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Previous: >>37303207

Qott: There is no defined qott for this thread. Answer the first question you can think of, and then don't tell people what the question was.

Optional Q4T: Would you date a ginger chaser?
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Nope, I don't die
They should all preemptively do that, desu
Trannies: on a scale of 1-10 how lonely are you, and how desperate are you for physical touch and positive attention from men?
2 Internal validation is much better
Let’s chat babe. Discord?
0 (i desire only attention and co-op gaming)
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how does one achieve this?
>how lonely are you
>how desperate are you for physical touch
>positive attention from men
3 maybe 2
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at least 30, maybe as high as 35-40.
>on a scale of 1-10 how lonely are you
somewhere between 0 to 2
>and how desperate are you for physical touch
>and positive attention from men?
Being asexual to some degree and not wanting anyone to be intimate enough to know your ins and outs. Also, a tremendous amount of self introspection and acceptance.
Are these found on prisoner conscripts or ethnic minorities?
I believe the former
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Why aren't trannies getting rib removals, shoulder reductions, FFS and BBLs? Results are proven, I think they're all just lazy.
Didn’t work
bigguy_mandude is the new discord and I'll be switching it again, some weirdo likes to post it around
Lmao, why are you like this dude.
You're being fucked with ignore them.
wtf who are you weirdo
Schizo hour has started
has anybody seen frisson?
Is big_guymandude Rick or something?
Yes he is rick, one of his many personalities.
the bait is evolving
bigguymandude = rick
put the word out lets stop this repping creep
oh :/
i just got a friend request from bigguymandude two days ago
rick did nothing wrong, so what if he pretends to be multiple people, he's harmless. never done nothing wrong.
I don't think so, he seems way to normal and his grammar is too good to be rick
trip on rick. you were found out.
guys, this has gone on long enough. There is no Rick. It was me the whole time. He was the Hyde to my Jekyll. An identity im now casting aside.
I'm sorry to the people ive hurt, and i know i can never make it right. Now at long last, i will be leaving this thread forever, so you may all live in peace. Goodbye, everyone.
wait what
told you all that sarah was bigguymandude rick pichu all along but nobody ever believe me.
I eat you ass and pay for you trip to Albania and this is how you repay me?
I was raped.
That’s not Sarah she mentioned in the last thread her trip was cracked mostly likely by Rick.
qott: no but really I am sometimes *too* patient and it causes more problems than just communicating my needs.
The amount of times I've seen this strat on combat footage groups is insane, it's so sad.
aha please don't pull the pin of a grenade and stuff it between you and your body armor babe ur so sexy aha
apparently rib removals are outdated compared to rib remodeling which seems to be the new meta as it's also safer.
Oh my god, I am so sorry.
big guy man dude doing damage control as usual
I have to go now. Shrimp planet needs me.
Wonderful and extraordinary
what if shrimp guy is rick as well?
Absolutely not.
>Oh my god, I am so sorry.
that's not Gummy. She gave out her password
twinkchan cracked my trip, but we've come to an understanding and she's not messing with me anymore
that wasn't my ass i stole that ass from a gaygen poster, im so sorry
i am also pichu, that's true. It was hard to play that much Chao Garden just to convince people i was some other person on this kenyan fishing tutorial wiki but i did it. By god i did it. And i actually am asexual, for the record
that's right. It's true. Im sorry anon, i really did love you
Should I do rib removal and bbl?
>rib removal
for self suck?
bigger braps?
i don't understand
Do brain removal
Try head removal
try fentanyl
no trips are safe believe nothing
Hilarious if true
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this is my back should i transition?
If you have to ask...
The NFL awaits with those shoulders.
ftm? Sure bro you got great foundation
im actually every trip
except gummy rabbit ava and jennie
those ones are some other guy who lives in Tuscon
we get together and laugh at how gullible you guys are sometimes
Oh also EarlyJune is both of us, joint writing one character. That's why sometimes she writes novels (me) and other times she writes something short and funny (Greg)
(Tuscon guy's name is Greg)
I wouldn't believe this but you were caught leaking watermarked unsees like a fucking psycho and for some reason everyone immediately decided it was chill
I can't believe you had sex on grooby just to make a trip here
I'm not rick and here's proof.
having a crisis of identity over not actually existing and just being a figment of Sarah's imagination
why the fuck did I click that
>that's not Gummy. She gave out her password
why tf are people like this
I'm Greg's newest trip
this nigga built like a optimus prime
okay bbl + rib removal is happening my friend looks really good with it
Because you're horny and easily deceived.
Who's paying for all this shit? You're already starting to look like a fake human from all of this.
Forgot to remove name, negger
promising to pay for a tranny's surgeries just to fuck her
No I just didn't care enough to take it off.
>easily deceived
yeah you got me
Twinkchan fatigue
So no trips are real
Am I real?
She barely posts here anymore
Why would you willingly make it so obvious a nolifer is the one being mean to Jade?
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the front in a dress i stole from the wife. i am so tempted to take estrogen.
Linebacker ass nigga
All the best posters leave and the transbian hons stay
She was here yesterday and is here right now her and Rick were made for each other because they’re both retarded faggots
Why not?
I think you're mistaking me for someone else
What’s your discord babe? I would love to see the uncensored pictures.
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i was asked to play football when i was a teenager
no way lol

could i ever be a triangle woman? the wife says i am ngmi.
This is just a joke right? Or a schizo woman? I hope your poor wife doesn't actually exist
i can't believe i started a transbian onlyfans that i advertise on twitter just to keep up with a persona that doesn't even post here anymore
that's true, Bourbon is Greg
no. This one is also greg. He does most of the male trips, i just did muscleanon
>the wife says i am ngmi.
passing is not the point of transitioning
would it make you happy? that's the only thing you need to answer
Why did you leak rabbit's pics
it was a mexican holiday yesterday
probably busy
Patiently escalating physical intimacy with Rosewood over YEARS always keeping your eyes on the prize (bhole)
Where did you get the pics from?
Rosewood is mine.
Guys, stop it. She belongs to me. We need to have an all out arena brawl to the death and the winner gets her.
you should all kill each other for her hand
Ill fucking win
that wasn't me
im the trips, pay attention. Whoever did that wasn't a trip
gaygen for the male trips, for the trannies i download a bunch of catfishing image packs a few years ago and I've been using those ever since
So how do you explain the picture with a timestamp that was posted under Sarah's trip?
All of you fuck off Rosewood is my future wife.
I've already made reservations for the golden carrel and bought lunch meat to make sandwiches.
>her trip was cracked mostly likely by Rick
That's convenient.
Nooooo. Stop this, everyone! It's fucking gross.
>doing the work
Aw you guys c: works been pretty chill today getting everything done on time is a nice feeling. Hope y’all are having a good day CG wish I could be here a bit more today!

I hope you remembered your monster today.
I'll give you 12 bucks if you make a video gaping yourself as wide as possible with my name written on you
nice, that is a regular gym jam for me
Why would you pick now to do it instead of max chaos?
You're that desperate, anon? Maybe it is a good sign to try and slow down a little.
Anyway I gotta go for now can’t get too distracted have a nice day y’all!

I did actually! :)

It’s so good Ive been blasting music here since I’m the only one that opens
God I wish I was that monster
Stop smoking cigs, they will destroy your skin faster than anything else, making you more manly.
Have a nice day
Man I could never throw away that much money on a pack
hey should I go get a hot dog today
I dont mean this as an allegory to trans women I literally mean going to some quick service restaurant and ordering a hot dog and eating it for lunch
Going by Venus the market value for debasement is around $15
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CG simping for Rosewood, pic related
you love to see a good trans woman winning
she so deserves it
Idk you, anon, so I can't say how much your life sucks right now or anything, but is it really gonna help you to pick up cigs that you can't even afford? The guilt and the shame of it all is gonna sweep in at some point most likely. I don't think adding that to a stressful life is any better.
Chili cheese dog, yes.
Seems like you've already convinced yourself.
no that's what i actually look like, all the OTHER pics are stolen
cuz i got bored of it or something
I'd go with the second one personally. Sorry things suck, anon.
That one would be a pretty simple photoshop if you look at it
Yes they have always been fake
i am excited to try on my dresses hopefully they look nice on me i think i picked good stuff this time but its all really basic
I'm excited to bend you over in them.
More QOS gear? Jade Spade at it again, when's your Trans Taken scene?
All she does is post good music, chats with us, and is never bringing in any trip drama she’s great.
You should post pics when you try them on
i'm sure you'll look great! you have a good body, you just need a slightly less eccentric style imo.
I love Rosewood.
yeah im a fabrication
We all do
You're a hot chick who confuses everyone around you when you tell them you're a guy.
yes it's all just me and greg
i literally just said that
pichu is a fabrication, rosewood is made up
it's all just us
weiner acquired
i'm fake too! take ur meds!!!
Been having a great time with a late 20s trans woman. She's amazing.
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I miss Danish hotdogs. They often sell them with chocolate milk called Cocio, which was also great.
If that were true you'd post your hon wiener to prove it but you won't
Do you coordinate with Greg somewhere?
Yeah you have to be fake since you're the perfect woman I've manufactured in my dreams.
I just took my meds, wait why are you fading away? Mina nooooooooo
Discord and occasionally Signal
that's very sweet but i'm far from perfect
i'm sorry anon,,, i was actually a silent hill-esque guilt-driven hallucination the whole time... you have to let go....
At the very least your ass is perfect.
i'm glad u think so. it could always be bigger imo. i'm still trying to gain weight for pio to work but i've hit a roadblock recently. i can't seem to push past 145
shame about the whole spic twinkhon thing though
has anyone seen frisson?
im sorry im what??
has anyone seen frisson?
discord usually, sometimes signal
maybe some day
Has anyone seen my big fat monkey nuts and thick cock?
Your dumb
Sorry it’s settled you are 2 people.
frisson used to be mine, then twinkchan took her from me
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Did I scare you, trannies?
yes ._.;
i don’t think there are any NEET tranners here besides THE jade slade
she's a cool person but i wouldn't be caught dead in public with estrogenized pedro from napoleon dynamite
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is that hashbrowns on there??
need to try danish dog
morgan i miss you, our late nights talking
get a job, nigger
but i like my eccentric style its how i express myself like i just hate that stuff i think looks cute just isnt okay for me to wear because i dont have a good enough body or im 27 so its not okay for me to have certain aesthetics anymore
that's really scary
Baby girl, you’re not 27 yet. You still got about 10 more hours.
your style is tolerable except for that you wear sneakers with EVERY fit. doesn't matter if they're color coordinated with the rest of the outfit, most of your fits do not need sneakers and you need to stop wearing them
i had love for the first time and she had to stick her nose where it didnt belong
you need to dress your age, not like some fucking bathroom stall club whore
has anyone seen frisson?
I’d hang out with her.
Is it your birthday tommorow?
this. jeans with tennis shoes is tragic and no one should ever do it. get a nice pair of boots or loafers.
I want to be the reason a tranny has to wear long sleeves in the summer.
morgan/frisson please come back to me baby
why is this schizo nigger still posting? didn't he have a girl he found on taimi a few days ago or was that also a lie?

imagine being this much of a mentally ill loser.
is this a beating her thing or a cutting her thing? either way i'll volunteer
cut "y=mx+b" into your arm, slut
>was that also a lie?
Never believe anything Rick says
beat? i'm not a monster. cutting is hotter so long as you take care of the cuts immediately
im an idea
wait but about tummy punches and face slapping. ur missing out!!! they're really fun and hot
why are there no longer drawgens when i finally start drawing again
we can roleplay. i be the cop who had a bad day at work and you'll be the pregnant wife who just burnt dinner
you should start one! maybe i could draw something too even if i'm not great at it
skjgkjsjkdg wowwww need. u have to drag me out of the kitchen by the hair and beat me until i cry
jesus mina
you're greg, currently. I'll write your next post
unless you beat me to it, you little rascal
what did i do?
sorry i didnt see this in time to get surprised. i was stuck in a WORK meeting discussing storage infrastructure requirement projections for the next year for my WORKplace's backups. then i had to get off my WORK vpn after my WORK meeting (which i participate in as a JOB responsibility)
i mean it's kinda hot and all, just
be careful
this is the kinda thing that can get you seriously hurt if you say it to the wrong person
you're one of the good ones
but i want to get hurt? that's the whole point silly!
who is greg?
Don't worry mina, I'm Irish. Domestic abuse is in my blood and I'm very good at it. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to my court mandated anger management class (I beat my ex wife).
very funny greg
btw you wanna hop on dota later? i gotta get an ice token

*ring ring*

hello, am I speaking to anon? hi! we received your resume and we're very impressed. we'd like you to come in for an interview tomorrow. does 10 AM work for you?
transbians like mina twinkchan and frisson just slander the good name of chasers everywhere
Mina would be cute if it wasn't for her fetish
she just like me fr. need to be hurt by someone that loves me as much as i hate myself
slapping mina in public for talking back to me
Agp 2 hsts communication failing again
i'm not a transbian
what fetish? i think masochism is fairly normal desu
has anybody seen frisson?
AGP malebrained incel
for some reason guys dont like hurting girls its so RUDE like they have all that muscle and strength for a reason
hey guys i want to make a bunny sculpture does anyone want to show me some images of cute rabbits for inspiration?
your body does enough damage to you that physical abuse would be overkill
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exactly! why else would i be so bratty and bossy! i just want a hot dude to wreck me and put me in my place desu
does this count?
it's alright, it's just a dumb bit. This communication isn't important
oh rn? i can't im at work, i told you i'll be free all day starting TOMORROW. You silly little goose
btw how'd the family dinner go?
hey! i am not an incel!
impregnating sarah
you would be so much better like spiritually if you were involuntarily celibate
oh thats very cute but not what im looking for

im looking for images of bunnies with cute proportions. Think grizzly bear:teddy bear::bunny:??

family dinner? I mean ive been cooking for my family but not eating with them just giving them food
who's my big brained cute little cutting board?
fried onion
Not me, like don't get me wrong I don't enjoy being an asshole normally, but bratty or masochistic girls do definitely bring out a sadistic side of me and I am not one of those 'I was taught you can never hit a woman' types.
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i have those too!
>cutting board
hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot
y'all niggas need jesus
wait what? why aren't you eating?
>grizzly bear:teddy bear::bunny:??
i have not seen this notation since like 5th grade damn what a blast from the past
best of luck <3
isn't that like notoriously terrible for the spirit? Like "incel" is practically synonymous with "asshole"
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what the fuck is up pussies i’m back
okay you can be voluntarily celibate instead that's more associated with like tibetan monks and shit
Very nice bunny!
has anybody seen frisson?
And I've seen you here, mtfg, b trap threads, any more places?
I'm trans as a meme
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what's up pussy. I got therapy in 15 hbu
>And I've seen you here, mtfg, b trap threads, any more places?
In your walls, anon.
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hi! ur so pretty as always!
i love rabbits. i have even more pics if u want
Thanks bourbon.
LB can you take me to Cabelas and buy me a fishing pole and unpromptedly talk about hunting season and gun control while driving us to lake huron?
wsg occasionally
i think greg uses x?
it has been a while, actually u_u
hrt nuked my libido

so is Rick just a meme at this point?
Sarah claimed to be him
people are constantly asking about frisson
Rick(s) never posts a timestamps when asked

Is Rick just made up person with stolen photos?
i lost my glasses and cannot see frisson anymore
rick is using a new trip here but no one cares anymore because he's not acting schizo rn
everyone else is just having fun
oh my god thERE IS NO RICK!
he's made up! let him die, anon, he never even existed
I'm not even sure anymore.
But the piocs were 100% stolen
>Sarah claimed to be him
Is anyone retarded enough to have taken that seriously? Autistic brainlets who don't know what a joke is, I swear to god
looks like someone got dumped by their chaser bc you're back
You mean not everything people say here is true?
>hrt nuked my libido
personally taking E, especially higher doses, has let me feel feelings that i never could while i was on blockers, beyond just horniness. I understand where a lot of the stereotypes of teen girls come from now, it makes a lot of sense when your brain makes you feel certain ways
when was the last time frisson was spotted?
Everything on the internet is true
Btw im 7'10
when she had chickenpox
ive never had tummy butterflies before. And that's like my favorite sensation now
so to some degree i know what you mean. I'm just not super interested in actual sex, i prefer the flirting and foreplay
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We get it, you're a youngshit who sees himself as a "real woman" unlike all those other despicable old tranny fetishists. We know you think you're better than everyone else.
If you're so good, why don't you go get a husband and be his nice little tradwife? I'm sure it's easy for a real girl like you to do that, right? Stupid bitch.
You don't need to be shy now, at least the other poster's being partway honest
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Ok I will do my make up so I look less scuffed but Jesus heels are so hard to wear
why do you feel the need to say stuff like this
Best you've looked in many months
This look really works for you
And I usually hate your guts and think you look awful
omg Sarah mommy sama!!
how do you know "Rick" used stolen pics?
wear some tights your skin looks old and gross. but this is better than your usual stuff
But how big is the cock?
Sarah already answered your question for me, dumbass.
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Looking good, your majesty.
May I ask why you have those mouth piercings?
Doesn’t seem fun to eat with those.
because you respond to him
if someone's being mean you can
a) not respond
b) make a joke about it
c) fetishize it or use it for self harm or something
but the one thing you don't do is take it seriously and let them know they've upset you
also maybe add some accessories
The girls here love ruining their faces with piercings.
i do not have a beard!
also that guy's shorter than me lul
see? like that.
You look like Russian woman.
Refuses to timestamp. And people have claimed to have found the real person and he seemed confused.
I also once asked him and he said he was 6'3 and 200lbs. Somehow he's my weight but also taller and buffer and more body fat. So maybe it's real but lots of stuff seems off.
A foot. I have killed people.
Youngshit or not, a tranny is still a tranny.
based if people would start doing that while still in russian barracks desu desu
but does those people really believe in all the propaganda to the point of doing japanese ww II stuff?
Looks good, def need some accessories to go with it though. Like a choker or something
An alt girl without piercings is an angel without wings, you should know that.
I also recommend taking this rude peasant’s advice: >>37309258

Black tights could work well, your majesty.
We have alt girls here? Well shit, fuck me I guess. I missed the memo.
piercings are cute tho. i want to get my helixes pierced, and also a ring in my left nostril, and maybe angel bites. oh i also want my nipples pierced and maybe even my tongue
that looks so cute on you! you should definitely wear more dresses!
agreed. you should try a necklace or bracelets, something to accessorize
i just wanted to talk about my experience why do people have to take it so negatively
sorry mommy I though I finally seen you after all that talk about how you look like :<
Trannies be happy for each other challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
sorry daddy ... pls spank me for that I'm a bad boi
>girl three years younger than me on Tinder calling me daddy

My sister in Christ, we are from the same generation.
Pics are needed to confirm, Chad.
Yes, the ones in higher position scare them into believing Ukrainians will treat them worse then the beatings/rape they endure by their own men.
dont cast such an indiscriminate net! being happy for and rooting for others is based >>37308377
because that's what people do on 4chan
they want to hurt you for fun. You need to be prepared to deal with that in some way, or it's going to work, and you actually will be hurt. So just... be careful. And try to stop feeding the trolls
i have posted myself! never with a beard! i always shave that off before i take selfies for you guys
are we not?
And if if they get traded as POW they committed crime with very long prison sentence, called voluntary surrender, where in prison they will treat them like they say Ukrainians were going to treat them
no im still chill :3
anyone have more bunnies? :(
> i always shave that off before i take selfies for you guys
wait you're normally bearded ? or stubble? pleaseeeeeeeeee post pics i need u
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gay pedo server fyi
tfw no Timur gf
tfw no frisson gf
Not a bunny but i love him

Trannard tummy
timur is a gay
chaser froybiend
hot twinks frotting and moaning
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stop boymoding.
i mean, no, not actually. I did a full round of lasers on my face. I have some stragglers, some teeny dark hairs that grow in around the lips, and some bristly blonde hairs. I need electrolysis to get rid of what remains, yet. But the days of being able to grow an actual beard are long, long gone for me. I don't grow stubble anymore
is he? i never got a straight answer on that
pun not intended
whats boymoding?
i need boyremoval, i can't do it on my own T-T
Hussy bussy
I don't rember you ask me? I'm gay.
Sarah squeezing out a fat smelly shit
i want mina to sit on my face so bad
what a band of morons, literally make a rouge group after seeing how bad russians are at logistics I bet that they could raid them and ukrainians enough to survive and the run away to iran or smth like that
transbian central, gag
you would probably suffocate to death. sorry anon...
i mean
for u maybeee
Real and true..
That's the best way to go though
what a mommy thing to do
You're gonna have to ask nicely, or it's gonna be rough
i want to suffocate to death under minas ass so bad
Amazing bussy. Greetings and respect from Albania.
why are you like this
perhaps you didn't like the way i phrased it. I said
i didn't mean any offense, but i apologize if it was offensive
i can't imagine there would be. Nym loves gay men afaik
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i like the level of debrained this post-BL thread has reached. so.
hey nintendorks. post your miis.
... shave?
Does Sarah have hair on her butthole or is it completely smooth?
I don't take offense easily, if I do I get over quickly.
nintendo is for faggots
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HSTS are women
fair enough
what if i was a brat instead >:3
ur face would get squished like a pancake!!!
that's cute but i don't have a wii anymore :(
blanchard is stupit
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i hear you. but also i dont.
which of these looks most stupid
I miss the Wii U
i miss u
We should make Miis of eachother
I miss SSX Tricky on the Nintendo Gamecube
:| this why I don’t date
Silence zoomer
I miss Mario kart double dash
Imagine motorboating those asscheeks just to troll her
I never had one but I really wanted the Wii but never got once
I never had a mii just that shitty Xbox knock off of it
currently? completely smooth
*with my hard cock, because it's funnier that way
She kinda has developmentally delayed vibes so nudes are weird
many zoomers are saying things like this
Reminder that Sarah secretly likes men and that she's just holding out for a guy taller than her to dom her into a submissive housewife. The transbianism is just a facade.
Bitch sarah is the tall powerful dom guy
this is the case for all transbians
jannies incoming!
i did too, and I never looked my age either. Plus we were both home schooled and have zero high school experiences, I felt like I related to her with that
>ur face would get squished like a pancake!!!
my face is pretty strong, i can take it
I’ll be prettier one day guys I swear :/
rosewood you're cute, this website is just filled with people so maladjusted that they have no better social prospects than being mean online.
>letting a shitposter get you down
You’re already beautiful
absolutely. Just keep flirting with me. It's going to work out for you one of these days, surely
basically. Except that last, rude word.
well i mean
i think it's fun, but that's just me. don't go around harassing lesbians just because im weird
idk what you look like but you definitely don't need to promise a buncha 4chan neets that you're going to looksmaxx to be worth their time. You are the prize here, we're all just losers on the internet
You're very cute thoughever
Brats get spankings until they settle down and know their place
what if i never learn. i guess you'd have to take more serious measures :3
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Dress 2
True but I means it ain’t far from the truth most people really wouldn’t want to be seen with me, at least how I am atm I really let myself go the latter part of last year. It was a hard time ig. I look a lot better than a few months ago but it’s still along way from being acceptable


I know but ig I just have a pretty big complex about it. The only time I was ever out with a guy I wanted to kms for how I looked then I ghosted him not too long after cause I don’t want to ruin someone’s reputation desu

Thx anon just not enough just yet
that looks cute! but even more so than the last one you'll need some accessories. maybe a nice belt that calls attention to your waist?
I want to see this with a white silk scarf wrapped around the shoulders, not covering them and not hiding the cut of the dress, but just a bit off the shoulder
needs a danglier necklace, more of a statement piece to distract from your shoulders. lose one of the bracelets, and you still need tights
I think I like this one better. You look great in it.
agreed! a longer necklace would do wonders
Trannies, would you introduce your bf to your parents and friends?
No. I don't want anyone knowing I'm a bottom
Looking like a proper lady here.
if he was nice sure
>True but I means it ain’t far from the truth
look this place has the reputation for being overly honest because "why would anyone lie when theres nothing to gain" or whatever stupid shit. But realistically theres a lot of self hating freak losers on here who get a kick out of being negative. It's important not to place any real weight on the mean things anons say here, because these statements are coming from the scum of the earth.

You may have a negative impression of your own looks but a lotta people, myself included, think you're cute. I know that text posts from anons can only do so much but just take a little heart, rosewood.
Impregnating the next poster
>Mom, dad... I want you to meet the man who sucks my woman penis.
Mating pressing a tranny while her conservative father is in the other room listening to his daughter being impregnated.
need but my dad is cool actually.
>sits down
>hear his chastity cage clink against the chair
oh rose... you should be more confident, you seem like you have a lot to offer
i really like this one
i always love off-the-shoulder shuff
>Sir, may I impregnate your daughter?

What would he say?
i have no idea. i don't think he would be comfortable talking about my sex life
you're asking for welts on your ass, aren't you? baka
classy and boujee, Jade
You definitely have a complex, you're basically rejecting yourself and denying other people their autonomy to decide for themselves whether you're gonna 'ruin their reputation' or not. Because most people wouldn't even think that about you.
true. Just look at all the Jade or Kat haters that constantly schizo post about them every day. Hurt people try to hurt others, and the anonymity helps them do it.
hand or belt?
why do people care about sex so much? what about other forms intimacy?
Goofy ahh trip names
Say ass like a normal person would you retarded zoomer
sex is like the most overt and forward facing kind of lust/ intimacy, where a lot of other intimacy is personal, so I think it's harder for people to share, or moreover they don't think to cause it's something they want to share with someone they love, where more blunt horniness is something you can just kinda blast out there.
I would never wanna miss an opportunity to mark your gorgeous ass with my hand so everyone would know who it belongs to, but you got another thing coming if you think I won't use a belt to make a point.
watching the new crow movie. the little girl from the first movie is grown up and she now talks to the crows and helps the people they bring back.
Thx y’all sm for the kind words I wish I could say more but I’m getting a bit busy you are all too sweet and I wish I could say something more detailed
i just want to lose my khhv status
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that is me telling everyone and nobody caring
eh i think the tights don't work, and the belt is cute in concept but maybe you need a thicker one?
I want to fuck your asshole.
cute. and those shoes are sexy
i-is that AGP Jade ACTUALLY dressing up like a normal human being? HORY SHIETTTTTT
but, like are you dressing up for fun or is someone actually taking you to a fancy steak dinner instead of Dennys
good necklace, wrong belt for this fit (but it is a nice belt). tights are too opaque
the tights work. have you seen her man legs?
I care, it seemed interesting but I never got around to watching it. Would you say it's worth a watch or not really?
i agree with mina, i think the belt is good but needs to be thicker
libido. It's also less vulnerable to talk about for many people than it is to shout out into the world how much you need to be caressed by someone who loves you, or how much you wanna idly scratch someone's scalp while cuddling and watching TV together. One is just 'coomerbrain', the other is on the tightrope between being romantic and desperation.
It's okay to not have something poignant to say, that would only be for our gratification anyway than be helpful to you. Just try to sit on that thought for a bit and write it down somewhere, yeah?
This looks sick but maybe I'm inclined to agree with mina. Do you have pantyhose or something more sheer?
I'm a man and I think everything she has on seems to work for her body good. looks nice
all of chasergen collaborating to try and make jade look like a normal woman
try pantyhose instead of tights. it won't be as opaque
We will succeed too
Romance with a trans girl who is nice to me
We are all Jadecels on this blessed day.
idk. I'm like 20 minutes in and still debating if its good. The bad guys are kinda cringe, although they were in the original too, but that was a new concept when they did it. it has the same look/style vibe of the first one, which is interesting I guess to go for that same 90s look today. so far the girl is the only returning one I've seen.
I mean, it's not like I have much of an option.
she is very pretty!!! normal clothes look very cute on her!
I wanna say more tho and could I’m just still at work unfortunately Ty bourbon :)
that's good. want to see her happy and successful
Agreed, she deserves to have good outfits that play into her natural looks, because despite what people say she is pretty. Her sense of style was dampening that a bit
me too, it's nice when she's in a receptive mood
you dont have an option until i provide consent
Jadebros, are we back?
That's what you think
Remember when Jade committed ongoing online sexual harassment and distributed revenge porn?
I love the original but this one looks kind of bad.
Well ya.
No one would give you consent
I give myself consent don't worry
oh hi mtfgen , was wondering where you fags were
OK, I'll take you out on a date to a fair and we can watch the sunset together. THEN CAN I FUCK YOUR ASSHOLE?
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I love crows. they look cool and are smart and loud
They're little shits but they were right to bring it to our attention, I ain't being a nice to a bitch who has done allat
Ok, I'll try it out and see how it goes, ty for the review anon.
yes we know you're an emissary from gaygen
Oh my Fauci.
okay i dont have a thicker belt that is normal desu and i dont have pantyhose should i order some from amazon quick?

Your mother is a faggot. Your dad is a lesbian.
um you left out my two replies saying it looks good
Yeah if the date goes well
just drop the belt, fit works fine without it. and no don't order from amazon go outside to a drugstore it's way quicker
yes girl i run a whole embassassy in fact
Check out Jade Slade on Grooby girls! Get your discounts today. See Jade's butthole in 4K!
I thought you didn't like the idea of anal.
Is there a job I can get that pays me to beat rocks together like a caveman? I fear I lack the cognitive ability to excel at anything else.
i dont like the idea of it. idk if it feels any good.

but if i had a boyfriend that i loved and he wants sex ill just give it to him unless its super uncomfortable/painful/gross. Doesnt seem fair to withhold that from a man
Prehistoric technology youtuber specializing in knapping obsidian blades
You’re capable of doing so much more.
Work for a road crew for the DoT
>idk if it feels any good.
girl go get a toy!!
date a dicklet who can't gape you because his peenor isn't big enough.
omg me
Now this sounds like fun, I think I could manage the physical side but being a youtube personality I think I'd fall a bit short on
I am, but I don't want to
True, I wonder if I can get a job with one of those crews that works with prisoners
She's a youngshit, probably got the jazz jennings thing going on where her shit never developed and is too atrophied (also happens to the prostate)
sweet I don't like buttholes and need a gf who is ok with no anal sex. glad you exist
amazon.. or any online shop really
>being a youtube personality
The most successful one who spawned the genre (Primitive Technology) doesn't talk at all, you can just film shit silently
i live with my mother
Anal is the only option for trannies other than the mouth, sadly.
Does she open your packages?
fml this outfit
Sneaky trick where they install a fuckhole
does she open your packages? idk they also have stuff at walmart and some drugstores
I love the old type of YouTube that just shows you stuff without talking, or if they talk its on the specific knowledge they are expert in. I don't like how they are now where everyone has to be all loud and cheery and entertaining actors and models

take off dress, put on whatever, go outside, come back, put dress + pantyhose back on
no, fleshlight in ass
I just saw this one yesterday
lol yes. and I guess it was 3 replies instead of 2, all those were me except the last one
How is going outside in a dress weird? Women wear dresses outside
You can ship Amazon to an Amazon locker. Or just go to a store

Trying by yourself with a small toy is the way to go.
idk. Honestly i actively avoid learning about the male reproductive system, i only really am knowledgable about the female system so idk what the prostate is really supposed to be doing. Ive heard too much honscience to believe what anyone says. One time a girl told me that after being on E for so long my "shaft is like a cervix" and i still dont know what that is supposed to mean but i know its wrong

Ever since i started blockers people would tell me that i should go off of them (not that i could it was an implant) because it would make my genitals too wimpy to get SRS and that jazz jennings couldnt so i wont be able to.
All Jade needed was to dress her age. Go get you some dick you lady you.
yes exactly my point. straight to the point and showing us things he is skilled at instead of whatever the trend is

fuckin lmao
I hope all the chasers worked out today for there future wife.
The thing about honscience is it intuitively sounds fucking retarded and then sometimes you learn it's actually real
Like shrinking a couple inches really happens
Fellas is having male sex organs as an amab honscience
Not on purpose, but accidentally on occasion because she doesnt know how to read and just sends everything from amazon to her office because i order from amazon almost never

i know spencers sells toys but desu idk what id do after buying it
Maybe use it???
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Going for a run now for my future wife
Midshit twinkhon superiority
They actually have sexualities and aren't biologically ace
>"your head becomes a clitoris"
no it does not
>HRT periods are real
if anyone should be getting those its me and ive gotten nothing even vaguely like that other than something kinda like PMS, your 1mg dose you started last week isnt causing cramps please stop talking
>"i shrank in height 3 inches after a couple months"
read some erotica and get yourself off? go to spencers girl you're gonna be fine
You can look it up for more detail but your back door is something that you need to practice. You can also get lube and condoms and clip your nails and use a finger. You need to practice relaxing.
>working out solely for women

I work out for physical and mental health.
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What is wrong with it?

Dress 3
My man.
I mean I work out for many reasons. I just think it’s a great goal to be big to protect your woman
very pretty dress, i should get one like that

and please moisturize
This guy knows. Pro tip: they're also a lot more fun to hang out with. Every chaser who's been around the block knows what's up.
Yeah but also twinkhons are, y'know, hons.
They're visibly trans but that's only a dealbreaker if you're not a chaser
Hon = obvious and ugly
Twinkhon = cute and clocky
excellent shoes. wish they were peep toe
imagine the smell
Many are hot
I'm not a fan of visibly trans women and I'm sure they don't want to be visibly trans as well.
chasers are the bottom of the lgbt barrel. I think I'd use them for money too if i were trans. i understand now why trans women dislike chasers
I like the ones that are like Jacinda if that makes sense
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Dress 4 and butt
Twinkhon basically means they have one or two clocky features but are still cute. If you're not a fan of that you're not only gay, you're also a fake chaser. Fuck you nigga.
jade how do you have so many dresses, i only have one..
stay mad, sex toy.
that dress is really cute too! i hope ur wearing shorts under that if ur gonna wear it in public. it would be really awkward if someone could see ur butt
>fake chaser
Biggest compliment
I got all of these and the shoes from fashion nova for under $120. A lot of the dresses were only $5
>wake up
>cereal and toast with a banana and apple juice
>jump rope
>run a few miles
>throw large rocks in the yard
>hit punching bag or air punches
>pull ups from tree brach
>sit ups
>dinner filet mignon with boiled or fried potatos and a coke
>post 4chan
>eat apple
>sleep 8 hours
we are treated like the n words of this board and I'm tired of it
It just makes you cringe dawg
God forbid I want my girl to look like their preferred gender identity.
Hell ya
>punching bag
I want to get one I’m still trying to drop some weight. Down to 194
if anything, liking twinkhons means you're gayer, faggot. not to mention that you're attracted to features trannies aren't fond of.
they are expensive as fuck. I just use the one at the campus gym. they have one of the real 300 pound heavy bags
i really need to go buy new clothes

i was going to today but i dont have transit today so gotta wait until sunday
>Nooo I only want a fully passing post-SRS trans girl
So why not just date cis girls instead of the 1% of the 1%?
>Uhhhh I don't know okay!!!
>it's so hot that you look like a man, baby

lmao faggot
Ya the expense of the thing. I would probably want one of the more expensive bags so they last.
I have been still losing weight without cardio so I might just stick to that.
do you think i can finally get a BF if i get srs?
No because SRSussy is disgusting.
well not if, im getting srs no matter what, but you know
SRS would probably lower your odds a little but you will easily be able to get a bf both now and post-SRS
Most trans women are not stealth
They deserve partners too
>june getting rid of her clitty

its joever
Herein lies the crux of the chaser issue
They can't get validation from you if you like them while they aren't unclockable ergo you are bad
need transbian weightlifter gf

Just get it. Any sane person will not care. Only some chasers care and there just going to ask to suck it you wind want that
You can get one now
I don't know. But I found a gf here so you can probably find an American chaser bf unless they're all insane or fat or both.
Yes and I never said they don't, I just wouldn't date a visibly trans woman. I'm not talking a gigapassoid, I want someone who puts effort into their transition. Not someone who still wears man clothes.
Outside. Where normal socially skilled people are.
You do realize girlmoders can still be clocky af and visibly trans?

Yes, but it beats being visibly trans AND boymoding.
>Australian police apprehend kangaroo
>worry the suspect may jump bail
boymoders are cowards
Twinkhon does not mean boymoder
You'd be okay with your gf girlmoding if her voice didn't pass at all and she was very clocky visually? You'd be out in public with her? And you'd prefer that to her boymoding? Just curious
kill yourself
June be like "hey chat I met a guy in a dark ally on the way home from work tonight, he seems nice should I hang out with him? he asked me to come to an abandoned house with him" also I live in Detroit but not the worst part
I’m right here babe. What’s your discord?
i hope your first time is with a haitian migrant
You look great
Did you ever check if the bar has 18+ days? Also doesn’t a town near you have a farmers market and art fair often?
hi chasergen!
Hello stinky bean
How did the American "right wing" come to be so obsessed with those?
very good
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Dress 5
Hello beautiful
Conservative billionaire-funded think tanks found that it would be the most effective subgroup for their usual strategy of shifting their constituents' attention away from the real cause of the failing nation and to blame everything on an other
I cant tell

not really sure what id do if i went there, just stand around and wait for a boy to hit on me?
i'm not stinky!
hi anon <33 hows yr day?
im a hatian migrant but also a tranny :(
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need to see jade in something like this. I'm imagining it and I think shed look right in this
Sweetie show black pussy to me
Post bussy?
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* mogs you on 3 months E *
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whoa mamma
This is the hottest one
her 3 months mogs my 3 years should I kill myself
I still have 3 more to try on
Check the bars website or insta/facebook you will usually advertise it.

And you’re right. There was always people from the university there but it’s not the best.

Honestly this is why I use dating apps I’m bad in person myself.
how do i get my upper arm to look like hers? omfg i am so jealous i want to cry
You kinda are though
>Honestly this is why I use dating apps I’m bad in person myself.
you have to be in person eventually
You did one time and you were hot.
Starve yourself
My doctor said to stop and that i shouldnt lose more than 10 more lb..

when my metabolism and skin recovers im losing way more than 10 lb i cant stand this
Psyop yourself into becoming hsts
I don’t have a problem with that. It’s reading people’s intentions can be hard as I usually I usually take flirting as just being nice. It come from me thinking no one would want me. I do well on dates.
but i am already very straight?
Your doctor's right, but that is how you'd get an arm like that
do I detrans? my upper body is never gonna look nice, I think I missed my chance
i hope she kills herself or better yet gets bashed
Eat a lot of man ass
That's what she did
Hard to say because I don't know what you look like
Then you need to meet me in the woods at midnight and I'll give you the secret of having thin arms.
Will i get a kiss and cuddle too?
chasers/bi guys definitely find me attractive but I don't think straight guys would
i hate that my doctor said that i would still be a fat fucking whale if i even lost 10 more lb, i want to get to like 140 or 130
how tall
Yes and a big hug :))
Lol, so dumb.
mens biggest worry is hearing its cancer. women cry after the doctor calls them fat
5'8" :(

but she seems convinced im 5'10" even though im def not 5'10"
Just ignore your doctor and become a skinny legend
>and I'm sure they don't want to be visibly trans as well
extremely this
being visibly trans is literally death, its life ruining
idk. manmoding gives you an excuse, or at least works towards making some excuse for why you look so weird when you're visibly trans. "oh im just growing out my hair" or "oh i just have gyno" are all supported by manmoding/boymoding and it comes together pretty well when hiding in public
mogged forever across all of time, im gonna go die now
are you now pretending to be a boymoder
Oh sorry i forgot to put a period after "that"

She thinks im at a healthy weight and i feel like im still fatter than a tub of lard
>She thinks im at a healthy weight and i feel like im still fatter than a tub of lard
Post tummy/ass/legs so we can make a determination
You have BDD and are careening towards an active eating disorder that you have clearly had off and on for some time now.
It's okay to be 5'10 that's only slightly above average
but i ate a lot of food today..
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Also this one is kinda mid imo the fabric is really nice but idk
fuck you
I don't believe you.
frisson where are you i miss you my precious angel
"No guys I don't have an eating disorder! I ate 700 calories today, I'm fine!"
>i'm such a fatty i chewed gum four times and drank some air for dessert
I'm gonna go climb a tree. maybe look to the sky and see if I can see the new moon. I hope we don't die today
Reminding me to add up my lunch calories
Did you get these all at once, or is this all the dresses in your closet?
Had a cheat day... I don't know if I can forgive myself for the binge this time... after I let myself think about ice cream for 10 minutes. Wah
The world would never end on a Tuesday, anon, don't be silly.
Have fun with the moon though! Sounds fun.
frisson please forgive me for the things i did
This plus two small corn tortillas
i was really hungry, this is probably the most ive eaten before a dinner in a long time
>1400 calories
>a lot
oops wrong numbers, blueberries are not that caloric
oink oink piggie
They're throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks
its all sticking i feel really bad now
lol.this guy has trolled before
395cal for a chicken wrap with baby carrots and veggie straws
My ribs would be stabbing people in the eyes if I ate like this. I get you're dieting or whatever, but yeah 1.2k is like on the edge of the lowest. How do you eat that and still feel bad?
I'm only one of those, I'm the one calling out her mentality of saying 1400 is a lot. That mentality will give her an ED or get her sick.
because i havent eaten dinner yet also this is WAY more than i was eating like 3 months ago
i feel like i caught a stray here, i actually have only eaten 775 calories so far today at 7pm
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I just used a YouTube crow call video turned up on my phone and it made two come to my yard.
looks like they figured out it was a prank and left
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I got these all at once for $111 total(I checked da order)
That's a lot less than I thought
hey those look like these except without the red bottoms
nice! did u get them off shein or something?

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