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qott: how old are you? how old is old? what are you doing to change (You), and what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
why do i have to be so ugly and masculine? *-*
nigga, i ain't gotta do a damn thing my mama take care of me
It's too late stop trying to gaslight me
How old are you?
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
sheen took ozempic and she MOGS now hon
i dont use this website often what was done to deserve this type of response
they're still picking on someone who doesn't even post here, because she was a fat that's mean desu
also Ayden is obese
Oink on that shit
Peace out
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i'm 30 and it feels i only have this decade left to enjoy life before it's settle down and grind til death o clock.
i wish i could be happy with my appearance and body so i could actually live my life how i want to live it but surgeries are prohibitively expensive and my mental health issues around being a neverpass hon have made it very hard to hold a job and to earn money.
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>how old are you?
>how old is old?
>what are you doing to change (You), and what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
Taking baby steps with transitioning, taking care of myself, getting out of my comfort zone and getting good at something I like. Right now I have no money tho and have a shit living situation with no privacy so it's hard to do anything but work like a drone
god is a nasty sadistic cruel faggot
fuckyou god
If I was god i would smite most of you.
Larry would be dead so fast
To others I would grant you your wish of being a woman or passing.
i wish
God is a passoid
wtf did i do to you, i am only like this bc i do not look like a girl
You always say you want to die, but now you don't want to?
oh, i want to die but not really
i don't feel so good mr stark
Been thinking about why this site is bad for me. I love the anonymity because I can share anything that's on my mind, but I think the main reason it sucks is that the non persistence of the anonymity and the character limit. You can only express really small snapshots of yourself to people. And then because of the culture of the site you learn ways in which to alter those narratives to get different responses out of people. And like if you're trying to use this site to get stuff off your chest and out of your mind, which is what a lot of people use it for, it's multiplayer journalling. You just can't put together a consistent narrative and you can never like put together a coherent story of your life. And understanding a narrative of your life is a super important part to healing but on this site at any given moment I find myself I'm describing myself in whatever way best suits the conversation. And all of those things are often true to how I feel about myself in the moment but it's not the totality and it can never be the totality. And you just get caught in this endless cycle of expressing things with insufficient context to an audience of people, primed by the culture who will only judge you on that individual expression. I've had a lot of compassion from people here too and it's a bit like a skinner box where the lever you pull is leaving a small, non identifying part of yourself and either recieving care, criticism or nothing at all. Anyway all that being said, I guess if you use the site like this, be aware of it and try to journal instead.
When my gf makes me mad i beat up her blahaj
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>how old are you?
>how old is old?
different answers
everything that lives is young
when your body starts falling apart or your mind goes
>what are you doing to change (You)
setting goals, trying to accomplish minor things so they accumulate into progress, honest introspection, following what i want to do in regards to creativity/art
>what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
mental illness and tfw no bf
this place is for honest jerks assholes to be mean, on reddit you get banned for being 'mean' and the toxic positivity fake niceness is disgusting. if you come here, you are at least a bit sociopathic..
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Don't do that
need 2 get plapped
I've been thinking about this actually, I think part of why I come here is because you expect the absolute worst from everyone, so anyone who even slightly clears that bar you can trust is being genuine because they'd have no reason not to be another toxic retard
this is a good place if you want to know if you are a hon or not
can't trust reddit or your friends
you can trust me tho

on my non hon list for now there is
Ye she always cries when i do it :C
mef and anya too and whoever else i forgot
Everyone here is equal, no likes, upvotes or followers. Its a place where you can have true unfiltered conversation and interaction with other *real* humans.
No other internet space is quite like it. This is one of the reasons why 4chan has been the epicentre of the western internet for decades, have you ever noticed how all other content seems to flow downstream from here?

Im glad this place exists, personally.
It’s funny hearing about people being out before they were even adults, just straight up out to everyone, with real girl friends who supported them, their parents being ok with hrt and shit, their only concern that they don’t pass or social dysphoria.
Meanwhile I struggle to find a reason to come out, I never had any non-cismale friends, not out to anyone, barely use my preferred name, misgendering myself and deadnaming myself, casually manmoding everywhere, not really expressing anything about myself no fun times no “euphoria” no shopping or fun or only constant vigilance against my brainworms that threaten to pull me back into repression and detransitioning.
I hate that my “egg” “ cracked” while I was an adult. I hate I will never experience being a teenage girl even only the socializing part. I was a recluse and trooning makes it all the more difficult to connect with everyone, normal and trans people alike.
I can’t even ask for help with my dysphoria or what stuff to buy or w/e
I’m not female I will never fucking be. I just get lucid sometimes and think I am a girl but nope. Reality disagrees on every account. I wish I could be delusional enough to actually believe it.
Who did you forget? Please be comprehensive
that is completely incorrect, this place is hugboxxy delusional as hell and people still think hrt actually does smth here and that ffs is wow magic, there are some honest people but they are the minority, this board is full pf honscience and honcopes and hon bs, just like reddit is, it is not as bad but far from being a harsh honest people, i would say that honest people are just 25% or less..
those people were just always naturally feminine and with gifted genetics, they always looked kinda like girls already so obviously everyone was ok with them and accepted them cause they already looked like women, the aad reality is that most passoids always passed.. hrt/ffs do not do much and the whole transitioning process is bs, passoids do not need to 'transition'
Time to mommode i guess.
>how old are you
28 soon to be 29
>how old is old
28 is pretty old I think
>what are you doing to change you
Sticking to my goals like moving in with the other Dakota snd staying on my meds
>what's stopping you from being who you wanna be
Money I guess
If you think this is a hug box you need to shift your frame of reference, also 'hrt does stuff' is not honscience lmao
you are delulu and prove my point that this place is full of delulu hugboxxers that know nothing
Nah dumbfuck this place is hyperaware and will criticize even minor details its the opposite of a hugbox.
i am do not want to argue anything though, i am already sad/depressed already, this life sucks, it sucks being an unlucky unfortunate victim and getting a bad shitty hand in life..
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>how old are you?
>how old is old?
It's over once you hit 16
>what are you doing to change (You)
>what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
genetics and age
It’s not even that they were feminine and knew they were trans and are just waiting for legal hrt because that’s all that missing, and their social dysphoria is just brainworms while their body gets more masculine they still know how to be girls anyway, so hrt will fix them completely
I didn’t know shit for all my life. I didn’t know I was even struggling it was just depression or anxiety or something else. I saw my body in the mirrors and it was someone else. I thought that’s how people felt. I thought people really never recognized themselves in mirrors. I saw myself naked in the shower and I just did t register that was my own body. Maybe I’m rapehonmoding my memories but that’s how I felt
I was male and I’m truly transitioning into more female but it’s just not gonna happen
I don’t have the female socialization or soul or behaviors or brain to pull it off. My body will continue to change by force but that won’t change anything inside of me.
Months of hrt and I’m still truly make.
Nothing makes me sadder or more jealous than all my peers living the best trans life they can while I still struggle to hide my stubble.
if it makes you feel better, you are extremely female brained, only extremely female brained bitched worry abt not being female brained enough, the hulking male brained agp monsters do not care and cum in their sissy panties..
Yah anxiety is fembrained, real men confront their problems
i malefailed for the first time yesterday, we are so back
hrt is a myth change my view

started in march and its done nothing

my levels are correct
is this the haus of decline hon
Nuh uh
I’m male
My soul is male
I can’t ever change it
All my friends are female and cool and have fun and are able to talk to each other about their dysphoria but I’m a weird agp male who’s 100% fake dysphoriamaxxing because it’s the only way to feel less male.
I will never be female you hugboxing cunt
I’m going insane and it not even the afternoon yet great
I’m a real man I take hrt to change it but you cannot change that so I just type out bullshit anonymously instead of asking for real help from my real trans friends because they will notice just how masculine I am and combined with how I look will clock me out of the friend group and I will be alone again even though I already am cause I can’t interact with due to being so malebrained
You need to also like be a woman to see changes
If you are a male like me ofc it won’t do shit
Unless you are Anamoding, put some meat on you retard
Well your mental illness passes at least, so there's that
is it gay to kiss men/penises?
yes, hrt does nothing
skill issue
Jesus christ 6 months HRT is nothing it is not over ngmi because you don't look like a supermodel yet
No i do it all the time and im str8
need weightlifter/powerlifter/fitness active transbian gf RIGHT NOW
there's that forty something weighlifter itt, but iirc they're married to an actual woman
I'm only 36, but yeah, and monogamous aside from a running bit where anon's mom straps me every time someone gets 'phobic in the powerlifting general
You can have a gymbrat internet friend, instead?
>How old are you?

>How old is old?

>what are you doing to change (You)
honestly, nothing all I do when I'm not studying is smoke weed and lay in bed on Discord

>what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
6'2 "and started hrt at 18, ugly as sin, druggie, socialy inept, and I don't even really know what I want. the only two things I've ever consistently wanted in my life are death and to be a girl, and ik I can't have the ladder.
i hate having no job :'(
transbians saying strap will never not make me sick
Same, I got laid off almost a year ago now and motivation is gooooooone
I see larry made it less than 2 days after yet another declaration that he's gonna leave this place and work on his shit
Anon's mom has a good enough time and seems comfortable with the word
Skill issue, I guess
Hii mtfg
Kinda h8 qotts that encourage ppl just to sadpost we get it Ur life's basically over cus u transitioned at 22 and now you're basically an old granny with 1 foot in the grave
So pringcoded of her
Wait what word would you use instead?
I write a few words here still, for I cannot very well put to sleep the simmering ruminations…

It appears that the king has aught to convey.

A monarch fettered to this spot, ere the hail of those who may discern his fathoms. A wraithlike state the sovereign has taken.

This somber musing heaps and heaps with every blade-clash unto a mound of sorrow as sympathy falls sunken.

Whyever does he hold one such banquet, his corpus bound to the throne, only to revel in such bizarre festivity?

It is but a pitiful tragedy, for this abyss is deep and wreathed in inexplicability.

Such is all I have to say.
For an outlier, I transitioned at 34 and aside from some rough patches early on, and ongoing shitty in-laws, I generally feel pretty good about my progress and prospects
I trooned at 27 am I allowed to sadpost?
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>how old are you?
>how old is old?
It's over after the twinkdeath
>what are you doing to change (You)
Been on hrt for like a month, I know that it will take atleast a year so... just keep waiting (I didn't even do bloodwork) and have my balls hurting like shit
>what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
Uni, being part of only-male secret groups
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>how old are you?
how old is old?
what are you doing to change (You),
pupating in my bedroom while I wait for my boobs to come in
I'll do a positive one
>qott: how old are you?
28, started hrt 27ish
>how old is old?
>what are you doing to change (You),
I made a checklist of trans shit I want to do and I'm slowly working through it, boymoding until I can pass. Laser and voice training and makeup practice first
>and what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
Myself, but it's getting slowly better. Therapy helps if you can afford it, it's criminal how inaccessible it is
>How old is too old?
>What are you doing to change you?
Laser, hrt, voice training, makeup practice, eventually hair transplants, ffs, etc
>What's stopping you?
Money, mostly, but that's an eventual non-issue
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And I forget but a friend of mine is like helping me with the boymode acting as my gf, she is like teaching me make up and girly stuff (at exchange of groping my chest)... what a luck of mine
strap just sound gross/fetishistic
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don't forget the time fuyutsuki got shinji to crossdress as shinji's mom
Anon's mom strap-on'd me sounds stupid and you cannot convince me otherwise
yea but saying it the other way sounds dudebro-ish and predatory
why not say fucked me
why do u have to mention the strap on at all
it would be better without mentioning it
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>qott: how old are you?
> how old is old?
desuu these days mid 40s is when you start being "old"
>what are you doing to change (You), and what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
changing [REDACTED]
and I'm mostly already who I want to be
mid 40s is peak sexy though
Because the strap-on makes it clear I'm bottoming for anon's mom
Otherwise saying I fucked anons mom or anon's mom fucked me is ambiguous as to who the bottom is
Also there's much more important shit to be so worked up over anon
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gm gm
Have you been drinking again?
>look up group chat
>get mental damage and never post because of how malebrained I feel by comparison
>dysphoria and gender envy through the roof
>people with real lives too not just losers, so they get to live and be female
>all the nerdy and shitty things I wanted growing up they just get
>meanwhile I wasn’t even allowed to look up anything because “we can’t buy it anyway”
Ahahaha it’s so funny
Yeah that’s right I have no life :)
My house in constant disrepair cause no one gives a shit me included
>meanwhile everyone I know have nice houses or really cool rooms
Meanwhile I couldnt pick up my own shoes or shirts growing up :3
I didn’t decorate my room until…last few years? Even then it was just posters and only last month did I clean it up and actually removed all the shit that reminded me how shitty my life was.
And there are kids that get to live life and come out and be happy.
I've been high since may
what the fuck
With no comedown? Are you going to be okay?
ahh ok

I'm ok with that I'll be your friend I live for fitness
It’s sad I’ll never be out to most people cause I’m just faketrans and kill my balls for fun and will only come out to one person from my life who matters and if he rejects me I’ll kms
I’m the eternal outsider. I’ll never be anything more than a weird thing nobody likes
All of my trans friends have cis gfs or afab partners and I have another trans girl as a girlfriend. They all say things like "oh yeah t4t is better" but I don't have anything to compare it to. I feel like I've just settled for another tranny because I couldn't get anyone else, and I don't like anal sex so what am I supposed to do. She's great, I love her, I don't want to break her heart, but not knowing for certain if this is actually what I want with my life is the worst feeling. I don't want to break this off and I'm not going to cheat either so I just don't know how to talk about this with her without it sounding like I don't want to date her because she's trans, which in reality has nothing to do with it because I love her but I can't have sex with her without sorting this out.
i am so sad, feel so fucking bad and shitty and head hurts like crazy hell and feela weird, i think i will just rope like i planned, just need to wait a bit..
kek lmao
I think as with all relationship issues communicating is the way through. There's probably a ton of ways you can have a fulfilling sex life together that doesn't involve anything either of you dislike. But probably requires a bit more sexual imagination and a lot more talk. There also might be a grass is greener thing here; how do you know sex with an afab partner will be fulfilling for you in a way sex with your gf is not?
My titties hurtttt I think they're growing again since I fixed my dosage
larry you fat fuck why won't you marry me
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I'm happy to be your gym friend anon
I did some bench press today where I'm trying to get the hang of using leg drive off the chest. It feels awkward still.
>how do you know sex with an afab partner will be fulfilling for you in a way sex with your gf is not?
You're probably right, it's incredibly selfish to say but maybe it comes from a point of jealousy towards my friends? They all had this experience, time to have relationships of all kinds so they understand what they want sexually and I didn't. Maybe that's why I feel like I'm "settling", but if I have this relationship with my gf forever then I'll never know and it'll always be a mystery to me that will never be solved.
Is this mef taking a new name after seeing they get filtered?
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>How old
>How old is old
>What's stopping you
Bone structure
No I’m not them different retard
i hope my dysphoria goes away finally so i can lift again..
can you murder me?
i would be a satisfying kill, i reckon
It's not really the sex bit for me, it's really the socialization of being with a cis woman. Totally different dynamic unless she's an early transitioner.
No I don't think that's selfish at all. In fact I have previously shared this feeling and know others who feel the same way. Often in different ways (eg; bi people who end up long term with their first partner and always wonder 'what if') but the feeling is the same.
It's not selfish to have feelings, one instead acts in selfish or responsible ways in response to feelings. I think rn just sit with this for a while, process how you're feeling, and perhaps talk with your partner once you've worked through how you're feeling. You're probably not doing yourself much good feeling guilty about these feelings imo
How you're feeling is completely normal and so long as you're not hurting anyone in response to those feelings you're all good
fuckk youre hottt af
Okay, thank you for explaining this through with me. I am still unsure how to approach this without sounding like I'm not having sex with her because she's trans but I'll take the time to think through it and explain it when I'm ready.
got a week of vacation pay.
time for tijuana ffs?
ewwwwww ogrehon posts again
why do they need to know who is bottoming tho

no sadly
sober since like march from any and all substances
i haven't drank since 2022, at the oktoberfest where ems had to cut my dirndl dress off and take me to the ER
just on the tail end of a migraine, which makes me irritable more than usual, and feeling depressed/bad today
i'll try to relax

yea he also tried to get shinji to wear a bikini lol
I’m so fucking alone
Literally can’t talk about anything with anyone
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is this lasagna?
i NEED a big strong handsome boyfriend to be with so badly it hurts
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what's with the hag enjoyers lately??
got told i need to be at least 35 recently.

helo helo.

what would you talk to someone about?
I just saw someone with a shirt that read
>Guess who's back
>Back again
>Larry's back
>Tell a friend
And it made me laugh at the bus stop. I'm guessing he was called Larry? Anyway it was amusing to me in ways he could never understand
Yep! That's all you can do. I think generally people do or say hurtful things when reacting to how they feel instead of processing it fully. Eg; a gut reaction to your feelings might be to say something hurtful to your gf. And so the mature and not-selfish thing to do here is to work through it before acting. To be clear that might also involve some sort of communication with her or others like it doesn't have to mean closing yourself off, but just ensuring you're not being reactive
Same but I have conetits and look like a guy so it's never gonna happen
What's the male version of hag? Daddy sounds way too creepy
Just be gay
Sure but I have breasts and I doubt a guy would find that very appealing
Plus my peen doesn't work
Flattered, but I struggle to believe that at times
Thank you though
hi extremely nice picrel it is time for brunswick stew
had job interview today it went well theyre bringing me back for a second interview inshallah i will get this job
awesome fingers crossed for you
>how old are you
>how old is old
idk i was told past 20 you are an adult but i know nothing and dont know what im doing so like... 40? idk
>what are you doing to change
i was supposed to move last month but the perso i was moving with abandoned me so right now im rotting and doing nothing to change
>whats stopping you from being who you want to be
comprehensible list of mental illness
selling diaps?
blobbers won
stews r nice.
fat ugly bastard aka FUB
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very cozy w crumbled crackers
>larry posts her shriveled up penor in thread
>everyone bitches and complains for months and larry because thread enemy number one

>bread posts her disgusting malformed boltons in thread
>nobody says anything
you can find a guy into you, men fuck roadkill so there will definitely be some out there who would fugg and maybe even date a tranny

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just curious to say the least. why cant niggas be normal and not sexually harass everyone itt with their disgusting photos? keep that shit in your transbian discord DMs. nobody wants to see your shirveled up hot dog or disgusting boltons
evangelion is so over
your jealousy is showing bitterhon
she’s so pretty
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so pretty
wish i could be this good looking
shes a creepy rapehon on the inside. just ask any younger person she speaks to on discord
lies and cope bitterhon
I have had plenty of convos w bread out of thread and she is perfectly polite we just talk about history and philosophy
sounds like sour grapes
you arent an underaged tranny, bread has a long history of creeping on young people from this board/related discord servers
sorry she didnt wanna fuck you dawg
go back to your pedocord
yea and maiq frots with altar boys and paige is a nazi
nobody believes this shit
thx but I think I’ll trust my own experiences talking w my friend who is thoughtful and considerate rather than some random anon in a thread where anons constantly try to stir drama
could use an Indian bf rn
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a cis man creeping around the tranny thread for years on end is weird enough and lol picrel

btw ups tracking labels show the delivery address if you have UPS My Choice
god damn you are such a pathetic loser
suicide, now
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>i dont like the facts you are posting
>end it, now
you just sit in thread and try to stir drama all day. get a fricken life XD
instead of devoting all your time to creeply stalking and spreading lies about nice people you could act like a normal person and also have friends
is t4t actually that much better tho
maybe im just too brainwormed to want to date another trans person but i feel like id prefer to just date a cis person
not like im dating any1 soon tho lmao
nothing ive said is a lie. bread sexually harasses everyone itt by posting her gross body. exactly the same thing larry does. and she creeps on people on discord. thats a fact. a 40 year old creeping on people under 20 is extremely sussy
bro no one cares about your bullshit
yet you keep responding
I mean either drinking and/or pot everyday, not like 100% of the time. I feel alright.
you're too lazy to even edit together your doctored screenshots collage. post actual proof or shut the fuck up scumfag
im not exposing my friends lmfao
you got anymore bread pics from your breadfolder, creepanon?
>i cant simply cover up their names
make it make sense folks
u should really try to taper down and have a break once every week, if u decide to get sober ull crash really hard
ive only been here for like 30 minutes
not everyone is an idiot like you. im not going to directly expose messages bread sent my friends and put them both in a bad situation.
thinking about going to yukon for vacation, is good idea?
holy newfag
better luck next time on your weak personal witch hunt, anon
im stirring up shit behind the scenes so someones gonna spill the beans eventually
hope she sees this bro
Suipusher crying about wanting to kill himself
Just lol
fuck you nigger, kys
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>ive only been here for like 30 minutes
>but i know that bread has a long history of being a creep
>also i will post old pics of her i creepily saved to harass her
Being a compulsive liar with no life must be tough
Don’t forget to post “Mono Won”
>your a man but a lesbian drunkenly smelled you aggressively with her nose buried into your hair 10 times over an hour while wearing your clothes and a shirt that literally had your name on the front before telling you she would 100% not sleep with you even though the though never really crossed your mind
i meant today retard. they said im here everyday for 12 hours. but ive only been here today for a little over 30 minutes
cough up the bread pics, stalker
i pulled dat one from the archive. away you go chasoid shoo shoo
id rather have that poster here than you
you are the worst kind of poster. almost as bad as larry
bro who r u
ur dad
who are you
hahaha okay stalker and how did you manage to find that in the archives
i know who you are
blobby is an actually **DIAGNOSED** schizophrenic and goes by the username "Swiimp"
is very good friends with motoko aka smugggles
Hello nerds! How are you today?
motoko isnt smuggles lol ik both of them
wish parents gave me a normal name, maybe then might not be trans
Gaymes (pronounced James)
what’s up Sass
thank u for confirmation! wait did you post in femgen years ago?
It ok :)

How about you? What's new?
Marry me pls rn
I look like that also
nada just working
actual retard
hello sass..im good tonight. my stomach hurts tho but ive been painting. how have you been lately?

lmfao at the hulk pic. looks nothing like xanni princess. lil gooner is popping off today holy
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>tfw bread will never "sexually harass" me
it's not fair bros
never lucky
stop posting these frauds
I would like if you stopped harassing me at least, impersonating me and spamming things about me is creepy and you are bothering me. I am not supposed to hear of this place any longer
I posted this before on the other general, but I feel that it was the wrong one. A month ago I met this woman over tinder. We had a great time watching a movie and having dinner. I learnt that she was trans we we were going to have sex. I really didn't care because I was drunk (we both were) and I really liked her. Eventually, we've been going out on dates like going out to an arcade, going on hikes and taking cooking classes together to get to know her.
We also spent nights together having sex. She's submissive and I'm dominant so I'm always topping here. I give her handjobs when she's riding me or when I eat her ass, which I have no issues with, but I never sucked her dick. She dropped a hint for me to suck her dick the last time we had sex. The idea of sucking her dick sorta makes me uncomfortable. How do I get over this uncomfortable feeling? Before she wanted to have raw sex and I was reluctant and uncomfortable with it, but I really like her so I gave in to that after we both go test results.
Parents gave me two names but ill only keep the female version of one :)
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Starter dating a transgirl recently. She's a bit taller then me but super cute. We spoon and she's always the little one and I love teasing her about how small she is to me since she's such a soft sub. As a guy who's always considered myself straight i should've taken the transgf pill a long time ago
>tfw tit envy
>tfw body envy
>tfw gender envy
what has got you feeling uncomfortable about it, is ig a place to start?
Heya! I'm doing ok. How come you're having a tummy ache? What are you painting?
based if real
Don't suck dick if it's something you're not comfortable with.
can you really call yourself a man if you don’t suck your girlfriend’s dick?
We met on online but took it to discord when I saw she was kinda nerdy and cute. I never liked random hookups. We went on some dates and I stayed over at her place a few times and I asked her out officially last Saturday. I have a thing for tall women and she's been on hrt for about 4-5 years. I know she browses the chans so if she sees this hi
you know blobbert? who is it?
where online?
nice larp
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>nice larp
Larp how? I'm not dating her? Or she's not cute. I'm not upset just kind of confused at which angle you're gonna take this and would love to hear.
>I am not supposed to hear of this place any longer
how come you do then. just don't go here anymore
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My discord tag got posted here. Hard not to notice posts about me if that happens. Although I'll take care of such and change identity to some extent to guard myself from such
I'm questioning my sexuality. When I found out she was trans, I was cool with it. I like her as a person so sex is more of an afterthought when we go out on dates. I thought I was straight but sucking a dick would mean I'm not(?). I'm not sure how to process it.
Is there a possibility that it'll cause more issues if I'm upfront about it. Would that appear like I'm denying a part of her?
Sorry friend, but I'm not into polygamy, despite having been raised Mormon
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eh don't overthink it if she wants you to go down on her and you see her as a girl i don't see how that would make you gay. gay is when you're specifically attracted to guys as a guy. you get bi at best.
>i don't see how that would make you gay
idk it may have something to do with the erect cock in his throat tho?

nice things like this don't happen, it sounds made up

>im leaving forever
>shows up the next day
ig this is complicated and you're perhaps realising that actually 'straight' and 'not straight' are maybe not as rigid categories as one might imagine. after all, this is a woman you have already had sex with; is that bridge not already crossed? or perhaps its like her pp is some sort of fundamentally male thing? or i'm wondering if its like, her womanhood is contingent on the acts you are doing; perhaps its straight so long as you feel suitably dominant but less so if you're pleasuring her in this way?
i think personally it need not be an act of submission or whatever any more than going down on a woman is. but also i understand how again these things are not rigid and i think
>there's literally no difference between going down on a cis girl and a trans girl
is as untrue as
>its categorically homosexual to go down on a trans woman

perhaps something else to think about is the terms you're using here. 'sucking a dick' is something often only used in either straight relationships by women, or gay relationships between men. perhaps this is why it feels different to fucking her or whatever - there's no script for it
but its not like this makes you a woman or a gay man
really there is no answer here and so these are just things that might be worth mulling over if you're questioning
this can be entirely straight or not, really its not like anyone else is involved so its down to how you both choose to narrativize it. sexuality is not prescriptive
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Tell me if you wouldn't end up posting after getting spammed dms of how you're being impersonated. I will fuck off now, though if I see it again I'll probably ignore it and call it a day knowing a schizo I edated is going to permanently try to fuck me over no matter what I do. It is what it is.
I'm 24,
>how old is old?
not sure
my dad is 50 and I comsider that an age I might not see so my whole view on age is jaded
living to 60 seems impossible to me so being any older than 40 sorta feels really old in my eyes
but it's not obviously, middle age is not old
my grandma died at 60 but my grandpa is still alive and seems healthy at 70 so I really dunno
>what are you doing to change (You)
likely nothing
source: just read the archive, I've been here for a little over 4 years now
and early on I was so optimistic and I had all these plans and I thought I was going to do shit and now look at me
>what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
mostly fear and my own inability to do anything well regardless of effort, practice or training
>getting spammed dms
i don't use discord bc im not an incel
>my grandma died at 60 but my grandpa is still alive and seems healthy at 70 so I really dunno
damn your grandad is only a couple years older than my mom
both my mum's lived to late 80s with her mother making it to 91; my dad's mum is 89 and still going strong. his dad died young from lung cancer though
i think my bloodline is cursed with long life
my grandmother died in her 80s but my grandfather died you before I was born
I think I would be okay w going relatively young
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there's more to it than just the genitals when ppl stop being 100% conforming to either default body plan and u get to decide what u find attractive about them (if anything) based on ur preferences.
and desu not all cis ppl within ur preference range have attractive genitals either but you might still go down on them because you find them attractive in other ways and wanna make them feel good regardless.
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OK nvm I think
did you lose hope entirely?
>nice things like this don't happen, it sounds made up
I mean they do happen but maybe just not to you? Maybe you don't deserve nice things?
Rep here, you win.
Ill take the pills, I'm so scared
go back to repgen soldier, do not disappoint me
how do we become lifting frens
and I have never known defeat
>qott: how old are you? how old is old? what are you doing to change (You), and what's stopping you from being who (You) want to be?
im 20. "old" is very subjective but now that i'm in my second decade i'm actually starting to understand what it feels to be old. im not a kid anymore. i'm technically an adult , my parents are getting older. idk how to cope with that. I wish i could change everything about myself, physically and otherwise. i'm the one stopping myself because i'm insecure and i don't think i deserve to be happy.
Fak you I'm trooning
>both my mum's lived to late 80s with her mother making it to 91; my dad's mum is 89 and still going strong
nice :>
I don't think any of my recent family has made it to 80
adds up tho since half my family is in severe poverty
but my mom has like 8 brothers so maybe we'll see the old strategy work
and a few of em will see old age
do u hav the spaghetti brain drawing still i cant find
i just want the best for you fren, no need to be agressive, just look at the animals from here, do you want to be like them?
True maturity is coming to terms with the fact that it's still worth it
>waaaahhhhh waaaahhh
tell your diapershitting gf to stop spamming the board then
it feels like most of me has died
and all that's left is the zombified remains of my dreams
but I'm still going somehow
it's been a desperate struggle but I've managed to keep some routines going so I'm not just rusting and falling into complete disrepair
nom ;_;
its gotta b somewhere
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I have this one
but I looked in the mirror today and I can see how much nicer my teeth look at least
feels good
although I'm sure if anyone else looked in the mirror and saw a smile like mine they'd probably cry in despair
holesome enterainment
Post your lifts here!
maybe I'll even get to have braces eventually
Nah I like how you look
that’s the birth control drawering
im not posting it here but i look vry muscular like legit wed get along like crazy
I just mean the teeth
the stains, crookedness, twisted teeth, crowding
my daughter has my smile
and it fits her little face a whole lot better
it makes me want to smile more myself
but idk
when I was little people used to straight up punch me for smiling around them
I hope shut like that never happens to her
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oh man the bitterness is bubbling up again at 1am. i wish i was in my early 20s still and a cute young passoid. even with the hand i was dealt my life has gone to such a waste i wish i could do it over. idk how i'm supposed to live the rest of my days with this much regret i wanna stop looking and feeling like this.
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>idk how i'm supposed to live the rest of my days with this much regret i wanna stop looking and feeling like this
I think people appreciate the truth. Because down the line you'll be sucking dick all the time and you'll constantly feel bad about it and the relationship will suffer for it
mtfs are built for big straight cock
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I believe in you chat! Fight on!
Please get braces!! Don't you guys have dental care over there?
yeh let’s hope she doesn’t encounter such abuse
nights are the worst hope you can push the thoughts aside and sleep
I'm built for whoever gives me cock tbhon
tyty doesn’t give a shit about you bro
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it's a foggy night, much warmer than it was during the day.
im getting my wisdom teeth taken out in a few days im so scared hopefully they can give me versed + nos
>when I was little people used to straight up punch me for smiling around them
>I hope shut like that never happens to her
jesus :( sorry that sounds awful i hope the same
lashing out at someone for the way they smile or laugh is pretty thoroughly fucked in concept. its like you're conditioning a person to hesitate whenever they want to express joy
tyty wants a bf. it's maiq who bailed out on everyone that moment some cis boy winked his penis eye at him.
I know
go for a walk ?
lmao where did this story come from
i don't want a bf or a gf i'm not interested in committing to a relationship atm. i'm way too suicidal to want to put someone through dealing with my problems.
my province only just recently introduced public dental coverage
I've been contemplating seeing if I qualify
but chances are I don't because household income
it's been at least 6-7 years since I last saw a dentist
It's mtfg lore now. He dumped you too it appears.
Maiq can fix you.
i like ur toofs.
Looking for a dominant transgirl who wants to be my gfs "owner"
Gf is 23/f
Must be a furry and into mlp
Must use secondlife.
Not allowed to bully me.

Please post your discord if interested
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so hard to resist ordering snacks and soda to my house
In any and all circumstances other than sexually, fuck larry
sexquiem for a cream
Genuinely, how the fuck do you know if you have genital dysphoria? is it one of those things where if you have to ask, you don't have it?
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went for a quick stroll not rly dressed enough to venture far.

nah lol even if he was interested which he isn't i'm not rly fixable through external help.
its not me
you're fighting ghosts rn dude
Idkni tried cutting mine off as a kid but these days idc about feeling lil fella
It varies
I slept with it tucked between my legs for as long as I can recall
I’ve been inside all day about to get some food and cigs
I hate these restless nights I will even take nightmares over them
hey sweetie, in case that you have been feeling down and bad lately and suicidal, i want you to know that your life is precious and you are not alone and that you are loved, you are going to prevail and it will get better, ygmi beautiful <3
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should i order snacks and soda u think??
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prob just walk over ??
too much work tbhh...
>meet european MtF
>become friends and I start developing feelings for her and she seems to develop feelings for me
>don't think it could work out cause I'm in college and she's working but not wealthy
>talk for 4 months and start flirting a bit more than is typical between MtFs
>one afternoon she starts dming me, asking me if I like her and then talks about how she'd be willing to fly out to meet me
>start freaking out and tell her I'm not ready
>been a month and I haven't talked to her since
Clara doesn’t give a shit about you either
fabulous digits
also ur like goated at walking.
u will thank urself
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spooky checked
might taste better if you go through the whole rigamarole but anyhow isn’t it time for something more substantial to eat ?
I disagree
good luck parrot
iktf, hope they hove you something nice for the anxiety
I think it's probably why I can't do a natural smile unless it's involuntary
lucky I'm just a very smiley person regardless(I think the adhd helps in that regard) of my spoopy resting face
if u actually mean that
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okay this is factsss thooo
i have a hard time figuring out what to eat a lot of the time including nowww
it’s not so bad, it will be a bit uncomfortable after and you have to avoid smoking and using straws for a little while
I just wanna know because I know taking HRT is going to shrink it but when I think about it, I can't tell if I'm actually attached to my penis or not... I don't know. I'm having a hard time unpacking my feelings on the matter and I was looking for some advice or perspective
yes same here it is a pain but tonight I am hungry for a calzone ! or stromboli maybe
i do.
thats a gud cat
if they let u keep them dont trade them to anyone who practices voodoo in exchange for drugs.
curses have splash damage apparently.
ygmi its only teef.
im glad i transitioned at 19 because i was still severely depressed and suicidal, so i don't have to beat myself up over "what could have been if i had transitioned younger" like it would've been the exact same mental instability just with less suicide attempts ig which ultimately is a bad thing bc im still alive
wayy too heavy for me right now tbhh tbhh. i need soda and candy
heh thank u owo. I got them not too long after you visited so next time if you're here you'll get to meet
for me my genitals make me feel dirty
I hate the feeling of it moving around when I'm doing things
it feels alien on my body when I see myself in the mirror and makes me sad
when I was little it felt enough like a foreign tumor that I kept asking my mom questions about why I had what I did and looked like such
but I think dysphoria is a very personal thing that effects people differently
don't compare your relationship with your body to other trans people
you'll get more out of anecdotes from other trans people
I got some sour patch kids want some they’re the watermelon ones
it will get better one day paige
i believe in ya <3
>you'll get more out of anecdotes from other trans people that way**
i will give cat chin scruffles.
sry my cat tried to eat ur foot.
he is a jerk.
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do u frens think i could get a bf who loves me and won't leave me once he gets to know me like everyone else i've ever met

this is a very scary post
Don't let her talK to you Like that maik
i like those but my favorite or milk chocolate candies
cat fight!!
sorry, i did not mean to scare you, i just wanted to encourage you to be happier
sure, you can get a bf that will love you, just put yourself out there and believe that it will happen :)
Ok thanks. For me, I genuinely can't parse how I feel about it. For one, I feel like I would miss it if it started to atophy on hrt. Also I feel like I'd be upset at the way hrt affects cum. But sometimes it does feel weird. I do sometimes feel like a man when I sort of... realize that I have a penis. Like sometimes I'll forget about it?
yes I think so
I don’t care the girl I care about cares about me so I have no complaints
I don’t have any rn but could be good what is your fav one
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>kat admitting that she is more evil than even mono and that mono at least wouldn't help manipulating underage transgirls into suicide

reeses and snickers
both good : )
how about three musketeers or almond joy I like those too
what's happening
did you just kill your mother or something

how though
i don't want to lower my standards, which i don't think are particularly high anyway, i don't want to date someone while my mental health is compromised but idk if it's ever been stable enough for dating like ever or if my mental health could reach a point where it feels stable enough for dating, not to mention idk how to meet guys irl and every time i try meeting a guy off an app i get extremely anxious, partly due to past experiences, and can't go through with it

unless i happen upon a handsome guy who is looking for a skittish mentally ill transwoman who he can be with, idk how i'm ever going to find someone

> have to avoid smoking

kill me


I’m not sure about the logistics but I think a guy could get to know you and fall for you
definitely yes to three musketeers. almond joys im less partial to because the cocunut filling isn't for me.
without being a rapist or a pedophile or fat? any guy worth anything could easily find someone with whom the juice is more worth the squeeze
yeh it was rough for me too
I remember waking up and my gf at that time had come to see me and I was like how did you get here waitaminute where am I ??? lol powerful stuff
i see you're a big fan of me
i want to be a nice poster now, i am being nice to you fellow human :) kek
i just GOTTA get my hole pwned by a cool gamer bf
the nougat or whatever it is in the three musketeers is really good
I love coconut I have these date things rn that have coconut on them they are pretty good
ime everyone has problems so I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit which is par for the course
could be dissociation
or maybe your just genderfluid
but iirc you don't need to lose function to be on hrt if that's the only issue
but uh I'm not the best person to talk about hrt here
hi thread miss u hope ur well
I found out I can cud be an officially licensed whore
i ordered pepsi, clif bars, almond snickers, peanut m&ms, cookie m&ms,3 musketeers, and ice cream sandwiches
this is a certified post
i am not well
but hiya anon
if I had money*
and legal id*
which I don't
but imagine having business cards

>jo - professional ho
>>37300100 (cool digits)
are you sleeping well?
I am at the grocery store now … let’s see what kind of stuff I can find
Why are there so many threads about kat atm?
where tho
Most interesting
Deep lore idk what else
poor laguna might be having a schizophrenic episode, i pray for her and i hope she gets the help that she needs, battling mental illness is very hard and she certainly suffers :'(
Do you know where I could perhaps find more information? I know its AGP but my dick is already small and I don't want it to get smaller.
kissing... men....

small penises are based anon they remind ur bf that you're just a dumb bottom as much as his thick cock reminds you he's built to plow your soft girlish ass
unfortunately not
my insomnia has only been getting worse
nights are honestly becoming a struggle
I don't do well to be alone when it gets dark and quiet but now that my cousin is working nights that exactly hiw it is
still have to be up during the day myself to pick up the kid from school and make them dinner
taking some getting used to the new schedule
on this board we do have hrtgen >>37279626
dont bring that shit around ur kid.
find a sitter u trust n just go strip if u hafta.
>t. dude who's making those threads
what if I'm a creep that like women?

i would never bully poor poor kat like that or anybody for that matter, i think that everyone deserve love and kindness :)
okay I got Milky Way, Snickers, and Three Musketeers
>n just go strip
no way in hell any club here would hire me
I cud sell my ass ez prob judging by how men around here are ime
but I don't think even one of those shady rub n tugs near where I grew up would hire me
don't take me too seriously, a useless agoraphobic like me isn't going to be doing anything that could actually get me out of this hole
tho what I'm really terrified of is being cut into little tiny peices after meeting someone like tal'set
I'm legit the lowest person that's ever posted on mtfg
My entire purpose in life is to be laughed at
side note
I don't live with my kid
I take care of my younger cousin who's a little older than my girl
don't even have custody
there's no way I could even really push for custody unless I knew I could provide her with food while she's in my care
and I can't even provide myself with food
I only get to visit
she's amazing tho
originally I went back to school because I wanted to do something witj my life that she could look up to
but that dream died before I ever came to mitfug
please do not be so hard on yourself and get into such a toxic self hate spiral, i am sure there are plenty of good nice things abt yourself, you are just being depressed and have low self esteem so you are not perceiving yourself properly..
please take a few minutes to drink a glass of water and write down something that you like abt yourself and/or are grateful for
i will happily take 'lowest person that's ever posted on mtfg' title for you, you no longer hold that title, i have it now :)
from you*
I'm def lower than you. Idek who u r or anything but I'm legit trash
just stop being so hard on yourself for a minute and do something that makes you happy
damn naz, u got some prollums.
maybe try n get nice at basket weaving n sell them on etsy.
I think if I was less mentally ill self employment would be really good for me
once I worked illegally for a independent caterer
basically I was a food prep assistant and dishwasher after the food got made
probably the most lucrative thing I've ever done in my life
worked with them like 3 times
but we worked for like 10 hours including moving the kitchen stuff into the place and putting it away after
I only lift weights as a trans girl because it was the only time in my life I ever felt a sort of happiness I get a sense of nostalgia
we did a little cleanup
seems like an old.... familiar... is back
anyone who can vouch for ur experience there?
maybe cud find some more under the table labor.
jo the ho
I find that too funny
people used to make jokes with my name all the time
like "jobo" because ai was dirty and poor and it even rhymes with my last name
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fly high, sky king
Fuck off Shane gillis
was family and I known they have a very low opinion of me
and aren't above really petty actions
who's that?
At some point you need to do your own thing.
Reliance on others is OK but a dependency is another thing
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tried blender for the first time in like 5 years
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I forgot to turn my trip back on
done posting on /pol/ for today chud?
yeah i had my daily allotted pol posting
ya. thought so
i have this friend
he's really nice
except for when he makes me
feel like shit sometimes

he is really kind
and we play games all the time

tonight he said he
would be online

and it was a lie

why am i in love with you :(( we were supposed to just be friends :((
i love that song
For me it's the goal of number go up(or down, depending)
I like being able to move more weight over time, and I like being able to make subtle changes to the shape of my body over time as well
Plus it makes me useful when friends or family need help moving stuff
im not exactly sure how to be entirely honest
back in '20 I was living independently and there are probably people here that remember that
it wasn't pretty
but I guess to he fair for a bit I was like actually on my meds and maybe things would have went better if I had more time before poverty crept up on me
19 dollar fortnite card, who wants it?
i need it for ffs pls
share, share, share
and trolls... don't get blocked!
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>it wasn't pretty
in this actual photo of my actual desk
ignore timestamp I genuinely couldn't figure out how to change the date on my camera
that was 2020 or early 2021 idk the time all blurs together in my memory
nooOOo more fortnite!
nice. goblin head? elf?
Jo Jo <3
fuck I do miss having hobbies tho
art tablet was nice
I liked drawing digitally
had a blowtorch soldiering iron
like a iron attachment to a butane blowtorch
liked to tinker with my conputer as tech illiterate as I am
and wanted to get into physical tinkering too
with just electronics in general
nothing really excites me enough to motivate anymore tho
like I kept my ukulele since it was small and easy enough and I like to play it sometimes
but I just don't have the energy to be like fully passionate about anything anymore besides like my main obvious special interest
and even at that....
just witnessed an older black dude basically sit on some entitled white teenage girl who was hogging both seats on the crowded bus and it cured my racism
holy giga boomer w frfr ongawd with rizz skibidi
nah same oc as always he's like. hmm. i don't really know how to explain what he is, he's a fey. I sculpted him with more animal features because it was easier than human, but his mother was a weird deer thing.
like faun but a deer. p sick
i can’t wait for work tomorrow. i get to see Samarjeet again… I love curry cock so muchhh
i will hatecrime samarjeet
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ty tigerdad ;)
those who stab backs
agree with emo
mythological animal hybrids r cool
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>with my conputer
waow im so kool
this didn't get me a bf wtf
>tfw playing minecraft for over a decade but never beaten ended dragon survival
am i a failure or does this make me fembrained?
wtf can you at least make a server so we can play with you
minecraft sucks ass
no idea
but same
I've never defeated any of the bosses
usually when I play minecraft I wind up just building a house near the biggest body of water I can find
n have comfy times farming and fishing
are ya winning daughter
>have comfy times farming and fishing
used to do that with friends all the time in mein kampf. simpler & nicer times
i just get bored after an hour because i lack any sort of creativity and the only thing i enjoy is strip mining
sims 3 would be like the ideal game if it wasn't littered with all that ea crap
and also maybe more clothes
the wardrobe is nothing to scoff at yet somehow it's just not enough for me
i recommend pirating or buying the collection when it’s on mucho sale. Sims3 is soooo good
also, fuck off faggots. I like the Katy Perry DLC
I actually did
pirated the whole shebang with every dlc and just ignored the ea shop
I love sims 3 even as is
one of my favorite comfort games
although I do have to reinstall if I wanna play again
>I like the Katy Perry DLC
me too :>
I like most the dlc
except like how the halloween stuff sorta bleeds into everything
I like witches and vampires but the zombie hordes bother me unless I'm playing a household with a witch
>the only thing i enjoy is strip mining
holy man brain
>the random zombies that pop out of nowhere
fuck that shit. i always made sure to delete that DLC before playing

what are your thoughts on sims 4
i think it might just be terminal autism (which is malebrained)
anyone play 2b2t
before playing 3 it was my first and only sims experience
when I first played it as a kid it blew me away and left me with a positive impression of the series
which is why I picked up 3 as an adult
I don't think I'd ever want to go back
I know house building is easier in it and that's what I struggle with most in the sims
I'm a real bad interior decorator / architect
but I really like the open neighborhood
the world feels alive and it's so great for immersion/storytelling
I don't really remember too much about 4 tho so I can't say for sure
I was probably like 6-8 when I played sims 4 and I didn't actually own it I just was allowed to play it a bit
and playing sims 3 I only picked it up a few years ago
played probably over 200 hours by now
never played 1 or 2
but when I was little I owned my sims kingdom on ds
and loved that one too because honestly any game that let me play dressup I loved
new thread NEW THREAD
>comfy walking around house
>all doors shut
>no entry points
>turn around
>hiss noise
>creeper explodes
idk how the fuck it happened but UGH im gonna puke

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