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qott what's your favourite kind of water
Dihydrogen monoxide
no i meant like carbonated or tap or well water or spring water or whatever
I think I have a thing for him
Thought this was sheen.
Warm tap water
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yeh sesshoumaru is hot

decent choice, cold cold water can hurt
imo well water is a lot nicer than tap/city water, but even a nice glass of room temperature or maybe very slightly cool tap water after a long walk or run or bike ride is just the most delicious thing imaginable
you need more sleep cuz those bags make you look old. otherwise you’re gonna need to add chemical peels and a blepharoplasty to your looksmaxxing wishlist.
>but I really like the open neighborhood the world feels alive and it's so great for immersion/storytelling
i feel that. sims 4 just feels barebones compared to 3. the modern gaming industry has fallen. im running out of things to say because im so boring
can we play Minecraft with you
actually, nvm. but does anyone want to play Minecraft or is everyone here a friendhaver that does cool things with their lives
I don't like water :(
don't like how it tastes don't like how it feels on my skin
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>bags make you look old

i've never played multiplayer minecraft
idk how i would manage moderation and i don't have money for a vpn so i could host without doxing myself to some degree

ugh but water tastes so good... maybe it's different in canada
put chemical peels on eyes? i already do a chemical peel but not on eyes that sounds bad. i got an big acne scar and i’m trying everything to get rid of it but i think my modeling career might be over
will any chemical work?
i could host it later. it’s not hard. but, there wont be any of those special mods or whatever you use. it’s just vanilla so if ur picky and suffer from fried dopamine receptor syndrome. you may not like it

but like I’m gonna host it way way later tho. im buying some furniture to comfymaxx while gaming

ill bring it up in like a week or so and ask again
just sleep more. but if you’re gonna do it then get it done by a professional.
eyes of a rapist
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Damn. Yikes , that hurt to read
I will sleep now
Fuck I am tired. I went in at 9 A.M. and didn't get out till 8 P.M. Person who was supposed to be closing called in sick. I told the Phamracist I could do it, thinking an extra 3 hours wouldn't be that bad.

I was so wrong. I am drained. What kinda beer does chat like? I need one.
>What kinda beer does chat like? I need one.
forever a malebrained incel

Sorry to tell you, but women do drink alcohol occasionally. I love wine.
imagine drinking alcohol lmfao holy cope much???
whats wrong, you cant handle life sober?
all beers are gross. i drink steel reserve. gets the job done. i usually drink a 40oz daily. im probably going to stop. today is the first time ive been sober in months. ill give it a week before i drink again.
>steel reserve
what chu kno about that? prolly nothin
I've been non-sober a total of 5 times in my life.

Drunk first when Kentaro Miura died, high in Washington state off some weed, drunk again here in Utah with my first set of roommates, we celebrated me getting up here, learned I'm a very lightweight drunk, 4th time was when I was sad. 5th was actually relatively recent, had a FtM friend over, and he and I drank some Wine together, cuddled, and fugged.
explains why you guys look so dysgenic
>28, fat, in a long term gay relationship
>only now really questioning my gender

i havent posted pics since i started drinking
not even on hrt or anything yet, but since realizing Im mtf,
>sex drive plummeted and continuing to fall
>appetite plummeted and continuing to fall
>tolerance for alcohol and weed plummeted and continuing to fall
whats going on
eesh its worse than i thought then
I haven't posted a pic in awhile, and I'm back on losing weight. Eating less, and getting on the treadmill every day after work.

My routine is this
>Wake up, brush teeth, shower, drink a protein shake
>Go to work
>Skip lunch
>Power through the rest of the day and fight off hunger pains
>Eat something small for dinner
>Go to bed or talk to my friends
parrot day drinking
Warsteiner if you can find a place that sells it. Trader Joe's has got it sometimes.
Asahi for something more common.
Hey nerds! How r u tonight?
drinkin steel reserve 211 8.1

who is sass




hello computer people
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>How r u tonight?
regretting most my life
I wish I could hit a reset button
qott blue

ps1 hagrid

grindr is calling to me I need to get laid
cool moomin shirt
bro you're literally out there sucking dicks and you think you aren't popular, how bpd are you?
I wish I had the courage to end myself
>i have started driving for uber eats for money, it's alright
grats fren
don't let the machine grind you down too hard
oh shit fair nvm
I would let a dude with a body like that do unspeakable things to me
I tip $3 on grub hub. I'll bump it to $10 if you deliver my food and let me feel your ass a little
so you’re making porn now
Made a post on this board a little bit ago about my already feminine appearance and how I suddenly started realizing I was trans after a bar experience. Went on some rant about defying fate. Since then I came out to some friends. And they all already knew, had guessed long before I did. Is this good? Is this bad? Did I win or lose? They're all treating me like a girl, so I guess nothing's wrong???
i hope youre doing good. i think youre cute and id be sad if i ever stopped seeing you here
Seriously though, good job getting out and working. I know it sucks for now, but things will get better. Not rotting is that best decision you could make
isnt laf friends/irl acquaintance with wren
Oof I think I (You)'d wrong >>37302981
Good luck Marie. Working a shit job really motivates you to seek something better for yourself, to use your educational background instead of doing robotic shit like delivery or retail. Hope you get sth better soon
william the conqueror was the correct heir, godwinson was a usurper, completely illegitimate tanist conspiracy
Anyone else think the whole trans puppygirl thing feels a little astroturfed? Like a psyop almost?
it's just a trend, npc zoomers pick up on them and it becomes their personality for that cycle
not really
I see it else where outside of here it's just pretty common now
t. pupby
heck when I was in highschool I knew a kid who'd wear her fetish dog collar to school
even would let people lead her around with the leash sometimes
met a girl who identified as a dog once
didn't know her game
this wasn't any of the transwomen I knew either
anon is right
it's a very zoomer
well someone posted a webm of you sucking dick
I've only ever seen news coverage and internet talk about otherkin
were they cool? like as in a nice person
she seemed nice, desu I was weirded out by it cause lack of internet and very conservative upbringing, scene kid is an insult around here
I remember there used to be a guy who I'd see on the bus always wearing a clipon fox tail
don't know much else about him besides that and the fact that sometimes I would see young people pick on him over the tail
I always liked seeing unique people on busrides tho
like this one guy who was big and had a big beard and always was wearing what appeared to be a cloak but when asked he'd call it a "medieval blanket"
cool bus weirdos are the best
I wish I had this kind of bus weirdo instead of violent teenagers
you live around white ppl
you live around black ppl
nope all white
u think cargirls are astroturfed, too? and bunnygirls?
>lack of internet and very conservative upbringing
>scene kid is an insult around here
I remember pre 2010 emo was sorta a dirty word around here
but my brother got me into like my chemical romance and fallout boy anyways
fuck that I’m sorry hopefully lessoned learned
I didn't really have an upbringing
back when I'd see medieval blanket guy I actually lived in the poorer more coloured part of this city
and not a extremely white almost all jewish neighborhood like now
the worst people to meet on the bus
are white people after a hockey game
hands down
do not go out at night on game night
ik it’s typo but need. mine’s been making this weird noise for months ..
>violent teenagers
young people here tend to like to crowd the back of the bus and be loud but not violent
get some scary crazies sometimes tho
it's fairly rare but inevitably you're going to see someone drunk at 10am trying to catch the bus
>you're going to see someone drunk at 10am trying to catch the bus
kek that's me
I was that person before succumbing to being a shutin
I don't imagine you starting a fight over it tho
yeah, nah
more likely to cry and fall on the floor than anything else drunk
lol same
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hurt my thumb tendon somehow yesterday fml how am i supposed to gym when i can't grip weights.

sounds like u won the rest day lottery. also sounds like you might need some gloves if you don’t have them already
heya you make it through the night okay
heya yourself maiq. fell asleep early ln sry if you responded after, hope you’re doing well :)
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yay. i think i hurt it holding my phone too much binging a tv show over the past few days. love being old lol.

hihi got my six hours in melatonin finally kicked in.
>hurt it holding my phone
ah yeh, been there. good news is thatll heal a lot faster than a weightlifting injury, just don’t push it or it’ll turn into a rest week
i sit at the back of the bus and stare out the window or sit on my phone and ppl still try to bother me i hate it i just take ubers now
Any spiritual or dream interpreter trans girls?

Recently un repressed and decided I'm gonna transition I had a dream where my childhood home had neighbours who were shadow people with red eyes, they had a shadow dog with red eyes too, they looked threatening and spooky but didn't do anything or feel threatening

Then a homeless women came out of my house after I locked it, then I shouted at her to leave this was my house, I forgot my hrt (I don't take the pills yet) and it started snowing and then 3 more homeless people showed up and tried to get into my house, the locks wouldn't work

Then I phoned the police and woke up

What does it mean
hello frauke I had calzone for dinner just livin it up hbu
poor thumb
fuck now i want one. or pizza…..
watched Rec while on treadmill earlier, prob going to watch the 2nd or some anime before turning in. decent for found footage/spooky season but nothing special
Rec ?
big recommend for calzone btw so delicious
Rec is a spanish found footage movie sry for confusion! remade as Quarantine in the US (version i watched as a youngin), basic zombie plot etc etc
wonder if any pizza places are still open..
oh I have been watching a 7 Day To Die let’s,play on YT so also in the zombie mood
it’s fast paced, short, and free (in US) so won’t hurt to check out! food has been ordered :P
>7 Day To Die
I played that on gamepass when I was living with my brother
kinda jank but kinda fun
I liked it
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tfw no blacked gf
i want to see pls
>get worried about transition
>remember I have a house, woke corpo job and money for ffs

I need to relax.
(girl from 2001): New farscape intro sucks balls

Rep coming to terms with transition, I know I have gender dysphoria, I know this is inescapable

My repression used to be perfect, I could browse this board outside rep gen and never feel anything

I'm scared that this change was made by outside forces, 5g, subliminal emetic warfare through this board, witchcraft
>transition when you're old
Is mitfug still fugged? is it safe to come out now?
i wish my chair was as comfortable as my bed so i could sleep in it
this thread is a great place to come out :^}
This is the worst hell, I hope I choke in my sleep
if you're a faggot maybe
whats up my dude
I went to bed with a dreadful feeling of agp shame, it was right after I tried looking up porn for the first time in months. Tranny porn and shitty feminization hentai. It just hit me about how vile I used to be. Chasing that high that never came, cause it doesn’t matter how much you fantasize that ain’t you.
Anyway I slept and woke up thinking to myself…wtf am I doing right? Like not even questioning my identity straight up…why am I transitioning in the first place? The feeling didn’t last long, but for a moment I wasn’t feeling dysphoric or anything just weirded out at my still male body and what I am doing to it.
It’s so weird isn’t it?
My male parts aren’t useful or functional anymore, but the rest of my body isnt exactly in line either. As if…I am just killing myself for nothing.
Guess that’s what happens when you transition so late. Hrt won’t do much. Even my boobs are still tiny so many months in…frustrating
But the worst part is my reluctance to just progress socially and in other physical ways. Clothes and cosmetic changes for once. So annoying right. Not that dysphoria doesn’t exist but I’m just…idk what kind of hesitant. Too afraid to be social and seen as what I am I guess:
So I just don’t bother to get the help I need from those who could help me. And I’m too dumb to figure anything hung myself especially shit that Google won’t answer.
Oh well.
Ah nothing dude it don't matter, I cut my shit up over nothing heaps because I'm a schizo cunt. Is coooool.
hate when people "keep in touch" with extremely sporadic two word replies
if you're saying a dozen words and a gif to me in a year you're not maintaining a friendship you're just making yourself feel like you aren't ignoring me
come on just tell the story bro
we're all friends here
he didn't tell the story, motherfucker
you mother fucking fucker
little faggot
i love you you faggot
never get them cut sweet angel
I can’t even get myself to ask for help
I’m so pathetic
At this rate I’ll waste an other month doing nothing
Had another dream where my Mother was nice to me...again............
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>had another migraine plus nightmares
>wake up more tired than when i went to sleep
>tfw probably not going for a run today
kms sobbing etc

what's happening
Need to ask someone a question about something but I just really feel anxious over doing that and I’m just procrastinating on it.
It’s not even a weird question I think I’m just scared of interacting
My boyfriend wants to pay my bills. We live together and he wants to take me back to build us a house on the land he owns in Mexico. But we both wish we could have kids in some way, he wants me to be able to stay home and raise a child. Obviously that's physically not possible but aside from that on paper he has no work history as he's always worked for cash under the table, with family, handiwork, etc. Right now I'm the breadwinner with my office slop job and i hate it. He failed a drug test for a good paying job that he finally got a call back for after applying to a bunch of places (most don't bother bc no verifiable work history). And he got hammered at work and drove home fucked up again. I'm so tired why can't I just fix him
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gm gm
Hey girls hope u are all doing well. Hang in there it'll be ok
hi gm darling
We can only hope
Time for work
Everything sucks
I hope a rock falls and kills everyone
Stop hurting yourself first
are these agp? my ears aren’t pierced but i bought them to manifest it
Yea, why are there people like this? I've never felt the need to hurt anybody.
If I'm hurting others its to teach them a lesson. So they stop hurting people.
It's so chaotic to just be mean for no reason. It's the opposite of human nature.
I think it means they were hurt carelessly too I guess.
Unironically trauma, I don't want to hurt anyone either
What was the trauma, if you don't mind talking about it?
>unholy earings
>features a holy symbol
>also cross of saint peter
Oh not me lol, I had a normie upbringing
true lol, i guess newage people think an upside down cross is unholy when its actually even more pious as it means they're not worthy of it upright, only jesus was
therapy and ocd medication
it’s the thought that counts
hi thread hope ur well
not gonna argue with that
but the star needs to be inverted aswell
inverted star makes the goat face shape and so is pretty stylistically "satanist" or pagan or whatever you're going for
hello Clara Bella how is your morning going
I got stuck in traffico
hey hey !
yes the star annoys me i’m not a gay wiccan
im doing okayyy im nervous about work right now because my team lead told me to do something that I haven't done but neither of us are clear on how to do it. im just watching a movie in the background though. i just remember I also need to do a report for work today so I'll just work on that now actually
Why do I constantly feel sick lately
Like mental fog and wanting to rot in bed more than usual. Unmotivated too, I have so much shit to do…
how ya goin
Levels good? If they both crash it makes you feel like shit
similar situation w me
we will get through it !
it’s going it’s going hbu
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Checked where my sumo pull is at
Could be worse
Also seem to have had a whoosh in water retention because end of week 3 was 224lbs and now I'm 220 a couple days into week 4
You can do it, break the cycle, be the positive change. You can express your pain without being abusive
an embarrassment and mockery of trans women. youre not even close to mimicking the female form. youre just a delusional manape living a fetish
please just kill yourself already. it wont be bad i promise, youre brave and strong you can do it!!
i'm really burnt out i think
i wish i could take a sabbatical or something

ahoy naz
sry about: >>37306131
i cant help it. i just like hurting other people
how to stop feeling the need to do that
you’ve been through a lot, and your pain is real and valid, but you need to realize you don’t know what others have been through either. they could be going through more than you can imagine. it will take a conscious effort to start changing things, but once you do, your autopilot will catch up. i believe you can find the empathy and understanding you deserve. sorry if anything i said felt judgy. that wasn’t my intention.
haha sike. i never felt sry about that. im a fly that feeds off shit. that ugly ass gym orc-looking thing should off himself
can’t stop thinking about all the wasted years
u mean the dark ages?
all my ages are dark
why am i so unlikable? what is wrong with me? how can they all tell i’m bad?
take me w you pls I could use one too
>kaiser's online system is down
Guess I'll see what my care team had to say later
im sure it's nothing important
probably a message saying that their system will be offline for standard maintenance lol
slurping on daddy cock!
youre probably just different and we have insticts that make us attack things we don't understand
youre fine, theyre fine, move on
Larry’s a guy with a face kind of grim,
An odd-looking fella, not sleek or too slim.
He lives in a caravan, messy and small,
A grumpy old man, not charming at all.

With mismatched clothes and a permanent frown,
He’s the talk of the town, but not in renown.
He’s rough and he’s tough, but not very spry,
Larry’s just Larry, the ugly old guy!
lived experience
why do i have to be different? why can’t be normal? if different is not bad then why does it make me feel bad?
Because they're anon, no repercussions. I like to think of anon as personified intrusive thoughts helps me filter
nice poem
Larry one day had a curious thought,
He'd trade in his trousers for something he’s not.
He ditched his old boots and his grubby old cap,
And stepped into heels with a wig and a snap.

He fumbled with dresses, with lipstick and flair,
But tripped on his hem and messed up his hair.
Larry tried hard, but it didn’t quite land,
He’s still the same Larry, just in high demand!
being different is a huge blessing. cookie cut people just get ate up, you get an experience that gives you profound insight.
it doesn’t feel like profound insight it feels like pain i want to know people and be known
Larry was fuming, his plan went awry,
He glared at his mirror and let out a sigh.
With makeup all smudged and his wig tossed aside,
He logged onto 4chan, where anger can hide.

He typed out his rants with fury and speed,
Trolling the forums to spite and to feed.
He’s Larry the menace, the keyboard crusade,
Spewing his outrage in every tirade.

He’s bitter and loud, with a grudge he can’t shake,
Larry’s online, and it’s havoc he'll make!
you are. dozen or so hear you right now and you have your whole life ahead of you.
keep smiling and being positive and your life will get abundant with love
it’s not real

life continuously gets worse and more isolating
mef (me) and larry (her) should star in a buddy movie with us as the buddies
youre in a death spiral. we shape our reality in a feedback loop. you need to make an effort to break that. start going on walks and talk to people wherever you are.
i promise you will be seen as a fresh breath of air
i'd watch it
fake it till you make it actually works if you put energy into it too
but they don’t like me and they don’t like talking to me and i don’t like talking to them because they don’t like talking to me
I think so last time they were 130~ e and bottoming T
Maybe I fucked up my last injection but I doubt anything out of the ordinary happened
hey gals do you have any experience regarding otokonoko shipping outside of brazil? are they easy to work with? how long would it take for them to deliver assuming minimal meddling by customs?
My EC is apparently back ordered and they're looking for a different manufacturer
i think nobody likes or dislikes anybody, they're made up concepts, like being 'cool'. everybody is just on autopilot and not really thinking about anything but themselves.
if you had some bad experiences, think of them as tests to grow. now if you pass the tests people have huge respect for you. grace is admirable

that being said, you can always improve your charisma by talking with lots of people one on one and work on being funny and making people smile. have faith and patience and just invest your energy wisely. i think everybody secretly loves each other, but we pretend we're so different
have you tried not being a creep?
there was a customer at work that had a lot of one on one conversations with us and no one liked him cuz he was weird
i don’t know how! i don’t even know why am creep! i just is! is there surgery to correct?
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you should stick up for them. another test you are failing
they made me feel uncomfortable. some people are just bad and wrong unfortunately we should bring back asylums
asylums are still around? ive been in a few. how exactly did the customer make you feel weird? if you want to lock up weird people you'd have to lock up everybody
i don’t think they’d let me live in the asylums
he was just weird and yeah and talked a lot and was not normal
>wknot wanting to read the self-loathing and lashing out is mad
Trips of truth so I guess I must be
All male
um no, medical science doubles ever 2 months! and that numbers goes down daily. we're in a time of exponential growth as a species
you're born in a time of infinity possibilities
if you only had a little faith
your all gay and boring can someone post something interesting
hello meanmoder how are you today
hello anon what's a song you like
Lemon water.

I'm really happy with the way I look from a frontal perspective, but I feel like I'm pretty ghastly from a three-quarters or profile view. FFS can't come soon enough.
cope =/= facts
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rainy day but still pretty warm
maybe it will be proper autumn next week
good post ill take it into consideration
i was feeling good because i was imagining romantic fantasies with ex bff but then reality settled in and i remembered that i will never be happy or have anything
hmm not my taste exactly, what do you like about this kind of music?
oh I do that too except I've never had a bff
which others? why?
its high energy and very cathartic while also being kinda emo
speaking words is so hard and working hard to do the man voice doesn’t help
Is watching anime for girls cringe
what, like mlp?
Maho shoujo…
oh shit
i had that and it took months and still didn't get a refill
maybe you could ask your doctor to switch to EV, since that's more available (at least it was for me, it got filled without issue)
Yeah I'll probably switch back and just do higher frequency injections
Weekly EV made me want to die the day before next shot, which is why we swapped to cyp
i don’t notice anything? u shuld be thankful it’s like having a period i never do my injection
Anyone else avoid trans related vids or things?
Idk kinda…awkward for me to see trans people and I’m just this creature who can barely relate
I tend to engage with them even more than when I was an egg because I like a sense of community
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I want a misogynist ex incel bf who will listen to picrel with me…
yes i would consume so much trans content when pretrans and baby trans and now just seeing a tranny in a thumbnail gives me panick attack
Oh I do engage with trans people just not trans related media.
I still feel like I’m quite the outsider since I’m so old and barely trans by comparison. Although I’ve been trying to fix the last part
Pre trans I was terrified of those. Like they would damage me or make me feel less. Idk
Faketranny moment. Agp brainworms and fear of being not trans enough and that being revealed. Maybe it’s still the same
What constitutes "barely trans"?
anybody else desperate for dick

i used to flirt w that guy on twitter lol
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seeing pretty trans ppl makes me feel dysphoric and their voices usually too.

kinda. flirt from a friend is the highlight of my day but dude lives so far away.
Honestly I just feel extremely masculine in comparison and can’t seem to change that
Body aside ofc I’m talking behavior and way of thinking.
I just fuck my body up in desperate attempts to change
But idk I seem to lack something that all other trans people have
Yeah dysphoria due to comparing myself seems like a daily occurrence
Was picking out some clothes and was lowkey turned on by my own body but not because it looked like a woman's but because it looked twinked out. I really should start wearing tighter clothes
If it helps put you at ease there's a whole spectrum of femininity which includes butch/masc on it
Just because you aren't a pretty princess gigafemme doesn't make you less trans, and a lot of the other stuff will improve somewhat with hormones and social ties
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>what's your favourite kind of water
our family cabin has it's own well and the water is crazy cold and fresh. Best water I've ever drank.
>anybody else desperate for dick
I think I'm more desperate for a man to hold me. Dick is only a means to get there
Mhm I get what you mean. And yeah being more social has helped a lot. I just feel reserved and a bit like an outsider more often than not. Maybe it will get better
I guess I’m still deep in the manmode and not out to people. Still struggling with taking new steps etc. and the struggle feels double when I doubt myself and see others get things right.
I’m many months on hrt it feels like I’m barely accepting myself.
murder murder murder murder murder
i tried doing some freddy booger makeup first attempt could def do better okay?? >:(
kat did u watch the latest one piece episode..
they adapted this chapter so well oh man
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eewww that looks so gnarly
it looks like acne

>one slop
yes! a lot of it is real scars! i’ve been preparing for a while!
is it hard to sew belt loops onto a skirt
or to undo changes if you fuck up
ive never touched a thread or needle in my life, skimming guides online it looks straightforward but im really shaky doing work on tiny things
coconut water is good idk if thats being too obtuse with the question though
thats v gross looking so good job maybe
idk but you should try with a pair of cheap pants or something
why do you need a belt for a skirt? just take it in so it actually fits
>be me
>be repper
>have breakdown about how I haven't got to be a woman
>Doesn't stop until I promise to myself I'll try and transition
>feel better and more scared and cringe at my confession

Now that those feeling are back in the subconscious, tempted to scam her and not do it, hohoho delightfully devilish repmour

what do we think of the performance? this is who maiq thinks is a GREAT act"ress"
keep repping soldier
maybe I should be a sexy nurse for halloween. i think samarjeet would like it
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Dress up as a boy :)
yeah good idea
i was partly asking because i just rly dont wanna mess this thing up
i dunno how to do that either :/ sewing belt loops sounded like the more straightforward thing and i have one that looks nice with it so i wanted to do that
the one time i wore it i just pinched the side and stuck a safety pin into it
i dont know anything about this stuff at all
Damn, you're still here. I remember when you were 16. Now you're old enough to drink lol. What is 40oz? Is that a lot?
You're still here too, holy shit. Did you ever get out of Guatemala? Border has been wide open for a while.
I don't wanna, I'm gonna troon
you can just google how to take in a skirt at the waist or whatever, there's lots of results
here's one that looks decent
do you want to disappoint me(repgod)?
Didn't you manage to get hrtits? nice repping lol
stfu, everyone makes mistakes, i am on test now and i want you to not make the same mistakes also, i am def not malicious at all
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literally on a call with my team lead unironically repeating myself and saying "did you just hear what I said though" 3 times over and over and my team lead was not answering me a single time and just kept talking *at* me
pretty cool !
U should totally try to date bro
I didn’t consume female and queer media growing up and now all my mannerism are from anime and Jim Carey movies
i don’t trust women to be intelligent
alrighty then-
terribly frustrating
managing people well requires a lot of skill and so many companies neither consider during hiring nor provide for training about it on the job
all my mannerisms come from a movie called “American Psycho”
meegy wyt of >>37308814
i just want an Indian boyfriend so badly…..
not a fan of the fake meanmoder
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yupppp, so im just resigning and trying not to care too much basically
i am NOT meanmoder there are moders meaner than i
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All my mannerisms come from people I look up to. I just absorb them and it's really embarrassing when people notice. I think I may have autism
Been there lol. Not sure what I do wrong sometimes I feel invisible
Wasted my youth repressing

Didn't even get laid as the alpha male I pretended to be online
I swear I was a teenager yesterday thinking "puberty will fix this"
Marie is one of them fatass thought I was gonna pay for their dinner
I said nay, and to my dimay I was slandered
>I swear I was a teenager yesterday thinking "puberty will fix this"
Painfully relatable lmao. Gaslit myself into thinking it was just a phase
well for me its not that im invisible since im being told to do things but its more so that im treated as tho im incompetent
your said I was CRINGE though so you are MEANmoder for now
u were probably being cringe and i was just trying to help
oh I hadn't considered that sorry and thank you helpfulmoder
If I was on hrt for 3 years and off for 2,

It's still better than starting from scratch at the age I am now? Thought I could repress but my feminised brain chemistry won in the end I can't even pretend to be a man
All my mannerisms come from whoever I'm talking to at the time I'm like zelig from zelig I have no natural state
goshhh i miss ex bff soo soo soooo much ugh kms it hurts how badly i want to kiss him and cuddle and be with him and see his smile and make him happy i want him so bad ugh ugh crying
wish i had feminized brain chemistry and couldn’t pretend to be a man but i do it rather well
it’s called being a manipulative bpdemon
so fucking real
no personality to speak of
no identity
empty shell for others
>its just porn
Maybe it was
when people say bff what do they mean? I thought it meant best friend forever
No...just like David goggins taught me...I CANT GIVE UP

I have to try first
I think that's one of the disorders I don't have
that's what i mean
my ex best friend (forever)
bc ex best friend would abbreviate to ex bf, which is ambiguous bc it could also be boyfriend
he was never my boyfriend, though i love him dearly. he's straight
oh ok
whats up?
my penor
y’all ever look at your steam library and go “holy shit i bought that? i’ve wanted to play that game for years!” ?
>have crushing suicide inducing gender dysphoria
>pain is so sharp and real, feel the sorrow of a being a woman unexpressed
>it passes
>rep personality takes over
>"I'm not trans"

Fighting against the fibre of my being to talk to this therapist next week, because the cycle repeats and I have to break it somehow...
so much this!
this but I feel like iwnbaw instead and its just me fighting the urge to detrans and the sadness from being a fucking joke nontrans male man
that was a few weeks ago, I think, therapy helpedtalking with people also did
>be me
>be tranner
>get attempted mugged
>escape after throwing a punch
>my brain: fighting back eh, how malebrained of you
>feel bad
you seem in a good mood for once
actually no i’ve been paralyzed with fear all day and have been doing nothing but rocking back and forth at my desk too scared to exist
Will my transition be ok if I'm rich
Only thing stopping me from repping
s'literally s'fucking s'over
ye.. hopefully they discover immortality soon so I can beat them all
you need a coping mechanism
i seriously love him so much though
it was a nice day out and i played w the dog outside and sat down and felt like crying bc i wish i could be sharing the moment with him instead of being alone or w my mother
I don't think I've had friends since I was like 8, maybe that's good so I have nobody to miss
>stopping overthinking tranner doom spiral thoughts with my old repper self improvement quotes

I can't be anyone else except myself, it's my job to improve it
>925 games owned
>19% completed
holy adhd
yea i have the worst adhd on earth. meds dont even help me
just stop?
>359 games
>29% completion
it is over
though honestly that's thrown off from the game packs i've bought when they were super on sale
are you on Adderall ? You need more speed
who tf actually buys video games lol
stop? i’m not doing anything
i kept getting panic attacks from it and couldnt sleep. im currently on a high dose of strattera
ppl who don't have sex
also how tf do u even have almost 1 thousand games
im 30 and have been using steam since like the mid-late 200s, so like at least 15 years, and im pretty into computer games, and i only have 359
i can't imagine how much of their rich parents' money a 20 year old spaniard must spend to have that many games in such a short time

i pirate some but a lot i don't
i have sex and then play games
I hated speed the few times I tried it. Why anyone would like that feeling is beyond me.
one time i did meth i had fun i’d do it again
never done sex
never done drugs
never done rock and roll
wish I had more ketamine
my account is probably older than yours and i bought everything myself. countless hours slaving on templates and other projects. i get to work fom home though
drugs are for the weak
the strong bitch on mongolian basket weaving forum 24/7
oh is this not lasagna
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Uber eats has been slow today :/
I've made half as much as i did yesterday
all this driving is helping me get acquainted with the local geography though
for example, i always drove past el segundo but i never actually stopped by
turns out it's this cute little relatively affluent beach town sandwiched between the airport and an oil refinery
i took this pic of a Bentley with one of the big refinery towers behind it lol
*inserts dick sucking gif*
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eat that if you are too hungry and you cannot wait hoe
shuld play bugsnax tonite or omori?
shouldn't u be posting ur unwashed junk in mmg?
oh ok that makes more sense

that's not a bentley
this is a bentley
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Fucking slow ass shit artstation reeeeeee lemme finish my shit
>i did meth i had fun i’d do it again
Many such cases!
why don't we play a multiplayer game together
kinda cringe dark n edgy take on a kids show, millennial slop basically
extremely cute but too heartbreaking
i couldn't play it past the first few minutes bc it made me cry
sunny x basil is otp tho
bugsnax :33
nawr it's def a Bentley
idk much abt bentleys but theyre not that uncommon a sight in LA so i def recognize them
Trying not to regress, dysphoria doesn't go away
I need to transition, I can hide, I need to take my pills

I can hide
I can hide
I can hide
Just take the fuckin pills
i am scared of people
i guess i’ll just continue to rock back and forth in my chair and worry
Do it anone
don't do it
you can't be more scared of people than I am
I don't mean like using mic and stuff either just stuff with virtual avatars
why tho?
do not transition
do not disappoint me soldier
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lol david goggins would tell u to transition
why play vidya gaem? I'm just really lonely and want to make friends
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No that's what I'm saying, I'm gonna give transition the same energy

oh ic. good on u
>want to make friends
sounds like i AM more afraid of people than you
isn't david goggins the crisis actor from the parkland shooting
you go outside and stuff you have to be less afraid than me

thats david hogg
that is really wholesome, makes me a little bit less racist, just a little bit, i still hate darkies and shitskins..
>says the gyppo
i am white but i am not racist, i am ok with darkies as long as they do not act like monkeys, sadly most of them do so yea..
really can't imagine being a horrible racist person
really really can't imagine being a horrible racist person that posts their face and penis online
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I am just a fucking man
An old useless man who will never be young and a girl
It is over
I cant
you're being boring
make your breakdowns interesting to me
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is that papyrus
the font?
the font
just look at the haitians that were brought to america and took over a town and trashed it, it is not even abt race, migrants are fucking awful, if europe would have not been infested with them also, i would have never felt the need to be racist, but they do not belong here, i do not hate you for being brown, i hate you for being somewhere where you do not belong and leeching off the local population while they suffer..
in some countries the governament cares more about the immigrants and give them more money than they care abt or help the local population, it is mind blowing and all of this so you no longer have a job or have to work longer hours or for less bc the immigrant dude is willing to work for peanuts, capitalism is evil and fucking horrible..
>work for peanuts
boy wieners in ma mouth
>I guess I'll just continue to rock back and forth in my chair and worry
do u ever curl up in a ball under ur desk and cry
that's what i do when i can't deal with stuff
my desk and chair hides me from view which makes it better
they leech at the beginning, they are an investment, that is why the government cares abt them, also not all of them will even work, most will just keep on leeching and causing trouble..
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what do you want a detailed explanation?
>no dysphoria till I was 19
>nothing to show as signs
>repress for almost an other decade because lmoa imagine not doing that
>brainwormed to hell from blanchard shit and then back to it because I am a porn sick adolescent and adult who used hentai and garbage like that to induce dysphoria in me
>waste money DIYing, stopping, and wasting my time repressing extra
>no feminine brain or soul or anything, just faggot
>vaguely reimbuse my brain with false memories to feel more valid
>gaslight myself into thinking I am truly trans
>constantly doubt myself and have no idea what my identity is
>cant even transition properly, all dysphoria stems from dysmorphia, my body is disgusting because i believe it to be
>will never pass(faux truth, you dont need to pass to be happy)
>constantly jealous, coveting literally entire lives from other trans people
>unrelatable to them all the same
>will never be touched by an other human being
>will die alone and buried with my male bones and name
migrants tend to be old enough they don't need investing in with stuff like schooling, so they're actually cheaper to get into work than a native baby
are you still repping now?
months on hrt
still no progress in my transition on most fronts, literally manmoding everwhere
I feel male af and I am male af
need weightlifter gf
Months is legit nothing please relax
it's not going to do much at 29 unless you are really lucky apart from maybe fix your internal brain function that t seems to break
you can learn to accept your fate and live in the little space left to you, I can help with that
hrt does nothing
>fix your internal brain function that t seems to break
i paid 10$ for items in a minecraft server and they still haven't delivered them i think i was scammed :/
you are clearly racist lmao
Objectively untrue by like, any metric
how is that hon science? plenty of trans women talk about being able to think and function better after taking hrt
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>out to everyone and express themselves like the bitches they are and pass
>real trannies with 0 doubt of their own damn identity, have been since prehrt since teens
>embraced their true selves and are now just going through the motions of medical trooning
>can actually function and be rela around other peers instead of killing themselves because they are authentic human being not plastic wraps around a soul thats both male and a fucked up Cluster a b and c combination of the worst shit you can fathom
I am breaking down
I am not 29
I can accpet never passing and being a shitty fucked up body horror amalgam
i cannot accept feeling fake and being unable to relate to others
I cannot accept that I will never be loved because of those things
I deserve to at least be hugged once with love and care
>help fuck off chaser
I am slowly deleting everything from my life. Old photoes, clothes, any object that could remind me of this life I never lived in. Even this house I am in I will move away from and maybe sell in the future.
hello of a placebo to last this long
i don't understand how i can drink 40oz of beer everyday for a year quit it and have no urge to drink i thought you're bound to be addicted
I'm not a chaser you stupid bitch now I will not help you
hurr durr like you could
>im not
ok but why should I assume otherwise, why would anyone want to help anyone and announce it like that
if you wanna help then just state your advice
i feel like my body odor used to be gym socks and now it's more like wet paper
because lecturing people that didn't ask is fucking rude
you don't get any help though
sorry for calling you a chaser
no i dont expect help
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I need a new fucking hobby
I cant just obsess over my shitty gender issues and sleep all day
But I always feel so tired...
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same, it is bc dyshporia, it is what it is
We adding oral minoxidil as a cope until affording transplants
>it is bc dyshporia, it is what it is
nah thats not real
if dysphoria was real i would be actively trying to reduce it and only get motivated like most trans people once they get on hrt
At least at this rate it doesnt seem the case
Its just le depression...
I cant even play games... I get motivated for a game then just order food and do that instead then back to bed...
I hate working too, so annoying.
You know you can be both depressed and dysphoric
calm down now
theres a good lass
oh yeah mr sulu is gay lol
i hate being male, dysphoria is killing me daily and no one can save me
please murder me please
transition now
take hrt
do laser
buy girl clothes
do ffs
get fucked by other trannies
ez life
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how it feels not being trans
fuck you, i wish i was cis
save yourself
stop hurting
it will be so much better
Gonna transition out of spite
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how it feels being transsexual
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i am sorry, it is too late for me, do not forget me, ahhhh
how can we forget you when you wont stop posting
old testament is cosmic horror
it is not too late
please just...help yourself
just once
being trans is LITERALLY cosmic body horror that is factually real
its mad confusing too.
in samuel theres this like king dude whos servant is like "imma run n tell dat to the king his son is dead"
and david like, "naw don do dat aint nothing to tell dont run"
and then david like "yo u other guy, go run n tell dat"
n the other guy runs, then the other guy is like "yo but i rly should run too"
and david like "ok yeah run"
and the second guy is like imma run by the plains n get there first and he does and when he gets there hes like "yo king, son is dead"
and the king was like "ite bet"
end chapter.
having a dick is cosmic body horror tranny or no tranny idgaf that shit is getting the chop
some ppl rly need to worry less abt being a tranny and more about getting the testosterone outta their system
>t. pillar of salt
Allow me to introduce myself
I'm doctor monster I work at a veterinary clinic as a secretary
not even kidding if i could pay a vet technician $50 to castrate me behind the animal hospital or smth i would do that shit so fast
>tfw bottom dysphoria getting weaker
I wouldn't let them take your angel spheres
>tfw not trans but still mtf trooning and castrating myself and try to fit in as a girl and stuff
Kinda weird but I’m ok with it
I wanted to die alone with no kids anyway
you can't sit with us
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speed running learning blender ig. day #2
Ugh I'm sorry it's a tasteless joke. If I could I would alas, I'm unable due to the current circumstances I'm facing
pssst pssst fuck off shoo psst
holy shit you made that on day 2 of learning blender??
da ba dee
any hrt shotas in the thread?
esti un schizophrenic handicapat si retarded, fututi biserica matii, ia-mi coaiele in gura, suge-mi pula, du-te pe pastile si trateazate nenea
kino and correct
waow nice
i could never get into sculpting, even with a tablet
i let the goat lick my shenis
mtfrens do u think it's possible for me to learn to not be scared whenever I'm in the same room as my dad
he's been hanging out in the middle of the house all afternoon and it makes me scared to leave my room and it's rly annoying and IDK what to do besides go out and deliver more Uber eats orders
holy fugg it looks great, good job!!
i am an abusive piece of shit
funny funny cow c:

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I dont think I know who either of them are

new fags cant triforce
aw my cow didnt work
:0 ohhhhh i never got that bit before now
one of them is hontrapoints/philosophytube
mef advise number one: never trust anyone,
mef advise number two: least of all yourself
this is causing me so much panic
eewwww wtffff why is toob in more stuff???? they're an ugly YouTube sissy?????? tell me this isn't gonna be the new face of trannies?????
its alive!!! looks sick.
apparently when she declared herself the most important trans woman in the UK she was manifesting.
when the terf island genocide begins she'll be leading the hon brigades in the battle of london and we'll all be forced to hope she wins
i hate this timeline
so effing much
...what's wrong with Abigail?
i am transphobic
just wait for the shitshow that's gonna happen when a bunch of actresses end up metooing toob
that's beginning to seem like an inevitability
contrapoints is british?
she's obnoxious and too big for her boots
is it possible to dm a homebrew setting without constantly jerking yourself off?
already is lol

oh no >she's a yank
that's philosophy tube, an ex bf of theirs who trooned out and is now skinwalking contra
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She's been making content and building an audience for years, what's the issue? That you only noticed her recentlyish?
how do i decide what creative endeavor to dedicate my life to?
i've known her from the day she transitioned and my problem is how she forced herself into positions of prominence in the UK trans scene without walking the walk for a bit. and also how she treats other trans people with a sort of disregard and contempt. im not sure what it is you're talking about. i have no issue with her as an actress or whatever, but i do think she's arrogant
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How long does one have to ingratiate themselves into the trans community until they are allowed to be representative of a part of it in some way? What does walk the walk even mean here? Is her perceived arrogance based on her as a person, or a character she plays for content creation?
So just transphobia then
her as a person based on indirect interactions i've had with her
>how long
she came out and immediately began taking some position of authority here and it was embarrassing
>le jewish dentist syndrome

he's a skinwalker creepy person w a fake phd and a bloated ego
thanks! i made this one too!

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