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last >>37301773
qott: why did you let thread die
Here as in 4chan?
You didn't have to clarify, but thanks for confirming the transphobia
what is your favourite species of whale?
no, not as in 4chan, as in in various irl uk tranny things
8 years btw
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my feds got a sense of humor. dont ever change.
u shoulda seen the way the circled the brain trust wagons when that news hit.
wish i couldsee my rectal swap test results but i forgot my login and dont feel like unfucking that.
they'll tell me at the appointment anyways.
in the meantime, any1 wanna rool the dice n fuck me?
albums that sound like the new testament?
i regret every moment of my life
to each their own
any sufjan stevens album
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You'll never pass, She Hulk
ok what's your favorite kind of whale
hi laguna
spin that.
see what the algorithm gits ya
maybe i don’t know what the old testament sounds like
i think humpback ot maybe sperm whale but that could be recency bias
God I love muscular women wish I was one such beauty
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This topic has probably been discussed to death, but I'm a cis female, interested in having sex with an mtf girl. How do you like to have sex, mtfgen, even more so with cis females?

This is kind of uncharted territory for me, and I'm daunted by the whole thing. I feel like a 15 year old boy learning what a vagina is for the first time lmao. I want to make her feel comfortable, but I'm also scared of offending her if I don't use the right terminology. I know trans girls aren't so fragile, but still. I've had sex with an mtf girl one other time, but she explicitly wanted PIV.
thread died when i posted my thanks, thanks for the compliments everyone
as with most sex related things the trick is to communicate more
ask her. you can do it sexily even
I worship muscles
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No one thinks your a woman, Nick Lan.g
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do hulk and she hulk have same affliction?
damn. i gotta work out more. fallin the fuck apart ova hea
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Aren't you that weirdo who thinks 18 year olds having sex is pedo?
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Nick Lan.g
We know who you are
Everyone laughs behind your back
Keep posting more pls
no? i think it's emotionally predatory to chase after 18 year olds in your late 20s or early 30s though
is having male interests inherently evil?
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Sup Nick!
whats with the schizo posting
wish kat never posted here wish blobby never posted here wish larry never posted here.. things would be so much simpler
I prepared a whole bundle of these because them using regular hulk to call someone she-hulk really toussled my tiffanies
based and factual
Ahh idk anything about why they are being posted but she hulks a 10/10
I'm 37 and 18 year olds hit on me. Not my fault I fuck their ripe cunts, jealous much?
According to my lez romances, that's apparently normal and good, but it does give me the ick a little
yikes brother
This looks more like the ogre than kat
i think you're probably a pedo if you favor girls because they are 18 and specifically go after 18 year olds because you'd go lower if under 18 was legal if you do that
i agree
its sus
yeah people who go out of their way to chase 18 year olds are definitely pedos, but if it happens on a hook up or something without much pretext idc
Seethe more
Just got a blowjob from a 19 year old 48 hours ago
She called me daddy.
What you gonna do about it?
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That is Kat (real name Nick Lan.g)
Here is a side angle of him
why are you here
hey janny,
can you forgive me and stop banning me?
i think that you are really cute, i will pray for your health every night if you do :*
>t. larry
i was busy playing minecraft

im not transphobic>>37312463
heilige gemogged
kissing... an erect penis... while he strokes your hair.....
cis female friend says i need to have sex with a person or she’ll stop being my friend it was implied
like any person or a specific person
thread are the rumors true, did maiq and toob date??
damn just reminded me i dont have a big couch with a bf anymore and i cant sit behind him with my legs and arms wrapped around him and stroke his dick and kiss he head n neck till he get 2 horni n gotta shove me on my back n pin my arms down n do the big fuck damn why u remind me damn u
just a person i guess but it has to result in an interesting and entertaining story
i think i saw them out together yes they held hands i rember
3:10 to Skooma
anyone who has an age of consent chart just on file is suspicious
why don't you date within your peer group anon? are they too mature for you?
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It’s just the book of revelation but it’s so fucking good
need a 37 year old to fuck my ripe cunt
i KNEW it maioob fucking confirmed
now, we need to determine if they're still in contact through proton mail. maybe he's her plant here.
ugh sorry that sounds nice except he's a manlet

amazing music
begone chaser
kinda a beggers cant b choosers type situation i think. troon issue n all. i was happy that someone wanted me at all.
i already have an album for revelations
no i have been in contact with chaser from board so i guess it’ll have to be him
it’s a full moon. are you feeling it?
it's a full moon and a harvest moon and a partial eclipse tonight
the spirits roam this eve

how tall was he
they don’t want you to know this but you can attend university lectures for free there’s no security you just have to find a seat
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i miss him so much
im just a heighthon so it made it funny lol
she was and I still do
I never stay in thread long. I wasn't even in the last one
hi !!

thats cute. was it amicable. do you guys still hang out.
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genital dysphoria fucking sucks
>ywn be a castrato who can sing women's roles in opera
why live
i feel like in my avoidance of media that is annoying to me in the way it talks about gender and in its ciscentrism i find myself without media to even placate myself with anymore. i'm not complaining i just find it sad
just dont think about it bro! its all in your head!
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so true bestie. thanks for reminding me
glad to be of service :)
I would rather beeeee.... blind.....
passed out from exhaustion
need gf who rapes me
ong you're saving my life rn
i dunno. v sad. he didnt want me no more. cant force a dude to stay lol p sure thats rape basically.
he kept fucking me tho right up until the morning he was like surprise i cant do this anymore tho lmao. dudes r funny like that.
am used up roastie. i go die alone now. i hope ur toof removal thing went well. gn.
ay fax fr on jah skibidi rizzler
tf you tryna suh cuh
it's to the point even the music i listen to can give me dysphoria or make me feel like a retarded troon and i just want to listen to music that makes me feel something and i can't anymore

if i could just unlearn that cis people exist and cis opinions exist i would be so much happier
more from day 2 of trying to learn blender. im rotating him
Laguna has to be THE most schizophrenic poster since POTC
bawston yous guys
i dont have the accent </3
fake bawstonite
sorry ... i can fake the accent for you
bashing my head against the wall until i'm a real woman
huffing gasoline until i'm retarded enough that i don't realize i'm not a real woman

will lower back hurt forever?
im such a fucking terrible piece of shit
do you think if you made yourself retarded enough you'd forget you weren't cis?
like could you damage your brain enough to where you'd forget you were trans to begin with and you'd just think you were your gender from birth?
i wish i could just smash my head in and make myself an idiot and that would be enough to get rid of the pain of being trans but i have to live with this for the rest of my life and i want to hurt myself but i can't even see the point anymore it won't change anything i'll still be the troon i am i just wish things could be different
i shared that i felt i was ugly and judged with my therapist and she didn't even question it she didn't say anything about it we just moved on
I'd hope a lobotomy could accomplish this
but if all else fails we definitely know that amapage directly to the head can definitely do things to memory
no u
ha u ugly
can you truly claim not to be yourself?
>different anon
Nigga you are ugly! Inside and out. Ain't even good for a hole
umm no u
you can train pitch to a crazy extent. it's easier to push higher than lower. takes years but it's doable
genuinely what's even the point of living if I'll never get to live a happy life with my baby
be like one of those infertile women who get attached to inanimate baby dolls that would be fembrained
you can though
read Back Mechanic

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Remember her?
Does mtfg have any advice on eyebrows as a tranny? I had this down to a science not long ago but I had a bout of depression and let my eyebrows go to shit, share your best guides and tutorials pls
London Ontario?
Go get them done professionally. Go to an electrologist and have them thin them out
Haven't watched but it keeps showing up on my feed. Might be worth checking out

yes, what does she look like now?


would if i was straight
does you being straight mean you like women or men
Lol ur fnny
>does you being straight mean you like women or men
woman, i am male.
it wouldn't be the same
I miss living with my child
it was a privilege to wake up to her every morning
it was privilege to get to read to her every night
I wish I was a worthy mother and not this worthless broken mess
would you fuck laf or are they man
Idk she doesn't post pics anymore.
laf is pretty albeit a little plastic
but to answer: no. i do not touch women.
so laf is woman? interesting
do ur cis friend know you like women
drunk and high: time to do my injection.
you’ll never get rid of those eyebags if you keep staying up so late.
>do ur cis friend know you like women
i don’t know, and truthfully it concerns me very much.

love this. amazing album cover.
How do you girls deal with your facial hair?
I got laser but it didn't do much because my face hair is mostly blonde and red.
I can't really afford regular electro appointments, at best I could afford like one hour a fortnight, which would take forever to get me anywhere.
I tried shaving against the grain to get a smoother face, but I've fount it to be completely unworkable, there's basically a 50/50 shot that it causes massive irritation and red bumps.

At least with my face hair being so lightly colored I don't get visible stubble, but I hate being able to still feel the hair even right after I shave.
im not gonna like defend me posting that i also wish i did not post it but i asked your permission before i posted it so i dont really think you should call me a scumbag when ive been nothing but nice to you. we both made a mistake and maybe im more responsible for it than you but that doesnt make it okay for you to say that stuff about me when you also had agency in the situation

i shave it every couple of weeks end up getting a little bit of a stubble i dont see any point in getting electro
There's a titanium based laser that works on red and blonde, but you're likely looking at electrolysis
can nipples just be puffy forever? will they ever be normal?
billygirl from 2014
you’re screwed
its over tubersisters
It's gonna cost me like 15 grand over 2 years for that.
i spilled purple drank on my bed
Have you tried "not being hairy" youtube hypnosis videos?
why am i ugly
i love rapehons
No because I'm not a moron. Hypnosis can't influence physical biology, it can't make my facial hair grow any less than it already does.
i rape lovehons
i hon loverapes
rape hons ilove
Have you tried not being a yucky hairy man?
I am trying to do that literally right now anon...that is the whole reason I am on this board.
u were like "can i post it" and i was like "no"
then u were like "please can i post it" and i said "no"
then u were like "pleaaaase can i post it" and i made a stressed noise
then you posted it
and you're the one who started with this bad mouthing stuff. coming here calling me self centered when i literally helped you pay your rent
why the heck shouldn't i be mad at you
Finally some new drama with new characters. Will you two be posting revenge porn and caps?
Try harder...
nobody gives a fuck about my shitty drama I'm a fat ugly hon
Oh nvm then :/
oh... it's 1am already... still no bf... guess i'll just daydream about ex bff until i fall asleep again...
starting hrt in a week! I can't tell if I'm excited or terrified.
I'm late as fuck but I think I have pretty good tranny genes, even in my 20s I look like a teenage girl.
I know I need to capitalize now, I gotta cash in before the value drops, so why do I want to go back to repping??
>in my 20s
its over
How does it feel to be a real tranny? To have years of dysphoria, from when you were a fetus till hrt?
I will never be a woman
I will never be trans
I cannot do it anymore
I’m tired of feeling left out
I’m tired of never being “it”
All my my life I wasted for nothing
I just don’t wanna feel alone anymore
Why did my brain latch onto tranny shit this hard? Was it porn? Peter Pan syndrome? OCD? Inceldom?
Why didn’t I discover this when I was stil a teen or younger? Why after I was an adult? What kinda joke is this? I can never relate to trans people now. I’ll never be one of the girls. Just a gross hon or manmoder. Or worse, a fake tranny, a man skinwalking people.
I hate it. I’m jealous.
I'm bout to transition just to MOG
>average woman when they see me honmoding
And men just beat me to death
i am pretty sure i asked you once and you said yes
i mentioned you helping me pay rent. like i brought that up cuz it was a good thing you did and i appreciated it. i was asked for my honest opinion and i gave it, good and bad. sorry if i upset you but i wasnt just bad mouthing you. ive been trying to be your friend you know that
You're so right I should go back to repping immediately and then troon out when I'm a hideous 30 year old man.
that was your penis? pretty large sis.
Chat, what do you do if you love someone, but they're afraid to open themselves up to love? I think Paige can relate
I've always compared her whole ex thing to that of mados
>i am pretty sure i asked you once and you said yes
so u don't even remember :/
no, that's not what happened.
>I've been trying to be your friend
after having gotten pissed at me for not talking to u enough and blocking me
I'm sorry if this makes you feel like a bad person but you objectively did not treat me very well
Scary how?
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now. I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like for real.
it wasn't revenge porn, she originally posted it while we were together i just didn't want her to at any point
Damn that's terrible where did it get posted
Mado to me, is just not as bad as you make her out.paige VS garage door is interesting af
that.. just makes it worse you know that right
>he doesn't know Lukas' history
Oh my god there's more? I've known mado for years how tf
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ugh i wish i could snuggle w my bf(imaginary) and feel loved and cherished and make him happy and have all kinds of sexo

i did not get that angry and he is NOT seeing the twink, they are friends but ex bff is not gay and it wasn't his garage it was a shed
how much of chijo /r9k/ and discord adventures are you aware of lil bro
idk i guess i don't know enough about relationships fuck my shitty life i feel like if anyone else was as much of a loser as i am they would kill themselves but i just keep living even though my life is completely utterly bland and pointless
At this point there I know nothing
I heard about her being crazy, but I never k ew the extent and stories. Seems she never brought it up wtf
Not as corn as my life has been. I moved to a town in another state I've never visited just to live as stealth
wish i could stealth but i am far too burly to ever be mistaken for a woman
i wasn't stalking him it literally showed up on steam bc steam gives me a notification whenever any of my friends list ppl play a game
and he's not bi or gay, i've known him and he's never been into guys at all in any way
post pic pls
If built like you, probably would have stayed in the gay community been hella happier. still took HRT, accept myself as a trans woman rather than trying to live as GG.
fwiw i dont think you’re a loser at least from what ive seen here. but there’s no point in me arguing this i guess
everyone here either knows what i look like already or doesn't bother to remember because I'm ugly
What's this order of aphrodite discord advert about surely it's an FBI front right
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no bc he if he was gay we absolutely would've fucked back when we were friends

pls i need to feel better about myself
You look like a woman idiot
Idk her, not regular anymore
do you mean "you look like a woman who is an idiot", or "idiot, you look like a woman"?
Maybe he's gay and isn't into you that way because you radiate woman brain
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im autistic pls don't make me deal with sarcasm
look at this neck
i day dream about cutting out these muscles with a knife
i don't have any reason to trust your recollection any more than my own. i dont remember you opposing the idea
i blocked you cuz i blocked everyone from 4ch and since you hadnt talked to me in months i didnt think you would notice or care. not cuz i was mad that you didnt talk to me enough. perhaps if you did talk to me directly about issues you have with me instead of trying to villainize me on 4ch you would not think so low of me
no bc he had a crush on my sister, so he would be into me if he was into guys
the women he's dated have always been clearly female, not androgynous at all
he vented to me about that specific gay friend begging him (ex bff) to let him (gay friend) suck his (ex bff's) dick, and saying how he's straight and it made him uncomfortable
gay guys wouldn't vent about that
Your neck is fine
But your brain is wormful
>i don't have any reason to trust your recollection any more than my own.
wow you're disgusting
you don't get to post nudes of people without their permission, freak
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idk what the issue is? it's just a neck

hon butt time
Well then maybe he was closeted bi and didn't come to terms with it until more recently, could be a million things, or he's just straight still
yea he's straight
god i miss him
i wish he was bi and we could get married and live a happy life together lol
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Always looks like a nerd with long hair
Who is more hated here, Paige, or myself? I like Paige. I have disagreements with her on a lot of things but I like her.
nobody even cares about you enough to hate you
I have to disagree with you. I used to regularly be called a rapehon, despite being a CSA survivor.
this tbqh
>trooned out because he got diddled on the reg
I'd agree with this
Unffffff I love fucking tboys with my shenis
That's not what happened though. I'm too tired to type everything out. I'm sure someone will type out my story.
bruh no one cares about you to know your story you delusional faggot lol
I care
two days under 800 calories
Pringe nobody cares put your name back on namefag retardfag.
why do i even want to be female
what's the point
i might as well want to be a dolphin, I'm at least as far from being a woman as that
it's ok hon we've all been there just keep.. attempting... and failing... but yeh anyways gl hon
i feel so bitter
That wasn't me. I did my night time activities before bed.
Pring nobody cares about you it's established my guy
Some of us don't even have a choice. It's like died in your personality and our bodies by the time we're old enough to make decisions they've already been made for us. I was out hooking before I was old enough to drive a car. I got used to being a girl at a very young age couldn't be avoid and know how to make a living at it
Do you want to be a doctor of sort
I'm a girl because I'm mentally ill
I'm a girl and mentally ill I don't ever have to worry about having a job
a nerdy guy or a nerdy woman
ya also same actually. it's like ok to be a useless failure at life as a girl cuz guys r suppose to take care of u and stuff so yeah i'm a real girl
I went through transition while I was a teenager and then got on disability when I turned 18 and been on a for over 10 years.
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why are women friends with transwomen? there's even transbians in relationships with real women. I never paid attention to it and got super triggered when my nb (male) friend said women think its cool that they use female pronouns. I thought he was making it up.
Shouldn't women be repulsed by us for being failed men / weak repulsive effeminate predators? how the fuck do they trust us? im kinda triggered that ive lived with this false assumption my whole life.
those women have a lot of internalized misogyny and have been socialized to prioritize men's feelings over their comfort. their level of handmaidenry is unfathomable to normal people, but for some it's just a way to survive
dang kinda lucky. part of me wishes to do this but i feel like i wouldn't be able to trick doctor to diagnosis me with disability to get that, and then also while i'm ok with feeling useless... i don't want to feel like a nog by getting gobermant gibs
Wheres kat she always makes good bants
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women on average are way more compassionate and accepting and repulsed by the chuddy right wing propaganda that push false narratives like
>failed men / weak repulsive effeminate predators
im an effeminate predator of mid 40s handsome men
>women on average are way more compassionate and accepting and repulsed by the chuddy right wing propaganda
this is why matriarchy is the way
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Why do transbians hate chasers so much? Chasers are mostly pre-HRT transbians anyway. Regardless, they don't bother you only HSTS?
I just finished working ………
wtf that sucks
i haven't been able to fall asleep yet either
Damn.. what do you do?
yeh 18 hours today and my next call is in 5 hours
this is not a typical day thank goodness but yeh anyway I work for Weyland Yutani
but don’t let that fool you I’m really an okay guy
>yeh 18 hours today and my next call is in 5 hours
i could not handle that i would legit be attempting suicide if i were in that position lol
instead, i have just been trying to fall asleep and just as i was nodding off i got a bad case of reflux so now my throat hurts and im trying to not spiral into hacking up mucus and it's 4am and i haven't slept and last night i had nightmares and a migraine
it's rough desu
suffering seems to be the norm ig
Wayland like software?
sorry you feel bad tonight
I also have reflux rn due to smoking all night while working
I am drinking seltzer water to help as I need to sleep
Lmao actual kek
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good luck sleep well hope for no nightmares
Rep here, about to take the plunge to troon

Scared of losing my power, my fake masculine mask, but dysphoria always win, I can still be a bad pitch? Right? I don't want to lose my confidence and drive that repression gave me for productivity

You are not a real troon unless
Were you a boyish girl or a girlie boy?
Biggest mistake of your life, go for it.
I will never be a real transgender woman
I will never have have a female internal monologue
I will never be viscerally hateful towards my own organs and body just mildly annoyed
I will never be a woman
You do have a skincare routine... right? I mean you're suppose to be a girl ya? No? Yikes!
i oil cleanse, foam cleanse, triple toner, double serum and double moisturizer bitch
Yes and a hair are routine and I do my daily yoga
Ofc all those make you a real woman yep it’s those that do yep
Ok but like that’s at least expensive are you at least buying raws and making your own?
kys bianca
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no. stop being poor
of course retard
i drink water
>when you're more beauty product than human by weight
This tranny went straight to the cosemtic isles while the nogs hit up the shoes & electronic session during the black lives matter riots god damn
Compensating for something?
>women on average are way more compassionate
Where have you heard this? I'm pretty sure its the opposite, where men are the ones more likely to listen and be accepting.
I don't blame real women. Its harder to be a woman. Women are constantly worried about being sexually or physically assaulted, so asking them to use their energy on the emotions of men (that all want to fuck) can be infuriating / laughable to them. most women see transwomen as men so same applies to us
it is WAY harder being a a man than it is a woman? lol you're dumb
how is it harder to be a man than a women (if you're cis)? genuinely curious.
Responsbility & expectations
Is lagooner still here
I don't know,
..... we all miss her
this place is full of horrible people
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I lurk here sometimes
who r u
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societal spooks you can ignore. just be a degen neet if you want, nobodys stopping you.
Women earn less, aren't taken as seriously as men, sacrifice their career more often for their bfs career or to raise children, have beauty standards to conform to, etc. A womans life is controlled more by men than a mans life is by women.
irl, social media, research
if you look at this survey of 26 countries for example women are far more supportive in every age group. also worth noting that peak chuddie anti-trans propaganda countries like us & uk score lower on this than traditionally conservative countries like japan, poland and turkey. ppl are really just that dumb and easily influenced.
shutup you ugly faggot
Thank you anonie, reading through it now. I'm surprised desu.
Women don't earn less, they aren't as educated, experienced and choose less paying fields. The rest of your garbo post ist just societal spoooks you can ignore.
Gmod coded
I choose racism because i choose safety for myself
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>Wimbens have harder lives than men....I KNOW!!! ill pretend to be one.
said one ever, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh and such
yeh that's based
i might be ugly on the outside but i at least have a beautiful heart
You are extremely ugly on the outside and shockingly somehow even more disgusting and repulsive on the inside. You are the absolutel embodiment of a jew gypsy
Germans deserve Lebensraum
that is not very nice of you, isn't there anything that you like abt me at all?
am i ireedemable?
how can i relate more to people esp trannies and women
I feel like I am abnormal af
years of 4chan didnt help I guess
or my fake repression
Or my late troonsition
Am i fucked forever?
I like that cancer is spreading inside you, and you won't get it checked out or diagnosied until stage 4 and too late
i have ocd bro, don't be like this
this bs only works on people with ocd bc they have irrational fears..
ovarian cancer durrr
your boivaries are full of canca big guy
Why were Jewish people kicked out of 109 countries?
i hope maiq is getting some okay rest right now
you annoy me
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wake me up inside
with all that darkness you almost resemble a woman a little bit, almost
we became one
I can never go back
to being me

one to open the way
two to cross the boundary of liminality

awaiting her arrival
to begin our departure
open the way
and become whole
dude fukin grossssssss
it's sad how lonely you are, try dating apps maybe
emo evolves past his stunted 15 year old 2nd year of highscool no it's totally not a phase mom phase challenge impossible
kill kill kill kill kill
i hate you so fucking much
you're a liar
you're a coward
you're a raging narcissist pretending to be nice and sweet and compassionate to people
you don't deserve your happinesses, and you know you don't. i hope it eats at you
pls do not expose maiq like that
women should suck my rapehon dick or die
shut the fuck up cockface not talking to you
calm dowm ma'am, that is not very feminine of you
actually don't care what melted plastic will ferrell from romania with a euphoria boner has to say about my femininity
everyone in this thread and in the pisscord is a bad person, just hope you all know what you are
*reddit gold*
just calm down, i am here to comfort you, post your hole pls
also, you are just as shit as they are
I think if you're sad in this life you deserve it and you're being punished, your life is a punishment for being such a pathetic piece of shit
t. sad but aware
i see my life as a punishment, some sort of a matrix simulation torture device/prison, why am i being tortured? idk
accurate desu
why is thread extra shit today
eu hours issue
I'm gonna vaaaaaaague
Been like this since yesterday
sad sacks of shit sperging out and meanposting because theyre bitter issue?
Have you been drinking again? You know you spiral like this when you're drunk
i remember when EU hours were the peak thread hours and US was shit
it still is, but EU got worse
i hate snew so fucking much
snew's a liar
snew's a coward
snew's a raging narcissist pretending to be nice and sweet and compassionate to people
snew don't deserve your happinesses, and snew know snew don't. i hope it eats at snew
Aren't our resident meanmoders in Canada and the US?
sup snew
but he has a nice big brown cock
thank you reading this gave me motivation !!
hello computer people
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you were working pretty late last night babe. why do you do it??
would you rather i go off and start shit and directly upset this person? i don't wish them harm. if i didn't care about them i wouldn't be so mad
what, you never roll out of bed full of irrepressible rage at the injustices laid upon you? must be nice not being a bpdemon
didn't know chainsaw man took place in ohio
Has anyone used an IPL for their facial hair before? I was looking around on troon Reddit and they said not to do it but a lot of them are against DIY hormones as well, so I can’t tell if it’s genuinely a bad idea or if it’s just fear-mongering. I have pale skin and dark facial hair as well, so I should be the perfect candidate
it would be way better than your vagueshit yes
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I'm gonna raaaaaaaaaaaaaaape
I feel like the main thing is just tht a home IPL device might struggle with coarse facial hair? So tht just paying the money for laser sessions is worth it rather than like, spending 4ever using the IPL on ur face. Esp if ur an ideal candidate for it
well you can just suck it up and deal sister
i am not going to send this person a ragey drama message, i work very hard not to do that to people
IPL is about as effective as an epilator
You’re probably right, but I’m also getting it for body hair as well and figured I might as well give it a chance for my facial hair as well just to see how it goes
I like those odds tbdesu
do you have a recommendation? the $40 chinese one i got off amazon does nothing except vaguely singe my follicles without actually killing them
>would you rather i go off and start shit and directly upset this person? i don't wish them harm. if i didn't care about them i wouldn't be so mad
I don't knoe i just thinks vague posts miss the point if the person addressed is unaware they are even being talked-to-about ect
threads vanish daily anways i would not waste the short tiime they are up because thenthey wont see your message yano
I’m >>37317608, I went with the $300 Braun one after checking a few different ones out, I think with IPLs it’s a very “you get what you pay for” situation. I can’t personally speak on it because it’s still being delivered but that seems to be the consensus
p much this
i think either braun or the ulike air are the only 1s i see seriously being recommended
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international film festival in town this weekend gonna go check some mobies. wish i coulda afforded the full pass but at least i'll get to see the ones i was most interested in.

IPL devices don't tend to be very effective ime tho ive never tried em on my face. did my legs with one for a few months and got some less dense spots and that's about it.
dont bothjer with ipl. I paid 380ish for a phillips device years back and it was garbage just use the money one would cost for laser
i hate gender dysphoria, i hate my body, i hate not being normal..
need boyfriend...
new thread
I know im late to the party responding to this. but wren has a history of abuse around multiple midwest trans women, shes a disgusting person and in our last dm i said i would not defame her anymore on 4-chan but when i see shit like this it just makes me want to speak up, when my current girlfriend was unemployed wren told me “use this opportunity to degrade and humiliate her as much as possible” i of course did not do that because unlike wren i can hold a stable relationship. my gf also stated wren once held her down to a bed by her throat when she play slapped her during sex, they were once a couple
So fyi wren is dangerous, me posting this is dangerous because i know wren has doxed people before and has the capacity to dox me as well, im moving soon thankfully. But still she’s actually an awful person who is incapable of admitting that amount of harm she causes, she is to be avoided
Like wren implied she was into bdsm so my gf play slapped her, the wren siad never do that again and choked her down to the bed.
Ahe always takes advantage and then says “well we both had agency” its her favorite defense but she is always the way in power she openly told me once in a dm that vulnerability is what she seeks most in those she pursues

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