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MtFs should teach FtMs how to act male socialized and FtMs should teach MtFs how to act female socialized
this is why st4t is the best pairing
I don't think most MTFs actually know how to act like men, a lot of them were treated as sissy fags growing up. As an FTM I never really understood girls, they always felt like aliens to me and I never fit in with them.
>I don't think most MTFs actually know how to act like men, a lot of them were treated as sissy fags growing up.
Not even remotely true.
I'm the world's leading expert on masculinity. I managed to fool the world into thinking I was a cisman for 20 years. I was so good I even fooled myself.
I don’t really know how to act female socialized, I was just a weird silent sperg everyone avoided talking to
>most MTFs were treated as sissy fags growing up
Still male socialization, like how most pooners are encouraged to act feminine and shamed for acting masculine (ie female socialization)
>MtFs should teach FtMs how to act male socialized
i literally do this

some of us malemaxx
Transness is said to be biologically determined, but the way people act is hand-waved away as environmentally determined socialization. This is such a cope. Men and woman act largely the same across all cultures and time periods, and only the associated props and costumes change. You guys can copy the scripts of your preferred roles, but this makes you an actor, and the reason you're having to resort to this is not because you missed out on 'socialization,' it's because the biological basis of your behavior is that of your birth sex.
MtF on how to act male socialized:
>Don't ask for help
>Don't cry
>Be helpful
>Don't talk -- you ARE the stranger
>Never let anyone see you cry
>Want to complain? You had better have a solution, then!
>Don't be wrong. Don't be weak. Don't ask for help.
>Stay away from children and babies at all costs -- except your own.
Expect ridicule and scorn if you don't strictly conform to these. Give it to yourself if nobody else will.
>Don't ask for help
>Don't cry
maybe true. don't cry in front of people.
>Be helpful
>Don't talk -- you ARE the stranger
>Never let anyone see you cry
>Want to complain? You had better have a solution, then!
>Don't be wrong. Don't be weak. Don't ask for help.
slightly, maybe, nah
>Stay away from children and babies at all costs -- except your own.
yes unfortunately true, men aren't exactly trusted.
>Men and woman [sic] act largely the same... only the associated props and costumes change."
>"...the biological basis of your behavior is that of your birth sex."
Care to provide an explanation? Men shouldn't ask for help -- especially of a woman. Men are expected to be experts even when they aren't. That's why you have these stories of asshats talking as though they're experts to actual experts.
Men are expected to be helpful, especially to women. They usually don't, but they get ridiculed for it! It checks out!
If you complain, then you ought to have a solution. Men whining bothers people, and they'll quickly put a whiner in charge of fixing a problem to shut them up. Women whining also bothers people, but the problems are either ignored or fixed by someone else.
>Don't be weak
Huh? Are you stupid? That is the actual quickest way to get mocked as a man!
>Care to provide an explanation
Sure buddy. Let's see.
>Men shouldn't ask for help
Incorrect. It's feminine and faggotlicious of a man to not ask for help. Put his tail behind his legs, think he's good enough and doesn't need nobody. Let me tell you something, having someone to ask for help is probably the best thing a man can do. It's the mostmasculine. Real men help each other. What are you, an albanian tard? You ask for help you make connections, filter niggas
>especially of a woman
what are you asking of a woman? no, you probably don't ask a woman for anything

> Men are expected to be experts even when they aren't
no clue what you're even talking about, to be honest.
>Men are expected to be helpful, especially to women
yeah, it's kind, its what a gentleman does.

>If you complain, then you ought to have a solution
to who? you can just complain, men do it all the time. who cares? complain, get it out of your system, and then figure it out later. men can and do vent lmfao, even if it's not as emotional as women.

>Men whining bothers people
is it a "i won't change anything" whine? or a "fuck that guys pissing me off" / "my boss is on my ass" complaining?
there's a difference. one is normal.

>don't be weak
yeah, all men can be strong. work out. do your best to be as strong as you can, physically, and mentally. this is called being healthy.

are you a ftm, or an angry incel? if the former, i give you a pass. if the latter, kill yourself
I already clarified that I'm an MtF explaining male socialization. I have abandoned these expectations.
Men don't ask for help. They OFFER to help. You get friends that OFFER to help you and you OFFER to help them! You can refuse help, but if a guy doesn't offer, then don't ask. You can imply that you need help, but don't ask.
>men can and do vent... not as emotional as women
We agree on this point, it seems. The "not as emotional as women" part is an important qualifier.
I don't think this conveys what you think it does.
>MtF explaining male socialization
incel, got it
>Men don't ask for help.
skill fucking issue
if you had normal friends you'd ask for help and they'd fucking help you. friends help nigga.
>You can imply that you need help, but don't ask.
this is so much more pathetic than just asking
>I don't think this conveys what you think it does.
fuck off incel
You are likely an FtM that doesn't get it.
You are confusing an 'ought' with an 'is'. There is no reason that male socialization is the way it is, it just is.
These are the answers, and if you don't like them, then rage against the machine. I'm just trying to help.
I have friends. I don't even conform to these expectations anymore. Perhaps you should start making fun of real people instead of imaginary people.
>last point
I was trying to be humorous, but I think your feefees got hurt :'(
i’m a cis man
This you?
Jigs up, baiter girl.
i didn’t even delete it because of your post but that’s funny
now nobody will know
the kind of male socialisation most mtfs get is being a terminally online autistic loner shut-ins, idk if that’s what ftms really need
I started suspecting something awry after the car post.
I just had a snack and a laugh. Have a good day.
hehe that’s sweet ur adorable anon have a nice day
always remember that these people have literally nothing but shaming to direct at makes and that should be automatically tuned out
there’s no socialization to be learned when ur an adult. it happens in childhood mostly
t. fem socialized tranny who played and was oomfies with girls as a kid
Maybe if youre extremly insecure, it's seems like what >>37316016 said is true even if you don't realize is. This isnt how normal men act
Unless you're me and you were too autistic to ever understand and apply the bullying
>don't cross your legs are you gay
>lol I just like sitting this way are you stupid
>lol you act like a girl
>why is that a problem also that doesn't mean shit and is sexist
i dont know nothing about female socialisation. im autistic retard and women never loved me. i can only teach you how no to act like me and maybe few basics.
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>why yes i received my (gender) socialization from autistics that abandoned their birth sex at the first opportunity, how could you tell?
Yeah, that's why I had to consciously study and perform masculine gender roles before I figured out I'm trans and now I don't have to consciously perform femininity, I just had to stop suppressing my natural behavioural instincts.
male and female socialization is a genuinely retarded concept if you think you dont pass because of it you gotta go back to the drawing board
this we experienced male socialisation but not in a way that lets us teach u how to fit in or be a man, like we know nothing about that
are u dumb? that's why we're trannies u got it backwards, the act is trying to fit in with our birth sex, being gender nonconforming from an early age and having it beaten and bullied out of us means there's a biological basis for the behaviour
the only way to learn opposite agab socialization is REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE
no one can teach it
no one can remove you
you have to go outside and interact with people
yes, you reading this
i do not trust the average FtM to know shit about how to act female socialized, unless you include tik tok ftfemboys
You are worthless decaying organic matter. You have no value in and of yourself. You exist to serve females, and if you serve well you might be spared. If you don't you can go die in a war or on the streets, females don't care.
The value of your words is based on your competence. Know what you're talking about and talk loud, otherwise the world will forget about you
It's not ok to touch women without permission. It is not okay to enter a woman's personal space. It's not ok to talk to a woman who was not already interested in talking to you. You are dangerous and disgusting and you need to understand your place.
Your feelings don't matter. On the worst day of your life you will still be expected to bend over backwards for any and every female whim. Don't withdrawal, the world will abandon you. Don't show it, the world will abandon you. Just carry it inside quietly.
I don't know how much of this stuff you guys want, it's hard even writing it :(
I'm so glad I'm not a man anymore
this is why mtfs shouldn't teach manhood to ftms they'll turn them into incels lmao
>be reliable
>be brave
>look genuine
>don't be a fool
>stand to the end
>put effort, don't be pussy
>joke, be funny, be yourself
>look after others
>be gentleman
>help with physical stuff if you can

and one real thing, don't listen to a woman that tell you how to behave like a man. don't listen to me fuck ahahhahaa
I have a specific question for male socialization if anyone thinks they can tackle it. How are you supposed to respond when a man complains about being fat/out of shape to you (self-deprecating)?
How to be a man:
>Be cute
>Be my boyfriend
pls i need st4t bf ASAP
it's not the question about socialization lol
It all depends on who this man is for you
i am a man now
yeah this entirely depends on the guy in question and how you're connected lol.
generally if anyone of any gender says they look fat/out of shape my go-to is to say "oh you look fine" and then spin it into a positive and praise them for expressing fitness motivation
>>Don't ask for help
>>Don't cry
>>Be helpful
>>Don't talk -- you ARE the stranger
>>Never let anyone see you cry
>>Want to complain? You had better have a solution, then!
>>Don't be wrong. Don't be weak. Don't ask for help.
>>Stay away from children and babies at all costs -- except your own.

All of this is what everyone should do. Doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man. I think showing weakness is what is wrong with this world!

But you all will die so at least that is right in the world.

You all are worthless weak broken people. And I mean the whole world when I say you guys. If you are reading this, you, Yes you! Are weak broken, a total mess. I will be happy when you die. I will celebrate and be happy that you all will die. I throw parties everyday because a person dies everyday. We need less weak broken people. I need to recreate this, you know it will be ironic if it turned out that I made all of this. I will die in shame if I made humanity, and the rest of this broken world. God is probably some broken worthless man who doesn’t really know how to create.

I can do a way better job. Hell I should be god when I am surrounded by this mess. I am more of a god than god is. Ironic isn’t it.

I am surrounded by broken weak “people” you never mattered and you shouldn’t have exist!
being told i sound female socialized was so confusing. im too sleepy to process all of that
most true ftms have no idea cuz they were tomboys to the extreme b4.
>You have no value in and of yourself. You exist to serve females
I didn't perform male behavior but I sure did hold myself back from acting how I just wanted to act
Literally me
>Don't ask for help
Mom always said to ask for help if you need. Just ask politely and most people are happy to help.
>Don't cry
It's okay to cry sometimes we all cry but if you're feeling down it's a good idea to tell someone ( In the context my mom )
>Be helpful
Yeah it's good to help people
>Don't talk
No it's okay to talk to people making small talk is nice
>Never let anyone see you cry
Mom never said anything about that
>Want to complain?
I don't much like to complain about stuff unless prompted to so it's whatever. Venting can be fun.
>Don't be wrong/weak/ask for help
Just admit you're wrong. It's okay to be stupid/weak as long as you ask for help.
>Stay away from kids
Mom never said anything but I'm good with kids so eh
Honestly I’m just trying to desocialize myself at this point. I feel more kinship with wild animals than with cis people.

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