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qott: Jade just turned 27. Are you gonna wish her a happy birthday?
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>Are you gonna wish her a happy birthday?
well no
Jade a real one for posting nudes in these threads
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yur voice is v nice to listen to v cool ty for this excursion mina ihave none left in me i dont think i can also barely keep up

its art anon

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heres your bechamel
a real slut
Better her then me
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Naked men are better.
Happy birthday Jade
You're eating only pasta in bechamel sauce?
This place does like to do that.
why you all like this to me
What are you talking about, stop acting crazy June
You know why. They get bored and attack the women here.
making mac and cheese because you babies dont think i can cook and now i have mac in my freezer i cant eat even though i want to because its pure fat and carbs i hate this i want a boyfriend who will tell me everything is going to be okay while giving me kisses not chasergen
happy birthday jade. hope your day is nice.
Oh I wasn't trying to justify it. I just know I cant stop it. I have tried.
Just because you can improve doesn't mean its bad. You sound ok.
I already said I would drive to Detroit and give you a BFE
this doesn't look like Kraft Mac and cheese but nice try
Lol, fair counterargument.
what is a bfe
big faggot experience
Boyfriend Experience
Did you stress make mac and cheese???
please stop
Happy birthday Jade!
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big fat egret
has anyone seen frisson?
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Big friendly encouragement
transbian pedo server
But you repeat yourself
oh wait a boyfriend expirience is something completely different than what i thought it was


i want actual bf that loves me and can care for and give what he wants
dumb bitch doesn't know that a béchamel with cheese is called a MORNAY
did you actually pay a guy on fiverr to pray to jade??
please dont call me a bitch.. :(
i didnt even look at the fucking picture lmaooooo
imagine being cuddled, fucked slowly enough to bring you to edge without cumming and staying like that for hours... anyway where is my bf to cuddle?
the sauce looks grainy too and I bet you didn't add grated nutmeg
frisson used to be mine and then twinkchan stuck her nose in her bussy like a transbian
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In American regime they turn incels into girls but the girls are still shy so they post on anonymous image boards about making pasta
i dont rly like cumming so it's not really a difficult thought experiment
you're gay
I have aphantasia
Never started for you, you were meant to transition
dude maybe i should just slit my throat
then drew it
ong are you vocanon!?

please say sweet things again i missed them so much
excuse you!
sure. Happy Birthday Jade!
good post
gay for men, sure
How about we don't? Ignore the hate we want you here and alive.
how many times do i have to mention im a youngshit
i mean you don't HAVE to mention it at all
dude maybe u should GET OVER YOURSELF ughh
>be me, chaser
>visit passgen thread last week
>Reply to everyone who passes
>Single out one in particular as the most beautiful woman ever and how I would do anything to have her
>Look at my post again
>I replied to the wrong person. The part about the most beautiful on the world was meant for somebody else
Oops. Hope I made that person feel good though. We lift eachother up around these parts, not knock eachother down.
what boy is there to still be removed?
Bribing the mods to disclose June's IP, finding her address, breaking into her apartment at night and raping her. Then reheating her mac and cheese and feeding it to her for aftercare.
how old are you?
can u boyremove me instead im still boymoding after 3yrs
but being here and dead would be cool
You voice sounds like you were already boyremoved
i feel like clawing into my skin and extracting the worms of agony wriggling within

We’re all gonna make it :)
anons i just went onto tiktok after eating some of my mac n cheese and now i want to throw it all up i hate this i hate dieting i want to be happy with my body why cant i eat a little bit more without feeling sick and broken
Jade definitely isn't suicide baiting for attention again, won't somebody please give this ugly fucking hon some attention?
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
you have a pro ana fyp? this would be your problem in any case. or at least being exposed to the toxic cult of beauty on that app. i delete every social media app because i cant stop comparing myself to other people
y are you such a lecherous freak? keep your dick in your pants you stupid adulterer
No being alive is cooler.
This was amazing. We are all going to make it.
Your still under your recommended calories its all going to be ok.
nuh uh im incel
i dont get why people say this
low blood sugar and hypoglycemia makes literally everything worse
you cry more, you feel more anxious, frustrated, hopeless, and irritable
meanwhile a nice meal can bring delight, sociability, comfort, and pleasure
and i say this as a skinny person
I love you so so so much
yes i have a pro ana fyp

youre right and i want to be skinny so bad

i have to wait for my skin and metabolism to recover before starving again and ong i miss starving myself i forgot how nice it felt
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a mimir
this is actually a clock for me now. I just saw this and was like "damn i didn't know it was that late already"
definitely don't throw it up. You'd never be able to get it all out anyway. Trust me, that takes forever
Dead on again
June you're beautiful and I hope you can realize that someday
It's a saying that should only be applied empty calories. But people basically use it as an excuse to starve.
June gives off such strong incel vibes
whenver i passed out after standing up i felt proud
>anxious, frustrated, hopeless, and irritable
i love feeling like that
What this means?
Not possible because I'd boyremove you
>>yes i have a pro ana fyp
so why are you asking why you hate your body and have an eating disorder? stop being a clueless idiot. you are what you eat, and what you're eating is a narcissistic cult of vain asceticism
you would feel better if you stopped using tik tok and slowly reduced portions instead of neurotically fixating on it
you probably wont even change your habits in this manner, because you're associating a healthy diet with negative thoughts and feelings
walkies guy is unironically how I know when to go to bed lol
empty calories dont even make sense to me. i feel like it's largely an american thing. as boris from the wire says 'your supermarkets are like cathedrals'
i dont even want to entertain this. im sure you know how retarded it is
well i dont. it's excruciating, and i feel like writhing around furiously when i get like that
You all don't have soda and beer there?
i feell ike there should be a grindr equivalent but for on demand cuddles
i need that rn
no sex, just bathing in each other's warmth while we run our fingers through each other's hair
well, i guess we do. i had a friend who drank like two cans of coke literally everyday while starving herself, which is fucking retarded. i dont ever bother with soft drink unless i feel sick, and i suppose im not a beer person either
it feels like common sense to me though, the basic food pyramid. idk how ppl fail to realise the empty calories they eat
I'd like that too I don't want to sleep with someone I just want to be close with someone
omfg its literally like 90% of the videos i wish i had the patience to make a webm to show all of you
delete the app. it's psychological poison
American culture is built very much around fast food and its very common to get a combo with a coke. and starbux is huge here.
Or a lot of people dump creamer into their coffee and don't think much of it.
What video?
and the more you click the more they pop up.
I had a friend who's sister provided a cuddling service

She would spoon with people for $100/hr
>Or a lot of people dump creamer into their coffee and don't think much of it.
omg lol dont even get me started on ppl putting sugar in their coffee. creamer isnt a thing in australia but it sounds ridiculous
also, who and why put sugar in tea as well? it makes no sense to me. honey is fine, but granulated sugar?
well i want a man to cuddle with
holy shit rosewood is this you singing?? this is incredible
I will ocasonally put put some milk but 90% of the time I'm black coffee and black tea. But people will question my why. It is considered rare to take it black.
I feel like I give good cuddles but most women would not trust a random man to cuddle.
I went shooting guns for the first time last weekend. Extremely fun.

Shot a glock, 1911, a magnum revolver and a couple different long guns with holographic and laser sights
I've felt lonely enough before to consider paying a prostitute to cuddle
>90% of the time I'm black coffee and black tea.
>I feel like I give good cuddles but most women would not trust a random man to cuddle.
you seem trustworthy based on what i've seen from you over these threads. though you can never be too careful. i feel like it's not too difficult to spot a skeezy guy when you pay attention to the way they speak
In Thailand if you pay them double they stay overnight and fuck/cuddle with you all night
ive always wanted to hire a prostitute to do something stupid like "i need a partner for this table tennis tournament"
but it seems like a lot of money for a dumb joke
It's great, yes, we go shooting for dates sometimes.
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tyty dude :)

yeh, just thought id try to learn it and it was a lot easier than i thought so i tried a cover :) ive been getting a bit better at doing the whole singing and playing thing but its hard and you can kinda here the smoll pauses on certain parts but its real fun! i really hate my voice but idrc desu its about the jams :D
There's a video of a guy picking up a prostitute and he asks if she would be willing to do his dishes for the amount of money he would pay to fuck for a couple hours and she says no

He then drives away and goes on an incel rant about how hoes would rather suck a strange smelly dick than do any real work
I knew somebody that hired 2 e girls to play minecraft in our server with us for a few hours
oops sorry i was mu posting earlier
>never be too careful
This is the key takeaway. People tend to not know someone is a bad person till the bad thing happens then it's too late.
That seems to be worth every penny.
I don't go shooting anymore because Im super left and the shit you here at some ranges is nuts.
Of course. I always love some original rose tunes
i dont like the diet and eating disorder videos they just pop up and never go away idfk what to do
i genuinely love your voice sm you should def do more covers
If I ever randomly end up in Thailand I'll consider it. I don't think with the language barrier they'd understand no sex though.
you have to click the not interested thing
Keep clicking on other topics or just make a new account.
I mean your fyp is probably omega fucked at this point, but the way I fine tuned mine is to never linger on those videos, never press any of the buttons, never even tap 'not interested'. Just swipe away as if you'd just seen a cockroach, and after a while with maybe a refresh or two, the app tries to recommend you something new.
What do you hear?
I was drunk one night and asked them for that actually. My dick didn't work, I just wanted to hug someone that night.

Quoted the same price as full service.
Your voice adds a really cute quality to the jams
>i dont like the diet and eating disorder videos they just pop up and never go away idfk what to do
Stop eating obviously
I figured it would work like that since they're paid for the time. If someone wanted to pay less to cuddle they'd find someone else
i want to but i stopped losing weight despite the massive deficit so i have to wait to stop eating again and i hate the waiting
why do we have to talk about eating disorders all the time when i actually need to recover so i can gain weight :/
It's just like a mix of typical shit you hear on fox news mixed in with a sprinkling of homophobic racist sexist shit just for some extra flavor.
Time to switch to protein shakes and add in some cardio
that's what i was thinking. it's grossly inconsiderate
clean and nutritious food is wonderful and i wouldnt turn it away for the world
without food, would we even have community? family? friends? food is sacred
BDD causes brain damage and strips away IQ points
making acidic food with a cast iron is kinda insane ngl
only if you willingly feed into it. but i admit the mental damage is draining and has probably made me more retarded with all the body checking ive done over the years
whatever. im me and my body is me and that's okay
Trust me I want to lose weight also but its better doing it slower. I was taking progress pics and it made me feel kind of fat. but slow is best with lots of diet breaks
maybe the metal leeching is part of the meal?
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im going to cry i need a boyfriend not this
She doesn't even look good. I would snap her in half.
>stays on the app that feeds you psychological poison
>ignores those who let you know that it's responsible for your body image issues
cry, cry! whine and whine till some sense gets into your head. you realise there are people recovering from an ED here?
Everything's going to be alright pumpkin. You should get ready for bed and not worry anymore tonight.
offering cuddling service for um for free I think as long as you’re near me and you have to be a clean person
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aww ty i think it sounds way too boyish but from a third person perspective i could see that especially for a song likw that one, daniel had a very boyish voice and i kinda wanted to try and replicate the twinge of it a tiny bit.

ty anon i have another one here, i think ill end up redoing this one (its soured to me) eventually when i learn a music program or something but those are very daunting

That's how you get a bf though
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i had a minor misunderstanding with jan but we're good now
you're just posting thinspo now???????? like please stop this is so upsetting
dude, the fact that you're that far into the video means you are literally telling the app you want to see more of this. Stop it. Swipe away.
Why does it look so gnarly like the sauce split? That shouldn't be physically possible with a bechamel
im going to kill all of you
me me me
anyway, why do white europeans who are sturdy and resourceful want to model off of starved peasant orientals? of course they can get that skinny and be fine, they have literally been subsisting off of grain for thousands of years with famine upon famine
That band is from my town.
Yes I would like to schedule an appointment
what's your price if im not near you and im stinky?
june that's not healthy, do not aspire to that, i beg you

goodnight chasergen! sweet dreams and i'll see you all tomorrow, im sure
The fuck we do?
I don't know I just want to look strong and leanish. I got the size I just need the muscles
I'm going to sneak in while you're asleep and eat your mac n chee and pet your family pet
nah u don't need to learn music program before recording a vocaroo cover cmonn
my first client :D

oh okay um when

only have to pay for transportation and lodging if need be
i am listening to all of your youtube channel now, liked the cover!
i dont care i want it i want to be small i hate this i hate this i hate this
You soonest opening please
ok bye gn
do u guys think that when my adolescent crush at my first job, when i was a thirsty gay boy, was referring to us both as 'a couple of confirmed bachelors' -- was secretly hinting at somethign deeper between us? i thought he was straight so i just kept my fascination secret but maybe he could tell. or maybe hew as mocking me. and some others would say it too. i feel nostalgic for that youthful adoration
well I am available tomorrow all day
nite anony
o r maybe he didnt say 'confirmed' bachelor, that's too on the nose. but young bachelor? WHY DIDNT HE DO ANYTHING I WANTED HIM SO BAD
thirsty gay boys are the best
yeah it doesn't sound like something a straight guy says to another straight guy at that age.
desu i think i had a few other coworkers flirting with me there. when i was a hopeful twink. like one would flash me a smile after throwing something at me. now i feel like a humiliating and broken tranny
where did it all go wrong . i miss my youthful vigour and lust for life. and im only 19 ;-;
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oh you mean rn, i can try but i needa sleep soon, last night i didnt sleep until like 6 in the morn and cause i was messing around too much with me synth. i wanna learn this one very badly and might be the next


oh my well just know mist of it is very crud rn, just random melodies and stuff trying to showcase the patches more than anything but still tysm anon. i really wanna learn music or some form of it
transitioning was a fucking mistake. i would have been conquering the world and attracting sexually ambiguous men i was fond of, without being a castrated depressed tranny
I thought this story must have taken place a long time ago. How long have you been on hrt?
nearly two years
it's felt like an eternity and i have nothing to show for it
just prolonged agony in a bed of melancholy
ok, you need to do something then if you're really this unhappy with where you are. you know what I mean? If you were happier and hopeful as a gay twink, and you're suffering now under the weight of what's changed in your life, then you need to give that some serious thought.
that's what i believe, but it's best for me to seek counsel from my psychologist first. he's away on vacation until the 8th of october. and i have fcking boobs so idk what to do about that
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>castrated depressed tranny
same except im 22 and been on hrt consistently for like 4 years now, kinda playing the catch up game rn lol
That's a good idea. I don't think transition is right for everyone, and also there's no shame in making mistakes in life. We all make mistakes. But I know there's a lot of pressure on trans girls to never detransition because it's supposed to be sacrilegious or something to the 'movement'. I think you need to do what's best for you and forget about other people.
rat in real life has same birthday as jade who knew
thank you for being understanding anon, i hope i can tackle my dysphoria another way. it's a whole confluence of issues that make treatment difficult.
it feels so humiliating though. all this strife out of a stupid decision that i went to out of impulse because i thought there isnt any other way
i hope it can work out for u rosewood. we all get there eventualkly
u ok anony?
You shouldn't feel stupid at all. You decided to get on hrt at an age where most people are struggling with their identity, even the ones who don't show it. Maybe you're trans, maybe you're not, but you're a human being who 1) will make mistakes in pursuit of trying to find yourself and 2) you deserve kindness for those mistakes instead of judgement. So be kind to yourself friend, you have ample time to figure it out and find happiness.
is it lovebombing if i send a guy this song to signify my affection?
>Break my face in was the kindest touch you
Ever gave
>Wrap my dreams around your thighs and
>Drape my hopes upon the chance to touch your arm

>Fabulous Muscles
>Cremate me after you cum on my lips
>Honey boy place my ashes in a vase beneath your workout bench

>No romance, no sexiness but
>A star filled night

>Kneeling down before now familiar flesh of your deformed penis
>Wigging out before the unfamiliar flesh of my broken neck
anons i cant make myself throw up how do i forgive myself instead
please shut the fuck up you insufferable loser
if I wanna lovebomb then ghost someone random should I pick a chaser or a tranner?
is this rick?
go to church
no a chaser did this to me so I wanna pass it along
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>we all get there eventualkly
i hope so ig i just wish i knew how long the road was. and all the obstacles i was gonna face. i guess thats the same for everyone but its scary seeing it all and how its all played out. when i first first started i was 16 and full of hope. now im 22 and i genuinely just wanna die and it really shows behind my eyes, idk what else much i want or need to do. besides just kinda stick around and hope for the best while actively trying to make change in my life. which im trying but i feel all the wasted time/potential eating at my soul everyday. im scared ig. i just wish i didnt have such a toxic relationship with femininity cause ive always felt trans. but im also quite grossed out by it, always have been

dont do that itll make yur teeth bad and youll look sickly af ed's are no joke, i tend to struggle with em. seeing yall talk about it sm is a bit disheartening
one day of eating doesnt rly change anything

if you actually want to lose weight do more cardio and work out more in general so you burn more calories and raise your metabolism
Something that's legitimately helped me is popcorn. It's fairly low in calories and carbs and keeps you full
I went from 180lbs to 130lbs in like a month and some change by eating lightly salted, palm oil (no butter) popcorn anytime I was hungry or snacky

Goals though
this desu, black coffee and sparkling water did me good as well, or bad in a lotta cases desu.
rav there is no world where dropping from 180 to 130 lbs in a month is remotely healthy :(
This is good too

I was Hella ana through HS (100-110lbs) got a job where I got free food all day (up to 180lb, prob half muscle mass) and literally watched pounds falling off each week by eating popcorn and not taking in empty calories (if you drink any soda and can't stop switch to zero cal at least, I did this with energy drinks)
its not about losing or gaining weight a single day of maybe 2.5k calories isn't going to do anything, i just feel so disgusting and dont want to go to sleep until i resolve this somehow
Shhhh, it had to be done <3

I went back to 180 once after but I was gym coping and 16%BF.. Did the same thing though. I quit working out and ate filling low cal/carb foods
I swear watching the numbers on the scale drop more each day is like heroin to me... Though I'm usually good about not going too far with it these days. I try to stay around 135lbs
stop talking about weight n numbers omg. you girls are literally doign it to yourself
exactly so just drink some water and try to do something relaxing like reading or meditating until you’re sleepy
Scale numbers go down, mood go's up slightly. It's simple as that :)
doesn't make it feel okay
you didn’t do anything wrong
Death rattle of chasergen = constant ED talk
99% trans girl population, it's just me and maybe one other poor sucker left
i haven't eaten this much since like 2023
June that was last year lol.

>I was Hella ana
same but not in hs for me as much. kinda a newer development after it, maybe around 18-19. got down to like 115 early last year by just mostly drinking coffee, taking supplements and eating rice puff patties. love those things. its fairly easy for me at least with my depression, kinda just extends the lack of motivation to my apatite. cant lie tho i feel the same about seeing it go down too, i also kinda enjoy the slight woozy feeling of a long day with nothing in the engine. makes whatever you have at the end of the day sm mor satisfying. nothing beats satiating that hunger for me, dosent even matter the food desu. think ive dropped like 5 this week. kinda just been forgetting to eat, needa get supplements again.

i dont like it but like when i see it all the time idk what else to say seems like a fixation here for a few
im saying its too much and i dont know what to do about it
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nah, skinny is just back in fashion and this always happens when it is. trans women are already really vulnerable to having unhealthy relationships to beauty standards and also to vulnerable to self harmy behaviours, and it's really easy for all of that to coalesce into an ED.
fuck that song is good. I've been listening to A Promise and Knife Play on repeat for a few weeks, but i've only heard Fabulous Muscles like two times in my life. Maybe I'll add it to my rotation now.
no, i wish she would just die or fuck off from this thread
fucking whip your back or something already if you want forgiveness. stop making it our business
It's really gonna be fine. You're just freaking yourself out. Have a good cry to tire yourself out and hit the hay if you ask me. It's real late.
you need therapy
I wish I was skinny and cute but I'm ugly and gross
>got down to like 115 early last year by
Yeahh I have to try really hard to not let myself keep going as low as I can. I'm usually content around 135 and occasionally will drop to 130. But some weeks I really want to just keep it going down

>can't lie tho i feel the same about seeing it go down too, i also kinda enjoy the slight woozy feeling of a long day with nothing in the engine
Oh god I swear I have a mild addiction to nearly passing out everytime I stand up. It legitimately feels good to me 9 times out of ten and I think it has to do with knowing my body has nothing left for energy other than itself

Also 100% on it making that one meal so much better too
I feel like the odd one out here I’ve never had an eating disorder why is this so common wtf
Part of my issue was that my mother was a model in the 80s (or claims she was anyways) and she taught my siblings and I to be bulimic and ana very early on
See >>37316269
i think i just need a hug for once
unfortunately attention whore like jade and her dogshit op make guys flee
that's just cope, nobody like ana, it just make you look worse in every way possible and also make you age
4chan tranner just have a really high rate of mental illness
Trans women don't tend to like their bodies. Or themselves for that matter. At least around here.
am i the only one excited for megalopolis? i mean it's a fucking coppola flick, where's all the excitement? it looks gorgeous
i think ppl think it's going to be some conventional superhero film when it's literally the catilinarian conspiracy in a neo-rome
we're in need of a great debate about the future!
Yall wild I'm in an extended deficit because I genuinely need to lose weight as a fat bastard and the lightheadedness from standing up just sucks
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i kinda have waves of eating a ton for a bit and then just not for months.

>I'm usually content around 135 and occasionally will drop to 130
yeh same thats my goal rn then ill try and maintain it for a bit and maybe try pioglitazone again or something.

>It legitimately feels good to me
same at least until i actually did passout that shit was so scary i thought i died lol :0

i was taught to deeply hate myself, also just just kinda happens to feminine people, ngl whenever im skinny is when i get most attention from men so i kinda got no other choice if i want to find someone

same i kinda just want someone to hold me and never let go
>nobody like ana, it just make you look worse in every way possible and also make you age
yeah, but that's not the only eating disorder, and you can develop an unhealthy relationship to food without even aiming for turning into a skeleton.
Like, i'm usually kinda comfy with my own body, mostly just ambivalent to it, but need to lose weight in order to be elligible for orchi. I started dieting a while ago, and in just under two weeks, my "1400 kcal per day with a 300 kcal buffer in both directions" plan turned into me having nightmares about binge eating and feeling guilty about going over 1100kcal a day. And like, I'm someone who's never had any troubles of this sort before. It's just really really easy to develop an unhealthy relationship with food as soon as you start to fuck with it, even if you're concious and careful.
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ooo i loved this song growing up havent heard in a min
Is there really that few chasers?
>I kinda have waves of eating a ton for a bit and then just not for months.

Oh yeah, same here

>I'm usually content around 135 and occasionally will drop to 130
yeh same thats my goal rn then ill try and maintain it for a bit and maybe try pioglitazone again or something.

Oh I'm actually thinking about starting pio next months when I hit 2yrs HRT. I was gonna try and go up to 150lbs and then back down to 130ish with it

>It legitimately feels good to me
same at least until i actually did passout that shit was so scary i thought i died lol :0
Ahh I've done that a handful of times too.. Lol
I used to constantly be saving lewds from this gen smdh
It's just us. We were the chasers all along
It's ED insomnia girl night, srry
yeah, most of us left because of all the bullshit going on in here recently
I came here for attention and bc it's easier to hold a conversation than in any other thread
I was vaguely excited at first, but the trailer with the fake critic quotes made me laugh so much. I'll probably end up seeing it if it's not dogshit or something.
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it works ftmp especially if you have the right genetics for it, i dont really but it still really helped my figure. went from 140ish to like 160. i hated being heavier and it def wasnt without some consequences but overall would try again just go a bit healthier route with it.

its really just a different flavor every night, some nights can be real cool tho
Hard to say. There's fewer people in general than most seem to think. But yes, we're unlikely to be a majority at this point.
>its really just a different flavor every night, some nights can be real cool tho
i mean sure, but all the drama that got imported from discord and mtfg just killed it for a lot of people
It just kept going on and on. Was so tedious, I know I took a break for a bit at least.
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i think they deleted that one and replaced it with something much better
im definitely goign to see it in imax. looks to be of a scale to rival the greatest historical film epics. i just love the aesthetics of it -- the straddling of magical realism and a neo-roman science fiction is so intriguing
also the setting of the catilinarian conspiracy is an amazing choice -- it's where marcus tullius cicero made his most memorable speeches. the republic in decline.
he's also had the ambition to produce the film since 1977, so, it's a very important project for him
>In 2021, Coppola sold his Sonoma County wineries in a deal valued between $500 million and $1 billion to reportedly spend $120 million of his own money to produce the film.
also here's a tidbit of his based filmmaking
>Working with concept artist Dean Sherriff to translate his vision through keyframe concept art, which he described as similar in style to that of a woven mural or tapestry, he permitted minimal input from the art department, whose practices, having recently completed a Marvel production, he deemed conventional, expensive, and hierarchical.[1]:8 "The art department was frustrated because they felt I was evolving the look of the picture independently of them," he said, "They wanted giant sets and images. I wanted other elements like costumes and live effects to do some of the work and have it not all be art-department-centric.
to add onto this, these marvel flicks have blown out production costs to an insane degree, and have quashed any sort of eccentricity or breaking of the mold that could possibly be had. not to mention these miserly fuckin' producers
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>imported from discord and mtfg
tru the constant ed posting def dosnt help, been thinking of takin a break from here cause like i rarely add anything desu just kinda wastin space a bit. i just dont really have much else desu and ive gotten used to posting here fsr. mostly just use these threads to help ease my social anxiety and ngl gage how people see me or if they find me attractive at all and ive kinda gotten my answer.
also some hag tried to sue him because he was a little touchy. SUCK IT UP. YOU ARE WORKING WITH ONE OF THE FUCKING GREATS. I would give him sexual fucking favours if it meant i could be working on such a product.
Happy birthday Jade
Oh I haven't seen any new one if there is one. I doubt I'll see it in IMAX, but I'm also just not a big Coppola fan or anything and by that I mean I just haven't seen many of his movies. I'm like aware of the guy and his films, just never got around to it.
You're attractive and cool. You also do add a lot. You bring a fun positive vibe and songs for everyone.
You're attractive outside and inside.
italian man gives a woman a kiss on the cheek and is slightly flirty
this warrants the impediment of one of the most culturally impactful films to grace our miserable screens
the shots are literally banger after banger in this trailer
someone entertain my autism for a moment please
you made it weird
oh FORGIVE ME for finding bourgeois opportunists exploiting metoo for personal gain -- at the expense of a $120 million dollar fuckin project, beyond hilarity
You sort of brought this up out of nowhere, anon.
yeah because im a spergy sperg who is upset at the current state of the high-budget film industry. you have people who's boots are too big for their breeches and want to fleece money out of a project that wants to try anything new or important
>Like athletes, performers are body-focused, keyed to fine-tuning of muscle reflexes and sensory awareness. But unlike athletes, performers must explore and channel emotions of explosive intensity. To impose rigid sex codes devised for the genteel bourgeois office on the dynamic performing arts will inevitably limit rapport, spontaneity, improvisation and perhaps creativity itself.
>Similarly, ethical values and guidelines that should structure the social realm of business and politics do not automatically transfer to art, which occupies the contemplative realm shared by philosophy and religion. Great art has often been made by bad people. So what? Expecting the artist to be a good person was a sentimental canard of Victorian moralism, rejected by the “art for art’s sake” movement led by Charles Baudelaire and Oscar Wilde. Indeed, as I demonstrated in my first book, Sexual Personae, the impulse or compulsion toward art making is often grounded in ruthless aggression and combat — which is partly why there have been so few great women artists.
im a devout paglianik
>Women’s discontent and confusion are being worsened by the postmodernist rhetoric of academe, which asserts that gender is a social construct and that biological sex differences don’t exist or don’t matter. Speaking from my lifelong transgender perspective, I find such claims absurd. That most men and women on the planet experience and process sexuality differently, in both mind and body, is blatantly obvious to any sensible person.

>The modern sexual revolution began in the Jazz Age of the 1920s, when African-American dance liberated the body and when scandalous Hollywood movies glorified illicit romance. For all its idealistic good intentions, today’s #MeToo movement, with its indiscriminate catalog of victims, is taking us back to the Victorian archetypes of early silent film, where mustache-twirling villains tied damsels in distress to railroad tracks.

>A Catholic backlash to Norma Shearer’s free love frolics and Mae West’s wicked double entendres finally forced strict compliance with the infamous studio production code in 1934. But ironically, those censorious rules launched Hollywood’s supreme era, when sex had to be conveyed by suggestion and innuendo, swept by thrilling surges of romantic music.
Goodnight chasergen. I'm gonna take a nap before heading home from work at 7 <3

I might lurk around here tomorrow idk
>The witty, stylish, emancipated women of 1930s and ’40s movies liked and admired men and did not denigrate them. Carole Lombard, Myrna Loy, Lena Horne, Rosalind Russell and Ingrid Bergman had it all together onscreen in ways that make today’s sermonizing women stars seem taut and strident. In the 1950s and ’60s, austere European art films attained a stunning sexual sophistication via magnetic stars like Jeanne Moreau, Delphine Seyrig and Catherine Deneuve.

>The movies have always shown how elemental passions boil beneath the thin veneer of civilization. By their power of intimate close-up, movies reveal the subtleties of facial expression and the ambiguities of mood and motivation that inform the alluring rituals of sexual attraction.

>But movies are receding. Many young people, locked to their miniaturized cellphones, no longer value patient scrutiny of a colossal projected image. Furthermore, as texting has become the default discourse for an entire generation, the ability to read real-life facial expressions and body language is alarmingly atrophying.

>Endless sexual miscommunication and bitter rancor lie ahead. But thanks to the miracle of technology, most of the great movies of Hollywood history are now easily accessible — a collective epic of complex emotion that once magnificently captured the magic and mystique of sex.
mfs be like
>need an opinionated sperg gf
yeah, where are you fucks now?
It's a bit too late at night for me to wade into anything like this right now I think. You have a good day, I'm going to sleep.
*throws tomatoes*
good night!
are yuo manic?
dont try to medicalise me hoe
im full of PASSION and VIGOUR
Reminder Rick posts stolen pics of a gay guy
meds :)
Bros why do tranners fall in love so fast and easily? It's a lil scary sometimes
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i think ill of you and i hope you realise, that the pathetic efforts to institutionalise me fall ENTIRELY flat
or just inexperience
Makes sense that he was always stealing pics though
Someone save this thread. Solid proof of the accusations against rick being 100% true.
do people seriously believe this was in question besides samefags being deceitful and them poisoning the well? it's been obvious he's a pathological liar from the beginning
>it's been obvious he's a pathological liar from the beginning
I agree but it's good to have full proof of it now
you should always rub it in their faces, at every possible chance you can
I've been wondering the same but it's cute
Idk but I'm not complaining..
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ty i do try but ngl i get a bit jealous of the attention others get

have a very gn yall good dreams

ive never been loved before, i fall easily just hard to let myself really feel it. daddy issues prolly, any type of positive affirmation make me really happy
Based Rosewood
Cute voice
i love all of you
hurt by the cold
That makes me wonder whether Frisson was actually real. Has anyone looked into it? When was her last post under that trip?
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yesterday i was unhappy and miserable the entire day for no reason today i am totally fine and happy also for no reason
Had any good bussy lately dawg? You working right now or unemployed? I need an update
>start browsing hinge
>see a bunch of trans girls
>all hons
They aren't sending their best
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hey guys do i pass?
No I’m sorry…
ive gone out on a bunch of dates, went out the entire day with a twink last weekend and we had a fun time, im unemployed at the moment and have been for the past two months, i think im gonna get a warehouse job
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what about now
guess you can’t handle a girl who gets her derp on….
Night Rav have a good day at work tomorrow
How do you find a trans girl like this? Do you have to be gigachad? I'm actually already taking steroids in hopes I can get myself pretty muscular and speed up how long it takes until I actually do look like chad.
steroids don't make u a gigachad they don't make u taller or give u a better face all they will do is make u bald
nano is so cringe but i did used to use her strat of spamming literally every tranny subreddit possible and she just kept adding more random obscure ones at one point like r/DallasGooners or some shit
>all they will do is make u bald
They also make you jacked.
it's not a good trade if u want to attract girls anon
they help you getting jacked, you don't just magically become jacked on steroid, you still need to work out a lot
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good flippin morning chasergen
so glad i fell asleep early enough last night to dodge the ED talk B)
tell me what's been up you all. give me the deets on your days
They also don't guarantee you bald. All they really do is speed up the balding you were already going to get.
you can achieve a good physique by going to the gym consistently for a year, you dont need to shave months or years off your lifespan just to attract girls
>you can achieve a good physique by going to the gym consistently for a year
I've been going since 2013. I'm 24-years-old. I want to get really jacked to develop an exotic look in hopes that it will attract some trans women.
I just got home from work actually lol! (night shift)
And I took tonight off :)
how muscular do you intend to get?
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This. It's all about

>height, frame, face
Pretty jacked. I should be able to bench 325, squat 425, and deadlift 495 now, and I just started taking steroids at the very end of August.
This is good advice. Aside from guys with alt/punk styles, the ones that catch my eye are toned well but not super bulky. They look good/healthy and strong

And if they're style is alt and they're toned.. :')

That being said, everyone's different and so are their preferences
>in hopes that it will attract some trans women.
it won't lol
I have a passing trans gf and I don't consider myself super attractive or anything
Why not? There aren't any trans women who get turned on by jacked men?
That's nice. How did you find her?
We need new blood
I wish trannies like >>37317064 would come here.
right is way hotter
Yes anon that was his point

Lefts traps are kinda ridiculous. Right is more evened out and looks waayyy better
Good morning. Buenos dias. Gluten Morgen. The opposite of Aloha.

Second day of new job and I'm running on nicotine, caffeine and hate. Pray for me.
>Lefts traps are kinda ridiculous.
That's because his shoulders are farther apart than the guy on the right. Some guys have wider shoulders than others, like how some girls have wider hips than others.
Through a mutual hobby
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big man
yeah i feel like women tend to not like a professional type of look, they seem to prefer something like brad pitt in troy, or if they want something more muscular they also prefer more bodyfat
im pretty sure the left picture is photoshopped fyi, pic related is what a build with narrow shoulders actually looks like with a bunch of muscle packed on
are there any sane usable discords left? thread has been eh lately
the one i was modding died so i cant bother posting links to it anymore, im in another one but i think its relatively private
erectile dis function?
im scared
As you should be.
A round of applause for Jade Slade!
mm mm mmm. nothing quite like starting your day with a nice heaping cup of Huel Nutritionally Complete Powdered Food Meal Replacement powder mixed in water.




The closer to sleep I get the more my thoughts return to their default setting, cuddling.
I wish I had a gf that would put her gock in my mouth while I’m sleeping to wake me up
eating is such a Hassel. that's why I prefer a protein bar cause it has as much protein as a regular sized meal so less work. although I don't work out so Its making me fat I think
I find drinking them real easy.
i should probably look into protein shakes. i like huel because it's easy access to a few things im usually missing as a vegetarian, but i do want more protein than this.
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I eat real food
the bioavailability of nutrients and minerals from your fake slop food is utter dogshit, this is why body builders have to take absurd amounts of whey just to be able to build mass
stop being lazy shitters
it is. We had to start verifying users
i will say right now gingeranon is welcome in. But other random chasergen anons... nah. I can't imagine everyone else being okay with that.
Sure bud.
enjoy being a skinnyfat shrimpdick musclelet beta
Are you a trannard or a chaser? I agree either way
i love my homogeneous food replacement sludge
a tranner :)
Just curious, verify how?
we had everyone take a timestamp photo, basically. That's now standard for new members
Makes sense as an anti-Muscleanon preventative measure I guess
enjoy getting beat up by me :)
I'll join next time I take photos if I can
i want to lose practically all of my body mass though, i get enough protein from other sources that my foodless food slop is just easy filler food
I'll be living in fear of the day don't you worry.
I'm eating some really good blueberry ice cream
I need you.
I have a gf and am not interested in random 4channel servers but I still need to ask this question because I find it so fucking funny:

Why do transbians always end up running the chasergen discord servers? Lol
>i want to lose practically all of my body mass though
you basically have to starve yourself if you wanna do that though, no need to eat slop
if you want something lean, then just eat some lean meat. Chicken breast is incredible cheap, tasty, filling, and easy to make
no excuse to eat that disgusting artificial slop
that's exactly why
well we'd also have to vote on you. i'd be happy to bring it up tho, if you want. I think all of us want more men in there, ideally.
because we're the first ones kicked out of the servers run by chasers. At least that's why i did it
Tasty! What's the best berry for ice cream I wonder? I feel like it's raspberry.
I'm going to have to say strawberry
it sounds extremely insular, not so inviting.
>I think all of us want more men in there, ideally
I doubt the militant transbians in your server will appreciate that after they've already chased away so many men.
Transbians are notorious for autistically and unapologetically invading every online space they don't belong in. You'll find them literally anywhere as long as they don't belong there. Wherever there's a lonely bi tranny who just got out of a relationship, there's a transbian beasthon ready to take advantage of her.
Ah, okay. You can if you want lol I wouldn't mind joining
I feel like that's just that strawberry works the best even if it's not so great ice cream. I think at the heights raspberry begins the overtake.
Give me some?
What do you work mostly, anon?
Can we include Ben n Jerrys half baked? That's my go to for crying and watching sad movies
Nope! You're a horrible person if you even try. You have to choose.
Idk idk like berries... Uhh probably blueberries bc I can tolerate them
>I don't really like berries
these past 3 years I've only worked out my lower body and my core
and even though I've shed a ton of mass, I've still got kinda toned arms and stuff, I'm an ass kicking estrogenized faggot
Whey protein actually has the highest bioavailability of any known protein source, and it's pretty cheap per gram of protein compared to other sources of protein.
How is that possible? Is this a genetic condition? Is there a chance my future children could end up as wayward berryless freaks? I'm horrified.
it used to be open-invite, but that was abused and caused one of the members i actually care about to be uncomfortable being there. So we had to restrict access. Otherwise i'd be left without any of the people i made the server for in the first place
>the militant transbians
there are exactly two transbians in my server, and one of them is me and i want more men in there. It's just hard to find good ones.
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Why aren't the trannies posting about how fat they are and how thin they want to be anymore? They're slacking. Pics like this should make them feel bad enough to motivate them.
Is this ai? She looks impossibly thin
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Get back on the treadmill for another hour you fat pig trannies. You won't look like a woman if you aren't thin.
Of course a skinnyfat failed male like you would give the AI cope.
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Why aren't the trannies posting about want to be healers anymore? They're slacking. Pics like this should make them feel bad enough to motivate them to heal in hardcore wow.
whey protein is only comparable to real food if you get it from a very trusted source, and at that point you're paying like 10x what you normally would if you would just buy some eggs, milk, or chicken, and just lazily make food yourself
that 'cheap' protein you buy from Chang is amino spiked, you're not saving money, you're just eating a ton of useless shit. You might as well just eat blended beans and lentils at that point, because that's basically what Chang is putting in it, as well as other unknown filler slop, and some heavy metals ;)
I only feel boob envy from that, I'm already thin sorry
What does skinnyfat mean?
I don't play wow :/
>whey protein is only comparable to real food if you get it from a very trusted source, and at that point you're paying like 10x what you normally would if you would just buy some eggs, milk, or chicken, and just lazily make food yourself
This is not true. I love whey protein for how convenient it is. I just make a giant protein shake once or twice per day, and I'll drink that with whatever else I eat to make sure I'm getting in my 250 to 300 grams of protein.
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Get back on the grind for another hour you non healer trannies. You won't look like a Priest if you didn’t select the class.
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It means you may be lucky enough to be narrow, at least for a troon, but you're still fat and need to work harder to get thin for real.
>to make sure I'm getting in my 250 to 300 grams of protein
you don't need 250-300 grams of protein if you eat real food
you only need that much protein if you're eating protein supplement slop
you're not even properly digesting any of that or using it
I'm convinced you're just baiting me at this point so I'm going to stop responding to you in any serious capacity
enjoy your amino spiked chang slop
my kind of woman unfortunately
>you don't need 250-300 grams of protein if you eat real food
Bitch, I'm on steroids.
2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight+ more if youre a roider
Um... kay
>Bitch, I'm on steroids.
I could beat the shit out of you, weak ass piss baby chud
your 'muscles' are all fake and your bones are all weak, people on gear can build muscle eating whatever the fuck they want, even on pure sugar
real value is closer to 1g per 1kg of weight, but if you're a roider I don't expect you to be smart about what you inject yourself with or what you eat
If you're a roider, it's more like 1.2 to even 2 grams per pound of bodyweight if you're on roids.
Dude is just actually trying to make you all have BDD because it's been a recent topic that women have expressed sensitivity about. The trolls do this every time. Just ignore them.
I love you
What do we know about Twinkchan's butthole? Any data regarding shape, tightness, colour, smell, taste, et cetera? Any intel? Thanks in advance.
i love you too, anon <3
Love you too!
I know. I'm kinda happy with my body though so he doesn't bother me
>I think all of us want more men in there, ideally.
>join server
>gets mauled
you don't want to be mauled by a dozen boy-crazy trannies, anon? what are you, GAY??
I do this gay shit anonymously no way I join a whole discord for it. I also wouldn't take you out in public unless you decently passed.
But which boy crazy trannies? I'm not desperate
this is so real, most of the guys there got chased out for 0 reason lol
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I took a big fat ogre shit this morning. I had 4 big meals yesterday and drank like 6 different milkshakes. One of them was a blueberry yogurt ice cream shake. I bet my asshole doesn't smell like that though, it likely smells like putrid dogshit, it probably tastes like shit too. Did you know that big fat stinky shits come out of my asshole? I want you to think about that for a minute, the asshole is for shitting, you fucking shitter
I would, that's why my brain made it up I think. It's a funny picture though
they're all nice girls. idk if i should name names about which ones are boy-craziest tho lol
the hells is this birds problem
I don’t wanna go to work gm y’all have a good day

hope u have a good day rosewood :)
1g per 1kg of bodyweight according to who? the studies and articles i read either say 1g per pound or 2g per kg, ive been convinced that 2g per kg is more accurate than 1g per 1lbs, gorillas eat 2g per 1kg of bodyweight a day, all the biggest guys eat that or more. im not a roider but if i wanna eat optimally i eat 2g per kg of bodyweight
probably, im not well versed on roider stats since i only consume natty content
all i'm saying is the barrier for entry is a bit high on my end for something that I have little info one. sell yourselves a little bit to me. sending my full ass face timestamped to 4chan weirdos I might not even like is a big ask without something to go on.
Preach. Do what we gotta though. It'll be lunch before long and shift over not much later. I know I'm going to get up to drink water like fifteen times just to pass the time.
need2 get rid of brainwormmaxxing and warn new ppl about certain individuals that do not wish to be flirted with
Psyop to get people to stop thinking about your butthole. Not falling for it.
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shitters deserve to be shit on
realistically those two are never going to be ok with men being in there ever, when they DM the mods the moment someone dares flirt with one of them
Penguin propaganda is so insane. They're these cute little arctic birds somehow instead of the fetid shitters they are. Their existence is living in shit, that's what their colonies literally are, giant warm piles of shit.
>because we're the first ones kicked out of the servers run by chasers
And why do you think that is?
so called straight women when a non 6’4” 250lb white male dares look in their direction
Is the bitterness just ambient to your life now? Do you feel it still?
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2g per kg of bodyweight is more than fine if you're natty and wanna compete with a roider, but be aware that you will never build muscle as fast or as easily as a roider, you have to be very patient
you also need to realize that a lot of those so called scientific articles you're reading are written by supplement shills
just eat real food and stop worrying about protein supplements, they're not real food and they will just put unnecessary stress on your organs and ruin you gut microbiome
you're also not a gorilla, gorillas can eat mostly plant slop and still get ripped because of their genetic advantages
>that's what their colonies literally are, giant warm piles of shit
Darn. I kinda like penguins
That being said I do still love them. Animals are great. I love this penguin more than the others though, don't tell them. I always post him.
nope, I’m mostly happy now. I just need to finally get a job and move so I can stop feeling so transient

also realizing that social media is rotting my brain and I need to be more careful about how I spend my time, but overall lot of improvements in my life
only up to four of us see your face. you can also do it 1:1 if you prefer.
as far as "something going on"... idk what to say. It's literally just a server for my friends, and they want men in there because they like men. And that means i want men in there. it's not a dating server, but you might get to flirt if they like you. I can't promise you anything, anon.
good morning, you
still need your vote on rav btw
>need2 get rid of brainwormmaxxing
yeah it's pretty bad. im open to suggestions on that front.
>and warn new ppl about certain individuals that do not wish to be flirted with
that's probably a good idea. I think part of the problem is that one of them actually does want to be flirted with, but only by specific people she's already into. And does NOT appreciate when it goes poorly
it's possible. idk, personally i think one of them is just picky and the other doesn't care about men being there but wants them to leave her alone.
no idea. I tried really hard to get along with you but you just kept getting meaner and meaner for no discernable reason.
You can still like penguins, they're great! They're just also horrible little disgusting creatures. That's most animals lol.
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I love them too, they are fascinating little birbs, surviving in such harsh conditions, their social norms, how they take care of each other
truly fascinating, they're also very cute

Are there like any hrt discords or something I really needa ask the hard questions, or maybe just a chill one or something. I’m so lonely

Ty phosphorus you too :)

Frfr time goes by pretty fast at my job thankfully, I’m constantly moving making something or helping a customer. I run it alone most days till about 5 then the younger ones come in and take over
thought this was nils at first
I want a penguin as my pet
And semi-aquatic too! So incredibly interesting the dichotomy and interplay between land and sea. Possibly the most barren place for any terrestrial animal, totally chill and cool for a bajillion fish. I don't think most people have the information to really think just how much different and crazy life is under the sea. Relatively speaking plants just disappear and the food web is just animals all the way down, so wild.
>no idea
It's because you are a transbian invading spaces you don't really belong in. Is my guess.
Sarah hasn't done shit to you, you insecure little freak
all i ever wanted was to hang out with my friends. I'd still be doing that in traphouse, probably, if you could have just learned to chill out. I never wanted to run my own server, it's way more work and drama than i need in my life. But apparently that's what it takes
u do realize that a lot of people there are transbian and just pretending for attention right, at least shes honest about it so u know where she stands lol
Calm down you menstruating redditor

Traphouse is frogfaggot's server right?
>more discord drama brought here
yeah. and i just assumed that was you. mb.
its all so tiresome
Come join our low trust high paranoia server, we will require you to verify your identity and the panel will vote on you. If you make it in then walk on eggshells while everyone else already knows each other or else you will be kicked.
the cliques are exhausting
I don't like furits either. I prefer vegatbles. I think it's too much sugar but idk lol

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