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qott: Do you have any preferences for a specific race or country?
qott2: What language would you learn / are you currently learning?

Previous: >>37339076
Timur browses chasergen too or formerly does. I guess this is new home or 2nd home
Today is shot day. I know sudden boost of T is going to make me hard, it’ll make me horny as hell. But I must resist jerking off. Porn is not worth it.
>Pussy Juice Retention
*stands up and gives Roman Salute*
>I know sudden boost of T is going to make me hard
You mean your clitoris?
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I post every where.

I am cis male.
I'm attracted to men.
I chase conversation and fun.
> qott
> qott 2
I was learning Swedish at one point, kinda wanna go back to it.
No fap is so boring thoooo
Cranking out 7 orgasms then playing vidya is a way of life
My fat fucking clitdick, yes.
Post clitdick
Doing that will make me horny and want to cum, so no.
Why are you insisting that your enlarged clit is a cock?
I like to jerk it off like a cock, it gets hard like one too. But I am trying not to jerk off anymore.
Do it bro
If that makes me a degenerate, I don’t wanna stop being one
Also what the fuck is this new gay ass captcha system, it was already unreadable.
Your clit will never be a cock, it will always be a clit.
tdicks are real dicks, which is why all ftms should be into sph. deal with it chud
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>Jerking off
>She says as she talks about her enlarged clit
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How many times are you gonna post that pooner? At least get some good pooner memes
Here’s my favorite
Are you a clitlet anon? Sounds like a skill issue if you can’t jerk off your tdick
>sph to cope with your tiny female clitoris
Do pooners really?
>boys can queef
Made me laugh irl.
when I lived in Indonesia I'd watched an anime named Cooking Master Boy and there was this chef from hell named Shan. I 100% blame this anime for my lesbianism and subsequent transition. though it was Inuyasha that really put the final nail in the coffin
You should’ve stayed in indonesia, you pass way better when every man around you is a 5’2 manlet
i would love to learn french and japanese
as I'm half indonesian and half jewish-brazilian, I wouldn't really consider moving back there unless israel gets nuked into ashes and stops giving jews a bad name
Fucking based as shit
I hate that the Star of David is becoming the modern equivalent to a swastika. It pisses me off to no end.
You should tell G to stop giving jews a bad name
If electric cars become a thing and Israel doesn't complete it's first-worldification fast enough, they will in fact be nuked into ashes. If the prospect of arabs exercising sovereignty over the prices of the oil they extract from their own land stops having massive consequences for Western economies, there will be no reason for the USA to maintain a costly, country-sized parking lot for their military in the Middle East.
WTF bros I love electric cars now?
I’m not pro genocide, so I’m doing pretty good for my fellow jews
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i hate being ugly
why are nice fast cars so expensive
at this point i'm considering dating an older man who has nice cars just so i can drive them. it'd be easier
>Star of David is becoming the modern equivalent to a swastika
Worse. It’s the symbol of evil. They’re demons wearing human skin.

Imagine waves of immigrants arriving in your country then claiming your land because “HURR DURR THIS USED TO BE IZRAEL A BEJITALLION YEARS AGO”. Not only that but their bullshit claim has the support of the strongest countries of the world.

Israel is like a squatter coming into your home, claiming your bed, and he has the support of gangsters with rocket launchers.

Goes to show that honor & virtue are weightless in front of power.
Might makes right.
I haven't played league in a fat minute, are the new champs broken?
league itself has been broken since release. just play for fun. there are literal garen mains in challenger. your skills will pay the bills
are you still there?
> Worse. It’s the symbol of evil. They’re demons wearing human skin.
This is antisemitism, the rest of your sentiment I agree with whole heartedly though.
yo new femboygen:
is antone here a real person
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So, what the fuck are pooners, pooner anons?
Antone mightn't be but I am
youre so weird. tell me about y8urself
Could you clarify what you mean by “Antone”? Are you referring to a specific name or context, like a famous person, character, or something else? Let me know, and I can help answer your question more accurately!
you seem interesting
i like you little chatbot
They’re men
hello human:DDDD
Antone Marshall Here (Poonington, September 16th, 1926 - London, October 7th, 2004) was a British surgeon and pharmacist, commonly credited as the inventor of several female-to-male gender reassignment procedures, including phalloplasty and mastectomy.[1]
is anyone out there?
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Indeed. But I am talking to one lately and this cunt listens to aurora and reads dark romance. She doesn't even play games.
This is femcel behaviour.
I can understand where "woman"begins in mtf (basically at how they dress and what makeup they put on). But pooners don't do that. Baggy clothes are femcel behaviour, saying swear words is too.
Being harsh is not manly, anon. So what is that what they think is manly?
Does femcel behaviour make up for their lack of understanding of the masculine nature? Are they worse than man in the creation of their delusion?
Post the link anon.
please come back anon
can you be my friend please. i can be really good at conversation and i can be kikind of interesting please just comeback please
i just really need to talk to a real person. you have a sense of humor. tell mea about yourself we can be friends i think. i know you think this is weird and kind of random and i dont know you but if youll be my friend now illl do anything for you.please
Meh, people like what they like, who cares. If you want to help them out a bit, you can always try showing him some more “malebrained” hobbies and try pushing him towards them.
Take this bitch fishing and have him duo with you on Fortnite.
It's unfortunate. Hexagrams have rich symbolism outside of Judaism and didn't even originate there.
This constant fembrained v malebrained stuff kills off my fucking brain cells. It is literally the most retarded shit ever and started by transphobes and repressors to give people another reason to beat themselves up
anon u sound so desperate get a grip
can uou be my friend
Im not talking about fembrained interests (although they are).
I am talking to the approach to them.
"What is manly? Videogames! Alexa, what is the most played videogame? Oh yea, fortnite!"
Or you can see the meta irony they use to act manly. It reminds me of the "how do you do fellow kids" meme.
But we are not here to talk about how to better larp as a dude.
I am here to ask if the larping ends with the simple harshness, which, as I said, looks simply femcelian in nature.
I am constantly trying to not misgender her.
I need something to lead my brain to call her "he".
Sorry bro, didn't mean to inadvertedly bully you. You are a dude, anon, through and through. That pooner I talk to gets very upset when you start telling her that aro people are aro just because of the awful partners they had, so I know how sad it is when ftms get offended.
Agreed. It’s the most retarded shit I’ve ever encountered.
What’s even more funny are the ones that insist brain sex is real and proven (which it isn’t conclusively)
touch grass anon
please can you be my friend im usually really nornal and pleasant to be around
You're a fucking retard and I'm done giving your retarded notions of "Your brain can actually have a sex too guys" pseudoscience.
can you please talk to me anon
If that were true you wouldn't need friends so badly.
Sure. Why though?
can you be my friend then please
Drop your 'cord, i'll happily be your friend anon
thank you :D
i just want to talk to someone. how is your day!
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Anon, chill.
I am asking what makes you men, I am not here to talk about brain sex or whatever is what you are refering to.
I know that you guys get all worked up (as I said).
But the fact that you keep talking about it, even after I explocitly stated that I didn't want to talk about it and the fact that you literally had a freudian slip:
>I'm done giving your retarded notions of "Your brain can actually have a sex
Tells me more about yourself.
Which, I mean, you people are emotional creatures, but I think you specifically are too much to have a constructive discussion, so... yeah. Next time you don't even need to give me a (You)... Thanks for it, but I gotta give it back to you.
oh my god thank you it's 3032582
I can’t really say cause I don’t try super hard to seem manly or whatever. Kinda just do whatever I want and don’t rlly care about the input of others.
I think a lot of pooners miss the point of “being a man” (whatever that means). Being a man means forging your own identity and sense of self, which a lot of them I’ve noticed don’t really know how to do. They just see male archetypes and try to squeeze into them, instead of just being themselves and becoming comfortable.
Not a clue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't know you how could I decide we're friends just like that. Maybe I won't like you or you won't like me.

The way you're going about it makes it seem like something is wrong. I've had better days and worse ones so I suppose that's decent all in all you?
+ ?*
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Oke, oke. Interesting take.
But then how am I supposed to not end up misgendering her? She can forge her identity all she wants, but then how am I supposed to recognize it as manly?
Like, she can talk to me in japanese all she wants, but I only understand English...
You get the analogy?
Ah yes, trully manly music. You are so manly. Happy? Now stop giving me (You)s.
im really okay haha i just want yo talk to somebody.
just decent? what makes it so?
i feel pretty good!
Guess I'll find out eventually if you're secretly crazy. Glad you're doing good. Physical health shit being annoying, wearing me down, is what it is I'll get over being sad/frustrated by it and it might ease up; former more likely than the latter is what it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im pretty bormal actually, im sorry for not answer5ing your first statement in your oyher reply, i just like learning about people. i like most people nd i think most people find me generally avreeable. but who knows!
is it the sort of thng that can be helped?
I'm going to crash out on these fucking janny's I swear to fucking god.
Nah not really, just is, some days are better than others. Just lot of pain and nauseous as fuck today and my joints are being extra shit. I'll live.

I feel indifferent about most people, I'll talk to them and interact and be fine with/enjoy it, but I generally don't feel much connection. How agreeable? People pleasing levels? People usually like me though when they don't they hate me, which is fine chances are if they feel that way I think poorly of them too so it all works out. It's cool btw, shit sometimes gets missed in conversation, no big deal.
Sorry I didn’t catch this, actually did get off my phone after my post.
>What am I up to
Nothing too exciting, played vidya for awhile, now I’m about to throw my clothes in the wash. One of my friends ended up asking to come over so I’ll probably will have a couple drinks with him.
>Staying with grandma
What’s that like?
I think the vast majority of cis straight men would be like "oh hell yeah this is awesome" if they were magically turned into a woman. They don't feel any kind of attachment to being male. So why do FtMs feel the need to be male so hard?
I dunno, just don’t hang out with non passing pooners ig?
You could call him by the proper pronouns over text rn, but since you’re not even gonna do that, I don’t have much hope that you’d put much effort in irl.
Update: I lost. Just came, I couldn’t resist. My tdick was aching too hard.
Based, touching grass is a good thing. Just got done going on a walk
> Nothing too exciting, played vidya for awhile
What game?
> what’s that like
It’s nice, I like staying with my grandma. We stay up until like 2 am watching game shows from the 70’s and 80’s then sleep in before getting brunch at a random place. Truly living it tf up when I’m with granny o7
The next week is gonna slap
>just don’t hang out with non passing pooners ig?
That is an issue really, I have yet to meet a pooner who passes and the only person I talk to is her.
And she is slowly copying my ideas... After a couple months she started calling herself "non-binary", which I guess is because she tries to pander to the fact that I support gender fluid theory (a lot).
A couple days ago she put "she" among her other two "he/they" pronouns, but she also talked about herself as a gay man...
Yet the issue remains the same. Say, if I'd met her 1 year ago, she'd be doing T shots for at least 2 years by now... Say I have to talk to people here. I need to double check if I use the right pronouns... How do I prevent this to happen? Do you guy not have a good "point of non return" from which saying "nah, they gotta call me man now". Transfem people have it... Make up primarily.
I do text about her with her pronouns, my dear G. The issue is that you should do as you preach, you should ask for pronouns.
But you don't, you don't put enough effort into this, you don't put enough effort into defining even a single element as to what would convince me to call pooner "man".
But, to be clear, you don't need to. As you said, there is no reason for accepting an identity foreign to yourself. I just need to know what are the elements of your (plural form) identity that will be with certainty considered male.
The larp was believable at first until you started changing shit
>by now
by then*

And I have to add, she said she will continue doing shots and I don't wanna ask her about this because she doesn't wanna talk about this yet (what gender is her), so for now I try to avoid using pronouns all together, and instead focus on what should I do when she eventually decides to pick one of them.
See, I just went on discord to see if they have the pronouns yet and they deleted the "she" pronoun.
Can't really prove it to you, except they have "any" as pronouns on pronouns dot page, but I try to follow what they put on discord, which now is "he/they/neos".
A very sensible topic these days, is taking seriously your own people.
This is how you distinguish your folks from, let's say, religious sects.
>what game
Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes. I have a habit of only playing games at least a year after they come out.
>living it up with grandma
That sounds sick. I used to watch Family Fued and The Price is Right with my step grandparents all the time.
Have any go-to brunch orders, or do you mix it up?
You’re speaking in moon runes man
Based Fire Emblem enjoyer. Haven’t played it myself, but I honestly should at some point.
> go to brunch orders
The place we go to a lot has chicken fried steak and it’s $11 for a big ass steak, home fries, and eggs. Sooooo fucking good. I could eat that shit on the daily if given the chance.
Who else can't wait to play in the snow?
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I thought it was a good idea to post proof that they have "she" in their discord bio.
But, as you can see from the screenshots, they changed their pronouns.
Sorry for not being clear in those two posts.
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>The sudden realization that women have no systemization skills.
Note to my future self: hormones don't increase brain function.

And to the people who said that brain sex doesn't exist, here is a great, simple article that teaches you this topic https://neuronline.sfn.org/scientific-research/hormones-and-the-developing-brain. Hope you will enjoy the read and the transition.
>Fire Emblem
If you’re ever looking to get into it, Awakening is the best one to start with, in my opinion. I really liked Three Houses, but it has so many new things that it could fuck with your perception of older titles.
I think Awakening bridges the gap between the modern games and the retro ones really well, and is what got a lot of the zillenial fans into the series. But if you don’t play retro games, Three Houses is probably the better choice.
>Chicken fried steak
Damn, that sounds good, enjoy! I’m going on a trip to the US soon and I’m so excited for the huge American portions. I’m bulking too, so it’s going to be awesome.
Realistically, this person is just working their shit out and will figure it out eventually. They’re probably an enby of some kind and are playing around with different labels to see what fits. Pretty common for a lot of non binary people to ID as binary trans before realizing their gender (or lack there of) is a bit funky.
I’d say just use they/them if that’s easiest for ya and he doesn’t mind.
What do you do to quench the loneliness?
is it possible to diy oral minoxidil? want to prepare in case i start thinning further on t
what do you do anon?
pretty sure, hrtcafe probably has somebody who sells it
Taking finasteride or another dht blocker already?
Jerk off, it's temporary elevation
i dont even have it in me to jerk off anymore. i just hug a pillow and imagine it's a person. i did just send someone a pic to jerk off to, it relieved it for a moment but then it returned. you do anything else?
We seem to keep crossing paths. I think it'll get better with time, the feeling that is.
Talk to people long enough to remember I'd rather not be around most of them for very long.
Hate snow and winter. I just want it to be spring again already.
i go for a walk, hangout with friends, watch movies at the theater, anything like that
you abandoned me, i dont like how high and mighty you like to act whenever you recognize me. ive moved on and you need to as well. if you wanna talk again, nothing is stopping you from reaching out. otherwise you should stay away. you aren't lonely, you're deliberately putting yourself in this situation.
Anyone have any movie reccs?
for someone who wanted to go "no contact", you're very keen on singling me out and talking to me in this general. don't even pretend to be concerned so you feel absolved of your guilt
What movies do you like
office space
Fantasy and thrillers mostly, I enjoying watching most genres though.
Are you that same name anon that brought up this film last time? I had it saved in my Letterboxd and never got to watching it
This, snow stops being fun and is just shit only a few weeks into winter
i dont know, probably. you should watch it
Does Elliot still post here?
You should watch “Am I Racist?” in theaters, featuring /lgbt/‘s favorite public figure Matt Walsh. You might recognize him from the hit documentary “What Is a Woman?”
Can you just spoil the plot for me: Is he racist..?
Short answer: Yes, he's trying to gotcha and talk to all the most retarded fucking people to prove whatever point he has.
Soft and Quiet was funny as hell, but technically horror and I think it was unintentional. Tumbbad was horror+ fantasy and enjoyable, it's Indian so they fuck one bit in the middle up with a song, but otherwise good. Errementari is another fantasy/horror that was enjoyable. 2008 French version of Martyrs is good. Freaks (1932) is good too. That's all I've got off the top of my head I think.
Willy's Wonderland (2021) is a fun goofy horror movie!
Yeah once it's January I'm over all that shit and just want winter to end. Snow is nice once and then it sucks after, and being cold is too unpleasant.

+ Neither genre really but Sympathy For Mr Vengeance. If you're cool with silent movies The Phantom Carriage. Stalker was good too. Soft and Quiet is the only one of these you wouldn't need to read btw.

If you've never sat through it there's always They Live though.
Thank you! I remember I watched the American remake/version of Martyrs, not realizing the French one existed and was confused how it (American) got any praise because it was horrible. So, I'll definingly watch the OG
Lol That one was retarded. I love Nick Cage though.
Thanks again anon! I watched Stalker while tripping on nutmeg of all things, and it was quite a pleasant experience
please stop pretending i dont exist
no, its the people who are pushing dei down everyones throat who are racist
You're welcome. It's barely the same movie. The American one twisted and fucked up so much and while I laughed at it here and there it was awful, and ruined the whole story and missed the point of the original. It's sort of a shame you saw that one first because you'll have a rough idea of how some shit is, but at the same time it's so different you'll definitely be surprised. I loved the 2008 one, saw it several times even and that's rare for me to do (The only movie I can always sit through if it's on is Full Metal Jacket, which isn't the best but it always holds my attention so I love it for that.), but I barely made it through the American one and I mostly just hatewatched it. I want to complain about it and how much they changed harder, but I don't want to spoiler the original because that one is genuinely worth watching.
I'm backing off. A lapse of judgement, I was/am being hypocritical.
Never tried tripping on that surprisingly, I've considered it but heard too many bad things and never got that desperate. Stalker was great yeah, I ended up watching it after a silent movie binge because similar-ish vibes. Haven't seen much Tarkovsky though, Solaris was enjoyable enough but not as good and I didn't like The Mirror outside of it being filmed well.
please dont
You make me wanna watch it even more now. You have good taste, I'm a big Kubrick fan, Full Metal Jacket is kino as fuck.
It's temporary, just keep living your life and don't be in a state of limbo in the mean time
>lives in brazil
oh wow im so excited
stop saying that please. i know you aren't coming back
Be careful with what you wish for poonanon
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I don't expect you to take my word, given your past experiences. I'll just leave it at that
whys your foot bald but your toes have hair
What foot hair do you have
please stay
Thanks, you should definitely watch it. I consider Full Metal Jacket one of my favorite movies because it's so easy to watch but I'll die on the Dr Strangelove was the best Kubrick movie hill in spite of personal preferences in terms of watchability. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sympathy For Mr Vengeance is another favorite. Never finished the vengeance trilogy, never got around to Sympathy For Lady Vengeance but even though Oldboy gets more attention (because it's more stylish) as far as the trilogy goes Sympathy For Mr Vengeance is a much better movie. Less visually striking but the story holds up throughout whereas I thought Oldboy went to shit at the end (and not because it was shocking or whatever I don't get worked up like that but I just thought it went too dumb/elaborate and that took me out of the movie a fair bit.) More sympathetic characters too than in Oldboy.
Yeah show your own foot hair I’m curious
none but i dont have toe fur either
Live your life little poonling, this only exists in the future.
it doesnt really matter anymore
you have cute toenails
What are the scabs/marks around your ankle from?
you just wanted me so i could help get you off. im not doing that anymore, and you dispose of me. were all those orgasms worth it? you should go fuck yourself
nobody wants to hear this shit take it elsewhere you retarded drama queens
If you're both going to have this much of a personal fight here you should give us all backstory so we can maybe enjoy it properly.
Someone say poonlings?
i would rather not
i have no preference really on race or wtv :3

im currently learning japanese since its the language a lot of my fav games and music. id like to become a member of a community that helped with translations and such
Then why bother?
fun, i dunno
Doesnt seem fun, more draining and sad.
why did you encourage it you stupid nigger
if he doesn't want to sort it out privately but continue to pester me and treat me like a tardlet itt then yeah im going to be honest. im bored as fuuuuukc anyway
encourage what
Nah Aurora got nerfed to hell and they're about to bring lethal tempo back and remove mana from bisquits. Gonne be tanks for a while.
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are my arms hairy enough for you boys?
looks like you're straight up growing pubes on your arms nghhhh
I honestly thought it was just one anon having a schizo rp moment
how did you know?
See, a lot of guys think this way and I don't necessarily disagree, so long as it wasn't a permanent change. I grope my boobs and used to jerk off to myself pre-t, and it was fun. All that being said, however, it's demeaning to be treated as a woman and live your life as one if your internal identity is that of a male. I relate a lot to blackpilled incels and consider them cis pooners because of this. If it's so perfect to be a woman, many of them would simply trans max but they do not.
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i can't if thats a horny response or a disgusted response
Thanks bro
horny. ill be jorking it to this later
done with work
time to goon, smoke weed, and play minecraft for the next 12 hours
trip on G
G doesn’t work.
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im not G. I am.... anonymous...
Unfortunately I have no job, have no weed, and don’t even have my pc rn
Why even live
sex work is real work, chud
If a cis male was raised as a girl, he'd be a faggy male. You can see examples of this with sons of single mothers, either overcompensating or being gay little faggots. It's the same with poons, except they are even more female due to having brains boiled with estrogen and typically having low male socialization. So they either overcompensate by being stereotypically masculine (which looks like retardation on females) or end up being faggy little women.
To answer your question, you're not inclined to see anyone in any way, but it's rude to call them names/terms they don't like.
did someone figure your tripcode out? this simply cannot be
Sadly this is the reality rn
I’m smoking a cigarillo I found still in the pack on the side of the road rn
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How can any tranner goon without feeling immense dysphoria? I've done it a couple of times and still wish I could have done it with a dick instead.
dude... a black and mild is like 99 cents. you really gotta respect yourself more dawg
Cooming feels good, and I've always had a high libido. I disassociate from my body while gooning and project onto the male or dildo inside of the girl. I'm not jerking off to feel my genitals in my hands after all.
I’m not 21
This is better than when I was stealing half smoked cigs from a circle k ash tray in Florida like a couple weeks ago.
Is it a swisher or a backwood?
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Some gay shit called “bluntville”
Fun fact for anyone curious but fake ids that scan are like $80 usd for two copies off oldironsidesfakes
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I can't even coom anymore because I always feel like I need a dick to do that and even if my t-dick slightly resembles a real one I still get severely dysphoric.

What do pooner bros?
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I'm not thinking about my gender when I'm gooning. I'm just mindlessly staring at anime boobies for an hour or two, jerk off, play minecraft for an hour, return to booba, jerk off again, etc...
If you're talking about physically touching myself... Well... I'm going to be absolutely crucified for this but I don't really really have bottom dysphoria. I might have penis envy but I don't care that I have a pussy. I naturally had a very large clitoris pre-T. I have a dorito torso and muscles. I have a sharp jawline. I passed pre-T unless I spoke. I got mistaken for MtF then and also now. I just can't help but admit that I'm a gigaluckshit and never had many issues passing which obviously in turn means my dysphoria just isn't that bad. My tits are my main problem but they're like a deflated B/C and they'll be gone in 2 years anyway. All I have to do is bind and wear a hoodie. Any cis man that has ever fucked me was fruity. I'm not ashamed of being a trans man, I'll never get bottom surgery. Hell, I don't even feel the need to waste 300$ on a packer. I often think deeply about if I really am male or actually nonbinary, but I just am uncomfortable with saying nonbinary because.. I'm just. Not. I know I'm not nonbinary just like I know I'm not a woman. But hey, no one in public wants to see my penis anyway so why does it even matter if I have one or not? I'd never have sex with someone who didn't respect my identity, much less anyone I didn't feel comfortable disclosing my status as transgender to.
Honestly feels really good to get that off my chest, it is what it is, I am who I am. You may throw your tomatoes now. I'll be back later, see ya'll.
There’s no point though rlly, I turn 21 in November.
G, do you speak to your parents?
I'm interested in talking about this with you, I read the thread but can't really understand the issue you're trying to convey. You don't want to misgender this poon? But you still do so, so are you trying to ask where you should draw the line when trying to interpret her behavior?

pls advise.
Based desu.

I wish I had the same mindset as you do. I pass decently for a midshit and have pretty high T levels but sometimes couldn't stand looking at my body. I have awful bottom dysphoria but I'm too scared to do phallo/meta.

Not even sure if I'm heckin valid if I keep fantasizing myself as cis.
Sleep tight like a poon in a spoon
you too poonbro
Are you on T? Are you on SSRIs?
testosterone makes me feel like this
fuck yea bud

Nobody cares what some mentally ill women (ftms) have to say
I don't think I've ever orgasmed desu, I just stop when I get bored or sad, but maybe you will find it better to try doing something without directly touching your genitals, like having a pillow or blanket between your legs where your clit is to stimulate it
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I'm a man
do i really have to wait another whole year on T to see more prominent results? it could be my BDD but i feel like 1 year in i haven't changed much at all. i see people who get crazy visible changes like 8 months in and i get so fucking jealous
You're AFAB. You can be a cute breedable boi, but you can never be a man.
I'm hairy and muscular, not a woman, Tranny Hater. Now suck my clit.
No, you're a gross mutilated woman.
get pregnant
Where G at
She left forever because she got bored of trolling by pretending to think she's ftm
shes cuddled up in bed with me after I plapped her good with my strap actually
probably asleep
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good morning everynyan!!!! >w<
Good morning anon, how are you?
I was eepy
omg hihi anon, im good! thanks for asking :33 how are you?
anyone wanna have gay sex? penis inserting vagina gay sex?
are you there? please can we talk this out privately
What's going on with you man, you seem down bad lately, how come u lost ur pc?
is g mtf?
Too much to explain on 4chan tbhon.
Shits been kinda rough with my family, was homeless for a lil bit in Florida, living with my mom now. She went on a business trip so I’m at my grandmas for the week. I didn’t lose my pc or anything, it’s just not with me cause it’s at my moms place.
In my dreams
Unsure if you're referring to me, but there's nothing to talk about. Stop embarrassing yourself here and do something productive
yeah i am idiot, add my discord back, there is stuff to talk about. you dont understand
if u need homelessness advice i gotchu
Hello yes I would like uhhhhhhh one large top surgery with a side of nipple grafts please
please just this once.then never again. youre never coming back i have so many questions i just wish i had more time. i dont care if im embarrassing myself
I’m not talking to you when you are mentally unstable, I can’t help you. Stop spazzing out and try to focus your time on something else
im not spazzing out. i am mentally stable, i dont understand why youre being so condescending
I’m good now, things have smoothed over and my life isn’t as fucked as it was two weeks ago. Thank you so much though anon, I really appreciate it :)
It was really scary for a bit ngl
im calm and am capable of having a normal conversation. i just want to be able to talk in private
u got a car or wat? did u couch surf?
Not them, but respect boundaries and take no for what it is. If someone doesn't want to talk to you trying to force it isn't going to make them feel better about letting you into their space. Accept shit and move on, if you know something is over then it doesn't matter what's said anymore so let it go. I get that a lack of closure sucks and all but sometimes closure has to come from yourself and what you learn from a situation. Just saying... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Stop antagonizing them with repeated responses, you're making shit worse for them by talking at all while saying "I'm not talking to you." Instead of taking time to repeat that either stick to it or have an actual conversation. This sort of half assed measure that keeps them reaching out is shitty on your part and you'd get exactly what you wanted (no conversation with them) if you just shut up in the first place.
+ Now you can both work on not acting crazy and dramatic for no reason.
i know im sorry please
Only person you should apologize to is yourself for not reeling this shitshow in. No need to apologize to me I don't know what's going on and I don't care to know either. What I see is one person with what's likely severe abandonment issues clinging to someone who's acting like shit towards them, and another person who's pulling strings saying they don't want the attention while clearly continuing to engage for said attention while maintaining control of what's able to be said. Both behaviors are garbage, and you're both exactly the sorts of damage that feed each other's damage. Best thing both of you could do is move on and stop acting like retarded assholes in the future.
I slept on an air mattress in my friends spare room for a bit, but I didn’t have any money for food until my mom found out I was in Florida and gave me some money and brought me back home.
please dont say that about him. hes being completely reasonable. youre right im sorry
why not just do more porn for money
I'm talking about what I'm observing, don't grovel towards him through me.
im not
Not worth it, I’d rather wage slave in a ball crushing mine than go back to doing porn
You are though, have some dignity.
i know you dont want to know about any of it but he’s a really good person. it doesnt reduce my dignity to say that. you’re misunderstanding his part of the situation. im sorry ill leave it at that
i mean at least like selling feet pics or sweaty underwear to all of your simps is a pretty viable option. gotta do what you gotta do. or steal a bike and doordash. i used to be a content creator when i was 18 too and it haunts me to this day but hey if some chud wanted my old stinky binder for 200$ i'd do it in a heartbeat
How did you afford to get to Florida?
i missed the lore what happened? did ur bf kick u out?
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tfw you try to send a tranny from here a meme and hes blocked you
treat me better ftmg
I can’t lie, I sold a couple feet pics not too long ago for some extra cash, but I always feel so gross and dirty after doing that stuff now. Just feels wrong.
Boyfriend paid for me to fly on spirit, but it wasn’t cheap and I felt bad taking more of his money after he did that for me
Boyfriend lived with me and my dad, no longer live with my dad and my bf is back living with his father. His dad doesn’t like me, so he just took my bf in and kicked me to the curb after my family financially supported his son for multiple years.
You don't have to answer but can I ask why it feels bad? I know we all got our reasons, I'm just curious as someone who's doing it but not on a huge level or anything
I just feel like I’m letting my future self down every-time I do something like that. I want to have a career as a streamer, and I don’t want to be known as the slut that will sell feet pics when they’re short on cash. It leads to very unsavory people coming around me, and I just don’t tolerate it anymore.
thank you so much anon. im sorry for being difficult. thank you for being honest with me. you knocked a little bit of sense into me. i think im more at peace now. like im a little bit happy even. im sorry for blogposting but i dont think i can thank you enough. ive like finally internalized that this it really is unacceptable for me to continue on like this. im really sorry for shitting up this gen and for blogposting but thank you anon, i love you and i hope you get everything you want in life. thank you for doing this for me, im sorry again. you seem like a really good person, thank you for showing me the light. this is really melodramatic for absolutely zero reason but everything you said about me was completely right. i cant be this way anymore. i love you anon. thank you so much. thank you for all this, again. i dont think words can really translate how gratefuli am for your insight..it feels like everything is going to be okay eventually. it didnt feel like that before, thank you. i think ill be ready to embrace that this is the way things are soon. thank you again. you dont need to respond to this. please just know im grateful
>career as a streamer
That's never gonna happen
So did you break up with him?
Career as a streamer seems unlikely but I have no idea what kind of following you have/had. I've got nothing myself. Do you know what you want to be streaming?
I'm also old af with no regrets about it and being nosy
another day of r9gay crossthreading my posts just to talk shit about me. their obsession with me is kinda cute
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didnt post my text for some reason.

post your backs boys. you do exercise, right anon?
Someone can be a good person and still engage in shitty behavior and do things that aren't ok. In fact that's all good people who do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This isn't a judgment call about them as a person, but about the behavior that's being shown here.

You're welcome. I was out when I said something in the first place and just got back in (nothing interesting had to pick stuff up at the store, mostly just needed disposable gloves so I can feed my fish.) Anyway I'm glad I helped you and it's true at any rate you will get through this and be ok, and the closure doesn't have to come from having "one last conversation." It can come from you healing yourself, regardless of what happened. Thanks for letting me know. <3
have you ever posted face? The pic you posted in fashion gen was pretty cute
No, we’re still dating. Saw him just the other day.
no ive never posted mt face before.. i dont plan to either. i just like posting cute outfits :3
do you look like that tho
aaah okay, i get that
thought of posting my face on here is kinda scary

well pbv i dont look like an anime drawing.. but my hair is like that when its initially cut. its grown out a little so i need to cut it again..
>thought of posting my face on here is kinda scary
eh i did it in the thread and i didn't care at all. What are people gonna do? Be mean to me?
Yeah, show vagina bro. Will you let me do impregnation RP with ny strap?
i just dont like the idea of randos having a pic of my face saved. makes me feel weird :<

besides, ive had enough people blow up at me for "causing them to develop a parasocial relationship" with me which is so stupid but i cant be bothered dealing with shit like that
Doods I need your help understanding my pooner ex

>be me
>tranny, 3 months on E, still boymoding
>meet bi youngshit pooner megapassoid
>we talk for a 2~3 days, set up a date
>I tell him Im actually a tranny on the first date, he's chill
>date for 3 more months, all's looking good
>he comes over to sleep at my place
>netflix and chill
>he stands up and leaves without saying a word
>barely talks to me over the phone
>after a week or so of no contact he breaks up with me, no reason given

wtf is the train of thought there?
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Just choked down two cans of tuna. Mercury is going to kill me, I am sick of chicken and beans. My hips are fucking huge, common latino L
penis envy
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Come on now
Common pooner L
lol female behavior
how do i figure out if detrooning is worth it?
I understand that, especially since so many weird people browse this website, but like i said i don't care anymore, it's entertaining.
I never had that problem with internet people they are just like my regular irl friends. Guess I'm better at filtering the tards out
What’s /ftmg/ having for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
ill be having eggs and rice. what are you having?
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get pregnant get pregnant my fertile afab bois
2 chicken salad sandwiches with water yum
I’m gonna try my hand at Mille-Feuille Nabe.
nope store bought
what made you decide to?
your poon!
From where? 7-Eleven chicken and salad sandwiches are actually not that bad.
It came up on my YouTube feed awhile ago and looks easy, tasty and nutritious
the way you describe it makes it sound like you’re trying to sell it to me lol. you cook often?
If you like the taste of rotting fish, go for it!
sams club, havent had it before but i like it
I am not being endorsed by Mille-Feuille Nabe to say that. No, I’ve been trying to expand my skills, something to do really. Do you?
i had a bagel and coffee for late breakfast. will probably have rice and egg for dinner
ill have a cup of coffee and yesterday's pizza for dinner yum
fair enough. do you like it, at least? cooking that is. i like cooking sometimes.
I had country fried steak for lunch n im having chicken pot pie for dinner :0
How do you anons take your coffee?>>37368425
I’m indifferent. What kinda stuff do you like to cook?
Mmm, I haven’t had chicken pot pie is awhile, I hope you enjoy it
i do not respect ftms unless they work a male coded job
What if I'm in university
NTA, I don't enjoy cooking but I take pride in being able to make food if I want to eat it. Thankfully I'm dating a girl who likes to cook. When I live alone, I just eat easy-to-make things like boiled beans and canned tuna unless I want to eat something else.
unless its business, it, or engineering then no
iced coffee with a lil bit of vanilla creamer. warm drinks make me feel groggy

currently in school for a game design degree. so many compsci classes..
Pursuing higher education is fembrained
University population is a female dominated, yngmi
salads and soup for the most part. ill also usually cook some sort of protein and have it on tortillas, that’s nice. what about you?
My friend went to school for game design and realized she hates game design as a job
Be careful and have other options lined up. She’s 80k in debt with a degree she’s not even going to use.
well yeah it’s quite nice to be self-sufficient in that way, i.e. being able to subsist without goyslop. you ever add any seasoning?
I wish my classmates were mostly female, maybe 1 of them would be into pooners
its my third year so faar and im enjoying it so far :3 i specifically want to go into 3d modeling for props and such
usually black but i also take it with sugar and milk
Just salt for beans, I add seasoning to chicken though. Onions sauce and a small amount of sugar is the way to go.
what’s onion sauce….
NEW >>37368796
NEW >>37368796
NEW >>37368796
There's a filter that replaces onions with onions, I forgot about it when posting.
is it oyster sauce?
guess it’s not oyster sauce. wtf is it?

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