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Was this whole thing meant to be a forced egg crack?
Me and my gf watched and didn't enjoy it that much. Probably because we are already out and didn't need the most surface level film about being closeted ever.
It seems to have had an impact on other tranners. Good for them and good on the film.
You'll laugh but it unironically did for me and I'm still furious.
>find the whole film weirdly sad right from the start, don't know why
>get to scene where his friend asks him if he's sure he remembers things the right way
>"are ya suuuure you don't remember all that genderbending shit you did as a kid, teenager, and young adult without even thinking about it, anon? are ya?"
>suddenly remember literally every dysphoric thing I've been doing almost constantly
>holy shit
>how the fuck did i not notice this
>feel nothing but absolute pain for days
>wish i could go back to not noticing it
>feel like i just had the fruit of knowledge rammed down my throat when i never wanted it
>look up director
>it's a smirking jew
>turns out /pol/ was right again
kino soundtrack THOUGH
Terrible movie, but if it helped people come out then I can't say it doesn't have value
I had the same experience.
While watching it I was kinda annoyed about how obviously on the nose it was from the very beginning (the very first scene shifting the colors so the gym parachute made me roll my eyes a little).
I saw that some people still came out of it somehow not realizing it was about transgenderism so I guess I'm just cynical.
I liked some of the soundtrack
It's good that there's a film that shows that repping will make you go crazy and totally lose it, but ultimately not really for me and I wasn't that impressed.
The metaphor didn't work as well as it should have. Having being trans be becoming a fictional powerful woman is so fucked up it's funny. I can't believe someone trans made this.
>While watching it I was kinda annoyed about how obviously on the nose it was from the very beginning
It's crazy but literally not a single straight or cis person I know even noticed this. I thought it was about as subtle as a hammer.
I really really despise both of you
Fake post, nobody who was just trooned out by a movie would use jargon like "dysphoric".

>Having being trans be becoming a fictional powerful woman is so fucked up it's funny. I can't believe someone trans made this.
Probably written/directed by a Steven Trooniverse type.
99% chance the writer is a lateshit transbian.
Why? 'cause of the shit movie?
It’s because you are subhuman
>nobody who was just trooned out by a movie would use jargon like "dysphoric"
the whole principle of egg-cracking implies a trigger but that doesn't make the movie or a game like celeste what actually *makes* you trans, it's that it just causes people to question why they are a certain way
also, I don't think "dysphoria" is exactly an exotic piece of language, everyone knows what that is now
just looked it up and you're 100% correct, she transitioned at like 34, the MC transitions at something like his mid 40s in the film don't they? massive self-insert
Do they ever transition in the film?
I am dog after all.
>Having being trans be becoming a fictional powerful woman is so fucked up it's funny
Not if you're a wealthy Hollywood type. Or just wealthy in general, look at Contrapoints: oldshit who passes because $$$$$$$. But why wouldn't they feel powerful? The whole script probably got greenlit because it's a trans thing.
It's heavily implied the mental breakdown in the end is the egg-cracking moment. There's that weird scene in the planetarium where the girl (whatever her name was) talks about being buried alive, knowing she's dying, then screaming for help, and so on, and that's exactly what the guy does at the end.
Also, why did they cast a mid-30s man to play himself in the 9th grade? That was absolute top kek.
You need euthanized you are awful
this reminds me of an anon who started wondering why all the egg memes applied to them kek
Kek. Why are you so bothered?
yeah but it forgot it was also meant to be a movie, it was shit
>jargon like "dysphoric".
Would it have been better if it was a mini series? Like every fast forward is an episode.
>the whole principle of egg-cracking implies a trigger but that doesn't make the movie or a game like celeste what actually *makes* you trans, it's that it just causes people to question why they are a certain way
I know, you dumb faggot, I just refuse to use the cringy "egg" reddithon terminology.

>also, I don't think "dysphoria" is exactly an exotic piece of language, everyone knows what that is now
lmao at how detached you are from normal society if you think a regular cischud man with no connection to the LGBT movement (i.e. the kind of person who could be trooned out by a movie) has any idea what that is.If you know tranny jargon you're already been exposed to trans as a concept enough that you would have reached the realization long ago already and a ham-fisted movie wouldn't be what did it.
Dysphoria is used by every gymchud ever.
Anon if you know that, then you're debating a really stupid point. Of course media isn't going to literally turn someone trans. I don't think anyone ITT is taking it literally but you.
Your point is like arguing with gay guys who suddenly figure out they're gay late in life that one guy didn't L I T E R A L L Y turn them gay, they must have known earlier that they were gay... of course they did, they just didn't put the pieces together and repression is so common it's been a meme for decades before anyone ITT was born.
In fact in that same post you quoted anon literally said all it did was explicitly highlight all the tranny shit they did already, so I'm not sure how you're getting that a movie is literally a chud to tranny pipeline.
I always saw that as maximiazing second hand dysphoria, reinforced by him having a grotesquely large adams apple and chest hair. They wanted us to know that it was over for owen before it even began. Believing that he went on to transition later undermines his scenes a lot. I fully believe he died buried alive.
The movie fully stops to give that one girl a 20 minute monologue in front of a projector it was so fucking stupid.
I liked the rest of it though.
i couldn’t get over seeing fred durst in a tranny movie to be honest, that shit felt surreal
all of the critiques of this film itt are dishonest
if you already knew it was about repression before watching it then of course you're going to selectively pick out all the trans themes
as someone who saw the movie blind without any prior knowledge of the themes its a totally different experience
the only thing a reddit honscientist should crack is their skull, self inflicted, onto the pavement
>see op Pic
>excited because looks like analog horror
>read thread
>big disappointment
>I fully believe he died buried alive.
the movie all but explicitly tells you he came out, it's an extremely unsubtle movie
I don't think so, I went in not knowing anything but le bisexual lighting meme and I still felt it was beating people over the head with everything
watched this move on k, 10/10 experience
didnt make me realize anything about myself i mean i already knew i was trans but still great movie (if ur high idk about sober)
I hate pinkpill media for lateshits
"cracking someone's egg" is acceptable if they're like 12 or some shit, groomer allegations aside
if they're older than 18 then you've basically just ruined their life
>oh yeah you would be really happy if you became a woman
>so how do you do it? oh you can't, hrt only helps during puberty lol
we don't need trans awareness for lateshits, we need trans dissociation treatment
Gay Jewish Hollywood crap
I never had an egg to crack, I always wanted to be a girl and cross dressed my entire life.
this, kek
It’s almost hilariously cruel to do to oldshits
I thought it was O.K. but honestly I think my main gripe with this film is that it's way too obvious it's a repper film, literally to the point that they put messages screaming at you like "IT'S NOT TOO LATE".

Like if themes were more subtle I think it could have been an actual banger. Like it's just disappointing the film treats you like a 60iq manchild that needs to have shit literally spelled out in front of you instead of letting people figure out the message in more subtle ways.

Could have been so much too if it even remotely touched on the downsides of transition.
>they put messages screaming at you like "IT'S NOT TOO LATE".
yeah this was cringe and extremely deluded, how the fuck would anyone actually pass after 25, reppers should get help to stay reppers in peace
>if it helped people be groomed then I can't say it doesn't have value
this is the most /tttt/ thread i have ever read holy fuck you guys are so miserable sometimes
why wouldn't we be
gender dysphoria is a major chronic mental illness with no treatment
>>"are ya suuuure you don't remember all that genderbending shit you did as a kid, teenager, and young adult without even thinking about it, anon? are ya?"
haha as a tocd faketrans i haven't done any of that shit
i turned down the opportunities to crossdress and i knew about hrt at 15, thought it was cool, then moved on with my life kek
Stopped reading
even with how in your face it is 99% of people didn't pick up any themes. i know some trans people who didn't get it at all
its a bad movie that tries to mask this with its cool visuals and nostalgic effects. the metaphor at the crux of the movie (being trans represented as him being the girl in the tv show forced to live in another body) doesnt work at all, it falls apart as soon as you think about what it even means for him to be his 'real self' which is just him being a tranny, he can never just go back to being the girl in the show but the movie just ignores this?
>me and my gf
>two gorillamoders who never shower and jerk each other off while playing smash brothers
>no treatment
death is a treatment and a kindness to ""'people""" like you
drop a toaster into your bathtub just like the doctor ordered
im well aware, im saying the movie doesnt deserve all the shit everyone here is giving it
go outside and do something instead of thinking about how ywnbaw all day, i've found it helps
Imagine getting groomed by a movie, kek
plenty of people itt are admitting to it
We are stealth st4t.
Nah, the whole " there's style time" bit is clearly directed to the viewers, not the character. What we see later is the result of having lost that chance. Sadly, i can't deny that you may have a point considering he starts breathing normally after his whole breakdown, even though he apologizes for it. It's up for interpretations and i hope he died repping
>Fake post, nobody who was just trooned out by a movie would use jargon like "dysphoric".
I wasn't "trooned out by a movie" kek. Like I said, I had a lifetime of doing this stuff and for whatever reason I just ignored it over and over and I think the prompt where the mc re-examines his memories was just the last straw.
I'm aware it sounds stupid but everything about this feeling is stupid. Somehow I just successfully ignored constantly trying to feminise myself when growing up. I figured it was just a normal feeling and guys just agreed that we'd keep up the act in public. I didn't really consider that other guys weren't acting. It just took me way way too long to figure out all that stuff was gender dysphoria (which isn't a rare word, come on). I just assumed that was something that happened to other people and as long as I wasn't ripping my skin off it didn't count.
I do wish it were fake though. I'd rather forget all about this feeling.
The apologies are there so that it explicitly parallels the earlier scene in the planetarium.
She says:
>I screamed as loud as I could for help
He screams for help because he's dying
>I apologized for the whole thing
He apologizes to everyone
>I prayed for someone to come save me
He screams out for his mommy
The movie has absolutely no subtlety in it whatsoever. It's explicitly an anti-repper message.
>What we see later is the result of having lost that chance
The director is a gigahon transbian who trooned out at 34 after realizing they were trans during a mushroom trip. There's zero chance the message would ever be that it's too late to transition.
I was literally outside 5 minutes ago and now I’m at home alone and dysphoric again
I know who you are
i hate this film for mainstreaming transfenderism i saw my fucking mom watching the trailer i wish the media would stop reminding cis people that trans people exist it's fucking embarrassing and i just want to manmode in peace. this film depicts transgenderism as the childish fantasy of s mentally-ill crossdresser
>it’s not too late
>mc and director of the movie are lateshits both stuck as hons forever
What did xhe mean by this
go outside some more silly goose
r u mtf or ftm?
You DID go out and buy an LG™ TV after watching didn't you /lgbt/ ?
this movie made me cry so much, especially since i've been neglecting the social side of transition and self harming by binge eating and isolating myself for most of my life

just hit way too close to home. at least im on hrt i guess.
I just liked the soundtrack...
Of course I did. After all, Life's Good!
It’s definitely not ‘surface level’, a surface level film would’ve just had a regular happy ending and shown things much more explicitly, most non-trannies had no idea what it was about
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you faggots act as bitch as Rupaul
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ya niggas share one milkshake wit two straws
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youre just like a bitch with no top on
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at the Houston five you lay down to get shot on
Request pic of the gigahon
fred dursts limp bizkit image was a big troll, even he admitted as such. hes a smart guy, and way more talented and cool than people realize
yes, that was the directors aim
Hon there’s fucking 4 of them right above you dipshit
*depicts repping
I legitimately didn't see them due to foolishly not loading new posts before writing mine. The embarrassment caused me to have a meltdown in an aquarium hence the slow response.

El Ogro...
the only valid egg crack is jerking off to taftaj
My fiance's daughter told us about it. She came in to our room while we were in bed and told us about a new analogue horror movie. Sounds cool.

Then I went to out a video on to listen to in the shower and I saw a Samantha Lux video about it. I told my fiance and he said he'd look into it.

A couple weeks l8r we're vacationing in the mountains with his boss and the kids' uncle. The six of us are crammed into the cabin's little TV-room, and his boss (a late forties gay man) suggests the movie and my fiance's daughter lights up.

I warn against the movie to no avail. He didn't watch the review I sent him and we watched it. I stopped it at the scene that felt like it was about to culminate in a rape or something, near the end. I made the kids leave and go to bed, and the adults finished the movie.

After it was done I said how it was the worst, most "Hollywood"/CIA psyop version of the transgender experience.

Cue blank cissy stares and a chorus of "now that you mention it..." and "ohh yeahh"

Cis people have no trandar unless a brickhon is staring them in the face
This can't be real

It is literally 10000% joever for this person, cis or trans
the weird part is she's rich and looks like that
No, the really odd thing is the movie is about how it's never too late and you have to do it or you'll remain psychologically tormented. If the movie was about warning kids to do it before it's too late because there's a sharp cutoff before you turn into... whatever that is, it would be tragicomical, but like, that's supposed to be the *good* outcome.

Anon there is no amount of money that will fix those facial features. What are the surgeons supposed to do, just saw off the whole front of the skull and rivet on a dead woman's face?

Maybe the body would be salvageable with insane amounts of diet, exercise and implants but the head, fuhgeddaboudid.
>Anon there is no amount of money that will fix those facial features. What are the surgeons supposed to do, just saw off the whole front of the skull and rivet on a dead woman's face?
she could get her browbone, jaw, chin, and nose done and she would probably pass as a woman with a big head
she could also get a stylist and hire someone to fix her hair, but instead she seems to want to look like a massive agp hon fitting every stereotype
I don't understand how someone whose dysphoric and has the resources to get surgery and fix their appearance can look like this. She has more money than 99.9% of trans woman, yet looks worse than most.
no, it's just because she's probably pretty autistic and is nonbinary so probably a gender abolitionist and not particularly dysphoric
she's nonbinary
There's no such thing as an "egg crack" so go back
it's crazy how assertive you are about someone you know literally nothing about
like you couldn't even check the wikipedia page
The tragedy is hammermaxxing could hardly make this hon look worse.
people never realize they're trans?
non binary isnt real and is just a honcope when amabs do it
>she could get her browbone, jaw, chin, and nose done and she would probably pass as a woman with a big head
I honestly believe that this waves away the extreme difficulties that a surgeon would experience in practice. Take a good look at that head again, the forehead, the nose, the jaw, the apparent underbite in most of the pics even. A bone shave won't cut it, we're in Clymer country. In fact, I feel a bit light-headed, maybe you should drive.
Yes you say "realize you are trans" Egg crack is trender r***it shit often used by fetishists. You realize you are trans because you have dysphoria, your "egg" "cracks" because you get a boner when you put on a skirt. we are not the same.
Strongly agreed. Honcope for males, fake transition for females. Normalizing that shit is one of the worst of the many crimes of "queer studies" against the trans population.
have you seen how much jaw they cut off in korea?
she would look way better and she's not constrained by wealth. It's not just "her bones are too bad to pass", but she isn't putting in any effort to pass at all, even the free effort
>Egg crack is trender r***it shit often used by fetishists
holy shit a term is often said by fetishists
just like every other phrase
it's common slang
Used primarily by zoomers, gen alpha who have no dysphoria and love to insist every person they see is actually trans who's "egg" hasn't "cracked". It's disgusting.
>surgeon shaves the mandible down to female shape
>bite into a piece of toast
>break jaw

>she isn't putting in any effort to pass at all, even the free effort
I actually agree with this though, there's a lot that could be done to at least improve things from this absolute nadir, especially the bod. I think possibly this is one of those cases of it being so hopelessly over that the sufferer doesn't see a point to doing a damn thing though.
wow so happy we have a resident telepath on /lgbt/ good work hon
Go back to r**dit. This place has truly gone downhill when people are using zoomer terminology exclusively used by gender trender weirdos. Movies do not make you realize you are trans, debilitating dysphoria does.
None of that shit makes you trans though. what makes you trans is a consistent and intrusive urge to become the opposite sex. Not play dress-up
It’s a fairly clear symptom if it’s done to alleviate these feelings though
Shit thread anyway
>arthouse surreal movie about trannysm is mainstream because my mother accidentally stumbled upon a trailer
not trans but reading the synopsis on wikipedia makes me feel really uneasy
i dont wanna watch it

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