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movie edition
>QOTT1: what's your go-to comfort movie?
>QOTT2: when was the last time you went to a thea

prev: >>37354246
I fucking love Lake Mungo, I've shown that film to everyone I know. It's such a smart film.
so/y, dunno if this will work. Rhymes with goy, starts with s
qott1: i dont think i have one
qott2: almost 4 years ago now
thank you haha. ive never considered seasoning chicken with just that.
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Hereditary or Surf's Up depending on whether I'm more miserable or nervous
A month ago for Twisters. I was super hyped since I'm a big tornado fan but after the multivortex EF4 in Iowa a month prior it was a bit of a letdown. Cooler tornadoes irl atp. Beenado soon though, beeF-4 at least
any of the spiderverse movies and puss in boots the last wish

last time i went was in august to see twisters. it was pretty good!
Q1: fight club or the nice guys
Q2: hmm i can't remember. i think when the fnaf movie came out
QOTT1: Stand By Me
QOTT2: Whenever Isle of Dogs came out
я cхoжy c yмa или этo pyccкий тeкcт нa фoтo
> qott
The wolf of wallstreet
> qott 2
Honestly, I don’t remember. I think the last movie I saw in theaters was the Batman movie with Robert Pattinson
what are you guys idea on blanchards views on ftms and women? ive seen mtfs debate his views on them a lot in this board but ive never seen ftms take his ideas about them seriously, so what do you guys think about his views?
One of the older Pokemon movies or Promare
Ponyo with my friends
Dumb old guy thinks he knows a lot about troonies
That’s my only thought on him
he basically believes that ftms arent real
The Phantom Carriage or Over The Garden Wall (which isn't a movie but whatever.) I don't really do comfort movies tend to go with music (specifically Alice In Chains' and Nirvana's unplugged sets, The Pixies' Doolittle, and The Smiths' The Queen is Dead.) or I reread The Little Prince for the millionth time. If I'm going to seek media for comfort at all.

Last movie I saw in a theatre was 1917 so whenever that came out.
i like him but honestly i dont think i care too much
I enjoyed Hereditary, but they didn't really do a great job of portraying King Paimon. I appreciated that they used him though, but he's more of a teacher and benign than they depicted. It was like A Dark Song using The Book of Abramelin though even though it very clearly states that a woman can only do the ritual if she's a virgin and the woman in the movie has a dead kid so that wouldn't work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gets people who don't know about this shit already interested though I guess, gives them a rabbit hole to look down so not too bad when they're entertaining.
Good evening, does anyone here know how to use Tumblr? I want to start using it because this place + twitter is boring and it's not really good for posting shit. Like, how do I build a dashboard and find good tags and such?
Thank you very much.
What's up pooners, coomers, and larpers.
>qott 1
american psycho, avatar/dune movies too
>qott 2
went and saw the new alien movie
i love hereditary, watched an ~8 hour yt video about it twice now. went over how paimon was changed for the movie too which is interesting
you find like one blog you really like, and see what blog that blog reblogs its posts from. and so on and so forth.
>american psycho
Are you all right?
NTA, but that’s a pooner classic
What’s with the car threads
We’re men ‘round these parts
no, im also reading the book rn kek
how do i not be tired without caffeine
Have you tried l-theanine?
no. is it any good?
Go to r/Nootropics and see the testimonies
would you personally recommend it, though?
Why? It's literally a story about an obviously Gay man dealing with corpo world and the frailest of masculinity :skull:
Correction, l-tyrosine is better suited for energy I believe. I plan to test it
Why? it's not like either of them are actually good lmao
well, thanks anon. i have a sense it’s you. 3/26/25 laikahorowitz@gmail.com, message me then so we can figure out what to do moving forward, it’s near the halfway point. i reckon you didnt respond to me in the last thread because you realized it was me. i wont reach out to you here anymore. anyways, thanks for the suggestion. ill try it. you let me know how it goes for you one day
Any of the Saw movies. That entire franchise is just funny to me at this point.
Last month, went to see MaXXXine at a place that was still screening it. Kinda fun but not worth the money honestly.
You niggas are disturbed.
>Goto comfort movie
>Last time in theaters
In high school when Scott Pilgrim came out in theatres
real, but spiral is dogshit
>Scott Pilgrim
Correction, I was 20 when it came out, not still in HS. But it was with HS friends
lmao I didn't go to see it specifically I was just hanging with friends
Never got into Tumblr other than I used to find reading the This Is Thin Privilege shit funny.

It was enjoyable, but my knowledge of King Paimon is from occult studies and I "well ackshually" when I watch shit like that. Knee jerk reaction, can't help it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Makes it hard to watch stuff like that without picking it apart, though I also always appreciate what they get right.

I never read that one, but I liked one of Easton Ellis' other books, Less Than Zero. So if you're into American Psycho you might want to check that out when you're done.

Adjust to life without it then see if you need to ask that question still once your body is used to you not doing that. Caffeine's never hit me that way I just used to enjoy it but could fall asleep immediately after having it when I would drink it. Stopped because it supposedly aggravates histamine and I try to cut that out where I can.
I saved it, I’ll reach out to you then. Take care of yourself.
hey do u guys want an x5 next thread or? regardless thinking of switching it up you’ll def get a benz at some point
any other requests? women in the pic?
you too
That makes sense, it would be a fun movie to see with friends ig but like if you really got into the story beats it's kind of "Incel pedophile" "THE MOVIE"
fair, and yes its on my list to read but i already have some other books so ill go thru them before buying anymore
>women in the pic?
no, emo boy
i’m slowly forcemascing the men of this thread into liking cars i did this to all my ftm friends now they know the models and various car terms
i’m doing my job
Cars are fucking boring.
Same as how I feel about his writings on trans women. He studies sexuality; he’s going to be interpreting trans people through that lens. That’s only one out of, what I feel, is many possible lenses.

I think his main categorizations/observations are constructive if you exclusively interpret them as “how sexuality may manifest in trans people”, rather than “what motivates trans people to transition” or “what types of trans people exist”.
Glad to see someone else thinks that movie is shit.

What's on the list?
the hobbit+lotr, dorian gray, carmilla from what i have currently. reading them with my sister so its fun
I liked The Picture of Dorian Gray. Never read The Hobbit but I got through Fellowship and half of The Two Towers before I stopped torturing myself with LOTR. It's like reading a fantasy text book instead of a novel, and the songs were terrible had to skip those. It gave me the same feeling I get when I read Thomas Aquinas. Never heard of Carmilla, what's it about?
+ Do you take turns reading or actually read together? Used to read to one of my exs all the time, only thing I miss about them. lol
It's a really bad movie, the manga that it's based of is really incelcoded.
i find it so interesting how he claims to be a sexologist, but vehemently believes that afabs cannot have fetishes and those who claim they do only partake in them to please men
>Never heard of Carmilla, what's it about?
from what i was told its a lesbian vampire book published before dracula was, plus i liked the cover so im interested
we go chapter by chapter since i read faster, she hasnt seen anything of lotr either so plan is to read hobbit then watch movies
I saw it sorta recently with friends because I managed to not see it in spite of it being popular when we were all younger. It was such a pile of shit I was surprised people like it much less that it has the kind of cult status it does. The incel shit aside it just was stupid and boring.
Oh yeah it's so fucking bad. Only part I liked is the puppet trap, I thought it was a kinda cool and creative visual. Everything else about that movie is a 2/10 at best though.
all i know about carmilla is that she appeared in a castlevania game and then in the anime and that shes the original predatory lesbian vampire. its still kinda weird to make such an iconic old timey lesbian icon into a manhater who hates men because of trauma and now is a femcel who doesnt have a gf and dies alone. they shouldve made her an antihero or antivillan who gets a gf at the ends and helps kill dracula, making her an angry delusional femcel is just stupid
Transphobic? Is making these threads?
she died alone by the hands of a man no less. also 2 women leave her polycule to be mono together and the remaining one seduces a man, fucks him, accidentally falls in love with him and then kills herself for some reason
yea ill rewatch the series anyday but not that one, big yikes
castlevania anime carmilla always struck me as moreso polilez than actual lesbian imo
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>what's your go-to comfort movie?
Fantastic Mr. Fox. Probably one of my favorite films from Wes Anderson's catalogue aside from Asteroid City and The Royal Tenenbaums.
>when was the last time you went to a theater?
On my 19th birthday I watched Godzilla Minus One. It's only screening was at midnight and I was one of the only people who was able to make it. I didn't have a car and the bus routes that lead to my dorm were closed so I had to walk all the way from the theater to my dorm in the dead of night for several hours. I larped as a tweaker the entire time lol.
Obviously, pooners are too fembrained to care about cars
Where's your name, hohol?
I am not him. I am simply stating facts.
Literally, I feel like it would only be enjoyable if you were there to shit on it the whole time with friends :3
I've had some bad luck today, I broke my screen doors glass while mowing my lawn, my washer and dryer shit the bed, I lost my wallet, and my dog shit in my bed. fuck my stupid faggot life
:3 gender euphoria

my chest hurts good after benching the other day. only have some dumbbells and a light barbell at home so i just went for volume over weight. why do sore pecs hurt so good bros?
It being a pre-Dracula vampire book is intriguing. I liked Dracula when I read it, but I was in elementary school so I have no clue how I'd feel about it now.

Last book I read was one my younger brother sent over that he finished.

Never got too into the Castlevania games, saw the anime and couldn't pay attention, worse than I thought I guess because I don't remember her character at all.

Not even lol.

That sucks, on the bright side tomorrow will almost definitely be better.
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Hello anon.
hi timur
i hope ur doing ok
Thank you. I'm better. How are you?
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Bros… I just realized I can’t live out my dream of drinking t girl milk straight from the tit. Because I’m lactose intolerant
i’m okay im glad ur better dear
Take lactaid retard
Lactaid doesn’t work for me. Completely useless
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Fate worse than death
Weird. Is it a milk allergy? You can take up to three of them if you’ve only been doing one. You also have to take them after your first bite/sip, not when you’re already suffering.

Again, unless it’s a milk allergy, you can (and should) also increase your tolerance. Start integrating easier forms to digest into your daily diet and go from there.
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What you are all up to?
Can’t say, all I know is lactose free milk is fine but regular milk + lactaid isn’t. The pills just make me really fucking nauseous and throw up.
I'm looking up binders also I lowered my estrogen dose and it gave me euphoria more
I also like to go into chud spaces and say I'm trans and use she/her pronouns so people call me a man and it kind of makse me horny sort of sorry
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just go off work so im going to spam chinups again and then eat until I feel pregnant and then pass out. seems to help the bod a bit.
That's the spirit.
I guess, I get my new xbox controller tommorrow so that's pretty bitching ig
spider you have xbax?
Nice. I haven't played shit for like a week or so now I think, not even sure where I put my controller now that I think about it.

That's a lot you gotta deal with today though, sorry it's been like that.
It's good, it's kind of shitty luck lol
I've been playing old fighting games and Overwatch :3
Which old fighting games? Never played Overwatch, just never came my way.
Ultra Street Fighter 4, Garou Mark of The Wolves, KOF 2002 Ultimate Match.
Damn ancient shit, good choices though.
Based chubapoon
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I pride myself for having several malebrained interests, chuubas included.
Not really, they still hold up incredibly well. I play third strike on pc from time to time and get my ass kicked by fucking losers 24/7
Did gloves die?
he died of a heart attack, the feeding fetish really took a toll on his health
no i fucked up my sleep schedules and have been learning how to mod the code of sims 1 now that i figured out (basic) skin creation
god i love this game
>before I stopped torturing myself with LOTR. It's like reading a fantasy text book instead of a novel
finally someone who gets it. i think the Hobbit was the most bearable. movies were alright since they filtered all the meandering descriptions out
some days BDD wins and some days i see my back getting bigger and get so horny i have to jerk off to my own progress pics
like i've already cum twice just from seeing my own muscles coming in. they're more visible and my lats are getting wider. seeing such masculine definition in my body without BDD ruining it sends me to the opposite end where i can feel cock twitch at my pecs, i can feel myself getting wet when i can see that tricep bulge. i feel at peace with myself when i can see the progress, so much so that it becomes erotic. i sound like a freak but this is awesome
Haven't played a fighting game online since the first Blazblue came out. Old games can still be good, but 22 year old games are pretty damn old no?

Never understood how people can enjoy The Sims, the gameplay is so fucking mundane and boring. You're starting at "Take a piss, wash your hands" I could just go do that myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've heard that about The Hobbit so it's actually sitting in my bookcase because I happened to come across it for free. I haven't bothered trying to read it yet though because of my experience with LOTR. There's a good story in there (hence the watchable movies) but Tolkien needed someone to come in and throw away more than half of the unnecessary shit he put in there. It took me about 2 1/2 years to get through as much as I did because I'd read a little every so often then get bored and not touch the books for months. I know a couple people who feel the way I do about it and then a few who think they're great books, but I've never met anyone who has a neutral opinion.
you're thinking of the later installments. sims 1 had an extremely witty sense of humor, and unmodded, was essentially a torture simulator. modded, like how i play it, it's significantly easier, which means i have a much easier time torturing the neighbors and not my sim, by turning them into toads or setting their house on fire. it's peak stress relief
unlike later games, sims 1 has only good expansions (as does sims 2) and all feel necessary to the game.
Nah I played the first sims game and it was painfully boring, spent a solid 20 minutes or so before I checked out. Then I tried the third years later because people go so crazy over all that shit and I thought maybe being older I'd find it more interesting and it was just as boring. I can just dress myself, decorate my own space, clean up my own mess etc these should never be game mechanics they're not fun. Setting some npc's house on fire has no appeal to me unless I've got a flamethrower or something and I'm going to get to shoot them as they exit the building etc. It's not engaging at all to just watch scenarios with npcs there's no reason to give a fuck about play out while you're not an active part of anything. If I want to play something I can just space out to and enjoy I'll go with Ikaruga or Deathsmiles.
Fair enough, it's not for everyone
>god i love this game
fembrained fuck
i also love rimworld and learned basic xml to mod it, it balances out. nobody is fully fembrained nor fully malebrained. i mean one of my favorite games of all time is new vegas and that is THE tranny game
i have not slept in 3 days and i have to come out to my dentist office in 10 minutes
>learned xml
bought my first pair of boxers a week ago and I'm wearing them to work for the first time ever
they feel comfier than panties by a fucking lot, but they show in my pants
will people notice, im a girlmoder with a deep voice
nobody cares bro
and no u can’t see it ???? it’s underwear
I hate how there's literally 0 straight cuntboy shota porn. I have to use ai chatbots for everything and even those only work half of the time because halfway through the roleplay they'll decide to give my shota self insert a dick again. Why is the world so cruel
The sims 1 fucking sucks. Sims 2 is the ultimate sims experience.
Yeah, I’m just waiting for City of the Wolves or for SF6 to not be fucking retarded.
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rate from pooner to choker
Most people probably aren't looking that closely. Underwear suck though, I avoid them mostly.
sims 2 is the best in the series, the only game i can play unmodded, i love it so much. i like making a self insert with 0 Nice, 0 athletic, max outgoing, and max playful, neat being a dump stat and then being mean as fuck to other sims, because the reputation system is hilarious. depending on my mood i'll set him to either knowledge, pleasure, or grilled cheese. every time, he's a vampire.
sims 1 has a lot of cool shit that never returned to the series, though. makin magic and superstar are so much better than the sims 4 equivalents, but sims 4 actually lets your famous sim interact normally so it has points in that regard
i fucking love the tragic clown. he just makes everything worse and starts crying he's just like me
well i called the office and guess fucking what. a fucking pooner answered the phone. gobbless
strangle me right now
kinda rude not saying please but I'll take it
please strangle me right now
that's better, maybe if you behave
pleaase ill behave
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hmm fine, do you like your new necklace?
i do ty
good morning /ftmg/
no problem, but to wear it you have to earn it :)
how do i earn it then?
well how do I know your neck can handle it if I don't see it?
nah im not posting pics : p
if that anon wont send neck pics, i will :p
sorry for the stubble

https://unsee cc/album#WjBhcIz6bhz0
nice and chokeable, i guess it's changing ownership
im glad you think so >////<
changing ownership?
my meat necklace :)
> boys with long hair
Get in my bed
YAY :3333
it's only like medium length but sure >:3
waow cute
how strong would you consider your grip btw? o.o
Time and place shawty, I’m there
thank you hehe, i bet you have a pretty cute neck too >:3333
my basement, tonight at approximately 8pm
not as cute as yours is
i highly doubt that. thank you for being so nice though
strong enough to hold you against a wall
I’m not reading your dissertation, it’s 1:06 pm
that sounds nice. would you do it until i pass out?
only if you beg for it
>////////< please please pleaseeee pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasplseeplspPEASE pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasrpleasepleaseplsppeasrppleaseeeeeee choke me out anon. bonus points if you kill me in the process ;3
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sorry i didnt think that through and forgot how green text works. im a bit retarded
i'll pass on that bonus, you can't beg for more while dead :)
that's fair..sorry for being weird haha, im all giddy right now :3333
what interests you about choking so much btw?
I just know it drives you crazy
is it really that obvious? that's nice for you to do by the way hehe, but why do you yourself enjoy it? is it just cause you wanna make use of your lovely hands?
>is it really that obvious?
>is it just cause you wanna make use of your lovely hands?
not particularly, I just enjoy finding what gets you to that point and exploiting it
What’s babyx3’s lore?
what’s there to enjoy about it? god i just cant stop looking at those pictures you sent of your hands. they look really really nice.. would you let me kiss them? o.o
is that the person who started the pooner art stuff?
what's there not to enjoy about it?
>would you let me kiss them?
sure but you won't have too long before my fingers end up in your mouth
god get a fuckin room queers
>what's there not to enjoy about it?
i dunno, subby pooners are like a dime a dozen heh. im glad you do enjoy it though, if that’s what you’re insinuating.
would you really wanna put them there? i might bite :3c
Terminally insecure pooner that started the pooner meme and posts on KF. He’s pretty damn annoying and always thinks he’s the funniest guy in the room. He’s banned from the /ftmg/ discord cause he brings down the collective IQ of any community he touches.
That’s all you really need to know.
what a fall from grace : /
of course, and if you bite them I'll just have to bite your neck until you let go
woah there's a ftmg server? could i get invited somehow
t. longtime lurker ftm
is that supposed to dissuade me from biting you? ;3
yeah this anon is right.. we better continue this somewhere else. discord is stellaluna4 >:3
Why does every thread almost always have a secret discord that’s nothing but drama lmfao
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Do you have this polish ftm tomboy on this discord? Is he still breedable?
There was no grace to fall from tbhon
https://discord gg/5v7H2eQX
Haven’t shilled it in a bit, here ya go anon
Its pretty chill in there cause I get rid of all the shit stirrers
It's normal for women, I mean AFABs. AFABs never communicate openly, but shit on people behind their backs. That's why they have natural femenine urge to create gossip circles.
I was the biggest shit stirrer of public discords when I was 18, I would literally do what I do now but cranked up to 11 and it would get everybody heated lol
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Why does it bring you joy?
>no grace to fall from
that’s true. i guess it’s just interesting a single person affected the zeitgeist of what /ftmg/ has/will become
I don't usually join the siscords, what goes on in there
Why? Personally can't stand obnoxiousness like that.. always the most attention starved people too
This was an honest typo but siscords is funny
Nap time
can i nap with you anon
Takes 6 months for results, using minox or rosemary oil. You gave up too soon my guy

new twister was imo kinda a letdown desu. was super hype because twister 1996 is fav movie and have tornado autism. it just felt kinda like a lazy retelling vs adding anything new to it and the characters just felt shallow overall
Kek, honestly, only a few people are really active a lot we kinda just hang out and chat about random shit. I wanna start vc-ing in there more often, we used to have killer chats in there lol. Life for me has been pretty hectic, so the server took the back burner for a bit. I’m also planning on dropping the pooncraft modded Minecraft server as soon as I get back to my PC.
Being annoying to chronically online people is really funny because they’ll never just close their laptop or whatever and touch grass lol
It’s funny to see people get so mad over the stupidest of shit, especially people on discord lol
I don’t do it anymore because it’s kinda childish and annoying, I just use discord to chat with friends while playing games and keep with projects I’m interested in.
>kinda childish and annoying
Literally me ik ik
Voice chatting
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i wish i could cuddle with somebody
i’m honestly surprised G~ hasn’t doxxed my discord yet for people to flood me with incriminating messages :p
who are you
the buggles supreme vermin extravaganza
sorry i dont know who that is. is this discord drama or something
A gigantic faggot.
elaborate pleaaaase
no me and G~ are cool. i haven’t joined any servers that have been promoted on 4chinz.
then what is going on?
it was alright but the romance aspects really made me uncomfortable
He is bottom fag who acts like obnoxious drunk white girl.
I’m not like that :(
me too anon, me too...
were popping our bussy’s exponentially.
how tall are you? i wanna decide if im gonna be the big spoon or if you are.
this certainly is something. im not sure if im more or less confused haha
nobody will ever know my gamerscore or my Xbox account lmfao
What isn't clear?
i dunno, ive just never seen him here before haha
i got banned forever ago and only now just decided to put my trip on lol
well hello then bug. are you ftm?
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He is always here. Even when mods put him in time out. He watches us, filing his girly faggot nails, waiting eagerly to stir shit up when mods let him free.
5"11 :3
guess im the small spoon then, hey there a
no :3
that’s such a lie. i only told people to kill themselves 8 times :3
>no :3
So funny.
I’ll find it someday
do you and bug actually have beef
don't bully me i'll cry ;(
it was mostly blu but i think he became a lurker or something.
nuh uh scammer. you can't see my irl name.
i don't have a problem with anyone except for blu and everyone trying to be me lol
people are trying to be you? i stop browsing this gen for a few months and i lose out on so much /ftmg/ lore. sad.
No, he is annoying and edgy but hate is not there.
yeah i've had people from b literally steal my trips
fair enough
why would that happen
idk people suck. i was spider for like 3 days and then someone stole my shit lol
hello faggots
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hello there anon. how are you?
would you date a ginger?
as a ginger yes
Yeah, peoples' coloration has a low impact on their attractiveness. However, I'm afraid a ginger woman might shave her pubes due to the dumb jokes people make about them. If I could get her to not shave even if she wanted to, it would be kino.
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im doing great, just vibin in my day off. and you poonanon?
i would let max do unspeakable things to me
what have you been up to with your free time?
im good, just studying. will probably contemplate my solitude later
I love my ginger
ZERO, what's your twitter handle again?
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>what have you been up to with your free time?
the guy in the image is called max reynders hes the owner of MXDVS
what does that mean
Nah fr I need that @ so we can be moots
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>he knows
This makes me happy.
I did once, we met because I was saying (to someone else) that I didn't find gingers attractive because they're usually too orange and she said to me "I think I'm more pink."
Well you're in luck

a transgirl without drip is a angel without wings
NTA but looking at porn is making me lonelier than ever,
itll be okay, faggot. i wish i could give you a hug.
Definitely my style.
why does the girl have a penis. i was expecting hot poonshota lesbian clam slamming. -6/10
i also branded myself with the branding iron
can i see? o.o
Insufferable retard
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yeah lol
i love you and i always will. i know ive said it but i dont even think it’s romantic or even familial at this point. ive been thinking about it and i was hoping we could reconvene before the year is over, in about 3 months. it’s okay if you wouldn’t prefer that. i know your feelings will change within the 6-month timeframe so id hopefully at least know your plans before too long. i dont want you to feel obligated to do anything, or say anything. i want you to be honest with me. the selfish part of me is hoping you’ll wait for us, and the other wants you to be with someone who treats you better than i can. im sorry for typing out so much but ive just been thinking a lot and i thought you would have stopped lurking this gen by now. i dont want you to be lonely. you’re pretty, you basically have your pick of anyone you want. it makes me feel bad imagining all that, but im starting to genuinely reconsider what love means and how i express it. i know my actions have made you doubt that, but i hope you know i care about you a lot. obviously ive never been in this sort of situation before, i dont know if there was a good way to resolve it. im glad you’re doing alright despite everything. please take care of yourself.
how did you do it? that looks really nice all healed
i bought the branding iron and lighter from mxdvs held the lighter on for about a minute maybe a bit longer to make sure the iron was hot enough and just touched it to my arm i didnt hold it or anything i recoiled straight away but it left a good mark
looked it up and it’s neat as fucccck. did you do any specific aftercare for it? ive been considering starting metalworking/welding/whatever to create a branding iron design or something like that.
It’s really confusing the aspect of unconditionality, you make me so upset sometimes, but at the same, I just want the best for you at the end of the day. Both of us will undoubtedly change, hopefully for the better rather, but I wouldn’t mind checking in then. Our thoughts are alarmingly similar, and I could say that all back at you. I hope you know care for you as well, even if neither of us great at expressing that. You please take care of yourself too.
i dont mind if either of us change. im sorry youve had to see all the unsavory parts of me lately. i dont think you’ll think the same as i do in a month, 2 months, and so on. you only feel this way while this is fresh. you’re right, we’ll be completely different people when the time comes; do you personally think that’s a good thing? thank you for insisting that despite everything. you’re showing an awful lot of restraint to not outright say you hate me heh, maybe that’d make things easier honestly. how are you dealing with it?
Is it bad that I wish my bf would do this to me?
no i didnt even put it under cold water after i did it i just left it after the first week i rubbed a mix of sugar and vaseline on it daily for about a week because its aparently supposed to make it scar more but i got annoyed at the routine and stopped and just left it to heal
im assuming it blistered? did you pop it? lol
im taking notes. thank you anon. would you ever wanna do another branding?
not at all i wish a partner would leave marks on me little cuts and burns stuff like that
You're so quick to think that, there's no way to say how either of us will truly feel. I hope we've both matured and weren't as big of assholes, so yes, I think it will be a good thing, I think we'll both know the right decision at that point. The love I have for you makes up for any negative feelings I may have, as mentioned, the unconditionality thing, but it also makes me question how I view my own self worth. I don't know. How are you dealing with it?
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I’ve carved stuff into myself before, but I want my bf to do it lol
He’s too sweet though, I deadass think he’d cry if he tried to cut me.
> picrel: my lil triangle that I carved for no good reason a few years back
he should carve a long combination of numbers in your upper arm
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this was the worst it got and the pain subsided after a few days but i left it alone after i stopped the sugar vaseline mix which did take some of skin away as it was healing it didnt hurt or anything it was a bit uncomforable rubbing againt my sleeves but i pretty much just left it to heal on its own
Too holocaust-y for my taste personally
also i would totally do another branding i love tattoos and peircing and other body mod stuff though the brand is all i have for now though i will get tattoos once i have some spare money
this is cool though i personally would like anything i do to myselft to show more i still like it
since your taking notes i will mention
if you search anything to do with branding youll probably come across the acticle about the sugar mixture its just to be rubbed on for a minute or 2 and then washed off its just to take the layers of skin off as it heals prolonging the healing it supposed to make it heal a more redish colour like a scar than white as a brand normally would and be more visable
You have a good man. Mine is similar. I can't even make fun of myself. If I say something mean about self he forcefully kisses me and shhsh me between kisses so I can't talk.
im quick to think that because i know that is what’s going to happen. why are you so quick to insinuate we’re on the same level of assholery and maturity? your reaction is justified. the way ive been acting recently has made me truly realize i havent matured past 13 and im sorry youve had to deal with that.
i think you are deluding yourself into still loving me. there are a lot of people out there who’re exactly like me but better. there’s no reason to hold onto me and that’s just causing you unnecessary pain. like i said earlier, i don’t want my own feelings to impact your decision to stay. i didnt want to say this because im afraid you’re realize it’s true, but i think the only reason whatever feelings you have linger, is because of the time we spent together and how we grew together in the past few months. i think you are right about questioning your own self-worth, i think anyone with any respect for themselves would be gone at this point.
we used to talk about codependency, and i think in the proceeding months we’ll figure out if we really were/are. for all we know, this could just be something to end an endless feedback loop of over-reliant entwinement. im afraid that was what we were becoming. what do you not know?
for now, im just studying for my exams. if i keep it up, it’s possible for me to graduate this summer. i guess this has given me more fuel to improve myself. a large part of my motivation before us meeting, was the fact that i didnt have anything outside of school. now it’s like that again. the desire of going to your neck of the woods, is still a factor, but it’s less of a focus now. sorry i still think about that so much. even without you here i still want to be the person you thought so highly of at some point. thank you again for encouraging me to go to college. also by dealing with it i meant what youve been filling your days with, lol
that really doesnt look too bad, less gruesome than i was expecting heh. i wonder how long it’ll last. i used to scratch my arms with my nails until it broke the skin and it looks similar. the scars faded within about a year though. i wonder if the sugar scrub also extends the longevity of the scar itself? thank you for the advice by the way
what stuff would you want to get?
Zer0_online is the nudes one but I haven't been using twitter lately
its been almost a year since i did it and its nowhere as vibrant as in the pictures its still definitely there its just healed pale like a brand would normally though brands take over a year to fully heal i will just have to wait and see for the final product im thinking of redoing it if needed tho
just to use a recognisable name if you look up steve-o and the heart he has branded on his chest thats probably how 99% of brands look after a couple of years
also if theyre done right they will never "heal" in the way your thinking its a 2nd/3rd degree burn it causes permentant scarring
oh wow, yeah i think i might be too pale for that haha. still, thank you anon. it’s a really neat form of art, thank you for being so willing to tell me about it.
i have a lot of ideas
a double headed centipede wrapped around my wrist
a pentagram around the brand
bats, moths, spiders probably some other animals if i can think of any more on my left arm
and for my right arm pobably cartoon characters though i havent fully decided yet
any meaning behind them?
It’s hard for me to recognize if I’m justified in my feelings, or if I’m just coddling and victimizing myself. Eh, I don’t believe that to be true personally, your feelings really don’t have any impact on mine in that regard. As for the codependency, we were definitely there already, I do believe it would have gotten worse. I’m glad you’re working hard, I trust you won’t burn yourself out. I have a similar mindset with my own studies, so nothing to apologize for really. Even if it doesn’t happen, the hope is fuel I suppose? And oh, same as you, I’ve also been getting into vidya and hobbies and stuff, I forgot how much I enjoyed doing these things. Going back to codependency subject, I wonder if we’d become too far gone, that we’d lose ourselves in eachother, stuck in entwinement like you said. I think I was on the edge of forgetting my own individuality, it was wake up call almost.
i love body mod stuff i really like grace neutral and the stuff ive found out about from her videos and documentaries
and thank you for asking questions im happy to introduce people to things they might not know existed so they can look up things for themselves and explore new ideas
i really like bugs and insects
centipede are cute little guys they dont hurt anybody
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Comfort movie is a lame term, idk Cabin in the woods love that movie
I saw Despicable me 4 and it was a little lame I don’t like the villain in it he was stupid it was unsatisfying bring back minions characters Scarlett Overkill and Herb Overkill they made me a little hard

Can’t believe Purple is back hes been m.i.a for a while isn’t it great I love peace and prosperity
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goodnight ftmg i give my blessings
i can say you’re 1000% justified, retard. you didnt deserve what i did to you. im going to be honest, the two dreams i had, the two nights prior, the ones i didnt tell you about, were what pushed me to do this. i never told you but i was really high strung those two days, i kept hallucinating things. it’s pretty silly but, i feel like it was a sign. you asking me was a sign too. it’s really silly of me to think this way, but maybe some greater force pulled us out of that happening, or we could both sense what was going on, that we needed to be apart for a while, or for good. i didnt know how to communicate it. i didnt want you to think i didnt like all the hours we spent talking about nothing, but i wanted us to be able to love eachother meaningfully. im still not sure how to communicate it. i love you a lot and i dont want the time i desire to spend with you to be out of necessity. i was terrified you were avoiding me if you were gone for too long. im sorry i didnt try to fix it for us sooner. you dont deserve that at all. i hope the next time around, if there is one, ill have learned from my mistakes and love you in the way i should have been doing already.
why is it fuel for you? not to be a downer but you working hard wont have an impact on an outcome in the same way as it will for me. still, as selfish as it is it makes me a little happy to know you want it too. is it okay if you tell me about them? your hobbies? ive been getting back into mine too heh. im glad they make you happy.
part of me is glad we might have been prevented from that sort of thing. again, im sorry i let it fester for so long, on top of letting it happen at all. i didnt want it to end. i was afraid if we were honest with ourselves about it, you’d slip out of the honeymoon phase and discard me. i was getting too comfortable and i was paranoid because nothing good ever happens then.
-none of what i say justifies it, i could tell you were starting to lose your sense of self too. im glad i could ensure the best for you, even if it’s not in the most favorable way from my perspective. sorry for making this so long.
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this gen is literally halfway dead. id say it’s being done a favor
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she looks cool but sheeeesh those scleral tattoos she got make my skin crawl. ill check her out though, thank you
i love them too. picrel are my favorite :3
I'm sorry about that, and that you felt you couldn't express it, but thank you for telling me now. I think you're right, maybe us meeting was just necessary as us being pulled apart, and whatever may happen in future. I love you a lot as well and you really have nothing to apologize for, it should have be a mutual effort, we were both too anxious to really do anything about what was happening, and its understandable why. This is quite short in comparison, but you've said most of what could be. I'm just glad we can be open about it now.
Regarding hobbies, nothing you already know! I'm glad you've been getting back into them as well. I played a visual novel recently called 'Love & Dehumanization' it kinda sucks and has weird fetish elements, but the main character kind of reminded me of you, I thought you might enjoy it. Anyways, we better stop shitting up the board. I wish you with the sincerest luck, and I'll reach out in due time. Stay safe faggot
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holy shit you are a massive faggot. OF COURSE it reminds you of me. and now i have to play it to satiate my curiosity. i wish you luck too, i love you. please stay safe, stupid annoying retarded nigger. i look forward to the next time we talk.
I would squish that fucker to death
Have good night.

Fuck these. I found live one in my drink hiding under the ice.
of course you would haha
Heheheheheh. I love you too, stupider annoyinger and retardeder wigger!
hello fags im back again after some retard posted bbc in /vg/ with my ip and i had to appeal the fuckin ban
dont really have one since i dont watch tv or movies nearly as much anymore, i used to watch a select few on repeat as a kid though
around a year ago with my girlfriend and her family
they wanted to see the barbie movie and i tagged along with her
i wish i could give you a hug, until next time. sorry to get all corny on you, but ill still be wishing for you in the meantime. also i am NOT a wigger
Death to them all if I see them. I almost threw glass against the wall.
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They will get the glock glock

Hi kod, how are you?
Yeah whatever faggot (I wish so too). I'll continue to wish as well. :p
also, enjoy your supper. also i just started that vn. no words… do i actually seem like the mc…
Enjoy yours, you better be eating enough retard. And yes, a bit heh..
i will, i promise. you better be drinking enough. does she remind me of you, because the (presumed) love interest is a black woman?
nothin new aside from the ban bullshit, thank you for asking. how about yourself
used to get a lot of those horrid little shits crawling up the drains in the old house, i always either flushed em or squished em
theyre good for pests but they always get in spots they shouldnt be, i have more sympathy for spiders than them
Good! And no, keep playing and you'll understand why I think so.
fine, retard. is this you getting back at me? by making me play a shitty porn vn? heheh. thank you for telling me about it, nerd.
It's for the plot, I swear... But maybe hehe
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yeah…. the plot…. where do you even find stuff like this?
Stop asking questions and play the damn game you goober
NO!!!! im gonna pester you until you cant take it anymore, for putting me in this scenario. also the mc is obese.. : [
The topic rather in general, seems something like you'd be interested in. Also, I am not forcing you to play it retard..
stop it….you’re forcing me, because you knew i couldn’t just not play it. you really thought this through, huh?
it’s looking like we really should wrap this up. i love you, please dont forget that in the meantime. ill tell you what i think about it, when we talk again. you massive dork. ill be beating you up EXTRA hard just for this.
*You* don't forget I love you dweeb. I look forward to both those things hehe!

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