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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>QOTT 1: What is the most awkward situation you have ever been in?
>QOTT 2: What is the oddest way you have accidentally hurt yourself?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previous thread >>37334448
Need to pass the feet verification?
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Had this girl at work who said lesbian sex in porn is really unrealistic and would be painful for most people. I didn’t ask her to elaborate because I don’t want a sexual harassment incident, but now I’m curious, what things is she referring to?
probably the rough strap on stuff
consensual sex with women vs non consensual sex with women
which one yall fuckin with
>/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians
>it's actually just transbians
t4ting each other too, the horror
Non con but I'm the victim
Cis women are so uch higher on the totem pole than transgenders that it's actually a bit funny. In any trans space any bio female can instantly win any argument against any transgender simply by saying "I'm a cis female/real female therefore i look better than you kys". This applies to every bio female and every trans in existence, regardless of any individual traits.
Non con and I'm the perpetrator.
With my penis.
In her vagina.
masturbate before posting holy shit
Masturbate? idgi. This isn't a sexual post....I'm just saying even in trans communities every single cisgender woman is considered superior to every single transgender 100% of the time. Like in the caste system there's a gigantic powergap.
con noncon
see i'm somewhat of a centrist
>she still going at it
literally didn't asked to be part of your fetish
I miss lago :(
I genuinely have no idea what this has to do with. fetish. I'm just commenting on interactions ive seen here and on discord.
>4chan and discord
Ah yes the place where all normal people and truthers reside

Are you fucking autistic
shes typing that with a hitachi between her legs, don't bother
Sis, idk wtf you're going on about, but it's fucking hysterical, so please keep at it lmfao
This reminds me of a fic about a terf kidnapping a tranny and doing some transphobic bdsm with her. Funny stuff
I need a vibrator tbdesu, maybe I should join her
thinking about how i will never have lesbian PV sex
sob sob
install hinge and put in your bio that you're trans and wants to top? lazy ass
i feel like putting you want to top makes you come across as a rapehon
welcome back lagofat
>you come across as a rapehon
bit late for that, no? also eh who cares the rapehon thing is just lookism, and you're not ugly no one gives a fuck if a pretty tranny wants to fuck pussy
being a pretty rapehon is kinda like being griffith from berserk
bruh im like the exact oppsoite of that, I have severe GD. Anti trans stuff worries me
i'm normie-passing irl i just let out all my freak behavior on 4chan
>and you're not ugly no one gives a fuck if a pretty tranny wants to fuck pussy
ummmmm based????
if someone here says masturbate before posting that usually means they found your post sexually arousing
ah dang that's suifuel
consensually raping cute girls with my penis
consensual sex but i cry midway though and she keeps going
that would make you an honest person. honestly trying to date cis lesbians and trying to convince them to piv midway through the relationship is rapier
shut the fuck up retard
I wish I had toys to use on myself. Can’t be depressed if you are fucking yourself so hard
i mean, you are by definition a rapehon. being honest about it would make you a good rapehon. trying to trick normal lesbians into dating you and midway though the relationship once they are already in love with you being like "heyyy, i know you dont like doing this but can i PLEASE put my penis inside you?" is kinda weird. they might find themselves obligated to do this to please you like how old housewives force themselves to have sex with their husbands even when they dont want to, basically raping themselves. just something to think about
please go outside
>heyyy, i know you dont like doing this
>they might find themselves obligated to do this to please you like how old housewives force themselves to have sex with their husbands even when they dont want to, basically raping themselves.
you are so fucking retarded it's unreal. actually kill yourself
all im saying is that honesty is good policy. you not wanting to add that youre a top bcuz it makes you come across as a rapehon is disengenuous, because you ARE a rapehon. you USE your penis. and you should just own it! you be proud of being a rapehon instead of being disengenuous about who you are as a person. and if anyone ask you about it, just say "yea, im a trans woman, and i like fucking real women with my penis. SO WHAT?? who is it hurting????"
>communicating you want to try new things is le bad
i'm not a top lol
>real women
mask off moment
also lmaoing @ anon's take that cis women are so retarded and lack agency to such a degree that they need le heckin protector to prevent them from RAPING THEMSELVES because it's not like they have the maturity or mental capacity to consent to things that they like and say no to things that they don't like....
lost the charger to the off brand temu heetoechee vibrator. does it rly save so much money to not make it usb c? frickin china im trying to vibrate my flat cage I also bought from temu until I can achieve a weird cum
im trying to help you. being open about wanting to top cis women on hinge will help you get tons of straight women lining through to fuck you and get a baby fathered by you
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please kill yourself immediately, ty
How long would you be willing to go off hrt to impregnate someone? 3 months?
i just dont understand what you want...
depending on your meds, you don't even necessarily have to go off it
i want trolls to try harder instead of being so low effort
serbians feed their pipers
ok but what if you get a lesbian gf and when you try to convince her to let you top her she feels threatened and scared?
I should buy a vibrator and more plushies. Maybe a dildo or 2.
>What is the most awkward situation you have ever been in?
this guy on grindr offered me large sum of money if he and his boyfriend could fake kidnap me and i said no, then he showed up at my workplace
>What is the oddest way you have accidentally hurt yourself?
i got my tongue piercing caught in a bottle trying to funny and almost tore it out

im going to a queer rave on friday but idk what to wear :(((
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are you so retarded that you really have to ask that question, anon? or are you just asking it in bad faith? hmmmmmmmmmmm i really wonder which it could be.....
in the first place, i wouldn't be interested in dating someone who was terrified of my genitals, considering that seems like a recipe for disaster, and not very likely to lead to a healthy relationship
everyone stop responding to them and post tummy now
ok so why not be open about the fact that you use your genitals, especially on cis women? why hide that aspect of yourself?
Reminder that you could go off hrt for a year and still have absolutely no usable sperm for banking. Are you really mentally prepared for 1 year of male T levels permeating throughout your entire body and mind? Affecting, permanently, your entire being in every aspect. I've seen transwomen with cis gfs being convinced to go off hrt because they want kids. It's not a pretty sight and frankly I don't think 99% of you could survive this unscathed. I'm serious there was an old head passoid trip from way back in the day (from /b/) who posted herself and her gf. She looked so fucking rough. This was someone who was post ffs, post laser/electro. They looked fucking crazy. Imagine being a passoid and then your cis gf convinces you to be a hon and then leaves you because you made yourself ugly and weird as fuck. Then you're alone, no kid, no wife and you're now a turbo hon with fused bones, a nice fat dropped adams apple with permanently lower voice and a bunch of new hairs for you to pay to remove. Oh did I mention the follicles on your head will be shocked into shedding because of the testosterone floodig your system causing them to grow back weaker (permanently). Just something concrete to think about while you're busy with your sexual fantasy. When reality hits you I hope you are prepared to lie in that bed you've made for yourself.
>i want trolls to try harder instead of being so low effort
guess I'll have to step up my game to crack this nut
>especially on cis women
erm...? what? where has that especially come from? have you been making up fanfic about me, anon?
riiiiiiiiight, i forgot you're supposed to tell prospective partners literally every single thing about yourself before you even meet. fucking delusional. why is everyone here so mentally ill?
holy wall of text. learn how to use line breaks, anon
>erm...? what? where has that especially come from? have you been making up fanfic about me, anon?
youre known as the piv impregnation person bro. its your whole thing. dont pretend you arent thirtsy for cumming deep into some puss, i bet you go to sleep fantasizing about it
>riiiiiiiiight, i forgot you're supposed to tell prospective partners literally every single thing about yourself before you even meet
only the important stuff, and im pretty sure "i want to put my genitals inside you" is a pretty big dealbreaker
oh you mean like on reddit? yeah reading is rly hard anyways you will permanently ruin your body and self on behalf of a cis woman who will just leave you for a moid anyways ahem anyways
if you're dating a tranny, you should probably be prepared to deal with tranny genitals. shocking idea, i know
LMFAO paragraphs are not reddit spacing. reddit spacing is when people double line break for no reason, because reddit eats single line breaks
Looks like this gen is even worse than usual
>be me
>hate men

how do I cure myself? how do I become a lesbian? enlighten me

p.s I already have a gf and am repulsed by men because I hate them, I only need to lose the base primal attraction, thanks
but what if when dating you they think theyre dating a *real* trans woman? you know, one who doesnt use her penis or wants to be a father?
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low effort. try harder
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#sapphic #wlw #lesbian
ok but think about it? i know you hate my language but what if they think theyre dating a normal woman, just one with a worm between her legs that should be ignored, only for that woman to be like "hey can i put this worm in your vagina?". it has happened before
tell urself it's comphet
audibly chuckled
Am a tranny, comphet would be liking women. good try tho
you keep replying :(
>comphet would be liking women
there's your problem, kill this mentality
because assholes need to be called out, or else they will fester and begin to think that they're in good company, even while they are driving the nice people out. but okay, i guess i have done it enough for now, so i won't bother you reply anymore
My family is megaconservative, used to tell me how I should be actively looking for girls even tho I was practically ace till I started HRT. Comphet for me is quite literally liking women lol
problem is Im attracted to both but hate moids
im not an asshole for making fun of how ridiculous you are
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right. keep telling yourself that
the funniest part is, i'm at a point in my life where i'm not even bothered by these things. i just make it a point to call them out because i know there are plenty of lurkers who *are* upset by the nasty, hateful attitude, but who wouldn't feel comfortable speaking up over it
but i said i would stop replying, so i am going to actually follow through with that now. that's the last you'll get out of me today
it wasnt me :(
i won't bother to reply [to that anon] anymore*
sorry, i am phoneposting, so it's easy for autocorrect to make typos like that
okay but you should not go off hrt to make cum inside a woman you will regret it forever. you are thinking with cumbrain you aren't thinking of the severe permanent consequences of going off hrt. you cannot have your cake and eat it too you cannot I promise
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>tfw no witch gf
It's impossible to find a coven in bumfuck nowhere. It's just me and my cat on a leash out in the woods together. There's beauty in that, it's tranquil in its own way, but I wish I had others.
you gotta move anon
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Why the fuck did I get banned from the discord server? What did I do?
I was the apu girl
We thought it was weird that you made your discord account on the same day you joined the server
go away we don't want you
I deleted my discord account when I was sad and created it again
No lurkers
People are naturally suspicious of 1 day old accounts, sorry anon but that's just how life is
I went one day without posting
Some people have jobs
Let me in, I'll promisse I'll behave
Cis lesbians belong to trans girls
i understand the feeling anon i have done that before
sorry they were mean to you
Good thing I had the foresight to have two big loads frozen in liquid nitrogen at a fertility clinic before I started hrt
OK How can you prove it? Maybe you can show us the email saying your discord account was deleted in a window next to this thread (block out anything personal with ms paint)? And then I will unblock you... should be easy to do if you are telling the truth...
Trans girls belong to cis women*
no one adds me on discord ever
im a hon and i need to rape
um hi are you cis
no im an estrogenised straight boy sorry
you know why
its because im a nice guy
sorry you replied to 2 of my posts here and i was just wondering if i did anything wrong .
posted what again? I said one thing that was funny and original
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based and cute anon we showed her what's up
yayyyy we defeated the forces of evil
NEVER call my girlfriend and I samefags again or you'll be sorry
sex with girls
sorry ill just go
Women holding you in her grips and snuggling. Telling you everything will be alright and that she won’t leave you. Falling asleep in her arms and she talks about how much she loves you
Woman begging for you to impregnate her with your huge 1 year off hrt mega testosterone cock with virile cum loads.. she will leave you for a moid.. she talks about how hot it is that you're basically a non threatening male
the early hawk gets the tuah
im knid of really pathetic
like in the cute way or?
thats up to the beholder
tho ive had like 4 people confess crushes to me this year
what the hawk are you tuahing?
Which ones of you came to my Starbuxx together about 2 days ago. I know you're in here somewhere, I could just tell
I saw a really funny t4c couple at my starcucks a few months ago. It was a really short cis woman with half head shaved and this really tall transwoman with no voice training and a dress.
wow, she is LITERALLY me
you're like 5 feet tall dweeby
god i fucking wish i'm like 5'6"-5'7"
You know that's tiny. You have tiny feet too.
i'm giant and chad unfortunately it makes me want to die
at least my feet are a little cute...
jealous rage
i wish someone made callout posts about me and my gf going to starbucks
The visible autism, insecurity and urgent need shave your legs and wash your hair. Trying to pass as a cis dyke alt girl, which is itself clockable AF. You looked at me with a twinge of disdain, like the sight of me was blackpilling you in real time on the unpassability of trannies. An uncomfortable reminder of what you are.
Worried due to the posts abt how trans look male, and abt trans who like their penis or sperm etc. I thought this thread wud be neutral but it's giga worrying and negative today. Theres a dozen posts abt how mtf r men and look like men and trans is just silly delusional pronouns
Me? I wasn't upset at all I just thought they had a funny short fat tall skinny cis trans comedy dynamic about them. They seemed very happy im not a hater
The trans r to be looking like they r bilogical sex for them for ever... just saying... do not be you r to be worried about my friend
no, me...
It's all the same 3 people shitposting
I am worried this is true but I am researching it irl to the best of my ability. I worry the stuff pol says and trump/musk say and that everyone is and looks like their birth sex and trans is just silly bad pronoun stuff. I dunno tho. Have to research it and not just go by posts. it worries me to open my coputer and see it typed constantly tho here. i thought this thread wud be more neutral and not focused on that topic, but, seems i was wrong

U think so?
omg wait does laf post in lesgen now
>cis lesbian general is just gay men talking about raping women
this is a really good post
Why would gay men want to rape women? That rapist guy is a false flag.
> let's commit rape with our penises my fellow evil mtf men!!!
It's so funny imagining the indian repper typing out these posts lmao
they’re trolling you and you’re falling for it, retard
The time zone on their phone screenshot lines up with Toronto which is indeed full of Indians
Oh im not a repper really im a confusedmoder. I am very comitted to the trans bit at this point cause i took hrt for like 8+ years and i got srs and spent like 6 figures on surgery

Oh? U think so? i dunno what to think am worried
what the fuck, are you trolling? you come across like a clueless babytrans how can you be questioning all this when you've already transitioned so far
I get worried from posts online and am stll trying to find out the truth and which sex I look like.
>which sex I look like
can you show the class?
laf is a 10/10 passoid. she's such a stacy irl that i actually got intimidated a little bit by her. she is extremely, extremely cute and passing. one of the best i have ever seen, if not the actual best
you talked 2 her irl? tell the story for the rest of the class
i have hung out with her irl a few times, yes. there's nothing much to tell, really. it's just how i know she's a real person and not a troll. irl, she's an extremely sweet girl who just so happens to have some really bad brainworms. but genuinely she is a sweetheart deep down. she's just been through a lot. please be nice to her, if you can
aww okay I will be nice
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thank u! im glad at least someone liked it :)
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countries tier list
>india B
india as a country and its men is F but bcuz of its food and women id bump it to C at least, but yea india at B is just ridiculous
usa is clearly meant to be SSS tier
dear stacker,

so sad to hear the news u left server :(
by the way, does jordie know she was unbanned weeks ago?? she could have just come back...

anyways... see u around ... further on up the road

still your friend,
I appreciate this but she said she doesn't like anyone in the server and doesn't want to come back even if she is unbanned. she doesn't want me to talk to people she doesn't like so she doesn't want me there anymore. sorry
That’s messed up, you’re allowed to have your own friends or even just people you talk to regularly. You’re always welcome back in the future if you’d like to return.
fuck you for being friends with those cunts
im not a big fan of the guy.. he nugs me
i cant believe normal looks like this
you don't deserve to be happy
lucy youre almost as boring as stacker why dont you both kys's
>lucy youre almost as boring as stacker
oh i thought you were jordan
that's a strange opinion idk anyone who would think that
youre a stinky brown moid and a redditor everyone is afraid of you here why do you stay
there's nowhere else to go where i can be open and vent and i'm usually fishing for attention from jordan anyway because i have no friends
so you love jordan and want to stalk and kiss them, got it
At least you're allowed to have friends. Jordan is always grabbing my phone from me to inspect who im talking to. She got cheated on in the past so I kind of understand, but I've never once done anything to betray her trust. Not a single time have I ever even dreamt of doing something bad like cheating. Ugh..
>so you love jordan and want to stalk and kiss them
not at all, she's just the only person that will give me even fleeting attention (probably not anymore tho)
you were in love with them and then fell in love with every girl they fucked or were going to fuck and now you stalk them and beg for their attention
oh this is jordan after all
i just dont want you to get any ideas about having any kind of volition or beinng able to live or exist without me
i hate you so fucking much
nuh uh, you post all the time about it and also youre gay and its totaly true youre entire life has revolved around them for the past 2 years.. them and video games and being brown, what a life
>nuh uh
>also youre gay
>what a life
>using "and" instead of a comma
jordan phrases
rent free
you're literally not even trying to sound like another person, you've said all this shit to be verbatim in the past a bunch of times
>to be
nice grammar faggot maybe get trips with a better post next time
meeting you has been nothing short of a fucking disaster for my life
but i did let you touch my boobs once
it wasn't worth everything i've allowed myself to be put through by you tho
you touched my wife's tits?
:/ this used to be funny when i thought it was a joke
you probably dont think that when youre jerking alone and you think about me humiliating you while you touch my boob.. singular and through the shirt
and what is it now?
it wasn't fun at all
Booze good m. Forget what is wrong with your life temporarily.I should be drunk 24/7 to not be sad
just sad i guess
makes me :(
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i miss my girlfriend.
its actually impossible for me to date as a dom i thought it would not be like this but it is difficult and painful
Wydag who REFUSED to go down on you ever
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Are handheld vacuums worth it? You know the small ones. I dislike big vacuums cuz they arent as maneuverable
fuck the vaccum literally faggot queer and make me a burger please im very hungry and i would a big juicy one with a beer also that sounds good to me thank you
ill kill you acorn, for fun
U-uhmmm sure i can make u a burger... but i do need to buy a new vacuum...
im going to tie acorn to a set of rail road tracks while stacker cries in the corner about how i wont let her eat chips
admit it you don't want a big vacuum because they're too loud and scary
no i meant buy the vaccum and then have sex with it idiot loser
jordan loves making me feel like shit unprompted and now i cant go to class today
literally called me just to ruin my fucking day
i hope lago stays gone
and now they're trying to blackmail me to go to class
bruh grow up and cut her out of your life
she is the only person who gives me attention
then accept that and stop posting about it here bitch
fuck no i'll stop when i finally make a friend and don't need to come here all the time
kill yourself racist
>when i finally make a friend
actually i probably should have said "if" instead
good morning lesbians and lesbian affiliates
My gf wants to fuck my ass tonight with a new strap we got. I've never done anal before, do I need to douche or something? what should I eat today?
im cis and want gf who will #spoil me n take care of me
if ur out here hi..
No im not scared! I just find it annoying to get into crevices with a big hoover because its connected to a long Schlauch.

Ok well..thats mean..
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>be at grocery store
>checking out the asian aisle alone
>pretty blonde lady comes up next to me and then picks some stuff then leaves
>figure if i buy the same stuff she bought maybe ill be pretty too
>buy it

Hehhehheehheeh ...the shadow elite did not predict just how smart i actually am....
God DARN its spicy tho.. why did she have to pick wasabi OUCH
no one sees me as a fucking person
um hi are you cis?
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We just arent liked... well actually i am.. hmm, personally i just have trouble connecting.
you reject everyone who gives you a chance to go back to jordan. get the fuck out my gen retard
you're a bad person
Its impossible for me to get raped by a grickle because i learned from Japanese culture that if you cross your fingers thats a clear No that the top has to respect. Thank u japan (^_^)
>you reject everyone who gives you a chance to go back to jordan.
I am!! I am!!! Quite unfortunate. A pickle for sure. Im a lonely lil thing.
you'd stop being lonely if you weren't a bad person
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I wonder if thats true haha.....
Im kinda digging solitude. In a masochistic way tbqh
ur not digging solitude because you're not actually lonely
Tell me what is true loneliness?
Whenever someone gets too close to me i push them away. Friends or family. It doesn't matter how many surround me, i wont connect
>Whenever someone gets too close to me i push them away. Friends or family. It doesn't matter how many surround me, i wont connect
no one even wants to get close to me...
because you’re a cringe lord who doesn’t wash its ass
i'm talking to fucking office lady?
jesus christ everyone's just mocking me
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are there any cute girls here
it's so over
is being a 30 year old virgin a big deal
japan well known for its culture of consent
yes if cis no if tranny
i like to think i'm cute. or at least cute-adjacent
it never even began...
God I should just kill myself, being a lesbian bottom who's trans is hell. I'll never be able to bottom like a cis girl does. I have no pussy to fingerbang, my chest is too small to be attractive, I don't have a cute enough voice, I was born with the desires and abilities of a bottom but the shell of a top. It's so fucking over for me
You just gotta get lucky. Keep looking for that too you deserve one day you will find her. You sound like a perfect bottom.
How am I a perfect bottom, I'm not cute and i have a cock that I rub against my thigh instead of jerking because that motion feels more feminine
You’re getting there. The thigh rubbing is very cute. And who cares if you have big boobs
i want to fucking scream
It's not just lack of boobs, my shoulders and neck are wide, my ass isn't big nor are my thighs, I don't shave down there because hair grows on the shaft and I'm terrified of cutting myself or getting an ingrown hair on it, plus I'm 5'6
thinkin i might kms idk
I’m not seeing a problem bushes are hot. Your thighs and butt will come in as you work out. And the wide parts will look less when your boobs grow. And that’s an okay height
i can confirm you are definitely a cute girl hello
killing yourself is bad
But my boobs might not get any bigger than an a cup, all the women in my family are flat on both my moms and dads side
lol yea probably
Killing yourself is good when you have a rational reason to do so.
this is true i should prob do it actually
no it's bad
don't do it anon it's bad
So what I wouldn’t mind but I’m not fully a top. People should love you for who you are not for how you look
doing it rn just to spite u
oh well now im sad good job
But when it comes to sex it certainly matters
girl I was into has a bf and the guy looks like a greasy gorilla holy shit. Why are straight women
i would instantly lose all attraction to her lol
I can't stop watching crime scene cleanup videos
yeah idk, its weird how like women who are cute and have alot of value are attracted to literal like disgusting men, like most men are absolute GARBAGE ugh it sucks
I wish I could go back to who I was before I met her. Back to someone who tolerated men instead of despising them. Someone who had a future. Someone who wasn’t afraid of falling in love
why must all the girls im into be avoidant
It does not for regular people.
Do cis women like agp or hsts trans women?
Like fr. Shes genuinely so interesting to talk to and has a lot of facial quirks that leave me mesmerized how cute them make her.
>oh nona stop being such a femcel the guy probably is a nice guy
I sure you he's not, every man around here is a raging misogynist and proud of it. If at least he was pretty but lol nope
we hate being avoidant, too, anon, trust me
avoid this dick lol
i just want to love and be loved
no one laughs at me or likes my posts im starting to think every one hates me. like this post or im kms.
no one considers me to be a person
Everyone laughs at me and likes my posts I'm starting to think every one wants me
i'm a rapist who can't rape
oh that must be nice...
started a new today and took a big greasy XY shit in the women's restroom to assert dominance
why not
you started a new what
i'm an incel, rape is not possible for me
what if i have a fetish for incel rapehons
what if my poop doesn't pass :( I already know my pee doesn't pass (pee stream not strong enough)
that's the thing i'm a cis man
it's the opposite anon
penis has stronger stream because longer barrel equals higher velocity
why are you in lesbian general
because jordan
This isn't true. I'm a stealthoid and I regularly use public restrooms with cis women and they piss extremely loud with a strong stream. If I were to try and match their piss I would have to push extremely hard.
someone ask lago about the PQ (pee question) do cis girls piss harder than trans girls. lago is the only cis woman I know
that's no reason to post here
but it is
lago is gone
>implying the ones who piss extremely loud aren't just other stealthoids
idk but it is and i'm not going back to repgen
Please do, no one wants you here
you don't belong here
i don't care really. i can't get jordan's attention in repgen like i can here
stop invading spaces you fucking creep
She doesn’t even post here and made stacker leave the discord because she hates everyone here, retard. Go away
we were literally arguing last night here
I thought you hated her, why do you want her attention?
you are a disgusting human being
the fucking entitlement to come into this gen as a cis man just because you want to stalk some tranny is unreal. it's not our fucking problem dude. fuck off. leave.
because it's jordan or nothing. i don't have friends to talk to.
Let’s see how long this post stays up.
>you want to stalk some tranny
yeah if by stalk you mean try to get her to call me which she does like once or twice a week anyway
so you have no reason to post here
just give her more money when you're lonely
dont care still posting
lmfao what a retard
lago ruined this gen by leaving
New thread >>37380845

New thread >>37380845

New thread >>37380845
good fucking riddance

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