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Would you call yourself an individual of discernment?
Hi :3
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he looks good as a boy or a girl, but id rather date him as a boy.
hi im gay.
the only time in my entire life i have felt deeply & unconditionally loved was when i was dating my tranny gf & then i broke up with her because i wanted kids
did you consider alternative methods before searching for some boring foid?
to be fair, trannies aren't meant for long term commitments like having children or taking the kids to see their grandparents.
gay dads are totally based. you'll make a great father.
alternative methods as in suicide?
>is it really arrogance if i'm just better than everyone else?
yes, that is, really arrogance. that you have deluded yourself into a grandiose sense of superiority. the fact you haven't paid attention to this is a greater sign of arrogance than any possible thing you could say
i wanted biological children with my partner, egg donors/surrogates seemed unappealing
you get more based with every post
anon i want to blow my head off
bitch you'll get gutted by divorce and then u wont even be able to see ur hypothetical bio kids
foster parenting
how old are you
i have 2 laugh at anons gassing that man up even though it's clear he regrets it
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head hurts, another day home alone for idk how long, no food left at home, ughh
They have no chest
27 now but broke up two years ago
divorce? no one said anything about marrying the tranny. i'm marrying cisoid and not divorcing her lmao
guys are really out here being like
>well I've sucked countless estrogen penises...guess it's time I answer the call and become a dad!
wot nigga? you're gay
is candy making hsts or agp
anything you do is agp
get maccadonalds delivert
I want to knock up a tranny. I want to get tranny whore her pregnant by nutting up her ass over and over.
It is candy you fucking ingrate.
and have you found your hypothetical natal woman that you envision a life together with?
im saying that the natal woman will divorce you because you're a miserable sod who is nowhere near fit for a father
No it's because of the mouthfeel
divas is it agp to even breath at this point
god forbid men want to be with actual women
He has a chest, it's the chest he was born with. Boobs look nice too, but not on a pretty looking guy.
u dont even know how pricey that is here, if i order chinese i will have food for two days for same price
so what you're saying is you're reacting emotionally because i prefer cisoids long term over a trannoid long term? gotcha
if you let anyone stick their dick in your mouth, you're gay for life, ultra gay if you let them squirt.
ok, do that then. i dare you.
Dead on
saying cisoids and trannoids and thinking u have the ability to be a father is quite something
i've gone on a handful of halfhearted dates but i can't get into anything. i have no fucking idea why i thought it was a reasonable idea. none of my relationships before her were a quarter as loving & fulfilling & i don't think i will ever have that kind of connection again
>So maybe people are trying to not get called a transphobe.
yeah that's exactly what im saying
im reacting emotionally because your immense faggotry causes great internal upheaval, and deep affectation. i hope you'll parse that appropriately
i think it might be low key...
Chinese is better anyway. What are we getting?
Well I can honestly say you did it to yourself and you probably deserved it
men being shocked that trans women have emotions more at 12
>none of my relationships before her were a quarter as loving & fulfilling & i don't think i will ever have that kind of connection again
yeaaahh, that's about what i expected. oh well. try not to make such impulsive decisions in the future. you could have even tried fostering for a little bit with her, it's not like you have a biological clock...
i feel the exceeding painful truth of this every second of my life
its always crispy chicken and rice because im lowkey autistic or otherwise retarded but its 8 am and i have to bother dad for some money first
womp womp
>Anon makes his bed and is now upset that he has to lay in it
Truly cannot make this shit up
are you that negro manlet zoomer? why are you saying womp womp like a fag?
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i wish i could make my own family, its oki tho ig
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i was thinking about wanting to have a child earlier this month and last month but i came to the conclusion children can't rise children
Use it to your advantage try to get free food.
If a woman wants to put her pp in my mouth I'm not going to stop her
You have this backwards
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attn: trannies
like what does a man want me to do if hypothetically he comes to me with the "i'm breaking up with u bc i want children" talk like? okay then walk off bc i know his regret is gonna muster up into making 4 instagram account's to try to get back with me when i move on and date a man who doesn't treat women like walking nuclear family dispensers
No chance of getting them back then?
A shame
one girl without a burden of man like that walks free, i rly do hope she's happy rn
the beauty parlor is filled with sailors
the circus is in town
here comes the blind commissioner
they've got him in a trance
one hand is tied to the tightrope walker
the other is in his pants
and the riot squad, they're restless!
they need somewhere to go...
as lady and i, look out tonight
from desolation row
i dont think anyone has ever been that into me
What's backwards? That's how it worked
talk to em!
I love you
it's so annoying bc i can't live peacefully without my exes or my ex hookups that being creepy and finding me on so many other platforms
everybody is making love, or
else expecting rain
tfw no literary trans gf who hates Dostoevsky
she finished her degree & moved across the state, somewhere, not sure where exactly. we aren't in touch. i'm not willing to get back in touch with her because what i did was frankly evil & to come crawling back like i didn't do that would be fucking ridiculous
>“Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human English words expressing several, although by no means all, aspects of poshlost are, for instance, ”cheap,” ”sham,” ”smutty,” ”highfalutin,” ”in bad taste.” dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place.”
nothing gave me life more than when a man tries to do the "ur nothing but a sex toy for my male chaser penis" shtick to me and if i get the first inkling, i block or call it out and then he realises that he has emotions too and is surprised that ppl and himself can also be hurt by things ppl do, it's like the equivalent of a baby learning object permanence
>because what i did was frankly evil & to come crawling back like i didn't do that would be fucking ridiculous
time to show and tell
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ig ill make a real great aunt one day...

il2 anon, life sucks sometimes :/
Did someone hurt you angel?
yes girl, dress these faggots down!
Life is hard but we'll get through it
yes bc im human and men forget they're human too
Nabokov has some pretty bad opinions, desu
he is right that dostoevsky isn't take seriously within russia. he's almost a western caricature
Nobody said that anon
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>see a post that has literally nothing to do with you
>make a sadposting cry for attention reply that doesn't answer the original post at all and makes it all about you
I literally fucking hate you
cant say i hate him but i dislike him for writing anti-soviet propaganda
"b-but my funny green text :'(("
It’s funny how the dudes who try to put women down are always the biggest baby’s and so quick to cry when you insult or block them.
You will be the cool aunt with the best tunes.
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>but we'll get through it
not soon enough anon

i dont think anyones really saying that, justg prolly should be with a tranny in the first place if you want that. ive stopped talking to guys at times kids come up cause while its fun to dream about its not realistic and will only end up hurting me
>then walk off

ok that's what we wanted in the first place lmao bye
The bloodline shit cannot be real, there's not way you guys obsess so much over it. I promise your genes aren't so good that they MUST be passed down.
Bloodlines are overrated love is all that matters.
half based
sex toys having emotions is crazy work
it's not about eugenics it's about continuing a cycle that stretches for thousands of years and passing on your heritage
Even still, why does it matter at all, genuinely asking.

>You will be the cool aunt with the best tunes.
imma spoil em sm :)
but then u do that with the ignorance of why ur doing it, why did you date that trans girl if your feeling of wanting so badly to start a biological family has suddenly crept up, you could of shared that with her but instead u admit to cowardice and walk off and wonder why u feel like shit when u give that trans girl a crumb of the giant loaf of bread that was ur feelings of the future and family

ur not based for sparing ur feelings

ur a coward for not being considerate to tell her about it honestly
she is truly insufferable
This is so sad
Honestly being part ot lgbt++++ circles does more harm then good these days
men are very funny bc they don't think about other ppl also facing issues that resemble that like trans women who feel fertility grief, that could of been something u shared and bonded with and maybe it would of came to a more natural, more healthy way to break up but nooo....
oh im just happy to be treated nicely
>i dislike him for writing anti-soviet propaganda
You fellers ever notice how many tranners are on SSI? What's up with that?
u mean SSRIS? shouldnt be that unexpected
his books are anti-communist and anti-soviet, idk whats there to explain rly
i ain't reading all that shit
No, like disability payments. SSRIs make sense because a shit ton of people are on those due to work culture being a damn meat grinder now.
i just want a trans girlie i can choke while fucking but then she slaps me and makes me yap like a doggie for her a few hours later
I just want a gf who will pin me down and cnc me (like forced to penetrate, none of that gay gock in my ass shit).
almost every russian author was anti communist lol, or at least highly critical of the bolsheviks. they weren't as welcome in the beginning as they made themselves out to be, later.
im just confused why you'd write it as 'propaganda', rather than being a critic. obviously he would oppose the state atheism of the bolsheviks being the ardent mysticist he was, had far more in common with the whites than anything
politically charged critique is propaganda
sure but you should clarify that because it's easy to be fast and loose with the definitions of 'propaganda'. you're just being obtuse
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i just want my boyfriend desu
i just think im opinionated idk
u should be able to support ur claims when throwing out criticism like that. discussing literary figures is fun but when ppl pretend they have much to discuss, it's highly disappointing...
I've never met a single tranny that I've thought "man, I want to spend the rest of my life with her".

It's social and familial suicide for the rest of my life. A cis woman is a far better bet for a long term relationship. This is why I make my intentions known beforehand, less damage that way.
I hope, one day, that futas will be real.
>when ppl pretend they have much to discuss
idk where i did that but let me make it clear im not interested, i dont do discussion ever, not interested in it
a simple man with simple tastes
To go more in depth on this, I'd love to be proven wrong about a long term relationship with a tranny but I realistically cannot see it happening.
So honestly, why be here?
>walking away from someone is cowardice

no, its called looking out for one's future and i get to pick and choose who's involved in that future. sorry to hear you can't birth kids but that sounds like a whole lot of your problem now.
>I've never met a single tranny that I've thought "man, I want to spend the rest of my life with her".
just you wait
People think we all care and it’s safer to insult people over the internet then in person.
Because I can and you trannies post nudes and are generally all around whores. No one said I have to want a long term plan with a tranny to post here.

I doubt that'll happen considering the comorbidity of mental disorders that come with gender dysphoria.
My kitty has come over for scratchies.
>I doubt that'll happen considering the comorbidity of mental disorders that come with gender dysphoria.
mental disorders go into remission after enough time. anxiety is but a footnote to the avenues you'll find me walking through...
anyway, if you think a long-term relationship has to be with someone without flaws, you're in for a sore reckoning
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>but my strong man male penis hungers for trans girl pussy
It is the same patterns and schtick over and over again, and yet it’s a lot of the same people again and again. If you want your future partner to be a cis woman, wouldn’t it benefit you more to be actively searching for that than degrading trans women on the internet?
>without flaws

I see it more as mitigating possible damage. I don't expect a normal well-adjusted person but I sure as shit don't want some trauma baggage you trannies tend to bring with you, not to mention most of you expect to be "fixed".
He who controls the bussy controls the fate of the universe.
Exactly. People are brain dead>>37303655
fucking lol
Yes, it does. And as soon as I cum, your public transit bus awaits to take you to your room where you rot all day.

You trannies degrade yourself enough online by being whores. At least I'm straight forward with my intentions rather than lead someone on.
This dude 100%asked a trans woman out and got rejected.
Again, no offense to you trannies, but you're only good for one thing for me and at least I am honest enough to tell you that from the first day. If you don't like it, then that's understandable and best of luck finding your forever partner.
Wow, nice compelling retort. Your debating skills are impecable.
Real talk: if women had a pseudo phallus like some hyenas do, then mtfs would be completely irrelevant.
>I don't expect a normal well-adjusted person but I sure as shit don't want some trauma baggage you trannies tend to bring with you
dude, are you living in the real world? every woman has trauma, and if they don't, the lack of adversity in their lives will definitely show.
we all have insecure fuckin' attachment and struggles in grief and will and confidence and every other fuckin' thing
i mean look at yourself, you're doing yourself damage by entertaining every other negative thought that ends in belittling trannies
i dont have a positive outlook towards most other trannies, being one myself, but you bring far more scrutiny through the transparent deception you're putting on
Why do you feel the need to announce this though lmao
i don't rly have personal issues idk
and ur surprised that trans women don't let you fuck when you admit that???
>talk about me you guys please talk about me
The cool thing about you trannies is that you'll take any dick you can get.
oh actually no thank you you're boring lol
There's a higher chance to run into a Cluster B tranny than a Cluster B cis woman.
girls these are the men ur choosing to date, introducing to your family, letting into your personal space...
Don’t lump me in with that retard.
not me. it's easy to spot these kinds
bless my male socialisation for granting me the gift of discernment
And they'll continue to do so because you're all easy lays.
Hmm. This thread is gayer than usual.
Also, when you end things with a tranny, who are they gonna tell? Their dad? LMAO
u both are the sanest of them all i guess bc jesus christ i do not miss dealing with that kinda personality
i don't idk
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Who said anything about date? Meeting her parents? That's long term talk. It takes me roughly 8 to 10 minutes to cum. That's as long term as I'll get with a tranny.
Uh, yeah? I would at least
I think I got confused I was just basically saying that that dudes a fucking retard and I disagree.
I expect 99.9999933333% percent of trannies not to have a father figure. That would explain both the mental illness and the whore behavior. I'm glad to hear you have your father in your life though.
Hello :)
You've heard about what they do with their dads, yes?
oh... ew...
You came back at a bad time
tfw no 6ft trans gf who is 5'8
Not sure if troll but if true, this is another reason why they're not long term material. Incest is disgusting and even I don't expect trannies to be that degenerate.
How would that even work?
oh whats going on?
she takes her heels off
This makes me want to go to an old school diner
Just some dumb ass being transphobic.
>having relationship preferences and speaking the truth about a majority of trannies is transphobic
also with the heels on she's a service sub
heels off (5'8) she's a total bottom dom
somethin' is happening here, and you don't know what it is -- do you, mr jones?
how does it feel, to, be such a freak?
and you say, impossible! as he hands you a bone...
and something is happening here, but you dont know what it is -- do you, mr jones?
It's because of the autism not the tranniness
I would be too if my parents weren't rich
You come into a tread to spread hate and wrong information. Go kys.
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late night/very early morn diners are sucha vibe, this would be my go to first at a jukebox

>tfw no autistic tranner to play LEGOs with
Yall niggas really going back and forth emotionally invested with the one guy who's only here to gain energy by zapping it from other smdh
then lets all talk about our daddy issues
Why is autism so comorbid with the trans experience?
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i used to have a classic jango fett minifig and i keck myself everyday for losing it
let's not
It’s a shame they mostly died off in my area and would have to go into the city to get some. There used to be a beach boys themed one near me that was fun
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then baby hippo...
They are both created by aberrant brain development in utero from the mother's fucky hormone washes
let's talk about mommy issues
and tfw no trans mommy gf
how about we don't, you rape obsessed freak
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pls lets not my dad was very fucked up
ew, I get wanting to make one of those model sets that looks nice on shelf while being blocky but playing with that sounds like a child thing to do
Not a tranner but that'd be something fun to do with one. Aren't they expensive though?
Are spic dads generally transphobic?
he could smash your whole hand in less than 5 seconds from waking up
I don't have dad issues I have mom issues, she thinks she can channel alien-angels and spent all my childhood taking me to quacks trying to heal my autism with nutrition and herbs and wacky shit instead of accepting its okay to have an autistic son
mine was
ew wtf is wrong with you
dont rly have them
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it's a girl actually!!! and we love her!!!
or is ig idk where he is rn
I'm sorry for suggesting that putting plastic bricks together would be fun sickened you. I'm getting the flog out now and will be giving myself 40 lashes.
she sounds correct to me honestly just from this small glimpse
don't have any, really. More just mommy issues
literally learn to read and the meaning of words you are using 80 more lashes for being stupid
Another thing, why do trannies feel entitled to a long term relationship? God forbid we just fuck every other weekend and stop once we're committed to someone.
no ones entitled to anything
>mommy issues
dommy mommy issues?
I don't know what you mean by that but it hurt
because i want my first time to be special and not give my virginity to someone who i dont love just for the sake of their own enjoyment in treating me like a toy
>cum inside a tranny
>expects to be cuddled and be made a wife afterwards

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Please refer to >>37303368
Since we are talking about fucked up shit anyway, if I'm going to kms should I leave money for the clean up and like cremation or whatever?
nah uh
Leave it in a PayPal account and give someone the login information.
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whoever this is has the best tummy and thighs on this board
no, im a person
I too saved that image
Trans rights start when my dick gets hard and ends when I cum.
ooowwwww :(
I want to cuddle some one for hours and hours.
I don’t know. You sure your not AI?
Yall niggas still engaging smdh
When I was sewercidal, I thought about going out into the mountains and doing it so no one would find me, my family would just think I'm missing and may have decided to leave town and not come back, and there's no funeral or cremation.
she solved the captcha so it cant be that
he doesn't know
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yes ive put another 100 views on this song almost at 10k
i think your mom is an oracless that sees and hears more than lesser men
what the fuck? this is so much more cruel than letting them see your body and mourning properly. how is that more graceful than a fucking funeral? if you do kill yourself, please let your loved ones have closure
nym you ate weed again, didn't you
One problem if that were true she woulda seen and heard deez nuts
I think about this sometimes. I wonder if I left a note or something and a will if things would get distributed immediately, or if there would be some search that family members would have to wait years for.
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fah daw!
but yourself something nice to eat or drink, donate it to some charity organization or leave it for your family if you like them, if that's not the case than don't give it to your friends in any other way than cash
good night chasergen!
Alone in the world is a little fatdog...
good night mommy!!!!
I’m so alone
anons do you have a nicotine addiction?
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sorry pops still love ya tho, always and forever

nah nic is kinda wack but nice on occasion
goodnight. I love you
Hey fitness and nutrition anons how do we feel about canned sardines?

recently been eating a lot of them, taste amazing are really cheap and genuinely fit really well in my diet. Also super convenient, no thawing or cooking or worrying about rapid spoilage. Sure theyre high in fat but a lot of that is omegas 3s

picrel is king oscar in water but i like mustard. Wish king oscar wasnt so much more expensive than other brands

hopefully you die alone
sardines taste great, anchovies are the real disgusting smelly smiley canned fish actually that everyone thinks of, not sardines
I don’t like sardines so I usually stick to tuna. Both are great but you have to limit consumption due to the mercury.
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>and i am a waitress too

lol too relatable
ngl i just hate em both i ususally just take fish oil supplement

how do you continue to be this based?
i just wanted to talk about sardines :(
I don't like sardines much, but canned smoke trout is really good just hard to find. Go-to dinner if my calories are a little high for the day is throwing that on a salad
> i just wanted to talk about sardines :(
lol you can talk I just don’t know much because I only had it once when I got it for free.
Canned trout sounds interesting but haven’t tried
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I'm not going to kms. I have a lot to live for now, I'm dating someone and my financial situation did a 180°
That's a valid point. Sry it took a while to respond, but definitely don't kys
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no bf to get up real early for and make breakfast in bed T-T...

might try and get some sleep soon i needa wake up at 8 for work tomorrow :/ gn all sweet dream

Okay, I'm going to finish things up tomorrow then. Thank you 4chan, see you on the other side.
Goodnight rose, I love you and hope you have sweet dreams.
Night Rose
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been posting this one a bit too mucho but it fits a nice scenic late nite vibe others rarely meet

dont kys anon, i hope you can find peace while yur still here

gn anon ily2 and same to you. i hope you sleep well :)

night dude, have good dreams or at least a chill night :)

yooo I've remained myself that nin exist lately too and now youtube make those mixes comprised of only "japanese" music, them and few local old artists, also rethink that sui stuff because if you are asking about stuff like that here then you might be making a mistake but it's up to you.
Oh and if you want people to say something more than pls dont sui try venting here, saying that you will try to die just seems like a bait to people here but vents are genuine for them
i never had a weed
it's really good if you get good weed. it makes everything really interesting or funny, you'll laugh until you sides hurt. I did anyway. Some people don't like it though ig. Also it makes food taste like 1000x better.
>mfw thinking about the cute redhead androgynous girl I could pick up over my shoulder and face fuck (at her request)
Met up once and never again, the greatest connections are so fleeting lads
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some of yall hate ppl who are perceptive of the spiritual and divine and blame it on drug usage, which btw yes drugs make you more aware of the ethereal but i do not take them and i dont rly wanna (except alcohol from time to time)
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yeah like i said
i could listen to you play for hours
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HAHAHAHAHAAAAHHHAHA oh man and you're suffering now that's great
this is a good sign to just be me and ignore you fucks that use this excuse
I hate kids I'm never having them thank fuck
Ty anon I’m tryin to come up with something rn here’s another version with more effects and a slightly diff lfo, I like it a bit more but still a bit “aimless” but ig that’s the beauty of random freestyle ambience
Oops my bad forgot link :(

freestyle is a good description, im literally leaving your voca jams on in the background on headphones while browsing, and it's very relaxing :)
tfw no skinny tranny to feed/work out with and mold to my desires
why not a fat one, already bulked just mold the muscles now
chasers who have dated trans women and cis women, which do you prefer and why?
Ty anon it really does mean a lot to me gonna upload some of these maybe

Completely depends on the girl
This song is nice to fall asleep to.
tripfags should be banned
bidad with a lesbian daughter here. She still hugs me and tells me she loves me before school everyday so we're doing something right.
Props to gay/bi/all dads out there doing it.
Cis women, but I'm not opposed to dating a trans woman again.

The issue is that I don't want to deal with another trans woman that doesn't want to go out, doesn't work on her mental health, and takes the advice given to them then proceeds to not execute it. I understand there are plenty of hardships being a trans woman. Your entire existence is politicized and some see you as freaks. However, I'm of the belief that if a partner is supporting you and your self-improvement as best as they can, then you should put in your share of the work as well. I've dated three trans women so far and two out of the three were like this. The third one ended up going to college and we split because distance wasn't ideal for both of us.

Cis women have issues too but they tend to have more of a support network as opposed to trans women who sometimes only relies on their partner. One man can't do everything. If I could have, I would have. I still love my trans exes and will always love them, I just couldn't imagine a future with them.
Also, good morning everyone. The thread looks like shit and I hope today's threads fare much better.

to an out of state college*
>doesn't work on her mental health
This is a problem with cis women, too, obviously. That's why I'm divorced.
29 year old guy
24 year old trans girlfriend
Obligatory "I'm speaking for myself and my experiences"

In my experience with two cis women I've dated, one of them was BPD but managed to put her DBT skills to use every single time there was an outburst and the damage to the relationship was minimal at best. The other one was relatively functional if you don't count really bad social anxiety which, I believe, all of us go through at some point. I managed to guide her through it and I sometimes check up on her. She seems to be doing well. I wish I could say the same for my trans exes except the one that went out of state.

I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. Heartbreak is something I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy.
could someone here tell me what it's like to have dating opportunities on your horizon
I will never date or fall in love again but want to remember what that sense of hope is like.
yeah sure why not??
We don't have control over who we love and why. It's unrealistic. Not choosing to date again is realistic but I feel like this decision comes from a place of pain and I hope time will heal those wounds.
Why did Bussychan leave? I miss her anime dances and cosplays
>if you don't count really bad social anxiety which, I believe, all of us go through at some point
Oh yeah, don't count that. That's everyone, it's just a question of severity. At it's most acute, it's horrifying, though.
And thank you. We both took a very "it is what it is" approach, we just grew apart and decided not to wait until we were old. We still do Sunday dinner with her parents from time to time, they're wonderful folk and she's a good egg.
Don't give up. Find hope, at all costs.
I hope for your future happiness, anon. Hang in there.
it's not just emotional hurt (though, that too, i don't trust well anymore), i'm undatable. physically disabled (to an extent that mostly rules out sex even) no income loser tranny. the only guys who could date me i'd have to say no to because they'd be as big of losers as me (aka even if nice unable to help support me, and probably not a match to the high mental standards i had before when i could be choosy)
it's out of the question. can't even maintain friendships anymore because i guess the sick friend who doesn't leave her house is pretty boring to talk to so they all slowly ghosted me
i appreciate this anon but there is no happiness for me. god wants me to suffer. see >>37304879
i am just hoping to live past 30 at this point and i don't even have much of that hope either
oh and also i'm bi but fucking forget even thinking about dating women
>useless disabled tranny asking for another woman to be her breadwinner
yeah like that's gonna fucking fly with anyone ever kek
NTA but how old are you anonette?
>forget even thinking about dating women
#TeamImDone - I'll never (likely) date a cis woman again. Whole lotta "been there done that" I guess. I'm with ya.
>no income
My (trans) gf has none either right now
Hot take: She doesn't need one. That's her man's job.
older than old, i am a being of an age now long gone, a time before time as ye now know, from whence the ancient ones sprang an eternity hence, i am old beyond age, young traveller (i'm 26)
yeah even before i was in this dumb situation of being useless and needy from bodily health, i did also get a vibe. i think most of the cis women who date us are actually just settling for c4t because they actually want (but can't find) bi twink men. not all, but enough to raise caution walls
yeah but i bet she's not struggling to take care of herself, regularly unable to eat or sleep, wracked with random scary pains, frequently bedridden, convinced of her own impending death, and totally sexually dysfunctional
my having no income is just the hot pink frosting on the red flag cake of my life
also wait stop trying to give me hope
i asked people to tell me about your happinesses and now you're all telling me to hold out hope for myself wtf??
i've been duped
Anonette you aren’t old even by this board’s standards. Plenty of late 20s and early 30s posters here.
I'd like her to have one for her own sake but I agree with you that it's not super important
okay yeah before i started dying i was very much of a mind that 25 (at the time) was still prime of my life and 40 down the road would be still pretty young and even old age kinda defined by activity levels and state of mind. easy to forget when i'm now dying anyway
also like idk how much of a meme it is but being over 25 on top of everything else probably ain't helping my dateability ;~;
What kind of health issue are we talking here? You don't have to go into specifics, just broadly if you feel comfortable answering that
>cis women want bi twink men
TIL cis women and I want the same thing lol
Real. It should be up to her, something she enjoys, not something she NEEDS to do, fr.
This entire site should be 25+ so I can have old 4chan back
what about bi otterwink men
based af
u type like a bottom
what about them bishit
you're the same height as earlyjune take the hrt you motherfucker
I need to start domming ppl around here, you're all subs
not a bottom
5'8.5 is a respectable and commanding height
it's napoleonic
i dont expect anyone to fix me but myself so that's why i am on a hiatus from men until i am well and better
Yes, you command respect from children aged 3-9 years old and some small pets
Best of luck with your recovery and bless you anonette
yeah and I'll get a dachshund to bite your pervert balls off lanklet
next year will be my year. i just feel awful about how long a hibernation period it's been. especially in such vital years as 18 and 19
Shhhh, these are supposed to be quiet hours.
>laughs in 6'5"
even after everything gets better, wtf am i supposed to do about my father
he's so old and he gets sicker and sicker and is likely to keel over in the next few years -- im already no contact because ive got nothing going on, and he's an ass. i feel like i should never let him know that i either like men or have transitioned, because that will probably be the thing that kills him if i do come out
it's probably best i pretendto be his regular son, but i want to visit him and see him in person, even though he's in cambodia ;-; (as an expat)
i think im just cursed for things to be unresolved with him, and i was robbed of the fucking chance to see him pretransition because of my ignoble fucking half siblings who act like i dont exist
don't mind elaborating it's just hard to put succinctly. a lot wrong and haven't been able to see the doctors who could tell me what. baseline is a combo connective tissue disorder and heart condition. i was fine with that for 25 years tho. last year i got mono and some kind of long fatigue from it, symptoms got work, after a few falls at work from heart and knee stuff i had to go on leave. that was supposed to be temporary, but company payroll followed by my insurance company followed by the medicaid administration all decided to take turns screwing me. in january when i quit working i just needed physical therapy, preventative GI care, preventative heart care. my current bugbears are that i am violently sick to my stomach at all times, my neck instability is starting to cause numbness and pain in the rest of my body and worrying me about mobility loss, and oh i may be in early stage congestive heart failure. (not everything, just the ones i think most about) i haven't been able to see a doctor since january
kinda venty answer sorry but
>what's the problem
i just don't even know. the problem is no money no doctahs no support and body increasingly yelling "one of these organs will fail soon"
you won't even see the dacschund
how arent you able to access a doctor? cant you go to a hospital and explain your situation? you shouldnt be left to rot without care, unless it's really that bad in the united states
Shit. Hope you feel better soon, anon.
>i am violently sick to my stomach at all times
Literally feel this. Only started in the last year and my GI can't find anything wrong. It's a terrible way to go through life, hang in there. fr.
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I fucking love little dogs, though. I want a Bichon and be that giant dude with the cute little dog living meme lol
Heart breaking. Praying for you.
would you love it after it bites off your balls though
then again your chasers secretly long for such things
Side note: I desperately want to find an mtf girl to spoil. Must love dogs. Where do y'all hang out? It sounds like you're all shut ins and shit...
>how are you starving? can't you go to the grocer and explain your situation?
not to be rude but like, in america these are the same question for an uninsured person x.x
healthcare here is bomb if you have decent insurance but if you don't and also can't afford the thousands to pay for care yourself they just turn you away. the only ones who can't are emergency rooms, but they won't do diagnostic scans and stuff, all they're for is to make sure you're not in critical condition then send you home with specialist referrals (costs money) and maybe prescriptions (costs money) and a massive bill you do still have to pay later
i need a CT scan on my heart, and on my lower abdomen, and probably one on my neck. emergency room is unlikely to do any of those.
there's a free clinic here that i'm trying to get hrt from before my old script runs out, but they can't do proper diagnostics either
so felt on how bad GI things suck. like my heart issues are scarier but tummyache + occasionally starving self to reduce tummyache takes more rent in my head by being so impossible to ignore.
and it feels like if you maybe got a med or ate and avoided just the right things it could fix it but when you don't know what's wrong it doesn't rly work like that ;_;
thanks anon, and i hope you feel better soon too <3
very kind <3
>Where do y'all hang out?
at the back of the bar there's a couch
where the lonely people go in and lie
they talk to the honky tonk psychiatrist
into the wee hours of the night
into the wee hours of the night
tfw no literary 5'6 5'11 trans vers total bottom post srs megadong gf
>>not to be rude but like, in america these are the same question for an uninsured person x.x
>healthcare here is bomb if you have decent insurance but if you don't and also can't afford the thousands to pay for care yourself they just turn you away. the only ones who can't are emergency rooms, but they won't do diagnostic scans and stuff, all they're for is to make sure you're not in critical condition then send you home with specialist referrals (costs money) and maybe prescriptions (costs money) and a massive bill you do still have to pay later
im just astounded at how easy it is to slip through the cracks
your presidential debates are all about kooky shit to do with migrants eating cats and then the insurance companies rub their wads of cash
land of the free if you're able enough to afford it..
it's my state really. they're on a campaign to kick people off medicaid by the tens of thousands rn, i think illegally, and they've in doing so also completely fucked up the process for applying. i've been rejected a bunch but the most recent one was because their website broke and wouldn't let me upload documents and they decided this was my fault (the website is also still broken)
my employer also withheld my pay for the first two months of my medical leave and then cancelled my insurance because i wasn't paying the monthly premium with the paychecks they weren't sending me, that didn't help lmao
if i survive this i'm putting my career on hold and going directly into politics this is unfuckingacceptable. it scares me too to think like, i really am dying, and this was preventable in january, so like, how many people have already died this way? :/
>my employer also withheld my pay for the first two months of my medical leave and then cancelled my insurance because i wasn't paying the monthly premium with the paychecks they weren't sending me, that didn't help lmao
what the fuck?? two months? i would have sought recourse after a couple days... you better pull through so you can punish and reprimand that fuck and show him what decency is
this makes me so fcking angry
im so sick of lousy financiers and ignoble fuckin' bureacrats
they're going to the gallows before the landlords are
when i finally got through to someone about it the lady on the other end of the line said something like "oh how strange, i guess someone just forgot to click the thing to move your application forward." i waited a few weeks (it's supposed to take 2-3) then spent the rest of the time pestering and trying to figure out what they needed before finally that. i wanted to scream
not a small employer tho this was starbucks. arbitration agreement in my contract means i can't sue. and, i also wanna play nice with them cause i'm still technically on an unpaid leave with them paying my tuition rn
well u better join the union so they dont fuck over your tuition too
oh and HR middle management hags like the one you mentioned infuriate me to no end as well
it's all fucking rotten
i'm in the union! i was pretty vocal about it, i had a supervisor promotion lined up before i started dying instead, but if that didn't pan out i was gonna try to be my store's union rep. nice to remember actually, i forget i used to have all these goals and plans :')
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good morning hi hi
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what's ur makeup routine? the blush u use always looks amazing
Throwing away these unpopped popcorn kernels unless that anon wants em.
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i have legit spent so much money on makeup trying to find what works for me. I’ve tried hella expensive shit to drugstore crap and ironically i find that the cheaper the better. RN my holy grail is Elf Primer-Infused Bronzer and Blush in Forever Sun-Kissed and Always Rosy (respectively). Nude Stix multistick in Sunkissed Cool if i want some extra pink on nose or eyes, and Sky High Mascara in Brownish Black. For lip the Elf Pinkies Up Lip Stain is a really nice sorta sun kissed nude pink
Good morning beautiful.
throwback to when i ate unwashed transbian ass and stopped being transbian after that
im relieved to hear you say that you use drug store products lol
i really do not wear makeup enough to justify mid end products, even. i mostly just use concealer and mascara
did you reset back to straight or did you go ace
bob dylan was such a cutie despite his runty starving child physical appearance
I'm a chaser because trannies always be giving footjobs
She's here looking to get her dirty ass ate now
Dysphoria? No, that phoria.
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Need a chaste nun in my life to whip me every time I think of trannies
29 year old guy
21 year old trans girlfriend
is this cool
I think it's more nuanced at these ages. What are you guys doing for work? Is she still in school?
both doing work, living together
weird-lite, but if you make it work then it works you're adults and I'm gay
Yeah, I'm on board with it. I'm just one dude though, if it makes both of you happy then who cares.
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Ok nevermind this pic is really weird lol
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Yea the pic makes it weird now, you fucking weirdo
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Fuck Jeremy Clarkson
what did he do?
got old fat and gay
He's just annoying and a bit full of himself
he punched the queen or something
im so freakin sleeply
being able to do sysadmin stuff from my phone, in bed is gonna be the death of me
good morning chaser generator !
how are things?
Bed is only for sleeps. Phone shouldn't be accessible.
Pichu is sleepy
Jeremy Clarkson punched the queen
A daddy chaser is being weird
i always have my phone with me in bed :( its my alarm clock
It shouldn't be. There's these things called actual alarm clocks.
i see that
having a normal one, are we?
I could fix that
for years now ive used this puzzle alarms app to wake up and actually wake up wake up. it makes me do a memory puzzle or some moderate arithmetic before i can shut it off
downside is that over the years i got good at multiplying two-digit numbers while still asleep
Alarm clock goes on the other side of the room, out of reach. Forces you to get up out of bed to turn it off.
I don't know, I could try my hand at being schizo and see if that does anything
does anyone wanna get beat up?
I wanna see you try
this is what i do
Never seen someone so autistic about alarm clocks before.
I don't try, I just do
I'll turn you into a leather coat.
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Boymoding today
I like the alarm clock that zooms around the room
is karma real
if I stop being a piece of shit, will good things really happen to me
but, I mean look at jeffrey epstein. he’s human garbage and he had the whole world in his palm until uhhhhh he didnt
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Girlmoding today
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Boymoding today
worlds #1 most valid dood
i am very frail, sometimes i worry someone will mug me cause i think one good punch in the gut might kill me for real
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boymoding today
wouldnt it be jedimoding
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Squidwardmoding today
i want to girlmode i think
He's so hot idc
i want to shrimp cat i think
whats stopping you
bold-and-brashmoding today
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shrimpmoding today
More like belongs in the trash moding
oh god
pls no
as a definite very real manmoder gigahon (no verification required) i am positively offended
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broad shoulders, high forehead, big jaw and chin, big arms and big hands, no boobs, no hips, big neck, butt chin, married spook, NEVER PASSER
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Constructmoding today.
I think I have AAP
alright time for school later frens :)
imagine the horrible metallic creaking noise of this dude moving his sword spine at all
or he's just like 3000 degrees up in there i guess the sword is glowing
imagine the burning smell of this dude hugging someone
based study up real good anon
should go do my asynchronous classes tbdesu
Sword stays upright and steady while the armour moves around it. The shape seems to leave plenty of room for leaning forwards and back with those V's. Can probably spin the torso bit separately from the legs too making the flail extra spicy.
>Can probably spin the torso bit separately from the legs too making the flail extra spicy.
This is definitely a second phase attack.
>page 10
Uhh bros?
It's bed time, we don't need a new thread for ~8 hours :)
death comes for us all, in time
Except me
New. Get weird with it. >>37306621

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