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do u smoke weed

old >>37295887
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i got megahugboxed at the bar last night
I think at some point in the future it is, not soon though.
>do u smoke weed
What do we know about this person's butthole? Shape, smell, taste. Tightness. Colour. What's the deets? Do we have any intel? Thanks in advance.
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too much in fact

also just gonna leave this here ig, new song tho


>olive garden for special occasions
mmm gnocchi

>a little more special and find a Steak and Shake or Dennys. Trust me, women appreciate that touch of class
this had been very entertaining ngl :) lolol

i mean but you socialize right? just like ask for their numbers or something and talk more or text i mean i assume thats what you do, sorry idk either. even in high school i was a loner 4chan browser. but i think thats what people do. "normal" ones at least. most normies too dont really know what theyre doing for a while either desu sometimes people just take risks and ask to hang out and stuff, you gotta just try and be more active outside of 4chan.

very interesting it just kinda boggles me and makes me perplexed about the human mind. ive been told i have nice feet before the are big size 9 in mens but very slender and with a high arch i feel they would look sota alright in heels just never tried any before.

sorry sarah imma animal killer :( id even go hunting if i had a bf into it seems like it could be fun to learn that kinda stuff. my moms bf is into it and hes gotten elk before its real good
No weed is gross. Dispensaries have filled up every corner of this city since the recreational legalization and its annoying
i've posted my butt here before
Smoking weed kicked off a latent tendency to panic attacks in me and created neural pathways to much more exacerbated anxiety when I was not high too, I stopped and it got better but never fully resolved
hell yeah buddy.
Post unsee again. The council would like to discuss your butthole but we need data to work with in order to carry out our analysis.
i love this webm so much the detail in the movements are amazing, the look in blobertas eyes staring deep into clays, and clays playful drunk look back. god season 3 was amazing. also goes real nice with the song. i know i replying to myself but damn its nice
But did anyone tongue punch your fart box? That's what we need to know
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le sigh
you did in some random thread that's not here and only told us afterward
it is not fun. Shooting guns is fun.
But sitting motionless in the frozen air for hours on end only to watch a creature with a life you can't even guess at come to an abrupt and often painful end, then dragging its gradually rancid corpse half a kilometer to your truck, hoisting it by its now stiff limbs into the bed hopefully avoiding being splashed with gore and offal to be driven back to your home where it will hang ghoulishly from your child's basketball hoop to drain its slowly coagulating blood onto the concrete staining it forever before you can finally have it car ed into morsels for consumption and a mounted monument to your own decadent cruelty?
nah that's not really all that fun
>do u smoke weed
no i take edibles because i have asthma and i need my lungs in good shape so i can continue to be a "fucking cardio bunny"
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The council requests it.
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no i dont, ive never done a marijuana or any other drug besides alcohol
i cant stand you sometimes
What should I do for fitness stuff tonight just worked ten hrs
based and true
30min cardio and leg day
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it was here
y tho :v
I need to stop using weed tbqh
it's fucking with my medications and I'm using it as an escape when I really should be brushing up on my career skills and finding work before I run out of money and get kicked out of the place I'm staying
>gym after work
based. I tend to go before, no energy late
Fairly often. I generally do just weekends but occasionally use a thc vape when I get home form work during the week
>y tho :v
you can only get mogged by someone with bdd so many times before you want to throw heavy or pointy things at them
I think I will transition to woman.
>do u smoke weed
Yes, 15 years. I've stopped for stretches but I always go back. Trying to get off caffeine and nicotine now.

I only smoke one hit when I'm winding down for bed. Which I guess is worse than smoking more recreationally because I'll become dependent for sleep.
this is actually very funny, im so sorry pich
the irony of you saying this is staggering in magnitude
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i dont smoke often but i take edibles alot
a joint followed by a caffeine drink and a cig after is just *Italian chef hand kiss*
What would happen if you put two fingers in Pichu's butthole even though she's asexual?
oh shit lmao you post here
move to england my love
we can read together
God shes so beautiful
I would like to get to know a chaser who Is on Hrt, looks somewhat like a girl. Not need to pass but need to look more feminine than masculine. No hairy mug
idk she'd probably cry and then dissociate
i love her
Because I want to be chased by something other than FPV drones.
Yeah it's a hell of a combo. I don't drink alcohol either.

I just need to reset, my mental health's not great and I want to get hardcore into fitness one more time before I'm old.
how is that waist real
god i wish i could achieve that, i have my work cut out for me
i would like to get to know a 5'11 literary trans total bottom passing girl who is 5'8 & a vers twinkhon & total mommychad top

please read gene wolfe
weon care bout yo stupid shit if you don't fuck trannies you ain't got no place here
am I reading this right, you want a girl that is both 5'11 and 5'8?

im 5'8 actually

>But sitting motionless in the frozen air for hours on end
this sounds very fun yes i like calm

>only to watch a creature with a life you can't even guess at come to an abrupt and often painful end, then dragging its gradually rancid corpse half a kilometer to your truck, hoisting it by its now stiff limbs into the bed hopefully avoiding being splashed with gore and offal to be driven back to your home where it will hang ghoulishly from your child's basketball hoop to drain its slowly coagulating blood onto the concrete staining it forever before you can finally have it car ed into morsels for consumption and a mounted monument to your own decadent cruelty?

lol very vivid. i think we just look at life differently and thats ok, people have hunted for hundreds of thousands of years and its moreso a cylcle of life type thing. theyre animals (so are we but we are sentient) they only thrive off instinct, they kill eachother and do fucked up shit to eachother all the time and thats cause they dont know any better. i assume they think they same about life, they dont really care. and once the lights are out its more so indifference or maybe comfort, rather than any real care. at least for wild animals. they have a purpose to their own kind and the enviornment and thats about it. there are others to fill that role if some fall before that purpose is realized. lifes cruel like that sometimes

sorry if thats offensive or whatevs

>i think i will transition to woman
we lost a good one today yall
i could compromise for 5'5 but you gotta have a monster dong
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big lols very quality post
righttttt shes so perfect
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weed is gay
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Post waists
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>post waist
now where is my literary passing non-passing(in a cute way) trans gf
What is therapy like? What do you even talk about there?
legit how is your waist so big it looks like its 36" around and your underbust is 40"
Edibles don't work for me :(
I've tried all kinds including making them myself
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Would it be bad to creep on my MtF cousin?
the fuck is this thing

I think we got another virginal one. This is a shy tgirl who doesn't know yet how hot she is. Some lucky guy is gonna take a set of butt plugs and stretch out her little hole one size at a time. She'll probably be nervous and need to be held close and kissed a lot. That fucking bastard. I want to be him.
Will you be my Ziggerette?
Do you try to draw abs on with eyeliner or something? What the fuck
Can't understand a word you're saying lad
Depends, how you will show me you love me?
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stop boymoding.
you literally mog me though
who are you where do you know me from
a cretinous abomination
just so you're aware, there's no formal definition of that. There's no way to prove an elk isn't sentient, just as there's no way to prove a human is. It's an imaginary concept.
>this sounds very fun yes i like calm
i found it excruciating, but then I have always been more of an indoor cat
>people have hunted for hundreds of thousands of years
yeah, but people used to pit their bodies and brains against an animal's evolved instincts and trained reflexes. If you kill deer with your bare hands then you have my blessing, and my undying respect.
but using a tube of metal carved by computer-controlled lasers to fling lead through the air faster than sound? that's not something an animal could ever defend itself against. That's not fair, and it feels extremely disrespectful to me. It's like a boxing match between some regular guy and a robotic fist launcher like i don't even get what the point of it is
>sorry if thats offensive
disagreeing with me is not offensive to me. im just happy you read my novel :)
Most people eat meat and the unspeakable cruelty towards animals that i grew up with makes even hunting look like a play date. If i were incapable of being friends with people over such things, i wouldn't have many at all.
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>who are you where do you know me from
we were in a bigen server together once
and another server of a different topic way longer ago, 2017 or so
Would love to have you choke on me willy mate
el ogro de las americas
>and another server of a different topic way longer ago, 2017 or so
i know.
30" waist hahahahaha fatass retard
how's the bully score
green hair? yes no? yellow hair, any difference?
Hi guys. What does it mean when I want a girl but when I finally get her I no longer want her? It's been going on since I was a child
Yes but I'm a tranny.
i haven't been reading much lately :/
i have a goodreads though
desu i don't read heaps super often. last i heard from sheep he was playing more mahjong than reading. do read a bit on the weekends though, short stories at the minute
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voice train.
Anon should I go back to corseting? Would that fix me???
what was your discord again
it means you have attachment issues and if you ever want a fulfilling relationship for you and your partner you should probably get therapy
you arent fixable and nobody wants to fix you
go away
Thanks Satan trips. But does therapy even work? How do I stop running from one person to the next?
is that black and white photo?
too many prying eyes
make me
Anon I think my waist is kinda cute and grabbable
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is 30 rly that bad :/
why aren't any of the hot trans women who read books in england
all the english trans just complain about being english
please fill this in for me kthx
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maybe grabbable with a crane
Yes, as a straight chaser I prefer the "homosexual transsexual".
I mean does it look bad?
>does therapy even work?
i mean yes and no. Therapy is just someone teaching you how to work on yourself. You do have to actually work on yourself tho. Therapy does nothing on its own.
>How do I stop running from one person to the next?
i have no idea, it depends why you're doing it. Which is something you'll uncover in therapy
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Literally Gods favourite
Oh mein gott.
About to nut out 80% of the moisture in my body
Who that is
is this more ethel cane
ether kennel
sweet I got a reaction from the oh mein gott guy
>About to nut out 80% of the moisture in my body
yes. just looking through her wikifeet page. this one hits everything I need, boob/nipple, feet, girl bulge
what are you, fucking STUPID???

If youre short it can look very fat. Like if youre 5ft a 30 inch waist is proportionally equivalent to a 35 inch waist on a 5'10 woman. its often very short young people who post stuff online like "omfg i cant believe [retailer] thinks that a 24 inch waist is a SMALL" because to them its proportionally not skeletal looking

For a 20 year old 5'8" girl with no metabolic health issues like me, my 29-30 inch range is unremarkably midsized (given the average bmi is like 20), correlates to modern size 8 jeans. It makes me look chubby however its not at all an apple body type

For a 30 year old cisf 30 inches is not bad since your average 30 year old has packed ona bit since they were a teenager however most people wont find it slender unless theyre like really tall

For a menopausal or post menopausal woman 30 inches as pretty good since theyre fighting against numerous factors encouraging a larger waist

men dont actually have larger waists as far as i can tell but men are statistically taller and heavier therefore a 30 inch waist will look less fat than on a woman
yes it does your upper body looks like a fridge
It's not that bad it's normal okay I get it I'm not hot but it's not awful
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>just so you're aware, there's no formal definition of that.

i wasnt but i dont really think it changes much, theyre are differences to how our brtains work one more complex than the other at least in certain processes. most brain research is very hard to pinpoint and get straight answers from. brains are really weird.

>yeah, but people used to pit their bodies and brains against an animal's evolved instincts and trained reflexes. If you kill deer with your bare hands then you have my blessing

People have been using weopons for at least 100,000 maybe more years even bows and arrows for at least 60,000. its how weve even got so far to be able to think about transition and being vegetarian and all the stupid 1st worldy needs. the point is getting out connecting with nature. imo it is at least, a hunting trip isnt always just about hunting. just seeing nature and being part of something bigger and less urbanized is good for the mind. and camping can be a nice plus. you make hunting sound like some easy endeavor its really not and takes a lot of skill in tracking and patience at least traditional hunting. sure theyre are advantages but an animal isnt defenseless at all. theyre instincts literally protect them. they have better hearing and awareness and just generally hightend senses cause they actually use em. sure theyre are hunting farms but id never participate in those. something like this is cool and i think he really respects life even if he taking it. its not like every hunter is a blood thirsty. he actually uses what he kills and tries to honor the animal. plus sometimes populations need culling, with animals of course too many of a certain thing can fuck up the environment.


>i wouldn't have many at all.

fair enough lol i enjoy these type of convos

yes but colored with ai i think, using it as a reference and also french had drip in ww1
Jade you only listen to people who hate you.
I am 30 years old and I have a 27 inch waist, I'm fat as fuck too
this thread isn't even trans x chasers
it's just trans discussing waist circumferences & bitching at eachother
this shit sucks ass
I want to see you get a boyfriend who makes you happy
Bitch I've been talking about tranny buttholes all day I'm tired okay?
this. she will keep replying to them as if that's going to do anything.
Show me baby
somone usually start a dialogue then its just a wave of bdd
mtfg remade mtfg 2 here because they fucked their own shit up so bad

Used to be 2 trannies to 1 chaser, then a couple months ago it was 90% trannies
Probably more like 95% now
i would sexually harass you
Alright what would you like to talk about then honey?
Welcome to boymoder general.
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i only got so many chest pics to fight the tide
Your big fat tits and how I can see them without your bra or shirt in the way of them
Try asking a few of them about how much they've eaten today if you want to see it get really bad.

Hey June, how many calories so far?
I had a nutri grain bar and a mountain dew
show me your belly first
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im able to get my waist down to about 26.5 if im lowkey anamoding its pretty cool, rn im at 29 baka my head
It's wild pichu thinks she looks like a man
i ate a plum, half a serving of leftover tortellini, and some popcorn
what chaser is gonna be like damn cool waist circumference
like smfh go to mtfg or some shit

shitty ass thread
would hope for at least some chaser x trans drama
this feels like bait but i literally do, an edit of my timestamp photo is up there in this thread as proof
Yeah you look great.
I met a really cool trans girl recently. Just saying. She's impressive in every single way.
I mean we could talk about Rick some more if you'd prefer
true just thought id participate in it, ive prolly been here longer than you m8. i dont do mtfg. chill out its just a 4chan thread
I don't know who the fuck that is and he's probably a lame fag anyway
fuck that chump
My discord kitten (mtf) hasn’t messaged me back I think I hate her now
it is actually pretty bad especially for a "woman"
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>Wanted to pick up my new golf set
>It's Minecraft Monday and trans gf won't let me do it until tomorrow
Putting my big hands on rosewood's waist to make her feel tiny
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shutting this bait down now

talk about planets or something, guys
jade's waist is planet sized
Are we still matching pfps? :-)
It's not bait, I sincerely mean it, but I won't make you uncomfortable anymore.
Funny coincidence i was just counting

>calories: 869 out of 1614
>protein:76g out of 122g
>carbs: 129g out of 169g
>fat: 28g out of 50g
>fiber: 23g out of 25g

>60g cornmeal
>100g egg
>50g dry milk
>50g cocoa powder
>50g whey Protein powder
>100g blueberries
>8g butter
>1300ml water

yeah the calories dont add up to the 4+4+9 for macros, i think theres something off about the fiber content and the USDA data on cocoa powder
I mog Jade's waist size, and I'm a chaser. That's kind of sad.
I bet Jade takes massive steamy shits. Fat logs. Gargantuan turds.Gross.
yaaa, im gonna keep it on one of my accounts for a day or so
i might also make us new ones. still chao. but stay tuned maybe tonight
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now THIS is a quality post right here
The only people that responded are negative what am I gonna just say nothing?
Yea I wish that would happen too

I'm upset I hate starving myself and not eating bc it makes me want to die but I don't want to look gross anymore
>People have been using weopons for at least 100,000 maybe more years even bows and arrows for at least 60,000
oh any weapon you can make yourself is fair game. That's what humans evolved to do. That's fair. It's just when you start relying on a globalized society that it gets unfair
and don't forget they're all transbians, right?
Qott: I want to, but have not been.
Jesus Christ I wish that anon hadn't asked so I could tell you nobody asked. Get help.
Awesome I can’t wait to see what you come up with
What do i need help with? This seems healthy to me??
I just ate 113grams of haribo candies
I'm fat...
>do u smoke weed
Not any more. I was using weed and alcohol as an escape from some feelings but I ended up just feeling worse and drinking and smoking all the time. It just ended with me in a much darker place.
I still do drink from time to time but try to only do it when I’m out of the house.
Already have a trans gf so now I want a chaser friend who also has a trans gf to talk to
isn't it tho?
the fact that you think that proves you look like anything but a woman is worrying
You're the quality one babe
oh oops
isn't saturn cool?
I like your handwriting, Pichu. You deserve a bonk on the head for what you wrote though
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those haribo candies were 400 calories.......
No man has ever looked like this in the history of humankind.
>113g haribo gummy bears
>376 calories
>87g carbs
>53g sugar
not bad if you consider it a meal and dont eat any more sugar
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such a sweetie nonny, if only this was a common opinion

im personally more of a venus enjoyer
It's too arousing to have all these tranners here. Now that chasergen is 95% tranners I'm in a constant state of arousal.
it originally was a timestamp to prove i wasnt rick before it got edited

calorie talk is making me vibrate at a high frequency
I think it's more common than you think. Every single person here likes you. You're amazing.
I miss Autumn
This. Let's examine why Rosewood embodies the 4channel tranner gf ideal

>shy and modest
>has a wholesome job as a baker or some shit like that
>good taste in video games and music
>list goes on
how many calories are in 4 large eggs with 40g of machaca and 2 slices of toast
also how many calories are in 2 big bowls of pozole
and also two slices of pepperoni pizza
also how many calories are in two shrimp ceviche tostadas with lots of guac
also 2 packets of 50gr chocolat chip cookies
and the 113 grams of haribo candies
also I will probably have two big ass sandwiches later today, how many calories will that be?? I will add lots of guac
barely any even post pics
or anything horny
please be in england
It’s right around the corner.
Me too but she was less happy when here
i used to when i was in high school but weed is a lame mom drug ngl
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ive only had a monster zero sugar today just now and a lotta water, time sure does fly on the chan, them 10 cals hit the spot

c: woaw
What flavor?
I don't know if she's more or less happy, but I hope she's doing well
Have a date tonight, what are the odds she'll ghost me
Very, very, very low.
i dont have time to look that all up, my nutrition spreadsheet is only for raw ingredients cause i cook all my food. Theres no way of answering this because the caloric content of prepared meals can vary wildly
oh I'm a dumbass, I didn't even notice it was an anon posting it either.
>calorie talk is making me vibrate at a high frequency
What are you, a lone electron in the outer shell of an alkali metal?
Pichu is hot.
I wish someone thought that about me but like everyone can see how I think im a man
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shes such a nice person and makes amazing art, i wish she was happier

white i have a 12 pack i needa drink but i always forget one in the morn before work, i think ill put em right next to the door or something
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I bring a white one to work most days too.
I count zero calories, I just make sure to exercise and eat one meal a day
I nonstop eat all day and cannot get fat
please teach me how to get fat
Drink heavily will do it
Are you capable of not comparing yourself to others for 5 minutes?
Same but I'm 6'4 which probably explains it
Looking for a dominant transgirl who wants to be my gfs "owner"
Gf is 23/f
Must be a furry and into mlp
Must use secondlife.
Not allowed to bully me.

Please post your discord if interested
go to lesgen weirdo
no no I'm straight edge for life sorry
so me being tall is fucking me over?
hrt actually made me grow taller, is that normal?
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same but all these people got me thinkin about it again, i hate being conscious of it and it makes me subconsciously eat more

beergut tho
No I am fucking mentally ill I can't
Speaking of eating where would you like me to take you to dinner? Someplace nicer than subway this time.
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naur soz xx
nurse bendyyyyyyy <33
Looking for a healer transgirl who wants to be my duo in hardcore wow
Me 30/m
Must be a priest and into healing
Must play hardcore wow.
Not allowed to let me die

Please post your discord if interested
>so me being tall is fucking me over?
No idea. I'm a man so we have different metabolisms. I'm very lean and I put on muscle instead of fat albeit slowly.
you should do it in your head more then on a 4chan thread, its what i do
I lost weight during a week I didn't exercise and have been unable to regain it back yet in the weeks since. It's funny how others want the opposite.
God damn your body always turns me on.
No you're just not actually eating as much as you think. Start actually counting. If it's a challenge of appetite try smoothies and shakes. And you're exercising right?
Eating is easy, if you're trying to gain weight it's because you don't really want to.
Make a diet and stick to it.
>beergut tho
Trust me I know. I’m working on it.

Just eat more. And if it’s not enough. Eat more.
I am nonstop eating, I eat more than twice as much as people around me and they are all heavier than me, even the women
How many calories.
Drink a gallon of full fat milk every day.
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golden corral or nothing you have to go all out for me bby, i unironically love that place tho many old good memories there from my childhood

well then good! keep it up and dont give up! :)
Anon calories work the same for everyone. You just need to eat more.
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we lost another one to the transbian cult chaserbros ;_;
3-4k calories. I will try GOMAD again soon
3k is maintenance lol
you ain't eating shit
why you lyin tho
(Or anon has serious thyroid problems and is about to die)
Using poo as lotion and stroking my dick to Caitllyn Jenner right now
nobody here is into males
they're all transbians
aside from the ones I find cute (nym, person who's old name I know but don't know new name uh the first image post itt)
Muscles don't come from eating more, they come from effort and time.
You find nym cute?
You're 100% wrong. You build muscle from eating.
Obviously you need to have a good lifting program but eating is how you grow.
That's why mtfg hags suddenly appeared in thread last week and the week before, they smelled fresh bussy in the water, and pounced on clown.
She was an annoying faggot who would post about killing herself way too often.
If that's all out for you prepared to get spoiled.
You're retarded if you waste any emotion on an mtf who wasn't an out gay man pre-transition
So nothing?
she's been posting here for over a year at least, there's nothing fresh. why lie about her being a transbian though
can thyroid really be causing it? I have a few autoimmune issues
don't actually think I've seen what she looks like recently
but I vaguely know her a little so she gets respect
I just wish I wasn't ugly on the inside and outside
I am eating, I'm not going to eat more for the scale. I'll be sticking to my diet I already had and gain what I lost back over time by continuing what already worked.
Working out breaks the muscle down. Eating and recovery builds the muscle.

This person is right
how do you have literally zero self awareness? WE. DONT. WANT. YOU. HERE.

so fucking annoying
She's fine chill out you schizo
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such a good album miss u mac

whats yur idea of spoiled then??? c:

you can help it, picrel
wow you’re really annoying do you like girls?
I just want to make you happy.
Jade if you just thought about what you were posting and posted less of the self hate things would be better. People would view you better and you would feel better.
Even Venus is a transbian now. It's over for us chasers.
Yea I can't make the ugly thoughts stop I can try to ignore them but they are still there and I don't know how I'm supposed to be happy to be me when I'm never going to be the person I want
Yes absolutely, if the weight loss is fast despite you eating enough visit a doc asap
I like anyone that makes me happy
I want an mtf who is still an out gay man after transitioning:9
He's eating 3k calories and it doesn't sound like he's counting so he's almost certainly under.
is 3-4k calories seriously not enough for a 6'1" mtf to gain weight or is that other anon trolling me
You deserve the world
The Venus revelation is pretty hilarious, desu
I thought you were a man.
thats kinda sad but also really cute
I was born one, does it matter?
im not 6'1" anymore but i gain weight on like 1800 at 5'11 so something is fucky
If you're physically active then it might not be enough
It does but I wouldn't suggest a huge calorie uptick like I was earlier. Probably just incrementally upping it.
Anon just have active are you? If you're eating 3k-4k and you're relatively sedentary, then yes either you're not actually eating 3k-4k or something is very wrong.
shes an incel groomer who abused women she is not fine
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ugh crying to his music again, i missed this so mucho. at least once a day i cry to a song its like i can feel everything all at once. sucha beautiful feeling :,)

thats not a completely hard task anon a few good nights would genuinely change my life for the better :)

just try jade thats literally it, its all anyone can do. spewing it to everyone isnt gonna help, dont you have a therapist too? hes literally paid to listen to you. this will only make people dislike you more and it genuinely pains me to see your predicament sometimes. just pls try and make an effort to stop being negative and seperate your life from the negative parts you can control like prolly taking a break from here

i want the world <3 ty anon
Chill nobody gives a fuck about stupid transbian drama. They're all mentally ill manipulators.
Yeah it is. But I was never that into her. I'd be really sad if Ava, lb or squeaky went transbian.
>at least once a day i cry to a song
That's one of my favorite things about music.
What's your favorite food. I'd like to cook you dinner and you can just hang out and talk to me while I do. Obviously you'd pick the music.
I want to put a big smile on your pretty face that you could never hide.
I don't do it everyday, but yeah, same. It's healthy I think. There's a lot of feelings in music.
I thought this was the stinky girl at first
I'm very active, biking or walking everywhere. I go to school. I also have a fairly active job that has me walking and standing a lot and sweating. Maybe the constant brainpower usage has something to do with it too?
I don't get it, would the girl hormones make it harder for me to gain weight or the opposite?
Just had the feeling the first time in a long time. Recognizing that someone wrote this song to express something, and giving myself permission to feel it.
>I'm very active
Then 3-4k for a 6'1 bro is not enough
then why are you defending one
Listen to 2009 if you want to feel things
Probably Mac's best song
No man here cares about your stupid fake drama. Go cry on twitter. Go back to mtfg. Shut up.
If you're that active then yeah you might have to up it. We're around the same height and it just takes a lot to run these machines.
I have no idea on hormones, but women have more body fat so I would think it would help gain weight honestly?
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Eat lots and lift heavy.
There’s no such thing as some one who can’t put on weight.
Cancer patient
You are the drama right now.
would consuming more calories than that put a lot of stress on my organs?
I have a lot of muscle and some body fat around my tummy/legs/butt but I need more. I get worried something might be robbing me of nutrients so I get dewormed when I can and I take multivitamins, I eat a ton. The tthyroid stuff I had completely forgotten about but I hope it's not it. Gonna get up to 5k calories and pray for the best. Gonna start taking shots of olive oil and drinking a ton of milk
kys jade
Fitness chasers, is a ketosis diet a meme? A myth? A fool's errand? Or is it actually legit?
> I get worried something might be robbing me of nutrients so I get dewormed when I can
Well alright then. Hope it works out for you. If weight is your only issue I'd doubt you have a thyroid issue, usually there's a lot more symptoms involved, but I guess it doesn't hurt to get it checked out. Good luck either way though, anon. I always found eating that much to be pretty tough so I get the feeling.
It does work but you will feel like shit and lest extreme diets also work
I have no idea, but I also don't get why would you not just do the easy and normal thing of eating slightly less.
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music is so based i dont think life would be worth it without it, one of the only ways i can actually express myself

hard to say, i was raised not picky and with a very unrefined pallet. but i really enjoy a nice pan seared salmon with the skin still on it tho, greens of yur choice. ropa veja is also very good but heavy and i dont like heavy too too mucho. hell even some nice sandwhiches would hit the spot. Sandwhiches are prolly my fave cause its simple, has many nutrients depending on what it has and fast!

i hide a ton of my emotions at work and i needa hella decompress during the night it kinda happen involuntarily most nights. its so nice tho like someone is hugging me

exactly, like being invited to someone elses head and realizing yur not alone. i love it sm

those strings at the start make me tear up almost everytime. its not fair the most beautiful souls leave us so soon

>usually there's a lot more symptoms involved
what would be the common ones?
this sounds extremely funny and im sorely tempted
lmao no you didn't
don't do that pich, it's fucking miserable and you gain it all back as soon as you stop
>one of the only ways i can actually express myself
Yep. I do that.
Weight loss would suggest possible hyperthyroidism so you're looking at tachycardia, bad sleep, the weight loss we mentioned, heat sensitivity, sweaty and clammy skin, and then anxiety or irritability. It's actually quite hard to just tell on its own.
>its so nice tho like someone is hugging me
That's a real beautiful way to express it. Yes, I think that's it. The real hugs are even better, when you can get em.
i am already eating less, but i want to combine it with ketosis to maximize the loss
lol shut up faggot
Lower you carbs and fats and increase your proteins and stay in a 500kcal deficit.
I have no advice. I think perhaps I might suggest a little more patience though. You seem extraordinarily pre-occupied by this, but it takes time. You need to let it take time. Distract yourself a little, you're beginning to obsess I think.
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I miss Ava.
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its nice to have someone express things i cant, ive cried at many concerts before sucha surreal experience.

>The real hugs are even better

so ive heard i dont think ive had a real hug from someone that isnt my senpai in like a year gonna be 2 next july if it gets there
it was better when she was here
Can't say it's too often for me either. But still, soon enough I'm sure. People like you a ton.
only thing I really get is heat sensitivity and incredibly sweaty
gonna dismiss this because my heart is doing fine I think. I actually didn't do much today but I still went on a little jog because I feel bad whenever I'm not actively doing something
bp is 105 over 64, and my hr is 73
I've been letting the music speak to me mechanically lately because of learning how to play. But maybe one day soon I'll actually have something to express.
I would tend to doubt it's hyperthyroidism, yeah.
is this confirming or denying?
It’s better she left she said she is happier now
but I'm unhappier now.
This song is how I assume hussies all are. Can anyone prove me wrong?

I know but we still have good trips and anons here.
Taking a break from here is literally just them getting what they want they want me to leave because I'm not good enough for them.
I talked to my therapist today and she helped I just still have so much more that I need to work through and it's just never going to matter bc im the problem
I'm not a transbian 'anon' is obvs just chatting shit
you are literally half paki and a full on transbian plus you are confirmed bnwo gooner
I imagine HSTS live more like this.
Please don't make an onlyfans with a transbian polys, thanks
lmaooo hi 'anon' u fucking loser
oh hey frog, been a while
yeah keep calling me 'anon' cuz you know i have proof now, bnwo transbian who is actually half paki
shrek looking ogre
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very big thx anon. ive always tried to be a bit of a people pleaser ngl but its also just what i was tought, "be kind to thy neighbor" "put out into the world what you wanna see" stuff like that lol. but i feel ive only recently really started to do and understand these things. weird it took this long. im sure itll come along when the time is right tho :)

whatcha tryin to learn? and kinda same its why ive been listening to so much lately, i really wanna learn but rn im mainly only learning certain songs i like and making cool sything sounds on my dx. thinking of getting a book on music theory or something. i do wanna try piano lessons too but theyd prolly be expensive. many music teachers always told me i have "piano hands" lol


>them getting what they want
why does this matter to you, it all means nothing just like most things in life, you have to give meaning to life and you have to change what yours centers around
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take me home
post ass
>i have proof now, bnwo transbian who is actually half paki
k show ur receipts then
we are not your therapist
we do not care about your problems
Are you really sticking around and degrading your mental health further just so you don't "lose" some internet fight?
it's actually a good thing that she sticks around, she's a constant lolcow just like rick, one that will never achieve any level of fame outside of this thread
shes here because she is a mef fetishist, the degradation turns her on
I've been learning guitar, but now when I listen to music I'm more picking it apart instead of just feeling it. I'm decent enough at this point to learn most songs if I practice it, but it's hard to pick one to focus on instead of going from song to song.
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I'm actually a big fan of sandwiches too. I just made an italian chop.
Yeah, I think that's the coolest shit. Just being actually nice to people unabashedly is a little rare. Worth appreciating when it's around. I think it takes most of us a while to figure it out, takes a level of peace I think.
boymoding today
Oh mein gott.
I don't have anywhere else I can post into the void
very large lmao
>meanwhile hsts music videos be like
Why are there only tracks directly underneath
uh are u broken chaserbot?
Twerk on me to that.
Why are women so hot what the fuck
finally something I can relate to
No I just wanted to tell you would and make sure you saw it

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ill figure it out but itll take a while to learn how to make a rocket unfortunately :(

very nice and same here but not really like hoe to play just mostly songs and how certain chords work and stuff, very bad way to learn but i aint got no one to teach me lol, ive learned like 2 so far tho.

>when I listen to music I'm more picking it apart instead of just feeling it

this ive been also doing a bit like breaking down the song instrument to instrument its hard but im getting the grasp of it.

>but it's hard to pick one to focus on instead of going from song to song.

adhd gang, jk

very nice make me one and you have the key to my heart anon

i knew that year in sunday school meant something!

>takes a level of peace

probably, i know many lack it so some solace in the form of niceness goes a long way, it also makes the soul feel a little better to be nice. personally i want to be at peace but i rarely am, so doing the simple act of just caring a little def makes me feel closer to it

try a private blog or something, maybe a diary. but im being honest here it dosent really sound like you wanna "scream into a void". i really recommend trying a blog or something tho even if it dosent feel the same, a friend of mine does it a lot and ive been thinking of it.
I want to looksmatch trannies with other people. Any volunteers?
>i know many lack it so some solace in the form of niceness goes a long way
I think you're exactly right. You can even see it when talking to people here sometimes. Someone will be mad or upset and if you just treat them kindly and respectfully most people are willing to extend the gesture. We talk about the cycle of violence or abuse all the time, but I think it's important to remember the default is a cycle of kindness. Nice people have made me nicer.
>So doing the simple act of just caring a little def makes me feel closer to it
Yep! It really works. Also helps get you out of your own head and you can learn a lot from being able to see your problems from outside when you see them in others.
This sounds really fun actually, but I'm never putting my face on here again.
what does that mean?
Hi everyone. I hope your all getting along.
I graduated from Canada's top business school with good grades
im tryin my best here :) hope yur well
Post your most HSTS music.
'Member when you were saying your body's bad and then you posted your body and it's crazy good?
Why do trannies
i dont think shes baiting or anything either, knowing her i really do believe she believes its bad
Got brain problems in they head.
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>Post your most HSTS music.
im not too sure but id imagine most mid 2000 pop being hsts music maybe? i really liked this song growing up

You always get along with people. And I'm doing ok. Been a little busy taking care of my mom. I hope you're doing well as well.

>HSTS music.
I don't know what this is I'm not well versed on all the terms
probably Britney spears or something
>I don't know what this is I'm not well versed on all the terms
Imagine I said upper middle class basic white girl who's aging out of university. Basically the same demographic.
I don't have a friend group that's what I really want
oh my god i loveeeee kimbra
loved that song way back when, i think it changed me a little bit
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forgot pic. shes iconic
lol I'm a flat manmoder, also no
literally never happened, none of u will ever see it unless I win the lottery and get all my surgeries
Just meet ppl dumbfuck
Oh ok i don't know much about that have some angry music instead
it's rly not tho
Who is this hottie?
You get an F for class today.
So just like normal
It's a little more nuanced than "basic" but I think it captures the same idea.
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tyty dude

i dont either a lot of people dont its kinda why society is falling apart, id just recomend not trying to make em online so much at least 4 u and just keep trying irl stuff, imo being lonely is better than being surrounded by toxicity.

she has some real good bops. post yur fave one or one of em at least i dont know many of her songs but i do enjoy her sound a lot.

>i think it changed me a little bit

lol very mucho same, very same

she could make her name chaser icon
Jk continue crying on fortune
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I came so hard I fixed my mentals for the day
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>post yur fave one or one of em at least
the whole Vows album is real good but my fav of her videos is probably this one, Come Into My Head


This remix is the one I have the most nostalgia for desu
She's so hot. Could you imagine her asking to be called a boy.
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You're an enterprising mind with a lot of potential. Have the clean exploitable, you've earned it.
I love seeing her pretty face
I could but she's asexual and doesn't like being fucked by handsome men such as ourselves

lol ty
aaaaaaa this stupid pic

stupid short bangs so so stupid aaa.
im more mad about the stupid bangs than opening myself up to this with the timestamp
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very based ill listen to it tonight ty for the rec pichu, the music ive seen you post is very good ive saved more than a few yur recs are always very welcomed :D
You look hot though
You're beautiful.
Your bangs don’t look bad at all. We’re you trying to get something else or a different length?
I'm thinking about doing a dating app profile but at the same time I'm not sure if it's a good thing for me mentally so question to chasers how unwell could the boymoding tranny be for you to stil date them?
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i was hoping for slightly longer bangs yep.
i did want blunt straight bangs, since (dont laugh at me for this) a photo of Icky was my reference i brought to the hairdresser, and i got blunt bangs for sure.
but we talked about length, and agreed on a length, and then they ended up shorter than i expected from that talk lol. happens i guess but meh
Pichu deals with people being mean to her way better than people being nice to her.
well what are you going thru right now?
There's so many complicating factors it'd be impossible to say even if we could agree on what even qualify as different levels of "unwell". If you're working on your issues and aren't trying to justify any poor treatment of others to me then I'm probably fine with it. I do still have to actually like you though.
im not good at responding to people being nice to me... its a rude trait of mine that i want to fix, im awkward and never know if i should be saying thank you or disagreeing or pretending i didn't see it or something else

thank you everybody who is being kind, though, i appreciate you all
well I won the jackpot because I was ghosted
That's rough, buddy.
singles I add him back
dubs I block
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i think yur very cool internet stranger i hope you feel better about it one day and also a good day
i have a date in an hour with a femboy who won't ghost because he's a slut lol
life is so much easier now.
I appreciate you. I wish you could see the pretty girl we all do.
I once met John Holmes in an airport bar. He said one thing to me, and that's "Pichu is a pretty girl, and I have a 15 inch penis" right before he died a horrible death from aids
Rolling for a brother in need. Check em.
Good luck
dubs and you send a picture of your girl penis with the message "we need to talk"
I was like that too, well I still kinda am but am better at it. I guess I kinda had to just force myself to just say thank you and move on. Pretending you didn't see it might make others think it was unwanted even if you did appreciate it.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the next person you meet is better.
crippling levels of depression, traumas from being unloved child that was left alone as the less important one, huge amounts of self hate stuff like that
>actually like you though.
I mostly treat badly myself and try to just ignore others or be helpful just enough so that they would leave me alone. As for self improvement part I no longer can try to get better on my own so the best I can do is trying to slow down the decline of my mental state
trips and I'm a pretty girl
damn woulda been a good excuse to send a spontaneous gock pic
You're all grown up now and you have to opportunity to meet someone who will never leave you behind.
Sometimes getting away from where we're from helps us move on.
Well hmm. I guess if it's just depression then I could work with that. You've got a sense of humor at least, that's always a plus.
But as always there's particulars that might be harder for me specifically than others. If you're avoidant you'll drive me to my own depression so I probably can't work with that.
>anon why did you send a picture of your penis
>"someone on 4chan said it and they had repeating digits
Lmao, this poor bastard. Why'd you delete him?
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the chaotic nature of the universe
all that we are is just a coin toss
the digits are the purest form of expression
always trust in the digits
I don’t know who that person is so I can’t laugh at you. But ya some times they just fuck it up and do a different length. It will grow tho.
Now call it, friend-o.
either me or you has a stroke right now
I mean the one of my dreams is to have a person who would make me feel loved and whom I would love at the same time. I don't know anyone with whom I could be 100% open about my life, partially because of how I am and partially because of whom are those people. I know I would have to get over that if I want to date someone for longer than few weeks but it's just hard to do so after you couldn't do so and were punished for trying to be open thru out your whole life
Are you going to therapy and/or seeing a psych for your depression? Lots of people are familiar with depression and can sympathize, especially if you're working on it though I can understand if you need a push from somebody.
> traumas from being unloved child that was left alone as the less important one
You're likely hyper independent and unlikely to advocate for yourself or communicate your needs to others, which might be an issue for other people who might feel blindsided by issues that finally bubble over for you. Try to be considerate of that if you can.
>huge amounts of self hate stuff like that
par for the course for tranners on here. As frustrating as it can be for chasers when a girl simply just doesn't believe our honest-to-god feelings about her, it's probably the easiest to have patience for IMO.
Personally I think you're probably fine to date. Just try to look for someone patient and try to fight the urge to not communicate things you need to hear from them every now and then. As in, take opportunities to just touch base with them and get on the same page about certain things.
I like you
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I had to follow my rules
i dont want to be 27...
wikifeet is down
We all want that I think, anon. Promise we're all looking too, I'm sure we'll find something.
But I get that feeling of disconnect and alienation. That was my life for a long while growing up, it wasn't til I was out in the world on my own and making my own friends and choices that I got back to that opportunity to be open and vulnerable. Now I'm probably a bit of a zealot for it lol. I think they're the most important things a relationship can have. Love is the trust found in vulnerability if you ask me.
are you the dark mistress I've been looking for?
Why not? This shit don't matter til we hit like 40. 28 has been treating me pretty well this past summer.
Got too close?
been there. youre gonna dread it for a while, after 30 youll get used it. we all get older
tfw no Chigurh gf
It doesn't get better
no, but I'm numb to it now.
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shes finnster's girlfriend and also absolutely goals. i hope to look 1/10th as good as her after i get FFS
i preempted being made fun of for this because depending on who you ask emulating someone like her is either extreme agp or outright skinwalking, but really i just like her hair a lot...
Lol you look like her but better
each year i get closer to having to grow up and i would rather just die to be honest i still havent developed the skills to be a normal human that is liked by people
i dont want to get older i want to be dead like my life isnt going to suddenly change and im gonna be a fully formed person that can deal with complex emotional situations like it just doesnt seem possible
Sort of insane that trans people exist.
/chasergen/ bangkok meetup when?
I'm on meds and don't thing therapist could help me now, maybe in the future.
I know, I know, it's just too overwhelming a lot of the times and I don't have a space to just let the steam out because of how my life looks like right now.
I feel like it's easier for me to complain when I don't have a contact with the person but idk how long that would work out for me if I would see someone more often and the routine of me getting angry/frustrated/overwhelmed being toxic towards myself and people who doesn't let me isolate and then maaaybe explaining what the fuss was about over the text seems tiresome for the other person but at the same time I feel like it's the best I could do at the moment with all my mental blockages
ill bang ur cock
what can I say at 23... you will never understood my pain kiddo
pichu should i just quit bc im still ugly after ffs like people dont even think i have gotten it
Yeah if they didn't I never would have seen so much pp
stop saying stuff like that. I don't want you to die. you'll figure stuff out over time
jade is fucking older than me??? girl why do you act like that then
Ohh ok ya she is very pretty. Using orthers as inspiration is totally normal. I do the same with lifting. And you already look really good so after your ffs I’m sure you’re going to look amazing.
very poetic lol
idk whenever I think about dating someone I just feel like I'm partially doing that to be less responsible for how I am and it sickens me desu desu. Not to mention me neeting at the moment and for the past a lot while attending paper mill uni. All those life failures make me feel even worst about myself and move me one step backwards when it comes to being able to live on my own. I fucking hate that
I hate my teammates.
Yeah it's their fault your hardstuck
>I feel like it's easier for me to complain when..
Yeah the anonymity especially helps because you don't yet respect the other person's opinion of you so it doesn't matter so much.
Would you be willing to try explaining to the other person that this happens and having some sort of 'safe word', for lack of a better term, for when this happens so that you could invoke it whenever it happens and they'll understand that it's just a thing that happens and not a reflection of them or anything like that?
I'm winning. They just complain too much in voice chat.
imagine having to listen to them after speaking up with tranny voice
What kind of men is the average chaser?
Ever watched To Catch a Predator?
Voice train.
somewhere in the age range of 22-35, single slightly overweight
Have you seen Lars and the Real Girl?
guys i was welcomed back into walmart so long as i'm not racist anymore.
glad to hear things are getting better for you
What kind of schizophrenia is this?
>you don't yet respect the other person's opinion of you
I do, that's not one of my problems. And most probable course of things happening would be me trying to put on good face to bad game as always then having a mental break down moment after which I would too embarrassed about whole thing and I honestly do not know how I would act afterwards.
I am not the average man. I am very autistic.
welcome back mr. ex president tanning cream is waiting for you in the next alley
Show up in a burger king crown
what do you mean by that? I know dating apps often have guys with bad game because it's just generally hard to initiate with so little info to work with, I mean the breakdown moment after.
Yeah these things are complicated. I think if you're both being realistic you're well aware it's not going to be some magical fix to your problems, so he'll know going in the kind of support that might be necessary and can make that decision for himself. We're all adults here after all and different people can handle different things, I don't think it's selfish to let people be supportive, it seems obvious you take it seriously and don't intend to take advantage of anyone.
I get feeling bad about past failures but the only thing you can do about them is work to change them now. I know that might seem scary or impossible because of those same past failures, but clearly you're older and more aware of yourself now. Just start small with basic things to get yourself back into normal routines. The one step will just cascade into the next and everything gets easier and easier.
I meant it all happening after meeting up and spending some time IRL, I honestly just haven't thought about the dating app part of thing
Show bussy
what if we're not losers or loners and we just need adderall to function?
made a guac, cream, jalapeno, and olive oil sauce, very tasty. I will be eating everything with this from now on
you all are the best women
this true i can't function without adderall
This place is full of cool people when the schizos aren't ruining it.
that's what Ive been trying to say
ive been wanting to test this out ngl but all therapists ive been to dont wanna give up the goods
this but Xanax and ciggarettes
do you all have any idea how hard it is to get specific animal parts on a chao using two goal animals, one extra animal that removes animal parts at random, and a glitch to let you reuse the animals to reroll them all while trying to herd the three animals and a chao into a corner so you can do the glitch

this little deer-warthog hybrid freak better be worth it
Doesn't count :)
I know exactly how hard this is actually. I put hundreds of hours into this game as a kid.

It's just a glitch to use the animals again.
ate two big ass sammiches
still hungry
what do bros
>We're all adults here after all and different people can handle different things
sure but people can make mistakes and I don't know how common it is for guys to overestimate their abilities when it comes to dating a depressed tranner, is it common does "i can fix them" mentality just means that the relationship will most likely end up being few weeks thing?
>I don't think it's selfish to let people be supportive
I mean yeah but when I daydream about relationships I hope for them to do most work for me and that's the part I'm scared of and about which I feel like it's unjust
Thanks for the support words but as I said before (or I did to someone else lol) the best I can do now is to try and slow down the day to day decline. Improving my life would be a dream but I don't think it's possible
I know what I said.
when I was a kid I never would have thought it be listening to good rap music from a pretty trans woman. the future is cool
girlllllll, without the reuse animals glitch, to get the animals again id be replaying a stage 2-3 times every try
and it took like SEVENTY TRIES
nother big ass sammich
You've never played this game I take it.
I ate bowr of samsa and more than tormija with it and its sir litr to me:<
Playing vidya is fun. Journey > Destination.
I will never get to have a rosewood hand me a chocolate cake
nahhhh nobody really likes the Sonic side game they tacked onto Chao Garden Adventure 2
Replaying pumpkin hill 75 times isnt fun
I just imagined Pichu twerking on the floor while sweetie my type is blasting
ofc journey is better, nobody cares about destiny, the made the sequel and all those dlcs yet nobody is talking about it
You underestimate my autism.
I think you can, but no time to argue. Good luck with whatever you do.
even worse... Lost Colony
I have 5k hours in Warframe. You don't understand fun for autists
What’s your favorite game
i dont wanna eat food but im getting the wanna kill myself feeling again
this but 5 thousand hours in every fallout and Zelda game
What are you getting in lost colony?
Please cheer up, your majesty.
why don't you have and apple
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maybe one day you can! hopefully thisll suffice till then :D
Chug some water and have a small portion of food and see how you feel
your either a clussy haver or one scared of clussy
I have a couple thousand hours in NV, 4, and 76
I've enjoyed every zelda game before BotW, but WW is probably my favorite. I sunk an insane amount of hours completing everything in that
ah okay, I hope you can start dating and finding out how that goes. We all deserve love after all.
I just imagined Pichu murdering you violently with nothing but her bare fists while she yells "it's clobbering time!", then punching under your ribcage into your torso and pulling out your still beating heart, taking a bite out of it, and then googling how many calories the human heart contains to make sure she's still within her daily limit.
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Straight Shot- errrr mean Space Station 13. Pure autism.
Fallout is fun. Show is ass though
i love apples i used to work at an apple orchard and i ate so many apples omg
i will see if i have fruit

also my dresses come tomorrow
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oh my God did you really make this?
this makes my night :)
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skeleton dogs and warthogs. i didnt realize pumpkin hill had them both too, but i see it now on the list
not to mention im using mods to restore Adventure DX animals like the deer, which you attract with fruits, so that wouldnt even be farmable the same way. lol savescumming would be the only realistic approach without the reuse glitch
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xannies bad
That’s a good idea fruit is great
>also my dresses come tomorrow
Oh cool you found some. Where did you end up getting them from?
You should go back to working there, your majesty.
You seem very passionate about apples compared to your uh-other careers.
Oh mein gott.
Trying to resist the urge to lash out and cause chaos and ruin everything in my life I refuse to be crazy but it would be so relaxing
pls stop wearing it like that
try fallout 1 and 2. its a different look and play style but you'll already know what all the items do and what to expect from dialogue. its just getting used to the different style. I liked 2 more its so fun
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of course i did silly with extra lovins, but yah paints are always fun to make! i kinda look for for certain prompts at times and it felt like an easy task :) glad you enjoy it
fuck off you german manchild. go back to mtfg
I'm glad my hundreds of hours of sonic adventure 2 experience were helpful.
>loves apples
>works at apple farm
apple pony image
>recommending CHADOUT 1 & 2
Please. It’ll filter that Zelda sissy. They’ll die to the rats outside Vault 13 before rage quitting.
saved because you made it for me.
Mein Enkel Nick Lang... meine Windel muss gewechselt werden….
lol had to Google this. wish I did use this now.
cant post it cause you get banned for mlp stuff outside of their board
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I don't dislike F1 and F2, there's just not a lot of replayability
but yeah I'm an absolute chad and I will have a threesome with both of your moms
I love you. We must protect you from them at all costs.
She's so pretty
its amazing that this image was actually made years before fallout 76 and is completely accurate with the scorchbeasts
>there's just not a lot of replayability
You’re not wrong. But, I know you never beat the classic games. I bet you watched the TV show too and enjoyed watching Lucy & Maximus kiss.
The mods are trying to have me killed.
ruined my sleep schedule playing gachaslop fml -_-
Please don’t play gachaslop. You are deserving of love & respect.
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I truly do not understand gacha. Just download the anime png yourself
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I have played and beaten all of the games
but I haven't watched the show yet, I keep hearing it's okay. I'm trying to convince a guy friend to watch it with me. I don't want to watch it alone
I want to watch the fallout tv show with a girl on the couch
uh fashion nova actually it may seem dumb but that one black dress i got is from there so im just hoping they all look as okay as that one does
Anime games made using a gambling system perfected by years of trial & error and psychology think tanks in order to make profit by taking advantage of people with addictive personalities.
Ok i'm doing it
don't you do it
I'm going to
Ok I'm shrimping it
I deserve it
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cute winter trip traveling across america with someone very special

I could never watch the Fallout show. If someone asked me to watch it with them, I would bring a notepad and write down every little thing I hated.
Nuking Shady Sands? Actually fucking retarded.
Well watch it even by yourself its good.
>cute winter trip traveling across america with someone very special
This sounds like a blast. I actually might just do this myself.
I agree that it's very retarded, but I just wanna turn my brain off and watch something fun, Bethesda will be Bethesda no matter how hard the internet cries. The guy I tried to convince to watch it with me actually feels very similarly to you, he can't let his autism slide for even a second
nuking shady sands was the best thing that happened to the ncr. they went from a sort of bland generic army faction to an underdog that I want to see get revenge and now I like them more
we're on page 10 and 14th thread from getting bumped off. should we make a new one? i dont have any good theme or qott ideas :<
did already. but want to make a girl watch it with me and answer all er questions during it and hold her.
Monster hunter edition
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i made a shrimpcat pls do not laugh
no I'm not
unfunny pls ack urself
this desu
wow. way more detail than the original
make it about where you would want to go on a road trip to and who with
Make it about Aboleth's.
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>I actually might just do this myself.
same i just needa better car for it, and save up ma bit then im traveling for a bit i wanna see cool stuff
Shrimp cat is over :(
Shrimpcat Remake
thats really mean anon
the bridge is over
make it about who you would want to survive the upcoming nuclear apocalypse with
I’m just imagining me and Jade doing this.
Watching Jade do snow angels.
Then, in our comfy warm RV, our trans girl bull fucks Jade while I jerk off in the cuck chair.
I don't like you
if this gets archived just know I love you
see you in the next one
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cool song

im trying to be less awful im sorry thats why i posted it im not very good at art
>hold her
Damn same tho.
I got the car I just have to make time to do it. Anywhere in particular you want to see or are you more of a head in a direction and see what you find?
>you want to see or are you more of a head in a direction and see what you find?
this desu just drive north and see whats up, hit up cool cities and see some cool national parks or something

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