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>work in a law firm
>won't get into what I do not interesting trust me
>anyways new intern starts
>qt blonde college twink
>didn't peg him straight away until he mentioned his ex-boyfrined
>anyways inappropriate to make a move so i do not
>plus he's around 8 years younger than me
>however a few after office drink sessions we start getting a bit more handsy and flirty
>he was invited to go to a client event at one stage
>we go out for a smoke he leans in and we kiss
>wasted at this point
>make a shit decision and invite him home
>end up railing him
>good sex not going to lie
>end up getting a general email that HR sent around saying that it's important we conduct ourselves professionally especially if at an office even
>hear word from a friend that he's one of the partner's nephews as well
>no one has mentioned anything and we're still cordial around each other
>if anything i find he ends up doing work for me quicker than other fee earners
>sweet guy so doubt he's going to out me the email made me panic a little tho
how fucked am I anons?
I realise this was a stupid decision but he will be leaving us soon anyways do you think i'm in the clear
no one has mentioned anything
you should make him your “partner” ;)
he's a sweet guy, but I'm nearly a decade older than him, and we're just at very different stages in our lives and it would be even more stupid to date the nephew of a partner
don't regret fucking him (God it was good) but not the smartest decision i've made ngl
need the deets on the sex anon
also, dumb choice obviously, but if he doesn't mention it you should be fine
people have office relationships all the time, bit worse to fuck the intern, but not unheard of
if you both are able to act like adults (i.e. no drama) and you both had fun what is the problem exactly?
the sex was good
he was already prepared, facefucked him for a bit, offered to swallow too. He made these little grunts when I fucked him which was hot and jacked himself off while looking directly at me
i agree and to be fair we still have a good and relaxed relationship, just fucking nervous on the off-chance that it somehow gets out and a rumour starts to spread
feel like it will fuck me over down the road for promotions too even if it's never officially brought up
might have a word with him about it
He's over 18.
Grow a pair and treat him like the fucking adult he is (or should be) and have an intelligent conversation in a neutral place, over something professional, like coffee.

The start of by apologizing, because you should and did know better but your dick and alcohol got the better of you. Ask him politely to keep it to himself, even from friends who do not work at the firm or anything like that since it would impact your career and could possibly impact his own future as well, if not at that law firm, elsewhere.

You SHOULD tell HR, at least after his internship ends. But it WILL go in your file and potentially impact your future there and your possibility of promotions. I'd start seriously looking for a firm that will headhunt you out of there sooner rather than later.

ALSO, stop shitting where you eat.

Hoping that nothing will come of it will likely lead to tears, anon.

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