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last got deleted
qott why the long face
mono won
naz won
thinking about unreasonably pretty girl from work
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1 year on hrt no male fails
what now
I hope she cucks you with a guy, in person. You can clean him off, and then clean her out. Both with your mouth
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Drpgs feel like playing dungeons and dragons with a gm trying to make the game insufferable purely out of spite after you cucked them 5 times
"Mkay now that you found the 14 different trigger spots with no marking, 4 of which had a bossfight that took all your resources, you're now going to have to beat a boss 6 times your level to progress the story, even though you can literally walk past them. Oh and it takes 10 minutes to get to the grinding spot. HF!"
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therapy doesn't help, its for boomers to vent about being horrible people
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i look like depressed tranny harry potter
sneed to kms
big chin
visiting sibling in a number of days, and i still look like shit even after getting an haircut and getting back on hrt
it is over

anyone who uses the word "folks" in reference to gays and such deserve to be bullied until they stop desu


do they still have the baker act down there
up here i just preface talking about suicide by saying im not looking to get committed or anything, and then just remember to be vague about like oh yeah i like think about ways to do it but i'm not gonna do anything about it and that normally gets them off my back

dbt is the only therapy that's super helped me, ifs helped a little bit, and that's it
everything else is busywork most of the time
I want to go to the big weed event this weekend but I know I won't go because crowds make me anxious
I think I'm asexual, to be honest. I tried sex multiple times. It isn't anything to write home about. I legitimately just want someone to live with on a purely platonic level.
I just hate making the people I love in my life uncomfortable to the point where they don't want to be around me because I can't deal with me freaking out anymore. It sucks and I don't know how to fix it so I've just started pushing everyone away that I can push away so that I don't put it on them
i’ve never spoken to her
What else besides hormones are you doing, anon?
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play strange journey (not the remaster) it is very good

sounds scary
I brush my teeth sometimes when I'm not suicidally depressed
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If smt has me opening 5 tabs with different spreadsheets and spending hours farming I'd frankly rather blow my head off
I hope she never does, with your rapehon eyes. I'm sure youd be on your knees, as her lil tranny cuckold, if she told you
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i don't think i farmed until maybe the very very last final boss desu, it's a really enjoyable game and has nice dungeons and an automap
Paige can you please post the dbt infographic for Paulie
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Mono won
Monos schlong
If that's all you're doing it will probably take 4 more years while the hormones do their work
If you want the perception to shift faster, you have to give in to the realization of how society views femininity and do shit like clothing changes, hair, etc
This is kind of a bummer, since what gender means to normies is kind of outdated, but it's the hand we're dealt
Are you working with a psychologist/psychiatrist about the ongoing depression?
is this another pre transition pic
My mom has a bigger apple
wren seemed to enjoy you desu
winner winner chicken dinner
me too
my teeth are horrible
oh gosh dont even get me started on my neck. i will never pass because of it
I've been trying really hard to keep my teeth clean
but the worse my sleep schedule gets fucked the harder it is to keep morning and nighttime routines
hi babe how was your day
Hi maiqy, my day was okay. I worked and didn't eat well overall and then have been playing rimworld for the past few hours while wtching youtube videos. how was your day?
Can someone recommend me a story where a guy falls for his mtf friend?
Horatio Hornblower
>Mono got the prettiest girl
uh no thats gremlin
aw, ur in love ^_^
there's a dbt infographic?
I felt sick all day idk what’s wrong w me

likely overexertion and lack of sleep
fiction or n- fiction?
yeah there was this good one I thought you had posted it
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where do you see yourself in 5 years?
how even?
im genuinely the most pathetic heap of crap to ever slosh onto the dirt
with huge massive tits
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sup gremlin
>story where a guy falls for his mtf friend?
>fiction or n- fiction?
preferably fiction I suppose, like erotica and stuff...
but feel free to share your personal story if you wanna!! happy for you
maybe but idk, i don't remember having it specifically
i vaguely think i may remember, but i can't link it to a specific time and since all my images are unsorted in my downloads folder that means i'd have to sort through tons of pics slowly to find it and i cba
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>depressed tranny harry potter
my face is fucked worse. and not the gud way a face can b fucked.
Do I need a guide to know how to progress without walking around like a headless chicken until I trigger an event
no the game is very straightforward
thank you Jo <3
Barely sounds like a drpg then. Will put it on my backlog
why does grem not post here anymore tho?
I dunno you’re cute and seem nice I think you’re gonna be fine if you can get some independence
I distinctly remember paige posting it too
saved it myself since generally anything to do with emotional regulation I could probably do with
cause u gay
the non-fiction part was a self deprecating joke
so i just wrote fiction again XD
i mean maybe u might struggle a little bit, the maps are a little complex. i never struggled too hard with it, but again im significantly more intellgant than u
thanks again I’m glad you saved it I should too it seems pretty helpful
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>significantly more intellgant than u
got raped by navy
here you go Paulie : ) Jo saved them
I wish that kind of stuff helped but when I get into extreme fits of despair I feel as if I have no control over my thinking, maybe if I ever feel better enough to not have that degree of emotional instability it would be effective
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Navy 100% fucking won
holy mogged
i WILL be killing myself shortly
How did gremlin end up so cute though? She went through puberty from what I can tell from the shared... porn. Did she have surgeries or just a luckshit?
yeh I don’t these tips are for crawling out of the pits of despair
more like, these are tips for not falling into them
she has an intersex disorder
angle fraud maxxed
I'm in a bad situation, I've been dating a cis girl since before I started transitioning and now I'm realizing that I'm pretty much exclusively attracted to men but I won't cheat on her and she's like my best friend and I'm scared to break up with her. I don't even want to have sex and I've avoided it the last few times she wanted to and I keep having fantasies about men, I feel so guilty and like such a coward.
Don't know if this is a form of despair I'll ever get out of
1 chubby bunny
2 chubby bunny
3 chubby bunny
4 chubby bunny
5 chubby bunny
so many deleted posts
I'm sorry but it's probably not gonna work out anon
intersex + started early due to unfortunate circumstances + good at photos and makeup + genetics
its ok anon we'll get through this fr
start by managing the basic things: nutrition, sleep, hygiene
god why do i want to go do uber eats rn
i hate being at home sometimes
I thought all of the stuff about estrogen's psychological effects was overblown and a meme but for example like I'm not nearly as interested in video games anymore and like all of the ones that seem too stressful or competitive are unappealing to me now and I've been playing stuff like Animal Crossing or Subnautica, and like I was working on craft projects and I messed something up and couldn't figure it out and before I would have gotten mad but now I just started crying instead. It's crazy how like both halves of the population are on two different drugs
mm kinda relatable, i noticed i got less salty in video games on e but it wasn't a huge difference
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my favorite pic of gremlin
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Always remember. Correlation equals causation and placebos do not exist.
>shutting down
this is one I'm really bad for desu
even as a grown ass adult if someone asks me a question that makes me emotional I'll just stare at the ground until they stop because I honestly don't know what else to do when that happens
>I'm not nearly as interested in video games anymore and like all of the ones that seem too stressful
>I've been playing like Subnautica
erm what the sigma
real faggot ass haircut
VERY punchable dome piece
u rly don't think hormones changed u emotionally? for me i don't think it was anything huge but i rly do think i became a bit less irritable and a bit less competitive after getting off T
Emotional changes don't mean my hobbies changed lol
It's retarded brainrot coming from thinking women don't play games etc so it's validating to not like them
What is dbt?
I sleep normally except for waking up from pain . My hygiene is probably medium, I do brush my teeth and wash my face daily and try to shower every other day or daily. Nutrition is also probably avg.
Nevermind, I saw the next infographic
fair enough
I resurrected old hobbies like reading, and baking, and keep up my gym time as much as the schizos ree at me for it
I think we should still be able to engage with things we like because almost no hobby is gender-exclusive
subnautica is trutrans obv
its a stressful game
unsee cc/album#absySWbrmc8O
i think part of the reason I'm so bored with life is i don't look forward to anything anymore
every day is more or less the same as the last
makes me think ugh why am i even alive if this is all life is
I like a lot of the butchy femme column, with a couple in femme and soft butch
Love me some puyo puyo
is this supposed to be like malebrained vs fembrained games ?
maybe i need a new show to watch :/
>I'm sorry but it's probably not gonna work out anon
I kinda figure it won't... It's just really hard, you know? I think about breaking up with her and I start crying but then later I'll fantasize about men :/
I shut down really bad when things get too uncomfortable for me
sorry you must have set it to single view
I forgot to censor my face... Oh man..
3 hours of grinding and I'm still getting oneshot. I'm gonna go from suicidal ideation to homicidal ideation if this goes on for 2 more hours
only if that's what you think butch means :/
unironically want to kms due to being ugly now
i wonder if i were as pretty as grem or paul, if ex bff would've loved me enough to want to be with me instead of abandoning me
if weed won't make me feel good then what's the effing point
why you’re pretty also your dress is really cool
beauty is very fickle. i could lose what little looks i have very easily in the near future due to medication stuff - it legitimately isn't everything. i promise. you aren't ugly anyway.
Nigga that's just an average decent looking woman do you even go outside?
>puyo puyo
I like pretty much 80% of the games on the pic kek
from arma to sims
games are so fun honestly
you dont even try
like you dont even do ur brows
gremlin wanted me to post so i do
i try and I'm still ugly
if i put on a dress and show off the skibidi gyatt will ppl here finally pay attention to me
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>you aren't ugly anyway.
im not pretty, that's close enough to ugly to not make a difference

yeah im upset i will never be "decent" looking
also idk but i think they are both pretty

>you dont even do ur brows
i tried to get them done the last time i got an haircut but the place didn't do brows and i felt too anxious to go somewhere else
yea i drink water and wear sunblock
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They are pretty yeah that's what I mean with average decent looking person you can go to the mall and find one every per every 3 women you see or less
There's ig models w 0.1 whr and faces that look sculpted w abs no one could hope to accomplish and ur mad over like the average?
its almost like ive become a real person
paige is like very below average so thats why
on that
i feel like literally worse than hitler rn
tell gremlin he's very ugly
average means average, not the top 1/3

yeah this
paige you are genetically mad ugly and people treat you like shit and ignore bc of that, no amount of effort is fixing that deep ugliness
people give you the effortcope to victim blame and Paul says the 'pretty privilege is not real, you are not missing anything' cope
the truth is, that if you were as pretty as they are, your ex bff would have probably even married you, let alone abandon you
you look like a sewer rat so he abandoned your ass
Lil uzi goes hard tho
>its a stressful game
No it's not, for me it was just comfy ocean exploration
>subnautica is trutrans obv
I'm a faketrans hon
Sims must be trutrans
I wouldn’t think Subnautuca is
sewer rat is a little much
maybe like the sewer rats shit?
When the unaviadoable one shots hi ts AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH
The drpg genre deserves to be dead
subnautica, outerwilds
I'm with anon it's comfy and relaxing
like playing story of seasons or animal crossing :>
thanks larry
Dude im so tired of nonwhite chasers
I would only do a middle eastern im not gonna touch a black or spic.
have you not encountered the leviathans and their screams yet?
if it aint white it aint right
lil uzi is my fav theymab
it wasn't long ago that videogames were a "mens thing"
despite women always being in tech and working on games men would asume women wouldn't want to play
linda currie comes to mind
one of the people that worked on one of my favs jagged alliance
pretty sure all the blanchard schizo's would call that one uber malebrained....
I like the way you look
ong bruh all my frens r dead push me to da edge xP
would u go to halloween w me if i dressed as an altar boy uwu
>subnautica, outerwilds
>I'm with anon it's comfy and relaxing
>like playing story of seasons or animal crossing :>
Outer Wilds was super comfy and cute I loved the exploring... Spiritfarer is cute too but Outer Wilds blew my mind
My mom bought and played our first Atari
And our Sega genesis
And our fucking Sega CD
My bio-mom is a Fallout autist
ugh i played spiritfarer after my oma died it was really good
we're in an epistemic metacrisis
can’t you dress in some cute tights and cat ears like a normal girl
i can do both
altar catboy
although the first place I decided to go when I got full control of the ship was dark bramble
I flew right in fully unprepared and completely unaware
but I can barley listen to the ost without crying anymore
like a sorta happy cry because it's just so beautiful
how do i know if i care
my grandma and great auntie are why I like old retro games from before my time so much
they both had n64s and whenever I was sent over to visit either we'd always play stuff like mario 64, majoras mask, turok
have a lot of good memories of such
so it's always been weird to me to see people gender games
my grandpa also
he liked to play snes games more
so we'd play super metroid and super mario world with him
me and my little brother
basically my happiest childhood memories are just playing old games with my old relatives
I’ll go as a dracula
i got a pretty big raise.......
are you affected by /mtfg/ posturing?
eu is vampir, tu esti Dracula, eu sug sange, tu sugi pula
the world needs more karen-core
My grandpa got me into working on computers, and playing stuff like the water pipes games. Apparently he was also responsible for the early designs of the toggle on DC power supplies that swap from American voltage to EU voltage
Yeah people rendering hobbies that have a niche for everyone is weird AF to me
congrats now you can take me to dinner right
*PC power supplies
sometimes ig
mainly just feel bad bc im not as pretty as everyone else
yes!!! time and place
>chuddysekai gets to be the third tranny deflowered by maiq the liar
how much?
literally looks even worse than an average crossdresser, kys
damn she thicc
who were the first two ?
shame the meangirls musical never came close to this quality
i will never be the person i once was (happy, feminine) again
yeah, kys and stop complaining already
give me 10k? tax write off
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LITERALLY the only time guys think im attractive is when my face is obscured completely
and my body is warped by perspective into something resembling a human


nta but i would guess pain and clara
you got no rizz
stop raping thread with your nasty pics man
sorry bro but i need ppl to tell me how ugly i am
25 is the end of youth. enjoy the time you have left!
can i hold a dollar
>My grandpa got me into working on computers, and playing stuff like the water pipes games.
>Apparently he was also responsible for the early designs of the toggle on DC power supplies that swap from American voltage to EU voltage
never dug too deep into my grandfathers life
but I know he was stationed in germany as part of the candian armed forces before I was ever born
like cold war germany
you can hold THIS *grabs dick*
*ungrabs dick*
suing u for sexual harassment
then you should care about the epistemic metacrisis
sexsnewal karassment
unzips dick
is this how you're coping with kat leaving?
srs niggas opening their legs be like
File deleted.
>i will get EVERYTHING done to my face very VERY soon
with every step dey unzip dey dicks
well you're in the right place
U know shits getting real when the royalty talking spider pops up out of nowhere after 20 hours of being there without ever being mentioned
god im SUCH a bdd passoid
post sissy panties
big dorky darling?
fuck my life into pieces this is my last resort
bites your neck
just saw a play on my own
peej is popular but also a manly man
i am quite literally losing my sight and losing my mind kek
it is over, murder maiq out of unrequited love and then kys
kys already marie
no no no, common vampire misconception. we scrape- and then we lick. scrape and lick. yup
I’m just biting for fun
>other ppl get to just be normal and i have to be cursed with sperg voice and mannerisms and be ugly and stupid and mannish
felt :(
I don't think you look ugly
but damn yeah it hurts
o-ooh owo
maiq x clara power couple
was it good?
emasculation, no seething. don't touch my gock in the middle of breeding.
maiq and clara love each other and have been dating for months, they are about to get engaged, awwwww
i want to get badly hurt physically by a cold and emotionally distant but handsome man who develops feelings for me despite being homophobic and transphobic
sad hours
it was really amazing!! im gonna go to more theatre stuff.. this was my first time since seeing stuff as a kid. it was pretty much a modernized chekhov play
all the characters were super compelling.. the audience seemed a little retarded tho laughing at stuff that was supposed to be tragic
also wish i knew there'd be ppl stripping down to underwear that kinda freaked me a lil
hey paige, i do not have the handsome part but i think i fit the rest quite well desu
maiqs been here too long he erps like a transbian
he tried to flirt with Lia when she looked like Paul Giamatti, dood is gay
haha you make a good point actually I didn’t even think of that
sounds nice
closest I've ever been to seeing a play was re enacting the bards cursed play
good ol macbeth
I was one of the witches
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The transgender experience
larry woke up bros idk thread stinky
kinda wish I could see this live
I was born to be a laughing stock
i did not even sleep at all, i have been here full time for the last 7 hours, this is me living my best life btw, i am tired of telling people to kys, kys btw
take a nap
I slept 8 hrs in the past 48 and feel like shit
hubble bubble i loved reading macbeth in school
i will try to not sleep today and fix my sleep tomorrow, the funny thing is that i went to sleep just a little bit early and only slept 1-2 hrs and then could not sleep again.. sorry for you feeling like shit.. it is what it is..
i may be ugly and desperate but im not that ugly or desperate
try to eat something nutritious then to avoid feeling really bad in the meantime
mono why did you block me i thought we were buddies </3
I was gonna refuse to participate like I did with any presentation assignment in class
but the teacher told me I'd get to wear the prop witch hat she brought if I played said character
and I immediately acquiesced
but yeah I thought it was gonna be boring until I actually read the thing
and then I was kinda exited to see everyone do it
you gotta stop being this genuinely kind maiq, most of the time i do not feel that much empathy/guilt/emotions but if someone is genuinely kind to me, i feel them more fully for a short bit and i start feeling sorry and guilty.. sorry..
>hubble bubble
heres my best crone voice
it’s not really kind to not want the people you know yo feel bad, that is just normal stuff
but for real maybe have a small glass of juice or something and drink plenty of water since you haven’t slept
I’m gonna try to wind down and sleep have an early call in the morning
if you ever feel bad about yourself, just remember I exist
have a nice sleep and good luck tomorrow maiq
you dont look like "tranny harry potter" you just look ugly and gay and im pretty sure hispanic lol
no hispanic, english and austrian
damn :<
are you on hrt yet?
Why do normies like small talk
>Regular comes in
>"Hey, last name and dob please?"
>Grab his meds
>"No copay today. Have a good one."
>"Hey, how come you don't talk much?"
>"Everyone here loves chit chatting except you. Is there something wrong?"
>"No. Sorry."

Maybe its cause I'm autistic but I genuinely don't know what to talk about unless they need to ask the pharmacist a question
>college lets me choose a pic for my student ID
>not allowed to use my clownface pics
why even let me choose then ugh
yeah it's because you're autistic u fucking sperg
So then why do they get upset that I don't make small talk?
its because theyre not autistic
because they don't know you're autistic
2 times I've liked a character other than the main cast and 1 rapes the mc immediately and the other one is a pedo. Awesome
>1 rapes the mc immediately and the other one is a pedo
literally my track record with boyfriends lol
shame they were both hot too
So I'm thinking when my roommate and I's lease is up, we're gonna move to Portland, because I don't think Utah is gonna be safe for much longer, not even SLC.

Is there anyone here up in Portland?
Mono Won
no rapehons allowed!
how come there are so many deleted posts? what did I miss? any kool kid drama or just mean toxic anon getting swept up by the jannies?
I'm not a rapehon though.
no rapehons allowed!!!!
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pick your favorite
bottom right
>Rapehon moving to Portland
Many such cases. Even rapehons trendies need muh safespace
Sorry, but I don't like the idea of having to pee in say, a library, and getting arrested. I use that example as I like the library a lot.
how do i make my fem up my PP and have it pass better? has any1 done like pigtail of pubes there or added some glitter or what works best?
bruh portland is rapehon central
since when can u read
>noooooooooo i HAVE to use the womans restroom cause my heckin gender valid confirmation reasons!!
uh huh sure rapehon, sure
kys chaser
all these poor women being exploited in order to fund transition related surgeries
You think they wouldn't try something if I used the men's room?
I learned how to read in Kindergarten. When I was younger I didn't have many friends, and found solace and comfort in books. Funnily, as I got older and my interests grew to films, I began reading far less, and I'm not really proud of that. Few weeks ago, I read all of Pageboy in one sitting. Loved it.
your a slave to the morality police.
At least you are fembrained
>Rapehon unironically using the bathroom issue in late 2024 as their reason why they NEED to move to the capital city of Rapehons.
Come on dude. Just say you want to be with your people, and not UHH I MIGHT GET ARRESTED IF I USE THE LIBRARY BATHROOM. You're such a faggot
there were women in that collage?

i wasn't being literal u stupid autist
late bloomer lol
>I read all of Pageboy
this is something to regret, not brag about
that's not really a book of substance
when you read a book over 500 or 1000 pages
>You think they wouldn't try something if I used the men's room?
i've used men's rooms and only get stared at
Well it's about 282 pages but I've also been reading I'm Thinking of Ending Things, off on, I have to take breaks for my mental health but I really like it.
>I'm Thinking of Ending Things
>224 pages
>282 pages for paegboy
dude you're reading young adult novels
It is partially that, yes, I would like to be around other trans people. I've found comfort living with other trans people over cis people. My current roomate is even a trans woman.
I had a death in the family and Im still getting past it.

Things will be okay but Im a bit depressed
what's the longest, thickest, densest book you've read?
Hang in there nona
Please take care of yourself while you go through this.
I’m sorry for your loss
nta obviously, but for me: It in 2012. I read the whole thing right after graduating High School.

1138 pages, and fucking hell it took like a month.
yeah u will be around more rapehons but also remember there is a shitttttttt ton of junkies and bums and black people. sounds lke a rly bad tradeoff but i'm not rapehonbrained so maybe rapehons like u activley want that for some odd reason
>wake up
>mfw still feel extremely masculine and not a girl
Make it stop
Very cute
Thanks. I got closure so I cant be too upset. Granny got my name right, she was nice to me and Im really glad I got to see her this year.
SLC has lots of junkies and bums. I'm not racist though, unlike most of this thread. I haven't mentioned it, as it doesn't matter, but my roommate is black.
Yes lol. How dare a trans woman live with another trans woman that also just happens to be black?
uhh that's a tough question, some of the fantasy or scifi books i've read have pushed 1k pages. the entire second apocalypse series together is pretty dense and is easily several thousand pages. i guess the densest book i've read, or at least the one that took the most effort to read, was house of leaves. count of monte cristo was good and long. i read the illuminatus trilogy back in high school and that was a lot. right now im just reading some shorter books on consciousness, but not really making progress due to depression issue. i worked a bit on history of the decline and fall of the roman empire but damn i got burnt out and then lost the books :(

>stephen king
oh no no no no no no HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
i grew out of him when i was like 10 years old how do you as an adult in college read stephen king lol

fucking kek
ur just doing it for brownie points
>ur just doing it for brownie points
Incorrect. I posted an ad in a Queer Housing SLC group, she happened to be the first one to message me, we met for lunch hit it off extremely well and that was that. We both wanted to be roommates.

Been teaching her how to drive as she takes the bus to work, and she's really getting the hang of it. It's nice.
I don't see it
but I mean thanks
also the diamond age was good, only about 500 pages tho
dune was dense and over 400 pages from what google says
illium by dan simmons was my favourite book in like 6th and 7th grade, that was 700+ pages, and olypmos, the sequal had 900+ pages according to google, so that duology is over 1500 pages and has lots for the brain to digest
oh man im remembering why i don't airbrush in the evening
room smells like paint still, hasn't aired out entirely and it's almost 130am
It's not that, i laughed because you sound like a made-up character of a person in every post.
Portland has more junkies and homeless people then slc, and the way you used your black roommate to display your virtue was hilarious.. Like it's a philanthropic endeavor to live with a black person.
mono called me a hon and blocked me i think im going to cry
I don't even have money to repair my puppets anymore nigga I don't care I'm gonna have to grind for at least 3 hours now to farm puppet fusions too
im hawkin my tuah rn
hawk tuah!!!! xDD
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i want a boyfriend who will love me and tell me im cute and he wants to fuck me and who lets me worship him and cry from happiness when he kisses me or who i can make happy or cheer him up by smiling at him or who ties me up but understands that it's not a sexual thing for me even tho the two can overlap
i want a healthy relationship with a man i find attractive who also finds me attractive is that too much to ask for :(((
never gonna happen
why :(
sup mono
u ugly man
not super ugly
i look like a dork but some guys like that
my mom used to read all those King books.
big brain flex
Oh okay so you can have any skill from any class but to get them you have to grind 1 of that class then transfer them into another class reducing their level back to 1 but taking some of the skills from the other class while at it. So I have to grind 1 class to grind another class to grind another class and maybe 1 or 2 more classes if I want a character with ideal skills. I feel like I am doing unpaid labor
mono won
>pringe thinks a black person in utah is the same thing as a black nog in portland
he's gonna get chimped out on by one of the nogs and still declare he isn't racist for those virtue points, isn't he? lmfao
Why are you referring to me with he/him? That's not cool.
stranger danger
paige chill
Paige, how did you find out that one bf was a pedo?
shut up mono
Wait is that actually Paige?
he also had aids
paige is a dumpster fire
not mono hono
holy newfag
it's mono or anya starting shit/drama bc they're bored
Damn I have tits and they aren’t even cones, kinda surprised I didn’t fuck that up
If only I was 10 years younger I’d be so hot…
yes it is
why does paige attract giga autists like pring and nomi so much?
she hates their guts and always misgenders them
yet they still desire to be friends with paige/insist that they are friends?
its so fucking weird
stfu laguna
posts like these are always written by giga masc ugy hons
now go masturbate while staring into the mirror like a good agp trender
I'm building characters man I don't have time for typing all that out
that's the issue you have?? not the i'd be so hot if i was 10 years younger bit???
Yeah I've 8 soul vials but no idea what characters I should even make
post boobs
That's so mean and cruel to say, i can't believe you would wish that on a rapist lol
im going to rape
I've already been raped once, at 12 years old
i wish a bf for me
I’ve never done that in my life
I’m not a them
>I’m not a them
laguna go away !!!!
It’s a me Mario
That’s a pear
Why are you so upset anon? Tell me of your woes.
kissing... dad penis....
>Pring samefagging again for attention
it's just sad
pring lost
Pring Rape....
pring won
pring got raped
Post pring boobs lasagna
>Step away for a few minutes to play some Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Come back to 5 posts all about me
wtf lmao
got raped so hard they raped the boy out of him and turned his ass into a looney troone
seeing how annoying they are now... if pring rapist told me the 12 year old verison of him desered to be rape i'd honestly believe it 100%
stop all this rape talk pleass
Malebrained troons who can’t make an insta or socialise talk about rape instead of the new alpha male at work
Pringe do you think you would be a tranny if you wern't raped? You seem like textbook traumatrannyresponse
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I do have boobs and I have made Lasagna! Here it is! I'm pretty proud of it!
Probably. I liked a lot of "girls media" as much I hate the term as a child. Powerpuff Girls, Totally Spies, Zoey 101, I even had a few Barbies back in the day.
my dog is snoring
>bunch of blatant samefaggin
>wow that crazy i was afk playing vidya how did that happen
glad you were raped tbhon
pring wasn't even raped lmfao
I watched sailor moon and card captor Sakura, but by far the worst was barbie TV movies
Oh Sailor Moon too! I didn't watch Card Captor Sakura, but also when I was in High School, my Junior year, Madoka came out, and I watched it with /v/. I was there for the Rebellion hype.

I'm not sure how I feel about the 4th film. Rebellion ended the story basically perfectly. I didn't watch Side Story because I don't wanna watch something based on a gacha.
kys larry

my son can't be 30 because I'm 36 and that wouldn't make sense unless i was from Botswana or someplace
Anime was mostly one piece after I got into middle school and yugioh for me. I kinda avoided “girly” shows cause at least as a “big boy” I was allowed to watch edgy death note anime without judgement. I watched Madoka way after its release I think I still haven’t touched the movies
I remember watching rises of Versailles too as a little kid
My hand is full of scars from shit like this lol
In Middle School I remember being really really obsessed Evangelion. I discovered it in 7th grade, and it just took hold of me and didn't let go. Though, my main interest in MS wasn't anime, it was film. Still is.
Oh I saw that this morning :( Poor guy. I don't like that they called him a loner. He's dead. And it was an accidental death.
Yeahhhh evangelion was huuuge
My autism for anime and gaming only waned after I was an adult I’m afraid. Still not too into movies and live action tv
Would rather watch adult swim or YouTube these days lol
Makes me feel childish at times. Not that I won’t go see a nice movie but usually…no
I understand anon! When I was in Middle School, I discovered AVGN, and loved his stuff, but I especially loved James' Rolfe Monster Madness videos, that's what helped me really get into film. I remember pulling up YT on my laptop to fall asleep to those videos way back in the day.
shinji is a trann
I have read this theory, tho I don't subscribe to it.
She is!<3
big egg imagine himself as a girl then repressed and got married untl he becomes Shinji 50 and finally troons out
Hmm I liked avgn pretty cool old vids. I was weird I always restricted myself on what I watch and do. Idk old ideas of superiority and “better that thou” complex that was slowly eroded but it still somehow affects my actions. I didn’t use Facebook much for this reason same with most social media. lost opportunities.
I like to assume, if I was more open and less escapism focused I would have discovered this board and what trans is way sooner. The building blocks were there but… oh well. I repressed all the same. Sorry random trauma dumb I guess.
>Imagines himself as a girl
I don't remember this. Yes, i know there's a brief shot in End of Evangelion where it shows Shinji's head on the body of Rei clones, but I figured that was just imagery.
Autistic trannies identified with Shinji so when they troon they like to imagine their idol also did despite the lack of evidence
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im struggling to understand this post
i meant that i want to kiss a dad's penis, not that i want the thing attached to my body treated in that way
i have dysphoria, which is why im transgender
is this the gym poster?

>I like to assume, if I was more open and less escapism focused I would have discovered this board and what trans is way sooner.
if this is the gymposter, idk
im 30, and was posting on trapchan when i was a teenager and /cd/ and all that stuff, and trooned out as soon as i could (therapy at 18, hrt at 19, so still a late transitioner but it could've been worse if my genetics weren't fucked and my eating disorder double fucking things up). it still hasn't made a difference, i still look like shit and am severely mentally ill

exactly because he's a trannoid

because he is a stinky trnany
anime is gay and if you like it ur dumb with shit taste
no he is not that is SHIT headcannon
he is gay and has a crush on kaji and falls in love with kaworu

t. ibo fan
He's literally the reincarnation of eve He's troonxoded
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i don't understand bible shit so i will disregard your argument
shinji is gay and not a tranny
wow you're really bad at telling anons apart
same energy as "cartoons are for children"
watch a kohn or miyazaki movie then you won't say such foolish things anymore. or actually watch eva. but you probably won't do that one
wait what does that make asuka adam
i never finished the show
Nope just a loser ultralateshit
I wasn’t browsing 4chan as a teen lol
Maybe I’m not even trans I only got therapy this year, with attempted diy for like 3 years but I often stopped taking it soon after starting cause I felt undeserving of being trans
I stuck to it this year
Idk. I’ll never take the time back. Maybe I should stop again and shut up and forget all this and ghost my trans friends since I can’t relate to their youngshit and midshit trauma.
Iwnbaw iwnbawrt
Goodnight friends!
goodnight pring!
Badnight Pring.
rapenight pring
my anus is sore
from rape?
i hope you get anal herpes and have to wear a diaper and splatter shit on yourself you whore
>Totally Spies
I was pretty fond of this one
that and anything faust was a part of
no, it was consensual but it was doggy style.
mono won
That son of a bitch he frickin did it again. Damn that mono can't be stopped, a true winner.
Anime is not gay
Youre gay
>start hrt
>have to stop because I suddenly have to start saving money
I feel like shit and I'm the saddest I've ever been, I want to keep going but this is fucking expensive without prescriptions
so get a prescription? idgi why would you even want trooneshrine over real hrt?
You know DIY is just... buying the medicine, right?
Also no scrips because I live in a shithole.
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god DAMN those fucking deleted posts like I rly crave to go on the fucking archives just to follow my favorite internet novella
fucking just stop utterly stupid janny, for how long have you been doing this, what did it get you they still fucking posts here everyday and you make the thread absolutely UNREADABLE and thus more dead than it already is
kys omfg fucking retard
+i had sex with your wife
ily vally
This shit looks like that one hotel they built for the m night movie. Like they built the whole hotel JUST for the movie .
I find it fascinating how normalized this has become in the west in particular vs. the large stigma that exist wrt mental health in China--it is a mix of overall acceptance of mental pain, the relatability of most of it, and the noticeable downfall of the empire, perhaps! the stigma in china is quite bad in comparison, but it also depends on where you are
it's also easier to seek treatment + the quality of treatment is better so it is sensible that mental illness is much more like an Illness there rather than something we're all plagued with and dying over and miserable about
i dono having co workers come up to me ajd say i Wanna Kill Myself is interesting to me like Oh Ha Ha...Yeah....Y-You Too..
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
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im vile, a monster, barely even human
people should hate me, they're right, i deserve it
sadly the only people who do are nameless faceless nothings and it bears no weight to me
but i deserve to be hated by people that matter to me
im undeservingly treated well by everyone close to me for the last few years
someone better than me deserves the angels that treat me as if im anything other than walking garbage, they deserve someone better to invest all of their time and care into
ill never kill myself because im selfish, but i should be killed, the world would certainly be better off without me
i cannot change, ive tried for so long and the years go by and i never change, im the same piece of walking filth i was when i was 15 in every meaningful capacity
sometimes i think maybe i was born from the soul of a literal demon, or that one possessed me at some point, that makes me feel like maybe im not doing so bad
lmao this idiot believes in oughts

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