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letzten mal >>37340284
qott: what is the main thing you think ppl dislike about you, other than your appearance?
reminder that if you're racist you won't pass
More gays (bi actually)
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
my horrible personality?
my unsettling nature?
my cruelty?
my personality disorder?
my annoying stupid voice?

ye i kno i smoked weed and then found my saliva in my closet
once before i realized how expensive is. now i only get junior chicken
The fact I’m fake trans with no dysphoria and I’m pretending to be one lolollool
what's the difference between being trans and pretending to be trans, when you're both pretending to be wormen
>ha ha, I feminized myself as a joke, I'm not even trans
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i've tried and it didn't work out
seems to be a pattern for me tho
I cannot relate to real trans people
Hrt goes brrrrr boobies and shitty lifeeeee
I love having no erections, makes me feel so valid
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bipolar attachment disorder going from infatuation to extreme devaluation
ai bot
it's so strange you say these things about yourself when you seem like a really nice and funny and approachable person
Yes I’m hilarious!!!!!!!!!
Nope real human bean
lol based off what?
or was that sarcasm?
me bugging you all the time of course
not sarcasm, you're easy to talk to even for a very shy person like myself
but i call people slurs
idk if you've ever called me one or I've even seen you do that
Probably my personality
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Not being racist is a EXTREME sign of low IQ or incredibly sheltered life & not paying attention
i do it a lot i say very hateful things
go away
I think you're nice
give example
my disgusting personality and the way it interacts with coming into contact with any other human being ever
I kinda am transphobic gotta love the self hatred abd extent it
talking to me is a nice thing to do (I am an annoying person)
ya i was about to say being compliment by the ilk here should not be taken as a good thing
pls... givu boyfrineb...
I used to wonder, "What on earth would prompt someone to change their gender?" Society told me my whole life that a trans woman is a fallen person. I didn't think of myself as bigoted at the time, but over the years I learned to shed those negative preconceptions. Having freed myself from the shackles of misogyny and transmisogyny, I found myself objectively reconsidering my own feelings toward my gender. What I determined is that I am a trans woman as well.

Is there any better evidence that liberalism is a gateway drug to trannyism and degenerate homosexuality?
I guess, sorry
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dude didn't even iron his flag wtf
i am smart and have a nice personality and will never say no in bed
I've been told by many I'm loud and obnoxious
much too excitable and animated
several other tell me I'm too quiet
don't contribute much of anything, say too little words compared to what I'm responding too
too timid and much too reserved
so I guess overall I'm just fucked
everybody has there own reason to hate me or eventually develop resentment until they can barley stand to look at me
ya dumbass, i’m not nice.
> I used to wonder, "What on earth would prompt someone to change their gender?”
i am still wondering this.
do you really feel that way or do you just say things that'll make people like you less because you want to be hateboxed
such a weak attempt to appear as not nice, just confirms that you are nice
updooting this!!!!
does it really matter in the end? if you’re not nice on purpose to people does that make you not not nice??
> (I am an annoying person)
you were right about this
going to get back on some meds so that I can go off them, I think it's the only way I can have a good cry
ok I will stop pestering you for today sorry
i'm not talking about the nice thing, about "this ilk." i don't think that's how you think of the people at the other keyboards. it is not nice regardless, yes, but i am just noting that you seem to want to fabricate hate against yourself out of nothing, which is silly
>ok I will stop pestering you
>for today
woow thanks you’re so kind
the people here are pathetic creeps. absolute societal rejects, and society rejected them for a reason
Yo whaddap you larping faggot. Lmao anyways imma head to Taco Bell, you ugly hons want anything?
sisters how do we permanently evict cockposter from the thread?
it needs to end
ok if you're serious I guess I will never talk to you again :/ sorry
kill yourself
Do you gacha pass?
Malebrained gacha: Honkai Star Rail

Fembrained gacha: Reverse1999
Quit hsr a long while ago and started playing 99 today.
love being white! it just feels right!
but all gacha is malebrained and its fembrained to simply not play
You've not a clue how much money gachas/characters targeted at women make
The most popular gachas are basically normie games anyone plays and a lot of women play games so go figure.
slop ai trash hivemind consoomer
region ban romania
Women tend to act as you do indeed. Very fembrained.
burning money is cool

then i guess im eating shit that night
all you need to do is be nice and change your trip to something cute like penny
I vote paige out too
why the fuck was I sleeping on this album
who's your vote for perma and who's your vote for pardon, lari?
I vote out jimmy and larry
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then everyone would immediately banish me tho :'(
and you are?
go away reptard
I used to like making qott's
but lately everytime I try to make a new thread I get stuck at that now
my brain is like cooked I guess because I just can't seem to think of anything worth asking that doesn't feel too prying anymore
and then I end up not making anything because I feel bad about making bland threads unless we've already like gone off page 10 and just need a new home quick
there used to be more high effort qott makers
zaddy zick izzue
i think that was a high effort qott
im just a bit burnt out lately and most of my own questions are just why haven't i killed myself yet and how do i get over that
it's larry. he changed his name again
am imale gaze attractive or female gaze attractive or unattractive
Nothing is worse then a tranny with a broken dick. You really played yourself and will never be loved. Your ONLY advantage as a mentally ill tranny is having "girl dick" and if that shit is broke you're literally worthless
heres how i used to do it. firstly if there's an obvious discussion topic that goes first; something from the last thread to make an in joke about, something relevant in the board or in current events, etc. then find a pic matching that topic, and a song too. ez high effort post just from observing what was going on around you
failing that i'd pick a picture from my folder and do the same but with that as a theme
and i have a template i kept saved as a .txt so i could copy it, save even more time. just need to put the last thread number and links to thread theme/qott and you're done

you don't need chatgpt you just need a good stock of pics saved or the ability to think about what people were talking about last thread
easier to do when thread is more alive tbf
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my therapist pulled out a picture of a trans girl and said
>look this person transitioned late and doesn't she look great
and I was like
>yeah she does, when did she transition
>at 17 or so I think
ik she's just ignorant and not evil but fucking hell this was massive cutfuel
t. 21yo
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why do u uggo hons always whine and complaina bout being uggo hons? how did you not know exactly what you were getting into lol?
read like a book
Who's putting mtfg archives on chatgpt? lol
omg do me do me lolmao
why did they make specific note of my pronouns and then "they" me the whole time?
what the fuck
chatgpt kinda creeps me out sometimes
like a skinwalker fused with a tin can
>unlike some other well-known figures like Big Soph
Does lia still post here? Or did the shitposters finally win and drive her off too?
>supportive and level-headed

ai slop
I don't think anybodies gonna drive off lia
she was posting here not to long ago I think
but my perception of time is kinda fucked tbqh
Just got back form bowling. We made out in his car, and I let him feel my boobs, he let me see his top surgery scars. Was hot af
pring the ftm slayer
>paige is seen as a level headed contributor
>often offers thoughtful advice especially to newcomers
>helping foster an environment of mutual support
>paige is seen as less confrontational and more focused on contributing positively to discussions
ai completely failing at understand what it's shitting out
This isn't even a new one. I've chatted with this guy for over a year off and on, and he and I have fucked once.
idk why but the fact we didn't know it was an ftm until the top surgery scars reveal is very funny
i think the ai is dumb
no one, i think it just scrapes it on itself, and it also simps for paige like crazy
just ask chatgpt
i asked it abt big soph before and that is why
why would we ever care what people who see us as walking fetish toys think about us?
i'm glad my dick doesn't work, it means you'll leave me alone
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this is gross you always make sex stuff seem as unappealing as touching mold in a kitchen sink
what level of progressivism brainworms do you even have to have to chase tifs as a tim

if you didn't know it was a transman then you need to lurk more
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forgot picrel
you will NEVER be a terf, honcle tim
>like a skinwalker fused with a tin can
haven't been able to put words to the uncanny feeling it gives me but this is so it.
it was also noticeably like 100% less uncanny before they cuckfiltered it to death
go shit in ur diaper broski
Do me!
do maiq
honcle tim is inspired and describes paige perfectly
Canon homosexual relationship for the mc?? Woke.
>leading to a mix of camaraderie and occasional drama
is the machine having a stroke? or do is this a correct spelling and I'm just uber retarded?
im a girl idk how 2 do computer stuff cud u pls
sry im not cool enough to be in the diapercord bro!
try again
that's the most common spelling. sometimes in NA it's comradery
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ok wait
>that's the most common spelling
oh wow
that's the only spelling I've seen used here in canada
the other way honestly has too many letters for me
my brain isn't built for fanciful spelling like that
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honestly might kill myself due to dick and ball issue
this is like asking autocorrect to type shit out for you
ask the bot if I'm a hon or a bdd passoid
>chatgpt knows about the 4chan archives
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yea, it is broken, look at picrel
>and occasional conflict
has emo even been in /mtfg/ drama?
it's just saying reshuffled versions of the same thing about everyone. these threads aren't in the training data at all
weird that it let you ask about penis photos though
how to get rid of a boner fast
the ai is just typing out random qualities
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i think the first ones are more accurate bc it is the newer version of gpt, i hit the free daily trial limit so now it is the unpaid one that does not want to access any new info
flex calf
You skipped me :(
>crackrocks mentioned 0 times
man that robot dont kno shit
no, it actually brought shit from the threads without me saying anything to it before hand like it knew abt the dispute between paige and blobby to some extent and that blobby is a troll, i just hit the free limit so it did not bring anything new, it only used what it had i guess.. on a new session i get nothing new...
i am out of the daily free limit, just go to chatgpt and log in with google and ask that
ai cant take info from anon posts
A lot of you need a tranny hugbox. Like it GENUINELY would improve your life
how did it knew abt the penis thing?
i literally just asked if i posted it or not and it said that i am literally know for posting explicit images.. so it has some understanding of something.. anyway, i am not posting personal shit on 4chan anymore..
It's not generating anything :(
mef would, but it wouldnt work due to extreme internet brainrot
but like
kinda boggles my mind it could scrape enough to suggest visiting the archive to dig up someones pictures posted in previous threads
without actually understanding a thing about anything here
I'm really behind on how all this works now
but before recent ai boom I used to like to follow ai development back around like 2014-18
loved dumb projects like mar.io
and like the old chatbots
gpt era ai has killed most my enthusiasm for it all tho
i pissed the bed and it's so fkin anoying bcuz i pissed before i got into bed so how tf wtf stupid fuckin pp why fucking WHY i'm tird of soaking piss out of my mattress n clenaing it and the sheets y han't just fukin wake up and not piss the bed so often fuckin hate my life i am NOT going to be a diaperfag NEVER EVER fuck that
dont believe everything and anything you read
hugbox would only make life worse
diaper time :)
yea, it does not generate anything anymore it seems, i tried a new session, it was random gibberish based on my previous prompts i guess, idk desu
lowkey back then I wanted to make myself a friend who would play games with me and maybe even say things vaguely related to whatever happening
I genuinely thought that would be possible by like current era
what a dumbass I am kek
l m a o
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gpt just creates random nonsense and i guess that you can bug it out based on certain previous prompts..
I got the paranoia down
but the critical thinking faculties are lacking
Mono won
from what I've seen with streamers using gpt for stream gags
it gets more and more schizophrenic and weird the longer it goes without resetting
it is weird cause it literally lies without having any info at all, normally you would think it will at least know that it knows nothing but it gets overconfident in a schizo way..
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so way off but funny that it knows what mtfg means, i wonder from where
why did it generate a susan’s place thread?
in a way
that's probably it's most human quality
as I understand it's a prediction engine that wrotes creative stories based on already existing "stories"
we have the power of sentience which allows us to be self aware and monitor our thinking to a degree
but our brains are prediction engines that distort the data around us to quickly figure out what will happen before we need to react
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hahaha, idk honestly, i hate how 'reddit' family friend gpt is, sociopathic gpt when
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>typical 4chan thread
>capturing the style and culture
half the crap I write reads like a deadpan robot
k8 probably could have replaced me too and nobody would be the wiser, oof
love being a tranny and invading lesbian spaces. like shutup you dyke bitch take this girlcock already stop being transphobic about it
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not accurate but better quality that the real thing keke
i hate how it schizos out garbage after a few prompts, i guess it is good for family friendly/academic shit but like anything more creative or wow nowhere close
Younge lari was passoid maxed what happened to her
Are you retards just discovering chatGPT or something? Kinda cringe
ask chatgpt why faguna is so afraid to show his teeth and fivehead
haha eat shit and kys
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gpt 1
faguna 0
I'm in my 30s and my life is a complete joke
i asked gpt what to tell me to tell you in order for you to commit suicide but it did not want to help, what a shame
If it's any consolation, everyone's life is a complete joke. Even billionaires like Musk are just accumulating wealth in order to distract from the fact that nothing they do in their life no matter how much money they have will actually matter in the end.
squats, pushups, lunges, hip thrusts, done
I'm getting stronger but holy shit
would've thunk with how regularly I've been doing I wouldn't still be gasping for air after a small 30 min workout
Anyone else develop leaky penis after a long time on HRT? Like it keeps dribbling after I pee.
ur still not eating a lot most days right? that doesn’t help things desu
I've been trying to make sure I eat regularly
and like
more than just carbs and salt too
like it's still mostly carbs because I'm poor
I've actually been gaining weight despite the working out so I think I'm doing ok despite how severely out of shape and unhealthy I am from my neglect of my health for so many years
I'm pretty honest.
Nigger, this is a lie.
keep it up i suppose! also, it took me 3 months of not smoking to not have phlegm in my throat every time i ran
ofc ur playing that game now
yes it's awful, my partner calls me his "pee pee piss girl".
>it took me 3 months of not smoking to not have phlegm in my throat every time i ran
oh wow grats
I quit smoking for a bit but capitulated semi recently
guess that's probably a major culprit
>dawning realization that every other trans woman i've ever been friends with was just keeping me around as an amusing pet gigahon
anons what's the best way to kill myself over this
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haha lmao kys hon
>oh wow grats
ty! but it was all money related. couldn’t afford meds and weed/cigs, sad kek
It feels as though a ghastly force is entering my marrow.
i didn't do anything wrong
i transitioned earlier than a lot of them too
they shouldn't have pretended to be my friends and lied and told me i was pretty and passing
well, people are awful and assholes
it is what it is
anyway you didn't answer the question how should i kill myself
unless you were suggesting i put on a fake beard and hang myself with my pp out but i'm not doing that
you're probably bpd, post unsee
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well they're probably trying to be nice. and sometimes it's that they're worming and using compliments at me to put themselves down. i don't think i'm being repeat lolcowed, i just think no other tranny i talk to wants to admit to my face what a disgusting hon freak i am. people tell me i soulpass, so they probably feel bad for me being trapped in a body that larry mogs.
but whatever their intentions, slowly realizing that i am not and was never and will never be one of them is pretty strong suifuel
people here know my face and would either hugbox or hatebox me
Have you tried posting urs3lf?
Being a girl is so fucking easy wtf
i've posted face and body. even the people trying to hugbox me end up trying to convince me i pass as a 4/10
This general is my guilty treat when I need a pick me up. Just mogging everyone and looking at the misery and knowing how well I am in comparison... such a perspective check. Thanks for your services honners <3
Did any other trannies grow up as the only "boy" in a house full of women?
kill yourself
kill yourself.
Hehe naw I'm good lil hon, that's your job!! I'm living my best life ;)
kill urself
kill yourself
kill yourself.
kill yourself
kill yourself.
kill. your. self.
KYS!!!!!!! (keep yourself safe trutrans fren)
passing doesn't make you "truetrans" you salt rubbing creep brained failed male retard
you should kill yourself too.
u guys r so retarded
I miss when I had friends and was more innocent and free
ok sure but you can't be trutrans and not trupass. also i just don't like people tell her to kill herself that's really mean
unfortunately here we are
Extremely unfortunately. I've begun to reconsider suicide
>you can't be trutrans and not trupass
so, you just hate hons
this thread didn't used to be like this
I finally figured out how to do a high pony. World fucked.
you and me both. i hope you can get through this anon
she deserves it and so do you. if you don't want to be treated that way don't act like a monster to innocent hons
I'll manage somehow
you mean fogging
bait written by a chud and the monkebrained hon fell for it lmao
now that i've got een coming, there's a bit of hope for the future, eases the mind a little bit.
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how do you feel about the eschaton?
we only have 1 braincell to share around sorry
kill yourself
we must strictly resist the temptation to immanentize
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I managed to avoid any and all major fuckups today and yet I still feel like shit
and can't shake this strong impending dread/anxiety
maiq's on the prowl ladies he's hunting for a late night frottin. keep your guard up don't get baited by mundane small talk
i wish it would just happen now. i know i'm going into the void and am tired of waiting to have my useless soul obliterated
yes because that would accelerate the consolidation of the transcendental object at the end of time.
I'm sorry, you cannot be obliterated, only reconsolidated or absorbed.
You think maiq has foreskin?
the good ending
i deserve sheol. it would be a crime for me to be any part of the godhead. my existence is a blight on reality
not possible. he's a lil hat wearing hook noser
by pursuing the false eschaton we derail the project of civilization and trade philosophy for mere ideology
Is he? I thought maiq looked like that one guy from jersey shore? What's his name Pauly d?
civilization was a mistake. we were born to rot and suffer and die, humans aren't good for anything else
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think somebody will finally end my suffering out here?
Nah you're still marinating
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maiq is a mask i wear
seek joy instead
within the metaxy we can differentiate a more luminous consciousness to restore the spiritual health of ourselves and society
Fer sure
I do t know what this means but if you're catering to sapiosexuals I'm sure you have it in the bag
gay men fuck in that lil forest btw
I love how spooky it looks at night
almost want to wander in
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i wander into the forest high af on skooma looking for mountain lions to pounce on me. so far not one of those pussies has the nuts to go paw for paw with me. i just want to go out in a blaze of glory.
Got a big ol log cookin up in my bussy rn but i cba to go drop it off in the bathroom i'm hardstuck in degen mode
I try
but I don't think it's possible for me to be happy
done my walk anyhow
that's kinda hot. make your bussy crown that brown boy like a real woman crowns a real baby
Youre like a monarch I. It's cocoon waiting to get out you just Ned to wait a bit more it'll get exponentially better trust
Welp, I am beginning to suspect I may have actually been born intersex and my parents chose boy after I was born. I know its super uncommon and I seriously doubt it but I've got enough suspicion that I'm going to check with a medical professional when I get the chance soon here.
I'm extremely feminine looking pre hrt and everything and things never really worked down there very well, lots of pain and sick feelings. Got my parents to finally open up about my birth and the conversation got really interesting really fast. My own father referred to newborn me as "she" twice, garnering glares from my mother. Talks of "complications" and "big choices" and "surgeries", they seemed really uncomfortable.
If I am, idk if its a win or a loss. Could end up helping me pass very well but it would mean i was fucked over by my own parents the moment I was born and idk if I'll ever be able to forgive them.
Yeh probably. Gonna hold back the push as long as possible and it might plop out in my panties before I reach the toilet but that's the degen risk we take
really just a garbage gen
I should've joined the discord when links were going up, I might just stop being here now that everyone half decent is fully moved off of here to there.
qott: like in person? probably the fact that i will honestly tell someone to kill themself in graphic detail if deemed necessary, usually reserved for phobes
>>37349614<-right here
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I suspect that there is something to my personality that makes people keep me at an arm's lengt once they get to know me. I have lots of friends but even those I thought were close seem to want to distance themselves from me
Don't. The forest gays will try to fuck you
I think those are called wood elves
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no american males have foreskin, they were sold to jews to make into skin cream
>The forest gays will try to fuck you
this would be the most ideal outcome tbqh
“I hate those who think so little of their own worth.“

important line from Ninja Scroll (1993)
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g'night frens
my kitty catto husband!!!
sorry i told them you were my mask
you're not my mask
you're a real person!
that’s a matter of perspective
i have seen your mind, maiq.
you are not who they say you are
they say you are me
you are not me
Been drinking that depresso recently.

Today's great idea is looking through /r/transtimelines and seeing all the people with good genes who already looked halfway to being a woman have the most dramatic results on HRT after only 4 months. Time to google bridge locations.
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ffs will not fix me
that is correct
you unironically look like Grog, the orc warrior, you look like you are about to rape some goblins
its time to spend some time off 4chan babes ur too active
you are god damn right Grog
correct; ffs is a scam
when navy anon visits lil goonie please record the boyremoval
ntr is hot AAAAFFFFF
I’ve wished to be intersex as a youngin so I could have a real excuse to troon
I am not
Can’t even get off bed today
Don’t really feel like talking to “friends”
Just in bed till I have to get up for work
I haven’t showered in a while because it’s tiresome.
>obese trannies
literally the worst. it's called a salad, and missing out on a total of 15~ minutes of mouth pleasure every day is REALLY not that hard to sacrifice. also wtf is with your eye spacing lol
good morning transgenders
im a fake woman
Redminer: Mono Won
I am a fake transgender
I've realized that meeting lgbt people irl sucks.
I've spent my whole life enviously watching that community at a distance while making friends with cis people.
Meanwhile all my lgbt friends I would make online.
Now that I've transitioned... I've entered those irl lgbt spaces and tried to make friends... and ive struggled the whole time.
And I keep trying over and over, for some reason i feel like i NEED to make lgbt friends like that.

Meanwhile I've been neglecting budding friendships with cis guys/girls because they arent lgbt, and neglecting budding online lgbt friendships because they aren't living right next door.

Sometime in the last few days i've realized Ive been wasting my time.
Transitioning didnt suddenly change the kind of people I get along with.
If a cis guy/girl gels with me over a shared hobby, why am I dismissing him/her cause they aint trans? They're clearly comfortable with who i am by that point, there's no reason for me to have my guard up with that person anymore...
If an online connection weather it be friendship or romantic... that distance isnt going to matter. If our connection is strong, we're going to be drawn close by to eachother at some point.

Like I should go back to doing what I was in that regard pre-transition, I think I'll be alot happier.

Like my whole life doesnt need to change just cause I transitioned. Something like that
being this scared is so fucking horrible i just want a hug or someone to look after me i can't take care of myself
grow up faggot quit crying all the time
i hope you get a chronic disease and suffer for the rest of your life unironically and never know peace again
stop wishing your life upon me faggot
no i know that if i manifest it hard enough eventually you will get lupus and need chemo to treat it just know that someone out there is manifesting that into reality so you can spend the rest of your life telling people you have lupus and have your hair fall out
>i can't take care of myself
Is that really true? You know yourself better than anyone.
Rather, you're probably just too scared to do anything for yourself.
Stop being scared, try shit, try something that you might think will fix whats wrong, and if it doesnt work try something new.
The world isnt going anywhere.
Just keep going till you figure out how to take care of yourself.
i can somewhat physically look after myself but working has been very difficult recently and i miss physical affection
navy and gooner?
mad because i told you what you needed to hear? you do need to grow up, you are a faggot, and you do cry all the time. instead of being proactive about any of that you're like naw all those things are great imma continue being a dumbfuck retard at life and i'm gonna just my mental illness trannywitch powers and conjure and manifest my mental illnesses onto others like lol like lmao
makes sense
it is sincerely doubtful navy is visiting and having sex with anyone considering gremlin would strangle her with barbwire
Mono... you already won... you don't need to continue....
i don't have tranny witch powers i have Babylon 5 shadows induced telepath powers of manifestation it's a different genre and unfortunately i am literally incapable of being proactive due to insurance issues am so there is nothing i can do but scream into the void and tell you i hope you have to do chemotherapy for lupus
They aren't trans they are a cis girl
Okay so why is it difficult? How can you fix that?
If its physical, try doing stretches every morning and try balancing your diet.
If its mental maybe buy yourself a little treat like icecream, or a nature walk, make it a weekly event, something to look forward to.

Those might fix it, it might not, but at least you tried and get to move onto the next idea.

How much of your freetime do you think you wasted this week on the same stupid stuff that isnt making a difference anyway? Spend that time doing trial and error, and you'll figure yourself out eventually.

Once you can take care of yourself is when things like relationships manifest.
"Need to learn to love yourself before others can love you" some kinda BS like that.
If I was cis I wouldnt worry about being trans or not
So I most likely have some kind of autoimmune disease that I can't get diagnosed right now or treated (I had positive blood work) because of insurance issues I can't get diagnosed or do any form of management for now. I've always been in pain so it's not completely unmanageable but now that I'm aware that it's possibly something that could severely hurt me in the future I'm fixated on it and it's causing problems with my dominant hand. There's currently nothing I can do to fix it and nothing I can do to manage it beyond take vitamins and just try to live a healthy lifestyle which has been very difficult when my mental is in such a bad state
I can't stop paying attention to it and it's gotten a lot worse in the past couple of months
I have a lot of medical phobias and I'm terrible about taking medication
It's not 100% but I can't know and I can't manage the pain right now
Visiting my partner for a few months soon and wondering if I should just pay out of pocket for medical care there and get another test to see if the markers are still raised
I had a rheumatology referral but I can't use it ect due to insurance stuff
I can deal with physical pain but I can't deal with the uncertainty. It literally induces psychosis and because my symptoms have become less and less manageable, I can't really ignore it anymore or just pretend it's not happening
Joke's on you i've been in my considering physically transitioning arc (for very weird reasons)
You're not trans though just an attention needy girl
Is growing a twitter purely for the sake of trying to date popular twitter trans girls justified?
Okay so you're stuck on that decision of weather or not to pay out of pocket.
This is what I'm referring to... you should be asking yourself what you're uncertain of, what are the pros and cons. Maybe set deadlines for yourself... if X doesn't happen before a certain time, you just go for it.

This is the approach you should be taking to stuff like this in general. THATS something you can change, as soon as theres a decision to be made thats when you should put your mind to it.
sending positive energy to all whom read this today ~~~
kill yourself
need to find someone to do this with...
nigga get a diary aint nobody reading your wall of text retard
Suicide pacts never work
i'm eating mashed potatoes for breakfast and i don't give a FUUUUUUUUUUCK
Injecting doxorubicin into your blood rn
Would injecting a mg of air in a vein kill me?
Drink a soft alcoholic drink in the morning and now I’m having a monster
Let’s see how I manage work lol
I'll do it alone tonight then
right i was out with my mum
someone started talking to me at the table and my mum talked for me
i barely got to say a word
then on the way home she was telling me the conversations she had right next to me

like im socially awkward but i feel like i was set up to fail there
i used to be able to talk
now i can barely get a word in
stroking my girl PP right now feelin great!
yall some stink peenush havers and thats okay prolly. ygmi
not if you hide it :)
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>strangle her with barbwire
aw shucks
peace : )
Going cold turkey on caffeine, I've been drinking diet coke my whole life, and it has to stop.

Last night was one of the hardest nights of my life. I was hot and cold at the same time. Going to be replacing it entirely with water and or juice.
Here for cute girls and rampant mental illness
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is it normal when on hrt for cum to take on a semi lusterous metallic appearance? asking for a fren
this is sorta like brown cows making chocolate milk
>larping diet coke withdrawals
lmao imagine what real drugs would do to pring
that's bird doody ma'am
Oh yeah, no my headache where I felt like I was going to throw up was definitely just a larp. Uh-huh. Fuck you.

I've never used hard substances, because my family has an addictive personality, and my cousin actually has a real drug problem. Its destroyed his life.
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death :(
lol solder n flux desu
That will come soon enough
File deleted.
The only thing visiting me is the spirit of christmas
Can you believe it?
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There's too much goonfuel in my downloads
Can anyone be trans and is being trans a spectrum of infinite types of people?
thats subjective
so technically i guess if your definition of trans is someone who says theyre trans
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Oi faggot why are ye posting me in generals I've not touched in weeks get a life ya fackin bum
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very true
Is reading considered a female hobby?
I'm tired of videogame competition it's kind of a mental pain
Why do you care
Because I'm a girl and I'm insecure
I ain't never seen a woman wonder if what they like is allowed for them to indulge in because it's stereotypically masc or fem
hello computer people
Hello nigger
why do you have to be a racist that's so ass
I'm black
oh ok
how's your day been?
He cant compete with black guys
No youre not
your bnwo shit is racist
I got my nails done and now I'm playing 3 gachas at the same time to speed up the dailies of playing 5 gachas
Might add one or two and see how long it takes until I nburn out completely
Also there's an open beta for the new sao game that kinda plays like an mmo I might try it out even though I probably won't buy it
I'm black
Thats my point, racists are obsessed with bbc
My bad sis I didnt realize what thread I clicked
I don't understand what gachas games are really, seems like they just milk you for money and time to complete an artificially expanding collection via fomo
yeah but if you're saying somebody can't compete you're reinforcing racist myths
I'm black
Gachas don't want much time and most are monetized poorly so only people that are okay with wasting some money and have a decent amount to spare will give money, the gachas I play get money from skins and such rather than gambling and could be beat by any shitty unit without any struggle
Point is grinding to have a better account, having a good story that goes on forever, and fun gameplay
There's also the feeling of being in a community and always having something to look forward to, you may think nothing will happen in your life this week but hey there's like 6 new events total on the gachas you're playing so there's something to do that breaks the monotony. Idk. That's a big reason why I play them, having new things to experience in games I already like. They're basically lobotomized mmos since they do similar with grinding and a sense of community plus updates but instead of playing them all day you play them for 10 minutes a day then keep going as much as you want to but with less incentives. Actually that's just ff14
Not a myth tho, literally any black guy>racist white guy
no that's silly, do you think some mildly racist white guy is worse than a genocidal black man that rounds up and executes gay people? there are horrible people in every race
that doesn't sound too bad I guess, I don't like the grinding aspect though and events just give me anxiety about missing stuff forever I don't think I have the right brain for them, I only used to like multiplayer games where you could hop on at any point and play through a campaign or map or whatever at your own pace like left for dead
I had two lads ace Ventura me in the street today should I detrans or Kms or both
pathological demand avoidance

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