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Femgen (not to be confused with the OG /femgen/) is an inclusive general for femboys, trans girls, non binary people, etc.
QoTT: what’s your favorite brand of eyeliner to use?
i like my ysl eyeliner :D
Oooo that’s a good pick
I basically use anything I can find at 5below or that’s on sale at Ulta.
Question for the lasses (femboys) here; do you guys carry? As in concealed carry. Especially on outings to places you've never been or dates with someone you've met
i live in new york lol we can barely even own a gun let alone carry
yeah!! i got a good deal on it when buying some other ysl stuff
Eye make up is god like with it's power for transformation, IMO. It's also ironically the thing that's most acceptable for guys to wear.
Could be worse, you could be outside USA where there's ever more restrictive laws on everything.
I go with the cheap stuff at shoppers but I prefer mascara for my big long eyelashes over eyeliner
I would if I could but I can’t. I carry pepper spray where ever I go tho
What moisturizers and skincare stuff should I get? I don’t have any and I have god awful skin…
the urban decay eyeliner pen works really well
Destroy all “ftfemboys”
What part of NY? Some areas are more lenient with handing out permits. Especially with the fallout of the Bruen decision
You can carry plenty of firepower while staying compliant; 45ACP compacts like a few 1911 officer models are great to have.
Just a big screw driver and my wits
I'm done nair-ing my whole body except for my hair and face AMA
Why would you want to look more feminine?
Would you let a 5'0 dwarf polynesian tear your bussy up?
I’m already as femme as I want to be
You first Queen
Join the discord today to safeguard against further janny tyranny
i have this really good muji face soap with moisturizer that i use on days i dont wash my hair. beyond that though i honestly make due with something from roche posay or nivea.
did u burn anywhere?
im near the city/in the city lol
simply isnt happening.
For the right price I would let anyone do anything to me.
>close to NYC
What's keeping you there? Work, family, friends?
Chemical burns: No my skin is pretty tolerant to a lot of chemicals.
Burning sensation: Yes near my nipples and my no no square
i like it here, theres lots to do, i went to undergrad + grad school here, and when i start my career up ill get paid plenty to be ok here.
though i do wish i could have a gun bc i think theyre neat
ouch!! why dont u laser it off in difficult spots?
thats what im thinking of doing for body hair like my legs
How much to get hugged by a fat ugly bastard
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I’m always packing my glock 19
All valid reasons, I hope you are happy and find a good career there. Shame many states and localities have strayed from the founding ideals of the nation.
Hot and based!
The various cerave cleansers work really well and are cheap. Get something with salicylic acid if you have acne, without if you don't. use whatever moisturizer, the same brand works fine and again is cheap. for sunscreen i really like biore UV aqua rich, but honestly i ran out a while ago and its a bit expensive so i just got a cheap drugstore facial sunscreen and while it doesn't feel as good it works just fine. a lot of acne comes from water quality hardness and what your skin is used to if you move (I used to have perfect skin when I lived in a nicer city with better water, constantly broke out after moving, only cleared up with HRT), diet, hormones, and genetics, so don't fret about skincare products too much if you have acne. tretinoin works for acne but drys your skin up like hell.
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idk how to makeup

ive been using the stilla one but i often combo with random pens to do waterline
> tretinoin works for acne but drys your skin up like hell.
I’m so sad I had to stop using tret cause it triggers my eczema and I get insane burns from it ;-;
figure it out NOW!!!
femboygen is back up, this thread has a trans flag in the OP so I feel its not really aimed at femboys

Poor :(
Do you stink?
It gets taken down if we don’t have tranny shit. This is how we bypass the filter.
HOW? That shit is expensive!
I have gone down the Q10 rabbit hole. Q10 supplements and Q10 moisturizer.
you have to do it a lot and suck for a while til you get better. get a primer if you want to wear makeup out and not have it go everywhere, an eyeshadow palette (doubles as blush), eyeliner, maybe mascara, maybe contour, maybe highlight, a foam blender, a big brush for blending, and just have at it. your finger is surprisingly good at applying and blending, and i'll use the back of my hand as a palette pretty often.
Did you ease yourself into it first with lowest strength and once a week only? Did you try retinol first to get your skin used to that before upping to tret? It seems that helps a lot.
I was using .05 tret once a week and that was even too much.
Haven’t thought of trying over the counter retinols, probably should.
smdh they don't even link the /femgen/ guide in generals anymore
it just went down again so you may be right, we have to put tranny shit in the OP or else it gets deleted
I got advised to start with retinols before touching tret as it seems that it's easier to get used to even if you have your heart set on eventually going with tret. Make sure you follow instructions. Mine says to do it once a week with a certain amount (pump bottle gives fixed volumes) and then after a certain time twice a week and so on to prevent reactions and says where to use it and so on. It suggested face was safest and neck and below is done but is more prone to reactions, which I didn't know until I read that. Currently using 0.3% which is apparently a mid strength, made sense to me not to go all out. My skin feels way softer the day of and after so excited for when I can use it regularly but not going to rush it so it doesn't backfire.
chat, is this legit?
Yep, I’m a mod
thank u! i do like it here, sucks that im just back home again bc i thought i would never be living home while transitioning again. i could have just transitioned back in 2021 like i wanted to at this rate...
upside down!!
aww :( felt. laser is sadly so pricy and takes so much time. ;_; the studio i get my face done at said itll be like 12 sessions before its all gone. i cant even imagine how many itll be for legs.
im lucky i made it to 25 without getting any torso hair.
i use chanel
drugstore cosmetics aren't expensive and are also extremely easy to shoplift
do a skincare routine + use primer then foundation then concealer then bronzer or eyeshadow or blush or whatever else
there are apps you can use to match your skin tone to a makeup color
also a million and one beginner yt videos and reddit guides etc
Its unfortunate, but sadly the reality ig
I wouldn’t normally use a tranny OP for a femboy thread, but it kept the thread up.
Damn my doctor must’ve been smoking crack cause she told me to use this stuff every night before bed as well as benzoyl peroxide (which is a big no no to use together).
Thank you for this anon
>Damn my doctor must’ve been smoking crack cause she told me to use this stuff every night before bed as well as benzoyl peroxide (which is a big no no to use together).
My literal response reading this was to mutter "oh my god" out loud. You were fucking legit sabotaged. No wonder you had a reaction!
Is the laser tech going to get judgy with me if I move on to leg/arm hair once i'm finished with face?
no lol
laser techs want to get paid just as much as anyone else
I think good advice too is for that anon to try minimal and work his way up before going for some full on heavy make up to avoid looking like Krusty the clown.

>upside down!!
Oh no! All the gay will fall out!
Talk of Discord makes my skin crawl.
Might try to fly under the radar and make another femboygen with just a trans flag or something.
Part of me wonders if she did that cause she’s an old bird and I pulled up with nice skin and it made her mad
She shouldn’t be a dermatologist
Im stinky but I would shower
Laser tech like money like Naoto said. Repeat customers and happy customers paying them again is gold. They will laser whatever you pay for. Get your hobbit feet lasered too and if you pay they will say "YES SIR" and do it and be happy for the money and steady work and likely good recommendation from yourself to others.
>oily skin
>makeup pills and cakes hideously like an hour after putting it on
ughghh what am i supposed to do
I've got an essential tremor so I can't do eyeliner :(
nta, is there something wrong with benzoyl peroxide? Some of the stuff my derm has put me on is that. My face is pretty clear at this point, but my back is not so great. I have some clindomycin stuff for it, but it hasn't seemed to have worked out great.
How much does full body laser hair removal cost? I have a lot of hair…
Benzoyl peroxide is really good, but I’m someone with extremely dry skin and she was telling me to use it as a daily wash instead of an as needed spot treatment.
My doc was just cooked, you’re probably fine
$20 and a dinner date to apple bees and I'll do it.
I see. I talked about how the clindomycin wasn't really cutting it at taking care of my back, and I was advised to also get a benzoyl peroxide wash to use specifically there while exfoliating. I've also tried some of the adapalene stuff I was given for whiteheads on my face on it, but my back is really stubborn about acne sticking around there.
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i'd say for 12 sessions each, probably couple thousand.
this is why im only doing legs and minor trouble spots like hands or happy trail
She could have had a touch of mad and evil in her sadly, it seems to happen.

>She shouldn’t be a dermatologist
Honestly I've heard so much negative stuff from derms in particular across the world I wonder if there's some sort of ebay store just selling derm qualifications to everyone. It seems that it happens with everything they touch.

For hairloss they are equally bad, I've seen guys either in confusion (or later near suicidal when it fails and the condition is rapidly progressing despite the "magic beans"...) getting VERY expensive vitamin pills in misleading packaging or bottles from them to battle male pattern loss which has only one realistic solution and is a time sensitive thing too. I wish it was one off but they keep doing shit like this and I see many threads and different docs being named and shamed, not just one. Bad advice, ignorant of treatments or pitfalls, selling weird propriatary junk like the vitamins or shampoos or creams that you can get at supermarkets or things that may have real active ingredients but you can get it generic for pennies instead of the "magic blend", etc.
Wouldn't getting waxed weekly be less expensive and work better?
Just use it for where it's needed and be aware it's strong stuff it, works great if you're sensible and follow the good protocols. I just dab it when needed to stay on top of things, calm down an outbreak or help it recover fast.
probably, but i want it all gone for good
This feels like a stupid question, but is it a good idea to get multiple spots lasered at the same time? The facial sessions hurt like a bitch but I'm seeing really good results; not sure if I should ask to do arms etc. at the same time.
Might try putting some of it that I have for my face on my back due to how stubborn it's been about clearing up. My acne on my face was always stubborn in the past before I got older as well.
thanks. god bless the high priests of capital
Just checked my retionol instructions just now to be sure and it's only mid strength and retinol so not as strong as tret and it says it takes at least 4 weeks of infrequent non-sequential days (first once a week and so on) before you can try nightly use! It keeps emphasising you have to build up tolerance to it and take your time for your own skin to do that.

With the stronger forumulations obviously more caution would be needed, especially if you've got virgin skin that hasn't even experienced retinols yet.

What a bitch that derm was!
>Might try putting some of it that I have for my face on my back due to how stubborn it's been about clearing up. My acne on my face was always stubborn in the past before I got older as well.
It'll work great. It also helps if you get that problem of spots on upper arm, whiteheads, etc. Anywhere that's become "stubborn" it can break the cycle and let it heal up. Just remember if you're used to putting it on face only that it will bleach clothes it touches. I have several old t-shirts I wear for using it that are all ruined already. White t-shirts would prob be fine too of course.
It also says some minor reddness that is short lived as it builds tolerance is okay but if it gets irritated and causes discomfort for a prolonged period then taking a break before going back to it is the way to go. So basially slow and steady is best. I'm playing it safe with once a week for a good while then twice and then three, etc. No irritation so far! It's a matter of building tolerance and once you're there you've got it so better do it slow than trip up.
Goddamn she was really praying on my downfall jfc
I remember asking her to clarify how often I should be using these products and she told me to replace my daily wash with the benzoyl, my toner with clindamycin pledgets, and use the tret every night.
I don’t get why some people become derms if they don’t want to help people. Probably cause these motherfuckers see being a derm as the easiest type of doctor so they just fuck off and not care. Meanwhile they’re destroying people’s skin.
I hate that I’m not smart enough to go to college, cause I would be a killer dermatologist. Guess I gotta settle with being a good esthetician. Hoping I can get a job as a skincare specialist at a dermatologists office.
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i always keep a knoife on me

what's /femgen/'s opinion on button-up shirts?
God I wish you would shoot me with that
I'm a seamstress, I sow I make things. I also wrestle and I can put people into insane leg locks. That is the backstory of my Tripname, Thank you, Goodnight!
God I hate living in Ohio
I wish I could be hot and gay in some progressive coastalfag city and make a gorillion dollars instead of being retarded, poor and ugly
on behalf of femgen inc. we are issuing a cease and desist for trademark infringement
please remove all infringing materials using the 'femgen' name
o yea? do you reap?
move retard. ann arbor gay central of michigan is like three hours north of you
ohio isn't even that bad
All the time.
Move to Cincinnati and do sports or something :3
>hate that I’m not smart enough to go to college
You are. You just lack confidence and at most maybe you haven't developed the skill to focus and memorize things (that's just practice) if that's maybe what has made you think you're not smart or academically capable. It's a common trap. I've seen people become competent qualified nurses without being as smart as you and I've come across some dummy derms and docs who fell for nigerian prince type email scams and I'm not saying that to flatter, just people always tend to imagine they are somehow not "worthy" of something while people who don't have that inhibition or feeling that only the "best" can do something just barge in and do it anyway.

Certainly I can say without a doubt there will be people at college who will pass that you will think are dumb (if you were feeling mean enough to be judgemental lol). Nothing does better than to shatter the illusion of who is "worthy" of qualifications than meeting people in various positions of academia or government, believe me. Don't put yourself down. There's a lot of options for education these days. Grab anything you think is worthwhile or you can make pay off.
A very cute boy complimented my glasses today
Moments like this are precious. It's cool when people do that.
Dead by Day'n'nite, I toss and turn I keep stressin' my mind, mind, at at at nite.
You can rock them fem/masc/inbetween for sure. There's a lot of ways you can wear them to suit your frame and cuts you can get.
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i do indeed pull up to the function with the contraption
brothers packing the Derringer
Cute gear for cute people!
Nice hand
Currently bopping to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekm0hp4o4YQ
You sound closet gay, and annoying.
If we were in the gay closet together you wouldn't find me annoying at all, rather fun insead. Would be just like the best office parties.
do you guys post videos of you pooping on me i will pay
The dead when hear us if I were to ride you, I'd make you my bitch~ <3
Here's some legit advice.
Start small, get a foundation, setting powder and concealer.
You want the powder, foundation and concealer to be the same colour and they should all match your skin tone.
Buy a cheap brush and some moisturizer too, it's good practice to moisturize before you apply makeup.
Follow a basic makeup tutorial from Youtube for applying the makeup. There's tons of them.

Once you've got the basics of applying foundation and powder then tidying up with concealer you can look at expanding into other things like mascara, eye liner, blush, etc.
Don't try to do everything all at once, you'll just overwhelm yourself and fuck up constantly.
Well lookie look, return of femgen. Hope everyone is doing well
Kinda hot
Sequentially seems to make more sense to me, I doubt most places will be willing to double team you, if that’s what you’re asking
whatever i fit in my pocket, i think some wet n wild
also, i don't think im a women, but this dress felt really nice
Holy shit you are so cute
omg tysmmm!
I miss the old femgen man :(

QoTT: never really bothered with makeup because I prefer my natural look, whenever I used to do eyeliner I would just use a small chisel brush and black eyeshadow
Has anyone tried taking E/ralox at the same time? I don’t want boobs
yeah im on 200 ug patches, gnrh trimonthly, and 120 mg ralox daily
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Be the change you want to see itt bestie
Also I do the same thing re: liner, maybe I should get some actual liquid but I feel like this strat works just fine
Nobody is gonna give me mod to ban all the trans people unfortunately
idk I havent done makeup seriously in years, liquid eyeliner is fucking hard. I just feel like I already look good without it
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>we do it not because it is easy …
Spidey and Gee were getting pretty pissed yesterday, there could be a fem cyber warfare division soon to mod you
Oh I meant /femgen/
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No wait yeah I’m with you, one of us is stoned I can’t figure out the confusion. Anyway I got some new jeans, straight cut still feels odd to me compared to slim fit
Imagine you are a 23 year old masc retard. You will die unless you become as feminine as is physically possible for you.

What steps would you take, exactly? Like everything
Elf liquid felt tip eyeliner. It's pretty cheap and so good
that seems pretty refined, how long have you been doing it? im just doing normie e+spiro because i pay nothing for it and just kinda deciding to roll with it since the odds aren't in my favor for big boobs anyway.
I wear skinny jeans everywhere, I like the grip a lot
7 years? Im 21 now so it must be 7. Mono blockers ~4 months, followed by that + estrogen for about a year, followed by adding ralox for the remaining ~6. 120 ralox erased almost all of my breast tissue. I sometimes drop down to 60 ralox depending on my clotting factors. 120 probably isnt healthy but I dont want any tits at all.
>Im 21 now so it must be 7.

Where do you get your ralox?
Even with all that I'm still mid af desu

>Where do you get your ralox
Im 100% legit, everything is prescribed by a private endo, even get the cost covered bc of my bone issues
Oh, dang. I guess I’ll see if hrtgen knows where to get ralox
I've seen it on cafe but its def rarer than most other meds
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Obligatory disclaimer: just my personal onions, nobody has the one size answers
Obligatory disclaimer: bonepill, YMMV
1. Muscle and fat distribution: Ignoring the thorny subject of HRT, being slim is the easiest way to be femme, cardio and body weight (callisthenics, climbing) is your friend. Weighted squats are popular for thigh and ass development. Eat well whatever that means for your body, no obviously unhealthy stuff
1. Cosmetics: Skincare is important, especially for medium term: retinol, SPF, and cleansing are core, with other stuff for specific issues. Take care of your head hair, and get rid of body hair. For me laser>waxing>plucking>shaving, but these all serve different purposes to some extent
3. Aesthetics: makeup is optional, and your clothing cuts can make a big difference. Fully online femboy is the most hyperfemme but also not really practical, but there are more androgynous styles you can find based on your preferences and rules or thumb (baggy jumpers and trousers is one look).
I hate long posts, got carried away -_-
oh damn, glad it seems to be working out. i just go through an ic clinic and the doctor seems fairly knowledgeable and flexible but didn't seem to know about ralox, would probably just recommend keyhole surgery which i kinda don't want because i like the puffy chest look. also don't want the risk of losing nipple sensitivity lol
NZ med system is actually really nice, I've fully disclosed I'm male to my endo and the reason I want hormones and ralox, and they're completely fine with it. Its almost weird desu, would expect a little more gatekeeping
my mom sells Mary Kay cosmetics so I'm locked into her brand loyalty. At least I get a family discount
sounds nice, i would like to see an endo but in a shitty US red state i'm not sure if there are even any that would take trans patients to begin with let alone one with non-standard goals. informed consent is nice even if it usually leads to you getting prescribed by someone who only knows the very basics. i really did not want to have to be on record as seeking a gender-related diagnosis or have that stuff done through the big hospital systems that i get all my regular care through.
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So um, do you all do programming or anything? :3
No I’m stupid so I work a regular wagie
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Something like that.
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Nah G I study chem
Don’t do it, pick any other major
Physicschads represent
starting postgrad next year and have been loving it
damn, where can I read more about this? you keep all the stuff from femisation except tits? Also, I didnt get your 7 year cycle.
idk I didnt get tits but im on a huge amount, there is barely any information about ralox for breast reduction, your best bet is prolly bodybuilder forms desu. My cycle is, 7 years grnh agonists, 6.5 years estrogen, 5.5 ralox.
Are you ok with posting pics? I'm interested in seeing how someone who's been on a regimen like this looks long term.
same, super interested as well.
_._._._.v._._._._ on disc
I also want to see what an uberyoungshit looks like
Ah shit let me log into the discord account I never use
God will praise you in heaven for your holy work
I machine parts for nasa and nuclear reactors
Machine me a FA sear please
protip: placethe palm of your hand on your face when appying eyeliner
like right in the middle
whats in the bottles brother? chemicals homework? spices? drugs??
wear high heels
needs more belts
i love belts u can really get them tight and secure
>Coenzyme q10 mentioned
Coqers rise
The real question is should it be in oil or is powder acceptable? Best forms?
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I wish I didn’t have flat feet so I could :<
Ngl I took a pair of my moms the other day and tried to walk around in them before falling flat on my face in the kitchen.
Mystery meat
You may have to start with a very low heel to get used to it and work you way up very slowly. I know a woman who has the opposite problem, she wore heels so much she gets pain with flat shoes.
not sure if the straps ruin them
Start with kitten heels. Find your footing (heh) and try doing back and forth laps in a hallway or somewhere you can grab onto a wall or other object for stability in case you start feeling like you might fall. Wedge pumps are nice too
Succulent mystery meat no doubt
Super andro
how do you get good results? it always comes out patchy and im not sure what to do
I have a pair of super short heels I wore to prom, but idk where they’re at. They’re super cute though, I wanna try n find em.
> succulent mystery meat
This made me giggle more than it should’ve
That’s the goal o7
no glasses though...
i mean i was in this position 3 years ago and held off on hrt til i decided enough was enough. but beyond that i lost weight and started buying cute womens clothes, makeup, learning better haircare(even tho mine is still damaged...) and just taking better care of myself to get away from that former softboy shell i was trapped in
I just get the basic ones I see in the store for €7
I got my arms and My legs.
Thank the Netherlands for limiting me
Sometimes I rock the no glasses look :P
Though I sacrifice being able to see for a little bit of drip
Are your retinas fucked up like mine where contacts aren't an option?
I could get contacts, but they scare the fuck outta me after seeing my dad lose one in his eye as a kid.
ralox and the other serms work for some people but others still get tits, it seems for the best chances of staying flat you would have to take it instead of E alongside an anti-androgen and it wouldn't be as good for overall feminization like fat redistribution

hmm i have a bottle i got recently that i haven't opened, any suggestions?
Get daily disposable ones. They are perfect for people who only want them sometimes. They don't need the same level of care and the disposables are very soft. Almost all the risks and worries with contacts go with disposables. If your prescription is compatible it's worth it.

I'm thinking of getting the laser thing done one day if I can afford it. It's getting better and cheaper over time.
>hmm i have a bottle i got recently that i haven't opened, any suggestions?
I can't really give much in suggestions other than suck it and see. I've been trying it in the hopes it works but it'll take time before I can make a judgement. I recently got oil based capsules as well as pills lol.
nta, but from my research I've heard that ralox needs to be taken alongside some E because ralox doesn't actually replace the effects of E in the body besides latching on at specific areas, namely the breasts. However, you need to use it with an AA and likely on the lower side of E doses because at higher or mono doses, the E is too much for the ralox to handle. Also, the AA needs to not be bica because ralox will actually increase T, and because of the way bica works, the increased blood T will cause too much of it to be converted to E and cause breast growth anyways.

I considered taking ralox myself because I was thinking I didn't want breasts, but I realized that the main reason I was trying to avoid them was just for stealth purposes due to my family, and I also decided to do mono because I can't really get blood tests done and I want to be safe in case of the rare liver toxicity seen in some AAs.
Final fantasy character
I want to experience the limit break
felt, though i dont feel complete without big dorky glasses and feel they make everyone hotter
I might get lasik if it gets cheap enough just to fix my astigmatism so I can enjoy cheaper red dots
What if you are already a big dork?

I've seen some offers from opticians that were about 1500 per eye now for the top end treatment and 500 for the budget. It's not dirt cheap, but it's at least reasonable for most people to save up to.
new femboy general is up. shitstain janny will never win.

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Might look into that, there’s a lot of days I don’t feel like wearing my glasses. So dailies might be the way to go. My prescription isn’t crazy or anything either since I just have minor astigmatism.
Real, big dorky glasses gang rise up
deleted again, someone reup
Just chill with femgen, it’s worked so far.
There is nothing wrong with exercising your rights as an American. In fact, it is encouraged. If you are of age, with the funds, and ability (physical, mental, and legal) to own firearms; do so.
ALSO: Femmes with guns are hot!
I take the gelcaps bc im a neet and my mom buys them for me <3
How many mg a day? I do just like 200 is that too low
Can you Q10 pill me rq, I looked it up after seeing it mentioned, but does it really help with skin?
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i dont actually need mine though :P
i have a new pair ive been into getting as a switchup but as of rn im happy with the ones ive got
big autistic dork since 1998...
femboys are mostly not trans and dont want to be mashed together with another group. If you want femgen to work, you need to at the very least keep the trans flag out of the OP
i mean, femboygen was moved to /b/ or deleted multiple times. this one stuck around so i guess just play with the tranny jannys wishes
I heard of someone on fit talking about someoen that had great results for heart health on q10 as he had harmed his bloodwork a lot with PEDs but Q10 turned it around to almost normal. I know we focus on cosmetic a lot on this board but that impressed me.
I explained at the beginning that I did that to avoid having the thread nuked, and clearly it worked.
I’m not happy about lumping femboys and trans girls together either, but getting this huffy about it just makes you seem like a priss.
We do what we gotta do to stick around.
would that be taking it orally instead of topically? most topical stuff wouldn't really get into the blood that well. never heard of q10 but I'm curious now
Orally, yeah. I hear oil based absorbs better, but I couldn't swear if this is hearsay or not or if it's just a matter of eating something fatty with it would work too like with many medicines and vitamins.
yeah my mom got really bad muscle cramps and weakness from taking statins and other meds for years and coq10 really helped reverse a lot of that, that's where i first heard of it
It seems to be one of those wonder things like low dose cialis has a lot of benefits outside of hard willies.
The few papers about it for skin and metabolism look pretty promising. Maybe once I'm retinal adapted I'll look into it and see what the deal is in bongland for getting it
Nivea do a nice anti aging q10 hand cream with uv fitlers in it that's cheap on ebay uk. I am using it on my face and it seems to feel good. It goes a long way with just a little. It also would probably combine well with the retinol use with those added uv filters.

I also got some q10 pills on there too. The UKhealthhouse ones that are capsules with sunflower oil. They also do the powder type. They seem to be best value when you buy at the mid range bulk of a bag of 120 or so to get that discount.

Also got some of the vitabiotic q10 pills. Expensive and super fancy packaging makes me wonder if that's where all the cost goes, but thought I'd see what they're like. Those are the dry, non-oil tablets.
Join the discord today to safeguard against further janny tyranny
damn you're going all in on this stuff. I'll check out the oral stuff, thankd q10 salesman anon
I thought in for a penny, in for a pound. If I want to see if it really does something may as well max on it. I'd say so far I've felt generally good on it.

>thanks q10 salesman anon
LOL I really feel like that now. But do get just whatever's cheap at the time (because my q10 factory monopoly supplies everyone anyway MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
since when is femgen a thing again? is ghost still around?
Since femboy general isn’t allowed anymore, we’ve had to improvise, adapt, OVERCOME!!!
wait fbg isnt allowed anymore? what happened? i could have sworn i saw one on friday
New mod keeps taking down every gen we make within a few minutes of it being posted or it gets moved to /b/
One anon even caught a ban after posting in the femboygen I made out of protest. Decided to make /femgen/ and include trannies to avoid being completely kicked off the board. Seems most of the girls have noticed this is primarily for femboys and have stayed out.
damn, thats kinda retarded. i wonder what their reasoning is, "gnc people" or whatever have been in lgbt communities ever since moderntimes, right?
They’re claiming that femboys are “off topic” which is complete nonsense
Chances are the mod is a bitterhon that hates being mogged by the posters ITT
hmm, thats weird. ima just hope for the best, maybe one day theyll see their error :))

anyways can u like... motivate me to go to the gym :( its late and i dont wanna but i have to
not only does it get moved to /b/ but then it gets deleted because the /b/ mods don't want it either lol




Go to the gym ya stinky
Gains 4 days, can’t get hoes without pumping some iron
Yep. And it gets raided by /b/tards sperging over the fact this thread isn’t on /lgbt/ and telling us to go back here when we quite literally can’t.
bit agressive but thank you!

i do a 2 days working out/one day rest schedule

yesterday was rest day, my girlfriend (mtf) and i (femboy) went to her place, she made me smoke weed

i kinda really wana break up with her, since she effectively forced me into an open relationship, but breaking up not irl is cruel and i cant break up at her place

and tips on how to conquer that?

ill b off to the gym now so ill check the thread if it still exists in like 2-3 h
take her to a park and break up with her there. don’t let ppl drag u into relationship types u don’t feel comfy with
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The bottle.
Good idea. At the time I just felt that that was preferable to no relationship as she said "either this or nothing" and didn't feel like losing a friend. I was just coming out of anothrr miserable relationship. Kinda a bad habit of mine, break up bcus I'm miserable, find someone whos arms I can cry in, they Wana be in a relationship, I cant say no, rinse and repeat
I’m 6ft tall and have massive wide feet so I can’t really
She sounds like a total hussy
I’m poly and my bf and I have a (kinda) open relationship, but I never forced him to do it and always make sure he’s happy and comfortable.
People like your gf give poly people such a bad rap, I’m sorry she’s put you through this :(
Yeah you can't force people into that kind of set up. It's not fair and if someone does that to you uniltaterally it's a huge red flag. If they won't back down you need to back out the relationship. Just break up in neutral ground where you can vamoose. Don't do it where she can trash your stuff in your home or scream at you in your car. Somewhere public but also where you won't care if she makes a scene. If you've given someone all the chances to change and you've communicated your feelings on this it's a done deal.
At least you're not dry sooping your preworkout.

Sometimes you can have an amicable break up and be friends after, it's hard to do though if things flare up for tempers. You'll know best how to navigate it. Make sure your intentions are clear though and you get what you want. Don't cave in and stay in the relationship if it makes you miserable.

>i mean i was in this position 3 years ago
Are you 26 now? Did it work out for you? I feel like I'm too old already. That I wasted my time and ruined my body.
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did a thing btw, im a cd/drag if you dont know yadda yadda
Hot as fuck
Step on me with those boots?

unironically had someone at con asking the same thing lmao
hello flembobs
Amazing outfit and cool photo too.
back from gym, hows the technique
(i just need to film myself and post my workout stuff somewhere, as my technique is way better and i can push myself way further when i record)
the shitty compression is necessary so i dont dox myself
Clearly they have good taste
Amazing thighs, ugh
Good job. NIce control on the lockout there too. No slamming the knees down. Looked like you had total control of the weight the whole time.
the thighs are from lifting HEAVY + cycling everywhere since your surroundings allow it, public transport being shit and not liking to drive [faggot] + having been fat till like 2021
What's your workout routine? You have incredible thighs
>having been fat till like 2021
How fat were you and how old were you when you lose the weight? If you don't mind me asking
My fav gym gore videos are when people's legs go backwards on leg press machines and they fold like a paper cup
Just rando chemicals I made, quite a few coordination compounds. Some coffee grounds on the left bc of a paper I was writing on the effectiveness of different solvents on column chromatography caffeine extraction
my highest was abt 97 kg at 175 cm. grew to 182 and lost to 63. am bulking rn, at 70.

i lost the weight by being at home all the time, having a growth spurt and the habit change of the pandemic also changed my eating habits. loosing weight is all changing habits.

i was abt 18.

honestly, really basic. i work out 2 days and then have a rest day. both days r the same:
6x8-12 hip thrust (at 2x bw, improving technique rn)
6x8-12 abductor machine (at max, 1.15x bw, machine doesnt go higher :///)
6x8-12 leg press (working to 2x bw rn, at like 1.75 rn)
6x8-12 ab machine (working to 1x bw rn at 3/4ths with good technique)
6x8-12 back machine (working to 1x bw rn at 3/4ths with good technique)

but but but but but

i hate those and am like rly scared, thats why im extra careful with not locking out.
Good job, those are some serious gains
i need to work on my eating habits myself tho.
cus like
today i had like.. a big portion of veggie pad thai, bunch of chocolate and some pretzel sticks
and im p sure thats not that healthy
does anyone know how to improve in that regard?

>since she effectively forced me into an open relationship
Just break up with her. People who do this are scum and don't respect you as a person.
You've got discipline in the gym to stick to that and figure out good routines and technique. You know fine well you just need to sort macros and choose good clean food sources. You just need the kick up the backside to get you going doing what you know you should already in your heart. :)

Figure out macros and calorie goals for your needs. Keep in mind you need your micros (vitamins and minerals, fibre too) so include variety for that. Choose your protein sources, build several meal options and plans around that. You'll have this in the bag no problem as soon as you put your mind to it.

You can, ahem, borrow various body building cookbook pdfs for ideas too if need be.
I fucking hate being skinny I’m going to ruin my credit score buying protein powder butter and breaded meat just to get close to looking like you
i struggle withs staying skinny. i ate 450kcal worth of chocolate today. changing habits is hard but i believe in you.
You don't need to buy special protein powder or body builder protein. The protein you get from fish, dairy, meats, etc. will all work too.
People hate on diet foods but for some people who really really love snacks and processed foods and can't do without they are useful. Have low calorie treats and you won't be eating high calorie ones. Not everyone can live like a hermit monk on plain boiled rice alone.
I got diabetes gaining weight from sugar or corn syrup is not possible
Yeah canned salmon with mayo on bread is pretty good I’ll go have some right now
all i can say is that anything is fine as long as you balance it
bro ofc it is (also we dont rly have corn syrup in europe), its just calories in/calories out
One of the cheapest sources of protein per gram at the lowest calorie from foods is tuna and non-fat greek yoghurt or skyr. These are incredibly filling too. If you manage to eat 450 to 500g pot of non-fat greek yoghurt or skyr and still feel immediately hungry you'd have one hell of an appetite. The high protein gives you you what you're looking for but it being lean and filling will keep you full for a long time to reduce snacking risks.
Fasting and OMAD helped my insulin tolerance a lot when I was heading into diabetes too (the common "pre-diabetic" stage). If you're not too far gone it could be possible to help your degree of diabetes.
Type 1 since I was 4 alway had a bmi around 16
just recently figured out insulin rations for protein & fat which my many Endocinologysts over the years neglected to tell me
they just said “yeah sometime blood sugars spike when you eat a lot of fat or protein ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
magerquark is goated if you can get that at a cheap price.
1.35€ for 500g.
per 100g:
67 kcal
12g protein

(1g protein is 4kcal so the calories 71% protein.
for ref chickenbreast is 165kcal per 100g, 31 g of protein, so 75% protein per calorie, and one of the best sources of protein out there. as such magerquark is insanely cheap for its macros. just tastes of ass.)
Damn. People keep getting effed over by docs. Sounds like you were heading towards it no matter what you ate and came down to management. At least these days it is something you can treat and manage.
It's good stuff too! Usually just call it quark or low/non-fat quark in English speaking zones. I like the slight hint of cheesiness. I've used it to make protein pancakes before. I got terrible food poisoning from it thanks to the store's mishandling of it and took a break from it though as kept thinking about the poisoning feeling lol
go to bed faggot.
i usually use artificial sweetener (sucralose + cyclamate) and cinnamon to make it edible
Wait until your parents get sick old and you see what they do to people in hospice
They kill them with morphine to make more space
Or just move in flu and covid patients into the homes full of the people most vulnerable to those diseases for no apparent reason at all...
And don’t get retarded on me this is all because of late stage capitalism
Saves paying out pensions and clears out the useless eaters.
do you use fake tits?

skinny boys are the most 15/10 gorgeously attractive guys there are wtf are you talking about
any1 know how to get rid of square asses?
>skinny boys are the most 15/10 gorgeously attractive guys
i completely agree. i tried to be skinny my entire life but never managed to, so i just got muscles.
Once you go below 15.9 bmi you get bony butt it’s like hank hill butt except it hurts to sit down
Get them in a good private care home if you can and do care at home for late stage if it comes to that (doesn't for everyone). Care homes want people there as they don't make money from empty rooms. You want to make sure you've got nice staff though and not one filled with minimum wage, minimum effort, abusive types. Good places exist.
If you go on body builder sites in particular they have the breakdown of all the muscles that make up the glutes and how to do training for certain regions as their whole thing is aesthetics. You want to pick the ones that will get the shape you desire to get that 3D shape. Just don't compare yourself to some BBL tiktok taloned wench.
Oh my folks are young my dad just has a lot of older siblings
Goodnight, lasses! Remember: always care about and love yourself
Step on me pls

I want a femboy to stomp my skull in
Is that weird
then do glute exercises. Hit those squatz, dont ruin the rest of that angelic figure
What are the best butt and thigh exercises that you can do at home? I have dumbbells and a bench but nothing else
I want gainsssss I want Leo’s legs
How do you stop comparing yourself to others
Practice Buddhism listen to Alan Watts and Ram Dass
whens the swap. cus id love yours.
We gotta find the freakiest Korean plastic surgeon to get it done but it can be done just Google arm donor if you’re curious
I pulled the most devious of ruses, I WAS NEVER A FEMBOY. I AM A TWUNK MWAHAHAHAHAHA
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usually one of these two. the p365 has a different grip and red dot on it now.
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I'm not a femboy. I'm not even a twink. I'm a fat ugly bastard and there's nothing you can do about it. Any of these "femboy" posts could be mine, and you'd never know.
And y’all give me shit for name fagging
based, I'm in love with my p365 and have an in waistband holster for cc and everything but I'm still not in the habit
p365 is tiny, i use it with a raven vanguard holster and it disappears into so many fits.
oh thanks I've never even heard of that it and it looks baller, physical comfort and a slightly awkward draw are the biggest reasons I haven't used my current much bulkier one more
Ram dat ass more like.
There's something about chromed guns that looks so beautiful to me, even if I can see the value in something less shiny and attention grabbing.
>I want gainsssss I want Leo’s legs
Wrapped around you. Eat and work hard and you can mog us all.
6 sets each? Damn that’s a lot
You want those legs tho
You literally never bother people or troll though? Who the fuck would have a problem with you?
the ones who do it for free
@femboys where do I find you? I want a genuine relationship, albeit secret
>genuine relationship
>albeit secret
Terrible bait.
>Captcha: Panty P
If you're ashamed to be seen with someone then you can't be their friend or lover. I don't care if others thing they are fat, ugly or don't conform to whatever. If you actually love someone platonically or romantically you shouldn't be ashamed of them or to be around them.
should I get a femboy bf to live vicariously through
I want to get really thin, like 6ft 135lbs. Problem is I can't seem to get below 155. What do you do in this situation?
thats not too thin, just eat less
Idk you often see anons bitching about namefags when we and G get chatting also MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME IS HERE!!! I’m so happy <3
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Idk what that is but it’s sick
I'm not particularly fem, but I'd like to get rid of hair on my body in the easiest way possible and I'd like to lotion my body more.
Any tips?
I have never presented as anything but male my whole life and at this point I might as well not
I used to really want this, due to porn or something else idk
But now that I have transitioned it all feels utterly fake
No dysphoria is obvious enough to notice but then again I feel all of these desires have always been fake
I am not sure. I need to keep looking i guess
I was supposed to be well on my way to changing legal docs but I dont care enough I guess right?
Im deeply hurt by these revelations about myself. Idk what to do with it anymore.
I feel nb coping wouldnt be half a bad idea but i am not sure about that either.
I feel that cutting ties with anything and anyone queer related might help me clear my mind.
I am deeply sorry for lying to people, but I was lying to myself as well. I cannot live like this anymore but i also dont know how to live. Ill keep taking hormones for the forseeable future and see if I can fix mylife anyway.
If god is just somehow someway I wont have to abandon everything. But then again...dying doesnt sound so bad these days.
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Bump. According to my apparatus, it’s possible that non-fringe hair length presently exceeds 6 inches, ahead of estimated 0.5 inch per month modelling. Momentous
Laser: most expensive (four figures), slower, more painful, nearly permanent
Epilation: cheap one off purchase, slower, most painful, repeat applications will cause permanent reductions
Plucking: cheapest, slowest, less painful, repeat applications will cause permanent reductions
Waxing: expensive, fastest, quite painful, less permanence than above but slower regrowth than below
Hair removal creams: expensive, slower, least painful, slower re growth than shaving but zero permanence
Shaving: moderate price, slow, potential for pain, fastest regrowth and zero permanence
is that hanfu
Thanks for the writeup. I've been thinking about laser but I'm worried about commiting to such a thing. The first thing to do would be to remove facial hair and hair in ugly places like hands/arms.
I think I'm just gonna use a machine to buzz down my body hair and then just use hair removal cream maybe.
I buzz down and pluck when I’m listening to a podcast or music or something, but I should probably get an epilator bc plucking is quite Sisyphean. Hair removal cream was terrible for me but it seems like there’s a huge about of variability
:3 every1 so kind I love femboys
it’s costume of Xie Lian from Tain Guan Ci Fu
Most chrome looking guns are actually nickel plated or stainless.
nice star wars cosplay
Teach me about dominant femboys. What do they like?
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i find the easiest way to tolerate cold showers, as with many things in life, is to pretend to be an android
>just ignore the danger pop ups, it only takes a minute or two to auto adjust adipose heat production and recalibrate the nerves
I think the problem is that you get presented a binary as the "solution" by both the mainstream and by many of the egg cracking advocates who think a signle path and single endpoint is for everyone when in reality there should be many paths and many endpoints of comfort for different desires and you should do what suits you and your goals.

Remember that all our labels for sexuality are just fabricated to suit a culture of the moment and people a thousand or two thousand years ago had completely different ideas for each culture too.
I tried the cold showers thing and just felt like I was bullying myself and gave up lol
>cold showers
I feel like theres easier ways to be masochistic. If i ever want something like that ill just belt myself in the balls
i am 26 now yeah. idk if id say it worked out but a year into hrt i do feel better + more motivated to be fem out in public but not as much near my family.
id say 23 is still young tho so if u wanna dress up femme and do workouts + remove yr body / facial hair, id say go for it
My gf is teaching me and we only got into just blushes and lipsticks because she knows I boymode, after that where should I keep going?
nice, femboy princess leia
Mascara, eyeliner, lip liner, lip gloss the list goes on and on and on
new thread


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