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old >>37350663
what languages do you speak anons?
Murican but I’d like to learn Spanish to talk to my boys parents
English, german, croatian
i speak romanian and english(bad)
that sounds crazy, i don't know how to imagine it, how does your head even know how the pyramids of giza look like
that sounds legit, i will try and see what happens, my ocd is crippling and i would be happy to feel better
ik, i will work hard just like everyone else has to work hard, i am no different from anyone else and i do not deserve special treatment, i cannot just take my hand out and expect to receive good stuff without hard work like a begger, ik
Irish and English.
fuck all people speak Irish so not the most useful language but i'm a little romantic about it
trying to learn French too but it's tough
Can we have a vocaroo thread?
keep noticing hot guys
my bisexuality isn't working
I'm not gay
Portuguese and English
feel free to make the next one
post irish vocaroo please
guys i think im gay in denial again
it's over
a little bit of japanese, chinese, thai
Whats ur iq?
im a dumb top
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Im a dumb bottom, wanna teach me french :?
Hungarian, some English, a tiny bit of French, and I'm trying to learn Dutch for my bf. I also had a satanic phase where I learnt Latin, but I don't imagine that counts.
Why retarded ass mods remove my message and not this?
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is this the idea chest?
why are you having a meltdown rn?
no, the ideal chest would also be in my mouth
cool. what did you say in irish?
I only like twinks and femboys
something to the effect of I am Irish so I speak Irish
are you the irish dude who is always complaining about how easy it is in the usa?
What about pretty boys?
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Most normal DL account on Grindr
i wish i could have sex :'(
i've accepted it's not just America pretty much every big country, and only with dating
i do like it here, just sucks if you want to meet other lads
people still use taps? does that ever work?
do you live in a rural area?
Most pretty boys are twinks, or twunks
Ireland is top 10 countries to live in in the world. What r u on about?
i want to stroke a dick and then i want it in my mouth
i was complaining about dating here, not living, I actually do love this country. Just not great if you want to meet other lads. Just a population issue more so than anything else.
Suburban, a little outside of Dublin, but Dublin (the urban centre and the biggest city on the island) has a population of 600000, the equivalent to what would be a mid-sized city in a lot of North America, and the entire economy is concentrated here and the surrounding area/counties.
sorry if I was bitching too much about it though.
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New latino cowboy just dropped brothers
how bout you drop your dick in my mouth already
Nice belt and hat
u stand like a fag...
hes standing normally lol
saw some hot girls
one waif like
kate bushish and splendid

hot boys too
a tall literary daddy
a flowery nail manicurist asian twink

many sights for the eyes
how short are you?
at least you’re not a manlet
I need to reinvent myself
i've been dublin, it was pretty fun and there were lots of handsome men. don't know if i could live there, the countryside was so pretty i'd want to be there but i suppose economics forces people into cities
save a horse ride a BUCKO
found you on tiktok lol
he put all his weight on left leg, which is half fag androgynous but maybe excusable
but then his right knee buckles inward
111% clocked
inb4 um proof? i dont believe that
incel science is neat huh
bro i have a sixpack
also i forgot the angle of his feet, which is way too wide
fem flamet
why do so many people reply to that dumb spic? he literally never even says anything interesting and hes not even hot
This is actual seething no meme
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>why do so many people reply to that dumb spic? he literally never even says anything interesting and hes not even hot
buckocord coordinates it and samefags
you’re jealous xanthippe
>it's always a secret discord behind it
>the pietrocord
>the buckocord
What’s next?
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scenery-wise, yeah it's stunning, even once you get outside of the city centre the county of Dublin has some great spots.
this is a place I go to quite a bit if i'm stressed it's near the coast of Dublin.
I'm the same, if I had a long-term relationship and work wasn't an issue, the countryside would be my preference, but meh what can you do?
anyone who gets more attention than me has a secret discord behind it intentionally to spite me
lmao. the doxcord is literally sending "LMAO" to your mailbox right now
lmao not you desperately trying to find a way to dox him and scare him off
if you hiked there then there's bound to be tons of other gays hiking too. why not snag there
hes another pietro larp, none of those posts are organic
embarrassing malding
except bucko has posted proof he's real unlike some trips
Oh no no noooo next level schizophrenia
yeah im sure the guy who censors the skin on his hands has posted proof of his identity
>unlike some trips
santino lol his 'proof' was reposted and it didnt prove shit
Yeah he was cat and lunch posting lmao idk why youre seething over this
do you retards really think youre being slick rofl
ever noticed that xanthippe/bucko/pietro all allude to drama that never occurs in the thread?
post proof :3
I love him
i only notice anon accusing trips of having a dedicated discord server
another thread taken over by tripdrama
yes they literally follow the same script every single time you can put pietros trip code in and see he is somehow always posting with bucko as well, despite supposedly being in a time zone 8 hous ahead and a doctor
he won and you lost ig
won what, schizo gaygen bullshit?
omg youre so right it makes so much sense now
he won what exactly? biggest loser on 4chan?
drag him! post the proof and end his larp!
notice how it always gets so quiet when its time to post actual proof on the schizo theory
What the fuck are you all talking about?
the fact that you think i care enough to hunt through these threads for pietros tripcode and all that shit is astounding
how hairy your hole is. care to weigh in
Blegma is among us
You never posted face
how to make my lack of sex not bother me anymore?
Wish! Who could have seen that response coming?
There never will be because it’s not true lmao
I’ve said I’m from cali and practically given my county out brother. I’ve also given you my middle name which is what I go by online. I make it any easier and it’s not gonna count when you dox me
stop OCD posting on gaygen all day
This is a massive turn-on for me, along with catching glimpses of a guy's underwear up the leg of his shorts.
no one gives a fuck you retard
My thighs be ripping through jeans like no other brother
i feel like smth bad will happen to me if i do not and i know that it is ocd but it is still scary, i am a pussy, i should just face it
gonna need photographic evidence of that please. for, uh, research purposes.
Is it a sexual need, or an emotional one? If it's sexual, maybe just hook up, but if it's emotional, you could try going out to an event, or something like that.
That was a repost of my pic from some weeks back lmao
How often does everyone here masturbate?
R u acc diagnosed ocd?
Weekly, biweekly if I'm really horny.
Usually 2x a day, but recently 1x a day for some reason
Every day, sometimes twice
I don’t recommend it to anyone it doesn’t matter how much of a man you are it’s going to make your balls hurt and possibly injure them
Do you have a vagina?
What? No, what makes you ask?
>it’s going to make your balls hurt and possibly injure them
that might be a technique issue pal
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>these fucking faggots
Do you punch ur balls while masturbating? How do u hurt em?
How so? I want to do no fap or something. I find that I dont do it as much if I have something to do like watching an anime
I bust nuts daily
more tourists than gay guys i'd say.
I have hobbies, but pretty much all the lads are straight on my football team and hiking has yet to secure me a boyfriend
leaves apps i do alright on them but a lot of it fizzles out or ends up being a one night stand
i don't think you know what biweekly means
American football or european ?
it means both
It can mean 2x a week or once every 2 weeks u fucking retard
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Sometimes to edge but Rarely cum.
I just want a cute short guy to put my penis in his mouth, is that too much to ask?
not in traditional context
kys for bastardizing the english language
why do they even call that football in america? what the fuck is going on over there?
Please provide corroborative evidence.
you’re shit at reading, hang urself
Where r u from?
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Oh yes, sorry. English isn't my first language, thank you for pointing that out. As you can probably guess, I meant twice a week.
where? i don't see any fucking
maybe they're gay and tourists and you'll fall in love and get to leave ireland like you want.
Why keep posting ugly goblins?
Because the "ball" is one foot long
none, mental illness need
yes, i have diagnosed and know about it for 5 years now, i tried a bunch of meds, none worked, i literally have exactly the same main obsession that i had 5 years ago that wrecks me, i do not have sex and i cannot have sex so my ocd makes me obsessed abt that and puts a timer on me since i am getting older.. at this point i do not want anything, just for it to stop bc i am also kinda antisocial and it makes me feel the need to kill or hurt people as compulsion to make the pain stop.. the ocd is unbearable and most of my pain and exacerbates the other bad stuff also..
sometimes daily
sometimes every 3 or so

i wanna retain my load so i can train myself to be straight again for a bit
that or i end up cooming to some twinks butt
seen some gorgeous twinks today
Люcиль Блyт.
Arent most football guys gay?
you are the same person that uses literally to mean figuratively. u r the one that needs to hang themselves faggot

america, the world's most important country and the most relevant anglophone country
corporate america never uses biweekly to refer to 2x a week
like, what? they invented their whole ass own system of measurement? fuck off. metric.
that's dumb if true
are you really making up random bullshit because you’re too low iq to pick up via context which biweekly someone meant
Depends how ingrained it is, I dont think you can get rid of it though
Id legit let u kill me i wanna die anyway. Have u tried non med therapy like cbt dbt whichever t?
Is there any way I can add "will give head in lieu of monetary tip" to my deliveroo account?
its a joke, trips take themselves way too seriously on here
they suck and fuck to get a spot on the team, it's not about skill
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here a qt football player just for you
i'd stay here easily if i met someone I loved yank tourists included
the problem is that it sucks dating lads here in general
just part of life i'm beginning to accept it tho
Ur american and u accuse someone of bastardizing when ur entire language is a bastardization LMAO
I don't care about nazi politics but I really want a Hitler youth knife
Because they feel like they have a "reputation" to defend. No idea what drives someone to take up an identity on an anonymous board, truly sad lmao
sadly no, admittedly they might do gay shit every so often, but that's just banter m8
most of them prefer women, at least in my experience
Like the original post?
>it sucks dating lads here in general
how? cause i'm pretty sure that's a gay men issue not an irish issue
sorry that you're a brainlet that subscribes to the modernized (bastardized) use of a word
don't reply to me or my son ever again

american english is the lingua franca, retard, so we can never be wrong
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that show was garbage but this scene was so good
lol i watched this show last week because of this clip. friend, it was indeed gay
to an extent, but there are more options if you can move to a large city, which is not really an option here
Like in addition to. Goddamnit, stop being coy, I want to fap to your meaty thighs.
i guess, i'm not sure that having a bigger toilet to wade through has ever made much difference for me
twice a week is the original way the word was used retardanon
nta but "semiweekly" exists for this exact reason btw
Which show?
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just noticed someone elses shoes in the background. you were taking crotch shots in front of someone like that whore?
and then proceed to kys
R u dumb? You do know synonyms exist?
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would you date anon
post penis
what does this have to do with anything? people with normal or greater iq don't need one word = one concept
I have become obsessed by a supposedly "straight" GAA footballer called Cathal McCarron and the degenerate gay porn he did a few years back.
Wym im not the football guy?
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desu not hard enough, also killing you wont solve nothing since you want to die and it wont really feel good. why do you want to die?
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ah don't worry we will both find someone eventually
ah you lost so now you’re just going to screech autistically, got it
Never formed a personality, probably retarded, got no interests or hobbies and i suck at everything no matter how long i try. Uhm i can pretend to not want to die. Also i think ive read somewhere that nonmed therapy has higher success rate than med therapy, not sure tho
your argument devolved quickly into a logical fallacy and as soon as i proved you wrong you moved to "well, akshually, precise vocabulary isn't even needed"
hahaha i won
you didn’t prove anyone wrong, you said the guy used the bastardized version of biweekly and i told you you were wrong and then you moved the goalposts and tried to deflect by screeching
uh well i have someone, but it took a lot of searching and happened mostly by running the numbers. i was in a huge gay area in the city for months and nothing happened then moved to the middle of nowhere and there he was
ive tried on off since i was a teenager
there's definitely a level of gynephillia there
im not gay
just relax man, life is pointless anyway, you do not need to achieve anything, just have fun
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Im incapable, i just become a copy of whoever im im contact with and adopt their interests and traits, but when im alone im nothing
to quote the online etymology dictionary
""every two weeks" is equally implied and preferred, the "twice-a-week" meaning going with semi-weekly."
i was right all along
except that is also the modern bastardized version of the word so you in fact lost
i thought bi weekly meant every other week
semi-weekly was used since 1791
biweekly was used since 1865
i'm literally still right
trust her she has a linguistics degree
ah nice happy for you
i will be a searching the fair city of Dublin so in the meantime
hopefully one of these days
what if you meet someone like you? how are you going to copy each others? what is going to happen?
Most gay argument over semantics
Of course youra fucking woman, fuck off back to your containment thread
I need sex
>doesn't know that her means him in the gay community
wow you really are retarded
Fakebois need to stay in their own lane
It has happened, we just waited for the other one to talk about stuff and it was awkward
good luck anon, i have faith in your quest
That post is referencing Black Eagle, anon.
You outed yourself while samefag replying to your own message, very sad
Back to your containment thread
Beri cuwute
wow, now you're resorting to a strawman
I wanna beat a few ppl in this thread with a stick, not saying who tho
>Same speech pattern as pooner in the other thread
>Still posting retarded bait to start drama
Back to your thread
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look hunty i found a pic of you :)
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Should the taller one always top?
you’re talking to multiple people schizo
yes, as god intended
should be mainly bottoming
who is the attractive hairy one with the hairline issues?
no i want to fuck people taller than me
>Errmmm actually gay MEN call eachother women, I totally didnt slip up and reveal my true gender!
To be fair, I could tell from the start. Pooners have no understanding of male nature as their entire understanding of men comes from anime and yaoi manga.
no, 50/50 truverse as god intended
Why gay guys always like the most normie looking jock dudes?
back to your cord to coordinate more replies
just spent $80 on sushi
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you're genuinely fucking stupid, quit replying to me schizo and take your meds
uh oh someone forgot their olanzapine
I clocked you Ayyden
peak male form
guy with the bigger dick should top 100% of the time
height doesn't matter
I'm 5ft8 and I have a 6ft2 fwb. When I top him in missionary I can't reach his face to kiss him while I'm in him :(
>lose argument
>don't realize more than one person was replying to you
>immediately start autistically screeching about your debate opponent being a tranny because you don't realize gays use female pronouns when being catty and referring to each other
>don't realize the joke being made about a linguistics degree was about bleagle
>double down
jesus christ you must be insufferable in real life
surprisingly men who like men like men that look like men
how tall is gaygen?
need haribos thoughts on this
roughly 5'8
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6'1 (;
post tall penis
feeling very gay again
how do i cure this
i need to make my mom grandchildren
U can try getting me preg
Yes, I would never date a dwarf
>t. bottom
by posting hole
173 cm
by dating me and helping me start an Übermensch breeding program
¡hola! me llamo drunkbottomanon y onions de alemánia. hablo inglés y alemán. tengo un novio que vive en alemánia. :3
¿tienes novio, /gaygen/?
get that ghetto gibberish outa here
sir this isn't /soc/
onions de alemania lmao
short tops...
tall bottoms...
I have become a meme, scary :o
nothing you post is the truth
prove you aren't a female?
>you don't realize gays use female pronouns
Im not a fem gay so how would I know and also I didnt lose a debate I simply pointed out you are very feminine and called yourself a girl while samefag responding to yourself while I pointed out you type like the FTM tranny in the previous thread
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Why do you always post at the same time
Take meds schizo
SAD! Jay why so evil?
Would if BWC.
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I cant interact with fem gays because they remind me too much of trannies. I cant interact with dude bro gays because they annoy me. Why do no gays just act like normal men?
They dont, i ve seen em alone many times, also ive never seen drunk on at the same time as the rest
it could be
Szia szep vagy
im kinda interested in trying out linux, but... im cis...
You are an automaton hand crafted by nature into being the perfect apex predator that you are. Countless have died and suffered just so you could eventually come into existence as you are now, and all for what? Since in the end, youre still just that, a mannequin carved by nature as well as the world around you to act a certain way, think a certain way, no agency, no will. Worst of all, we have been given the ability to be aware of this fact. I cannot say whether or not the design is flawed, because what would it be flawed according to when by all means and purposes, it was successful?
All I can say, nature allows for many like me to exist, and why ever take that risk of bringing such a person into existence? For existential security? Future generations of meaningless suffering all for an ultimately selfish and futile desire.
autocorrect :s it’s onions de alemánia uwu

ai ai ai! anon wants verga in her culo from el chapo in mexico! :s
Please tell me you're a top. Short tops are the best.
Cis and on leenux
how many times do i need to fuck you
do i need to introduce you to my parents
my kink is making bottoms with no topping experience top me
wtf its s o y * why is 4chan doing this to me
i go from how do i become not gay
to wanting to flirt with men
3x a day for at least a month, after that i meet ur parents
It sounds kind of nordic or germanic?
How do you guys end up learning so many languages? Where do you even get the time?
yes they do and i have
What if they cant get hard
Connect the dots anon
Gay men HAVE to be extra. They cant just be people, they have to be people+++
Honestly cant bring myself to interact with them outside of online spaces
everyone knows you plague this gen with your alts
So what?
sush alter ego, don't spoil it for the goyim they must remain oblivious.
cum... the most powerful resource
use soya
do we make out too
why are you replying to yourself?
I thought I was but found I like bottoming more, but really thats more in theory since I have basically no interest in having sex with anyone else.
it just makes it v obvious
no you dont
don't let elon and bezos hear. you'll end up in the cum mines
jannies frens pls dont ban me for saying s o y instead of onions ik its a reportable offense but still pwis don’t :s </3 ok ty
The rabbit hole goes much much deeper than that.
Ur lucky im submissive
is gen 1 ryzen still relevant?
english and french i know because of my parents
spanish i learned in highschool and you kinda have to know it if you want to interact with latinos
german and arabic i learned in college
the asian languages i can't talk fluently in but i know enough to go to those countries and get by okay without having to use a translator
I wanna be a cum miner
on your knees anon, now, you need some discipline
Yes sir :c
closer to Manx and Scottish Gaelic but i suppose most people don't really know them either
i shouldn't fetishise conversion to being gay
i should repress being gay
well not repress because im not gay, just focus on my straight side
which tripfag or namefag do you want to have sex with?
even your straight side is gay tho
Normie and tex
how can you even fetishize conversion therapy? like they’re forcing you to be straight and get an erection for pussy and if you resort to fag behavior you have to recite bible verses likeeee how is that arousing :s
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You can have it girl
Hes hot
you'll end up being the one mined
The most efficent mine would be a massive circlejerk
is that really you >>37353031
Its not him
i have no idea who that is and there are no photos of me anywhere on the internet
Yes, it’s normie/xanthippe/caip/conbot
hebrew and english ;w;

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