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>Qott: Do you listen to full albums of music at a time? What's your favorite album? Singles need not apply.

Last Hit: >>37315197
It’s over

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Weird mathrock album with no vocals but it flows nicely
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i used to listen solely to albums as a whole and recently switched to shuffling all liked songs

im nominating Yankee Hotel Foxtrot as one of the most albums of time
Only of one band which I won't mention
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is this an attractive favorite album for a tranny to have
Recently I have been, and although I could say I have objectively the most listened minutes to Discovery by Daft Punk, I don't think at this stage of my life it's my 'favorite'. I'm very eclectic and like to hop around to different genres and moods, and now I'm very much into An Epilogue by Street Play.
very good album
>Do you listen to full albums of music at a time?
ive only ever done that with the Weird Al album, "Straight Outta Lynnwood". Even the vinyls i own are usually mixes
>What's your favorite album?
Weird Al's "Straight Outta Lynnwood"
Sometimes, not often most albums end up feeling very boring to me. My favorite album is probably immunity by clairo or a brief inquiry into online relationships by the 1975
the moon and antarctica or purple mountains
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It was on repeat for months after it released.
i basically only listen to full albums. my favorite is probably monomania by csh
this was my favorite album in high school but it definitely feels like such dad music to me now
this album is great but i like figure 8 and the self titled album more
Just did a six and a half minute mile and I'm proud of myself but my 30 year old knees hate me and will for the next few days.

Have we worked out today yet, friends? You aren't lazy, are you?
this shit slaps wanna fuck
t. moon and antarctica nd purple mountains
>>Qott: Do you listen to full albums of music at a time? What's your favorite album? Singles need not apply.
Graduation or the Skyrim soundtrack are probably my favourites
Rosewood your song yesterday was nice
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Oop sorry didn’t see qott, I try to but my dumb zoomer brain kinda gets bored a bit after a few songs unless they’re all hitters. I will say older albums do cohesive albums so much better, they’re like a story rather than a collection of songs. I miss stuff like that and I appreciate when artists try and do that now a days. This is one of my personal fave that really opened up my mind to music in general.



I also really like both Her’s albums a ton and there’s a band called crime lab I like their last album imo was all good.

Any recs?

Oo Ty anon imma try and do one tonight :)
Time by time. Trying to get to 20 pull ups. Can only do 10.
/Chasergen/ fitness group when
Favorite Mac song?
zhe doan probably would post link but I’m at work :x
Lmao sure if you’re a girl
Wrong Mac girl
Fuck yeah Anon.
i love self titled, either or and basement
hahaha fitness group?
yea fitness dick in your mouth
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Always full albums. Current fave is either A Promise by Xiu Xiu, or picrel. As for my all time fave, I dunno, maybe Remain In Light or The Queen Is Dead
extremely good
also extremely good
kys fat fuck
bitch you are shitting me, you like silver jews too?
t. T
Why does this board attract such a disproportionately high amount of manchild tripfags? Not hating just wondering
So there's this tranner in my class i would like to score. It is a STEM class so she's probably a transbian. Should I even try it? If she's effectively an agp transbian and she refuses me i would feel extremely disgusted and hopeless about myself
lmao hello again
but yeah, i do, i've only recently got into them though.
Which Mac then :(
Go for it. If she don't want you then on to the next one. Don't trip over a girl unless she's sleeping on the floor.
>Have we worked out today yet, friends? You aren't lazy, are you?
I really should go to the gym today. I'm recovering from a bout of depression and I need to make sure things keep getting better. It was dumb luck that it started turning around in the first place. Now I have to protect my (relative) happiness with good habits.
high recommend for the song "i'm gonna love the hell out of you" from them
I'm a manchild?
You're thinking too much just ask her out
Yes. You're welcome for clearing it up.
I don't wanna work out
You've already poisoned any chances of it working by being a retard
Thanks for the clarification
No one's making you
okay but fr tho I would love to join a fitness group
Life has its ups and downs, you can't expect to stay happy forever. The cool thing about being down in the dumps is that you always have the opportunity to get yourself back up. Hang in there, brother. We're all gonna make it.
It's the only way I can make myself less ugly so I kinda have to...
Gender essentialism is a scourge on society. Be free
You're putting too much weight on this, bud. Just ask. If it's a no there's plenty of other women, it's not the end of the world.
idk i think if you can't handle rejection you should stay away from asking people out until you've worked on that a little. Or you'll become embittered towards women in general
But gay sex wouldn't be as hot without the essentialism
I do, pretty much only that.
Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness and Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral are two albums that I always come back to.

St Gemain - Tourist is also high up the list.
It's OK to take days off but remember that consistency is key with fitness. Rest if you must, but get back to it the next day.
But without the essentialism everything becomes gay sex
Gender is a feminine trait. Why do you, as a man, identify with something?
You're right I'm going to start wearing skirts
You should, unironically.
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im officially throwing the idea out there of chasergen mario kart 8 night. scheduled for some date and some UTC time.

offer thoughts.
I just dont want to be so ugly anymore but it's just a fucking waste or time and energy when people are just born better than me with zero work
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Reality sucks huh. Keep working.
ctr > mk
i would love this
Comparing yourself will only serve to bring you down. Yeah there are people out there who have it better than others but that shouldn't stop you from working towards your goals. Also, there's no telling what those people did to get where they are now. Lastly, we all have to work with what we've got.

You're a good looking girl but you're your own worse enemy. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. We're all gonna make it, Jade. Even you.
unfathomably based
hewwo do twannawds wike cute widdle cutesy bottom bois? ><
Morning people

I used to listen to full albums but not as much any more outside of new releases. I have no fav.
>Chasergen/ fitness group
I’ll join
>wake up
>imagine there is a tranner gf next to me
>imagine I keep mints on the bedside table for morning breath
>that way I can roll over and kiss her awake with no complaints
You're actually a genius
Comparing myself is the only way to see if I'm actually doing well otherwise it's just comparing against how awful I was before and literally any improvement is good but that doesn't mean I'm actually proficient at something
Like my voice certainly doesn't sound like my actual guy voice when I talk but it's still not good enough despite sounding much more feminine
>otherwise it's just comparing against how awful I was before
That's literally way more healthy than what you're doing now lmao
The comparison aproach is the best way to always feel bad about yourself.
Not often, but occasionally yeah. Favorite is probably 2112

They're playing full album sets at wwwyf this year!
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Watching a documentary on Chili's rn I'm so bored
The band or the pepper?
The restaurant lol
Yeah and that's what makes it less hot. You get it.
Thank you <3

Oh loll
We should all have weird gay sex. That is an unalienable human right
what's your discord? we voted to let you in.
you won't be able to talk or see anything until you verify tho, just fyi
I don't want weird gay sex
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Need trans gf to smoke weed and dance to this then do sodomy
Oh hell yeah, gay sex with aliens.
You are lame, it's time to get freaky and you're going to miss out
sounds kino
I need a zoomer gf who follows me around and says "facts" whenever I say something.
I would do it, aliens are probably a good lay
ufopornoo, hell yeah https://youtu.be/W5UkA2Gg-Cc
I'm okay with that
>Do you listen to full albums of music at a time?
>A Promise by Xiu Xiu
have u been to church recently gincel?
This has to be the most neurotic discord
I am Christian
I can understand them being like that after Muscleanon doing his thang
Still gay though
>As for my all time fave, I dunno, maybe Remain In Light or The Queen Is Dead
pls be a girl and not another chaser
Okay I'll try and do the verification this week or next if that's okay
quite possibly. And it's about to get even more stringent ._.
whenever you want is fine
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reply if you're cuter than this
Reply. I would never a bowtie
How would it get even more stringent?
Did that with MDMA and ket. Burning Down the House.
every tranner has to post hole so the transbian ogrehon can goon to us
replying specifically to break the rules (i am not more cute than her)
if you started doing that i would cry
not the entrance process, i just mean there's possibly a rules change coming that may be controversial
You’re cuter than her :-3
Makes the place sound really uncomfy, desu
It's a transbian gooning server what do you expect
also the handsome straight cis guys
(prove it)
As long as I have a face, passoids have somewhere to sit.
Do you have to verify yourself with a face pic or can it be for example a body pic with a timestamp on chest
I'm definitely not lol but that you <3
You're horrible, I regret ever talking to you
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many are saying this
its not fair why cant i be this cute

please tell me this isnt the genetic lottery and there is hope for me
idk, ive been told it's pretty comfy compared to similar servers. Our big problems right now are just
1. Too many brainworms
2. not enough men
this, however, won't make me cry. Idc about some random anon's uninformed hypotheticals
uhh i would prefer face if you're a tranny. Just makes me uncomfortable. But for a chaser i don't see why that would be a problem
after all i want gingeranon in there and i wouldn't even be able to recognize his face lol
did he peed?
brave soul in a cold world
>Liking twinkhons....is LE BAD
You have to imagine a basedjak because I'm at work and don't have one saved on my phone but it's a basedjak saying these things
shes literally like top 0.05% genetic lottery, sorry to say
few people can ever look like she looks, and nobody should ever aspire to look like her, it would be unhealthy. gotta ground yourself in realistic expectations
It is genetic lottery.
I’m so back
You're very smelly and stinky and stupid
whatd you get banned for, im guessing
theres gotta be some stuff i can do

time to go back to watching glow up tutorial on youtube
What's litty my nigga
>shes literally like top 0.05%
meh, she look weird
june, im begging you to please not set her as a goal
you will hurt yourself and end up disappointed. it will not be healthy
All you do is fart and complain
try fentanyl
Telling a certain incel to kill themselves.
post face and cleavage
It's not bad, it just makes you slightly gay for liking masculine features in a girl. It's OK to be slightly gay. Some say liking trannies is bi so there's that as well.
I wish I looked like Megan Fox, but guess what? I'm not Megan Fox. Do the best with what you can, and most of all, having a really cool personality will make you irresistible. Stop lusting for things that aren't possible, it's silly and intensely destructive.
i used to think "having a boyfriend would fix me" was an insane thing to say
but the more i talk to trannies here the more it seems like the validation and support they'd get from a boyfriend would actually do them so much good
lol I always knew you were a repper
I don’t even think Megan Fox wants to be Megan Fox lol
Why are you LITERALLY a raging incel lol
you. listen to her. >>37320053
Yes because we're responsible for fixing your problems. I'm all for helping my partners but relying on one person is draining. Trannies need to build a support network instead of a support person.
I love repping on hrt
>>37320087to be ok.
Some people need someone they deeply trust to give them complements and tell them its going
Ah yes, today I will give myself more body issues.

Dumb cunt.
Not sure how you're going to get men with a vetting process like that and you are only inviting pre-established trips.
4 years of no self harm down the fucking drain
Is June the greatest chasergen troll?
Legitimately need to rename this place to BDD and Self Harm gen
Has she finally posted a vocaroo? Because if not then I can believe they're a troll
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Chaserbros do you have any idea why tranners tend to fall in love so fast and intense? It can be a lil scary sometimes
trannies don't ruin their life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
What made you break the streak?
Classic lovebombing
They all have bpd
What's that?
Ahahaha yeahhh, they do it all the time, to me yeahh, I experience it so much haha
Oh mein gott.
Not just scary but unattractive. I think it's attributed to lack of compliments and/or father figure. Also borderline personality disorder.
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so excited for the next few weeks
- im gonna be removing an opportunity for myself to brainworm myself into destructive spirals
- im gonna practice healthier thought patterns and productive forms of emotional processing
- im gonna introduce even more greens and fruits and veggies into my diet
- there will be lots of water drinking and an attempt at more sun exposure

watch out world. theres a new pichu on the horizon
And you will post buthle!
chasers do this as well. I have done this before.

Hell yes new you.
Based. kisses from Brazil
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Good. Now stop boymoding.
i looked at this subreddit for 20 seconds and could already feel the mental damage happening before i closed it
seriously, dont do this to yourself june
falling in love quickly isn't even bpd most of the times
it's just due to neglect and rarely having been shown basic human decency
The world isn't very kind to them so a lot of them aren't using to being treated well. And BPD.
you're too late
I was not born of the womb, but a child of the bubbling, festering vats hidden beneath the earth. I AM HALF FROG AND HALF CHASER, I AM CHASERFROG
attachment issues, trauma, bpd, if you're the first person to show her any kind of care or affection she'll get clingy.
you're retarded
i need to be prettier so i can get a bf
How many times do we have to tell you that's not your issue
lmao the cycle continues
I feel stupid I should just slit my throat if I'm gonna do this right no one is gonna care if I hurt myself
>falling in love immediately

cringe. have sex. talk to the opposite gender.
What’s going on anon?
Take the mento illness posting to mtfg or some shit goddamn you retards or ruining the gen
Oh my god. Please talk to us.
I just wanna be loved
Maybe clean and dress that so it doesn't scar as bad, babe
anons i hate puberty, daydreaming about intimacy with men literally consumes like half my waking thoughts
What the fuck is up with you trannies today?
We love you
>asks me why I got banned
>doesn’t respond when I tell them
wtf lol
BPD is thrown away way too lightly here. Most of you don't know what it is and so it loses its meaning. Sad. It's become a buzzword.
June started dooming and now other people are too.
Fuck off back to Tumblr.
oh i missed that
kinda funny reason, welcome back
Get a bandage on their, anon.
How old are you anyway?
i stopped using tumblr because all the transbians there kept sexually harassing me
I dont want to be here anymore
Reminder June is trolling for You’s. If we stop replying to her she’ll leave.
and i was under the impression it was the opposite
Did something happen?
Ily2 dude I just yearn for it more than ever ig, it’s very tru tho I’ve fallen in love with most of the people I’m fond of or limerence maybe? I’ve always developed weird obsessions with people after a while.
>we don't have BPD guys!
>someone posts a cutting picture and almost every tranny starts dooming

wait wtf why is some retard posting their new sh cut in this thread
You can talk to us here if you want but is there someone in your life you can talk to?
Things will get better I promise.
I think that's not unusual for people with attachment issues or not a lot of romantic experience.
If I'm not supposed to use cotton swabs in my ears then why does it feel better than sex when I do it
I love insane women
i just turned 20
That has nothing to do with BPD retard
So do I, but the fuck away from me.
Because you're having bad sex.
I've only had it a few times so yeah probably
True and I got botha those •-•
Can't talk about it because I'm despicable for feeling this bad so no matter what I'm in the wrong
> yearn for it more
Ya I don't blame you. It's how I am as time goes on the want for love and a partner gets louder and louder.
>developed weird obsessions with people after a while
It can be very hard to not fall in love with certain people around you. Trust me I have been there.
I love how I get shit for being annoying and get banned while Earlyjune can literally do the same and garner admiration. Double standards smhmyfuckinghead
Please seek out some one in your life. You can even call the hotline if you need. Sometimes you just need some one to vent too.
self-harm is common with bpd
No we know what it is it really is that common with trannies
Talk to somebody at least. Friend or family or something.
Venting doesn't help, nothing is gonna fix me so what's the point.
Lol. Well get practicing.
Give me ONE reason to halfheartedly simp for you
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how does the thread feel about Willard
Which one of you trannies is the stinkiest?
I’m a goth? With a fat ass.
Aren't you the gay man known as bug
Why are we getting gays in here now anyway
You'll mellow out probably once you get some confidence and some security from a nice partner. Soon I bet!
no amount of friends will be an effective substitute for that, unfortunately. It's not enough on its own to have a boyfriend, though, you are right.
im not either. some people have expressed that i should look outside 4chan
trouble is, the only men that interact with me on the Internet anywhere are creepy weirdos. Like, by design. In order to do what they ask, i have to go find straight male friends and that's both exhausting and manipulative since i already have enough of those to be satisfied. I'd just be forcing a friendship to lure them to my server and i don't want to do that. But i want the women in my server to be happy there. So idk what im gonna do.
This whole thread reeks of mental illness. Then you trannies wonder why we don't date you long term.
Cool, another person with a fat ass who probably lives on the West Coast. I'm going to blow cigarette smoke in your face if I ever see you
NTA but I don't get it. WHY are you looking for straight men? You are literally not attracted to men, you are a transbian.
>t. the guy stoking it
could you teach me how to be goth
They're an actual gay man. For now anyway.
>eating breakfast fixed the tummy pain
Nice, was worried it was a flu starting up or something
I for one welcome the gays so we can eventually have some actual HSTS's instead of 15 future Venus cases
Controversial take: youngshits are discount cis women. Midshits are vastly superior in every single way. There's no advantage to dating a youngshit.
would sugg
it's only the autistic ones you have to look out for
No wonder this nigga doesn't get attention!
Which is very unfortunate because I love autistic women
they're not for me. They're for the little trannies in my phone. Men help keep them from worming, and they like to be flirted with. Sometimes. Some of them
All chasers know this but it hurts our chances to say aloud
There is no bug.
Is that your kink or something?
You’re like a mall goth, which is kinda cool ig
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Yeah, my kink is getting unwashed metropolitans the fuck away from me
can you not do this please
nowadays i only listen to full albums for artists i really like.
this mars argo album probably had the biggest effect on me of any album i've listened to but a close second would be prob psychocandy by tjmc. also ayeshas fuckme dotcom ep is an amazing album it just didn't effect the course of my life like the others
Could you clean and dress the existing cut instead? You'll regret the scar
I shower everyday, why are you projecting? Also I was talking about the cigarette smoke part idiot.
least mentally ill tranny
(S)he’s a repping tranny.
I'll stop if I don't have a reason to be sad anymore
If only cis people viewed me as a discount cis woman..

never good enough never ever good enough
at risk of sounding insensitive please take this literally anywhere else? this stuff is contagious and exposing people to it like this is going to end up hurting others.
and seconding the other anon, please clean it and bandage up
Tired Today has been playing in my head on repeat for years
are you having an episode or something?
Youngshit or not, a tranny is still a tranny.
Oh, I'm semi-recognizable now. I hope a meteor hits New Jersey, or wherever the hell it was you lived.
The cigarette smoke is supposed to be what keeps you away. I'm just feeling combative today, I'm mentally unwell
>The ultimate hypochondriac
>You are the only person in the world that you think about
>And it is starting to get the best of you

so real. its literally in my head 24/7. also incredibly cool that ur a mars argo fan ily pichu <3
Bros, we had a good thing for a while. When the chaser:tranner ratio was around 50:50 it was the best. When it reached 25:75 we were still gucci. Now that it's 10:90 or even 5:95 we can't do much. We're gonna have BDD, EDposting, hysteria, all kinds of crazy shizz. That's just how it is. At least there's plenty of tranner ass to go around.
Chasers. I hope you all worked out for your future wife today.
She’s trolling for you’s.
Can you stop and fuck off somewhere else?
Im always having an episode also im at the end of my injection cycle and as my mom and doctor both said i am "PMSing" so theres that too
Ya they went down an ed rabbit hole yesterday and I just left. Nights are usually nice but not always
Only thing I’m repping is the Bengals, fuck nigga.
You know you would kill for a chance to sleep with me babes, no need to deny it ;)
Pich, or Bichu as I like to call her, started the EDposting. June is also guilty of that crime.
see this is what i mean. More men = less worms
>She believes in the tranny period honscience
Not like this bros
See you in a year when you’re complaining about your transition not working out.
How about you go back to your server if it really upsets you so much
Where is Ava when you need her
i will take the blame for kickstarting it, yeah, to a degree
but i heard the anon who told me to cut it out and ive been trying pretty hard to keep it out of here since that sunk in
Honestly? Probably not, probably not
Hormones are big on emotions it's obviously a thing for that, she's not saying her phantom cervix is contracting
Were not doing this

no i am obviously not PMSing, i am just really irritable right now okay this is just what my doctor and mother both said. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN HRT PERIODS DO NOT DO THIS TO ME
>believing in honscience
I’m just trying to not engage when people start going off because they don’t stop. It’s easier just to leave for a bit and let it works it corse.
You have somewhere else you can go please go there.
I’ll make you a bet, if whatever larp you keep spouting off about me happens I’ll give you 200 dollars. If it doesn’t you have a post humiliation ritual.
You’re a bad liar.
Woman moment.
>enters chasergen
>posts a link to a fresh cut without warning
>tells others to leave when they dont want to see that
idk and idc who you are but youve got no sympathy from me, get your shit together and turn into a decent person maybe
>wow its so crazy and absurd to ever entertain the concept that someone who has an estrogenized brain with very little testosterone based development would have the mental health symptoms of PMS when a cyclic estrodiol cycle reaches a low point
you are all so annoying there is a difference between
>low E makes me cranky
>Im on 1mg E when will i start to shed my uterine lining
God I love seeing Pichu do this
oh thanks for reminding me i needed to do my injections
Bros tell me about your recent conquests
Pichu with the POP OFF!
This psyop to make me love you won't work, I'm not that easily influenced. Yet, at least
bigguymandude here, has anyone seen frisson?
oh, its jade.
i literally fought for you to not get kicked, and i gave you step by step instructions on how to act in order to not get kicked.

and then guess what happened
>June believes honscience
my life be like ooooo aaaaa ooaaa oooooaa
> I hope a meteor hits New Jersey,
So it'll turn into a second Ohio?
I love you Pichu cook that bozo
>has anyone seen frisson?
Who is the person posting this all the time? Was Frisson ever actually real or just one of Rick's inventions?
Yea I was still in the same mental illness bpd spiral so nothing changed
Come oooonnn, you know you want to ;3
>daydreaming about intimacy with men literally consumes like half my waking thoughts
>If only cis people viewed me as a discount cis woman..
June, sweet June...you know you have straight men DROOLING
Get kicked from what? The transbian server?
heyyy lemme join the tranny server pleaseeee ill be good
morgan was real, i need her back
rick trolling or a troll pretending to be rick what difference does it make
Sad thing is every single time you target her with some obvious bullshit she's too wormed to not immediately feed into it
Why do you want to make people kts bro it's kinda crazy
dont worry about it. said what i said to jade to get her off my back, and from here on out discord drama stays on discord
If she has ever installed discord I won't talk to her simple as
Did jade get more heat after she got me banned lol
remember, across the street for attention. down the road for results.
So where is she now? Why did her trip just disappear?
Weird internet sadists are so strange.
You guys have servers where you have mental episodes and I'M NOT INVITED? Kind of rude, innit?
I won't fall for the ragebait, I REFUSE
Give me like a week and maybe I'll be desperate enough for the attention
>hey babe what's your snap? you got insta? babe post your phone number on this 4chan thread so i can talk to you babe
That filters out 100% of trans women
shut up already retard
No i dont know

Well why are they not trying to kiss me right now?
tfw no potential chaser bf who sends me an introductory letter by carrier pigeon
hey whats direction will your smoke signals be coming from
transbians like mina and twinkchan stole her from me and now they have virtual sex on discord while laughing at me.
You might not have the chance in a week, I might move on to pestering someone else with my psyops.
I only interact with fellow millennials on Facebook messenger
are there transbian chadhons who don't mind getting he/him'd ?? getting pretty disillusioned with men
omgggg you must be sooo tortured rn.... horrible malady afflicting your mind.. your sould...
I would
>in a fun way
chase you down and physically carry you away to ravish you. I wouldn't even throw you in the trunk of the car. Just straight home no matter how far it was, mind empty of all other thoughts, too horny to get tired
Because you don't go outside.

>waahh idk what to do outside

We've given you many options.
unironically like 80% of my irl friends still use fb messenger as their main chat platform
theres a big irl friends group chat im in thats like eight years old
biting my tongue :D
Theyre not trying to kiss me IRL

I still dont understand how im supposed to get them to make first moves on me so i will continue to just daydream about being held and cuddled and kissed
Cluster B activities.

A bf won't land into your lap. Get the fuck off of 4chan and touch grass.
i wouldnt hate this, sounds pretty fun if i dont get hurt
i mean...
what the fuck is going on in this thread??
You just never fucking listen do you cunt
Make the first move you retard
You have to be doing this on purpose now.
why did you post this? keep your gay self harm to yourself
The one time I'm glad catbox hasn't worked for me in months
she is. gets lots of attention for this kind of post
Sure, I'll play into the bit. Oh, my beloved spider, I have eyes for not other! My every moment, whether waking or sleeping, I spend obsessing over your visage! A world without you is my greatest Hell
i dont want to make the first moves..
Again June is trolling stop giving her attention she’ll go away like all the other trips before her.
It’s the day of the living retard! Beware, you’re in a for autism ooooohhhhh~
Eat a handful of Fentanyl.
How old are you?
pichu is 36
That’s too tryhardy, I just want people to cut themselves thinking about me ;3
It's weird to call it trolling, this is just standard female negative attention gathering behavior
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not a chaser but a good, cohesive album experience is unparalleled. don't have much time or drive to sit down and listen to albums all the way through as of late. pretty depressed and stressed out.
one of my favs of all time. maybe I should steep in this today. get high and sad.
>I don't want to make an effort

Then you'll remain single.
Can you not you fucking retard, you need to go to an inpatient facility
Was Twinkchan also just one of those fake personalities? I hope not but who the hell knows at this point
if june were real she'd post actual photos of herself
im 30
jade is literally itt cutting herself and posting pics . go get em tiger!
Would you date a 30 year old chaser with a 2 bedroom house?
I will actually slit my throat before I do that again. I go insane from boredom
>maybe I should steep in this today. get high and sad.
Do it. I'll do the same.
you guys dont get it if i make the first moves then if i get rejected im not seen as just "some loser girl hitting too high" like cis women, im "a transgendered sex pest pedo that thinks she has a chance with straight men"

okay? Also women dont typically make first moves unless theyre super ugly
I'm a bit faggy, but not enough to self harm, even for the bit. LOL SORRY
ive seen people talking about it but all of the posts were heleted before that one
why is this person doing this? and why don't they fucking stop?
Daily reminder that women die at the age of 30.
Damn you just became way more alluring I thought you were like 25
Don't respond to her
you forget that all men in 2k24 are neutered and afraid of women so you have to show interest first
but i already do that all the time..
>maybe I should steep in this today. get high and sad.
great idea anon i will do this today
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
ur known to have a smelly bussy so even if u get a man someone gon come and steal yo mans
same photos over and over
Soooo lame, atleast prick your thumb and stamp a paper or something.
I’m not paying attention like I usually do.
notice how she is never around when rick is? kinda makes you think.
you trigger my domestic abuse instinct like no other girl has before
Because I don't have a community of people to talk to and have as support anymore
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ummm not sure, i'd have to think on it
turns into picrel
btw this is a joke, but most guys really don't wanna be seen as creepy or make a girl uncomfortable

if you like a guy, you should show interest first by being friendly or compliment him
If you want blood you'll have to draw it yourself
kill yourself

sorry, the femcel rules say so
That doesn't work for her because she has to perfectly fit the sissy tradwife mef caricature
listen to that album it's so fuckin good lol
I can't smoke weed though so I'm probably going to take some kratom instead and listen to this. perfect representation of an opiate high in musical form
Aauuuuuuugggghhhhhb you’re sooooooo fucking booooriinnnnggg ah.
Are you asexual as in no sex ever or like you would have sex with a partner but you just aren't drawn to it really
Man don't make me paranoid
In June's defense, she doesn't have a chance with straight men because liking trannies is bi due to being AMAB.
shut up already retard
i just want a man to ask me if he can take me out on a date come on this isnt that crazy
NEVER EVER compliment your future trad husband.

That is training him to think like a QUEER.

men very, very rarely do that these days
Stop replying to her
I would NEVER want him to turn into some SISSY LIBERAL that doesn't physically and emotionally ABUSE ME
What, teeth too dull or nails too short? I'm going to flick a still lit cigarette butt towards your eyes, hope you wear glasses
you're right it really isn't but people have already hopped on the neg june bandwagon so you're not gonna get through to them
shoutouts to asexuals, I need an ace gf to smooch and cuddle with under the assumption that neither of us want to fuck
it's so annoying how often I run into people who will be "okay" with dating someone who is asexual but they always inevitably want sex, assuming the relationship lasts that long, and when we break up I'm portrayed as the bad guy even tho I'm a dude who is doing literally the exact opposite of coercing a woman into sex
Turning one of these gay men lurkers into my gf because bitches ain't loyal
its a white wine and coldbrew type of morning
Do you have a smoking kink or something? Always talking about hurting me with a cigarette.
I don't think you're supposed to put coffee in wine
I wanted to ask a coworker out on a date but I'm not all that put together and even though we were very obviously attracted to each other, I am not relationship material in the slightest right now
shit sucks. hope she's doing well.
It's a boofing vodka kinda afternoon
If my "man" is a god damn LIBERAL, thats not my MAN

4loko the old fashioned way

get autobrewery syndrome to save money
yeah, you're right. i should.
It's a nitrous oxide and kratom type evening
I cannot sleep :(
o shit ur right it is the afternoon
It's them goddamn TRANNIES that are ruining all our good MEN
I’m going to clock out an hour early tf my boss finna do come over to my apartment and fire me? :laughing:
I hate basic white women so much, it's unreal.
chasers. post your selfies. i want to pick out celebrity lookalikes for you.
twerk for us
I look like Sam Hyde and Alex Jones mixed
You're European? That's crazy
You are turning gay by drinking water
chasers never post pictures because they are too scared and weak and their chins are all recessed
Hell no I ain't posting my face on 4chan yall crazy for doing that
Ya sorry not posting face.
The only thing that will actually matter is if I kill myself huh
I'm trying to get a good career going I don't need my face reverse-searchable here
If a woman blew cigarette smoke in my face my peepee would probably get hard
Unfortunately my ass is flat
I am American. I sleep during the day
if they dont post because of a recessed chin then they get michael cera, thats the rules
This is 4chan, fuck outta here. It's you trannies crazy enough to do that because you need validation.
Can you not, like genuinely? Go get some help.
Do or don't, just keep it the fuck off this thread.

Cluster Bs gonna cluster B.
yea this is why I regret posting myself :/
I will post a selfie onto 4chan dot org in a few months when I've lost a bunch of weight
I'm ugly but worse right now because I'm ugly AND fat
i want him... michael cera ......
The only help I need is a friend group
Kinda cringe, make it a twink doing it and I’d feel some sort of way.
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if you actually know me you can ask me for a specialized timestamp or something idc
I’ll dm you selfies
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I talked to a tranner today
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stop it ew not like that. i want him in his tiny little shorts in juno
think I forgot to take adderall today ough
If I was a bit younger we could have arranged that... Youth is ever fading
wild how they're both ftm now, eliot and Michael
I can't really make out what the handwriting says but I'm sure you're real
im sorry i only post pictures of my lil body
I wuv u twinkchan
do it
did you need to?
'rick is a little pissbaby chud that pisses his pants
that's what it says, lol sorry I have terrible handwriting bad habits from having to write fast, I can sorta force myself to write more legible but it'll look like a toddler wrote it
Lame, you come off like an old man. Probably don’t have any sense of style.
you're still here!? i thought you left or something
im not a trans girl
Oh that's based
let's see your happy trail bro
Need me a tranner wife with a terrorist watch
I like to check in when I can, I am on a little lunch break rn :)
If I crossed paths with you IRL I would do it in a fucking heartbeat
This, is what low T looks like.
I forgot to eat lunch. I think it's too late now
"They" changed what style is just so you can't find it for cheap in thrift stores
So you are an old man? So boring.
I just wear hipster garbage mixed with milsurp shit, I'm 25 so too old to be a twink. Is this the part where I ask you to kill me?
>too high test for bio femoids
oh no buddy
victim of phoneposting, oops
you think this is gonna make people wanna be your friend lol wtf
Wrong way retard
Being 6 years older than me could be hot depending on if you’re good looking or not. Other than that I’ll kill you for 30 dollars.
Ok and
>30 dollars
6 months wages in ohio
ok now down a bottle of vodka take a couple pills and hop in the bath before they congeal
yawn little chicken scratches across the street
Not really, maybe somewhere like a wage slave job. You can work at Walmart and clothing stores and make almost 21 dollars an hour.
All this because you got kicked from a discord server?
But the Haitians will bbq your cat while you're at work
Oh, I was hoping you were one of the 30 year olds here... I prefer my women old, and evil
I hate you
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so tired of this nonsense today
just want some calming videos of cute animals
>25 so too old to be a twink
Why am I not invited to the discord server );
What is this creature? Why does it look like me?
they hate us....
>wanting to be vetted and lorded over by transbian powerhorders
Couldn't be me
it's a silky anteater :>
I am beginning to get wrinkles and the constant bags under my eyes seemingly only worsen, nigga I think twinkdeath is real
It is so fucking over. Not allowed in the servers, the boymoder I met nearby has gone ghost, I might as well die
Me neither. I'm glad I managed to find a girl here so I don't have to stick around and simp in discord servers. I can still understand them having a vetting process though, with that muscleanon faggot infiltrating every server and all that.
it's not even like that, it's just boring. everyone trying to outdo each other in cuteness and then doomposting about how cooked they are
They apparently didn't want to be my friend in the first place
I was happy for the first time in a long time when I felt accepted in there
All that just to have them cut themselves over server drama anyways
I hate how cute it is
All the 20 something’s complaining about getting old. Fuck
Don’t have a cat.
I’m not a woman?
can you fucking not
what im hearing is you're only two steps away from becoming a cat lady then
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its relapse time!!!!!!

>transbian discord drama
>self harm
>eating disorders
Yeah, gen's dead we had a good run
Please stay strong and ignore the retards who want others to relapse on every single disorder alongside them
i feel ancient at 22
Can you pretend to be sane and clean your fucking wounds? Maybe put some Vaseline on them after?
Yeah, I'm losing the only thing appealing about me, IM JUST SOME RANDOM GUY NOW
I am way too retarded to deal with anyone under 20, and it honestly feels a bit weird. Try being 30 next time LOL
Why are trannies this way?
It's been dead for a while
I have 11 years on you. It only gets worse
I wouldn't be sad enough to do this if I wasn't alone and hated because I'm mentally ill.
Really? Because you seem like the biggest manchild imaginable
As a 30 year old, fuck you for thinking 22 is old.

Then can you not do it here? Clean your fucking wounds, cry it out and take a nap.
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iom sorry even thoughg you got dubs im already drunk its too late

lol why is jade cutting himself?
Cluster B activities.
I’m the goth twink with the dogs.
Maybe I'll give Jade some attention after a few more photos. Not sure though, would have to see how the photos look before deciding.
Is this Rosewood?
jade is such a pussy like what the even are those baby cuts lol
No they took away my support group so I'm taking away this place
No but I wish it were me holy fuck
You're a dumb cunt.
Jade stop fucking cutting yourself it does no good

For real tho I think I look better in my 30s so I’m fake complaining.
Are you American? You don't want to start day drinking, it will really mess up your sleep schedule and your health
Not day drinking, the person in the picture
maybe they wouldn't have done so if you didn't spam self harm scars like an attention seeking dooming retard who does nothing but shoot herself in the foot all the fucking time. if you're gonna self harm, keep it the fuck out of here.
>I'm taking away this place
even if you livestreamed your -ack'ing nobody would give a shit, chasergen would be thriving again before transbians like you showed up, so maybe keep it up nobody actually cares
Are you seriously so retarded that you treat people disposable, call them a support group instead of friends, and then cut yourself over it? Jesus grow the fuck up
You all have more nerve and good will than me, I’d make them double down on it. You want to brag about cutting yourself and blaming others for something you did? Do it some fucking more pussy.
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nop just me. fidlar my relapse music

Wish the trannies would have kept Jade is the discord cage for our sake
Is now a good time to shill the tagmap tag?
Lmao it was jade the whole time? What a disaster
what good is her transbian support cage if she inevitably always comes back here to shit the place up
A friend group is a support system
hey retard, if you're going to cut yourself, at least do it down your arm, not across.
What are you relapsing on
That's my thigh
lmao, makes it even more pathetic jade, just attention seeking harmless cuts that nobody gives a fuck about
go away already you incel gooner
I take back what I said about you not being evil, you are beautiful
She was an infrequent visitor though
>too retarded to tell the difference between an arm and a leg
Yea I came on here less when I was there so blame them
then do your neck. either way, get the fuck out of here you bpd cunt.
I'm so glad my phone blocks .moe
I don't need you see cutting or gaped holes tyvm, im a christian man
Lame, go back to hating me.
>I think I look better in my 30s so I’m fake complaining
Oldfags gotta stay positive. We WILL get trans gfs half our age. Cute young girls (male) DESERVE big strong hairy chested balding bfs
just alcohol so far. managed to not cut so far by scratching and hitting instead. wont relapse on anything else though i swar

>I don't need you see cutting
>or gaped holes
well let's just pump the brakes real quick, holes are nice
I'm tapping out for now. I need a wheelchair because I can't stand you bitches right now.
Jade fucking clean your wounds and do something else. I want you alive I enjoy talking to you when you not doing this bullshit.
Lots of the girls here like dad bod so I still have a chance. Thank god I’m only slightly balding I went on fin like 2 years ago
>>or gaped holes
they're talking about goatse
>I was a malicious retard and got kicked out of something for being a malicious retard so now that I'm being an even bigger retard here you have to blame it on the people who kicked me out
Do BPDemons really?
and trannies think they're long term material
What's bothering you today? Maybe you just need someone to listen
When Jade accidentally cuts something important do you think he'll post it on here before he passes out from serious blood loss?
>i need a bf who can fix me

bitch, you need a therapist and antipsychotics before you ruin someone's life
Ew, I don’t want admiration. I want vitriol.
You want love but it hurts to feel love, so you go with vitriol instead. I was just like you
love is gay as fuck
there is an unfortunate amount of doomposting. idk what you mean by
>outdo each other in cuteness
i think you mean "hoarder"
but im far too reluctant to use any power i have. It's actually a problem.

alright I think that's enough of this gen for today
its gotten really uncomfy in here and I need to go lie down, i think
Anon you're spoiling the ending
I hate BPDemons so much, it's unreal.
Shut up, shut up shut up shut up! Love is too gay, I just want to fuck and live life 200 mph
idk, i think its been a while coming. haven't had an episode in a bit.
honestly when i woke up it didn't seem like anything was wrong but i started scrolling this thread like just after i ate breakfast and got really triggered lol. zlso last thread with the eating disorder shit, i stayed on a little too long trying to get june to stop posting harmful content instead of just disengaging , mb ig. and i didn't realize i had alcohol in my hous e until a couple days ago, it's been an effort of will to not drink until today. im gonna be fine itll just take a bit. i dont usually relapse that bad nowadays, ive got a handle on the alcoholism bit much better than before. its gonna be okay dont worry abt me

don't even bother making a new thread because this cunt will just attention whore even more.
this thread is making me so glad i never got started with cutting
i don't understand how so many other trans women do it constantly. like sure i have my own unhealthy coping mechanisms but cutting seems so... severe
just tranny things
sometimes it literally feels like im part of the 5% of trans who don't though, like it's ridiculous
Like the confessions sub is a good example - no one being real or saying anything that would make me feel like these are real people i can relate to. It's typical discord niceness and hugboxing and the only chasers in there are flamers or reppers or that old guy Foros I think his name is who has delusions of grandiosity. It feels very superficial.
goodnight. I love you
nope. just tranny things.
I'm a sick man but the scars are hot
What do you do to cope? Do you smoke, drink, pop pills, and slut yourself out?
ack'ing when? just get it over with.
Every time I've been in a situation where love is possible, i panic and reject it and then go on a male slut spree living 200 mph, which ive been doing the last month or so. And yeah that's fun for a bit, but you realize it's not what you really want
This thread and the overall website can trigger me too into a downward spiral. Ofc i worry about you anon, you're a caring person who deserves to have someone thinking about you. But I'll respect your wishes
vent, whine to other people, cry
im sober now but i did used to drink my problems away
Idk doing drugs and being a slut is very fun.
All that shit is fucking lame.
Damn this annoying, ugly faggot Spider sure is annoying and ugly and boring am I right or am I right my blawgs
you're like my little brother lol
I just wish spider was 30...
Little nigga gonna be dead before he hits 25
Gotta love it!
If he’s hot we should link up and make some content.
I’ll be dead by then.
we do not need goatse
should i just get a grindr hookuip??
Grindr requires your phone number and email so they can register you on the fag list when the great cleansing comes, don't fall for it
i use fake phone and email for everything dont worry bb
Not subtle enough of a shitpost thread
Shit thread

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