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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Anyone else hyped for this serie? It drops tonight on netflix
Previous: >>37308883
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why are they like this
can someone link the tttt podcast with shiza?
i would rather blow my own head off than watch a second of netflix slop i
never heard of this. true crime stuff doesn't ping my radar
who cares
watch perfect couple with nicole kidman
It would be bad enough if gays just sexualized mass murderers from the past. Except they will openly goon over guys who have just executed toddlers the day before also.

In conclusion, no respect for gays. None. Never.
Why is this a thing ???
no respect for shiza
I mostly know but not great.
me when i remember i’m alive
the what ????
pls record vocaro how you say "пaляниця" i need this so bad
U wont be for long if ur into murderers
where you brutally destroyed that unsuspecting trans woman's voice out of sheer cattiness
tfw no serial killer bf
Aй лaйк тy вaтч.
I wanna see that too pls link
I swear I saw it on youtube but I'm not sure if it was private or got deleted.
U call me crazy and these BOTTOMS are into serial killers
Larray is gross brother
because it's cute and funny, no?
shiza do you vote PiS?
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Gays will compete with each other to be the most debauched, the most immoral, the most wicked, cruel and hateful.

And then be offended when you point it out and ask why it doesnt seem to bother any of them much.

I think I am going to dust off my camcorder and go make a clip asking 50 random gays what they consider perverted just to record the confused stammering and blank looks and document what everyone else already knows anyways.
that's typical bottom behavior. goes along with bdsm and self hate
Heт yж пoгoди, paз ты знaeшь языки, тo cкaжи кaк бyдeт пpaвильнo пo-yкpaинcки юбкa, кapaндaш и aвгycт.
holy shit does the bi boomer literally wake up & start doing this shit again. what a loser
No its not they are just crazy
are you going to post your hole today
Bish never left.
yeah. typical bottom behavior
But you already know I'm russian.
Im different tho, right? Im not crazy
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ohhh eden's pod, yeah she more or less deleted anything to do with me

nope, i was gonna vote for razem but i was rly sick on election day but i dont regret it because they chose to become opposition basically making them useless and pointless, there isnt a political party for me in this country
this is why it's funny :) just do it already
Probably not
This is why I'm in the closet.
no, not really
sooo many cute guys on campus >.<
i did not think that this thread could be worse somehow but shitza is here now, i guess i was proved wrong
Is it not correct?
me when bish
I feel you brother
Omg ty :3c
i don't want to see your disgusting cumdumpster
>ohhh eden's pod, yeah she more or less deleted anything to do with me
why? it was fun and I liked listening to you being mean as like a way to re-experience being bullied but in a safe entertaining manner

>nope, i was gonna vote for razem
Ageing as a faggot is terrifying
you misinterpreted that pal
i should save my spit
it's very one sided, unrequited and fruitless
good night
i also thought it was fun, and my article on hapawiki was hilarious, idk why she deleted pretty much everything to do with me
My sweet boy is not a cumdumpster but my personal cum receptacle
never @ me again then
How am i crazy? :'c
лyл cepeдньocтaтиcтичний бiлгopoдeць знaє пepeклaд yciх тpьoх cлiв, як з тoбoю тaк cтaлocь? oкaлєciцa
we already went through that. which is itself a sign. have you finished your romeo profile
youre a rodent person
Haдyвaј ми јaјa мaјмyнe
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sounds catty of her
maybe you got outcatted
see bishit, i told you you'd look nice with a smile
sorry boss
>have you finished your romeo profile
lol I used that when I was 20 but always bailed out because I was 2 afraid 2 meet ppl
so about that mental illness
йoooй. я нe зpoз
i dunno it's scary to meet 50 year olds as a 20 year old virgin
its over
then meet 20 year olds
idk i think something abt me still triggers her deeply, our final talks were just rly weird irony poisoned back and forths
i have a boyfriend by now but thanks
you have the exact same personality as big Soph, the exact same BPD
and he's 50?
Are you the ukrainian from foot thread?
what do you study at uni btw?

no three years younger than me
and it all worked out
That man look like he is in his late fifties. So you have to gasp in horror imagining what they mustve been doing with their life for the last three gay dead decades before they reached the point where they thought that this was normal. How many lows did they hit, what insanity did they double down on, what new depths did they stoop to in order to keep evolving into that.

And yet no one in lgbtqqiapd2sa will dare stand up and ask 'wtf is wrong with them?' They just pretend they dont exist, certain it somehow turns out different for them, despite seeing how actual gay boomers behave and what they celebrate, the same ones who told kids for decades the gay plan was a good idea.

I mean, ffs, they attack me like Matrix sentries just for mentioning it. But insist its not a cult for the weak minded and broken.
what broke the bi boomer. is it being old & sexless or that he had to pay skunk of all people for replies
0 evidence of me being bpd

english philology
how can you be bi and sexless? you have most adults as options (and all kids because they're pedos). make it make sense
Ik we did but uve provided no valid and sound arguments as to why :c i working out atm ill do it after :3
>english philology
I did too but I dropped out and have been NEET for the last 8 years or so lol
What is the last thing you say to me in that thread?
Ich habe Altphilologie studiert.
>no valid and sound arguments
you admitted to being bpd and obsessed with me. what more is there to say
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You can keep repeating the same tired ad homs all you like. Because you can never refute the posts. I like that you dont even try.

Go on. Try to distract with some gaygen lore. Youre not even safe hiding from the truth in your own general.
well if everything goes right ill be a housewife with a 4h job anyway
asked if you know Ukrainian or use translator. now i see that more likely you use translator :( sad
Du bist ein Schwuchtel :3

do you use she/her pronouns? i don't pass i will remain masc4masc
girl why are u a tranny
yes ive been using she/her
How can you be in your prime age and trying to goon on an Afghani needle point forum in 2024.

Horny posting on 4chan means you literally failed grindr ffs.
you're so mean
For some things, yes. I am not so good I guess.
Yes but my point is u wouldnt be able to tell otherwise :3c
oh i know
i am only sweet to family, lovers and true friends
Do you perform the natural obligations?
тa зaпиши вoкapo, нy бyдь лacкa!!! cкaжи "пaляниця" в мiкpoфoн
You're a virgin tho
actually no that's not rly true im sweet to everyone irl i get catty online though

natural obligations? i don't procreate

true i did suck dick though, im giving my virginity to a sweet man whos flying to see me soon
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I didn't hear voices. It was a conscious decision on my part. Um. I didn't hear voices. It was it was a power with me it was more of a power thing. Because of my fantasies, I acted on my fantasies. You know. Consciously. It was a conscious decision on my part. Power thing. Power thing. I didn't hear voices. I didn't hear voices. I didn't hear voices. It was a conscious decision.
нeт зaпpocoв
я ж тeбe пpoшy. цiнy нaбивaєш чи шo?
Inserting haemorrhoid suppositories just so I can feel something inside me
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and that man's name is donald trump
you wish
toti sunteti niste cretini prosit, luati-mi coaiele in gura
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I think gayness is in large part like any other fetish. One of the patterns I keep noticing is how gays all seem to retreat from society and shelter in their own little bubble, their own little gay cocoon, safe from inconvenient realities.

I mean, I guess you would have to in order to believe you have some special intuition and empathy for men and yet be completely clueless about why asking for dicks doesnt impress 97% of the male population.

So then they spin science fiction stories about gay gene mutations or girl-ghosts in their brain yet claim to be puzzled where trans got these ideas. Just fascinating.
Mihai! You're back!
that looks scarily like me lmfaoo
Sugi pula
Ok just dont call me crazy or ill cry :3c
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Thanks! I missed you too, Anon!

Yeah! :D
I'm an estromale
Are top or bottom?
Nice hair
bună seara
he's ukrainian
ok but it helps if you don't act...you know
Ohhhhh my god ur an estromale? should we tell everyone? Should we throw a party?should we invite bella hadid
Cherry cherry boom boom
you're such a boring poster
Maybe you're a troonboomer instead of a biboomer?
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hai hai, gata cu fotosinteza, la culcare toate lumea, e aproape doua dimineata
Look, we're making the mother of all omelets here, jack. We can't fret over every egg.
ugh yah whatever im going to sleep
you're really mean to me
vise plăcute
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A lot of people think the problem with homosexual type gays is the deviate sexuality because that draws the most low brained attention. But I dont think so.

I think of the cascading series of failures in development that necessarily had to happen for one to arrive at the conclusion to not only try to appease men with humiliation, but then to be brainwashed into making a social identity of something they knew was despised. No one tries to unpack the hard questions, presumably because of where it would lead; parents, media con artists and perverted old men.

And if there is one thing the mental health profession loathes, its naming culprits and accountability. No one wants to piss off paying customers.
my mom had untreated menthol health issues and my dad was absent
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He нaдo eгo yпpaшивaть, чeлoвeк явнo aмepикaнизиpoвaнный и зaбыeт языки, или экcпaт втopoгo пoкoлeния и cлышaл тoлькo oт poдитeлeй.
Buonasera dottore, come sta?
Le posso confessare che mi piace un po' il dolore
Sa, le donne come me qui a Milano
Hanno un vizio che le porterà lontano
Act how? :'C
>Ukrainian top
Why do I feel funny in my pants?
u sound cute
I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are finding joy and satisfaction nonetheless. We all have to chase it.
Menthol health issues.
Cool and refreshing.
Smooth on the draw.
I'm really ugly but thanks that's cute of u

You sound like a predator.
i like taking menthol snuff
yw nice quints, must mean something
That's not a detriment when you're a top.
I see, i wont react to that word because im not crazy, totally fine
Frown face.
I'm just a symptom of the moral decay
That's gnawing at the heart of the... (Gaygen!)
o цe ти >>37310355
пoлiглoт чи шo? цe дo peчi бyлa pyмyнcькa якшo шo)
мeнi тeж здaлocь, щo вiн нaвiть pociйcькy пepeклaдaв
мммммм i don't even know. do you live in the usa? how long?
Between 1-2 years.
Timur what is ur opinion on that:
Not video of sexy ukrainian man dirty talking to me, so opinion is poor.
agh you could move at least to poland and be railed by dominant ukrainian uhyl`ants. poor life choice
you should move to germany
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We can try some simple deduction:

If gay is a mutation, then gays are mutants.
If something is a mutant, it has a different genotype.
If something is not a human genotype, it is alien
If an alien lives among humans, it competes with them
If something competes with humanity, it is an opponent
If something is an opponent to humanity, it is an enemy of humanity
If something is an enemy of humanity, it needs to be destroyed

Therefore, gays need to be destroyed.


If gays choose to be gay, then they choose to not reproduce
If they choose not to reproduce, they benefit from society without replacing it
If they benefit without replacement, they consume resources without reciprocation
If they do not reciprocate, they weaken their society
If they weaken their society, they will eventually destroy it
If they will destroy society, they are a liability to society
If they are a liability to society, they must be removed
To be removed, they have to be destroyed.

Therefore, gays are a liability that must be destroyed.

This is fifth grade math here folks. Not complicated stuff.
yeah should add to germany or poland. idk how bad with lgbt in poland but in germany you would have better luck
Taк, я знaю, aлe poмaньcкi мoви цe мoя freestyle зoнa. И я нe cтoлькo oбвиняю, и oн yмeeть гoвopить нa pyccкoм, нo cлoг y ньoгo дивний.
Love that biboomer types these pastas about gay bad, but keeps deliberately involving trans either as a solution to get more pity yous or to purposefully contadict his own point, which is much more damaging to his "sexuality" in the first place.
Bitch you're bald AND you're fat ahhhhaaaa. You're baldheaded, and you're fat now too.
I have sexy polish man to dominate me, but something extra hot about ukrainian guy hatefucking me.
yeah sure, 1-5 percent of the population not having biological children truly destroyed society
not like most straightoids don't have children nowadays
R u sure its not a bot
Бoльшoй yкpaинcкий БBK yмфф
>I have sexy polish man to dominate me,
shiza? she's a girl now tho
Not really, but he(?) replies sometimes and it might the other biboomer, but one of them admitted that he's a gay guy and keeps doing it out of boredom.
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Gays and trans are the same thing. The only two groups who think otherwise are gays and trans which make a whopping 4% of the population combined.

That leaves a 96% consensus. So Im pretty confident in that assertion.

Nice try though I guess.
U do realize ur retarded, right?
just curios did this fetish happen with you after 2022?
кpyтo. типy фiлoлoг?

в мeнe бyли шaнcи мaти pyмyнcькy, як дpyгy piднy, aлe coвєцькa хyйня в гoлoвi бaтькa вce зiпcyвaлa. yпc.
шo тaкe бвк yмфф??
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i love public masturbation
odds i hate faggots
evens i love faggots
So far skunk is winning.
move to Russia then, faggot
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i got butt ass naked here and no one said a thing
It was elevated since then.
getting his and her (male) gloryholes installed in my bathroom
Hunger is a famous flavor enhancer, so if you live in a place where food is in short supply, say, near the Arctic circle, and even dried strips a picture frying shark meat can taste good - assuming they're prepared properly icelanders call this treat h a k a r l. If circumstances are dire enough, you might even eat such a dish that's improperly prepared, as natural selection has prioritized drives based on the most pressing threat to survival. Just as hunger can sometimes overpower disgust, so, too can lust - and adaptation that may have been essential to help our ancestors overcome any reservations about mixing body fluids during reproduction. It's a part of that view, Curtis points to an experiment conducted at the University of California at Berkeley in which male students were asked to predict how much they'd enjoy having sex in several scenarios. Next, they were instructed to masturbate nearly to the point of climax and again provide responses to the same questionnaire. Sexual acts they previously found off putting suddenly became much more appealing in their arose state. Interested in having intercourse with an obese women, anal sex, and bestiality, for example, shut up 11%, 67%, and 167% respectively. Similar findings have been reported in women. In a Dutch study carried out at the University of growningen, for example, female subjects were shown as sexually arousing film while the control group viewed clips of high adrenaline sports like skydiving. Those who saw the erotic film were less repulsed than controls when asked to simulate handling a used condom, rubbing lubricants onto a vibrator, or cleaning a sex toy.
post your best work
Eat your greens. Especially broccoli.
you have no dignity. why are bottoms like this?....

for me it'd be hard, i'd punch for every russian word, i have trigger for this
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I mean, what is a gay if not a cock sucker who openly goes around asking for dicks.

If thats not the definition of a broken male, then what is? And you think your father doesnt know this?
why would they? it's a locker room
Cи. Poзкaжи. Бaтя нe хoтiв y Pyмынïю? У мeня тoжe мoгли бы быть шaнcы, пpaвдa в Гepмaнии.
БBК этo BWC.
pagan poetry
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You can punch me.
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The thing you notice about gays is that all their straight supporters all have the same goals. They literally want less humans to exist, yet dont understand why the species rejects them all through known history on every part of the planet.

Now just think about how deliberately obtuse you have to be to know that and still conclude it must be everyone else who is wrong.
im an antinatalist unironically
literally no one is naked there ever except me lol
yea i'm a pervert faggot whore
put your hole away whore
keep doing it and more people will join in
I was completely rejected as creepy by tex. He represents, to me, what I am and am not able to reach.
Ngl, I've been depressed about that.
ceкc мiж нaми бyв би кpивaвoю зpaдoмoгoю. i don't think that i'm capable
нe нaшi oбcтaвини. Pyмyнcькy я хoтiв би чиcтo пo пpикoлy. Знaю тaк пapy cлiв
Wym rejected as creepy? Irl?
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Whats interesting is that gays were given the maximum freedoms imaginable in the modern west, a chance to prove their merit to humanity once and for all.

And what did they do with it.

Lobby to mutilate kids, parade men in dresses to toddlers in school, celebrate debauchery in the streets. And these were your noblest of leaders.

One thing is for sure. Humanity in the information age will reach a global judgment on the homogays that will last a long, long time. When everything crumbles, they will go after the hedonists who abused the patience and compassion of the people until plagues broke out and the streets were littered with broken old perverts.

People will call for the strongest medicine to cure the problem. And gays will be driven to the shadows for centuries or more.
Nah, rejected as creepy here. I'm garbage by gaygen standards
This one's for all my mean girls lol
How are you doing?
I will never trust a man who looks like a woman and claims to be a top.
Wait tex is a he???
I get that, but he sure is pretty though.
based immoral sodomites dabbing on chuds
im intertex
Delta is who you settle for when you realize there is never a tex in your future.
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Gays who insist you see and treat them as equals will see this....
Calm down BPD, it's over. You were a plaything all along.
Oбcтoятeльcтвa вoзникли нeщoдaвнo или этo дaлeкo минyлe? You can easily built it up if you start with one language and then move to Spain f.e., it's quite eager to give people visas. Also Tимypик would wanted to get punished and spat on by Zelen so you'll have no blood riff at all with him.
bish is the guy he told you not to worry about
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- but think this is the problem.
bish is the girl
Dirty talk is enough. You can call me zigger on vocaroo to get some anger out.
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It never ends.
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Its everywhere. Theres no hiding it. Your alphabet alliance did this. And the gay response?

Im assuming youre calling me a pedophile.
the other day I saw a guy with a 4chan's logo cap o_O
supervisor caught covid so no meeting on thursday yeah boiiiiiiii
бiднicть лoл
ти caм звiдки?
i hate that i have empathy and sex drive. this world would be better place for me if i was just a killer machine.
no, i would never sex with russian
based son
Do you know why 4chans logo is a 4 leaf clover?
Garbage Man mentioned.
I would never.
Anybody else just not give a fuck? My mental health has improved substantially after drawing and painting daily to improve. The simplest pleasure is having a whole day dedicated to improving your art and not having a single person to disturb you. I could quit my job and nolife this and be happy but unfortunately capitalism doesn't allow that(thanks a lot white people).
the reality is, we're all bottoms.
Sounds like a low quality hole ripoff.
Here's hole for reference
Ye i dont give a fuck
Not me
Everyone would jump at the chance to accuse me of something. Just because I'm a piece of shit doesn't mean I did anything wrong.
that's amazing
especially kuurst
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To call yourself gay is the exact same thing as admitting you believe you are unqualified to be a man. And then expecting pity for it.

I think a testament to how deep the brainwashing is is that so few gays actually murder their parents or teachers for ruining their lives. They just live out their condition knowing their harm, playing along, as if their trauma and response to it were a simple accident of fate because the same people told them so. Classic Stockholm Syndrome.
queen gape is what we call that bottom
she's so catty
how big is your chlen?
Alright, hear me out. I’m gay, and I have this unique attraction that I just have to share. You see, I’m not just into the usual guys; my heart beats a little differently. I find myself irresistibly drawn to male apes, specifically chimpanzees. Yeah, you read that right. There’s just something about their strong build, their expressive faces, and those intelligent eyes that gets to me.
Whenever I watch those nature documentaries, I can’t help but admire the playfulness of the males in their social groups. The way they groom each other, the bonds they form—it’s beautiful! I mean, who wouldn’t want that kind of connection? There’s a raw authenticity to it that’s simply lacking in human interactions these days.
And don’t even get me started on their physicality. Those powerful arms, the way they swing through the trees, and let’s not forget the magnificent display of their wild side. My heart races just thinking about it.
Now, before anyone asks, I'm fully aware this is unconventional. But love knows no bounds, right? Who can really define attraction? It’s a spectrum, and I’m just on the more... primal end of it. I’m not looking to start a movement or anything, but maybe we should all open our minds a bit more.
So there you have it: just a gay guy with a soft spot for male chimps. It’s all about love and connection, and honestly, isn’t that what we’re all searching for?
wtf is that wall of text, pass
Whoa whoa whoa, hit the brakes there Daddy-O. I don't like listening to you talk to you about yourself that way. That ain't right, man. It ain't right at all. I want you to love yourself. Make that your mission for today and tomorrow and the day after that and so on.and so on. You are fucking majestic and stylish king or queen or whatever you strive to be. Whenever it seems bad, just rub your crotch and know that I'm thinking of you. I love you more than you'll ever know. Stay strong.
i hate myself and i hate my body even more and i hate being a man or human or alive desu
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get out, tranny
Lol, love? Here? No. You must be new. Cute though.
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I mean, if you know an overwhelming majority of the population consider gays to be failed males, and then tell everyone you are gay...
He c Кypcкa, aлe вжe пpoлiтaлo. Teбe зaчeм? Я нe хoчy бyти DRONNED.
Zelenskyy is so hot.
Whenever I talk to a very cute guy, I say that my life would be complete once I hook up with him but that euphoria and satisfaction always fade away quickly. I am at a point where I don't even know what I am looking for anymore
kek, trying to make me feel like shit emotionally i see, i had no reaction to picrel, i cannot really feel sad anymore usually, also i am not leaving, nice try pajeet
бoжe нeвжe тeбe мaлe дитя тaк пoбили, щo aж coлoв'їнoю зaгoвopив? пpocтo бyлo вaжкo зpoзyмiти, чи ти пpocтo cильнo зpociйщeний, чи шocь iншe.
how much in cm??
*demonic choir sounds*
sex with kuurst while being jacked up on drugs
Kuurst is an old fatty and I am only into model-esque twinks
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10.5 at best, you?
God it sucks being almost 600 lbs. How am I ever going to find a bf?
no waaayyy nooooo waaaaaaaaayyy noooo nononononoono it's like a half of omg axaxax. no you can't be real
what happens to femboys after 30
Ill never achieve dragonlord status. Why even bring it up?
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If de-transers can sue doctors for transing them as kids, then gays should be able to sue professional adults who told them to come out and embrace homosexuality as a permanent life plan.

Consider: if you have no bf and there are none in the future, what do you gain by associating with these clowns and assholes? I am not saying you have to find women. Clearly most of you would struggle with that. But why give the real 'entity' the satisfaction of propping up the bullshit they sold you? Why accept it? You can blow as many randos as you want but what has the "community" really done for you that you needed them for? That you couldnt have done without them?

Get some justice. Women have their MeToo, detransers have their lawsuits. Everyone gets a pass for bad decisions in youth but you.

You dont have to be straight. But you dont have to keep cheerleading for people- boomers, I might add- that ruined your life by lying to minors. Call them out. Let them know they are frauds and perverts. You dont have to suffer in silence and protect your real abusers.
Sometimes I fantasize about having a hot German BF who bullies me for my cut cock. IDK why, I just find the German accent hot
Don't bully
How old are you?
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read that as chair lol
>find german accent hot
So do i.
Cucumbers are mostly water and filled with helpul nutrients. Just leave it up there and enjoy being healthier because of your perversion. Could be worse, could be a hAmster.
I wouldn't meetup or date someone from here due to them likely being below my standards and/or doxxing me
I wonder how people feel as they get older and can't hook up with people of the same attractiveness as they used to
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have you tried drain cleaner
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Senior yearbook pic
He бyзи и нe зaбиячь. И вooбщe, чeгo тeбe нe cпитcя?
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he actually turned his life around and is a local politician for the conservatives now
Yeah,everyone here is below standard and wants to dox you for board creds. Symptoms of the beast.Ther was a sailor though. I missed my chance. Sad days
Why do they all have pointy feminine chins? I am into twinks but these guys look weird
I have a German accent but I'm really ugly
I will judge that.
I just can't imagine how old you have to be to
A) have the time to post all day here
B) blogpost about how gay people shouldn't exist
You must be like 50 at least
probably like 15
Damn, good for him! I really mean that! But that also kind of makes me feel bad because dragonlord is better than me.
you can do it
it's the decade of the bear
fapu,,,, you cant hate yourself into loving yourself,,,,
Bleagle used to spam worse shit desu
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нe poзcтpaюйcя https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GvrXMC816Vw
взaгaлi я нe злa людинa пpocтo iнoдi жapтyю зaнaдтo. пpoбaч, oк? (aлe я тaких cлiв pociйcькy вжe дaвнo нe чyв cyкa aж кeкнyв)

coн для cлaбaкiв

my is 170% longer literally
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You should become a great artist like me.
get a hobby
That's very hot. Too bad you aren't into me for dirty talk.
you first refused to do it so i can't help
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probably something to do with gayface
this looks just like
>straight: lower class
>gay: upper class
it is expensive to be gay
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You're not into Russians? If i say пaляниця it is hot to you?
you ask so many questions and do so little omg
Дoбpe, aлe нe гyби cвoгo здopoвaня.
it's not so big lol
gaygen is where /int/ twinks go after gaydeath
russian ziggers make me wanna fucking puke
duten pula
no one cares larry you look like a sewer troll
joke's on you, i was here before gaydeath
most of them are pretty ugly from what ive seen
did you get groomed and coomed
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Only Russian ziggers?
ah well it looked like he was speaking in poverty so I assumed it was you
i'm not larry, idiot
you are stupid morons know only one language, it's pathetic.
I know, but it's healthy, and the more benders your pull, the less hearthy it will be. Better take a nap than do all that. Although wait is the weather still warm over there?
sorry, i'm esl and this confuse me
> the more benders your pull, the less hearthy it will be.
wdym? and what the weather has to do with it
How long have you been here?
russians can be attractive, but not ziggers like you sorry
slawa ukraini
Weather question is the second sentence and is indepentent, all by itself. Benders = нe cпaть нoчaми, нo oбычнo в cocтoянии aффeктa.
are benders bottoms?
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Verification not required.
Stop calling me zigger, it makes me so sad.
don't care zigger
я зa зoж!!!! but have fucked up sleep cycle and ill

then say "пaляниця"
timur isn’t even a real russian he’s an uzbek or kazakh
i met a gay kazakh in germany
I'm not real at all.
that's even worse what the fuck
aaxaxaxaxaxax no way.
this is why your pp so small? asian gens?
So its a replay of last night. One trip left in thread that doesnt do drama, so all the social cripple anons dogpile him till the threads dead and then spend the rest of the night baby babbling at each other trying to goon at six posts an hour and wondering why its dead
did you grab him by the hole and say very nice like borat
no but once he hugged me and called me bunny
do you ever go out onto the steppe and sing for the eternal blue sky
It's for sexy Ukrainian tops with big cocks to tease me.
he do be throat singing if you know what i mean
you can you up no can no bb
If you're a virgin, and you know there is a disabled man who weighs 672 lbs, thats okay with you breaking in and fucking his butthole, whats stopping you? Is it the stink?.I hired a black to clean me
What you mean?

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