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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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last thread >>37343888
Brokebuck Fountain?
your penis belongs to ME.
Do I know you?
i hope you trip and sprain your wrist while catching your fall
trip the fuck on average white woman
how are you supposed to approach another guy and ask them out? especially if he's like hanging out with a group of friends? or are you just not supposed to in that case
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Save me bucko….
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alright lads, i'm getting sleepy, good night
i will now pontificate on possible sluty Halloween costumes to wear and why war is wrong
night, night
also Brokeback Mountain was a great film robbed of an Oscar
fucking love Heath Ledger
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find a guy who has no friends who is easier to approach
>ohh my god!!!!!! a fat brown man with no face!!!! save meeee
I want more food
Oh mein gott
need to wake up at 6
please wake me up in 7 hours
good night
and where do you stand on pedophilia
maybe a better question to ask is how to strike up conversation with another guy in the first place. I mean someone you've literally just met for the first time and know nothing about and have had no reason whatsoever to speak to each other
*wakes you up*
>cold/hot/sunny/cloudy/windy/calm day isn't it, ha. Santino here
wait whuht oh it's a new day already
post your hole
night irishfag sleep well
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need him…
Have you guys ever met a country gay? I haven’t and I really don’t know if I would like them very much.
Only one of that kind I have met was a country gay who wanted to be a city boy. Absolute cunt that one.
I'm a Bavarian country gay.

Are you talking about me? Rude.
same predator tendencies lol
i wish silent hill was real
why won't you show me your asshole?
Don't worry it was not a Bavarian.
am i gay if i get a boner looking at women but dont want to fuck them, whereas i dont get hard looking at men but want to fuck/hug/marry men?
most of them are closeted or dl
What Bundesland was he from?
is huawei a good brand?
that sounds like a nightmare. you might be a bi bottom.
is it just me or are zoomer lesbians almost uniformly unlikeable man-hating cunts
homoromantic or something
sub bottom yes
Yes but the CCP will see everything you do on your phone
so in your mind pedos > fags because you would rather fuck a 6 year old girl than fuck a man?
can't let kompromat fall into unknown hands brother. but if you picture a barber shop floor you're basically half way there
hate protogens
technically but if i call myself bi that implies i want relationships with women
dont say that
>age is just a number
so is the 9 in "9 mm Parabellum"

Not a Bundesland. Not that country.

You can get the same effect by downloading and installing one of the following:
> Grindr
> TikTok
> Discord
ideal domtop
>Not a Bundesland. Not that country.
Finnland? :D
I hate closeted homos so much
no, even before the frump ban they had terrible software support
that sounds hairy and sexy, you should post it. or at least balls
but you made a distinction between fags and zoophiles earlier, didnt you
That's a made up country the Japanese invented for undisturbed fishing.
Low quality bait
youd know
(dis)passionate chemsex with kuurst
Yeah we were dating for a couple of weeks. My car got stuck in some very thick mud on a closed dirt road and I walked two miles in the dark to his house down the way and broke in through the kitchen and woke him up. He helped me get it unstuck the next day.
Fat hands typed this
shut up fat fuck
Tops aren’t based like this anymore
Post an example of me being arrogant
Go and die of an overdose. The world would be better off without you.
jacked up on drugs for kuurst
Idk, I hate the whole cowpoke, cowboy, I’m a tough bastard and I drive a lifted truck shit. Makes my blood boil
jacked off on thugs for kuurst
I wanna hear kuurst's voice :(
I also wonder if he does hookups with demure bottoms, or if he's demure himself. When was the last time he had sex?
I want food
give me food
food food food
Nah I want a man’s man bottom
I've been told I sound like Batman once, but that's years ago and I had a cold or smth.
>When was the last time he had sex?
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...
lol loser
Do you have an accent when speakin German?
Are you always this nosy, and why is your nose brown?
my brain makes me want women all fixatedly, but now I wake up wanting cok
Only time I ever like it is when I make them my bitch, and drain them of everything
Sorry, I don't eat ass.
Now that would just be cannibalism, so you're excused.
i suspended all respect going towards kuurst when i found out he bought the apple vision pro

>Apple Vision Pro
I have no VR headset. Would be nice for sim.
uh-oh, i think larry finally got rid of her benis
Me am ha Saturday cockenballs innit.
what linux distro does kuurst use?
shockingly, kuurst isnt trans, although he does seem to exhibit bipedo traits
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which is your favorite resident evil guy
then die?
Man ah need a tope to make ah me feel like a real farmer badabing! Carrots an corn innit!
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leon by FAR
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>and I drive a lifted truck
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only the dead will see the end of war
eternal slumber now
nooo the zombies are gonna grab his cock
i think im afraid of water
so one of my guy friends came up to me and told me that my boyfriend apparently asked them if i visited them yesterday while he was at home. they then asked me if i was okay and i was a bit put aback first because i didn’t know he talked to them about me so i just told them that we were okay but i was still shook and they noticed it. anyways, my boyfriend told me he would stop doing that shit and here we go again :s
Resident Evil is all about Ada Wong and Jessica Sherawat
vrchat, but bowser rapes you
are u haribo?
fr im like if ada wong was a socially awkward ugly gay guy
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2 different 19 yo twinks on grindr told me I was fit af
day made
Congrats. The Venezuelan dude I sexed today said I have a great cock.
no and idk what happened to him
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oh noooo mr. x got him
are you an alcoholic?
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he's more or less practically a canon homo
they didn't give him leather daddy and sailor costumes for no reason
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Heilig's Blechle
they’re eating the dogs
They’re eating the cats
Eat the cats
The cats
theyre eating the hobbits at isengard
i hate cats
kill yourself retard
I'm eating ße bugz
you know it
enjoy your toxoplasmosis catfag
You have cute balls too
i'm thinking about taking up pole dancing
hole dancin
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im feeling corny baby!
Do I? UwU
Show us ye cornhole
have burger
take me out for nosh first you wastrel innit
ur a disgrace
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Post ideal husbands
Nosh me
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Pewdiepie? That guy loves Mishima, it wouldn't end well for you...
Anyway, Hugh Dancy for me.
I want ur nudes
Who are you even talking to...
>ask about ideal husbands
>posting straight men
lmao is there any bigger waste of time than an attractive straight man? like who is that for? women barely tolerate men much less appreciate them. and of course they end up being homophobic because they're not being fucked properly (i.e by a man). straight men are a mess, i'm surprised they haven't all gone extinct yet.
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how does /gaygen/ feel about the rising muslim population in the west?
Haha yeah, I guess. I suppose I moreso mean how they look, which I suppose is less sexuality-based, at least compared to attraction to a real guy.
Dan is at the farty party.
meh, i just don't get their appeal but let me leave it
straight guys are disgusting
you just know they don't wash their asshole or behind their ears
the only thing more disgusting are the women who sleep with them anyway
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> i'm surprised straights haven't all gone extinct yet.
This is your brain on gay.
would you date a former porn actor?
not yet but tonight
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Probably not, but it's more of a personality thing for me. I find anyone who acts a bit arrogant a bit romantically unattractive.
depends on who but yeah
>implying he would date me

where do y'all watch anime online?
gimme Jesse Star
9anime is pretty good, imo
Kholo Alchemist
Sarangay Summoner
Poppet Champion
Fleshwarp Magus

We don't need "common" acnestry.
i don't
japanimation is for children
well it has the show so that's progress. i wanted the dub with subtitles but that doesn't seem available
i literally don't watch anime

It depends, if she's a bottom then just be charming and confident and act like you don't give a shit if you ever see her again but flirting with her amuses you so you continue to do so. What you say matters less than the time you say it in, and what you do matters less than how confidently you do it. Be on the look out for shit tests unless you're extremely attractive. Once chemistry is established, steer the convo to "what do you like to do for fun?" then coincidentally you also love doing that for fun so you should hang out some time, then you offer her your number instead of of asking for hers, make the contact in her phone and text yourself so it will be forever be established whenever she looks at your texts that she texted you first (this reinforces your dominance).

If he's a top then you shouldn't be initiating contact, instead just try to get his attention in passive/aggressive ways that grant you plausible deniability (ex. Asking for directions, "accidentally" dropping something at his feet, finding an excuse to bend over in his direct field of vision). Once you have his attention, keep at your "mating dance" until he approaches you, then just be highly and bubbly and positive and don't shit test him like a wretched fucking spoiled white girl

Body language and nonverbal flirting is important in either case but if you're the top you should be initiating eye contact and doing the checking out but if you're a bottom then you should be acting coy and coquettish right up until the moment he approaches, then just say yes when he asks you out. the best way to fuck this up is by by continuing to be coquettish after he approaches you because this just intuitively feels like rejection. Think of the verbal flirting and the non-verbal flirting as different stages of the same process and not as if you reset once you progress to stage 2, the groundwork should have already been laid.
What're you watching?
>sissy enters gaygen
>What you say matters less than the time you say it in

Tone you say it in

>then just be highly and bubbly

Giggly and bubbly
it's actually for straight perverts, only the fighting anime are for kids
ok mr high and mighty, if we all gather round to suck your dick will you get off the high horse
some silly shit called konosuba. my friend tells me it's my sort of humour
I saw you at work :)
You got an English degree and you can't even do the one thing it's useful for
>if we all gather round to suck your dick will you get off the high horse
no, i don't think i will
I'm an estromale.

No part of my English degree taught me to cope with autocorrect


I don't believe you because you probably wouldn't have recognized me
didn't think you would, kinda got a vibe you preferred horse dick. i'll be watching my show. toodles mate, good luck with you sphincter
somehow I find your top advice to be decent and your advice to bottoms absolutely awful
Is it true SissySpacek is straight now?
sorry pal, my high horse is too tall for a short king like me to fuck
something like that
Anyway what do you think about Milei
did transitioning save her?
me n whore
ask sissy i heard shes single
she's like milo yiannoppolus she's very gay and kind of a pedo but pretending to be straight for social credit from the cult of trump
would transitioning have saved her?
i'm going to travel to the uk for sex tourism and absolutely ravage haribo, bish, and tank
same but germany with kuurst. will have (dis)passionate chemsex with her, jacked up on drugs style
probably not. she needed different parents and friends.
i also forgot skunk in the list
we failed her
another one bit the dust
who's the sexiest namefag?
the plot of broke back mountain is mostly about cheating. It’s barely about homosex besides a couple scenes

literally me im so horny i need to get FUCK and bf is gone still



The problem is that it's so easy to mistake a top for a straight man. You don't want to be the aggressive initiator because you might get gaybashed


I have transitioned into a straight man and am on the cusp of attaining true chaddom. I'm like 50% fake it till you make, it but the bar for masculintity in current year is so low that all you have to do to excel is try
i want 2 making fuck in u
autocorrected + horny + cant think + cock in the mind AHHH

Hey sissy, what’s your thoughts on this? >>37346160
the DarkSissy arch
Are Santino and BlackEagle the same person? Serious replies only.
it was a filter you mong

Everything I've heard about him has been basado and rojopillado so far


"Single" in current year basically just means "unmarried". Once I became straight I realized that gay male standards of promiscuity have been entirely adopted by str8oids in the most despicably disappointing way. Wombyn truly deserve to be scarlet lettered, chained to the stove and branded with scarlet letters, the wretchedness of wombynkind cannot be overstated. Like, I identified as a misogynist before I converted but I have since realized that you cannot truly hate women until you have dated one in earnest and let her delude you into thinking she's something more than human garbage. No incel can ever be as misogynistic as a man with an ex-wife
I might post my butt on hm
didnt realize soi was filtered on lgbt smfh
sissy has brain worms + delulu + mommy issues + daddy issues
filtered everywhere but /ck/ and /int/
>Everything I've heard about him has been basado and rojopillado so far

Not surprised you are a retard
do you know why specifically those two boards?
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>so easy to mistake a top for a straight man
>implying there is genuinely some other kind

Modernity is a contagious mental illness


I have daddy issues because my father is a gay pedophile rapist with narcissistic personality disorder


You're right, all big brains are Kirchnerists
they call her sissy cause shes spacek
uh, put it inside then >.< i can take it.
sissy's space kek
I lost my gayginity today bros.
I met a dude on sniffies, we got drinks Tuesday. Went to his place today, dude hit the poppers and took my entire dick in his butt.
grrr *shuffles knees*
enjoy your syphilis
plz post fiseek Haribo
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What the fuck does this mean
bucko found his bf on sniffies
Did sissy stop cross dressing?
>You're right, all big brains are Kirchnerists

Unironically yes they are, the cultural elites are national-leftists
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It wouldn't be surprising bc the santino persona only came along once she was trying to combat the attention lukewarm got lol leading to a seethe so massive a dox happened
no fucking way LMAO. holy shit thats even worse than a grindr bf. how many different cocks have they both sucked and fucked since they started dating
BlackEagle x Kuurst @ the gay sauna
I need a cacked guy dressed in a suit to fart on my face, but mostly mouth and nose :^
why romanians are famous for being catamites ?
p sure he said theyve been monogamous since they started dating. IDK why that would be a weird thing to you??
>he doesn't take doxypep / prep and get tested quarterly
h o n e y
after watching some scat porn I would like to my first time being shit fucking
he doesnt have sex SOOO
Oxford dictionary
>(old use) a boy kept as a slave for a man to have sex with.

soi as an ingredient and soi as in spanish
erm but i do so..?

>sis doesnt know about the irl grindr bf meme

have sex and touch grass
She seems bothered
meant for >>37347631
what will you do when trump goes to jail
Recommend me another erotic story sissy about a straight boy getting turned into a bottom hoe
Ah girl like Sissy needs INGREDAMTS to cum! Recipe!
kek i miss the seethe that otter posting would cause from the jealous ones
goodwill dress
sissy hypno porn
>being this well-versed in retarded tripfag drama
no wonder you don't get laid
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as requested
My hole is Inside Out! 2!
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What's the Western schools was at croton, and it's founder was possibly the Pythagorean alch Mayon whose research is on the sense organs we have already mentioned. After him, he was the founder of the school, the standard of Pythagorean medicine declined. Observation dwindled, speculation increased. Filo loss of terrence, who lived towards the end of the 5th century, and whose panegyric on the dcad we've already quoted, shows the new trend. It's opinions are not without interest, but they concern philosophy rather than the healing art. The tagoreans attach special importance to the number four. Feel a loss decided that there were four principal organs in the human body. His choice of the organs, as well as their number, was determined by considerations of a philosophical order. As all living things have the power of reproduction, he included the organs of sex. Then, following classification of living things in the plans, which have only the power of growth, animals, which add sensation, and men, who alone have reason, too low louse shows, as the other principal organs, the naval, the seat of the vegetable life, to link man with plants; the heart, the seat of sensation, to link men with animals; and the brain, the seat of reason, which set men above the rest. Is someone arbitrary scheme is intended to assign man his place in nature's plans; and the choice of the principal organs is determined by this philosophical purpose. From the point of view of the practical healer it might have been more helpful to assign less important place to be umbilicus and say something more about the liver and the lungs. Or if that is to ask too much of an ancient actor, at least it must be observed that, if the philosopher had not forgotten the connection between the doctor and the cook, he could have overlooked the stomach!
post yourself shitting or atleast farting pls
yes mommy let me kiss your prolapse
If anyone’s interested in wanting to talk with me.. this is me and I show myself because I feel like it’s funner when you can talk to someone you feel is attractive (:

I also don’t think wishing for something to kill me is healthy for the mind so maybe a nice conversation could be nice

Discord is .kindle.
Take care lovelies
arca > rosalia > anitta >>>> shit > azalea banks

we like men here so detrans if you want a chance with us
I’m just expressing myself in a feminine way but that doesn’t mean I believe I’m a woman or plan to be one
you'd be the ideal gf/bf for bish (he's from the UK)
I like Julia Holter
I’m srry but I’m afraid I’m not familiar with who bish is
No, it's shit >>>>>>>> experimental music gays like to listen to
Heblo, how are you?
santino coming in with the most retarded and worthless posts as always
Look upon my chart and weep mortals
Oh fuck
me too :0
stretch me open..
Absolutely LOVE this
You look fantastic in general, clearly have a great sense of fashion and presentation
only if I can smell the farts
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Okay this time
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well yes
me too sea calls me home is a banger
when doesn't she?
>.< squeeze a load in me
There's fuck all on ps5 anyway
Strange energy this is
Gaygen wants Vanity Vain to win!
Not true, it has:
>The Last of Us Remake
>The Last of Us 2
>The Last of Us 2 Remastered
And there's a The Last of Us Remake Remaster coming soon.
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feet meat manifesto
what that?
oh god I searched it
Why is her bf so fucking hot?
I'm getting off to circa 04 emo twinks on xhamster
Damn it. Stop being cooler than me.
New Bread right here gentlemen

Ask Sissy"Spacek"

Sissy"Spacek" is a top.
Yeeeeeeeeah. fuck I wish 4chan had emojis so I could send a shaka sign your way. Most of those guys are probably dead now.
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U cant be real, im sorry
I can't even
then odd bitch
You thought you ate but you're bulimic
post hole
omg that guy cute af.
Why do gay men have such shit taste in men?
that person is a bipedo anon
He looks like the typical white eboy gay men would simp over.
>He looks like the typical white eboy pedos would simp over.
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you can't deny that hes really cute though regardless of whatever his age is
he's not cute. you're a pedo
I would ruin his hole
yes he is he's also in his 20s
busted old bottoms are mad again, checked his tiktok and hes an adult
I like twinks but even thats too thin for me. How old is he?
he doesn't list his age, he's probably 30
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need a edgy twink with a dark aura
Its full of fakebois, I think Ill stick to this thread
>dark aura
mental illness
Thoughts on this?
what doesn't suck if you're ugly
Are you an FTM tranny?
demented twinks are more fun

ugly can be fixed
Like Gd? I miss him so much
I could have saved him
I think we need to all stop pretending the "gay community" is a thing. It has always primarily been a way for men to meet and hookup, and what do you expect to happen when the only thing you have in common is liking dick? I guess this is to say that anyone looking to the "gay community" to find a partner is sorely mistaken because your primary value will be looks. Ideally you find someone who shares the same hobby (admittedly hard) and also happens to like dick. As far as I can tell the furry community is full of gay men, so he has a better chance of finding people with the same interest at least.
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Imagine the smell. I bet he hasn't washed his ass since the day he was born. Brazilians never do. That's why they're so fucking hot.
new : >>37350663
Do fags really?
lol i use to always gaslight him
he was cute though
Lmao can this faggot quit crying gay men literally have NO standards. If you dont think so look at the abominations posted in this thread or those featured in gay porn.
What abominations? Literally only conventionally attractive men have been posted in this thread.
Lmao at you if you think these men are attractive.
Fags literally have NO standards. No such thing as a gay incel, no such thing as an ugly lonely gay man
If youre an incel why are you seething in a thread for gay men? I dont think their video was talking about that either btw.
Im only speaking the truth, gay men will literally sleep with anyone. If you think you have it hard you have no idea what straight women are like
Gay men are literally the most vain people ever, anyone who thinks otherwise either isnt gay or is coping

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