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need tall handsome bf edition
last >>37312018
qott i honestly can't think of one my brain is burnt out rn
tall handsome masc gf though ?
cuz i dont like men
That’s because you’ve never received male attention before.
i have and it was only either harassment or sexual harassment
mr stark.. i don't feel so good
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where did it all go wrong
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i saw someone in the last thread claiming to be harmed by wrens actions. wren has a history of abuse around multiple midwest trans women, shes a disgusting person and in our last dm i said i would not defame her anymore on 4-chan but when i see shit like that it just makes me want to speak up, when my current girlfriend was unemployed wren told me “use this opportunity to degrade and humiliate her as much as possible” i of course did not do that because unlike wren i can hold a stable relationship. my gf also stated when her and wren were a couple, wren implied she was into bdsm, so my gf play slapped her. Wren held her down to a bed by her throat and made her cry.
So fyi wren is dangerous, me posting this is dangerous because i know wren has doxed people before and has the capacity to dox me as well, im moving soon thankfully. But still she’s actually an awful person who is incapable of admitting that amount of harm she causes, she is to be avoided
She always takes advantage and then says “well we both had agency” its her favorite defense but she is always the one in power she openly told me once in a dm that vulnerability is what she seeks most in those she pursues

Picrel is her doing damage control for posting someones nudes without permission.

Wren is filth
>>3731820the offended party claims she never gave wren permission to post that gif and personally knowing wren irl I believe the victim fully
Shes also like $20,000 in debt which is hilarious
She Also maxxed out an exes credit card out of spite
boohoo, this is not xitter and you're not gonna get hugboxed because you were too much of a retarded shitwit to see the infamous penis flytrap
Why do we have new trips making new drama?
I dont value you or your response
also that just sounds fucking based
I forget that most of you are incels my bad
who the fuck is wren
need a quick lore rundown
Not hug boxing pig fucker, i just want people to know he is scum im not looking to gain, im looking to defame
how is it being an incel if someone doesn't care about some random trip drama
people are abusive, everyone knows that
A well respected trip because she baits chaser and they think with theirs cocks, so they dont care shes a borderline sex offender
uwu you're such a little victim and maxing out some bitches credit card is SOOOOO WRONG!!!! go to ftmg retard
I dont even know the person it happened to, i don’t care i just want to hurt wrens rep here
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Chuds have more empathy and stability than 99% of you btw
so the bitch is lying because she wants to defame him too, jfc you're a dumb piece of shit
u were supposed to leave
i think i saw a pic of wren at some point, they looked like a total scumbag, how people fall for obviously looking asshole jerks is beyond me, maybe i am just good at reading faces and they are not, or they are just retarded idk, anyway, if they were dumb enough to get involved with this person, they probably deserved it, stupid tax baby
Its all truth believe what u will im done posting on this sote fater this because your all valueless
>>37317476 (Clara)
>why do you do it
idk exactly probably it is a mix of being paid very well and having been raised with the idea that am supposed to work very hard in order to be a worthwhile member of society
over the last year I have tried to be more balanced re work and yesterday (incl today) was (is) exceptional so I think I have made some progress
Done posting on this sote after this I hate all of you complacent with abuse low life sub humans, some amazing people ive talked to on this site but most of you should be selectively put down for harm reduction sake
go skip a rope around your neck now that you're samefagging and talking about incels and chuds, or better yet take your bitching, whining and moaning to xitter for proper back pat hugboxing.

bet you're a brickhon that's jealous about the fact that someone will actually fuck wren
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I didn’t post the post your responding to, also i mog wren hard, like brutally hard
kill yourself retard!
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I'm just here 2 be a hater
Ur proving my point and I'm not them lol
why are you still replying, tardanon? shouldn't you be leaving the thread? jfc go suck 12 gauge
Nah u first
larry you fat fuck will you be my wife, good take darling.
weren't you leaving?

dramatards really think like this??
Because its fun making you all mad blow my mind you all are so fine with the a idealizing of an abuser
why are you doing moral grandstanding on 4channel lol
who gives a fuck if idiots idealize an abuser
Are cat fights gender affirming?
Because she pulls people from this site to her place and abuses them dude
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Yea I'm gonna leave 4 class rn goobye
you are an illiterate coomer retard that got fucked over by someone who is marginally smarter than you, holy shit. the stupid tax is paid, learn from your mistakes, cope, cut your losses, cut your wrists and move on
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ok what am i supposed to do about it
idk and idc who this person is
obviously that's bad but if you get catfished on 4channel then it's your own fault for making bad decisions
play stupid games win stupid prizes
what are you majoring in
Has thread not yet learned that e-dating channers is a mistake in 99% of instances?
"abuses" aka lures in unsuspecting mongoloids who fantasize about someone actually wanting them, critical thinking is a must and there is a price for being a stupid bitch
tell navy I said hi
Lol I'm 300k in debt. It's not a big deal
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ban waves really did this place in.
ban avoiding trip drama that requires handwriting analysis to follow makes this thread read like deprecated ai spam to the average person dropping by. most non-drama posters who got banned took their discussion elsewhere presumably discord.

ppl here are prone to addiction and rolling e-gfs for that 1% jackpot is enticing.
u just gotta know how to pick em
what do you even spend your money on though? is it for retirement or just a vague life savings thing or do you increase your quality of life to higher standards of normal life stuff?
Aw ik this is probably before my time here but I want one
sure, i hope the wedding will be nice
>blow my mind you all are so fine with the a idealizing of an abuser
most people here are just as bad if not worse than wren, anons here are very sociopathic and sadistic, they would have done the same as wren and think it is based
when I first tried reading mtfg a few years back it seemed incomprehensible; I am skeptical that it has really gotten any worse
well I own my house which is prob tye big thing
I grew up in a blue collar family so I appreciate that I don’t really worry about money too much as an adult
I get the vibe no one here is good at picking em

Oh so it's gachaslop still?
the pickpocket assumes everybody else would be a thief given the opportunity
>Came here a year ago
>Came back

It is no less incomprehensible
iunno its just like last night 4 example i went on the thread and it was like
>anon saying he wants to hurt women
>anon just spamming woe is me about how they dont posses a female soul and will forever rep
and its like, wtf is the point in posting here lmao and just closed out. Happens a lot nowadays
only cus the ppl tht pick good don't have their relationship plastered on the thread lol
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a lot of ppl here are desensitized to stuff like that
it sucks that that happened to you, but looking for safe housing on 4chan of all places seems like asking for trouble. most ppl know this, and im sorry you had to find out the hard way but yeah don't meet people from the internet with the expectation that they will be friendly or have your best interests in mind. in fact, they likely have the opposite in mind and want to get something from you or have power over you or whatever. It's not your fault that this wren person decided to hurt you, and it's really shitty that they did, but we have as much control over that as you do. it's not like they're a frequent poster itt who people need to be warned about or who should be ostracized, so coming to a place where they basically never post to complain about their behaviour just is confusing and easily dismiss-able for a lot of posters
it's understandable to be upset about this, and it really sucks how things went down, and there's also not much we can do about it. if someone wanted to pursue wren then ppl would probably warn them not to do it even if they didn't know who wren was because trusting internet people and moving in with them is a dodgy idea in the first place.
have you considered contacting the authorities? they might be able to help deal with the situation and get them labeled a sex offender or something, if you're comfortable going to the police that is. if not no worries

>says the guy with pockets full of stolen property and a ski mask on
larry just because nobody likes you it doesnt make people sociopaths. kys gypsy
wren = rapehon
>says the guy with pockets full of stolen property and a ski mask on
your drama isn't interesting if we don't know who you are duh
did nomi die?
My trip is the same name i use for sex work so im scared to share it here anymore, srry
you are way worse than me, in your head, i am in the same pot with scumbags like wren but i never lie manipulate or really really hurt anyone, i am really soft and humble and nice irl and i could not hurt a fly bc i would feel bad abt it..
stfu, you sound like a pussy
She was joking when she said that shit about your gf retard
No she wasnt she would actively go out of her way to hurt her in other ways to, don’t pretend like you know my life
Isn't female soul spammer just larry without name on? I don't usually mind nazi

Holy shit captcha got worse again
I hate you all i hate this site you will all stay alone and deserve to be alone, your sick
Im never coming back here again, and i know you dont care i dont add anything here but whatever, continue raping and abusing eachother im done i hate you all
no, i do not care abt bs like that at all, i might be the "anon saying he wants to hurt women" though, i am not sure abt that
see ya baby, be careful to not be trafficked again and stuff
Ur delusionalrs42s
Do you want me to rape wren for you, her ass is pretty nice… didn’t you announce your leab 20 posts ago? Also you said you mog wren, post unsee if u cute.
It wasnt a choice it was my fucking dad that did it
Dont rape people you sick fuck
very hot actually but now you are just larping
what the fuck is this thread
Im not!!!!! I cant press charges i dont know how i have no evidence except seizures from electrocution he did to me
Lmao is this lafs irl friend wren people mean?
Yes i met laf to, laf seems sweet tho
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well my point of reference is like 2018 it seemed fine back then with mostly active trip posting. early this year with was not too bad but then bans, off trip drama and lari devolved it hard.

fax, i usually look at thread for like 2s and close it when it's like u said.
even hotter
did daddy touch you inappropiately also?
larry you are truly the most devious bitch i'm actually invested in you now because you're kind of an evil fucking cow (in the best of ways)
t. speedanon
Now get out before you feel worse
Crazy eyes but you’re cute ig

Aww cmon just a wee little one
Ive talked to pedophiles on 4-chan before, ones who have never touched a child or looked at cp, but are stuck living with that attraction, i have empathy for them because its not their choice to be that way,
But your just a creep shut up, and yes he did more times than i can count and i cant press charges i live in the aftermath and just deal with it
My three younger cousin is starting to look older than me. If this tranny thing doesn't work out atleast I can be happy about E slowing my aging like a vampire
ok, someone ate Laura Jane Grace while on trenbolone and when the dude took a steaming shit you came out of his asshole, jesus christ where are you seeking asylum from? The Isle of Man(-faced hons) you zog no one.
i would tho, forcibly if i have to.
yeah. worried laf will be raped by wren next
you look and you act extremely mentally ill, you do not seem to have all your mental faculties, you probably should go to a psychiatric institution for your own good
i am just edgy, i felt sorry when i read what happened to this person, i am not actually evil, i am juat feeling like shit usually..
can you describe to me how your daddy touched you? since you do not seem to leave it means that you enjoy talking abt it, i bet you get hard from this, i can roleplay as your daddy if it makes you feel safer and better
Wren didn’t rape anyone dont spread that, i never said that, she choked someone in bed out of anger and pursues vulnerable people, shes not a rapist
Fuck off with this shit, if someone has been assaulted by wren they can just say it, but the rumor mill speculation is gross because you’re acting like you’re concerned or you care but it’s just about drama and having a bad guy. Wren is just a dumb bitch with a mean streak. She’s been very protective of laf and a good friend far as I can tell.
>she choked someone in bed out of anger and pursues vulnerable people
soul of a rapist
cope rapist
I feel nauseous this thread was a mistake I genuinely feel suicidal now
dipped when the pedo stuff resurfaced again afaik
>I don't usually mind naz
more just a point how the thread was nothing but reppers and woman haters
basically errytime now
did you also feel suicidal when your daddy played with you?
hey, if you are feeling bad, you can always just kys, why not just do it rn? you seem forever damaged and that will probably spare you some pain..
what happened to trying to be nicer
go give yourself an air embolism or call your dad up and ask if he wants to rape you now that you're all grown up
i am mean on purpose to measure how much empathy and guilt i feel, ocd bs, i still feel them so eh, also i feel like complete dogshit like i usually do..
what horrible people you are
Some people have an ugly soul
I asked for this I guess by posting here, i just wanted to warn people so if wren wanted anyone to come to her olace they would be aware, i was trying to help, i wasn’t even trying to start drama idk. Why so you post this kind of stuff, ive been on this site for years todays my last day here on this site because its unsalvageable, but why you like hurting people so much? I honestly want to know, because it makes no senses to me
meds and therapy
you don't have to give in to compulsions
it's a lot funnier when she does, cute too. it's better than her bitching and whining about wanting to kill herself
Abusemaxxing is not cute
i love watching larry go from a self pitying spineless bitch to my beautiful malignant, cancerous queen.
want bf
this, and i also feel like shit and i love inflicting pain on to others when i feel bad and you pass better than me, it is not that complicated, makes sense, i do not like hurting people usually
ya, ik, it is just very hard, my ocd is pretty severe, probably close to laf level of severity
the person was not abused at all, she talked abt her trauma, got sad, cried a little and now she will feel better overall, in the grand scheme of things, this experience was good for her
Were you dropped on your head as a child or smth
i mean not abused in this thread, idk wtf her dad did to her, she should get help for that, she looks batshit crazy already
you have wren
Im sorry you feel like you dont pass, i forgive you completely for what you said to me. I hope your happy someday, but maybe making other feel bad isnt the best path to happiness, but i won’t judge you for anything you said. Just take care of yourself ok
thanks, take care of yoursels too and be careful, you are a very vulnerable person and maybe you should learn to be less empathetic towards others and to not trust them as much..
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better luck next week.
ok im leaving this site for good now, im not as mentally ill as i seemed in the thread, just seeing the apologism on display for an active abuser triggered mania and i over shared, I apologize for derailed your thread, i wont use this site again, it really isnt good for much these days. No hard feelings i wish you all the best im sorry if i fed into and engaged with the toxicity, this place tends to do that to me
Best wishes i want you all safe and happy
hello im normalpilled and not a fucking weirdo maxxed
here to save the thread
When am I going to collagen bond pass? I hate being the jar opener
tfw keep the thread open but only tab over once in a while
it's just gonna turn you weird, leave now
hey larry is mewing to looksmax based or is edging goated
wow that was an informative picrel
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the larry cycle
>why is everyone mean to me im so nice im just a lil mentally ill :((
>i want to die why did god do this to me i hate my body
>posts the most heinous shit ever
>ppl respond negatively
>posts penis in response
>why is everyone mean to me im so nice im just a lil mentally ill :((
at least the schizo anon posting has died down a lil
girl u don't have to announce ur leaving 10 times just run
i guess i cellulite pass ;~;
larry needs enablers tbfh
this is a blue board larry
mewing is bs, won't fix my non existent chin
i did not even do it now and i rarely post my penis nowdays, like you genuinely have no empathy for me and i might kill someone one day bc of that, jk, i am friendly mentally ill
>larry cycle
many posters here go through more or less the same cycle
I think the general version is
>feel awful
>hate self
>lash out against others
>others react with hostility
>feel comforted bc can connect bad feelings and self hatred with others’ hostility
>act meek and apologetic to elicit sympathy
>feel comforted bc victim status validated
I have had a few girlfriends who do a version of this
>peege cycle
>wake up
>intrusive thoughts
>want to die
what up baked goods
looks like i have female fat due to cellulite issue. too bad it looks bad
did your reflux settle down ?
damn paige called out
last time was only a few days ago champ
>many posters
disagree this is basically just a paige and larry issue.

it did yea but i didn't get much sleep
hope you slept well
>me cycle
>wake up
>come here and vague about past sadnesses with people who probably barely remember me
>everyone thinks i'm someone they know
>continue not interacting with and therefore not harming people in any actual interpersonal capacity
>die alone
wait i think i lost the thread here
life is like a lvl 4 goblin outside lumbridge
>anon cycle
>wake up
>post psyops on /tttt/ all day as several different trips
>extremely proud of life choices
>vote for Donald Trump every night before bed
for me is more like
>i see smth that makes me sneed and mad
>lets go inflict this pain onto others so i feel better
>do this until tired or someone somehow calms me down
you have the iq of a garden slug, what you think you're doing with the choices you make is basically irrelevant to your actual motivators
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>krissu cycle
>wake up
>it's so over
>wake up
>wake up
Glad you fee better
I slept about 3.5 hrs
The weather today is so beautiful just drizzling like a pixelart gif on a lofi beats vid
>sleep cycle
>don't wake up
yea, sure, what maiq said is pretty much the same but what he described is universal, also no reason to insult me, i never claimed to possess intelligence
nah you can see the low key patterns it is kinda like how much many of you are less intense versions of laf including you miss one eye : P
I am back on the wagon. wyd?
are you fr fr or just joshing
somebody posted you to be mean but everyone just agreed that you are pretty and awesome so backfired ig
I worked really late and am kinda useless today
kill kill kill kill kill
>just drizzling like a pixelart gif on a lofi beats vid
yea that storm gave me a migraine the night before last lol, glad it made its way to you
not rly? Like having body issues and sad posting about it is different from like lashing out at ppl over it and trying to antagonise ppl to validate their own self hate, like thts a pretty specific trait shared by only a few posters
heard on the radio that it is whatever you call it when tropical storm can’t get it together
Last night we had heavy rain which I also love
It’s so pretty rn tho it is almost like snow
i feel like shit, unironically what can i do to feel better?
please just help me, i have nowhere to go..
rape people
grovel? apologise profusely?
shrug ymmv
putting the negative reactivity cycle thing aside, I am still really amused by your eye theory
And it did make me think if how laf used to seemingly randomly scribble on her pics
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Have a little coffee and go for a walk with a new song?
want an easy answer? exercise
outside of that i dont think there are simple answers to that outside of trying to identify why ur unhappy and work on addressing the source of the issues
I saw it, they had a point about posting pics, /soc/ would be the correct place for that. I was a bad 4chan user.
have u tried a pink noise machine or something similar to help?
i feel more and more the need to kill others, it is really hard to deal with, i get really mad and irritated and i just have a hard time coping
well, i am sorry but idk what i exactly did wrong
you are right, i feel good when i walk outside, i will walk for a few minutes to boost my mood and then maybe i will be able to do my cardio, i feel really bad both physically and mentally, it is hard to explain since i cannot really feel sadnes or depression usually, i just feel really really sick
besides dysphoria that annoys me, my ocd and the fact that i am unemployed also fuck me up, also a lot of unaddressed trauma from the past that haunts me and makes me aggressive, it is just a shitty situation but at least dysphoria does not hurt me as much as most people and the other ones i could work on..
this requires a blood sacrifice
there's a nice vibe today on mtfg, proceed
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thread sucks
wanna go on a hike ?
listening to a really good song
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done therapy for today gonna smoke n drink a soda and guess schedule a meeting my boss wants to have to micromanage me
I really like this style when it gets posted
the answer is to do something creative
am i insane if I find this hot
depends on what you think is hot about it
Rep here

I could come out to a close friend, self med, and get therapy


I could listen to my bpd masc alter and kill myself "with this last act, you'll finally die with honor as a real man."

Repping has reached suicide level, only stopped when I said "ill try transition"

I've lost all sense of reality, I was fine, I really believed it, now I can't bear to look at my face and want to cry, I feel so much sorrow in my heart that I didn't get to be a real or authentic person, just a shadow...
>they had a point
emphatically disagree
>pink noise
are you trying to pinknoise me
I didn’t have trouble falling asleep I just needed to work until around 330 this am
It's not too late anon, you're still alive
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this worked on me but was done without physical violence
I am drinking a ginger ale rn
Hope you are okay having a mgr like that can make you feel on edge all the time
it’s funny how people always wonder, incredulously, whether anyone else has ever felt the feelings as feelingly as we feel them
not helpful
are you thinking about making somebody your pet or being the pet
do you think it would be hot in reality or only within your mind where you can control what happens
i don't try to antagonize ppl, it just happens

what is eye theory


im like this normally
they can alter your dreams, so maybe it would help your nightmare issue
the thought of being treated like that is really hot
but would probably be too scary in reality idk
niiice im drinking pepsi!
also Im okay with mgr but it really makes me not want to try at all, i think- if he wants to micromanage me then I will let him and I will not do anything organically
why would it be hot though
are you shy and it would be a way of somebody being intimate with you without you having to muster up any courage yourself?
It's one thing to be an agp
Another to be true trans
But I hate being a rep who was feminine and through trauma I learned to repress at a young age to gain acceptance and safety

I have spent my whole life scared to be myself, everything's forced, forced for so long I don't know where I begin and the mask ends. I want to be a real person
Worst fucking rizz
I'm kind of shy but no I think it's hot because of the fear involved and how it's used to elicit submission
Yarn has this theory that she looks better in her pics with one eye covered
Remember how laffy would scribble out like her retina of all things
have you experienced this
also what about the other noise colors
be careful not to settle into complete passivity I know it is tricky tho
I really love laf she is like a sweet little sister
>have breakdown
>accept trooping
>red eyed demons in dreams

OK, now I know I'm being targeted with a psy op

I don't know what's real anymore
aw i actually relate to this a lot, I'm sorry fren
>i want to be a real person
this in particular
i didn't know what being a tranny was til i was an adult so i ended up being a lateshit but transitioning made me less suicidal at least :/
it rly does feel better to not have to contort urself into a different person all the time...
any suggestions would be vety appreciated, and not drawing bc i draw worse than paige and ai already almost replaced artists, writers, etc...
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at least you can see it for what it was. it takes a lot of work to let it go.
Did you have the desire to Crossdress but the fear to do so? Even alone.

My voice, my mannerism, I hateforcing them
Jealous of transwomen who get to be themselves
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sometimes I just use a nice pen to practice writing Chinese characters
It helps me relax when I feel anxious
You could also try cooking something simple
How, some days I'd wake up at 3am panicked and afraid, my subconscious knew
I don't understand that, sounds fucked up
what about it do you not understand
here is a burger i tried to cook today, a simple food
i should not be allowed in kitchen, i might murder someone, your picrel looks really nice though
Was it all repression? Or was I really cured?

I was happy, for real, I even said "damn this long fast growing hair, go bald already!"

and now all that feeling is gone, like a different personality

Do I have one final get out to avoid being trans? Am I just schizophrenic, or did I make myself schizo actively repressing since age 7 ?

I just want to know the truth
practice makes perfect
ya absolutely, gosh i was scared of like blinking my eyes too femininely or doing faggy things w my hands or liking the wrong toys, just everything
i feel like since my earliest memories i was getting made fun of for doing stuff that was "girly" and trying to adjust my behavior
and as a teen/young adult i kinda just was like this barely functional shell of a person cuz every single thing i tried to do was just wrong wrong wrong
lol the sad part is trying to hide it didn't even work, i always still made mistakes like lol telling people i liked pride and prejudice or doing things with my hands that ppl called gay and idk so much stuff
what's wild to me was that it had basically become instinctual, whenever i sensed that smth i was doing could be perceived as girly i would start to feel scared
i once tried playing a female character in fallout 4 and had to quit after 5 mins cuz i was so scared of getting caught :< even tho i was just playing the game
being aroused by the idea of being scared into doing what somebody tell you
you are just trans and possibly ocd, welcome to hell
Nice to know it wasn't just me sis

Maybe I can heal

Also why does everyone irl ask me if I'm OK, when I never show emotion
I've used white noise to help sleep, I used to have tinnitus. I know what we hear while we sleep affects us from sleeping with the TV on but i never used noise machines to alter dreams.
how what?
Saints row 2 set change on the character and delete the save ._.
to normies the dissociative stare sticks out like a sore thumb, especially coming from a shy awkward looking loner
How do I let go of that trauma pls

Goddammit I was afraid of that
I need to purchase this
I hate this cat, it encourages obesity
Pro-Ana beerus instead
this was my experience also, constant anxiety. do you still check yourself a lot even though you're out?
I think it’s tempting to fantasize or idealize about oneself as the friend who would be cool with their gnc friend exploring their identity but I guess it might actually be pretty awkward irl
boing boing boing boing boing
i need to do cardio and wash my ass
boing boing boing boing boing
smth that helped me get randos to leave me alone was to consciously adjust my body language to look more comfortable/confident
for example, sitting on a bench in public? keep your back up straight or lean back into the backrest, don't hunch over, and keep your knees apart like guys do
looking slightly pissed off helps too
i used to always get approached by Jesus freaks on my college campus trying to get me to convert or smth, but i realized it was cuz they were looking at me and thinking hey that looks like an easy mark
Cowmoding saved my life I can't agree w this
ya idk how to stop desu
besides weed, which i know is kinda a shitty answer :/
for how long to I have to keep repressing liking women it's getting bad im starting to cry if i see two women holding hands
I haven't completely gotten over it but it's forgiving yourself, allowing yourself to do things you want to do without judgment, but mainly it's time. also pot helped me.
at least you acted femimine evem if as an instinct, i was so scared to act feminine and still i am extremely scared it is crazy, i almost never did, i acted very masculine and kinda ended liking it in a way idk, but here in eastern europe is pretty scary being fem, people are really agressive abt that shit, i hate humanity
erm sir this a trans women's thread
It'd really distressing when I lift and everyone still thinks I'm gay

Also cross dressing jokes appear more often in different workplaces and I do nothing to suggest such things, why

But fat makes me feel ogrish, that's why I like zyzz and my abs
yea, can't be high at work.
Skill issue
>experience suicidal ideation from repressing
>promise myself I'll transition
>feel better
>don't do it

Why am I like this?
well i am trans and i feel the need to act feminine very often but i repress it bc i feel safe and more good abt myself acting masc even though it is not my authentic self, my self esteem is tied to it and also i am very scared to be feminine in any shape or form
this is a lie larry you're a man
im an unpassable groilla brick faced fridge bod hon with a skeleton that makes nba players jealous
A little bit of padding helps appear more feminine, and boobs are literally glandular tissue and fat
it does not matter anyway since i will never get to be a woman anyway, fuck you god, i sincerely hate you, kiss my ass you nigger, i hope the next life will treat me better and i will get to be myself or that there is heaven after this, at the very least i eventually might not be bothered by this anymore if i lose all my emotiond but i will no longer be me, i will be just some empty monster... i got emotional now, whatever, no one cares anyway..
fear is hot
developing it is a huge fear of mine how did you recover ?
I can understand it being exhilarating because you release adrenaline but I don't see the link to arousal unless you're got some fetish association
>how did you recover ?
I stopped drinking and did a keto diet for a while.
it's your mind messing with you. you're hiding something and that makes you hyper vigilant.
oh do you think it was related to blood pressure or something ?
inflammation I think
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well I am really glad you don’t have to live w that anymore
When I was a kid I heard that Beethoven’s deafness was preceded by tinnitus and have been terrified by it ever since
If Beethoven of all people could lose his hearing, my God
he was being poisoned wasn't he?
I need it
sent ;)
I never heard that before
Did you ever listen to Bruckner ?
i did my cardio but i still hate my body. i want to die, i wish i was not male, i hate being male. i cannot resemble a woman not even a tiny bit. pls kill me
what can i even do?
your welcome
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oh you're a transwoman? name every daddy issue

lol poor shinji turned american
bruh like frfr? ong?
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no cap nigga
I bet Shinji chews really noisily w a lot pf lipsmacking and heavy breathing
do not do this please
he is massively undersocialized and probably has a lot of grating inconsiderate habits like noisy eating or obliviously picking his nose
he probably smells quite bad too
noisy eating isn't just inconsiderate behaviour it is literal subhuman fucking mongoloid incapable of basic bodily functions retarded behaviour
as a subhuman I do my best but it's really hard to make no noise when my lips move
How do I stop being jealous of other trans girls who are younger, transitioned younger and are way prettier than I’ll ever be as a manmoder->hon archetype?
I feel legitimately awful. I feel male. My life is male. My brain is male. My soul is male. Help. Why do I feel like this? Why can’t I feel girly and boss of myself? What do I lack? Was it the dysphoria growing up? I’m pretty dysphoric now why doesn’t that count? Why do I feel so fake in comparison to every other tranny?
Help me. I want to be female. I want to be trans. I want to feel good and shit. I want to be able to game again. I want to be free to do things instead of procrastinating and avoiding everything because it is too much. I can’t even make myself get laser. What am I scared if? I already am on hrt. Wtf will matter. I can’t even.
Hon it might be time to rope it up
>How do I stop being jealous of other trans girls who are younger, transitioned younger and are way prettier than I’ll ever be as a manmoder->hon archetype?
they are still as male as you are no matter what they look like
I’m just teasing
but what if the way Asuka initially treats Shinji is just a rational response to a severely socially retarded neet-to-be but bc he is the protagonist we see him portrayed as attractive, clean, and generally socially self-aware (in reality, delusions allowed by his lack of self-awareness)
it would be interesting to see a version of Eva where Shinji has greasy hair, acne, a grievously weak chin and wears dirty old black tshirts
Some people just don't feel attracted to men
yea but what if you're really really hungry?
You are simply not cut out for the hon life friend. You can't complete the larp, because the mirror breaks it every time. Your brain knows if you go all in, you'll look like a complete ghoul who is impossible to not clock. Why would you want to live that life, hell why would ANYONE want to live that life. Just rep
need ghoulfriend
stop it's not October yet
why can't someone just take one for the team and give maiq some pitty frotts so he fucks off for once
the Halloween-Industrial Complex
yr wlcm
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okay but fr why have i been seeing so much of this this year? my insta reel and yt is filled with ppl saying like spooky season is here, doing halloween mazes, and like costume shopping and stuff
I feel like i never seen it start this early b4 at least wait until october
I can’t
I’m 100% more malebrained and more behavioraly and stuff male
They are shitty nerdy girls at worst
I’m not repping
I need to be fembrained somehow. I want to feel the depths of trans euphoria or w/e bs
I hate it
+ - 1 month is fine. plus halloween is like national tranny day when you stop and think about it
not really tho
i mean ya it is. i mean you don't think you're a real girl right? lol that's so sad!
i think holidays should stay in their month based lanes. I aint gonna start celebrating christmas at the start of november
what if your partner became a vampire on halloween
hating myself makes me one of the good ones ;]
Just finished another romance

I am now painfully aware that I am affected in ways I didn't know from my mom's struggle with alcoholism, so that's fun
call that generational trauma
and well? the generation stops here
True, I basically don't drink, and my only substances are my medications I take exactly as prescribed aside from coffee. Whenever we get to adopting we're for sure not gonna inflict that on our kids
genshin impact meal from mcdonalds
for that night only or
insert onions lagooner pointing with mouth wide open
Buy it so I can get the glider
in the US, Thanksgiving is like the Great Wall holding back the Christmas barbarian hordes
genshin colon impact
that's actually a pretty funny mental image
ill think about it
Uh oh lasagna
my bussy is stanky today sheeeeeeeeesh
Nigga I'm playing an anime drpg and roleplaying as if the custom characters were the ones from another one I've 700hrs on calling me autistic is like calling water wet
Mono Won
im going fucking insane again thanks to what I think is dysphoria
Maybe I should detroon. that will fix it for sure
I am just not trans enough xd
not female enough xd
not enough dysphoria
I am going insane
3 weeks in a row
Had my appointment I have been fighting for for literal months to get on HRT today. In the middle of the fucking appointment I:
>Decided I wasn't actually trans.
>Told them I didn't think I was trans anymore.
>Refused hormones and support.
>Thanked them for their time and left.
>Got home and disassociated.
Wtf is wrong with me?? Ultra cold feet? Not actually trans? Retarded? Both probably.
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thanksgiving feels like "they really can't even wait for christmas to eat more"
kaaat kaaaaatja
want to know a secret about mongo and eve? do you? yeah huh? yeshhhhh you doooo-uuuu ;p
>anon discovers his porn addiction to trannys might not be the most healthiest lifestyle
Go back
Real. Events around stuffing yourself are nasty. Malebrained as fuck.
That's why I (repper) eat as little as possible and then help the women do dishes and clean up while the men go watch sportball.
the apple pie does look good tho
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>tfw will never be trans
hrt just gave me lumbs on my chest
The rewards for it are kinda ass honestly it doesn't make me pog. If it was a new mcdongles skin for a character it'd be pog. But 1 glider skin? Mid.
tell me
Is Mono winning?
lmao based
always kiddo
fucking help me
I've seeing this trans woman for 2 months. We go out on dates twice a week. I give her the princess treatment (plan out the dates, pick her up, pay for everything). I usually initiate the conversations and dates.
She drunk called me saying how much she likes me and started crying about how see didn't want to lose me. I'm not sure how to respond to these strong feelings. We never talked about exclusivity. If we do talk about exclusivity, do I tell her about the other women I've been seeing/talking too? She said that she doesn't see multiple people (I really don't care if that is true desu). I usually dodge the question because I'm not sure if she expects the same as me.
wats wrong
just be honest with her idiot, don't lead people on
i am fucking broken
Idk what is wrong with me anymore
I am both desperate to be less masculine and more female and utterly incapable of recognizing parts of me as anything but that
No bottom dysphoria
I dont even understand what dysphoria is anymore
Did I cure it and now it is time to detroon?
I am so fucking envious of trans girls. They are cute and confident and live a life I could be living have I trooned earlier in life but I dindt.
I didnt because I didnt know or because I couldnt know, and because I was possibly never trans and all this is just my delusional porn sick brain adapting
I fucking despise porn now
I hate it
But I am still just a guy
guy at work guy with old friends just a guy
I cannot feel like other trans girl do
Maybe I cant even relate
I dont know
I detrooned once already what the fuck was that about
What the fuck is wrong with me
Therapy is a week away
Ive been going in circles for a month or more now
worst part about getting fried on a work day is pretending to sleep
mum watchin me like a hawk
get rid of my gender dysphoria faggot, get rid of it now
>mum watchin me like a hawk
like a hawk tuah
Rape !!!
Call yourself enby
hrt treats dysphoria, if you stop it comes back
really good post anon
really hawks my tuah
was it dysphoria THOUGH
can i skinwalk and live through any of you?
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but it is still not "right"
sad i have to die due to zero solutions
I'm a retard. Do you mean honest in responding to her feelings or do I her her about the other people. I like her and I don't want to screw it up.
it is even sadder when you cannot die and have to live life with zero solutions, you are blessed to be able to die
this sucks so hard
yeah this isn't for me
>Pre everything closeted tranny.
>Girl friends are talking about how much stronger men are than women and how scary it is.
>How afraid they are and how they have to be cautious because even a 13 year old could potentially overpower them.
>Cry when I get home.
They're not wrong. Its very reasonable to be afraid. Idk if its dysphoria, fembrain, or autism that makes me feel so horrible about this.
Why did I have to be born a testosterone fueled monster.
Actually why cant I just be A GIRL
Was I ever fucking trans or not? Am i dysphoric even?
I am literally going insane
yeah maybe
both obviously, be honest about how you feel, be honest about your situation, tell her everything
why is it every time I force myself out because I need to make a quick stop to the stores
there's always like a festival or some event going on outside
I sm already freaking out just being out here fucking hell
Boobs angy again
someone make a new thread I have an image to share
unbelievably based
lacoomer btfo
You're asking good questions, but it'll take time to arrive at the correct answer.
>I dont even understand what dysphoria is anymore
in simplest terms it's when your body is incongruous with your innate gender, causing negative feelings
>envious of trans girls
that's normal, to desire the success or positive attributes of others. The best way to approach that is to learn to be happy for others and do the best you can and congratulate yourself for your efforts.
>old friends just a guy
some people move cities to escape that.
wtf do you even fucking mean fuck
as repgod i must say that i am disappointed in the influx of confused new anon reppers that want to troon out, i thought that you were better and stronger than this guys
>it's when your body is incongruous with your innate gender, causing negative feelings
how the fuck do I even know my gender lol
Is it how I wanna live or how I have lived or what
how can I tell if what I "want" is real ad not just sickness or aytistic masking
I try to be but i fuckign HATE looking at pretty youngshits while I will never ever look like them no mater what
Why would I even want to? Lololol
I should be a man right? Why am I even here
I will try to come out to my best friend soonish
I dread that I am not actually trans and it will go horribly wrong
I dont even know what to tell him
Maybe nothing is better. Maybe we will live together and I will just hide again.
Trannys aren't even real. It's just larping with a multitude of mental illnesses
how can you tell
it alleviated with transition
get another hobby you sad sack of shit
I haven’t transitioned enough hrt is not enough I’m not even dysphoric I just fuck over my body for no reason lolololol
I'm cutting my ties with canada and my canadian bank keeps calling my phone
I owe em 2.2k
ok detransition see how you feel
til apparently I walk at a speed of like 16 mph
you seem hung up on what's real. God isn't real, money isn't real, countries aren't real, most of the notions we have about the concept of sex aren't real.
I don’t wanna
I would hate myself if I was right
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Is this what transfems like?
Why can’t I just
Be myself
Whoever that is
Why am I trapped with these doubts and questions
Why can’t I just be free
what still fucks me up inside is remembering how afraid everyone was of me when I went to an all girls school
No, that's just shit pooge posts
Fuck you
Why did you go there
Fuck you why not me
consider yourself lucky
nobody wanted me there besides the school staff
wound up making me a gender neutral bathroom because my presence made everyone so uncomfortable
everyone was always whispering really mean things behind my back
it reminds me I'll never be able to just live as a woman
never ever ever
did you even ever apply to attend an all girls school?
I had already been well known by the staff before they offered me enrollment
men and women are real. biology is real. mental illness coping by larping, yeh real.
mmm bb girl you like the curry? you want to try me masala? i fill u up bb girl make the feeling gooood with me gravy in you bb
I hate it
I was a normal boy
Didn’t care about anything
Now I’m a troon
Wish to god to give me a sign that I too can just be a girl
But it is not happening
are you attracted to men?
I wish god would turn me trutrans
fun fact: you're not a troone. you're being socially manipulated. you would never feel this way if you wern't on the internet.
nobody is going to give you permission but yourself
we can either let ourselves be happy and accept the consequences or take the consequence of inaction
take me as a good cautionary tale about what happens when you choose the latter
That’s the worst thing I heard all day
Please shut up
was i ever real?
I’m 28
I trooned too late
Idk what else I can do
You are real if you believe you wre
>noooooo the tranny population didn't explode because of tumblr noooooooo it's just a coincidence timing!!!!! noooooo i'm not a trendy!!!!!!!!
You went to an all girls school? How did that come about
im bi with a bf.
was he with you before you transitioned?
I wish I knew the actual answers
I'm 24 and still not even on E
have hair growing from my forhead to the apples of my cheeks at this point
I am like a failstate, a bad end
then i am no real
wtf get on e
No I mean that is depressing
It hurts
I don’t want to believe it
I’m no adolescent I’ve been to pol and back
So why the fuck would i choose trooning as my social breakthrough
hello helpfulmoder how are you today
How the f did you father a child yet you were too scared to go get E ? It doesn't make sense.
i feel the need to hurt others bc i cannot have sex with this body, sexual frustration is a real thing, idk how i will last like this without turning violent
Just cause i'm a looney troone doesn't mean i'm a troony loone
>people being out after it becomes safer to do so is a tumblr thing
People have been trans the whole fucking time, they just kept quiet about it because it was basically a death sentence
In my case I was just too fucking stupid to realize I was repressing and dysphoric
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>i'm not an incel retard life failure of a man... no... not me... i'm the main character.... i'm just a girl, yeh that's it!
so I've attended 3 different highschools in my attempts to get an actual diploma
first was a regular co-ed
then I attended the highschool set up for young adults who didn't graduate for one reason or another
after dropping out I wound up spending alot of time at the daycare my daughter was in since I visiting was always allowed
which happened to be a school setup for mothers whos schooling was interrupted by teen pregnancy
eventually the principal asked if I'd like to attend so I could do schooling around my child
it was really nice until things got bad
legally speaking I am written down as a mother on the birth certificate
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youngshit Lawrence would have gotten so much attention from guys 0:
Do trendie HONestly believe that? Lmfao, good lord anything to not feel like a trendy. I can't tell if it's more pathetic or adorable.
sorry for the late reply. i met him on /soc/ and said i was mtf in my post. I wasnt on estrogen till 2 months later (i lied to him about already being on e), and it was a ldr at first. now i live with him.
>legally speaking I am written down as a mother on the birth certificate
So fckn moapchan core
it not that I don't want to
no way to afford it rn and also I couldn't even pick up a prescription rn since I'm like an illegal vagrant currently
i am being honest one time abt my basic human need struggle and i get mocked, great
it is not funny, i also have needs that i cannot satisfy and on test it is horrible.. this has nothing to do with a lack of partner, my body is just too male and disgusting and i cannot imagine using it sexually and wnjoying it..
fuck off with the faceapp, i hate you, i wish straight men drooled over me, gay sex is just too eww
This is crazy
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Moap looks like this. Yung Larry mogs them
>it was really nice until things got bad
>legally speaking I am written down as a mother on the birth certificate
fucking canada
how is naz not an early youngshit beats me, kinda funny in a way
i hate feeling like a boyfriend, i want to feel like a girlfriend, and i want men to drool over me and be thirsty amd be a hoe, i hate life and god, this is genuinely torture, every time i see some big ass big boobs dumb bimbo slut in porn, it makes me sneed, i want to be like that
The only human need you need is to not to be human. It's time larry, it's rope'o'clock.
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I knew lari was a passoid
my life is so pathetic sometimes I just have to laugh at myself
or I'll cry
lmao it will never happen for you
it will never happen
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This is what more than 7 years of rape looks like, but less then 9 years of rape looks like.
I think that's why everyone es jealous
idk there's from Canada which is really liberal and first world, and they don't even frown over letting a gooner dad hang out all day at a childcare facility for single mothers. he could get E very easily.
the chin of ages
>fucking canada
kek tru
the nurses kept suggesting we raise the infant with no gender as a "theybe"
like legitimately the actual nurses in the hospital brought it up as a thing we should do a few times
neither me or my att the time partner wanted to do that tho
despite us both being gender noncomforming faggots
and yeah the moment I expressed discomfort with being refered to as a father they marked me down as a mom
Ladies, be very VERY careful. Blobby is evolving.
congratulations to larry for lasting 20 posts without flopping his wobbly out
fuck off, i doubt that i can kms
ik and i suffer so much bc of it daily, i literally feel the need to hurt others, it is so cruel, it hurts me so deeply, i wish god would love me
if i were a foid, i would have done the same, just posted a vagina instead.. imagine having a vagina..
>how is naz not an early youngshit beats me
transphobic parents for one
my mom forbade me from going on hormones until I moved out
I asked I got screamed at and belitteled alot
What is this lol
looks like a run of the mill scam, send it to a million people and one of them might fall for it
I always thought it was paiges cock to be honest
Larry you're just a lost incel. Go buy a incel training course and lose your virginity you dipshit
really lucky my mom has calmed down about it since
not my dad tho...
he tried to get me an autism diagnosis once with the soul purpose of making sure I couldn't transition
funny that all their effort and my own worst enemy is just myself since obviously they're not stopping me anymore
>the nurses kept suggesting we raise the infant with no gender as a "theybe"
im going to cry and vomit, those poor children are being abused right out of the womb up there what the fuck
>and yeah the moment I expressed discomfort with being refered to as a father they marked me down as a mom

no wtf
you're crazy in the coconut, keep it in your pants
need to rape
to rape or be raped...
I've seen way too many dicks on here over the years on this BLUE BOARD
I hope blobby got raped and murdered on her trip to northern California
president xi my people yearn for detonation-free tiktok scrolling
i am not a virgin and what incel wants to be a bimbo slut and be fucked by men lol
i am not crazy, i am suffering
rapist anon posting their rape tweets and screenshotting it to send to their terf group or whatever to get angry about
rapes you
molests you
it's just words on a legal paper
no weirder than having your gender marker changed
you need to let yourself be happy sometimes paige
I take solace in your endless unremitting pain
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words don't mean anything anymore do they
the child has an x chromosome that came from your spermatozoa, and the other half came from the egg in her mother's womb where she gestated for however many weeks before being birthed. Her mother, the one who carried the child for every single second of those forty some odd weeks, who actually gave birth and had to deal with that pain and recovery and fear and everything, is much more than just words on a piece of paper. Some legal document may say you're a mother, but you only fathered the child. The real mother is her mother regardless of what the state says
blobby's rapist
and regardless the kid just calls me by my first name
she's an angel tho
already smarter than than me at 5
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so nobody is really a mother unless they gestate? adoptive? lesbian partner? no?
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how man get? how dude find?
what are you even going on about?
her mother is marked down as her mother on the birth certificate
the child calls her mom as you'd expect
nobody is telling this kid I pushed them out
do you like to be misgendered paige?
there's difference there

>do you like to be misgendered paige?
no but i should be anyway
i would go chimp mode on mads
detrans, run to the other side of the room
>hi, how are you?
retrans, run to the other side of the room
>I'm fine thank you
detrans, run to the other side of the room
>u wan sum fuk
retrans, run to the other side of the room
>I think I can do better
being a faggot is so disgusting
ocd makes it even more endless and worse and it will never ever end, i literally cannot feel suicidal thus i cannot kms, if i live to 80, i will every day be mad abt not being a girl amd not being able to have sex, literally i will live a life of sneed, it is so fucked up bc i see myself trapped in this body daily and i realize how fucked up is and that i should end my life and free myself but the fucked up part is that i literally cannot feel sad abt it at all, only angry and annoyed, i did not want to take meds bc i still wanted to be suicidal.and be able to.kms but god took that option away from me anyway, literally a middle finger and cursed to this neverending torture.. i don't even know anymore.. i will just pray for happiness..
got my teeth extracted went ok dentist was really nice nitrous made me so high i cant feel my face at all rn sucks at least im getting norcos
>counter example
>well that's different
wisdom teeth or your rotten teeth
if you were a cuter boy maiq would date you
>being a faggot is so disgusting
>saiid the gypsy roman

wisdom teeth
I got ocd too and it didn't make me a horrible gremlin
room? theres a dude room?
>no but i should be anyway
well I disagree
we can have biological truth and not be nasty
I'd never tell my daughter she has no biological other parent
or that I have two x chromosomes even
but I'm never going to call myself a father
it's not true
He don't even want you
Only has Clair in mind
adopted mothers and lesbians are different
mother can also mean a woman who is a parent, whether or not they gave birth to the child
naz is different; they were directly involved in the conception of the child, as the person fathering the child. such a person is the father, regardless of any other parts of the situation.
you are too slow for my excellent imaginary skits
Dude bro like seriously I straight up did not have a poggers day today like there wasn't even any pog moments or lilpoggers or even poggies like not even a hint of poggerinos in sight
yet you choose to intentionally be nasty to everyone...
ok whatever
suit yourself
im not choosing to be nasty im sorry :(
>if I assert it, it must be true!
oh I can do this too
a trans woman that makes a baby with somebody isn't a father because of it
wow it's just so easy
what if mr beast got fanum taxed by skibidi toilet
got a ton of deliveries today driving around west Hollywood let's go
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642 KB PNG
okay :3
hope you have some soft food to eat
i was in soup only mode for a bit after i got my wisdom teeth out
I'm having a poggerooski day haha loser
>directly involved in the conception of the child
where's it written in the stars that this makes you a father if you're a tranny? you just made this up

probably gonna make chicken gnocchi soup for the next few days. opis will probably make me not very hungry though
new thread
question: you're wasting your energy for no purpose but to make a stranger unhappy, shut your dumb mouth
thank you for reminding me that i am ugly also, you are very kind and empathetic, what can i even say
i obviously have other shit also besides ocd, ocd just makes it even worse
Where is pic from?

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