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last: >>37322989


What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
qott: what's your favorite aesthetic?
it was made by k8
Or spicelattecore
QOTT maybe Castlevania but also maybe just bc it’s almost autumn
Serious question:
How do I get rid of this feeling of not being trans and being extremely male(I’m on hrt) that I get daily? It causes me depression. I feel utterly unable to help myself in that regard yet I stop myself from doing things I want as well(I want new clothes, a baggy, laser&an epilator, plushiessss, some new posters, and learn make up and voice, amongst other things)
I can’t girlmode obviously. What do? I can’t do these things because I feel so depressed and that I don’t deserve them if I’m not really a girl. Maybe I only want them TO feel like a girl? Idk
This is too much! Too long have I been stuck like this! Help!
Transition first
Because I have the EYES! (Gregorian chant music plays)
My PP feels REALLY good today love touching it
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why does this gypsy jew still think anyone cares or anyone belives what his fingers type? like lol, lmao even
Take hrt and do laser and ffs
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>feeling of not being trans and being extremely male
if mentally feeling this way detrans
it will, but not enough

i don't feel like a man yet i do feel like this man
Wtf no :(
I don’t want to. I wanna be like my other tranny friends not a moid:(
you are a disgrace on this earth
I just wanna be me but girl
I need to sleep
but when I close my eyes I just hate myself and want to die
just cry a bit it helped me
I'm incapable of letting myself cry :(
kinda funny considering how much of a crybaby I am
weird, i feel like that when my eyes are open too
I feel you
I find it hard to cry as well, yet I constantly complain
The picture said more then the word(s) could ever do
>male to qt female
already failed
taking dick would be nice honestly
low iq and low impuls control, didn't know you're also a nog, but that actually makes entirely too much sense
a hug would be even better
just a warm hug from someone who will just tell me:"you are enough and I am proud of you"
Being a girl would be cool, but imagine having to be a bottom yeesh
i never had sex so i cant imagine
im not worth hugging
really there are few things im good for
today i made myself slightly useful and it was nice
Nice. Save yourself for the right person
why am I so jealous of trans girls?
They are all so cute and free spirited and kinda awesome...
I hate being an ugly manmoder
I hate myself so much
I wish I could be a real trans girl and go shopping and maybe cuddle(not sexual)...
why is my brain so fucking deadended on ruining my life, why cant I just enjoy what was given to me?
What would be the difference betweem being an nb trans woman and a gnc trans woman? I identify with the latter one more-so, but both terms overlap.
good morning fourth channel hope u r having a nice morning
gm woman
im not
I feel like fucking terrible shit
if you take hrt for 2 years you will be different. you dont need to gwt all pretty and soft immediately either. therenis a path for you anon <3
that can be really relatable. posting on here doesnt help that much, except that we can grab you by the shoulders to shout "TAKE HRT" and tell you that itll make you feel better before it cures your social malaise. the relief is immediate...
god damn you horrifying stone head hon
>projection anon is here too
yay i hope you have a nice day
take estrogen and im not joking
I’m on hrt already for well over half year now.
Idk the dysphoria has gotten more severe lately or maybe it’s not even that
Sometimes I think “ I wish I was a girl” but then I follow that up with “why”
I hate the constant doubts. I’m on the verge of tears and breaking down because I can’t feel right no matter what.
Why can’t I just be a real tranny and a real girl. Why can’t I find myself. It hurts so much. I don’t wanna go back to that fate of turning more and more masculine seeing my dreams slip away. But why then am I still like this in this in between state of mind? Why now after so many months of hrt? Why was I so fuvking delusional as a kid and couldn’t do shit but watch as I became a man? Maybe I am one then? Maybe the signs I thought existed were just delusions as well? I’m so scared. I don’t know anything anymore. I just want something that doesn’t even exist then.
I wish I never existed. Sorry for venting at you anone
It’s not your fault
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP oh me oh my those beans and jalapeno are producing some superb gass these whiffs are incredible wish you girls were here to enjoy and straight cup from source to nose whiff whiff whiff it's a head rush and just fantastic BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
im proud of you anon. the first year is *the hardest* and everyone knows it. if uouve been having trouble connecting with girls, thats because interacting with year 1 girls brings us back to that place. i wrote lots of posts just like this here. it sometimes feels like youre climbing a mountain thats impossiblu high and that there is no point and no peace: thats not true. there is another side. there is a peace you can discover.

read sisters of dorley if you want some early transition fiction
hayato is dating eve btw
I’m really not trying enough am I? Isolation and avoiding subjects all my life for fear of being found out. Didn’t help at all.
Idk what I’m scared of these days. Idk why I do t just do the shit I desperately think I wanna do. That’s the thing. I was never sure of myself in any of my actions. I needed permission to start hrt. Because I couldn’t possibly do it myself.
To this day I doubt myself and become so incredibly jealous of real authentic people. Men less so it seems but the virus of “detrans idiot you are wrong and ruining others lives” still exists within me.
Hell I have no compelling arguments in a coming out situation. What could I possible tell them to make someone understand my feelings? I barely feel them myself!
It’s all stems from wanting to be feminine and “be a girl” or “feel like a girl” but those are do entirely vague.
I feel so fake maybe I should repress again detrans, ghost and cut ties to everyone. Go back to the nothing I had before.
Maybe transition for me is just an other escape a hobby to pass time, for I accepted death and I’m just waiting for it.
Fuck my life. I don’t want to be agp. I don’t want to be a sexual thing. I don’t want to grow older without ever find out who I’m supposed to be.
What am I? That’s all that’s on my mind.
Thanks for trying anon. Maybe I’ll never be a girl. Why would I be sad about that
it does.
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if you're cis or repping please make or join a different gen pls and ty this is supposed to be for mtfs and mtfs no longer post here because of you.
repgen is dead though.
I just curled up on the floor after closing the door of my room hyperventilating and unable to cry
Why is this happening to me
What the fuck am i(other than moron, retard,etc)
hii mtfg
u can bring it back i believe in u xox
Every thread I post in dies.
kissing dads..... pemnibs....
We need to come together and get larry locked up before he shoots up a school. Make /mtfg/ great again
I wish I was trans
I wish I grew up as a girl
I wish I was a woman
I wish I could be a real human
I wish I didn’t have this body and more importantly this brain
I’m tired
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
took norco for wisdom teeth ate clam chowder started getting rly dizzy and throwing up and had to go to hospital
y2k grunge....
yeh that didn't happen stop lying you attentionfag
I fucking hate this body
I fucking hate my brain
Depression and gd is the worst combo
Just unable to enjoy things and I get to be constantly reminded I am not really a girl and in fact should detroon. Great
>I get to be constantly reminded I am not really a girl and in fact should detroon
mirror mirror on the wall
stop tormenting me wtf
doll. i wish i was braver with it. need to get some big fake lashes i think
Sorry didnt mean to…
I go through these thoughts then bounce back to regular “iwnbaw” and dysphoria.
I need a strong drink rn..
>tankies influencers claim the lgbt ban concern in Georgia was a psyop created by the west and cia and that Georgian LGBT people weren't going to lose their civil rights
>they do this loudly, for months, saying that all of the Georgian concern about oppression was just an American CIA psyop
>All LGBT rights in Georgia removed overnight
Who could have seen this coming, more and more convinced far left/auth comm influencers are all Russian paid psyops just like the conservative ones are
>Georgian transwoman murdered the very next day
mr stark..
I didn't even mention that part in my post because it didn't feel right to include it due to politicization but yeah and there will be more. She was an influencer as well and was obviously deliberately targeted for being an open transwomen.
And yet people were calling this western propaganda. And now an innocent woman is dead.
makes me wonder why Radiochan keeps talking about how Trumps second presidency will be a nothing burger for free when she could be collecting Russian money
I hate religious psychos

can only pick one hehe!
Can someone confirm that if I keep taking me meds(hrt) one day I’ll feel better about myself?
I hope I’ll do laser soon too. Just so I don’t see it in the mirror ig. I hope I keep losing weight then I’ll go on a binge during xmas and hopefully have more growth.
I’m not a girl. I’m not a guy either. Nb cope? She/it/they?
good morning transgenders
I fucking cry at dumb shit like the fictional kids of an alcoholic mom who died in a drunk driving accident
hrt wont make you feel better about yourself by itself. you can take it forever and never see improvement past day 1 if you dont do the mental work
What work? Therapy is incredibly slow and expensive
Socialising feels like razors seeing people better than me and achieving dreams I used to have. Including a transition.
Reminder that taking hormones even for only a few months and getting mad they di not make you a 100% passing for cisgender woman and attractive is le working out for the same number of months and being mad you aren't a trophy winning bodybuilder
part of the work involves deciding the work
I did become less depressed but it has now come back after a few months
I was motivated to do shit but now I feel like I cant/don’t deserve it/should just fucking detroon and give up
zoomer basic bitch
I guess the next step is lasering my ugly mutt face
Idk why I always deny myself these things. I never once regretted the incremental changes of transitioning but I am still afraid
Makes me question reality.
I need a new hobby but I never do anything, just perma tired and won’t even bathe some days.
what do you mean you're not a girl/not a guy as that sounds like cope yeah
hrt feminises your body slowly over time. it is not a panacea for all your problems. weight cycling is a good idea
also if you've not even got laser yet then no wonder you're feeling miserable girl get that asap
Yeah it is a cope because I just cannot see any girl in the mirror. My minds eye is also quite blurry as in my dreams I am this mass.
Yeah laser is absolutely something I should have done months ago
I’m just slow to do things, look how long it took me to get on hrt even after I knew I wanted it’s effects since I found out about them years ago.
I remember that summer vacation I searched for and asked around for what exactly does E do and how excited I got I was like so I can just take it right? Lo and behold repress for half a decade
how do i delude myself into thinking im a woman?
Forgot to add I feel utterly un-relatable to 99.99% of men, I just mask up and pretend I am one when needed. But the inner girl feels blurry and distant and I’m scared if it exists. Idk
I’m mad coping
think over your childhood and teenage years and go through various girlish things you did or ways you were bullied by other boys for being weird or effeminate
becoming a transwoman just means you're medically transitioning. you dont need a special backstory, you just do it. you can't be a ciswoman, ofc.
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the hon voice hath arrived
>you don’t need a special backstory
But how will I know I’m heckin valid
i think for me i started understanding myself as a woman as i got further into transition. before hand i think i understood myself as idk, not yet a woman? i imagined maybe it was something i'd get to one day but seemed distant and confusing when i looked in the mirror and saw a man. this is why i think laser is so important for you, its an immediate way to remove something male appearing
but then when i understood the shape of my womanhood it was like easy to see that it had been there all along to some extent and how i felt before was mostly just the result of being miserable
i also think, although i did experience some sort of girlhood, i sort of imagine myself as growing into being a woman through transition. idk if that helps you but its something you might like figure out over time and feel more comfortable understanding yourself as over the course of years, rather than it being some sort of thing you always had or whatever

>I'm scared if it exists
how so?
there is no valid, there's only varying levels of passing and cringe.
know enough about science and philosophy to understand that the difference is just in our heads. you are a loose network of atoms that fell into place due to the laws of physics and the forward march of time and the atoms that make up the human conception of "male" could just as easily be arranged into the human conception of "female". the atoms dont care. only we do.
sucking cocko
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whatever this is
i really love scribbly rougher looking manga linework
i dont even know if that counts as an aesthetic
sometimes i like to put on these long vocas and pretend like im on call with a friend while i work
but im not with friedn
im just working aloben here always workihdfsang alojnen always alboene just working listeniing to stranger labone
sad ;-:
u r friend just not like a normal friend, anon friend
Hmm I guess I need to keep going and not just stagnate
I go get the confusion and not quite understanding myself. it rings true. Idk I’m very much still a non person it feels at times. Fluctuating between states of mind that are “detroon now” to “I need to do so much more and feel better” or something like that. The vagueness is what kills me. Yeah maybe laser will fix things. Who knows. I haven’t had a regret much so far.

Oh and I meant I’m scared if she doesn’t exist as in I would like there to be something in there that is well a girl.

I haven’t woken up with good spirits once recently. And that kinda affects everything
I need to move on from my denial. I’m tired of feeling this way.
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hey everyone hope your day is going well
Thank you. I hope u r ok as well
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hi maiq hope ur day is going well too
i wish you had a discord.
when you do add me
everyone wish me luck on my job interview please
pretty good, working from home. gonna try to not get high today.
Go anone
gl nona
Skiiiiibiidii toilet!!!!!
you got this nona
i really need to find something to live for asap because of i get diagnosed with what im terrified of getting diagnosed with and very likely to have i am going to be a very bad risk and i have literally nothing to live for
hello computer people
what's that in english
>tfw just look like a metalhead
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Question on how to reduce the appearance of hip dips? Every time I try to look it up online all I get is cis women going ‘don’t worry sweaty it’s genetic and you can’t do anything about it and you should just love yourself’ when I’m just asking how to dress in a way so that fabric skims over those areas. I have surprisingly wide hips for an amab but my hip dips make clothes fall straight over my hips, rather than the curved outline most women have, so it looks like I have pretty pronounced saddle bags and no hips. Any advice? I always feel like padded shapewear looks awkward af irl. I tried to describe what I mean about hip dips squaring off my hips with Pic rel
get fat
Fat won’t specifically fill in the dip by just gaining weight though
no but it will make it less of a problem proportionally
that's just an extra step to it happening by accident and makes it more improbable
I guess, but I already am kinda fat and want to lose weight. I look stocky and squat, and I want to be thinner
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ru retarded
oh ok then idk maybe tight waisted stuff like high rise jeans
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On others: witchy librarian vibes I think
On myself: ... i dunno

if I died I wouldn't know what would happen to my blahaj, they might throw him away. He deserves to be taken care of. So idk if i could ever do it.
personally I don't think I'm significant enough for a god to bother with me
what's going on here
improbable ya but i think that just makes it nicer sort of

>maybe we were all created and put in this world for the express purpose to be alone and suffer
im a lonely person
im, like, a really really lonely person but i think to say that we were put here squarely to suffer alone sounds too pessimistic even for me
we have stuff in our brains that makes it so that we feel good when we hug people we love or when we pet dogs or when we look up towards the sun and take long deep breaths. its like we're rewarded for doing things that make us less alone; maybe you can make a really cold blooded lizardman-y case that its 'just' because we have a biological drive to seek partners to procreate with and multiply or to protect things that look like babies, but its still so

if there really is a god i dont think theyre out to get us. when things are bad and i feel angry at the world i know thats a tempting line of thought but i also think its one that doesnt hold up against scrutiny

tldr its bad but its not 'that' bad imo
american "healthcare"

idk dr was probably rly busy when he wrote that up my gender markers are male
thank u anons i got the job!!!
compared to what? Canada where you can't even diy or UK where the waiting list is 20 years long?
spoilers: it's all shit
the switch from second to third person pronouns was mostly what got me
you, me, us are just part of an infinitely reproducing species that drives evolution further a tiny bit with each new generation. that's literally it. you were born, given "the best" traits of your parents, and then do the same to create the next generation.

no greater meaning, no big secret purpose, it's just that
>tiny bit
evolution is peaked, we're entering the transhuman era where we direct our evolution
oh man sorry i really didnt mean to exclude when i said that :(

do you not relate to that on some level?
even if you're like, touch averse or if you don't like the outdoors or hate dogs and stuff, like, for example you come here to post for 'some' reason, right? Even if board or thread sucks, like, deep down there is some reason that makes you come back here that lies beyond addiction or sunk cost or something
like if you speak from the heart and say something and a bunch of people or even just one person relates to it, don't you feel marginally less alone and a bit better about things, even if by a small amount?

or if you make something and show it to other people and they give you criticism or say what they like about it, doesnt that make you feel nice
if it happened, it was probably the most likely outcome
but what skewed the probabilities?
>awfully improbable for us to even be here in the first place
there are like 300 million habitable planets in our galaxy alone, there's an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. so idk how improbable it is for intelligent life to emerge, but there are likely many places where it could happen. we happen to be on this planet and we suffer because people are dumb and mean to each other.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."
can I see bob & gock ?
i treat u to Indian foood. good food.

meet u at union square yea?
im worthless
>tfw forced to stare at my body and face
>tfw feel empty inside again
Ahh lovely
And to think I was ready to start honmoding lol
dude just shut the fuck up already
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there's just not enough cigarettes in the world...
>28 y/o
>1 and half year hrt
>still look like a dude, just with slightly big boobs
What the FUCK do I do for fashion. I don't wanna wear women's clothing when I still look like pre transition. Every t shirt has my titties pointing out and looks weird. GIVE TIPS PLEASE
neat pants
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if it really bothers u can wear baggy shirts or wear a binder i promise u unless is going to ever say anything to u about ur boobs gyno affects 50% of ppl amab at some point in their lives


lol ok paige
neat digits
"In the beginning Moot created the 4chan and boards and the threads. Now the threads were forumless and empty, deadness was over the surface of the catalog, and the Cursor of Moot was hovering over the New Thread button.

And Moot said, “Let there be shitposts,” and there were shitposts. Moot saw that the shitposts were good, and he separated the shitposts from the effortposts. Moot called the shitposts “based,” and the effortposts he called “cringe.” And there was bumps, and there was sage—the first thread."

*nobody is going to ever say
lovely numberinos
>I don't wanna wear women's clothing
you ever see billie eilish's old outfits?
like the ones that are so baggy you couldn't see any actual shape under the clothes
I assume you could pull something like that off with just mens clothes
democrats would condemn the murder of baby hitler
Binder it is I guess. Baggy clothing on someone old like me seems tacky when I usually wear something like polo shirts or cashmere sweaters (which somehow still shows my titty outline).
don't do yourself dirty like that
but yeah the binder will work
I knew someone with D cups who had a binder and it worked for them

you don't need a binder, nobody is going to notice your gynecomastia

"And Moot said, “Let there be users to do all of the work for free.” So Moot hired them. And it was so. Moot called the users “janitors.” And there were deleted posts, and deleted threads.

And Moot said, “Let shitposters be gathered to one board, as to not ruin the rest of the site.” And it was so. God called the board “/b/,” and the gathered posters he called “newfags.” And Moot saw that it was good."
i took 30 secs to stare at my tight shirt and face in the mirror
The tits pocking clearly
I look like a monster. A freak
A man with tits
I hate myself
although you might not even need a binder
assuming you're not rocking like post ba titties a sports bra should be sufficient
only adding this as a suggestion because I hear people talk of binders hurting breast development
dunno if it's hon science or not
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awaiting you
me to a divorced 47 year old white man's cock
How will that help
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my new nonbinary femboy girlfriend likes farting directly into my face and wants me to move into her mom's house with her. thoughts?
Whites are just the best
yeah that happening over and over again would make putting trust in others a harder thing to do i bet :/ sorry

>no i just come here to get some of my anxious thoughts out
>no one else to talk to
but still, even you yourself say you feel the drive to express these thoughts, and get them out even if the feeling that comes out of it is a gratification that doesn't feel the kind that makes you jump for joy or something. Like, theres a reason you vent those thoughts and put them 'here' instead of only putting them in a notebook or a journal or something, and feasibly its that you know that when you put them here a human being will read them (unless im wrong and being stupid). Thats pretty much the thing i was talking about before, you're motivated to reach out to others

i dont mean to say this in a way thats intended to put you down or in a way that belittle your problems (i mean to do the opposite hopefully but idk how much that comes across), i feel like you're not nearly alone in the way that you feel as you think

have you ever read
>I have no mouth and I must scream
trannys be wildin out atin like they real girls n sheeit like bruh tf
i finished moby dick and i don't get it
the whale is a cock and he's ftm
what do you fear to have?
im so deprressed dont have energy to do fucking anything and everything is so boring
forgive her. she has issues too.
cuz dat machine be evil and shit, he be puttin us humans through these torture trials n sheit he be like god or some sheit daawwwwwwwwgg
You're very dumb and retarded, so it's over your head. Heres a coloring book for you, dumb lil princess
How long do I have to be on hrt to get fat on my hips/butt? If I gain weight now it just goes to my face and belly
probably 6 months - a year with good levels if you werent fat before you got on hrt
I'd recommend it
might make you think
or not idk I like the book I think it makes for good allegories around such stuff
dont give up, just imagine yourself in 5, 10, 20 years. eventually you will just be living as a girl/woman even if it takes a decade before it becomes impossible to live as a man anymore.
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Aaa...Im like 9 months in and nothing
so make sure your levels are good and that your life style is atleast somewhat healthy (aka not living off fritos staying up all hours of the night and doing nothing but sitting) 9 months is not very much in the grand scheme of things and your levels might not even be satisfactory.
You can throw that one away. I know you only want to serve men
I think the way anon describes how they'd like to meet God actually makes them more like allied master computer
am met God and got it's justice y'know?
and we as the perpetrators view it from an entirely different lense
am is only a villain insomuch as we only really empathize with our own
it's too alien to synpathize with
we are the monsters, ect, ect
Makeup and skincare does wonders for not hating your reflection
but i know what's underneath
why would jewish people not care about far right anti-semetic politics being on the rise
i need fat tits so fucking bad it;s not fair
tgirl on tgirl violence
i wish everything didnt have to be dictated by giant powers i have zero control over and normal people jewish or not could live in peace
Kat really got his name full censored on /tttt/

Your post won't go through if you type it. Lol!
RuneScape scam type post
That's a lot of threes
nickocado langvocado
thank you anon i worked hard on them
theres literally nothing you can do about it unless you were born unimaginably wealthy and powerful
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holy sexes
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Rap e
dont shoot !!
teleports behind u
sex is banned
i can never be a woman or happy without cleavage
the rapy
No scammerino broham, try and type n1ck l4ng and watch how your post doesn't go through
i dont really like israel or israel lobbying either yea and i feel like people attribute way to much to the president over how much control they actually have over immigrants coming in illegally... since you know, theyre coming in illegally.

but also i dont pay attention to politics 24/7 or really at all so idk really. fentanyl and stuff was still super bad when trump was president so im assuming illegal immigration was still pretty bad then, and i also literally knew a mexican who couldnt speak english when trump was in office and hes still here so...
I just want nipples that aren't dymorphically male and I would be fine being flat tbhon
muy gay
idk where to even learn about political stuff and tell if its real so i relaly have no idea if what youre saying is true or false or what anyone else is saying is true or false. both sides seem to say different things and both sides are equally schizo.
But one side wont fuck with my hormones
but how do i even tell what is real or not?
maybe it's time you start therapy then
all politicians are fake
but you can expect the more intelligent ones to work twoards tbeir own self interest mostly
even on the stuff theyre saying, theres multiple different views on the situation. so i cant tell what is real and what is not real.
dems move further to the right while repubs move further to nazi
Mackin the fuck out of my PP right now like straight up gettin gripped n slipped on
freemason coca cola drones have been dispatched to your house. you are posting on mtfg.
this >>37333866
democrats are just economic rightoids who lile the aesthetic of social progressivism when it doesn't actually effect them
and drop it all the moment a slight problem is caused because of people who have less than them
conservatives are just fascists and baby fascists sitting on the fence
Are you playing pirated minecraft
wasn't kat employed by the German ministry of justice and Germany has a law that forbids deadnaming?
she linked this once https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/tsg/__5.html
>pirated minecraft
based tho
bill gates certainly doesn't need any more dubloons
The right is right that's why they'e right and called right because they're right and that's all you need to know about politics
the dem direction of movement has gotten incredibly confusing. they were sliding right through 2008. ever since the crash and obama and bernie they've been heavy pandering to the left while trying not to lose donors, now they're all "racial justice now climate action now wealth in the pockets of the common man rah rah!!!... but only if daddy bezos and mommy raytheon and our wittle baby police unions say it's okay o.o"
it's not even just dems
liberal part of canada is so fucking two faced
trudeau attended those climate rallies that were being held
yet bro used our tax money to purchase a pipeline
so he fucking stands there infront of all the young people he's actively fucking over and holds up a sign like
>wooo social change
>take the burden of the environment on yourselves regular people who in no way pollute even remotely as much as any corporation or just a single factory
liberals are hypocrites through and through
The Haitians were granted TPS back in, like, 2014? And trump extended that right until he rescinded it at the end of 2019, right around when he granted Venezuelans the very same TPS the Haitians had. Shut the fuck up and actually do a single fucking fact check.
Or better yet, stay the fuck in /pol/, instead of shitting up a transfemme general thread.

Anyways, did cardio today, weight is still trending downward. 231->219 at the middle of week 4
Shit was a bit easier when I still had test
Hey mtfg I lost a little weight! Anamaxing does work!
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someday i'll make something as good as OP's image..
wait till the lanugo starts growing
I'm not even anorexic but my malnutrition has turned me into a fucking furry ape
you don't want that I promise you
i have a retarded question. those white button down shirts that people wear for office jobs. they seem very restrictive. do they make a version of those shirts with room for boobs or are you just supposed to be uncomfortable?
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nick "lil nigga" lang
Lol I was way overeating for my size, back in high school I would eat one bag of chips and a water bottle for lunch, I miss those days
that's pretty good honestly
reminds me of the coca cola death squads
They make women's button down blouses, yes
not really
im playing minecraft w a third party launcher and i cba to fuck around with trying to log into minecraft proper, so im just playing offline
i did pay for minecraft like however many moons ago though
gib more ideas
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The strong arms that pinned Sophie down for 8 years 8 FUCKING YEARS....
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>nickocado langvocado
LMAOOO please
idk I don't have very many ideas
just kinda obsessed with secret organizations like the masons and bohemian grove n such
and like shady corps
like bannana republic, guatemalan death squads dealios
and like full blown government conspiracy
like mkultra or when turkey used phone communications to track down and assasinate disodents
the world scares me a whole lot and my only functional cope is to look at it with a detached facination so instead of filling me with endless unmanageable dread
it's more like dark humor and my love of history and anthropology
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I see. Was just asking to offer my acc
>anya schizo episode
thank god im about to head out with some friends this place is cursed
honestly they're not even liberals. it feels melodramatic to say "fascist," but in most liberal democracies politics is just a sliding scale of corporate governance now, and that's what fascism as an actual system is built on.
it was like that in the past too, but before the information age and mass media it was harder to exact that kind of control on a voting public. now manipulation is more informed and sophisticated. almost every democracy in the world needs drastic reform to its electoral systems and its corruption laws in a world with this much wealth and technology, or we're lost. the state is anachronistic with the society, and that opens doors for evil. people need to organize in their respective countries and demand it too, trudeaus rise to the top within the system, you can't put the fire out from inside the house
>you can't put the fire out from inside the house
sometimes I question if engaging with the political system is even worth it when the issue with our electoral system is so obvious
I was legit taught in highschool how my vote matters less than it should because it's rigged against us after the lib larty win in 2015
like the teacher legitimately said it in plain english and then tried to explain it with full diagrams
3m0 is dead
Mono won
ur mum won last night
this ya'lls queen? like lol, like lmao. candid photos tell the truth, too bad you can't apply lighting, angles, filters and countless retakes to curiate from huh lil nicky
i'll just leave this here for you to consider
learning about chennoweth's 3.5% rule had a significant influence on the trajectory of my own work in politics
Oh look, you confirmed that thing I said... followed by more /pol/ mythology

And I literally am? I am in fact eating less and moving more and my weight is steadily decreasing. I used to be nearly 400lbs, so this isn't exactly my first go at this
too red, reduce chroma
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>freemason coca cola drones
believe it or not adventure time did it
wut u call these type of pants that are covering yjis dudes dicc called? w2c etc?
I show all symptoms of an autoimmune illness, multiple doctors are trying to get tested but I'm afraid if I get tested and it comes back positive and I have no one to look after me, I'll seriously hurt myself/you know what if I have no one to actively stop me from doing so. So just. Despair.
probably a little over my head
but I'm a big proponent of pacifism/nonviolent resistance so I'll definitely give it a look
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Hi Nickocado Langvocado, why do you support driving underage transgirls into suicide for fun but constantly whine about "AAHHWAAHH WAAAH PEOPLE ARE SUIPUSHING ME"?
they got pills for all kinds of shit. and they comming out with some new pill all the time. ygmi.
I'm still confused, is Blobby a janitor for both /fit/ and /lgbt/?
The two places I post are both constantly screaming about them
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im terribly afraid of most medication/have really severe medical phobias so it's just. bleh. idk i need a caretaker or something i don't function as an adult at all.
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so let us control you
i feel u. i shy away from anything the white coats are pushing these days. too many years of being a lab rat. aside from hrt n surguries i hope to get by on a good nights sleep and an apple a day as the years go but if what u got is serious enough consider looking into what kinda fixes there are ig. im sry homie.

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Kat have u ever licked or fingered monos puckering male asshole with his crusty shit particles and is shivering full testicles as he moans "I'm a woman"
I may put off seeking answers for a while because even though it's not the best thing to do, I don't have the mental stability to deal with bad news right now, so I'm just going to hope that I get better soon enough that I can get tested and not freak out
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Look at these lovely lesbians
right on man hang in there
blobbers won
pfizer won
I like when mono talked about "her" big dick but then kat told us she didn't have sex with hung guys since she was a teenager and therefor her butthole is still tight #cutelesbians4ever
mono won
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mono has the weirdest fucking face literally looks like a soulless frog the stare is weird as hell there is a 0% chance kat would be with this frog faggot if he didn't have money
They're calling the one on the left a frail man. Motherfuckers hips compete with 50 year olds after giving birth to 38 children and you're telling me that's a man. Woke.
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by frail they mean dainty, he takes dick.
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looks funny with the baggy trousers and the tiny shoes
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Kat where r u? Daddy mono needs to cum..
wouldn't the weed kinda stop doing anything for you at that point
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I woke up
I need to bash my skull against the wall
Unbearable self-hatred
I feel sick
Why can’t I feel ok in my own fucking skin
I feel so fucking done i can’t fucking take it. This is worse than pre-hrt. Like back then I was annoyed at how pretty trans people around me were but right now I feel utterly fucking angry and downright jealous.
Why can’t that happiness be mine? Why am I stuck like this.
I feel like a joke, not even crossdressing male, just a man with gyno. Fat ugly face. Fat ugly body. Hair everywhere. Am I just destined to be a male? To detroon again and again because I keep failing? Like some teenage trender? I’m past that. Way past that. I just want to at least ONCE wake up happy in my own fucking body.
There is no cure I know.
Please stop, I can't stop shaking and vomiting.
why post them? ur supposed to erase as many of them as possible.
rape... need to rape ....
I like seeing how far I've come from the beginning. Helps give me perspective when the worms start whispering
do (you) remember the first time you wore something remotely feminine /mtfg/?
im brown
that buzzcut reminds me of when I first wore a dress
was like 12-13
took one look at myself with the skele arms and the buzzcut my dad kept me in
and cried in the corner
Yep. A polkadot dress for something when I was 4
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Parrot if you’re around I hope you’re feeling better
that sounds cute
I’m so sorry
tigerdude :(
are you okay ?
i'm not f E eling like M yself s O no
i yam a crackhead haha
it's alright
as far as trans folk with transphobic families go I was pretty lucky
by highschool I had friends both male and female who made me comfortable to just wear what I wanted and let a little bit of who I was out
welcome home
new 2

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