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Qott: Are you single?

Q4T: what something you wish most chasers knew

Prev: >>37298168
This ones gonna get nuked
Why this pic you goonerbrained faggot? We could've had something cool and interesting not this porn
Shrimp cat is /chasergen/ culture.
yes :< was talking about it in the previous one
qott 2
my location
Yeah what the heck we need more nick
Kys dumbass
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QoTT: yea im alone
I wish they knew how to fix me
reposting shrimp cat bc not a lot of people saw it
You will always have me.
Even when you turn 27 in 2 days, you will always have me.
ok I like this thread. a beautiful trans woman and her soles are visible
Qott: Yes.
I'm not posting shrimp cat anymore.
seek therapy
Hon detected
She’s only 27?
welp, I lost my gf; She just fucking ghosted me. I'm back to being vunerable and depressed. I fucking hate being a chaser.
>what something you wish most chasers knew
How to suck my lady dong. I'll let the next 10 chasers who reply to this suck it
Thanks for the laugh
She didn't ghost you, she never existed
I guess it is. I did a quick Google image search and don't see it anywhere. wonder if it was invented here. I know all the edits are made here
Yes im single. Don't remind me.
>just drive north and see whats up
I kind of figured that was your style. I dig it. That's kind of how I am as well. I just go with it and hope it works out. And ya there are some amazing national parks out there and I hope to see more. Been to any?
This one made me laugh. I like it.
Me first
ME FIRST oh God timer from last post hurry up
dude im not gonna lie you are so funny with saying exactly what i dont want to hear its incredible
I was sent the picture originally about a year ago and started posting it here a few months ago.
you sick fuck shes only 27
I hope that's not true. I texted her a bunch this morning and she keeps leaving me on read. She doesn't answer my calls either. Fuck this dating game. I'm just going to go full monk mode, get a hobby, and live in a shack in the woods
Ha too slow
where did that person get t?
don't worry he's over 9000 years old
wanna be my husband instead?
sure, want to tell me your goals and life's dreams?

If I can't find a gf I think I might just go gay
>If I can't find a gf I think I might just go gay
trips confirm what we've all known
self pity is disgusting and pathetic but meh I don't care
are you a dude though?
No idea. I know they didn't make it though.
god you're so fucking annoying
>want to tell me your goals and life's dreams?
nothing that'll get in the way of our love, I simply want to be a woman one day
>are you a dude though?
Also I post it on other boards too.
she isn't that bad. I kind of think it's cute that Jade posts her for attention. She's also heckin' cute <3
then just ignore her dude. makes the thread worse when you give 4 of these posts to everything she says
how are you almost 30 years old and still acting like this?
that's a noble goal. I guess it's a complete 180 but I don't ever want to give up on love. I can help you voice train and support you through your transition. I've been saving my money so I can pay for my wife's FFS.
and how many of those boards have banned you for it?
she is without a doubt the worst trip on the board
QOTT: Yes im single i think thats well known

Q4T: Im a woman that happens to be trans, not some third gender completely separate from womanhood
I’m glad I can make you laugh, your majesty.
I’m always here for you.
Even when everyone pumps & dumps you, I’ll be here waiting for you to marry me irl.
Just this one. /k/ is completely unresponsive to it. They just don't acknowledge shrimp posts.

Shrimp posting is usually based. I'm 30 and I shrimp post constantly.
im not talking about the shrimp im talking about jades behavior in general
>Shrimp posting is usually based. I'm 30 and I shrimp post constantly.
my mind just pictured some generic smiling white guy giving a thumbs up with this quote over it
trans woman = better woman lol. it least that was a joke on The Dick Show
I want to be a shrimpcat
we'll use that FFS money for something more fulfilling
you can be there and offer me support on my transition, but I want to count on you as a person more, not the material things you bring to the table
on a poster. forgot to add that. and its like on some gas pump.
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no, trans women are women. Were definitely no better than cis women

i feel very much inferior to almost all cis women but people dont like it when i spill my insecurities onto others so i wont talk about that any more
Thanks for giving me a chance anonette. Well, I feel like I want to provide for someone that I love. I want to be present and emotionally support you
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I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite shrimp posting board on the Citadel
>trans woman = better woman lol
yeah. they have great personalities. I cant talk to cis women like this. and some of them are so super beautiful
So it’s totally fine if we pump and dump you like any other woman?
>it's another tripfaggots in /cg/ bickering with each other episode
1: Yes
2: Idk.
it least people aren't dogging me anymore. I was so sad when that happened last night. I am legit trying to be a better person
>Were definitely no better than cis women
Your saying this to a chaser thread. Most of the dudes in here prefer trans.
And hey
They thought I was you. Little do they know that my love for Jade is true.
its not okay to pump and dump any women, were not sex toys
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do i pass?
>something you wish most chasers knew
that I would like to suck their dicks
would you suck mine if i was having a crummy day?
Well, get sucking then
thank you, i keep getyting hugboxxed in the shower
white woman jumpscare
i wish all trannies were this gutsy
Need a tranner gf that sounds like Dasha but isn't annoying
is this LB?
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>Q4T: what something you wish most chasers knew
a familiarity with the fear and pain of going out while not passing and while being visibly trans. theres no reason for them to know that that well though
>this thread pic and theme
there were so many good ideas last thread... and then this... i snoozed and lost
Woah an actual bad photo, I didn't think you could do one
probably if you promised to stroke my hair while I did it
okay shlorp shlop glorp glup glup
why did your tiktok account get nuked?
i will never make it in grooby girls
hugboxing makes me imaging a bunch of people trying to hug someone and they are slapping them away with aikido moves
i deactivated it
It a pic of her not sure if it was posted by her tho.
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looking for a boyfriend-free girl
I would, I would gently caress your face and brush your bangs to the side as you made my day less crummy
pichu did you like my shrimpcat?
erhmm why i want more ex marine sissy stories
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some of her old covers are so damn cool

Qott: i think most here are yah

Q4T: how to treat trans women ig, many ive talked to in dm can be weird i dont like it

picrel, yeh you pass lb

not many just some in Georgia and grand canyon once so i need to see more
would you ever say "it ain't gonna suck itself" to a guy?
oh damn rosewood, you still making original jams?
Don’t bring it up, you estrogenized beta male.
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Threw a frozen pizza in the oven.
can you please stop
I thought you got a bf and left?
Ladies what’s the weirdest DMs you’ve gotten?
yeh but not recording em lately. been pretty busy and kinda just a bit lazy with it rn
Tranner gf that introduces me to cool pre 2005 anime
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i get a lot of weird attention from old men on tik tok and it makes me feel bad. also i see all my trans peers and realize if i want any claim to fame i have to be annoying UwU girl
Nice what brand?
anyone else kind of like Tom Hardy
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chasergen, this is the newest hatchling. it has a color ive never seen before.
left is newly hatched. the right is what its eventually gonna look like when it evolves, the horn is all curly.

dubs gets to name it.
I don't know. BBQ chicken.
HAHAHHAA what the fuck. That terminal lance trooned out? Chesty is crying in his grave
anons does anyone have any cute cozy game recommendations i can get for cheap on mac?
What’s your bed plugged into?
Those are yummy pics of said pizza when it’s done pls
aw fucking cute
you could always stand out and act like a tomboy cowgirl. There aren't a lot that do that

oh fuck my gf just texted me back!!!
Sometimes I have a strong desire to eat myself into oblivion and then kill myself when my self esteem gets too low
let's play bounce on dad's cock together, you're the bouncer
Cowgirl LB would be crazy popular with boomers I bet
Name it Ricotta.
one more time belphid

nooooooo one offfff darn it
Jake from state farm
i lkike to mog still sometimes i also have 0 friends up here and this is pathetically my only way of socializing. we were trolling when hewas over on my trip
what the fuck youre still here
unfortunately boomers love me

i gonna fly out and hang out w him again when im done w this job :3
Name it shrimpcat
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I'm not going to take a picture of a frozen pizza, that's silly. Food pics are for real food, like pbj.
Shrimp cat please.
well thats not very cute or cozy
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>i lkike to mog still sometimes
lol i always love an occasion to use this
Ya see as many as you can before you get old and too tired to do it. There's a lot of beauty out there
>grand canyon
Its near the top of my list.
Starred valley I’ll buy it for you
yeah >_< I'm trying to be a better man. I'm positive posting and giving people advice when they ask. I promise to be a caring and truthful man from now on
Mexican shrimocat
p diddy
the aftercare is very cozy
arent you like 28, why are you using female emoticons
does trips count :/
Rick name is Rick
>i lkike to mog still sometimes
unlucky, you usually just inspire instead
Emoticons are fun at any age anon
I once saw Rick climb a tree and rescue a kids cat. And he didn't send me a gift card to say this
what is aftercare?
Rolling again for shrimp cat.
you fucking a married man and his wife finding out
That and pineapple pizza are the worst pizza ever. I’d throw that shit out
He’s femspirited. Hell, he’s more spiritually feminine than all of you combined (except Jade). All you trannies should follow his example.
Just let Rick do his thing. Fuck off faggot.
Thanks anon, I always save cats especially shrimpcats
because they're UwU fun to use :3
just saw this, Belphid it is
roll for gincel
I like both :)
I agree with this. but let other people enjoy what they like. pineapple on a pizza, just fucking,
thanks mommy :3 (ಥ _ ಥ) I think I might be a little fem spirited because I'm not into sports and I have a feminine nuerotic brain at times. Maybe my hormone levels are out of balance? (○` 3′○)
well that doesnt sound very fun
LB do you have any suggestions for like different clothing places? I got a bunch of black dresses that i think will look nice on me but im not really sure what type of style to really go for
Can you be specific, your highness?
I'll give you a chair and rope for free if you like pineapple on pizza

shit now I wish I had said shrimpcat
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Nice :D
Cleaning up after sex, and cuddling and talking and being close in general
german techno time
oh that sounds nice
Why is it always the man that has to do the fixing? There's something called effort and accountability for your own problems, y'know?
what cartoon is this from or artist? roseeeee
how old are you? dress ur age. thats my main take away from your style. not to be rude but you either dress 10 years younger or like youre stuck in 2014. go to a thrift store and buy some neutral colored long sleeve black shirts/tank tops, some jeans, a nice belt, and some shoes. you will look like the everage woman. no one our age dresses like how u do out and about, no offense.
Have another.

Boku no pico unfortunately.
Yeah it's all the intimacy with all of the horny needs gone
honestly and realistically I think luigi would have gotten the princess if the game was first made today because he's taller than mario
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vewn she also goes by victoria vincent
Hey, devil troon. Terminal failed male. Working party incel. You fucking pog.
Jade looks perfect the way she is.
You shut your retarded whore mouth.
27 but i see women dress like me at festivals and concerts all the time. i dont dress the same doing normal stuff as when i go out to places. iim not very good at shopping in person because i dont know what looks good on me
you do not dress your age lol
Unless you found a way to timetravel backwards, women in public aren't dressing like you
You look fine as you are, your majesty.
Stop listening to these peasants.
They live with jealousy and hatred due to being chudhons.
Music festival people definitely dress up like that
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q4t u can be as dominant and "toxicly" masculine as u want as long as you gain her trust first.
don't lead us, let us follow you
Not at the ones I go to, they still dress alternatively, but not like early 2000s scene/emo alternative.
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main thing i focus on is silhouette. if thats good the rest can kinda be up in the air. i have a somewhat broat torso but i make up for it in a very slim waist and nice hips. excentuating the facets of my body i like while not drawing attention to other parts is what i do. im gonna be gut wrenchingly honest but you do too much. you need to just like, go to target, look at the neutral color clothing, find a top that you feel looks good, and get like, 3 pairs of jeans from a brand you like that fit well, and some basic shoes. Looking basic>looking bad.
I like Mek Denim bootcut jeans, you can only get them on ebay as they are discontinued but they are the only jeans I wear. Basic old navy tops are cute and good quality enough. Otherwise my go to is long Skims dresses, but thats only cuz I have a 26 inch waist. If you wanna wear a dress, get one that cinches at the waist and flares at the hip.
Rose. I dislike the music of blacks. Another song please.
Handcuffing a tranny to a radiator on Election Day so she can't vote because she'll pick the wrong one.

also, learn how to sew/tailor. I got a cheap sewing machine and just go to thrift stores and tailor clothes i get and they end up looking really good and its super inexpensive. making clothes fit is the main thing thats important
Can you sew shut the holes in my clothes? I've been too lazy and there's a lot of things in my don't wear until you fix it pile.
every year there's an EDM event at the convention center in my city and the line to go in wraps around the entire city block. almost everyone waiting in line dresses very jadecore, but that's also the only time i ever see people dressed like that.
it's also usually in winter i think, and they all look so cold...
yeah i did it for my ex's carhartt pants but he didnt deserve that
Based, thank you.
failed male is hot, i love when a man fucks me and i remember i was my dads son.
Anyone here know American Sign Language? I'm wondering how long it takes to be decent at it.
failed mail is hot, i love when a man fucks me and i remember i was an undelivered parcel.
this is why I only date gay men now
all chasers have an MEF fetish and the trannies here enable it
I don't have one, it makes me feel bad
one person on 4chan does speak for an entire group
Every time the post office tells me they failed to deliver the mail I get turned on.
Yeah they delivered you to the wrong address, but I'm going to open you anyways
guys acting like they dont get turned on by the fact that dominating a tranny is inherently more erotic than a cis woman because emasculation is involved
ceasepool known as 4chan does not represent the real world
just like I don't speak for 90% of trannies when I say I don't have an MEF fetish, but the rest still do
you haven't lived until a man a foot taller than you holds you tightly while telling you that he's conquered your bloodline and made your father's son into his little bitch
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you forgot the pic sissy
Bro. SHUT THE FUCK UP. That’s supposed to be a secret.
Holy shit is nothing sacred anymore?
lmaoo (need)
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i aint here to change yur mind, here ya go


kinda cool
yeah you get it that’s like peak
>until a man a foot taller than you
a foot shorter than me, you mean
chasers are all shorter than the average tranny
This is true. Im 5'4
I meant to send a different song, but they were really cool in concert.
that's why u don't date chasers u date guys who say "I've never been with a trans" and it's obvious they mean it
>kicks you in the shin (in Warwick Davis voice)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PvprRzVbso [Embed]
oops that was meant to be a jeff buckley song lol, my b

You haven't lived until a group of chasers tie you down like Gulliver
Maid Rose! Maid Rose! Less blacks please!!
>ava stopped replying to my questions about her srs
fuck my life can someone please tell her im sorry
i wish i could have a man a foot taler than me that sounds really nice, Well a foot taller is a bit much but like 4 inches would be really nice
dumbass, what questions did you ask?
Surry june were all short here.
You’ll settle for a 5’8 bf
oh :(

Theres a lot of cute tall waiters at work i wonder if any of them might like me
I'm probably at least 4 inches, how tall are you?
i only asked for pics when it was done
yes being cold is always the classic but you dont want to bring in a jacket bc coat check costs money and hippies are cheap as fuck so they would rather freeze than pay the $5. its really funny
yea i guess i just kinda draw attention to my chest and butt rather than my tummy since its not great. i hate dressing boring because i feel like i have no personality already and how i dress is the only way i can kinda showcase that but i dont know.
does it ruin it when we call ourselves weird gay men?
this is actually what I'm trying to do
I've been trying to rizz up this guy that's been with nothing with cis girls. He's not even gay (yet), but I've been getting super close to him
don't worry I'm not being creepy I know how to approach this
>ask someone for pics of their genitals
>surprised when they block you
trannies be like "my man has to be at least 6'2"

bitch, you make me 6 2 my stomach
You can’t be serious.
i mean being the same height as me would be perfectly fine but you know atleast a bit taller would be great

5'8" :(
yeah getting a 6ft man wouldnt be easy
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i need bf like picrel
holy shit youre retarded anon
God bless I am praying for you to join us tradwife sisters
5'8 is definitely on the shorter end, don't worm. I'm 6'3 so I fit
Joining in with everyone else yelling at him doesn't make you part of the group.
>yeah getting a 6ft man wouldnt be easy
>my man has to be at least 6'2
Dont be mad at 6'2 dudes there people too.
im gonna try dating again if i find a 5'1" dorky guy who isn't an incel
damn, jade and her friends are going in on this guy
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ooo i really like this one v mucho tyty

a lot of its really good tho >:(

not that hard in my experience just finding alright people is hard
Hey, retard.
Watch who you’re speaking to.
When Jade talks, you stand in attention.
When Jade walks, you kneel.
Got that faggot?
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i didnt know you were transbian...
I'm 6' tranny from europe, is that good enough?
6ft is tall, not a lot of 6ft tall men and most of them deserve women better than me
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Hi *chops off 7 inches off my shins*
>1 inch too short for June
I mean you are only looking at 20-year-olds. I am actually tall I was trolling but I'm old so I'm not included on that list.
fuck you i thought she would take it as a compliment
no 5'11 is not too short at all, anything taller than me is nice
She's really good, but her music is a bit soul-crushing. Love Vashti Bunyan btw
>this is what men really believe
you are too stupid to insult
>5'1" dorky guy who isn't an incel
Do u mean isn't a virgin or doesn't hate women, asking for a friend
Please be a 5'1 guy
I'm 6'7 with a 3.5" dick. Do I actually have a chance with any women
5'1" virgin would be fine, i meant excluding incel as in the incel mentality
did any tranny here dated ftm guy?
no sorry, time to become a gay troon so Sarah can become the shortstack dommy mommy for once and put you in a cock cage
No way in hell I'm bottoming for her
5'9 actually but that's short king status
You're in no position to act too good for her, now take your injection
Still single tho
Why the fuck not
I'm a 6'1" mommy, how come no guy wants to date me?
years ago i unknowingly dated a straight closeted trans guy, but i don't know if that counts. it was also back when i was closeted too and determined to be a straight male repper, so it might double not count.
I'll take you
Literally just make a dating app profile and say how tall you are
I want you
fuck off
can you be my mommy power bottom?
Cali here btw
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yeh it can be lol this is real good too tho, listening to a few of their others rn this one is cool too you know some real spicy jams anon :) post mor pls if you wish

>a familiarity with the fear and pain of going out while not passing and while being visibly trans.
Is that why trannies are so hard to find in the wild? VC'ing on Discord is cool and all, but I wanna hang out with y'all outside too.
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You remind me of my autistic tall Olympic built ruskie friend who came to me for advice on how to get more matches on dating apps.

Meanwhile a short Latino guy in our unit with a cute wife was constantly cheating on her.

Funny times.
>Are you single?
No, but I'm not exclusive. I wanna be the Genghis Khan of my harem of trannies
This is me. Can I get a dommy mommy 6' 1" grillfriend?
mommy's gonna take care of you
The one you sent is probably my favorite but I wanted to send something a bit more eye catching. Let me dig around for another. Here's one from an Indonesian indie rock band that I like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loPa9ZoesMc
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Love how the two of you unwittingly came together. Who came out first?
I mean it's probably a safety thing, a fear of being ostracized, and agoraphobia all in one. No shit many girls don't wanna go outside. That's why I plan to court a lady wearing a full set of 15th century plate armor so she knows I can protect her in her time of need.
Marines don't cheat on your wife challenge. (I've done it too)
I was just curious if it's easier to overcome bottom dysforia with them compared to girls. I often find them attractive and not being able to date someone for sex reasons would be a disaster thing to me so idk if it's relevant indeed
thank you mommy, you're the best <3
>Are you single?
>what something you wish most chasers knew
i am not your mommy
yeah most of my old coping relationships and dates ended up like that. it was either his case where he was actually a man all along, or the other cases where i was pretrans but dating closeted lesbians who inexplicably were into me for unknown reasons. true natures shine through after all, it seems.
he came out first, a few years before i started transitioning
ah ok i wouldn't be able to provide much info there, im sorry
How could you say that mommy?
looking for 7 chasers to join my harem
yes mommy >~<
To be fair, it was Oki. How could I not?
hey so um, there's a large asteroid that is going to be orbiting earth like a second moon tomorrow and I'm worried
Yeah it's called my nuts orbiting your mouth
This is actually unironically the main problem.
I know I have done this and it helps a lot.
About what? You think it's gonna careen into the Earth and kill us all like dinosaurs?
I'm only one chaser though.
>I mean it's probably a safety thing, a fear of being ostracized, and agoraphobia all in one.
That's cool and all and sure, I could wear a full Renaissance-era armor set to court them. Gotta find them first though and I'm done doing long-distance. How do they expect me to find them though if they don't go outside? Dating apps? kek
i can't speak for every trans woman but it's a big part of why i almost never go outside. im absolutely terrified of getting mocked, judged, or hatecrimed. its why i like to hide from people as much as possible
maybe it'll get better when/if i pass after FFS and a lot more weight loss
i live there please don't blow it up
you got me. I walked right into that one
taking pichu on a date wearing a shirt that says "I LOVE MY TRANSGENDER GIRLFRIEND"
No, you finna join mine
>About what? You think it's gonna careen into the Earth and kill us all like dinosaurs?
that or its an alien mothership
how could I not see this coming
i think that might kill her
Yeah see it could be good news like an alien mothership! What is there to worry about?
God I fucking hope that asteroid crashes into my house fuck my gay life
gonna be boymoding during the asteroid event
i think that might kill me
yeah but what if bad aliens. I had a plan to ask rosewood out in ten years
what's wrong with being dommy mommy?
I claim sleepy
Qott: yes

Q4T: How to get chasers to pay for my surgeries???
Then the meteor becomes the good news and we've got nothing to worry about again.
You need a big bf to intimidate anyone who even thinks about it.
dommy is fine
i can never be a mother, and i don't love to be reminded of that
dommy mommy OF sameway Sarah did
become a twitter porn transbian like venus
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You ever see a chaser with a girlfriend on a date? It's sad, man. The girlfriend's wearing male clothes and clearly uncomfortable. Jamie, pull up that 4chan board again.

Look at that. It's 90 degrees and she's wearing a hoodie.
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get a job
I need a good boy to help me set this up
Must be nice. Could’ve been Djibouti.
Yeah I feel that. I used to be more charismatic. But, I caught autism and now I’m just struggling.

Eh, whatever. Life was never easy for me anyways. At least I’m not a child miner
Giving my gf my jacket so she can still "boymode" but she just looks cold and borrowed my oversized jacket
Yuck women are ugly. I’m too straight for that.
>transbian like venus
>tee-hee i'm bi but i mostly like women
Why am I not surprised
The dream is dead. Trannies either have good wfh tech jobs and mog my career or are unemployable losers who spend 16 hours a day in bed
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gonna boymoder forever so I can call my future chaser bf a fag
Some even do both, I hear
You can just do that for free though.
he would take her to much better date, fancy restaurant while she's in a dress and big foot long joint afterwards
4chan psycho
Respectfully, a non creepy chaser was not going to date a 6'4 trans woman with a deep voice. She really didn't have many options
>posting on 4chan means I don't have to provide for myself and not be a drain on society
The truth is you want him to call you a fag when he's balls deep inside you.
I have people in my court write letters by eagle (e-mail for short) to various courts with fair noble maidens. Then if rapport is built and they appreciate my calligraphic penmanship, as well as my excellent taste in poetry and bard music troupes, I assemble an entourage to go visit her.
that's how you get domestically abused and dumped
>unemployable losers who spend 16 hours a day in bed
And they still won’t date me.
I don’t blame them.
My heart was meant for Jade Slade only.
The perfect date.
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Has her voice become deeper? Last I heard, even though it was clocky, it was okay. I would've gone on a date with her. Wouldn't be the first time I hang out with a clocky tranny.
>and big foot long joint afterwards
do what
HA HA SIKE IM NOT T R A N S G E N D E R ! ! ! ! ! I was just pretending to make you gay you fag HA HA now you're fucking a dude you're a gay fag now HA HA
50 bucks and she'll let you do whatever you want to her
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this took a dark turn...
I'm not entirely sure what it sounded like before, but it is unmistakably masculine now.
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nother save anon yur on a roll here :)
*bursts in midair*
yea... god i need a boyfriend
Props to you. I don't have patience for long-distance anymore
Valid reason to ghost desu
>made an emotional decision

the 19th amendment was a mistake
You fuck like 3 guys a month
The rapey profile pic makes it
i havent had sex in like a month and a half
I’ll drop a lot of money just to fuck her and have her wrap her arm around mine so I can feel like those Sigma Male podcasters.
My dream is to be Jade’s betabuxx bf.
She lets trans girl bulls top her and I get to watch in my lil cuckshed.
got it. I will never look unsure and will just confidently pick a spot without hesitation and look like I know what I'm doing
I liked this, saved. Here's another from Indonesia, went on a bit of a tear on them a while back, some really really solid indie bands there
i see i see the cage is working...
Women are so retarded the confuse confidence with competence
My bad I thought you slept with that guy you were talking to and the other one you were talking about staying with.
This is such a weird thing to even be thinking about past like high school.
yeah. also to be a leader or have anyone believe you you have to always seen confident and never second guess even if you are unsure, or people wont listen to you. I learned this in my job.
just the way people are, nothing you can do about it
I hate women so much, it's unreal.
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sorry lil bro
did your mom asked you to clean your room again?
Let me be your boyfriend.
Post voice
Post chest
those are the same guy and because i was crying yesterday i missed his message by like 2 hours
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>Are you alone?
Alright trannies. It's time. Post how much you ate today.
image jade laying in bed crying that she will be alone, meanwhile her phone is going off across the room "hey BBY, I miss you"
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~1kcal and went for a run
i had a monster zero
Turn your damn ringer up.
But for real have you heard from him recently or is it over?
for breakfast I had a nutrigrain bar and a mountain dew. An hour later I ate some beef jerky and a Gatorade. For dinner I had some ham with potatoes and green beans and buttered bread. then my last meal of the day was a bowl of ice cream followed by gummy bears and a Mexican coke. then I just had a little bit of cheddar popcorn
why would a woman want to be called a fag during sex? doesnt make a lot of sense

sure smells like AGP in here tho
Is that all you had?
norm was so damn hot when he was younger
perfect features
You're winning so far
postal fans are back
really makes you think
it really does
810 calories today, i had leftover pasta and then a big salad for dinner
yeh i feel lightheaded when i stand, topday went by really fast just kinda forgot ngl

frfr tho, i would do a lot for a narm bf, too bad he was a deeply closted gay man..
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god damn I would kick the absolute living shit out of gary coleman so hard
He was gay?
why do u keep posting this. ppl who obsess over the quantity of food they eat in a day are either fat or so neurotically inhibited that they become spiritually fat
I eat on intuition and i stay skinny
hes not coming out tho.

Gary Cooper?
its degrading
im a retard
Friendly reminder the Jade said women who don't cover themselves up want to be sexually harassed
Because that’s why
And because I’m fat
>i feel lightheaded when i stand
I bet lol
i wouldnt say that they *want* to be sexually harassed, but it would be unwise to not cover up if you want to avoid lecherous strangers
its not degrading for a woman though lol its degrading for a man
I didn't even know he was sick
Hey there bud. Norm died.
>hes not coming out tho.
Well apparently that’s not true you god a booty call

i think ill have a chicken sadwhich or something rn i feel weird lol been postinf too mucho

he died its a shame :(
Why would a woman find being called a fag degrading? It's a degrading word for a man.

MEF moment.
You're out of your element
no i realized that was just an im ugly issue. like i feel uncomfortable when i show more of my body but other people who have nice bodies wouldnt feel that same way and working out with less clothes on would just be nicer bc less sweat. it just didnt make sense to me but i also talked to my therapist about that stuff today
>chicken sadwhich
A chicken break sounds like a good idea
>he died
Have you seen his special after his death. It’s good he refused to edit it so he just rambles at times
You guys ever see a woman that's so pretty that it makes you genuinely scared thinking about going up to them
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norm was the best at his craft

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im just afraid of attractive people in general
wholesome :)))
Most days women are scary.
I'm nervous when I talk to cashiers.
ive seen a few segments of it i think need to watch the whole thing i miss him v mucho

men in general intimidate me i can barely look em in the eyes, i know you werent asking about em but i feel similar
I'm too autistic to be scared of women
no it wasn't you literally said women should cover themselves up if they don't want to be harassed and that the only reason a woman would wear a nice outfit is if they wanted attention

and then you doubled and tripled down on it
>Q4T: what something you wish most chasers knew
We actually love receiving head and topping we are just playing hard to get. This applies for all transwomen
someone use moo deng for the next thread
he is the /chasergen/ icon to usurp shrimpcat
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I got a cool hack to make them scared of you
Same I miss the dude.
yea because i dont feel like i deserve to be called a woman because i hate myself. god just go on twitter transwomen liking being called faggot isnt a new thing
>transwomen liking being called faggot isnt a new thing
I think you mean AGPs like you, not actual transwomen
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you stop being scared of anyone when you realize you could easily kill them. I'm not scared of talking to anyone. I just imagine myself brutally murdering them and everything is okay
True, I agree
I can go up to almost anyone but there are rare occasions where I freeze up.
I always let them come up to me because I never want to go over to them, especially not in a group.
Huge if true
being scared of someone is a feminine trait. why do you, as a man, feel fear?
no it isnt. it's knowing where your limits are
should a man not feel fear when he knows his family is in danger? when his progeny may not have unimpeded development? when his livelihood is at stake? fear is the requisite to action
Because a particularly stuck up cunt can destroy your whole life over one bad/unwanted interaction
get out of your feelings, there's no solutions there.
ive not had any surgeries yet
a man that doesnt feel fear is a dead man, left in desolation
and you could destroy their entire life with a single knife slash
you need to stop being scared and start acting like the killer you were born to be
I've been genuinely too scared to go up to all women I've ever seen in my life wdym
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>these faggots afraid of talking to other people
Please end your life expeditiously, retarded faggot.
Yeah I got the less fun mental illness that makes you irrationally anxious all the time, not the fun ones that make you rp 20 different personas 24/7 or something
Im actually good at going up to people. Im not sure why but people are usually super nice to me. My old coworker used to complain because everyone was rude to her but not me.
acquire social skills, nigger
>he uses normie capeshit for reaction images
ive never been less afraid than i am now post transition, desu
ofc, a lot of that comes from living in a nice neighborhood in the first world and being 6'3" and not passing, but like still
I have better social skills than everyone itt combined
>he shits his pants when the thought of social interaction comes to mind
what is it called when i hate people weaker physically and mentally than me? i get this urge to crush them.
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you see somebody naked
and you
you say who is that man
you try so hard
but you
dont understand
just what you will say, when you get home
because something is happening here, and you dont know what it is
do you
mr j0ones
why don't you faggots make a new thread
arrogant sociopathy
is it really arrogance if i'm just better than everyone else?
so you have a dommy mommy of I KNEW IT
That’s probably a lot of it
I guess not anon, but you aren't better than me.
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i went down a long rabbit hole to find that tweet, it's long gone but I found the name, and I don't think the person who made it even exists. always kinda sad when something weird turns out to be just a troll post, but tbhon i'm glad this person isn't walking in our midst.
1270kcal yesterday, kinda overshot what I aim for. Trying to drag myself back down to around 1100 today. i was really afraid of counting calories my whole life but as it turns out, depriving myself of pleasure actually feels pretty good.
if i did would you pay for it? maybe i'll give it a shot, if i think it could make money
probably. I also think being a tranny makes people nicer to me. "don't upset the troon or it'll throw a fit!" kinda thing
natural alpha male reaction
I say the height because I’m an inch shorter and I think it’s a big part of why people treat me nice
> I also think being a tranny makes people nicer to me.
I dated a black girl and people would be like overly nice as like a “look how progressive and not racist I am”
We would like get free food and cut in tons of lines and shit. So maybe people are trying to not get called a transphobe.
yeah people are just really nice to tall big people. its weird. its not like they're gonna beat you up at your office or at university, they'd lose their entire future.
tall cis men are more likely to be in leadership positions or get promoted. we never left the stone age mentally. I look forward to a future where we are all small and grey with big brains and eyes because we live in space and violence is a thing of the past and everyone is autistic robots

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