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qott: how has your transition timeline gone? would you go back and change anything?
qott2: what advice would you give to pre transition ftms?

prev: >>37327962
hasnt really started besides me counting calories so female fat distribution has nothing to distribute, im one of the poorfags
i am going to be looking into planned parenthood though because i keep hearing about them supplying hrt
wait a bit and experiment socially to see if its right for you for at least a year, then wait some MORE until you can afford hrt while doing non-hrt related things to transition B)
the most i can suggest is trying to push through to him, and explain that you respect him and love him very much but your family is clearly against it and it would save a lot of grief, hell let him wear his gay little suit if he doesnt wear his 'penis pants' and just presents as a tomboy, but be prepared to either not show up or leave him behind
other than that good luck, thats a tough situation o7
Which one of you is crying about the word pooner? Out yourself woman
sounds good anon, hope that works out. why didn't you DIY in the meantime?
man ive been too wrapped up in my own shit to even consider diy, like most namefagging pooners on this board ive been worrying most about risking homelessness up until a month or so ago, i also do not trust myself to diy hrt correctly
that isnt to say "muh doctors know whats best fer me!!" diy can work for others, but i genuinely do not trust myself to make and inject chemicals into my bloodstream, and id rather pay big fuckin pharma for something that has (hopefully) been approved by a higher governing body
this is also coming from someone that barely trusts himself to cook raw meat, so im probably just really autistic and paranoid about things of that nature
>make and inject chemicals into my bloodstream
not how it works... at all..
Dysphoria and bdd are constantly kicking my ass so I am quite dissatisfied at the moment unfortunately. I've had a good amount of fat redistribution I think, but the phase of looking like a little boy that a lot of us go through is honestly quite upsetting because I feel like pedobait. I don't think there's much more I could've done better other than starting and sticking to a workout routine right as I started hrt instead of being lazy and only starting recently. That and starting hrt sooner if possible but I think every trans person ever wishes they could've started sooner than they did
One piece of advice would be to hit the gym/get a good exercise routine going asap even if you don't want to be muscular. Also try to find some kind of community or friend group if you can, shit gets incredibly lonely. Though in my experience a lot of support groups have mostly theyfabs and barely any actual ftms I would be able to relate to but ymmv
>Also try to find some kind of community or friend group if you can, shit gets incredibly lonely
really? i've no friends or people to talk to about stuff and don't feel i'm missing out on much, maybe sex.
DIY is such a shit name for it because everyone assumes it means we are all making the hormones in our own bathtubs.
my fault gang, either way im clearly uninformed on the topic and regardless would just prefer not to diy
i mean yeah it is but i still feel stupid
so much normie and troon mental viruses could've been avoided
i imagine normies would care 5% less, and 15% more troons would do DIY if it was named something else
Eh, I used to be fine with being a loner but nowadays it makes me feel like shit. I would really prefer to not care about a social life.
>I would really prefer to not care about a social life.
far too real
sometimes i wish i was a narcissistic psychopath who doesn't care about anybody but himself. life would be easier
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Can you relate to this anon?
how many chinups can you do in a row?
Is eating a fuckton and being a fatfuck just a hack?
I've been getting fat and now i seem to pass way harder.
Couldn't relate wholly. I'm more into 2D women.
do you have any waifus, anon?
Yes, but I started T late (18) so the developmental process is delayed. I still have a few years before retarded teenage boy anger cools down. That being said, I've had these thoughts about women forever to the point I can easily push them aside.
I think being forced to socialize with girls and having them TRULY be out of reach (no penis, looked like a short cute girl myself) allowed me to still see women as people with brains while wanting to clap their ass, which helped me feel less gross about said thoughts.
Chinups: 6-10
Pullups: 4-8
Idk I don't work out
There’s a common misconception going on, trans woman can not be fucking catty unless they were socialized by majority woman. The problem with that is, that most have never even talked to a woman let alone have a good connection with one lol
It's an art
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Anyone want to play league with me?
That's why they're based, my tranny gf is like my mother without the bitchy drama and BPD emotional switches. She loves and cares for me and is capable of talking things out, it's absolute kino. All of that being said, I've met her mother and she takes after her mom personality-wise, so perhaps she just lucked out.
It’s a that art that I’m a pioneer of.
Idk, people compare me to my mom all the time. Bitchiness is fine if you have the balls to handle it, pettiness is a much bigger problem tbhfam
Good morning FtMg. Currently waiting for blood work
>came out as ftm at 15
>16-22 repping/enbycoping
>23-24 social transition
>24-25 HRT, legal name/gender change
>top surgery pending
QOTT2: Gym. Now
Probably... one
>blood work
Literally shut the fuck up, I will legitimately throw up if you talk about that shit :/
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fembrained ngmi
men used to die in wars, now they're scared of an injection. what went wrong?
Some people just can’t do needles, I can’t do blood or the thought of needles going into my skin.
when i was pre-t and recieved my very first dose of testosterone, i fainted when i saw the draw needle. and then proceeded to fall into a trash can on the way down, unable to walk for a week. it was a fucking mess, and it was the first time my parents ever saw me faint.
when i injected with the proper needle and felt nothing, i got over the fear.
also kod, you realize you don't make the testosterone, right? it's pre-synthesized and almost unanimously safer to inject than bathtub estrogen due to roids dealers having an actual market and competitors. but i don't diy, i'm a legaloid
how would you classify your sexual orientation?
does your sexual identity matter you you? as much as your gender identity?
did taking T change your sexuality at all?
To the stupid motherfuckers that decided to add oid to every word should be shot with a taser on their testicles. Most retarded shit I’ve ever seen next to the term “Twinkhon”
realised i was trans around age 10, repressed until 16 then entered an enbycope phase, finally realised i was trans at 21, began to diy at 22, surgery/name change/gender change etc is all pending
get on T now.
>not really
Damn, that sounds like a hell of a first experience! Falling into a trash can too, that's like straight out of a comedy sketch, but I'm sure it didn't feel that funny at the time. Glad you got over the fear though once you started using the right needle. And yeah, exactly—testosterone is already pre-synthesized and way safer to inject compared to some DIY hormone stuff. The legaloid life definitely seems like the smarter route.
The bugs are back.
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do i pass
Unsee album#wlmxiM1npyoX
19 coming up on a year of test
italian genes came in clutch with the beard growth
yeah you do
Fuck Planned Parenthood...
I'm bi (gay)
It does matter to me I guess, less so than my gender
When I started T gel I really wanted to fuck women but that went away after a couple months
>im a faggot so i like men and thats it
I’m disgusted by female attraction, I love men and I love say gex so so so much.
Almost fainted once when getting blood drawn, but the lady fucked up. She jammed the needle in and something felt incredibly wrong. Started feeling tingling and numbness from my elbow to fingertips on that side and this sick cold sensation throughout my body and my vision went black. Had a huge bruise for a long time after and couldn't bend my arm properly for a while after.
Some of those bitches don’t even know how to tap a vein correctly, they’ll try to tap your fucking wrist and fuck up too which is insane.
oh 100%, looking back it is pretty funny
i'm so sorry, i imagined the pink pooner creature fainting and falling into a trashcan when he sees testosterone and i've been literally laughing for a minute
fembrained you should be ashamed
i had a panic attack and almost fainted too the first time i did an e shot but i have the excuse of being mtf and also doing it in secret while sleep deprived at 2 am
Why would I be ashamed? I’m a flamer living his best gay life.
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fair enough then that is pretty gay
Periodt poo
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post your fucked up sexual fantasies

here's mine: basically, i invite a stacy to my house, under some innocent premise like studying or watching a movie and she accepts because i'm just a liddol shotapoon and there's nothing dangerous about going to my house alone because she thinks i'm fembrained and normal like her. i get her there and i offer her a drink, and basically roofie her with party drugs that make her immobile and super horny. when she starts to realize that she's been drugged she'd try weakly to stop me but she'd be so drugged that there'd be nothing she could do. i would grab her by the throat and drag her onto my bed and bully her clit with vibrators until she cums her brains out. then i would brutally rape her vag with a huge strap on and she'd have no choice but to cum over and over again. then i would ride her face and cover her with my pussy juice and force her to use her tongue on me. when i'm done touching her all over i tie her up, but a gag and a blindfold on her and put her in my closet. i'll keep her captive for as long as it takes for stockholm syndrome to set in. all the while i would abuse her vag and she would fucking like it. eventually we get married but i'd keep her on a chain and she wouldn't be allowed out of the house, because i would be the breadwinner so she wouldn't need to and because i'm the only one who's allowed to admire her beauty. anyone else fantasize about kidnapping and raping women?
>came out as ftm at 15
>16-22 repping/enbycoping
>23-24 social transition
Holy shit are you me? I also did the enby cope for a few years after coming out at 15 and my family not taking me seriously. Though I started hrt at 23 and feel insane jealousy when I see people start at any age younger than I did. I was too cowardly to start taking hrt in secret before then.
I personally don't feel any regret for having started so late. I used to be extremely mentally ill and I wanted to get that sorted before I started HRT. Funny enough, taking the crazy pills only made me feel more secure in my gender
My family never gave a shit and they still don't, my ma said everyone knew when I was 10 or 11 and my granny even called me out as a future transgender. Not really fully out to the whole lot (aunts uncles nieces nephews etc) but it's whatever they'll figure it out, I stopped str8passing a loong time ago
16 pull-ups last time i checked, probably more chins since they easier
4-5 on a good day
Passing worse 3 years on T than 1.5 - 2 years. Curious. I just look like a woman
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That's me and my new theyfab coworker
There are a couple different things that can cause this. (I can explain further, if you’re concerned about it.)
please explain it, im curious
Regardless of whichever of these you attribute it to, you should absolutely get your levels checked.

The most likely medical culprits are the following.
>Low T levels
T levels got too high, and it’s converting back to estrogen. If your blood tests show abnormally high estrogen, this is likely occurring.
>Weight gain/loss
Can affect your levels, may also unintentionally feminize your body depending on your bone structure and weight distribution.

There are other conditions that can also affect hormone levels, so it’s just a good idea to get them checked out if you feel like things are moving backwards.

On the more social end of things, your age. If you look like a 14 year old boy and are places where a 14 year old boy could be, people are going to be more likely to assume you’re a 14 year old boy. If you look like a 14 year old boy but context clues show you’re an adult, how you’re perceived is going to change. While working out can absolutely help, you mostly just have to wait for this one - you’ll eventually look closer to your age.
Me + your mom.
Yeah I have very visible veins but very bad luck all the same.
i do often wish that i had a sex hole on standby for me. i've often been made very horny by hrt, sometimes needing to cum upwards of 5 times a day. a nice hole or mouth would help with this. i don't really like the violence though
How the fuck did I get a mosquito bite under my ass cheek
This is fucked up
Fucking mosquiggers.
This made me laugh more than it should have kek
Glad to help.

G, you hear a lot of shit. Does it ever amaze you how people spend effort or thought to post things to hurt your feelings? Yes, is expected on 4chan. However I am sometimes baffled that people have such sad life to see someone they hate, they must try to be edgy. It is pathetic instead of offensive.
Goddamn you niggas are fucking boring today.
shut yo fembrained ass up talm bout sum "if yall talk bout blood tests imma vomit" like bruh bffr rn
Make it interesting.
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is this a realistic goal for a pooner? is it at least malebrained?
hey any cute boys wanna flash me their minge? dm me if u wannna do business
Sure. Go for it. I like being able to touch my back though.
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Surprise malebrain checkpoint,.Tell us what's your favourite fighter jet.
With enough roids anything is possible
There are a lot of documentary about violent autistic kids in UK.
Do something about it PUSSY.
Yeah, sometimes, but then I remember that their lives must be very sad so I just start to feel kinda bad.
morning fags, guess i get to keep cleaning up after myself after making a retard statement
again i realized this after it got pointed out and still feel stupid over it, mustve been reading a retarded guide or something when i looked into it
id still rather be a legalcuck until i ACTUALLY look into it for once
also lmao, one time i went to the doctors office and they drew so much fuckin blood i didnt even have to look before i genuinely almost fainted, i usually only faint from watching bloodwork or if i get too high
i didnt say i was scared of the injection itself, i was saying that under the pretense id be altering the chemicals i would not inject it into my bloodstream.
dornier do 17, simple as
You fuckers are so boring I started beef with Lesbians, bisexuals, and “Femboys”
Morning kodkod, what's up?
Same. Especially ones who talk about dead Russians and gore as sexual.
why is ftmg so fembrained today
1 pooner anti diy
1 pooner anti "talking about bloodwork"
1 pooner that just looks like a girl and has a bf
1 cis gay bottom
you aren't sending your best today
I’m not a fucking pooner you stupid mitherfucker.
Imma be real, nobody cares
Add something to the convo maybe
Yeaaah, that’s gross. Fetishizing death like that is weird.
I’ve made two posts that are pretty neutral.
nothing today really, how about you?
ill start beef with you argue with me about something retarded
The only thing you ever add to a thread is someone to fucking laugh at, poor fucking bpdemon who can’t get a grip on their life or gender, it’s comical.
You’re a cis fag posting in the pooner thread who’s now making fun of a trans person just tryna figure their shit out
You’re the loser rn
There are posters who show me and brag about Russians being tortured or killed, in attempt to offend me. What is the thought they have that they think they are funny or cool? I don't think about it much, but curious how poor the real life must be for them, when I see it.
I'm back to happy chill self. Antibiotics are helping. Thank you.
thats good to hear, glad youre feeling better
I think from their perspectives, they see Russians doing that to Ukrainians online, so they think it’s okay to do to Russians they see assuming they agree with the war. You post a lot of soldier images, so people probably just assume you’re pro war. Still extremely gross to have that mindset.
I have a friend whose mom is Russian and his old step dad is Ukrainian, and his mom will send him videos of Russian soldiers torturing Ukrainians. Its disgusting behavior.
I expected more of a drag than that, pretty boring man. Atleast I got under your skin a little bit <3
>under the pretense id be altering the chemicals
you wouldn't?
>i would not inject it into my bloodstream
indeed you wouldn't fucking dumbass, you'd inject it into your fat or muscle. you literally haven't looked into hrt for one minute, have you?
All being rude does is make you ugly, I don’t have time for that personally
Wow what the fuck? Yes, disgusting either way.
Thank you, very huge relief.
why are we still going on about this? i get it im retarded about diy, ive explained that i acknowledge i was stupidly wrong, what the fuck else do you want, a twitter apology? want me to break out a ukelele and sing about "i dont understand hrt oooo look at me!" find someone else to bother, i dont care anymore.
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i want to forcemasc you and do your t shots for you with the bathtub 'mones that i personally cooked myself. then hold you and tell you it's gonna be okay as you're having a panic attack
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kek'd hard reading this
yknow what ill take it
What happened?
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In this thread we LOVE women.
i dont understand diy hrt, or how to take the shots, partially because i havent started it, and i got shat on for it and therefore mildly crashed out, but i thought the ukelele line would be funny
you are so fembrained its embarassing
i hope you're an adult otherwise i feel bad
Half the people in this gen are fucking losers, the only cool people are me, you, G~ (sometimes), Timur (sometimes), and some anons like shrug anon.
...okay? what, do you want me to be sorry for it?
thank you for dickriding me spider, it means a lot
If you had a dick I would ride that shit to the moon <3
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I’m the coolest uwu
Look at this hat I found on the ground. Proceeded to get home and throw it in the wash on the hot setting with white vinegar, detergent, shit that makes clothes smell good, and put the bitch on deep clean. I ain’t getting lice today.
Pretty hard imo, boutta style it in an edgy “fuck the government” kinda way
aw thank you, you know just how to make a pooner feel special <3
you know some old retired fucker is gonna bitch about that
but still cool find
THAT’S CRAZY, it had to be fucking desert storm too. You’re lucky as fuck.
havent started hrt since im still on the waitlist but im excited for it! any advice is appreciated and no i will not diy

on another note, i woke up and found out someone made a whole thread bitching about me on r9k cause they think im a janny.. robots are so in love with me lol
I’m like a sour patch kid, I’m sour then I’m sweet. Makes the sweet moments more memorable.
Welcome to the club, I can’t wait for my eventual disappearance and the multitude of threads that will be made shitting on me.
>people spend effort or thought to post things to hurt your feelings
you'd think they do, but in reality the cis boys are uncapable of reflection. It's all automation.
It’s gonna be even better when I get a trans flag pin for this bitty
This is gonna be the “make boomers seethe” hat
Felt like I got a rare world drop in a game idk
I’ve been having crazy luck recently with finding mildly interesting stuff on the side of the road
fighter jets are cope; the Concorde is the gentleman's choice. Develop some taste.
You saying bitty made me remember your from Jersey, and then I cringed lol
theyre already making shit up about me which is pretty far fetched. one accused me of talking to a 12 year old boy on discord and something about a website called dread that ive never heard before..

is this a normal experience for namefags?
do you tripfag on r9k as well? i wanna know before i go looking for it because im interested
yeah but at least youre funny about it for the most part
Yes, they think I’m every race under the sun, an mtf, an ftm, literally anything.
Yeah pretty much
Not really, I rarely ever pop myself. If anything it kind of makes me feel bad, I’m actually a really sensitive and kind person lol
yeah i do. thats where i started tripping lol

every day its something new. the comedy writes itself

good to know, thank you G <3
That’s how they do it, they project their fantasies onto you.
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Just got this randomly on my time (I dont look at tranny shit on twitter)

Even the chuds want the mondaymode back
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hello ftmg how we doing this fine night, just got home
His hairline in the last pic tho
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what a handome young man
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Some of things I hear as tripfag:

>You're not Russian because you're not at war
>You're not Russian because you make chocolates
>You're mtf/ftm because you've posted in those gens
>You're Ukrainian because you're against Russians in war
>you're not Russian because you live in the US

And a lot of "you're not (xxx) because you won't post proof"
You're an attention whore who claims to be married yet you post here 18 hours a day. You're even in ftmg now.
His booty got stretch marks
>you post here 18+hrs a day

Another to add to list.
They're all true. At least Danny elfman has swag
how can you even do 1 if you don't work out?
>found out what trans ppl were at 10 y/o
>came out instantly, but as enby
>theyfabs not taken seriously back then
>11 came out as ftm
>11/12 fully socially transition
>15 started HRT & legal name/gender change
>16 top surgery
>18 unclockable in college
im 22 now, didnt do gym much but got twink hips at my skinniest (140lb). 5 year mark on T is huge for body fat distribution. dont miss your shot.
We can't all be cool.
Craziest larp I’ve heard in a Gloves minute.
funger my beloved
>15 started hrt
>16 top surgery
>18 unclockable
im going to kill myself now but good for you
Alright, out of curiosity, who here has shoulders 3x the width of their head or more?
My dick is 3x the width of my head hahaha it's small actually.
How are you treated in the US? Are you viewed with suspicion or treated coldly by some for being Russian?
doing fine, how are you?
JOE (pbuh) needs to return to save his (pbuh) bois
You should larp as a hohol tbhon. Gay + Ukrainian will make the lib’s brains go into overdrive virtue signalling how brave and valid you are. It’s not like amerifats can tell the difference.
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good lord, ftmhons exist?
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I don't want to pretend. I like who I am now. But that is funny.
You're right about last part. I get confused as Ukrainian a lot.
how can i pack on as much mass as possible by 2025?
even if u raped her she still wouldn’t see u as a real man . xd
How did this make it onto twitter?
Eat gloves.
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What a post. The left photo is far more recent than the right one funnily enough. Even better, is that that beanie is sold by Buck Angel. That said, I don't think these tweets involved any humans. It's bots all the way down.
Oh anon... Mondaymoding requires technological improvements these days
Did you finally learn how to do makeup properly
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I got my shoes
I would skin you for those shoes
Get a job you damn hippie, and cut your hair while you're at it!
I’m trying ~.~
And no, I like my hair
Damn, good for you. My timeline is pretty close to yours going by calendar year, but I’m a few years older so I wasn’t unclockable until the end of college (I know that’s even lucky, all things considered). Transitioning during university was peak public humiliation ritual, so I genuinely hope you’re able to have some fun.
I was growing my hair out but when it was in the 90s I would sweat so fucking much (dysphoria hoodie) and it would mat my hair and it got to the point where I felt compelled to tie it up and I got misgendered twice in one day when it usually NEVER happens. I got it buzzed the next day because being misgendered twice after months and months of it not happening made my stomach drop through the floor and sent me into a tizzy
I don't have dysphoria but my body is wrong and I hate my hips and shoulders and I love that my tits are disappearing
why can't you just imagine yourself with a cock?
I won’t jerk off today, or this entire week as a matter of fact. I can resist the urge. Soon I won’t need to jork it at all anymore.
i'm only a year on t, i need to be patient, i just need patience. need to focus on money. other things besides my body
i'm a loser
dude just chillax
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where to cop coomer ftm twink
>Join gay discord server
>99% of the server is FTM troons
Can pooners please stop invading gay spaces?
>FTM thread
>Every other post is tripfag
VERY surprising. I did NOT expect this at all!
My T level came back as 424
You gotta be incredibly busted to have to edate as a gay male
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PIV homosexual sex
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I wasnt looking to, I wanted to make gay friends. The server was full of E dating pooners with matching Pfps
>PIV homosexual sex
You mean hetero sex?
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Booger is honestly transition goals for me
Because of his ratty face and prey eyes?
as a heterosexual i welcome the hecking pre t non-passing doods who want PIV gay sex, literally the best strategy at this point
I wanna get my pussy full of chad semen!!!
>Femgaze anime boy picture
>Attention whores on /r9k/
Kek, pooners can never not make it obvious that they arent men
Thats what straight porn is for, stop straightifying gay porn
Why is G so cringey and fem? I wonder how many times she got raped as a kid
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does anyone want to be my friend,?
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I also would like to find friends. you should write something about yourself perhaps
I’m just having fun o7
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hmmmm okay
i like:
>being outside
>religious history
>learning languages
>studying in general
>ambient music
>electronics (i dont know anything about them but i wanna learn)
>health science or whatever
>cute things
honestly i have like no real hobbies that arent related to school but uhm. what do you like to do anon?
began playing sims 1 again and immediately felt nostalgic for my childhood, also discovered many sites older than me in the process of finding mods for the archaic software
this is me when i have only had 6 hours of sleep or so across 4 days. i got so frustrated with the amount of (very expected) dead links that i straight up want to learn to make my own shit and downloaded like 8 different various external software in the hopes it will help
this is why i haven't posted much, i'm baseding out about vidya older than me. i have transcended the need for sleep due to it.
do you have a discord by the way? i dont check this gen too often, so in hopes i dont lose a potential friend, my @ is dentataprick. thank you for replying to my initial post
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I live with my mother. Older brother was supposed to visit today with his new girlfriend....
...Am I crazy for thinking that "too Christian" means "she dumped him because you are trans"?
Is my gender seriously causing repercussions for my loved ones? I feel a dark overcast of intense depression and shame. I just want to be myself but I am really uncomfortable with realizing that my actions do indeed affect others... I won't be surprised if my brother stops speaking to me again. And things were just patching up too. Fuck.
This isn’t your fault, if she started chimping out over you being yourself, that’s her problem. Your family loves you and they don’t want to be around people that won’t feel the same.
That girl wasn’t worth it
>realizing that my actions do indeed affect others
Are women really this retarded?
I do have discord yes. we don't have that many things in common it seems, beyond liking cute things (and maybe language learning and history stuff, I do have interest in this things but my knowledge in these topics is superficial). ill add you if you don't mind
Fuck off
okay! : D
I think you mistyped your nickname
add me if you want: rainyrainyrain
whoops yeah im retarded. it’s dentatashot, thank you
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joes not fucking dead
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If that’s poonrage, you haven’t seen shit yet buddy
Did you actually think he was? Lmao
Well to be fair I do have Asperger's so, you are *technically right* about the retarded part. You have the whole community crying out about how you're just living your life! and existing! and not harming anyone! and just being yourself! so now im like fuck dude, as much as i don't want to be im literally a walking political buzzword creating rifts between people...
God she's such an annoying woman. I didn't used to be a misogynist but G has seriously made me develop woman hating rage. Look at her smug face all caked up in makeup, so punchable
8 months of hrt and the only thing that's changes is my lips feel softer and my nipples feel funny. I'm starting to lose hope sisters...
>fuck dood, as much as i don't want to be im literally a walking political buzzword creating rifts between people.
No you are just VERY sick and ill. Have you ever thought about that? You will NEVER be a boy.
Welcome to being transgender, it sucks. I lost my mom’s entire side of the family when I came out at 13 due to them being religious fundies. The people that don’t support you are not worth it, but it’s still shitty. At the end of the day, you’re happier without those people impacting your life.
if she dumped your brother bc of you she's insane and you brother dodged a bullet
don't overthink it, unless you directly did something to her, it's not your fault that they broke up
The normal ass feminine woman thinks she had a hard time being "transgender" KEKKKKKK
We could just kiss yknow, don’t gotta play hard to get like that lil pooner
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I did though, grew up my whole teen years as a normal looking twinky guy.
And the makeup comes off anon, it’s not cemented to my face for all eternity.
>Blaming aspergers for her natural female selfishness
Kek, love how a male illness has been appropriated by quirky females online. You are NOT autistic, you are a retarded female who wants to be yaoi boy in real life. You are a lesbian repper
What’s your dose? You might be aromatizing
you're not trans and you don't know what you're talking about, woman
> you don’t know about your own personal lived experiences
Ok buddy
Not malebrained and not possible for fmts
Ngl G you post pics of yourself looking 100% indistinguishable from a feminine cis woman and think you belong in ftmg so I do doubt your ability to understand yourself
>Normal looking
The smell of fresh seething in the morning always gets me going
How’s being pre T buddy?
Even the most fem twink looks more masculine than you.
You're right! I am not a boy. I am a full grown man :3
Thanks for the sentiment kid but I'm about 2 years ahead of you. I've already been around the sucky carousel, but this was a new one.
Thanks, I never even learned her name.
My nurse and therapist and medical records beg to differ but... You know what? go off chudcake! Yas! I am so totally an allistic cisgender woman! Woohoo! I'm going to wear an underwire bra and lipstick and push tampons into my totally feminine moon-sync'd goddess yoni!
Tell that to the guys that would try to beat my head in for being a faggot that kisses dudes
Stay strong o7
Its not small ive seen it
You are 5'3.
>My nurse and therapist and medical records beg to differ
What you have should be classed because its an entirely different illness even in the past autistic people were described as "hyper masculine" because its a MALE disorder not a female one, it is very rare for a woman to have and all of these socially capable normie passing women are LARPing for brownie points or terminally online, which probably why you lack male socialization and your idea of men is entirely enformed by anime and yaoi manga.
>Incredibly narrow small frame
>Prey eyes
>Weak chin
Even fem twinks arent as small framed as you because they still have the underlying male bone structure, you can still usually tell their men but in your case you look like a tomboy not a man. Im so sick of pooners approprating the word twink
Been on T for over 5 years, a far higher dose than whatever useless poondose you're on sweetheart
1.5 years on T. Do I give up and try to be a cute girl, or do I keep going to just to like a 13 year-old for the next decade?
I'm 5'7"...
>autistic people were described as "hyper masculine"
GEEEEEE that's awfully interesting isn't it? What a weird coincidence...
>socially capable normie passing women
I literally have to take 6 pills every day just to function mentally.
>terminally online
This is true.
>lack male socialization
Anon, I have a job and friends. I am not a mole rat.
>your idea of men is entirely enformed by anime and yaoi manga
I loooooove L from Death Note I wanna be him so bad.... I'm officially declaring L to be the mascot for all autistic trans men. Oh and you know what Soul from Soul Eater belongs to trans men now too just because I said so
depends on what makes you happy, anon. would you be satisfied with being a cute girl? im in the same predicament.
don't take youthfulness for granted (especially if you are white)
being a pooner ruined my life. i turned down a free ride to college to shit in my room and work a shitty job for the rest of my life. i barely even have money to show for it. few friends, no lovers. it's time to rot
what now?
>GEEEEEE that's awfully interesting isn't it? What a weird coincidence...
Kek. Yes, your autism comes from you being a tru boy. Definitely NOT because your terminally online
>I loooooove L from Death Note I wanna be him so bad.... I'm officially declaring L to be the mascot for all autistic trans men. Oh and you know what Soul from Soul Eater belongs to trans men now too just because I said so
Notice how no men simp them and instead jack off to bara comics. Very strange
Why are you defending yourself around a random anon? Little bitch move
tbf, it's not just being a random pooner, it's also being a borderline retard who was stolen by the CPS from her caring and loving parents, given the hope of 'college' and a 'career' when everyone reasonable knows that my only good path through life is to be a wife and a mother. to give my mother the children and grandchildren she never could have.
What the fuck are you guys even babbling about.
why does it appeal to you, being a wife and mother?
Then why are you here chirping like a woman?
Are you a gayden or something?
Then what do you call the person in that picture? I passed as male 100% of the time until I started fucking around with femme stuff senior year of HS
Leave this thread ciscum
Exactly what I said, a tomboy. Unless you were like 14 I dont see how anyone could mistake you for male
it's what is biologically programmed into me. if i could be a man, i would. but i never had that childhood. i never had those skills develop. i am 25 years old and have never had a 'real' (i.e, man) job, had sex, or driven a car. i haven't even been on a plane since i was 10. i get up, go to work, come home and ROT on my computer. i don't even play video games anymore. i just goon. i just goon and dream of a better life. i goon and watch destiny clips. I goon and ignore my 'friends' and 'family' i goon myself to death
I was 14 in that picture anon
I’m aware you are hahah.
I’m not sure if you mean I should stay looking like a 13 year-old boy, or if I should depoon in order to extend my life span or rather, be able to integrate, thus actually experiencing youth
why does it matter if it’s what’s biologically programmed into you? people get by with less experience. what would you wanna do in your better life?
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>your terminally online
Middle school level writing skills
>bara comics
Bara is literally a yaoi subcategory brainlet... What are you getting at? Is yaoi okay or not okay!?!?! HELP ME I'M GETTING CONFUSED
My ADHD med makes me chatty. I'm just goofin around. Just some fun little bantz
L is the newest autistic trans man mascot
I'm sayin', you could be looking 30 at 45. People spend millions of dollars trying to look younger. I'm not 30 yet but people often assume I'm 18
> L is the newest autistic trans man mascot
This has been established for millennia
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Nah, imma do my own thing.
You can have him, Mello is a gay king and we love him.
>I'm sayin', you could be looking 30 at 45. People spend millions of dollars trying to look younger. I'm not 30 yet but people often assume I'm 18
Well, I could hypothetically dress the same and maybe keep my facial hair, allowing me to look even younger than if I remained on T, if I'm even assumed to be male at that point. Looking young is not something I really care much about though
How is L in any way ftm representstive lmao
Classic cissoid opressing the trans folk...
Ftms on twitter and tumblr will inject themselves into any twinky emo guy in media
i wished for you. i kind of realized we had no way of finding eachother again and thought you would be here. anyways, you know what the right decision is :p what makes you question it here and now?
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He's got Pooner Posture
You guys have more testosterone in your body than I’ve ever had, you could literally squash my head like a grape lol. I have an exomorhpic body type and weak ass bones dude.
They are ft autistic m
You should be afraid ill thighcrush ur skull on sight faggot
Thank you. It's been on my mind for a bit, and I figured there'd be at least a couple depooners browsing here, to again insight from. The effort, time and money it takes to look like at least a bit cute kinda puts me off though. Do you think it'd be the right decision for you?
Whatever, I’m done replying to you and your weird ass Karl about me.
>Bara is literally a yaoi subcategory brainlet
No retard, yaoi is aimed at women and bara is aimed at men.
>Is yaoi okay or not okay
Its femgaze which proves you are female, gay men (which you supposedly are) have no interest in the guys you mentioned.
Like how you inject yourself into ftm spaces you don't belong in?
They have to poonify any remotely feminine man because they cant rationalize them being that way without them being trans. They even did it to Jack black, any short/effeminate beta male is "transmac" to them kek
All I’m doing is having fun, the only person shitting up your space is you by chimping out.
Silence, bottom
Okay you're right, I googled it. Guess I'm just too malebrained to have this depth of knowledge about Chinese Homosexual Cartoons
I’m not a bottom.
Yaoi isnt aimed at women u retard
to be male. to have a male childhood. to impregnate a nice girl and have kids
It’s not Chinese it’s Japanese, Chinese people fantasize about woman beating them.
You all say that...
Yaoi is literally made by and for straight women
Find me one (1) yaoi comic or whatever that isn’t made by a straight women
All yaoi hentai is for men idgaf about comics
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it's a meme kiddo!
Yaoi is straight Japanese, and Korean women’s fetishization of us.
Yes it is retard, its made mostly by women and targeted at them too. Bara (literally called gei komi) is made by gay men. Now tell me, why do gay men not like any of the men you mentioned? Why dont you consume bara? If you were really gay it must also appeal to you, wouldnt it be the most affirming thing to partake in a male hobby? The answer is that you are a woman, not a gay man. That is why you consume Japanese manga aimed at women which informed your entire perspective on men because you are a terminally online autistic woman.
Niggas never heard of bara
we’ve already talked about it a lot. you wouldn’t need to try hard, just shave and take care of your skin. you gonna find someone to be cute for?
it’s probably the best decision for me, i just dont know where to start. im thinking of finally buying that ipl device since i have some extra money now, but i dont know. i feel like a lot of what i have to say about myself is redundant, you’ve heard it all already. when did you start seriously considering this?
Cuz they arent gay men like they claim and still insist on invading our spaces, I only came here because they kept posting in gaygen
i sound like a cunt but you’re just overidealizing something you have no idea what is like. you can only do whatever you want with your life now.
Im a cis male dumbo
You could dominate me even if you tried sis xoxo
Idk you just sounded kind of retarded.
Pretty much, yeah
Bara is such a small portion of yaoi, it’s kind of unreal
90% of the shit you find it’s gonna be a twinky guy and a giant masc dude
I know i could.
Anyone disagreeing with you is actually retarded, bara is literally the smallest subsection of yaoi and not popular at all.
Its directed at the autistic troon because I thought you were her, I hate her and her kind invading gay spaces, which every gay discord I go to is full of "gay" pooners who I have nothing in common with and have no attraction to
Prove it then loser, nut up or shut up.
Its not apart of yaoi dumbass they are two seperate genres
Ill nut down ur spider throat
Its all good poonkie
How is dudes fucking dudes a different genre from dudes fucking dudes
I really enjoy dishing out (You)s for reactions. It makes my neuron activate. Also I must say you sound pretty retarded most of the time yourself, if I had to guess I'd say you are probably 18 or in high school, pre-T, proud truscum and have a hyuuuuge compensation complex (because of your little temper tantrums and the constant lashing out). But who's to say, I'm just some decrepit grandpa
I do take care of my skin, asshole, the T fucked it up. I'm doing it for myself. Maybe you should start with makeup first, and move on from there (not that you need it, but if you wanted to look more feminine), the IPL is a big investment when you can just shave. I don't know if I'm wholly serious, it's silly, I just think it could make me happier, doesn't hurt to try it out.
living the Truth of my Biology would be ideal. Unfortunately, my body has been destroyed by modern medicine, and my reputation sullied in the eyes of my family. I am worthless except as a wage slave
me? asshole? :[ and sureeee you are hehe, that’s what all women say. i really think you need to try putting yourself out there. i dont want you to be alone. and i dont know, id probably do just like eyeliner at maximum, i know foundation and stuff can screw up your skin. and well yeah it is pricey, but shaving irritates my skin a lot, i usually get ingrowns. so it’s worth it to me. i hope it does make you happier.
>Enters thread for first time today
>It’s whining and yaoi discourse
…Yeah, I’ll come back later.
there isnt any point in trying to convince you otherwise. i hope you can find contentment in life
What are you up to anon? I’m packing up some stuff to go stay with my grandma for a few days while my moms on a business trip :)
Might hop on league for a bit if I’m feeling spicy
>Opens ftmg any time any day
>It's G being an insufferable woman
Wow what a shocker. All that's missing is gloves to come sauntering in wiping his greasy fat fingers all over everything and sperging out over nothing
I think G is nice
I’m convinced people like you transitioned just to avoid being women, not because you want to be a man.
This level of hatred towards people you perceive as women is not healthy anon. Go to therapy.
That's not very feminist of you to say... That's sweet and everything, but I'm not in the market, but I could say the same for you. You should get some eyeliner then, you don't need foundation anyways. Maybe you aren't shaving properly, there's guides on how to avoid that. I think Nair could help with that issue as well(?)
Finally got courage to ask husband to demean me for being Russian. He hates Russians anyway so, it works well. So many boners.
Just go to gaygen they will demean u for being russian
who said i was a feminist? o.o and okay, i mean most people aren’t necessarily looking for relationships when they find someone they like. it’s likely you’ll find someone regardless, being in college and all. im married to school for now. and i guess, would you want to start doing your makeup? and i doubt that, i think ive done everything right. im just prone to them. ipl also can minimize scars i believe, so im also considering it for that reason too. are you considering hair removal?
g can you stop shitting up the ftm underwear thread it was funny until you showed up >.>
That’s not my fault o7
GDS is rampant today
I need to be focusing on school as well, I'm glad you aren't gonna drop out. I'd like to, but it's so expensive, it sucks. And I mean, if you want to be bald *that* bad, do what you like. No one's going to see my body, so I don't really care about hair removal.
By posting torture/rape or say "prove you're Russian! "

It is not enjoyable.
im sorry for distracting you from it. i mean idk, i mean i dont think i have the guts to tell my mom id drop out, even if i was serious about it. id still like to do your makeup one day, if you’d like. and well, i just like the feeling of smooth skin. im glad you arent doing any hair removal stuff. not to be weird, but it suits you.
Nah, it's my bad really. Even if you were serious, It'd be best to get your associates and see from there. I think that would be fun. Faggot.
fair enough. are you using this as a chance to reinvent yourself? and well yeah, i may as well get it while i can still do it for pretty cheap. it would be fun, more for me than for you hehe, but still. shut up niggerfaggot
A fellow G hater just reminded me of the G nudes, anyone got them on hand? I need em for something
Maybe, might do me good to actually focus on hobbies too, you should do the same. Anyways, we should stop shitting up the thread. I wish you luck with your endeavours, retard! Take care.
you know where to find me, take care as well. ill see you around, insufferable retard
I no longer am going to rage at G for being a woman in our space. From now on I will creepily leer at her, maybe even pretend to be encouraging so she posts more slutty fap bait
what are you doing here Timur
isn’t your home chasergen?
Timur is a gock chaser?
You have a vagina.
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