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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Have you ever dressed up in a costume with your boyfriend?

Previous: >>37291319
no, i'm not the dress up type
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do you think he's cute?
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Military/airsoft gear, yes.
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are you biased?

but he's 18
crazy how any night I could just organise Grindr sex
maybe I should
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The duality of xanthippe
One of you is mentally ill. Find out who after this message from our sponsor!
Idk what a pretty Asian looks like. I am sex blind to them.
i'm biased against people who could be my child
sorry daddy
eewww, don't insult me like that
that's weird dude
why do you post here if you're so fucking old knowing that fresh eighteeniee and nineteenie posters regularly come here to post once they real legal age
it just seems like those over 30 only continue to post out of addiction or because of nefarious reasons
is it worth having sex just to have sex
or like should I be okay with being a 26yo virgin
why are you like this?
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do you think he's cute?
Yes. nice tummy, too.
don't have sex just because you think you should, that's gonna make you miserable
Beards on fat people make me angry. For some reason it reminds me of the 300 pound fat woman who wont lose weight but spends a fortune on nails and make-up. It just looks like cope for having an infants fat face to compensate for the otherwise absent masculine appearance. Or when bald guys do it.

Iirc, the point its a mandate in Judaism and Islam is precisely because when males are young they want to make sure they arent lusting after other males. Its weird that humans have to try so hard to tell women from men with decorations.
like what? they gay community always wants to segregate everyone into groups and labels, we should have different threads based on age range
you sound like a beardlet kek
i think it would be nice
but I'm anxious
Is he finnish?
maybe look for a relationship? i know that's a big jump, but it'd be lovely to have a romantic first time, i imagine.
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Just don't hook up with someone you look back and regret sex with. Look for respect.
Speaking for myself, I stay curious about how they think. Also, gaygen has at least some levity. To me its just a random general. The gay talk is just insight as to how people think on the matter. Which is usually disturbing, tbph, which keeps the curiosity.
i don't know but he does look bjorkish so maybe icelandic or finnish
I did once but it just felt like a mess and bother. I think everyone tries it once. Often its just the accidental consequence of neglecting shaving. And its dreadful when eating.
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>quis custodiet ipsos custodes
that's a fantastic quote. I'm gonna remember this one. thanks
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i don't think the gay community wants that. also there's no gay community. anyone trying to segregate people is generally a predator
she's icelandic
maybe a very little inuit, but no way she's finno-ugoric
>those who want segregation are predators
so everyone who wants to kick illegals and immigrants out are predators?
i was talking about the gay community but yes
ive made a mini hobby of collecting latin proverbs and quotes in my head. so far I have about four
I think people naturally have a certain group they click with, kind of like how all the gaygen discords have been apparently, they invite certain people they vibe with and don't allow those they don't vibe with. Trying to create a space for everyone just doesn't work..
i HATE this jerky dance style. fuckin zoomer and their cringe shit. not an ounce of smooth grace in them *spits on the ground*
Its a question worth asking. But understand the nature of old and young. When youre old, theres not much left to talk about among each other and you have already heard most before. The interest in young people in any group is almost always one of some fascination with life before knowledge. It can be inspiring and reassuring. Theres a lot of freedom in not knowing things and not having bias or influence from persistent entrenched ideas. Its also a liability, but irrationality has a purpose also. Youth are also always celebrated because ultimately, they are the physical engine of the world.
>don't allow those they don't vibe with
dox the ones they don't vibe with
>I think people naturally have a certain group they click with
cool, i think you're racist so i stopped reading
who is this south london revert may allah grant him jannah
that's the problem.
when everyone is cool, no one is cool. exclusivity sells. people like feeling special or like a member of a secret club. the problem is when the out group rebels against the in group.

in terms of politics, the reds were traditionally the cool kids because they'd bully or exclude the undesirables, but in recent times it's become socially unacceptable to bully the undesirables. so the reds are mad because they can't get away with what they're known for doing.
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>the reds were traditionally the cool kids
only in their own minds
in America you see it everywhere, blacks have their own area, asians have their own area, whites have their suburbs, rich whites have their part of the city, males and females have their own bathroom in public spaces, segregation is how things work, you don't see white people going into a black neighborhood to have some local cuisine made my Aunt Jemima
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you're gonna give his normie brain an aneurism, anon
tbqh I'm fine not having casual sex
what I really need is someone to pester all day and shag
even if it's a fwb situation
I want the f part mostly
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he stole his look, republicans are very reptilian, they don't have their own personality so they rob from others
you know i'm not reading that right
We know, Xanthippe, you're illiterate
no way in hell connie can grow a beard
smfh how do i get a bf
Drink my piss and I'm yours
are you cute
glug glug
lol he's just enjoying himself, he's not trying to be serious
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Why do gays engage in this behaviour?
florida twinks > everywhere else
>photo that cuts off the forehead
sometimes i notice myself wanting to walk gayly
hard to repress it
you have to stop the world just to stop the feeeeeeling :3
i hate mondays!!!!!!
>no bf to stalk rich white peoples homes with

but seriously why does anyone need multiple houses they never use? what is the point of owning a home in Japan you haven't been to in 5+ years?
being able to brag about it online and have people give you attention?
>when people are so tired of your shit that they start putting Community Notes on your tweets
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please gib handsome murse boyfriend that can shoot me up with steroids in the ass.
Reminder that xanthippe doxx people with tiktok link
lol you can dox someone with any link unless it's one of those url shorteners
not a twink, next
is that really you?
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This is a 27 year old Swedish man
Shave ur bussy faggot
why do you gays think us bisexual verses are actually straight/agp

i like lots of different men
i get hard for men
i like seeing manly features of myself
I instantly want to see what he looked like around 18 years of age to understand what went wrong
Its because their thinking is binary even if they are not
it's more that the cropping screams bald and ashamed of it. it's a classic dating app move.
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Fuck off with that faggot.
Post feet
Bussybussybussybussybussybussybussybussybussy baka
No requests.
It wasn't a request. Get your socks off.
i'm not convinced. you give smooth twink vibes
*shrugs* just the vibe i got from you. i could be wrong
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he aged so bad
you certainly can with tiktok or xitter
>post link on gaygen
>wait to see who likes/retweets it in the following minutes
but it would have to be your own content your posting
his hairstyle is so 80s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOZY7e5XN6s LMAO
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When are we gonna stop fucking around and finally get him
it must be very hard to have been a twink and now just look like a less than average bloke
i cant believe a bunch of right wing grifters were paid by the russians all along :/
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When did "twink" become something people aspire to be? Not throwing shade, I actually think it's a good thing since that means less fem shaming. But growing up, even talking to people that categorically fit the definition of a twink, they would still deny being a twink and say they're an otter or something
russians are evil
I'm not.
any other otters here
it's quite a nice look imo
i like being masc
>When did "twink" become something people aspire to be?
since the late 80's/early 90's
Babe we gotta get u out of there it's not safe 4 u
Twink=/= fem, bisexual psychopath.
anal embrace
twinks need to be more demure and more mindful.
C'mon now, you know and I know twinks don't exactly flourish in the masculinity department
I knew something was odd when tucker carlson went to Russia to basically show his audience how the grocery prices were so cheap there compared to the U.S. in one of his videos and acted like he's never been into a grocery store before
is anyone here a twink
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How you will rescue me?
He is full of shit.
>twinks age 21
bratty cunt
>twinks age 29
very demure very mindful
Aзилия Бэнкc!
thoughts about it?
is anyone here a slightly overweight inoffensive fleshy bag of nothing
I'm going to ship a large cardboard box to you. Put it on the curb and get in it and wait. Make sure you poke air holes in it
Comparison is the thief of joy
fuck off russian bot, what happened to 2ch?
i want to get dicked
fucks sake
As I said, bullshit. Shit gets expensive now and less good things on shelves.
Where am I being ship to?
what a nice thought terminating cliche
Russia has always been a backwards, destitute, authoritarian shithole with a population of drunken retarded willing slaves with nothing to offer the world but death and suffering.
You are being shipped to a very safe and normal place.
then go get some dick
i want bf dick
Imagine living somewhere that's cold.
You could compare yourself to others and improve yourself, and be happy, or you can not compare yourself to others, and be happy. You instead choose to compare yourself to others and not improve yourself. Have fun with that.
my crush says that on his tiktok
I choose not comparing myself to others but also have no plans to improve myself
get a bf then, you'll need to put in some work
It's still around. You can go back there, rude zegro.
nice false dichotomy
le sigh
does gym count
here's the problem:
you're like the purity police crying
>but he likes getting all dolled up and sucking dick and taking it up the ass like a pervert!
...we know. nobody cares.
rope xanthippe
not xanthippe retard
taking an angle grinder to bishs hole
>Have you ever dressed up in a costume with your boyfriend?
No he has autism and I am too ugly.
oh it's you
no. people stick around for personality.
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I hope I will cross the rainbow bridge soon.
Stop being mean Normie, we're here to coexist and intermix and fight queerphobia
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only twinks can cross it
One year I dressed up as a Karen and my bf dressed up as a flight attendant who had to tape me to my seat
That's very silly

So you're saying it's impossible for you to improve yourself?
>we're here to coexist and intermix and fight queerphobia
i'm not being mean and where does it say we're doing all of this bullshit
I'm almost 30 and ugly.
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do you want to be buried or cremated?
Perfect dom top. Is your FUB BXC big?
wish i had a latex hole
it's over
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what does this mean bishit?
I don't care.

No I have smol pp and my big uncut eurocock bf tops me.
You said that he doesn't have a personality, this is biphobic. If you're gay, you can be anti-trans or anti-pan.
>has a bf
why would anyone settle for you?
I am over 30 and am very handsome (dignified)
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do you like to wear bright colors?
Post his big reverse FUB B?C pole
Why do I have so many haters who obsess so much about me? It’s getting rather uncomfortable ;s
true :(

no I am not allowed to
i don't think i said that, you're putting words into my mouth. i'm not anti-trans and anti-pan is not a thing
no, aint a fag
it's that over
I don't know much lore about you but your posting style is annoying
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but what does that have to do with latex?
>i'm not anti-trans
What about my posting style do you dislike? I’m open to constructive criticism as I’m always trying to improve myself as a content creator
when have i been anti trans?
>posting style
this doesn't exist, it's all just your own delusions
which now has caused random people to be accused of being xanthippe
twinks shouldn't be mewing
like smooth
instead I just give up my bottom dreams and marry a woman
height? weight? ethnicity?
I just see you pick fights with other trips unprovoked ig
I don't really know that much about her but when I see her trip it's mostly her complaining about the haters which is kind of attention-seeking behavior
ooohk well...i don't understand but you have fun
bi and proud
All tripfags and namefags are attention seeking annoying faggots and they should all die.
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You are so brave for living with a disability like that
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they had to put this up because of bish
Lulz. Somewhere, out there, is a dominatrix made just for you.
lmao leave him alone
I am bi after all
not gay
>video series called asl
>zoomers don't know what it means
>it means age sex location, not american sign language
what's so bad about it? i get to looove girls and like gay gays
Omg... That must be so hard I'm sorry you have to go through that :(
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what does it mean if i'm only into 18-23yo's
I rarely find 24yo+ guys attractive at all
unless they have good genes and aren't aging normally
Dormant bipedophilia.
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As the weather gets colder, it is advised that gaygen gets themselves a fat fuck boyfriend. Your frail little body cannot maintain body heat on its own and you WILL freeze to death in your bed if you do not nestle yourself into the arms of a big strong hairy man who radiates heat like a furnace. You may kick them to the curb come spring
I have a fireplace
some guy on omegle asked me whether I poo together with my boyfriend and asked me lots of questions about how I poo
Fireplaces are too dangerous and your fragile skinny arms shouldn't be lifting those heavy logs anyway
average domtop
Why we can't just cuddle together like bros instead?
I do think having a bad experience with a fat guy in HS affected me. He had such bad BO.
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You think two tiny baby birds huddling together for warmth have any chance against the harshness of winter? Such foolishness
This 18yo at my work is really cute but I hate feeling like this
gay leonardo decaprio
>big strong hairy man
that isn't the same as fat fuck in my book
I'm not tiny or bird though.
make him fuck you
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Best smell is Vidya stress boysmell
Going down on your Vidya bro after a stressful boss fight
Maybe its because you weren’t romantically or sexually active during your youth so as an adult you continue longing for really young guys because you want to live what you lost out on
masc4masc (doja version)
this thread is mental retardation
No. He has a girlfriend. One of my biggest fears is being a home wrecker.
I thought you were a 5'6 waif
think I might get a gf who's into pegging
probably the solution to my problem
(I need to produce grandchildren)
Then go ahead and find that power-bitch of your dreams. As assignments go, it's about as easy as it gets.
where do you find them

I don't use apps or socialise
>he doesn’t want to suck off a married man
Do you even call yourself gay?
Fucking shameful
You are a disgrace to the gay community
yeah I was a repressed highschooler and went to boarding school
anyone who even got caught holding hands was kicked out
Why people think I'm a small twink? I'm 178cm and working out of skinny fat.
i would
but I'm a bisexual vers

i think I'm kinda auto gaybottomphillic though
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Idk you just give me a lot of smol bean that must be protected energy
Did you see my ass? It's man ass.
fucking hell this hippo has taken over the internet
i don't get the appeal of straight or married men
why so so many gays imagine themselves as a female and want married straight guy (a dad)?
older gay men who are fem in personality and mannerisms or look fem are unappealing too
female brained bottoms competing for the alpha men
nekusuto, za warudo (this means "next, the world" in Japanese"
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No I do not want to see it either
I believe in Moo Deng
the secret is to have a fembrain and a mascbrain
I think I have both
it's like my left and right side
you know what I mean

one minute I'm watching kath & kim, next minute I'm using excel for autistic scheduling
best smell is when he wins a big hand
In any business setting where matriarchy is the norm, most particularly in high-end retail. Chicks in that kind of position are horny as fuck for amusing little guys who have nothing to do with matrimony.
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Converting straight men is at the top of the list of the gay agenda. Millions of dollars in gay research and countless bottoms have been trying to unlock this forbidden secret. Once we have this knowledge, it's over for straight people
It feels good being treated like a lady sis. That being said most fems don't act like ladies, they're all brats.
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i just think about twinks so i must be masc
better than the usual shit online
interesting name
god i wish

but honestly why is my sexuality the way it is
why am I into powerful women & men
Moo Deng means Bouncing Pig in Thai
im retarded im sure im into many straight/bi twinks too
Nah it's autopedophilia sis.
wait is she in thailand or japan?
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I just like how much of a dramatic bitch she is
i dont think about underage children so that cant be it
Is hippo slimy like frog?
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Probably they're aquatic creatures
oh my bad. i bet they're making tons of money off merch for her
good for her, everyone should bite their jailers
Bishit started talking to joxter when she was 16-17 and many underage nudes were shared with him and Holden according to jox.
Do you understand what ‘auto’ means here??
do you guys just go ass to mouth all the time or what
why is it always the bisexuals
Cars :)
you never go ass to mouth
why do underage gays and trans always target bisexuals?
Bishit set SissySpacek's car on fire
I aspire to be this level of exceptionality sis.
because they know bisexuals have no morals and will fuck their underage asses
it's bisexuality
I like fem men and masc men
I can be fem I can be masc
Who knows? When it comes to sex, I like guys on the warm and gentle side, but socially get on best with broads who aren't shy in conversation. I guess I'm a typical fag.
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dorky looking twinks are cute too
bish is the only and one hot bisexual
Yes. It means you're projecting your ideal younger self onto some underage guy. Happens all the time. That's where the auto comes from.
and I'm not even bi
\has bish ever been to the United States?
tfw no dorky bf
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Praying, wishing for Horny Delta to enter the chat
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saw this in the archive
bishit was once this fat?
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Just because I like paws and want ears/tail for tactical purpose doesn't make me a furry.
no that's a faceapp pedoanon
cant prove that
o no
whos this broad built whore?
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He lost weight
>his body in 2021
his body now >>37293222
He grew out his hair into a mullet and looks awful now I won't poison your brain with that
bish the bear
Manifest it, sweaty. I manifested tankanon posting feet pics.
Let's see Delta's transformation
why don't you manifest yourself a job?
manifest a job
Cuz I already have one...
I miss prince peitrothe cutest poster of them all.
hey that’s my line
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Delta responds to horny posting about him with stand-offish and distancing comments. The more you want him the more he pushes you away ;_;
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he looks so bitter and repressed
my cock could fix him
Start thinking about Halloween costumes NOW
I don't pay attention, but whoever this is he is hot.
because no one really wants delfatso
he's a total lost cause
and doesn't want to do the inner work required
to get better life for himself
I dislike everything about him
this could be about most of the people here
he hates that his face is posted on here
this mfer acting like he's discovering new pictures from the archives as if he wasn't there when the shit was written baka
There are so many people in here who are in desperate need of olanzapine.
it happens once in a while when I get a bunch of attention
a bit of spam for a day
i only heard about 4chan in 2022
cute kissable and breedable bear
or otter
im bi
i can do both
you are so lucky to have the right body for your gender, i hate you
are you larryposter
Can't you just think yourself into being cis?
boring thread
boring posters
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the ideal woman
You had the right body too, but you've decided that the gender was the problem.
words hurt ;_;
lmao you have never smelled british breath or sucked british dick
they smell like tuna and sardines mixed with pork
i fucking can't, and i cannot kms either bc i do not feel suicidal but i am sure as hell angry and aggressive abt it, i hope my emotions get reduced more so i stop feeling jack shit at all, but it seems to take forever
i feel dysphoria, idc what i am personally
that poster is british pedoanon
boring bread
boring toasters
bishit kinda looks like sam bankman fried
does it make you cry when people bully you?
you should try living in your own mind and not caring about anything physical, i.e. become obsessed with video games like me or become a buddhist
i should be honest, if bish was sliding into when he was pudgier i'd think better
but if he gets chubbier again in relationship, i will overcome
opening that mouth and putting my estronoodle in it while stroking his stubble
actually indianon :)
remember me?
Why would you not care about physical? You don't have good hygiene?
lol u were hot, but you enjoyed scheming a lot

are you still with the big fella
i wish but i am too angry to move on
Oh God, no
old bish got estrogenised by aromatase
Why don't you get on the transing juice
can t pass, pointless, do not want more gyno
Hi Basti!!!
I have good hygiene and always look presentable and keep myself vaguely fit, but I don't become obsessed with my body like trans people are
not really
I'm pretty dead inside
Are you trying to become a girl or a gay guy
classic video though lmao
you devious fucker
hi buddy
what is even the difference, you faggots are so feminine acting, might as well be girls, i want to look like a woman but would rather just look like a normal masc man if i cannot..
post hole
have you ever talked to a therapist?
That would involve taking steps to improve his life. He doesn't want to improve anything or get better. He wants to wallow for eternity
i am disgusting degenerate enough to post my cum on a table but not my anus, i will never do that, i have honor, if a man does that, he instantly loses like 2-3 points in attractiveness to me..
Bullying Delta's cock with my hole
post pole
i regret sharing that
i really was such a whore back then
>i have honor
oh well im sure you had some fun with it
do you still have the fem look
it's nice to remember
ya, i care abt my masculinity a lot
I do not understand what it is like being an egg but it sounds miserable
>calls self disgusting degenerate
>cares about sexual "honor"
So much that you've tried to castrate yourself and poisoned your liver with real female hormones.
getting shat out a chicken's arse is no picnic
the only degenerate thing i did was the cum on the table which i think is disgusting and regret, i am not actuallly a degenerate degenerate
gender dysphoria
This is not very gaygen of you, sis
gay monogamy doesn't exist
why is every poster but me turning straight and marrying women

even SissySpacek turned out to be a straight man

ah well I've lost weight at least
>changed completely
>got married to a woman
>still come back here
Bpdsexual fidelity.
I am doing things
my means and circumstances are restrictive and unmotivating
i think its because you haven't had sex yet
once you bottom so many times, have a bf or two
you just become grossed out by everything that makes up being gay
that was my experience at least lol
lol maybe
need to speedrun it in my 20s & then go straight when I hit 30
That's crazy cuz the more I do it the more I like it
it will for the poor bastard that ends up with me
why is this thread full of bipedos
also breeding and having a family is dumb, spreading your blood is pointless bc in the end everything will explode anyway
they're thinking of putting people on the dole in the army
Because self-admittedly bidegens told that their barely alive thread is boring and too straight focused, so for whatever reason they come here to derail and tell how great and queer their spicy straight sexuality is.
having gay sex is pointless too
Last Friday I went to a dinner with two older gay couples. One couple has been together monogamously for 30 years
I'm not on the dole
hehehahhehahhjhehajhehsjahehe and you bought it
does anyone wanna have gay sex with me so I can turn straight
O.K. your mum is going to fight ruzkies in estonia then innit
You know, sis, being a cynic makes you fat
it's almost bulking season sis
she isn't on the dole either
yes she is
Lol. Lmao, even.
she can't walk
ya but that makes you feel good and does not cost you half your shit and even more raising the kid, both in time, effort and money, by having a kid you ensure that you become an even bigger slave to society and the funny thing is that once they develop the ai to replace most people, basically not need the slaves anymore, they will just butcher most of the people, i doubt that they will care enough to provide an UBI so if you as a normal person have kids, they will 100% be slaves just like you are and there is a high chance they will be butchered anyway, so it is completely pointless and cannot be avoided, hedonism is the way until god has mercy and kills you so you finally leave this hell rock
See >>37296498
excuses excuses...
Raising children, seeing them grow up gives you more joy and happiness in the long term. Not that a stupid faggot like you would understand.
i thought this when i was 14
That's not necessarily true for everyone. There are a lot of people who shouldn't be parents
just don't bite the pantone 448cskin bait
cope, kids are awful, i am a pos parasite and awful to my parents but they deserve it desu
why insult me, what from what i said was wrong

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