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do women only compliment you on your hair? women are biologically obligated to compliment. if you are constantly getting complimented on your hair it is because they see you as a man with long hair, a commendable thing to have as a man. simply having shoulder length hair will not net you any compliments if you're a real women, instead you will hear positive remarks about your clothes, shoes, tits, etc.
Are you stupid?
this is so specific and 100% true
if I have short hair (I mean like chin length) and it still gets complements what does that mean?
everytime i go to salons they tell me my hair is dry
im ngmi
Idk I get complimented on other things but this still seems stupid
Lots of cis women have ugly hair. I compliment my friends when theirs looks good. It has nothing to do with being shoulder length I do it because they styler it good and it doesn't look flat or frizzy or shit
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I get compliments from women about my lips, my tits, and my ass along with compliments about my hair. My hair goes all the way past my booty now.
i have a pretty good grasp on the feminine condition buddy
heyyy op. maybe its time to go outside for a few days? your post is reading like a psychotic break.
nta but don't you live full time as a man?
I live full time as a woman and my hair gets complimented all the time because it's the aspect of my appearance I put the most work into. Lots of trannies probably get hair compliments because we tend to have naturally curly hair and take care of it well and straight hair girls get curl envy
She's got nice hair though. Have you ever thought about that she's getting compliments on her hair because she has nice hair?
Hair is the safest thing to compliment when you don't know somebody imo
it's true, who doesn't like their hair being noticed
most of my time is spent outside of the house
i have cameras set up in numerous bathrooms with microphones i know what goes on
I think you're right about the hair thing actually
Women don't compliment me at all because of my force field of alienation. Sometimes a moid will break through to tell me I look pretty, at which point he is vaporized on the spot.
This might hold true for cis women complimenting what they perceive as a genuinely trying to pass trans woman but it totally falls apart with crossdressers and drag queens. I'm a gorilla hon level crossdresser, and when I get compliments ( I actually do) its usually about the most flashy party of my outfit, usually shoes/boots. I don't fool myself into thinking I pass on any level, so I just take it as friendliness and support.
I forgot to add, basically its like a handshake with women. One woman offers compliment the way a man extends his hand, the other woman is usually obliged to return a compliment the way a man is obliged to offer his hand in return. So, the go-to is, "oh honey I love your hair!" its non-specific and works in nearly any situation.
you are 100% right. dresses, shoes, lipstick are the other low hanging fruit but only apply in specific situations
thread derailed
i get compliments about my hair, clothes, eyes, nails, and even personality.
i'm a manmoder.
I feel like women subconsciously clock man/boymoders like it's nothing
tfw never will cuddle with OP :|
god i could never be a woman
bet they do ngl
i had a woman with zero social inhibitions clock me on like 2 months hrt wearing man clothes with a shaved head and sporting a beard
muttering to herself about why i had a masc name,
asking me if i was wearing lipstick (i didn't)
is weird
The real answer is skin tone. If you study trans women long enough the thing you'll start to notice isn't bones or fat distribution but smooth/pale skin. It can be incredibly pronounced. Men with super pale skin look sickly and stand out, but if you know what your looking for its obvious.
yeah this
I posted my hand on /fit/ a while ago and someone clocked me just by the skin
everyone always says they like my outfits but maybe there just being nice but i wish the men will say that to
i get compliments on my body and like questions if im a model
I got complimented on my figure does that mean I pass
real manmoders dont have this problem.
u sure it's not just skeleton shape under? not many tranners have passing hands unless youngshit and there's no way to fix it I think
She does have really nice hair to be fair
Also this is more of just an ugly woman thing
no, as in I posted my hand in a "haha I have small wrists I'm really weak" kinda way and he could immediately tell that I was on e from the skin texture
i know

im a manmoder
Models are admired for their androgyny and non traditional beauty aspects..
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what if i legit have nice hair though? Like picrel but with more volume
by FAR my most frequent compliment is on my eyeliner. i wear very sharp wings so i guess that's unusual, but i have always considered this tranny coded. when someone says how pretty my liner is i instantly assume they're impressed the faggot applied it correctly
not op but if you have curls that look like this that's an outlier case, when i see curls like this on a customer i always pick that as the thing to compliment
>impressed the faggot applied it correctly
lol, I know I fucked up when some chick wanders up to me and says I look stunning.
i never fuck up my liner (by which i mean i give myself way too much time to do it and sculpt the edges with makeup wipes and reapplication if i ever mess it up) so it can't be that lol.
unless the fuck up is my choice to wear dramatic winged eyeliner almost every day, but i do that for me honestly i just like it, so if it's that w/e
that’s now how people outside think they just think model is pretty girl
Hon skeletal measurement check??? I need to check my bodily sizes to see if I’m a body hon. Can someone share that bf document pleaseeeeee!!!
I'm sure you do it well, I'm just sort of laughing at how I second-guess every compliment. Women really talk in code.
>"oh nice shoulders"
>proceed to never wear a backless dress again
yeah i feel you women really do talk in code lol
Yeah, women compliment my hair a lot but my hair REALLY stands out, it has a ton of volume with really defined ring curls and I put a lot of work into it, I think it's my most distinctive feature. They compliment other things on me though like my outfits, my lashes, my lips, my ass, my nose, stuff like that
if you need to check it’s already over
I got compliments about my hair but also my outfit the last time I went out, thanks for giving me a little copium anon!
i'm a ginger. i get compliments on my hair constantly even though i literally don't do ANYTHING with it besides shampoo and conditioner. my last haircut was in 2020
old pics you are fat rn
I wonder if kayla has a folder on her phone that has all her year old pics that she uses for 4chan
Nope that pic is from may. May is 3 months ago, fuck you, you cancerous tartarus faggot.
you're a fat bitch now
>Cone tits and weird ass dick
Never change Kayla
then you also said previously you were post op.
I kept saying I wasn't. Others showed pics claiming to be me
>Others showed pics claiming to be me
Sure bro
You think I don't have a penis anymore?
People will compliment whatever is noteworthy. Often it’s my hair because I always have it. If I do my nails it will be them. If I wear nice stuff it will be clothes or jewellery.

People don’t usually compliment physical attributes, they compliment things you have styled or put effort into. Hair is just one of the most common and easiest things to compliment people on. If they do compliment something that’s directly physical they will usually contextualise it with something you have done or chose to make it meaningful.

Nobody is ever gonna say “nice ass and tits” that’s super weird. They are maybe gonna say “I love that top it really suits your figure” or something like that.
i dont really care just that you keep claiming its other people pretending to be you
I get complimented on my hair a lot but I’m a manmoder and genuine have beautiful amazing hair. Random women have asked me questions for in-depth details about my products and routines and my stylist so I assume they genuinely think it’s good. Its the only thing i put much effort in and for alot of trannies I think its the sam
Ya my girl friends and sisters always told me to compliment specific stylistic choices rather than general out of control stuff like body shape because compliments are for the person not their body. I think it’s a bit unbased to think that you don’t pass if women don’t tell you that you have nice tits
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not fat btw
God im really a lil coochie mama
You're adorable so at least you have that going for you, HO
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She looks like Casey Muratori in a wig
tbf she does have pretty amazing hair
Nails are the same way for me. I don't pass, but I do get regular manicures because I enjoy trying out different colors and so on. Because I don't pass at all I get tons of compliments from cis women every day, even though my nails are almost always very basic. Meanwhile they see a woman with absolutely stunning nails and might not say anything, because that's just every day woman stuff
do they compliment your red, alcoholic, construction worker tier hands, sis?

i get compliments on it whenever I change something
mostly just individual pieces, sometimes on the full look too.
sometimes if i'm wearing something flashy? but usually not
wtf no that's hella weird lol like i've gotten some "mommy" comments when drunk flirting with friends but like, never sober jfc. and also like, most of the women in my friend group have impractically large tits, and the context in which they're most often brought up is how ppl wanna get rid of theirs. nobody's jealous of my DD cup conetits lmao

i think the most common compliments I get are just about my face? like about how I have pretty eyes or nice cheeks or whatever.
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Fuck you bro. Also check the female digit ratio
females have asked me about my haircare but i know it’s only for bullying purposes
tf are y’all talking about
mogs my digit ratio
this is so true..
Thank god. I was worried for a second that I was a hair-compliment-hon, but upon further consideration I realize women compliment me on real woman stuff as well. I always hear the girlies say stuff like “Hey, nice tits!!!” and “Damn, you’re so biologically feminine, I wish my facial planes were that proportion!!!”
You’ve really got your finger on the pulse, OP
Listen, I've watched enough lesbian porno to realize what goes on when women are alone. Between the pillow fights and cheer-leading stretches, you guys compliment each others tits on the regular, don't try to lie.
>omg cute tampon who’s your tailor?!
come on mefmoder this post is a little mean spirited... dont project your self hatred outwards okay?
for about the first 14 months of my transition women complimented my hair, and then afterwards they stopped complimenting me at all. what does this mean?
i’m just trying to inform people also please read filename
rapehon most likely
>rapehon most likely
I used to know this really cunty lady who would constantly do this, she thought she was being shady and I couldnt pick up on it. who cares lol, fuck those bitches you're a hot elf. but you need to stop dooming and work on your personality.
>poor personality
i am sauron
>Bumping bait threads from people who learned everything they know about cis girls from American Dad
when i get gendered mostly male, i mostly get compliments from women. when i get gendered mostly female, i mostly get compliments from men.
i know all about cis women due to being one in past life but i got reborn as a tran y for my crimes against god
can you teach me how to commit sins against god to ruin my next life
you're not being real you're being fucking delulu u bdd fuck
women don't compliment me
idgf i can play an octave + on the piano

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