember that and do it
even de sade wasn't this fucking deceitful and deluded. and he was THE sadist of SADISM
i feel a chill down my spine when i read what he wrote. i just hope he's schizo enough that he never even met with anyone. any girl to read that from a man after one date would literally be in imminent harm and corporeal danger
I'm aware of who the Marquis De Sade was lol. I don't think he quite takes pleasure in it. Well I'm psychoanalyzing this man too much at this point honestly.
Yes, he's insane.
You may cast disdain upon Rick, with mockery and scorn you jest, And in his shadow, see naught but the flaws you deem manifest. Yet the venom you hurl and the derision you bestow Reveal not his nature, but the darkness in the depths of your soul’s glow.

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