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Qott: What are some personality traits you want in a partner?

le olde géneral de chaser >>37365740
CisM on the left, TransF on the right
Stop sending pics so soon. He probably used fake pictures
Jaime is cute but this will probably get deleted
There are op's with peoples pics all the time they just can't be lewds
Well half the time they are anyway
I love you
Hey I’m didn’t get a pic anon. So he said he wanted to see me and was gonna send me a pic, but then backed out of it after seeing my pics I sent but also got way more intensely affectionate and complimentary after seeing me. Does he see me as out of his league or just not worth sending a pic? He got a little more distant and said he was processing everything in a good way but the no pic thing is weird to me like he’s prepping a slow let down.
And what did we learn from this
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are transers in the OP pics gonna become a common thing? two in a row is unusual unless it's someone looking to make a series out of it
in fact i never even see jamie anymore, not even outside of passgen. wonder what she's up to
oh. pic unrelated and in fact accidentally attached but i cant be bothered to open this up in a web browser with the same cookies just to delete a whatever pic
so uh peep this jacket ig
>What are some personality traits you want in a partner?
uhm funny is a big one.
Oh, also she needs to be able to handle disagreement. I can't ever (again) date a girl who blows up if you say something she doesn't agree with. Like some things are important and may not be a difference you can set aside, but that should be a short, heavy list
impossible to say from this. You need to ask to see him

post the sauce for the pic rel content,inspiratino
>So he said he wanted to see me and was gonna send me a pic, but then backed out of it after seeing my pics
Doesn't sound good
I hate being an ugly hon tranny so MUCH
He's probably just fat
Nice trips though
shush, kate
you will not SEE today
post discord NOW
Hey cutie
Never give up anon you will find someone.
I hate it too
Kind, funny , loyal. Just the basic stuff.
And kind to others. I dated a girl that would be hateful towards others and slightly racist and it made me lose interest.
Ask for a pic again and if he says no just ask.
OP link>>37368800
discord now
yeah that is a bit weird back to back
Why does the idea of trans girls having sex with other guys make me so fucking mad? Especially when they're virgins the idea of anyone other than me taking her virginity is driving me insane.

I have a gf and I love her, yet I want to have sex with all other trannies I know and get jealous when I can't and they find someone else
mainly I want someone who overlooks my apparent lack of self-confidence, who is patient enough with me to understand I am not trying to mess things up and is sincere with me about how she feels with me, with that out of the way: someone who loves traveling and would be ready to hop on a plane to either visit me (would do the same ofc) or go around Europe to just explore the world a bit, a foodie with which to try new recipes, and possibly someone I can share my niche tastes of media and history.
optionally, a switch in bed lol

yeah, dude probably thinks you're gonna hate his looks, but dunno how to help with that
i think it's because you're retarded anon
Insane mental illness caused by an issue with your parents
Idk man I think you're just retarded
No one's making you think about the sex people other than your gf is having
u sound like an incel no offense
stuffy tranny feet in socks or nylons
worshipping my trans gf when shes tired and needs a massage
this is all i want in life...
Next OP should be Naoto's panties
He expected me to be prettier or uglier? He complimented the pics heavily
And he thought I was when he offered the pic before?
I didn’t want to have to ask…
So he expected me to be uglier before I sent pics?
hot men can be be bad too..
Check em
>And he thought I was when he offered the pic before?
No it sounds like he just is chickening out because he's ugly and you're not.
You got catfished for nudes, dummy
Why does the idea of trans girls healing other guys in hardcore wow make me so fucking mad? Especially when they're Druids the idea of anyone other than me getting healed in hardcore wow is driving me insane.

I don’t have a duo, yet I want to be healed by a Priest and get jealous when I can't and they heal someone else.
This guy has a girlfriend.
whaaaa??? why me???
more like yr dumb as rocks
It's not that they have sex, it's that I can't have sex with them because of that stupid relationship I'm in. I could have had sex with all of them if I weren't cucked by my gf like that
maybe? honestly can't really tell what happened except either the dude feeling suddenly insecure about the whole thing or him just playing around until he realized it was turning serious

maybe you're a supermodel and he instead expected an average girl or a hon
i really wanted him okay
Wow it really sounds like you care about her at all and aren't just a piece of shit.
I thank your girlfriend for making sure all the hot trans girls are still available for us other chasers
Take the Mormonpill.
June let me check those titty pics girl.
He's just a coward in some way, I wouldn't stress yourself by analyzing it. Bring it up and see how he reacts or move on.
Probably wasn't even his photos.
Qott: someone dominant and caring and strong that hopefully will punch my stomach
you sound like scum
learn how to socialize before u send random dudes tit pics like u have all the leverage on apps and yr really sending nudes in 10 mins…
Why can't I love and care about her and dislike monogamy? It's just such an arbitrary line to say if you are in a relationship with someone you can't have casual sex with others
Bitches really be thinking they don't have autism just because they're attractive
You're a loser just fuck off
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Check out this mantis I found
incel with a sex-god complex
everyone itt is a loser, lower scumbag life form. obviously esl's promoting degenerate niggering niggerish maladaptations rather than the common route
if anyone wasn't they'd be authenticated and verified. no excuses
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Sick. Now I wanna use the word ootheca. Ootheca.
I just recently had sex with a truly masochistic trans girl for the very first time and fuck it was hot. I could beat her, choke her, bite her, as much and as hard as I like and she just went wild from it.
I never felt so liberated as in that moment
i know i know, i know it was dumb now and im not doing it again okay
Ur too hot
You literally said this same thing like 4 days ago
there is someone out there for u anon
Dick pics of all things
I did this like 4 months ago lol, this wasnt that recent
Most of them suck, ive been subjected to a lot of them, but these were pretty good ones and idk why
The same girls who talk about misogyny and patriarchy are the same girls who want to be choked, bitten, and slapped during sex.
You're in heat gooning on tinder
I’m not a supermodel but if someone specifically fetishized trans women I could see them finding me insanely hot
I mean I don’t wanna call him a coward, I care about the guy. I’d rather help him get over whatever hurdle cause he’s helped me get over some of mine.
I find this hard to accept, like I’m trans and disclosed that to him privately and we’ve known each other for a year and been talking for a while so clearly he should feel comfortable. Maybe it’s just time to move on though
I mean that's kind of obvious
That's pretty normal, anxieties often turn into cathartic kinks
Basically a more normal version of a racist obsessed with interracial but the same psychological mechanism
what is "in heat gooning"???
If you've been talking for a year I think he just has insanely low self esteem, possibly for a reason. You shouldn't immediately cut him off because you sound into him and have already invested a lot into him.
You've spoken to this guy for a year without either of you knowing what the other one looks like?
Sounds like the poor guy is completely psyched out now with knowing you're really attractive. Guys are funny like that.
this guy gets it
>I’d rather help him get over whatever hurdle cause he’s helped me get over some of mine.
Makes you a good person, but maybe too good of one, just be careful. Either way, sounds like you should confront him about it then. Just ask directly to see a photo or whatever.
i would like to ask for your best NEVER GOON images
I've had a years long friendship collapse over nothing, and part of it was due to her refusing to communicate anymore
ironically, I was in a similar situation as you, being the guy with a cis girl tho, she showed herself multiple times, but it took a boost of courage for me to show myself, and it was directly in a videocall, I think it happened like 6 months after seeing her the first time

so yes, we guys can easily lose our spaghetti over showing our face, I guess you can try to salvage it, but don't get too attached to someone's past version if they act too off
I mean we’ve known each other a year talking for maybe a month now
If he’s leading me on yeah that’s gonna be so bad. He does seem like he could be a player
I've gotten compliments, but I still don't think I'd just send them out of the blue that early and expect anything remotely positive.
good. don’t u have friends to talk with before u go around sending nudes to strange men on the internet?
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I mean to me if I show you multiple pics of myself and you can’t muster even one, that hurts my feelings a little and makes me feel like I’m not trusted or valued in the relationship.
She's old enough she should already know this
not IRL
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>cucked by gf

You should let her go
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you should try making some irl girl friends. it’ll help u a lot
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ive been trying but its hard to find places to meet them other than like work

i submitted my transfer application to uni so maybe in 2025 i can have an easier time finding friends
definitely get involved at school and try to make some friends on campus. probably avoid trying to date til then btw. u can find guys irl there that won’t require u to send them nudes first lol
undeniably so, I'm ultimately trying to be as charitable as possible but a direct request is still something that a guy should never turn down if they don't want to ruin the trust

I denied my pictures only to some girls who had really bad vibes (and who didn't send themselves anyway)
i just want a bf so bad though. The desires have been uncontrollable since i increased my E dose im basically like developmental equivalent to like a 17 year old cisf or something im like becoming really boy crazy okay i really really really want a boyfriend okay im sorry yeah i want friends more i guess but i dont want to stop trying and keep waiting
I think you need to communicate this exactly to him.
What would you do with your bf if you had one? Name 3 activities
i mean if yr transfering colleges in 2025 that’s in like 3 months. you’ve made it this long without a bf what’s another few months?
I have one week to blackmail a woman into going to the Renaissance Festival with me
I think you just need social support of any kind and a bf seems easiest.
God, I've been off this board for the past 6 month and now decided to come back and check out chasergen. I don't know if it's because my perspective changed after I touched grass, or if the people here changed... But fuck I didn't remember everyone in here, especially the trannies to be so pathetic
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In the Light Music Club, we never ever goon!
It's always been like this, yeah.
Trannerd boobs
I’m new here but I keep getting told it’s a lot different here now
That seems like a big red flag lol
And getting a bf is so hard... because?
>Watch tv moveis
>Play games
>go shop/errands together
>go to restaurants or whatnot together
>visit his friends
>go to parties if he is the kind of guy that knows how to go to parties
>sex i guess


Yeah this may or may not be a factor
It's pretty grim, but it's fun to watch
Because she has autism
what do you expect from a place of terminally online people? pathetic is the standard of online

I keep bumping into names and lore about drama and stuff, but I haven't really understood anything
June should make Birria tacos in honor of last thread
Then she should just get an autistic bf
I need a bf or I will never be happy (chaser that I keep chained up and torture in my basement)
sure, never made them but i can try
Nobody will even notice I'm gone
She's probably autismphobic
At his age he should really have the relationship stuff under his belt by now
I touch grass everyday because I have to in order to make a living but I don't look down on people here because that's gay
rhetorical cancer violating the rights of others/abusees without consent to malignance. a rhetorical shitstorm you cannot consent to apropos against humanity and humane standards. an experimental pathogenic repression of identities in the form of the tumorous hate speech, discrimination, constitutional to the victims it presents, suppression of their speech and confidentiality. the destruction and inversion of economic principles, welfare, capital, and pursuits to life, liberty, and happiness. conservative, liberal falsehoods in the guise of anonymous net neutral fearmongering a tirade of insults intended to compensate moral failing, ethical and institutionalized violence, harassment against potential of exercising rights over, onto, the forum which it represents via tyranny and terroristic villainy. a cult silencing the views expressed by the majority. a characteristic of disease soliciting it's manufactured product, selling the purchaser a scam, a gimmick, under the proscribed false speech, hateful conductance, in order to demote it's civilians, vulnerable spotlights, with referendum to mention their predatory intent to commit and omit the lives of others that are living to be upheld the suppression of the common inherited rights which we hold legal. the scheme to convey lawful anarchy, and genocide otherwise unmentioned with no respect to the audience's laws which it represents (not that this lawful posturing matters to the cancerous tumor attach to it's lifeform).
we owe you not what you have took from us. our taken economy.
stuff like transphobic hate speech, such is 4chan. alas,

for the benefit, and love of transgenders like myself, and others beyond the scope of this context.
Porn Checkpoint
Whats your fetish
I only touch fake grass because I have no real grass in my backyard and I refuse to go out in public
where are you
But you're looking down on people that look down on people
This is ground control …
Fat assed twinks twerking
I mean same I don’t know a lot. But again I have been here like a month only and don’t use discord so I missed a lot
You can torture me in your basement.
Start tripping. How would we know you if your anon?
Yeah I hate when people act high and mighty and think they're better than others
>You can torture me in your basement.
when can I start
People would miss me and I'm crafty so I would escape
He's probably a virgin if he's been talking to an internet tranny for a year.
Ten bucks this is SEEhon
I dont care I will catch you again
You're doing it right now
It's okay to be a virgin
trust me on this, age ain't got nothing on it, past experience is needed, and sometimes people just have 10 years less in emotional age

NTA, but I feel like at some point I should just start tripping, except it feels counter to the nature of 4chan
It's the one thing that every autist needs to learn, if you're autistic chances of getting along on a deep emotional level with a neurotypical person are quite low.

Those that don't realize this are always ending up extremely disappointed from dating feeling they will never find someone. Until they figure out that it's just their brains working differently and as soon as they meet someone else on the spectrum and it clicks immediately
They’re probably the best mexican dish I’ve ever tried
i dont
I'm going to die pure
everyone but me should trip so I can keep track of you all
Everyone I like should stay here forever and everyone I don't like should stop posting
Sarah sent me another pic of her diapers
Think I should stream Kotor to a voice chat with 2 people (they will begin arguing and become uninterested in the stream)
You got to find me and kidnap me first.
It is kind of against the point of 4chan to trip for sure but it does make it a lot easier to track conversations.
Some men have all the luck…
That one trip should come back
Sarah got exposed for leaking the IP watermarked pics of Rabbit and for some reason everyone immediately forgave her, that was really weird
Is she a powerful overlord in a server or something and everyone just bows down to her?
>Is she a powerful overlord in a server or something
She literally owns the new cg server
nah just cuz you said that im turning off my trip
>Qott: What are some personality traits you want in a partner?
I would like for her to be intelligent (there are many ways to convey one's capacity for this, I'm not just talking about STEM-oriented capabilities), a weirdo, and willing to humor or indulge me as much I would for her.
>Porn Checkpoint
>Whats your fetish
cuddling in the dark, stroking her hair, and scritching her scalp. I'm a degen, I know :/
me when I make shit up
a parade of foreign ignorance oblivious to their foolhardiness, who know not what they do, as they promote conformity, maladaptation, and viral malcontent. the perpetual discontinuance, seeking collapse of the western civilization, mindset under uncivil unrest via with threat to brutally maim, murder, and intimidate it's populants under it's leading name, score and set 'Anonymous,' acting as though it were virtuous while they parade the rights of others. this site is illegal and this conductivity engenders it's (coveted of genocide) cult following.

just thought i'd point it out there
>me when I make shit up
It's real but I don't care enough to dig back in the archive to find it
Mantra? I know
At least you will have kotor and some company, albeit disengaged
Why are yall letting a gigantic transbian hon rule over you
You said you wouldn't tell anyone!!
wtf lol
>everyone just bows down to her?
yes, but that's not related to my server. Just have that big aura, you know?
well now it's back
She’s nice
Alright, anon. This mostly just reads like gobbledygook to me.
Leaking private pics isn't nice
She didn’t do that
a disingenuous shitstorm full of libel promoting the illegal activity of veto, anti-freedom restrictions to the votes of it's populace

come up with a real reply, asshole.
Damn she even has a professional gas lighter brigade
I'm not in the server
You said it was gay, implying it's bad (also pretty shitty of you)
Erm how is it not bad?
Well you're not really saying much, anon. It comes across as a longform non-sequitur or manic raving. What's your point exactly?
What actually happened was that Rabbit said she sent the pic without watermarks to only a few people, one of whom was Sarah. She also posted it in Chasergen and Passgen after that.
It was originally thought that the reposted image was either scrubbed by Frogposter or was an actual original copy, but both turned out to be incorrect.
Because Sarah was one of the people who saw an unmarked copy, one single anon said "Oh, so Sarah did it?" even though it was concluded it was not the unmarked copy she received, and ever since then the rumor that it was her has spread.
Nah I don’t interact with her but I know you’re lying lol even rabbit confirmed she didn’t do that
But I need help to spec my character, dude!
Can I stream 15 year old games in the server no one is interested in?
yall niggas is gay
yall niggas is straight
Y'all niggas is mad gay
No, rabbit confirmed she only sent one of the new pics to sarah and sarah then immediately leaked it in the gen on anon so she pretty much confirmed the other one was her too
wtf, people on a 4chan general interact outside 4chan!?
you'll cowards dont even smoke crack
Your statement makes no sense.
can we stop reciting gay ass discord drama lol wtf
And now you're being intentionally obtuse
i'm sorry, but people have written books about this topic and it's currently outside the scope the comment. 'only a fool would think otherwise.'
what's the interrogation for?
Yeah they only post here as like a secondary platform for giant discord cliques (or sometimes twitter or reddit cliques)
That's this entire board
Sure. Post bussy so we have something to talk about?
Did she say that in a discord?
you are a faggot.
Only the cool people aka not me
On the board a couple weeks ago give or take
I find it hilarious how so many communities are ruined by hidden discord cliques, happened in another one that devolved into the most toxic behaviors known to man desu
Duh why do you think I use the lgbt board lol post bussy
Can I cop an invite the troony-cord?
only in dms
Yes it is bad wasup fool
It's a public forum, right? I'd like to know what you're selling. It's not particularly clear to me at the moment.
Discord doesn't even make sense for this place. No mostly straight guy is going to join some gay space.
i think "rule" is kind of a strong word for my limp wristed lack of control lmao
are people taking that seriously? i thought we all knew it was just a dumb joke. No, that was not me.
idk, maybe. You'd definitely need to verify if we let you in, cuz i don't think anyone knows you well enough to let you skip it.
Discord is a digital tumor
I called it out that this was coming when discord groups first started getting shared here many years ago
I tried reporting them as spam advertisement but of course anyone willing to work for 4chan for free is also the type to have a presence in that type of thing
Don’t care didn’t ask post bussy
This is how discord drama starts
Yeah he talks about being with other girls but I think they maybe were trannies
He seems pretty emotionally mature otherwise though

Guess I’ll just wait a few days and see what develops.
I dont have that :)

dm as in deathmatch
apparently CheezitSam leaked the discord dms of Christianana and Puddle’s sexting :/
You don’t have a bussy? How do you shit?
People who feel the need to scoff at Discord every time it's mentioned are pretty sad. Don't worry buddy, I know how unique and counterculture you are, you're very cool to me. There there.
sorry, i'm stressing inequity and my constant gangstalking by OP and others without referendum
How old are you lol
I miss bussychan and her cute quirky anime dances
They're just letting you know that you're all spergs. Normal people don't do this shit.
>sorry, i'm stressing inequity and my constant gangstalking by OP and others without referendum
Ah. I see, now I get it. I had my suspicions.
Verify? Is this something insidious?
i doubt it. Most people don't tolerate you as well as i do, i fear.
I don't need to shit anymore after I meditated enough
You're old enough to know arguing with people on 4chan about Discord is dumb.
spider already turned down my request for his discord. he hates us. he wants to hack all of our accounts and bank details
discord isn't a bad thing per se, it's when it devolves into circlejerks that shit up communities that it becomes an issue

I would love to eventually find new people to privately chat to, but who the hell knows nowadays how it can end up

yeah, in case, just be ready to distance yourself, should you find it necessary
Jesus Christ this is sad af bug you went from hating trannies to being one in less then a month
>Anonymous 09/22/24(Sun)19:06:27 No.3736
maybe not, but the constant shuffling, evidence, and signs is blaringly obvious/audacious for any mature adult worth their time. do you play your deck wisely or with full force?
Do any of the girls in your server play hardcore wow
imagine not having a hardcore wow duo
could never relate
I was being facestous, but thanks for the clairification that I don't give a fuck about lol
The inane person seems off I don’t know about them.
yea thats right I copped the chill 69 666 digits thats how u know its true and im awesome
Sarah is hoarding all the fertile tranners to BREED them.
6'2 transbians have straight male sex drive they can't help it
Good for her lol. She got the shit figured out
Really about to pretend you aren't dickriding me for calling you Rick twice?
I imagine these discord groups aren't actually friendly to chasers
I also saw rabbits photos actually.
It's a devious ruse
has anyone seen frisson?
Why would you imagine that?
Every tranner I've met up with from this board I talked to in private on discord. I've never been in a chaser server and I doubt that's a good place for the hunt.
yeah she went to pol I hear, you should ask there
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My duo doesn’t like how slow classic wow is so she sticks to retail
Checked and based and meditated and constipated
Why are you always posting this?
discord servers and groups tend to be circlejerks that are malicious towards guys
I was trying to help her recover the IP addresses on the leaked ones.
You're correct.
i believe having more men in there would be very beneficial to the server but it is a somewhat delicate balance to strike and i dont really know how to proceed
I miss stinkchan and her bussin’ diaper
Sure just make sure to post ass for us once you troon
it's the resident retard who spams the same bad jokes for months, he can only manage three jokes at a time
Who are you again?
I'm never doxing myself to a bunch of retards lol
my sandcastle discord is pretty chill, we just post pics of our sandcastles and other sand related sculptures. Only real drama that happened there was the guy that (probably) killed his wife
Did it work?
Fucking lol
you showed up around the same time too cologne retard
I'd be the troon to kill myself after the first shot of E.
You mean shitchan? Her stinky diaps were pretty poggers yeah
timestamp photo. But that's only if The Council decides to vote you in. It takes a unanimous vote so, high bar.
oh god
should i not have given him my ssn?
not that i know of, but maybe im wrong. We had a guy in there for a while that played it, but he's gone now.
i mean that's hardly up to me. He's just some guy, he can come in if the straight trannies want him to idc.
don't be gross
that... that is not what it is. At all.
my shrimp cat discord is pretty chill, we just post pics of our shrimp cats and other shrimp related cats. Only real drama that happened there was the guy that (probably) shrimped his rice
the only shrimp is you
Yeah bro just let the council of transbians lord over you it's chill bro
>timestamp photo. But that's only if The Council decides to vote you in. It takes a unanimous vote so, high bar.
jesus you make it sound so ominous
Yeah? Then explain THIS.
Just say you're making it impossible to get in instead of pretending
Seems fine to me
Yeah, you talk about me a lot for not knowing that
Dude, SOMEONE has to be open to the cologne discussion, it's a confidence booster
Based cunning Sarah luring the retarded tranners into her 'cord in order to BREED them.
lol what a faggot and ur duo is a loser
> that... that is not what it is. At all.
I know it’s not. And I’m just trolling the other dude I don’t care what he does. He just dosent like me so I like to fuck with him
councils and servers make me lol, I understand the sentiment of not wanting to accidentally put in weirdos, but jeez.
yeah it was supposed to. i thought it would be funny to frame it like that :P
transbians don't get a vote
I hope u die of cancer and aids lol
I'm going to kill you with a fucking pitchfork.
Wrong. This is shrimp cat.
Dude, if I think you people won't gang stalk me I'll do a live call or whatever, but I don't know...
Do it we don’t care
I'll just heal myself
sad ull never get that tho
You're not cool enough to actually do that
ur shrimp
my gangstalkers are real and park outside my apartment in nice cars and they all love me and want to kiss me and/or get my autograph
It’s true

t. one of your gang stalkers
I just wish I had someone who would help me build my confidence desu, I may be a guy, but I skipped that part of the manual
I'm not shrimp cat. I just really like shrimp cats.
The shitcels bullied pisschan out of the gen
Feminine strategy bro
You gotta transition or reconfigure into manhood
Fake it until you make it
We can have that cologne discussion at any time
if you’re okay with using sand as a metaphor for confidence I have just the discord server for you ;)
if you’re okay with using srimp as a metaphor for confidence I have just the discord server for you ;)
True. God what id with one pair of pichus panties
What if I put her transbian head on a pike and parade around with it?
Give me an invite to Sarah’s discord right NOW
just tryna keep creeps out
holy shit wth
im definitely the biggest retard there lmao
i just have people i trust tell me whether someone should be allowed in is all
lol try it fgt ill put u in the fookin ground m8
i mean do you want me to ask if they want you in? because it's a moot point until then
Better grooming and dressing nice is a great place to start.
that sounds very trustworthy
This is a casting couch situation, isn't it? I guess I can't say no
jesus christ
I wouldn’t want to join any club that would have me as a member.
On the other hand I wd like to shoot my shot someday with one particular poster and maybe she is in there or they know of her
you must ask the council
do I click the link?
are we friends on discord, fat "thedude" dog?
Can I stream the Tattooine part of Kotor in the sand discord?
It's nikocado again
poster name?
that makes me think, it is now my mission to attempt to top Sarah as a 5'7 manlet
I would like to cancel this order. And reorder your death on November 24, 2024 at 3:30 pm at your house in **** *** ******
Niggas really be submitting to Transbian Judgment
yes absolutely. Pls join my server
She would fuck you up. Your a skinny fat fag with no bf to protect you either
Just say you want to keep men out
I don't have a discord so I'm going to say no.
i said it before, i would like men to be in there, i wouldnt vote against a guy on the grounds of being a man
make one so i can send you caterpillar pics
its this isnt it >>37369957
it can be done, but it's not easy. And as a dude you're fighting unarmed. So... good luck with that.
i will break your tiny femboy wrists
if the men enter they'll steal all the girls, think of the consequences!
I don't know man, this Jimmy gets to Jammin' if you know what I'm saying.
aint gonna be me competing with them so idc tbhon
>caterpillar pics
Honestly want. Ill make it in a few and ill post it up. be patient I'm old and technology scares me
Thinks for the server invite you fucking retard.
i don't know man i feel like there's gotta be a reason all the guys left the server lol
Took a photo for you all <3
Im going in
I like a good challenge! what are the other rules for the fight?
please be aware i dont have any caterpillar pics ready to go nor do i have a source of caterpillar pics at this time. i just came up with caterpillars randomly
Damn, I was suddenly interested
So I don't actively post here, but I know for awhile people were using Nick as the OP pic, how do we all feel about him losing the weight?
The one retarded schizo lost his mind over it
It actually killed most of my desire to trick people into seeing his asshole.
oh shit! no don't click on that it's not for you nooooo
not this time, i was on guard
you have to start on your knees
Post butt or gock
Not sure if telling you is wise. They don't seem to post often and are kind of lewd ...
Sometimes true love is found on knockoff Minecraft
anons why is it now more fun to enter nutritional data into a spreadsheet than play video games
because you have an eating disorder.
This you?
Because you have autism
you should say :3
Because you're retarded.
Why? Most people don't think I pass.
i wish. mogs me.
or, idk, maybe not. Been feeling okay about myself lately
still: no
Its ill wait till you got them

people can add me but I not great at responding

The transf in that picture is on the right
She doesn't even have a real name just n. horny chatted in unsee for awhile. Probably catfishing me
damn now ive admitted to being horny

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