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This is a thread for gay males ALL discussion is allowed

Thread topic: Are rogue tops stealing our bottoms?
>"No you Cannot Do This To me!!!!!!"
>Bottom stolen in broad daylight - NBC News

No Transgender Material Or It's a Ban
Precious here >>37333938
im an estromale
I'm an omega I think!
I'm going to spread joy and happiness in this thread too!
Based on the novel Push by Sapphire
Shaking my head, Florida swamp people
idk what that means but its powerful
Not me because I am straight. :)

Yay! :D
nice! what's your omega 3 to omega 6 ratio?
fuck my tranny repressor life, not even being mean to those weird ass fags here can make me feel better
I'm just here to dispel sorrow.
Don't be sad fren, lets play grab the weiner!
Kill yourself you waste of space unironically :)
What did this say? I missed it.
Why not split up the meal? I don't like one big meal at once.
For multi-player I only play r6s but it has been a long time. I play usually single player games like Okami, Fallout 4, Spyro, Resident Evil series, so on.
Hey Straight! Long time! How've you been?
what would an orgy between all gaygen be like
shhh, stop talking, Dan told us that we are not allowed to be mean
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--Aackk, so boring. Play something fun thoughts on RTS? Also are you in Yurop or NA?
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is someone using my pics on this board?
>why not split up the meal? I don't like one big meal at once.
Well, as anon pointed out, I'm just a big ole fattie, and omad is effective for calorie control.
spread the gospel
no, why do you think they would?
ive seen it but I think its just that guy who saves all our pics, I dont think he was claiming it was him
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hes making fun of you restard
noooo :(
I don't know! D:
I do take omega 3 though as recommended by a doctor. :)

Hi! I have been okay! Thank you! What about you? Do you have a fulfilling life?

I would be too nervous and scared to participate. :s
How many calories your meals are?
I've never been big gamer.
I'm from Arstotzka.
because someone said my pictures were stolen and I wanted to know if you guys knew anything.
many such cases, that makes more sense then.
no, i would never do that, i take Dan or whatever he says very seriously
im from kamchatka krai
>Hi! I have been okay! Thank you! What about you? Do you have a fulfilling life?
I'm glad you're doing well! My life is going okay. I have everything I need, thanks for asking=)
remember all those times you considered leaving this place because of your mental health? wasn't so unbothered then were you?
>How many calories your meals are?
Between 800 and 1200 cals. Doesn't sound like much, but all at once is pretty filling
many were threatened by me at first but it’s smooth sailing now
Post your photo - vatican needs new material.

ugh, sad! How old are you timur?
If you are happy with it. That is very small calories. Don't starve.
Please you're a cheap imitation of santino, you're nothing new or threatening. You're just the latest annoyance that thinks he can become the new character around here
Its all vegan, so mostly fiber. It keeps me full all day. Thank you for your concern=)
Thank you, and I'm glad to hear you're doing well! Also, you're welcome. <3
skated for like 8 hours this morning and sweat like crazy, now I'm realizing my hair is all knotted up, and not even on the ends,
like right on top lol

I might need another buzzcut
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Good luck bro. I can help how i can, if you want later.
Between 18-25.
Someday, perhaps even next week, I am going to be taking one massive dump.
it’s not that serious babe
Hi guy
i did not sleep all night
fuck my tranny repressor life
i should not waste my time here
no you are, you pretend not to be but you wouldn't be here threatening to leave several times if you didn't care what we think about you.
>Good luck bro. I can help how i can, if you want later.
I might take you up on that someday! Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goodnight gg!
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Sanji and zoro are both my boyfriends
Im already planning my movie snacks and blanket/pillow situation

I’m mostly liked with some indifference and a few unsavory detractors
Good night.
Timur meh. I don't like it that you are being so defensive
same but masc4masc estromale
you're coping so hard right now , you know how we really feel about you. That's why you surround yourself with all these overtly positive yes men because you prefer to pretend like it's not as bad as it is
>OP literally says it's a permanent ban if you're trans and post here
>trans post anyway
>will complain once they get btfo
Its a tale as old as time
is we in the room with you right now?
I am not so important.
But I want your willly!
doing everything but engaing with the conversation, what a classic
I got a thing for slavic guys okay ._.
Hi we :)
Take me on date first.
a gay and his hole are soon parted
If you around moscow, in a few months, maybe sure. I'd like to...
All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten senseless by every able-bodied patron in the bar!
i wish i was born a girl so so much
Why havent you been drafted yet?
Aren't you literally a femoid? You;d get killed by the weakest man itt.
who are you?
>grindr notification :D
>check it
>is some sort of dysgenic wetback or anorexic twink

Is just me or this app dont even reflect the demographics of an area.
Is like 60% spics and blacks
I am not Russian, thank God, but will visit there soonish though
okay, who are you tho?
What the fuck is a femoid? I don’t speak retard, sorry.
my area is literally 98% white and i somehow can only find black bottoms

theres a few 10/10 twinks that I couldnt ever get though but I should just try anyway
>What the fuck is a femoid?
Reeeeeeeeeee get out normies
Shame. Stupid too as well as weak. Much defiencies.
Why you are going to moscow?
My business is my own, just give me dat slavic boipuss...
I’m going to kill you, with a million needles filled with fentanyl.
I heard poland has femboys
Drug addict too! and the list of reasons that make you undsireable goes on it seems.
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>Or It's a Ban
as if that's ever stopped anyone before.
Shiza comes from Pooland :( Not a good examplar or lead to go by
I’m a slut too, add that to your list ninner.
trans trans trans trans
i am trans trans trans
trans trans trans trans
shiza in da piza
wanna fak?
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for the circus bears?
need we’s lore before bed
Why are you same fagging, stupid ass nigga.
you talk like a pooner
what is your opinion on minecraft spiders?
When I say "GAY GEN" you say "TRANS ARE WELCOME"!

There is some srious overrepresentation of BIPOX in my grid and my taps

And they are the only ones noticing me
Miss the race filter
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this is the vibe, this spider person gives me
Why genitals don't define someone gender but removing them does?
little bro not only typed this out he also thought "yeah i want to post this"
You’re literally the same person, get a fucking life loser.
dan is old enough to be your father, show some goddamn respect
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i wouldn't say it defines them, but it certainly say a whole lot about them.

non-ops aren't trans, they're men because they can't fathom the lost of the dick which means for all the bullshit they tout they really identify as men.
What if i'm not?
no thanks
Then you’d be lying.
Timur ignoring my advances, :(

Timur & Spider don't ya'll wanna be my discord kittehs?
are you also a mean tranny repper like i am?
>xanthippe's catnoy ranch
no one wants you, you compulsive liar creepy creep creep
they're just spicy straight girls like G. do you really want vagina? if you do, this isn't the gen for you.
Newfags usually post a couple of months before starting schizo posting like this, you're speeedrunning this too hard you nobody
How am I lying? I am always uttermost honest about almost everything?
I'm a liar and a thief
>if we're keeping score~
>we're all quiet boys at best
>intrusive and arrogant
i see beyond what most cannot, and what i see is a liar, a rat, a rabid dangerous one also, do you like being a rat mister?
Please do not over analyze my posts
sorry dan. /some people/ are obsessive. blame the internet. they get addicted to things so easily.
no i will continue reading you like a book no matter how uncomfortable that makes you
i can't imagine anything sader than an unironic dan simp
how the fuck would we analyze your posts, all you post is that you just had a random grindr hookup and how proud you are of it

I was just talking to my ex this morning and he's exactly like you. he openly admitted he does nothing but work and fuck randoms and jerk off. Fucking sad.
what's with the nutrips and picking pooner names
who are you?
welcome to gay adulthood!
shut up dan
fuck off xanthippe
I just alerted the janitors about your out of line racism
i have a linguistics degree

i'm not i preordered dragon age: veilgaurd
I haven’t posted like that in a while. Maybe open your heart?

I don’t blame anymore. I just persist
you have aids and a moth eaten hole
>I haven’t posted like that in a while
girl you haven't been around a while
i'd rather open my legs
i have a linguistics degree the men at the bathhouses say my hole has a cheese flavour
>i have a linguistics degree
me too :0
how's that degree workinm out for ya? get ya a job at cvs?
oh you keep tabs on how long people have posted?
>i have a linguistics degree
are you sure?
awww you really thought you caught me there didn't you? yes i know approximately know how long you've been around regardless of how boring you've been
no my daddy is white sir

yes, a linguistics degree. from maryland or wherever the fuck i forgot the lines now
do you remember that chilling jigsaw killer vocaroo
no niggymama
no baku
no point really

got it, so you don't work at all.
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Where is he going?
visitin bish in manchester (so much to answer for)
How boring have I been? Describe it in detail
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the other side
beep beep bitch i'm outside.
get in, loser, for joyride
okay i'm gonna say it
tabasco is actually a competent and tasty hot sauce
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you know what they say:
>great minds think alike
How do I come out to my husband as gay?
This post is exactly why your're so fucking boring. It's your personality, i can't help you fix that
post feet
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you take that back! we keep it kosher in this house mister.
the greatest bisexual of our time
you're not, though. you're just a straight woman invading gay spaces cause you're obsessed with gay culture.
File deleted.
Hey, I am not boring. I will tell you a joke real quickly:

Two muffins are in an oven, one turns to the other and says "Oh boy it's getting hot"

The other muffin says "AAAAAAAAAAA! a talking muffin!"

see, i can be funny and interesting.
i'ma need you to write the date and time on a piece of paper and dangle it between them tootsie rolls
wow people dont usually post feet after a post feet post
i dont know what im supposed to do next
I beg of you, stop hurting my feelings
tapatio >
dans strategic avoidance from replying to posts that call him out is hilarious
jerk off
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fuck you tex!
your taste in hot sauce is like your taste in men. poor. fuckin' traitor
they pulled 800 dildos out of his crib because he didn’t know about bushes
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Maybe one day.
what about el yucateco?
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that's gay
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tfw over analyzed and called out
Admit it. You know it and I know it.

Most of you need beat.
i am tired and i did not sleep ugh ugh
fuck my tranny repressor life
>please stop reading me
no lol
the joke was that tex likes mexican guys instead of yt's.
if bottoms can date slavs and nigs why they cant date chimps too?
im german
monkey pox
search in the archive: rick, or muscleanon
thanks for 'xplainin
what are yt's? yanks?
they can and do how do you think aids started
hey seth, kys
i'm still too shy, sorry. you have to send beer or amphetamines
sound it out:
why tee's
im an esl yt uwu
Oh you are the shy German. Hello. How are you?
i don’t want reparations i want white bootyhole
thanks for the company before bed

good nite gaygen
>it's littered in lady bugs
kill kill kill kill
hit hit hit hit
murder murder murder murder
just as funny as xanthippes constant denial of his alt personas when hes blatantly clocked
he’s so hot
how does anal bleaching work do they just slap some cream on it and wash it off in 20 minutes
about 2 got 2 bedge
how about you my ukrainian soldier boi?
but i'm from belarus
they just let a white boi use your hole
funny how dan always suddenly just leaves as soon as he can't spin his hate posts as something positive
Dan dan dan dan
>that's why tex /really/ moved to colorado
The ol' pot-spoon on the bare bottom. Thats how you do it.
all of you should kys fa..
no u
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I'm not Ukrainian or soldier but going to bed too. Night.
Got to explain my side of the story to someone about a tragic thing involving a narcissistic bi guy. That’s definitely a rare opportunity for me.
>bi guy
i want to die
Why don't you?
Long story.

I learned my lesson. The memes are real.
You want people to remember you so bad
is everything going to be ok in the end?
who are you?
no, the Industrial Revolution and its consequences. You can track how it’s got worse over time and there’s no going back
some zigger from uzbekistan or kiazakhstan or some other shithole
talking to yourself
I am bi and and I have a lot of respect for you so I am sorry if you got hurt by someone.
Post your pink pussy
i hate my life and myself
i hate my tranny repressor life
no you do give a fuck, that's what i'm saying
why am I legitimately so much smarter in my dreams? and I mean actually. I come up with crazy stories and characters and seem to know all about cultures and history that I can barely remember when I'm awake

I wonder if my depression/anxiety is giving me some kind of mental block
Let us call a spade a spade, not a single one of you namefags would have insisted on keeping your name if you didn't love the attention you get from it
do i deserve to be loved?
Im just looking for my fellow swampbros
Yes :)
Narcissism and the associated ‘flying monkeys’ play a significant role.

Not especially. Worst comes to worst, I have some leverage to deal with him and his eunuchs. He thinks I was ‘mean’ or whatever, then, he has no idea what I can stack up.
>literally went n grabbed my magic 8 ball to check

anon...im sorry...
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floridians are all braindead 2bh
say it you little bitch "i decided to specifically seek out an anonymous forum to post on with a name because i need all eyes one me"
Delusional. Simply keeping a record or point of reference is a thing. “Delta *ing [a thing/person]” spam is boring and vapid.
>caring this much
Oh wow, lol.
your face is boring an vapid, you come here expecting everyone to care about you just because of your name.
This is just you trying to minimize your damage to this thread again
Oh look. The bored socially crippled night lurking trolls are about to run off another good poster because they are out of trip drama.
>"whys this general always dead?"
do you want to try to counter that read or?
>nothing to do
>lets blame a trip for tripping till he leaves and the thread is dead again
>please save idanon
>tripfaggot posting pro-trip propaganda while off-trip
I’ve heard worse.

Damage? To something such low quality, you may as well talk about an Uwe Boll movie.


>Damage? To something such low quality
imagine being such a shitty poster you get called out from an already low quality gen
not right wing but low kew wishing for an authoritarian right wing to far right people to take over becuase I cant stand the idea of other gays living happy while im alone being autistic and ugly
spite is the motivating force behind all right wing thought so i would say you are
Please don't feed trolls. It satisfies them, encourages them, looks bad and sours your mood. Just do what I do and find something else for a while, and leave them languishing alone in boredom.
......ba... BASED
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Fair enough, but I’m also indifferent to it. Have a B’day party in consolation.
>feed trolls
you people are actually worse than the retards getting trolled. Sometimes hate post are just that, hate. Trolling is wildly different, this isn't a long scheme of pretend its just people disliking other people
white trash
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as a non-american I get the impression that their impoverished whites are very macho/masculine....... that's actually hot
they are literally the exact same as poor blacks (n*****s)
I have a blacked fetish so even better
>verification not required
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shit, I think some anons found my booty pics online. how could this happen?
lol what kind of pinata is that? I can't make it out.

I like this pic. It has the doggy and it makes me think there is bbq on a grill nearby
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>the schurrcord is paying money to dox people
huh? who's that?
I must say, those lyrics did not foreshadow the song I was expecting.

I've been riding cock for years. Oldfag here. And after 20 years of fagging around in general, I made the switch to BBC exclusively about ten years ago. It's not about size. That's a half myth anyway. More, it's about ferocity and ability to fuck. Yes, they do tend to be bigger, but they also are harder. And they fuck like jackhammers. You take on a black cock and it's survival mode, from the jump. You better suck hard and fast and get it as close as possible to cumming because when you get flipped over and it goes in your intestines it's hammer time, and you're going to feel it. Lastly, when they do blast off in your guts they're way more likely to stay hard and just stay there. Maybe that's some tribal African fertility thing, but a white cock is going to be half limp and fall out of your ass in ten seconds. The best moments of my life are often after taking a King's load and we just lie there for an hour sometimes, my ass plugged firmly and him still erect. You get lost in the smell of him, his powerful arms around you and I literally cry sometimes I can't get knocked up and carry for him. When a BBC pulls out of you finally with that mighty PLOP sound you know you've been internally glazed. His sperm is so deep and embedded in you that you'll feel it for days. Seethe all you want.
I was going to pound that ass with my 7" of steel some day...*sob*
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>Oldfag here
Now it’s between myself and a ton of people for MBA stuff. I should head out in any case

Some sort of vidya thing.
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>Oldfag here
quit reading there, quit leaching off social security and medicare and kys faggot
i like their song devil town, it's pretty good. i always thought they were a girl
funny how xanthippe suddenly disappears every time the catty anonymous drama starts
you know i'm such a fool for you
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The fuck did I just read
Shut up already xan, no one cares
...ok, i got dms that show you thinking otherwise on top of being very embarrassing for you but ok
who are you?
a tranny
how do you look in the mirror knowing that you are a gae?
This line of reasoning is how gays eventually decide it makes sense to aspire to becoming Ken Pinyan.
Have a good night!
funny considering a few hours ago I was asking an AI to made up a post for 4chan to post on this gen about a guy wanting to suck off a horse
the AI refused to do it tho
i've been testing ai bots on this thread for almost a year at this point
yeah i'm a believer
Alright, hear me out. I’m gay, and I have this unique attraction that I just have to share. You see, I’m not just into the usual guys; my heart beats a little differently. I find myself irresistibly drawn to male apes, specifically chimpanzees. Yeah, you read that right. There’s just something about their strong build, their expressive faces, and those intelligent eyes that gets to me.
Whenever I watch those nature documentaries, I can’t help but admire the playfulness of the males in their social groups. The way they groom each other, the bonds they form—it’s beautiful! I mean, who wouldn’t want that kind of connection? There’s a raw authenticity to it that’s simply lacking in human interactions these days.
And don’t even get me started on their physicality. Those powerful arms, the way they swing through the trees, and let’s not forget the magnificent display of their wild side. My heart races just thinking about it.
Now, before anyone asks, I'm fully aware this is unconventional. But love knows no bounds, right? Who can really define attraction? It’s a spectrum, and I’m just on the more... primal end of it. I’m not looking to start a movement or anything, but maybe we should all open our minds a bit more.
So there you have it: just a gay guy with a soft spot for male chimps. It’s all about love and connection, and honestly, isn’t that what we’re all searching for?
get a fucking life loser
you should be ashamed for having gay sex
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Interesting. So the Jewish programmed AI was instead prompted to concoct a 4chan sounding post about black dicks compared to sex with whites based on gay reasoning samples fed to the language model, and >>37337962 is what it came up with.

And yet when I break down gay degeneration of the mind, people here are still certain I am actually trolling. I wonder what other impressions of gays AI has formed that haven't been flagged for pc yet.
bc i am getting none of it, kys faggot
actually I saw the post on /hm/ like a couple years ago before the AI craze
skill issue
kys you waste of resources faggot
embarrassing buddy, how fucking ugly do you have to be for the eternally horny gay race rejects you
The lack of personality itt once lead me to consider a script that would link chatbots here knowing gaygen would never realize the difference between it and our usual brain dead trolls.

Theoretically, someone may have already done it.
touch grass
good example
Xanthippe was the OP and was banned for spamming (again).
someone make a new one
good desu i hate him

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