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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>QOTT 1: What is the weirdest dream that you have ever had?
>QOTT 2: Has something ever happened to you that you can not explain?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
previous thread >>37307895
pining for [insert prefererd genital]
did you two *just* broke up? grim
like 7 min ago yeah
Hello lesbians
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we just picked up the loud pack omg I need ear protection it's too loud!!! owwwww oww owww it hurts!!! this pack of grass is so harsh and loud!!! when we're smoking this grass my lungs have this heavy feeling it's so heavy and loud!! aaaa aaa aaaa
oof sorry avoidant people are rough, I'm needy af too
>QOTT 1: What is the weirdest dream that you have ever had?
The weirdest dreams I've ever had cannot be described. A few times it was just abstract visceral sensory horror
>QOTT 2: Has something ever happened to you that you can not explain?
I don't think so
>QOTT 2: Has something ever happened to you that you can not explain?
i have no friends and i dont know why
the only justice shes going to get is a big penis in her ass
are u two still moving in together?
>QOTT 1: What is the weirdest dream that you have ever had?
i have nightmares almost every night, i wrote these notes down from my nightmare 2 nights ago but ive had more since
>my dream starts with a vision of a child in heaven speaking with a man, and the man seems distant yet apologetic
>the child is confused and as the kid meets with his family once again, they look over in horror at the man, as he's the one who destroys the world
>in that moment the man plunges from heaven and towards earth like a great meteor to wipe everything out
>thereafter the dream begins for real and i, along with a number of others, find ourselves at the mercy of a group of hellraiser esque "angels" who seek to punish us for our sins
>our sins however are our failings, our weaknesses, our regrets
>slowly, person by person, we are tortured until we relent and admit our shortcomings, bearing our most vulnerable regrets and wishes to the cadre of angels, making peace with ourselves in this afterlife
>QOTT 2: Has something ever happened to you that you can not explain?
im aware of my hallucinations as they only happen around the time im going to sleep
i suffer from hypnagogic hallucinations
yea. financial necessity. couldn't find other roommates
good luck nona....
I keep getting distracted during my day fantasizing about a girl touching me......
i keep fucking up friendships and relationships cuz i don't know how to be alone and cuz of that i spend so much time alone. but i still haven't learned how to be alone. idk how u solve this one
lmfaooo oh god
ngl id lose my shit if she started bringing other girls
i don't understand people who aren't avoidant tbhon
When you fantasize about it do you get that almost overwhelming tingling feeling in your chest? I have a hard time explaining this to people not on estrogen but you know whatta mean
>ngl id lose my shit if she started bringing other girls
she's neety and shy and femcelly and asexual(?) im significantly more likely to be bringing over other girls, though i'd talk to her about it first probs. i was the one who brought the breakup up, i don't have any hard feelings against her except she denied it earlier when i said hey it really seems like you don't have room for me in your life. i'm kinda angry about that, but that's avoidant people for ya
idk when I love someone I want they to be part of me and me to be part of them. Not being around them makes me ill, literally
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stacker literally yells all day about niggers and jews in our apartment with thin walls
its based and kinda funny but i dunno..
don't tell people that and don't cuss online
breakup nona. yeah i start gettin real unstable if i don't get touched and complimented enough. this tends to make me a bit avoidant because i get scared i'll scare people off (which i do)
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im going to embarrass you online in front of your micro celeb idols
You've invented this idea in your mind that there are so called micro e celebs online that I sincerely care about due to your own insecurity. You need to stop this right now before it starts to impact our relationship. You matter more to me than Dijon Mustard Jones I barely even watch his videos anymore anyways he's not that important
its not just dijon its little petey tommy dutasteride and many others and you do care about them and its gay you are gay and i dont feel like typing out or thinking of anything funny or clever to say
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i found this picture and thought it was just right for you straight male lesbians
Sometimes it goes down to my stomach or to my sides
It happens a lot

God, I need a gf...
i lold
tag urself im the arab guy
Check it put its peanut butter jelly time
ur mother is a hamster and ur father smelled of elderberries
downloaded 55gb of 80s ovas to binge as a coping mechanism >>37334488
ngl sounds fun.. to bad we don't live close id love to watch w you
Still waiting for a cis asian gf.

No and it saddens me. I'd like to think the world is bigger than it appears but it seems it really is just this small.
having lewd thoughts rn
oh man oh man
do you still have a gf
yes but it's ldr
we've reached the actively-discouraging-me-from-taking-hrt stage now because i'm yaniv
take hrt
I want to start writing fan fiction
ok then i will
>wtf are you doing moid you're not really trans you're just an incel with a fetish
Saw a girl last week out in the wild that was -exactly- my type, but not like in a normal way that might happen.. it was like someone scanned my brain and used the output to hand craft her down to the smallest autistic detail, it was unreal... I felt like I was 14 again crushing on a girl for the first time ughhhhh..
so you went up and talked to her, right? right...?
i almost passed out from doing my injection so i had to lay down for a bit
i used to get nauseous from it sometimes
its only happened like 2 times to me htis is the second an i legit thought i was gnna die
i'm glad i don't have to do injections anymore
you should make sure you eat enough beforehand. it makes a big difference
Obviously not, what would I even say..?
that's depressing. what if you got along really well?
how do u take ur e? also i did eat
>every time this gen has a cis woman she gets bullied out
why are transbians so cringe
you probably were/are doing it improperly/in the wrong location. this doesnt happen if done correctly
it's mostly just terfs and racists that bully her
i am a cool kid and get the pellets where a doctor like stabs them into you every 3 months. it's pretty neat
probably. this was back when i first started doing them some years ago
this has happened with multiple other cis posters, also anyone who passes in here gets bullied if they post pics but clocky trannies get praised. this gen is so weird it's like they want to be gay men
Booze is so much fun. I’m drunk laying in bed. I wish I was pinned down by someone rnnn. Or if someone cuddling me and I have to call her mommy
i mean tbf drawfren was bullied out by clg raiders, not actual trannies and 2doe or whatever her name was was done mostly by acorn. with lago it was mostly anons but they were probably either normal or acorn
no one cares about me
iktf as fuck
many such cases
??? why am i your boogeyman lmfao i was never mean to anyone except venus (who deserved it)
you dont remember 2doe or whatever she was called? also dont tell me it isnt suspicious how lago was being bullied by someone anonymous and when shes near her breaking point, you conveniently appear despite not posting here for months to tell her to leave the gen, and once she does leave you start regularly posting with your trip again
Or I wanna get snuggled by a someone way stronger than me her arms wrapped around me
if i was rude to her it was probably because she was being terfy. i regularly shit on them
also, you are so fucking schizophrenic lol. i actually really like lago. i think she doesn't like me so much, but oh well. i have no reason to be mean to her, and if i *did* want to be mean to her, CLEARLY i would have no issue doing it with my trip on, since i haven't exactly been shy about doing so previously. if i don't like someone, would you expect me to be subtle about it? honestly anon
Or imagine she’s older than you. And burying your face in her boobs as she comforts you
i mean you do have a history of bullying people off the gen like venus or 2doe, who was cis, so it wouldnt be out of character for you, and it isnt schizophrenia. you appearing at that moment was extremely suspicious you gotta admit
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since no one asked, the lewd thoughts i was having earlier were spurred on by seeing this image randomly and then i kept thinking about having a yandere doctor in her mid 30s become obsessed with me and forge paperwork to get me involuntarily committed so she could have full control over me and i would basically be under her thumb, and of course she would assign herself as my primary doctor and we would have lots of mandatory therapy sessions and and and
i literally only ever "bullied" venus (in a lot of ways, as i always say, she deserved it), but every other person i have been mean to, it's because they were awful and terfy or some equivalent. lago is extremely woke to the tranny issue and is very nice, so why would i ever be mean to her?
also, no, i don't admit it's suspicious. you only feel that way because you're insane. normal people would never jump to that conclusion
Hotttt I need that
lol the way youre calling me insane just for noticing that makes me think im right. i wasnt accusing you, i was pointing something very suspicious about the timing when you came back, if you werent guilty you wouldnt be this gaslighty and admit it is pretty weird, because it is! i mean at least you would say its a weird coincidence or bad timing instead of calling me schizo. also 2doe listed you as one of the main reasons she was leaving the gen lmao
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god i know right? if only
anon, i have been talking with this very nice doctor, and i think she could help you a lot... would you like me to introduce you to her?
why get this defensive and gaslighty if im wrong? even if i am indeed wrong its a very odd way to react to a slight accusation
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yep you're right anon you figured me out. it was all a part of my master plan to kick lago out of lesgen. thank god we have people like you around on the lookout to stop evil villains like me. my master plan... foiled,,,,,
step 1: harass cute cis girl as anon
step 2: come back as a trip and tell her being here is bad for her mental health so she should leave
step 3: never speak to her again since she doesn't reply to me on discord
step 4: ???
step 5: PROFIT!!1!
and i would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids...
i mean, you have a pattern of doing just that like i said, youre even proud of doing so to venus. theres a reason i have suspicions
how many girls have you been blocked/ghosted by? including discord etc but not dating apps.
t. probably about 10
6 people but one of them ghosted me 5 times I just keep taking or begging for her back
i don't keep track because it's all of them
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it was me yeah you caught me
lol so real bestie. +1 to my score a few minutes ago too
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i want the one on the right to bully the one on the left and me and force us to make out >_<
grrrrrrrrr post more
need black gf
WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH stop being so dead all i can do is think about doctors since there are no posts to distract me
> straight male lesbians
Worrying post
One and a half years in and we bone like we're cheating on each other WITH each other. A year-plus and her clit/srsussy still pOwns my finger.
how do poly people do it? like how do you program yourself to not be jealous? did you just ferociously beat your meat to cuck porn until it was cool or what?
I try not to think about it too much
how can you not think about your gf getting her pussy/ass destroyed by someone else
please don't say that you're making me think about it
the actual answer is i know i'm her favorite and give her better sex and i hope that she'll grow out of it when we get older
also outside of sex im the only one who emotionally supports her, actually treats her as my first priority, help her with her problems etc
it sometimes annoys me that she doesn't seem to get treated well but I know I'd be more jealous if her other relationships were actually good
but what if she doesn't grow out of it and you're stuck having your 70 year old wife getting railed by the entire retirement home
I feel sick and alone
I'll cross that bridge when I get there
maybe compromise and become swingers
do you fuck other people or just get cucked btw?
the same way people seek enlightenment . letting go.and restructuring what Love is to you. unless you have bpd then youre boned
I flirt with my friends sometimes but I'm not interested in anything beyond that. I tried an online FWB thing at one point and didn't enjoy it
now that it doesnt have to be lago gen anymore can this be the official crying in the shower gen?
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lagooners..... not like this...
I must not date straight women out of desperation. Dating 'curious' straight women is the mind-killer. Dating straight women is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my desperation. I will permit it to pass over me and through me without dating straight women
Tell us about your experiences dating straight women
>why did you say i was your bf when you friends asked if you were dating a woman
>oh dw i just wanted to make it simple for them, they wouldn't get the trans stuff
fucking relative called looking for my mom but i dont know how to fucking speak spanish because i'm too lazy and neurotic to commit to learning so i had to hang up because they couldnt understand me and just kept calling my moms name and i feel awful now. literally couldve just broke out a little "lo siento, ella no esta aqui ahora" but i'm retarded
my toxic trait is pretending not to understand spanish just to watch our customers struggling to order 5 caramel fraps with a cheese danish. then "y su nombre para la cuenta?" or smth to let them know
Unlike icky men us lesbians don't see women as sex objects. Now where is my cis mommy gf with sexy feet?
women cannot be horny ever, thats very misogynistic
dog barking goosebumps themesong
women are incapable of harm and anyone can be a woman
i want to kill myself just to spite my mom rn
that's how K went out
dont compare me to k ever i'm literally the opposite of her in terms of behavior
On god why do all cute tech trannies want to be talentless churn monkey turnover fodder pajeet ass d*veloper hoes? I am literally OWED a shy network admin tranny to mentor into an engineer and start an inappropriate relationship with along the way tbdesu.
/rant, carry on.
fuck you
Or just find one before they go into tech and set her onto the right path
rude and uncalled for. maybe you should kill yourself
i kinda want to get into networking and i.t. instead of development honestly
i love coding but i kinda fucking hate my peers
hello. i work with on-prem infra
i'm literally a good person that people get mad at for no reason. i'm rude because when i try to be nice and friendly i get bullied for being cringe or accused of being some kind of evil creepy monster. why should i be nice to people who just pounce on any opportunity to make me feel like worthless fuckup predator who oversteps boundaries?
utterly deranged lol
your mom would probably be relieved desu
dev work is the only fun work
i'm deranged for my mom calling me a monster for complaining about construction?
you're deranged for being extremely rude and then whining when people dont like you
maybe they shouldnt act like im such a horrible person for my opinions on construction. it's literally not abnormal to get pissed off when construction pops up on your morning commute without warning but my mom literally lamented "what kind of monster have i raised" for doing so. literally everyone else gets annoyed at this shit, why do i get called a predator for acting like everyone else.
what's wrong with construction?
we're obviously not getting the full story from you and based on the short conversation i've had with you this morning, she's 100% right ... you literally said "fuck you" when i was perfectly nice to you and then you started playing victim / pretending people hate you for no reason... this is deranged behaviour

im done with you now since this is a royal waste of time
You should, its infinitely better job security: un-AIable, decently pajeet-proof, and you'll out earn devs by the time you get to deployment/itops, cloudops even.
These hoes get it. Why would you wanna work with PIPES and PACKAGES when you can be working with SWITCHES and SUBNETS and SLAVE PORTS and..
The only reason I'm not telling you to kys rn is because you get bullied a lot.
>You should, its infinitely better job security: un-AIable, decently pajeet-proof, and you'll out earn devs by the time you get to deployment/itops, cloudops even.
i just need to outpace youtube influencers before they start going "MAKE 300k ANNUALLY - NETWORK ADMINISTRATION IS THE NEXT BIG THING!" in videos
it fucks up traffic on a moments notice so you dont have time to prepare and you end up late to things. i literally wouldnt care if they put up signs warning you a week in advance but they almost never do. and sometimes the signs they put up are unclear or either too far away or too close to the work zone to adjust your driving accordingly.
it literally is the full story, i was just having a chill conversation with my mom and i brought up the construction thing cuz i figured she felt similarly annoyed on account of having to use the same roads but out of nowhere she started to sound uncomfortable and i asked what was wrong and she dropped that fucking shit on me for no reason and i awkwardly just kept apologizing until she hung up. i did nothing wrong.
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be nice to me i'm delicate if you're mean to me i'll probably cry
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contacting an artist for my next tattoo
gonna be a sleeve
apparently according to jordan its rapey to want a partner who understands you
male coded
i think my mom is just upset with me for taking the dna test because she has to cope with being black now or something, like i dropped a bombshell that completely changes the family history or whatever. be upset with the spanish conquistadors and retarded race-obsessed americans, not me.
so i guess it was just a poor choice of words and her mind was preoccupied with other stressors and i just went on my little rant for a little too long because i kept running into more construction which gave me more stuff to talk about and i just read too deeply into it. i skipped class for nothing.
unless she's just lying because she's really afraid of me.
Did acorn scare away lago?
Absolutely based.
and I'm owed a film student tranny I can be annoying with, but alas
no that was me
I finally realized what has been wrong with my 4 year relationship and it's literally so simple I'm embarrassed. Basically, I'm supposed to be the masc, and she the fem. It got flipped by misunderstandings. I'm correcting it now and it's like she's blossoming before my eyes
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my gf and I larp as sisters
buzz lightyear store gif
we did it before it was cool
how long you two been together?
i want attention
yo what's up
so that's what happened to mechanon
its so dead now
lesgen will never recover
why do people always wait until the most opportune moment to just fucking strike you with the most cruel comments ever
last time i trust anyone
i just hope i can find love again
my heart hurts
hope everyone is having a good night
getting catgirl gf declawed
>fall asleep at 6
>wake up at midnight
if i was a chinese peasant i would have absolutely fallen victim to the opium crisis
i want to keep a woman in a cage
this but the opposite
2 yrs
you want to keep a cage in a woman?
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yes, anon. definitely...
are you crate trained already or is that something you need to be taught?
be careful, anon. i'll piss on you. i really will don't test me
I met my gf in this thread. Posting works.
me too actually
anime girl toes,,,,,
fuck you
having a foot fetish is a gift
i feel like if you don't have the capability to appreciate feet you're rlly missing out
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can't believe posting was praxis this whole time. gotta post my way to love now
my gf and i are exploring more dom/sub stuff, we're both very new to it so starting small, but already loving it. she won't let me masturbate when she isn't here with me or else i get a punishment. today i got really horny and fingered myself but only for a few seconds before i realized and stopped. she made me write on my own body saying that i am sorry and will not do it again. i love her so much and she'll be here in just 2 more days!!! any ideas for punishments? i know she has a bunch more lined up already hehe
>ideas for punishments
kneeling on rice
writing lines
kneeling on rice? sounds like a waste of good rice
writing lines is cute tho
hi lol haha
why specifically asian btw o.o
weed makes my stutter way worse and it makes me sound 10x more retarded
anyone else feels like lesbian as a word just feels stigmatized in a way like it is associated (mostly by men) in kind of a pornsick way
trans latina gf...
>>37335848 this is your chance
after months of posting it appears a cis asian >>37350299 girl has finally replied to you

Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on her sweater already
mom's spaghetti
anyone has a lastfm or music chart??
share what u listen to rn!
>trans lesbian
>lost virginity at 19 to a sleazy chaser i had sex with for validation
how do you even cope
im really feminine but i dream of getting absolute jacked sometimes.. make it make sense
>cis and trans lesbians
I doubt there's a single cis female on here
there is one but im lowkey a tourist
need semi-rich gf who will fly me out to the states >_>
i'm a gold star transsexual i never had sex before srs
im a gold star transbian I never got pussy or had a girlfriend before and never got a blow job :(
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it'll fall apart in a few years after realizing you've just been saying i love you to an avatar all this time
i never had a gf but how does it feel like?
im cis
i feel an attraction but im mostly attracted to those who are androgynous and tall or butch.
um hi are you cis?
>kneeling on rice
this gives me flashbacks to my childhood
uh huh
it feels like... bags of sand
good morning :)
mogs me
just saying hello hope yr day is nice
im a ngmi hondosed lateshit faketrans moid
hmm, i hondosed for year 1, i started at 31. im 4 years in now and im gonna make it :)
tfw hstsdosed hon
what is hstsdose...
frot o'clock
my gf and i tried it once
frotting is mid unless im missing something
no i agree with you
i want to try it with my gf when we're high or something but frotting is mid
dock o'clock
oh okie lol :)
last time my gf and i were high together i was in a diaper and she used the wand on me til i came hard
kys pedo
not a pedo and no thank you :)
verification not required
>not a pedo
pedos get the rope
the first letter of abdl is literally "adult"
an adult letting themselves be vulnerable and act cute is what's hot. baka baka
ew ew ew
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The lesgen discord server is once again open for invites
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>diaper server
Diaperfags get the rope in both the server and the gen!
not a single diaper poster in the server, it's actually pretty darn comfy-maxxed rn
good morning
UGH THE DREAM >>37352778
my gf and i are consenting adults, y'all gotta calm down
none of you getting laid
suicide fuel imho, but, irrelevant for me since post op and id imagine transgenders would need to not take hrt to be dads
they're still moms
it's only been like a week lol it must be dead
Oh yeh i guess i was just imagining a repper or detrans type person in my head
hey lol
how is it called when someone with a penis impregnates someone with a vagina? faltering? falthering? something like that
I feel like a lot of these hypothetical arguments r knda irrelvat and just exst to hurts trans. Like the transracial discussions, or trans rapist meme stuff etc. Is kinda irrlevant for 99.9% of trans irl
i mean, impregnating someone IS the most male thing you can do. its like, the endpoint of being male. doing that as a trans woman is kinda contradicting no?
It's called arguing in bad faith. This person's question isn't sincere. They do not like trans people and they do not want others to like trans people. They are concocting questions and hypothetical scenarios that are tailored to fit that one specific purpose, because they are too cowardly to be forthcoming about their beliefs. Don't take the bait.
I agree mostly but my point is these hypotheticals r irrelvant to the real world and only exist to make trans seem bad. Like when people talk abt trans racials. Like, what matters is what actually exists irl. And there r hardly any trans lke that irl.

Yeh. U put it well, ty
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Need a gf who like touch as much as I do

I remember one time I was with at a girl's house after we had seggs and she was cooking us a meal. I was hugging her from behind while she was at the stove and she really didn't like that :c
It made me feel really bad. I really want a gf I can hold so much our bodies merge into one
i dont get this image
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I was on a date and we went to my car I had to unfreeze the doors locked with de-icer like the 80s because it's an old ass car with manual door keys and the girl looked at me kinda weird because I am a poorfag or something, is it over now?
me in the middle wishing i was asexual
i got my septum piercing and my piercer is gonna take photos next week because she's very proud of it :>
cant wait for more drama
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it stinks!
it's Saturday night
are you all staying inside like true lesbians
i spent 5 hours out because the trains are all shut down so my 2 hour trip took way too long today!!
now im getting high alone!!
failing at playing bass like a true lesbian
playing dark souls 3 poorly and alone like a true lesbian
Hey do y'all think I could get an unban from the discord >.> i got banned because i was friends with someone lago had drama with (i did not participate)
reset your router and make a new account
i'm sick :/
me too... urgent care doc said it's ligma infection :(
what's ligma? XD
i will love you till the end of time
i would wait a million years
no such thing
wydag who has genital herpes...
I’m getting so wasted tonight. I tried to add them and found out I’m blocked. I was hoping I could say bye and fulfill our promise but eh what does it matter.
no one fucking cares about me
would you date a sex offender?
no I wouldn’t date a diaperfag
no one ever wants to talk to me
reading yuri,,,,,,
Normal yuri or toxic yuri
i wouldn't necessarily call it 'normal'..... but i don't think it's really toxic, either
Are hons lesbian or r they (we, i) straight men
Well toxic yuri hot but sucks irl.
yeah that makes sense
for me, it's a little unfortunate because i don't think i could ever really experience it in the way i want to, given i am a tranny. but also, top women just don't really exist, so we have to cope. it sucks a lot, but you play the hand you're dealt, i guess
sigh. maybe next time
They are top women but you gotta get lucky. The one I had kept ghosting then love bombing. Till she ghosted and then blocked me. Broke her promises. I got shit faced tonight because of that
>They are top women but you gotta get lucky.
no lol they literally don't exist. they're all lying. whether to you or to themselves, they're still lying
They only thing they lied about is that they loved me.
One of them trained me to be super obedient. The other the toxic one made me so reliant on her
>The other the toxic one made me so reliant on her
Yeah love bombing and ghosting does that. It’s hot until they ghost and block you
i would cry and react very, very poorly
What do you think I’m doing tonight super drunk to prevent myself from making it 20 or 21 attempts I can’t remember anymore
it's Sunday morning
are you all praising the lord like true lesbians
>sucks irl
say that until your gf hits you then hugs you apologizing. stuff like that scratch an itch you didnt even know you had
no one talks to me
Need gf to do toxic Yuri too
um hi are you cis?
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>darker shade
bright colors or nothing nona
i am dark and mysterious
im evil
are male trans women allowed?
lot of blue haters in this general i see..
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blue is cool... if you manage to do it nicely (left) not tacky (right)
i hate myself so fucking much
i'm so alone
same bestie
yeah left is what i had in mind if i go blue
I hate positivists. It's funny how most lgbtqa+ are positivist queers despite having no positive reason to be.
how do i not want to kms when she ignores me
who is she and why is she ignoring you
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and what is a positivist?
same besties
i wouldn't date anyone with a criminal record because i like having firearms in the house
i put baked potatoes in the oven for 1 hour but forgot to turn it on
unbaked potatoes
dont make jokes about my trauma

im fucking hungry
idiot girl
wow. and they say racism ended in 1776.
That would be lovely. Except she didn’t do that. She instead kept ghosting me for months. On and off and on and off. Till she had a breakdown and 4 days later unadded everyone on everything.
(i asked this in mtf because for some reason i expected that to be a good idea????)

tmi but my cis les gf likes the intimacy of PIV sex even though i hate using my penis. honestly i get it, bc i've mostly dated guys and going down on a guy vs fucking with them was far more intimate and loving. i still feel weird about it and a strapon is out of the question since it crushes my penis and then that's all i'm thinking about during sex, which is a major turn off. what do i do?
i want to get her off but not feel bad about myself in the process. it's a shame that we have a really sweet relationship that just gets ruined by the sex and my dysphoria. /:
i think there's maybe a lot of guilt attached to it for me because I'm not able to provide an authentically gay sexual experience for her. i feel so frustrated about it.
need older woman to mindbreak and abuse me
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so basically you have cis gf who loves you and wants intimate piv sex, woww that must be so hard on you anon
it's hard because i don't enjoy piv but we love each other and i feel like i don't have many options bc of my genitals. it feels inauthentic to me and i feel guilt bc of it.
literally not hard to have that you femcel
New thread >>37366045

New thread >>37366045

New thread >>37366045
You’re not sexually compatible. Neither of you are in the wrong, but if you’re going to try to make it work, you have to accept that you’re both going to have to compromise and have mediocre sex in which neither of you will be fully satisfied. That is, unless you both can find a sex act that you both feel is just as intimate and fulfilling.

Now for the non-pc answer: I think you’re both kinda nuts if you can’t find another way of getting off and feeling good together, but I’m obv biased since sex with moids sounds absolutely repulsive but you and others manage to enjoy it.
op here, i like your non-pc answer tyvm. she's a pillow princess so like getting her to try anything new is impossible. i guess i need advice to get your gf to be more of an active participant in sex??

also honestly I'm so picky about men. some are actually cute, like the gentle types that look after themselves, but i'm coming around to women being the better option since i relate easier haha

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