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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>QOTT: What two women do you think should kiss each other instead of fight?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
previous thread: >>37290286
New thread, same old cis asian gf-less state of affairs.
you and I op
>What two women do you think should kiss each other instead of fight?
me and my gf :3
but we dont fight unless its a war to tickle each other
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where should I look for girls like this? the kind you wouldn't want to fix because she's already perfect.
um hi are you cis?
no I am a psychopathic twinkhon with internalized transphobia
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team rockets rocket
talkin trouble double trouble
big trouble gonna find you
sad cuz no friends
>talks about sticking their penises in girls 24/7
I'm so lonely
I haven't had human that wasn't just a handshake in so long (10+ years)
At this point I'm afraid that if someone hugged me I would cry all over them and shatter into a million pieces
yeah in a lesbian way idiot
vaping in a kente cloth
>At this point I'm afraid that if someone hugged me I would cry all over them and shatter into a million pieces
sounds fun
unless you're not attractive
why would an attractive person be lonely?
some people have mental issues
sounds rough
avoidant personality or whatever it is that's wrong with me and causes me to be here rather than be in bed with a woman
>lago leaves
>gen dies

i think i fucked up
>transitioned in a gay long term relationship
>my sexuality fucking flipped and now lowkey turned off by my bf
>weve been slowly resenting how far each of us is drifting from the other for a while now
>the passion is just gone and im starting to worry it wont come back
>for various reasons leaving him is out of the question
>i still genuinely love him to the point where i would die for him
>but i cant leave him without destroying the both of us and everything we built and meant to each other
how the fuck do i handle this? ive had this building sense of dread about my relationship for a year now and sometime last week the floor dropped out of it and im now wondering what the fuck to do
the soul of the gen is gone
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>lago leaves
>everything is chill
>simps still crying about pussy they were never going to get
hello lesbians
3 days until septum
im gonna look so fucking cool..
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should i sudoku for being a worthless bishit?
>filename: dailystormermeme
of course you think it’s all chill now racist hon
If you live in a city it should be trivially easy to get one.
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i actually got it from end chan in a thread about tomato adventure lol
also im racist
asexual life partners who have romantic sexual relationships with other people
this is about the only cope i can think of, but how will this hold up over time? i feel like i failed him, i promised him id always love him and i still kinda mean it, just not, in that way anymore
i think i might have a weed kink
how do normal relationships hold up over time? everything changes and life is weird
Lago was my favorite poster

I miss her :(
most people split in the end. i dont want to do that.
so don't, let it get weird instead of breaking everything because it doesn't fit a box
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how do i deal with the fact that cis women make me very sad to be around
doesnt that sound like a way of generating deeper misery
uhh why exactly? is it like an inadequacy thing? a relatability thing? or what?
when im around cis women and im not thinking about being a tranny they make me mad and when i am thinking about it being around them makes me mad and sad and scared..
even when they are the same height as me i am so much bigger than them
this goes for a lot of men too desu
Explain how
are dominant women really a myth
ngl i feel like if i was a cis asian woman i would be quite repelled by this
t. white mtf
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i want to stick my penis in my gf but she's too tight and i'm too soft
Repelled by what exactly? What makes a desire for an asian gf inherently repulsive? People here thirst for every other race and never catch any flak for it.
you have posted every single day for a forgotten period of time
avatarfagging with shitty ai slop
you're in your 30s with zero social life and every post you make is about your race fetish
fetish, not preference, because no one would go as far as you do without some weird fucking creepy preference
you're the tranny equivalent of an /r9k/ neckbeard that thinks anything osaka isnt pure enough genetically for you
no one dates you because you're a fucking creep
this is how you create lifelong regrets and unfathomably warped views on life in general. boomers hating their wives stereotypes come from this sort of scenario and it will only waste both of your lives. have the spine and empathy for your partner to break up on friendly terms.
please do not post rude and hateful comments like this
remember to vote early and vote often
what about quadroons
shes not gonna listen to you and just keep doing it
like, black gf anon got btfo immediately after getting called out my a black anon, meanwhile this retard keeps going
i was listening to the green parties runner and she was sounding really well informed and making great points as a moderate choice, but then she said nigger multiple times and kept harping about the need for free speech :/
I love day dreaming an angsty after-argument scenario to this song, cuddling eachother on the floor while sobbing. ueee.... (´ω`%)

the days of insane arguments and intense sobbing/cuddling on the floor are long behind me but man have I got some feels around that needless teen drama bullshit
unfortunately i am a bpdemon
on a related note how can i get my gf to dilate more
>open dating app
>select from one of hundreds of asians
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What dating app are you using that there are hundreds of asians?
Any of them? Another anon but my area is flooded with them, even excluding the bots
All of them. In an area with only 5% of them too.
i want a nigerian gf
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>open dating app
>swipe yes on hundreds of asians
>quick save twice to advance time 24 hours
>0 matches
the quicksave time skip causes your swipe queue to empty without generating responses, it's a known bug
Seems like a skill issue, have you tried being attractive?
You have to just leave. Everything you've built is already set to blow, your decision is to either do it when you can still maybe be friends with this person or to have it happen when you least want it
whenever i get into a relationship, i start to miss being single. i might be avpd or something
What’s the ducking point. Fall for someone they fucking know it. They promise to not hurt you, then they do and you pull yourself up and try to get closure and they do it again and again. Why must I fall for people with issues. Everyone I have ever fallen for I find out have issues later on. Why the hell am I this unlucky. This was the woman who made me realized I was trans ( I’m pretty sure just so she could date me) she may have ruined my life just for her own gain of a gf for 4 months. And worst of all she made me dislike men so I can’t even give up and go date a dude. I wish I could forgive her but I need the damn closure of saying good bye.
acorn stop watching my little pony
noob here
is acorn cute?
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i have never watched a single ep of that show in my life
u tell me
aww ty anon <3
>u tell me
you're beautiful
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ok i think i shall elect to end the day on a high note so nini lesgen ily and such
if youre into sissies sure
lying faggot
good night acorn
>if youre into sissies sure
doesn't bother me
based acceptor
where lago... :'(
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Bestie i hope you're doing well. Please stay strong. I believe in you and your potential.
Also again im sorry for being an asshole, iv matured a lot. I hope we can be friends again.
I still love you but im moving on. I think love always stays, the heart just grows bigger, you start loving more people. I dont think ill ever not love u.
Please be ok.
dead like mechanon
i love you too.. bestie..
Stay vigilant. Evil is lurking.
i cant break up because i do genuinely love him and because us being together is the only thing giving both of us any stability and safety in life. that said, were both quite flexible people by nature, so maybe with enough drugs, honesty, and threesomes, we can make stuff work. maybe.
thats not true though. if nothing else, we both care about each other more than our family ever did, and will set our needs aside for the other at the drop of a hat. that alone warrants us staying together.
God, Jesus, and Archangel Michael himself couldn't pry my tongue out of acorn's asshole
gentle romantic t4t lesbian piv lovemaking
why are people not adding me on frengen
What apps are you using specifically? Name them. Also it might be because you're looking at zoomer age ranges.
tfw no cis zoomer fuck meat for my millennial hon-dong
it's too early
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>wake up at 4pm
>rot in bed for a few hours
>barely eat anything
>play games all night
>no friends to play with
>go to sleep at 5am
it's so over...
racists hons like lago too though, what gives
I wouldn’t compare fetishization with truly liking someone
i want attention
i'll bet you do
im meowing in ur general direction :3
you are the best poster because you know what you want and you won't settle for less
your mother is a bunny and ur father smells very nice
woah thats real... .. how did u kno... .
its actually a miracle im in the position i am today to spend my time whining on 4chan about how iwnbaw and im too ugly to suck girlcock while vaping 24/7 considering my dna shows i'm pretty much almost entirely descended from the wretched of the earth on both sides. i'm pretty sure i'm the most well off person in my direct lineage. really puts things into perspective. i'm still gonna whine about not having friends tho.
Science says that you are the descendent of stupid african and asiatic hordes. For science to continue to progress it is necessary to convince you to not have children, to not breed, and to not spread your defective genes. Best case scenario is that the weed keeps you relatively docile and impotent until your death at which point the scientific community will sigh a breath of relief because another harmful bloodline came to an end. Really puts things in perspective.
this only makes me feel more proud of my commoner heritage since i come from the oppressed rather than the oppressors.
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detransition, repress your autoeroticsapphic desires, get a loving gf and have kids as jesus intended
dawkins is the least transphobic repper
knock her up tranny style
yuwcky! less of that pls
im gonna impregnate a cis asian zoomer with my big fat millennial HON-DONG
Thanks, I needed a pick me up
I can't study for shit and should kms
i have successfully broke in my all black 1460's
im so cool and fashionable and awesome
Week 2 of manual foreskin stretching, I think I’m starting to get smegma
the absolute state of lesgen
lago died for this
lago pls save us ;__;
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my girlfriend rarely reaches out to me first, only tells me im pretty when i tell her she looks good first and never touches me first. we dont' spend a lot of time together either. i know she's busy and i'm pretty sure she's scared to make her desires known n shit or whatever or doesn't know how to touch someone i know she finds me attractive and that she loves me. i hope she does at least. im her first partner and maybe im just the only person to be nice to her so she thinks she has to lvoe me and want me. this relationship is mostly leaving me feelign sad and unwanted. idk what to do
also yes we have talked but it never amounted to much of anything
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i get 2nd hand embarrassment from seeing acorn’s ridiculously agp lewds
and i get a first hand boner
where are they
hand boner ? don't mind if i do
anon i might bully her but i wouldn’t expose her like this
even if i know she’d get off to that (ew)
ari melber is so fucking funny. when the kendrick drake stuff happened he talked about it in depth with the headline "MILLIONS OF AMERICANS RIVETED BY NEW POETRY BATTLE"
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entering the fasting to meet gay male beauty standards phase of loneliness
wow they already sold my dna to spotify i just got a notification for a wizkid song who i've never listened to in my life
a very smug looking girl on the subway explained why the train stopped to me after I asked her to translate it from french for me and that shit was so hot for no reason at all
i know lago is gone but where is everyone else
i have a cute girl to fawn over me why even post anymore
I kinda hate this site all together + work
there's only so many ways i can whine about having no friends before i start repeating myself. i'm learning igbo rn.
they were all lago
I got what I wanted so I stopped posting
i completely blanked out one time while smoking and ?? for some reason thought i should swallow it instead of exhaling...
ugh.. nobody added me on frengen.. im so depressed.. the next person who texts me I'll buy them a pizza.. I just wanna talk to someone..
so true queen
you ate smoke so good
omg hi maka..

heheh. they'ye clove infused so, i mean, it least it didn't taste that bad...!
>trans girlfriend wanted to be poly
>too weak willed to fight it so just give in
>she continuously cucks me and I stayed loyal because I just can't see more than one person at once
>eventually all love towards her goes away just see her as a friend I sleep with sometimes
>tell her I'm going to start seeing people too
>she's fine with it
>get on tinder don't mention I'm dating anyone in my bio
>start going on dates with this cis lesbian
>she treats me amazing and only wants me
>break up with my gf and block her on everything
>officially start dating cis girl a week later

was this evil or justified?

t. ransbian
if you're not getting the love you need from a relationship why would it be evil to end it
never talk while eating takis. big mistake, all the taki dust went down my throat and now im suffering
so true queen
you ate taki dust so good
she said she loved me and I just sent her a text saying "it's over I found someone better" and blocked her on everything because I was angry at her for cucking me so much. I don't love her anymore but it hurt my pride
stop talking to me like a black woman i know ur not black
hello im a sad no gf boymoder.... hi....
dam sptupid reatrd fuck fuck i misstagged >>37324707 its all bcuz im coughignb so much it distracted me fuckig idiot fdummas fuck
weird behavior
4/10. too many overdone tropes (transbians, poly, cis women equals better), but I liked how fast and well resolved it was
don't bother
but anon it's real
u dont meet their standards dont bother they are schizo
how do you choke on taki dust for 10 minutes
its okk im better now :)
so true queen
you stopped choking so good
lago actually left? wtf, general ruined. goodbye.
do you people actually say "im a lesbian" when someone ask or do you just smile and and say something else?
i lie and act like ive dated both men and women then though i only like women
I hate when people say "smile!!!!" with a big shit eating grin. Fuck you don't tell me what to do fucker I'm not even in a bad mood I just don't feel like looking like an emote all fuckin day long I'm just neutral
lago posting as anon pretending to be someone lamenting her *leaving* as a way to garner some type of longing towards her presence is some really high concept stuff
damn. probably:((((
nothing against u that person is just a weirdo
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I took her and I'm going to see her in Chicago I'll send u a pic of better yet u can come with us to portillos
>I hate when people say "smile!!!!" with a big shit eating grin.
I add their name to my notebook after that.
i was at work sorry hi :3
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Helo /lesgen/
tis my first time here.
I got stood up for a date yesterday.
But hows my outfit? I just got this jacket c:
Would it have impressed her?

Also what else might go with it? Im thinking one of those knitted sweater dress thingies
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wow, she is LITERALLY me
i find that incredibly unlikely but youre welcome to get spit roasted by some real american beef dogs on your way to not see them if you feel inclined
its on the way and all
Sweater dress would work but don't wear black with that jacket wear something beige/taupe/brown/cream or whatever else something earthy. The jacket is so huge and eye catching the rest of the outfit should compliment it. Imagine the color palette of a painting of fall scenery.
Portillos is so tasty chicago dogs absolutely rule. I'll never understand the green food coloring relish though.
good enough to rape you in
dont take any advice from people here about dressing please im begging
I wouldn't take advice from a rapist moid tourist
this but i don't play any games either
im not a moid unless every other chemically neutered person here is and ive been on this board since it started and in this thread on and off for years
these sissies cant dress for shit though no matter who i am
need a non video game playing gf to watch paint dry with or whatever you people do
why are you threatening to rape random women you don't know? weirdo nigga
because theyre rapeable and i was blessed with a big hard gock for raping
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Ohh okiee.
Would something like this look good with it?

I would like to apologize for saying that. I was drunk and I shouldn’t vent to you all
God don't buy clothes from amazon it's not worth it, all that stuff is just the same dropshipped chinese junk but is 5x the price of temu. Better off thrifting or using depop to find something. Think wool, cotton etc. I would rather have 1 singular thrifted wool sweater than a closet full of chinese garbage.

And no that style of top would not work and it probably wouldn't be flattering for your body type unless you had tiny shoulders and big bazoongas. Don't overthink it just find a big comfy sweater and pair it with high waist cappuccino colored slacks. That jacket is kinda wack im not gonna lie, but you could become turtle neck long jacket fall girl if you so desire... .
To be honest my torso is quite nice with tight clothes, I like my shoulders and tummy alot. I just don't have too much to show for hips yet.
Also you're right on the smal boob, but it can still look good without that i think maybe, since I've owned similar tops before.

I'll try to find something in a thrift store, and try it on there to see how it looks. I think tis the season for thrift store to have stuff like that.
Second the thrifting and depop. If you have a trusted cis confidant (and you know your sizes roughly), you could give them the money to go to the mall, have them send pics, and just have them return what doesn't fit.
a lesgen without lagoloaf is like angel without wings
Get yourself measured from every angle and try depop. Thrifting irl for something actually quality is so time consuming and difficult. People are all too aware of what is worth reselling and will grab it up. I used to resell clothes and would just run my fingers along the racks at goodwill until I felt fabric that wasn't garbage. I will say tho if you feel you're still in the experimentation stage of your fashion sense, it is OKAY to just buy whatever and try it. I cringe so hard thinking about the corny stuff I used to wear, but because of it I was able to develop my style over time and feel cool. You gotta crawl first before you can walk etc etc

Ive been doing a ton of that fashion and style hunting already. I finally feel like im starting to settle into a niche that matches my age and personality. Like a bit of a level of professionalism.

I did like sorority girl, and punk, and weird other shit....
Im used to thrifting, Ive got dozens of thifting hours under my belt. I'm past my buying-a-ton-of-shit phase. I want style perspectives from others so that I can minimize the number of items i need to purchase.
Yall have given great advice, i just think im sorta past that step in the process.

This jacket is a great base for a ton of outfits, and its starting to become the season, so I think it would be best to use it for determining my purchases, at least for the present.
I think I'd like to buy just a handful of items to make it work better. Maybe a new hat and/or hair accessory, I already have 2 nice scarves. Maybe 2 tops (1 sweater and 1 buttonup) and 1-2 dresses to go with it.

In regards to all those things idk the finer details, like what dress, or hairstyle, or what kind of buttonup... etc
This is gonna sound weird but fundamentally i think i want a gf who loves me less than i love her. That seems to be my most comfy type situation.
why would you possibly want that
You sound kinda cute, where ya from. Please dont be american
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>why would you possibly want that

Iv been in a relationship where more love was coming my way then i ever deserved, or was even used to. It feels like balancing on a tightrope, any moment you'll fall.

But if im already on the ground none of the pressure is on me. I can love whilst feeling safe.
I hope that makes sense now.

Id also like a gf like who likes being silly
she's taken
Dang lmao
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I dont understand why do some tech stores not sell steam cards.. is it because they realize they cant make as much money of pc players, so isntead they push their bogus dumb Playstation network cards. Seriously imagine paying for a network that can ban you if u use foul language i hate what online gaming has become. Back in my day, we'd cus at each other during games and it was the most fun part of the game sometimes...

Fuck.. i hate regulations
I don't get how people don't understand cis asian gf. It's three things, not that complicated.
i accidentally blocked a side street for 30 seconds and i feel absolutely terrible about it
cis east asian gf (japanese or korean only(with a pale complexion(8/10 or above in looks(okay with my ai image collection of vaguely asian women))))
cis african gf (nigerian or angolan only)
well did you actually impede anyone/anything? if so then no harm no foul right? and you're less likely to do it again in any case
i impeded 2 ppl leaving for 30 seconds
*if not
jfc i'm retarded
I'd play videogames if I were less depressed THOUGH
some fucking guy blocked the damn street as I was leaving jeez what a dick
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Tfw no gamer gf who is callous and only slightly cares about me and punches me if i dont buy her lunch aha....
>using depop to find something.
Like... murder?
Isnt thrifting a meme now since everyone does it the prices are jacked up for hipsters.

Meanwhile i can go into h and m and browse the section that is 50% of and get full cotton clothes that r actually pretty comfy.

I got two cardigens for less than 40 euros
I bought a cast iron pan from a thrift shop once. Found it on the bottom shelf. It was the only piece of cast iron cookware in the store. That was the first and last time I have gone to a thrift shop. It's a dope pan, btw.

I usually buy my clothes from the cheapest T-Shirt rack at Wal-Mart.
so in toronto thrifting is absolutely not a meme, the issue is that in the downtown core you don't really have many thrift shops whatsoever, you just have "vintage shops" and "thrift boutiques"
both of which scalp shops and vendors for ACTUAL thrift prices for their good stuff and then resell it in their own shop at a 100-300% price increase for a healthy margin
and because rich, uncaring hipster types dont actually care about the ethics of purchasing from these places, they end up making a killing selling at prices that the original piece 20 years ago didnt even retail for
however, there are a handful of thrift stores that are pretty good and even vintage shops that end up selling really high quality material stuff at kinda retail prices
its kind of grail hunting though depending on the place
if anything i think thrifting isnt so much a meme but instead you kinda have to embed yourself in the local ecosystem if you like vintage pieces and thrift prices to find out which stores actually have good shit and which dont
there's like, 2 places downtown that are pretty good, but the real play is to go into affluent areas outside of the downtown core and go to their local thrift places, since they're more likely to carry better quality pieces in mass and if you like a more alternative look those pieces dont tend to get scalped as frequently since it doesnt appeal to the widest customer base
>at kinda retail prices
meant to say thrift prices
definitely cheaper than retail for what they're made of and the brands
Thanks for the advice. I will try this actually. Now i just have to find out which are the affluent areas in my city...
look up rentals and find the most expensive area with new developments and then try to match thrift stores to them
that's how i do it
Can you post the store names here?
i am a dick
when i get home im gonna vape away my guilt and shame
and yes this is literally how i feel i'm not exaggerating or joking i've made a complete ass of myself
for toronto core i'd say like
wildlife thrift is pretty good, its like 15 minutes from union
value village on danforth and woodbine is okay but you're gonna have to sift through a value village
and this one is a bit like, more miss than hit a lot of time, but blackmarket underground and upstairs can have cool shit since the customer base is pretty reflective of the stuff, so on OCCASION you can find some cool shit
i miss their goth/rave rack tho
that's really about it for like, proper thrift prices (ie you can get actual vintage/good quality stuff for 15 and under) in like, south toronto
everything else you kinda want to go to like, oakville value village around sheridan, scarborough has random thrift stores that can be p okay, etc.
she's just like those failgirl memes
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God damn it why couldn't I be cis? CLG is appreciating asian women while I'm stuck here listening to hons bitch about how having any preferences for anything is racist and transphobic.
i wish i smelled like lilac and gooseberries
>implying /clg/ isn't full of trannys
you gotta be stupid if you think clg isnt just all trannies too
Trans "lesbians" lmao!
lago come back :(
as much as i may like and miss lago, its probably for the best she doesnt come back. she has like 1-2 people in this thread who constantly harrass her and a bunch of clg, lolcow and r/lesbiangang lurkers who pop up from time to time to shit on her, not to mention that one poster who got seriously offended over her not liking hons. if she wanted to come back she should either get a new trip or post on anon for her own good
>calling asian women yellow waifus
somehow worse than you
>clg is were trannies pretend to be lesbians and lesgen is were lesbians pretend to be trannies
is this true?
You nailed it
Worrying about lagoon is so funny because she added virtually nothing to this gen other than being the token cis woman you hons desperate needed for validation
she posted cute yuri, hot women, bunes and cates and that was good enough for me
would be called spam if it were anyone else but ok
Meow meow meowmeowmeow meooow meow meow nyaaa grrrrr meow meow!

Im a 25yo office hag btw
you instantly proved anon's point but that's probably lost on you
those things are never spam. please, since lago is gone go ahead and post the same type of slop she posted. please post hot women and bunnies i encourage it
all I'm saying is that i couldnt care less for lago and this whole "widow who lost her husband to the war" is fucking lame and only reminds me how no one here has anything interesting to say other than jerk off a trip for being cis
Anyone have a link to the discord server?
she added a lot
she added a discord server to the thread op, became over half of the posts at any given moment, and constantly talked about how bad everyone here is and how she hates it while engaging with bait every 10 minutes
now we have to deal with heinous posters anonymously talking about clothing, their dating life, etc.
the humanity
Meow meow?
Good Kitty. I was saying your very hot
N-nyaa.... grrrr
Discord server invites are off for a while as new owners prepare for it to re-open.
If you want to bite me you can
sorry lago clique only
is lesbian/LGBT speed dating worth it? Its like $30 a ticket for one night.
I'm a mostly passing trans girl, but I'm in the bay area. Dunno if the lesbian night will be mean to me.
*gently nibbles on your arm* nyaaaaa. .
please don't
You can bite as hard as you want
Nya?! Nya nya.... i dont wanna ><>_>
Okay. Anything else you wanna do?
Nya.. uhm... cuddle...
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Those upper lip hairs are so hot

Am I weird for being attracted to girls with them?
go back to pooner gen, gayden
>Am I weird for being attracted to girls with them?
Yes and they're the most disgusting thing ever.
I need a gf who just straight up rapes me.
trans women with mustaches and beards are valid!
I'm not talking about male facial hair, of course, I'm talking about those little hairs in the uppers lips
I once had a fwb with PCOS and I really like how it felt when we kissed
yucky :c
they’re the same thing
Yes please cuddles sound so nice
quality discussion going on here about kissing bearded gaydens, babytranny fashion advice, and bishits dating moids
Is this clg?
no this is Patrick
NYAAAAAAAY *nuzzles into ur lap* *prrrrrrrrrrr*
i kinda get what ur saying tbhh
no this is worse
Want me to play with your hair?
Sure.... nya..
Your asorable
Grarrrrrrrrrrrr Agrrrr
can you both take the cringe erp to discord thanks
*cums on you*
Good Kitty
HAH get tricked. Im not actually a kitty. Im a HUMAN that was mimicking a cat that itself has evolved to mimic baby sounds in order to elicite the cute response of brain chemicals in your mind

Awesome. Much better cuddles
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need girl that fat shames me
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I regret going down the path im going, yet i know there is no going back.
If i could, id marry you. But we both know it wouldn't last. We were fundamentally incompatible from the start. Love isnt enough to make the impossible possible. I think it was fate, that we met. The pain i carry with me. You haunt me in my fantasies, no one is quite as desirable as you. I love you. I hope you spread your wings.
Are you okay?
Compared to months ago? Yea. In the grand scheme of things? Hard to say. Im in the sorta mood where i have to walk through a forest in broad day contemplating the pain and really ruminating on exactly how bad it feels, its a strange form of masochism, when thinking of my past mistakes and really grasping how sad i am.
The other day i saw something that reminded me of her and i froze and had to reboot my mind. Im doing better. A distant yearning, a wound that aches, a scar that burns. The warmth of her embrace long faded away, all thats left is the frigid wind of reality surrounding my decaying skin. I feel alive, surrounded by death, this is life, an insignificant speck within an infinity of void.

When i see couples i think of the flesh, the phermones, how they intermix in a weird gangly digusting beastial dance as their sweaty skin rubs together. Do i feel revulsion or pity or envy, i dont know.

Im doing okay.
Seeing something that reminds you of her sucks. Try and associate if it’s and object or a word to something else. It can help or it doesn’t.

In my case for stuff like that
She gave me a nickname based off a game she introduced me to. And now I can never play it without thinking off her. I haven’t even tried. I got to the steam page to launch it and broke down into tears
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Sorry to hear that lass... it gets better tho..
It might not she completely redirected my life for herself I think. Worst of all she refined my mental image of her down to the slightest detail. Whenever I sleep there she is, comforts me and make sure I’m okay. And she ghosted me as the final touch. Had a mental breakdown and ghosted and unfriended everyone. I thought she was gonna kill herself. I’m trying to get back in contact with her to say an official goodbye. Because that was the promise I had to make with her that I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.
i love being called mommy
Hotttt. I bet so many here would call you that if you asked
enjoy winning for the rest of your life >:(
i will thanks
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>still no cis nigerian gf
i'm a good person what did i do to deserve this
post tummy
wydag who forfeit the game before somebody else takes her out of the frame and puts her name to shame
this but real and i love women of color
gf ignoring me and all my friends are playing the new patch for a game we all play and my right wrist is super fucked so i can't play it w em and im rly lonely and sad and no one will spend time w me everyone is ignoring my texts n dms
hello ldr cuckquean
tfw no gf to force to read homestuck at gunpoint
:( we live 45 minutes away from each other and she's moving in w me on the 27th. we see each other at least once a week
arent you suppose to be playing strive with me today
my headphones broke so I can't play my favorite game even tho the weekly challenges just updated :< sucks.. .
no i didnt make that post lol ive only posted twice earlier today
oh sorry I thought you were someone else..
I hate trannies
pluck out your eyes
are alt women fated to forever date golden retriever boys, and if so, am i fated to forever stand here by myself
I love trannies
no im the strive person im just saying that i didnt make that no gf post theres more homestuck ppl here than me lol also i have a gf who would read homestuck if i asked her to no need for gunpoints
Gf is forcefemming me. I want to keep a cool dyke haircut and boy clothes, but she is making me grow my hair long and wear girly clothes. She said it's not cool for a 33 year old woman to look like a teenager and that im lame.
New thread >>37334448

New thread >>37334448

New thread >>37334448
we broke up cuz im too needy n she's too avoidant. it's whatever we were moving in only cuz of financial necessity and it's a 2bed but :((((((
tfw i'm avoidant

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