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QOTT: Take a personality test and post your results

i dont feel like taking a test
which one nerd?
I have to find AND take one. Awful lot of homework, teach.
you gotta link the test...
Link a test and I will
My personality is June Simp
do mbti like normal people

married ISTJ chaser checking in

sup nerds
thread sucks; im infp

are there chasers in texas i might go there and want to know how over it is
Qott: No.
Ew don't go to Texas
married to a tranny or
Please no, I hate the autism zodiac
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Literally any test

pick one
but i want to
i wont take a new test
uhhhhh i got a 175 on the raads-r once, does that count
correct. happily.
I went to Dallas for a few days once.. It was absolutely awful
Do I have to give up my chaser card, they say I'm more gay than straight
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here's my personality test what do u think
aw cute
I'm a man, I'm not taking a personality test. I already know I'm an asshole.
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>100% Brat
Honestly me I’m trying to work on it
Ya you can drop your name I’ll add. I mostly play support as well I can’t aim any more.
i lied and took a new test
who could have seen a result like this coming. what a surprise
you won though.
That was easy, 100% heterosexual
>Honestly me I’m trying to work on it
Lol, it's all of us above 6 foot, man. I can hold it in these days though.
>I can’t aim any more.
That's what they made tanks for my guy.
I don't know how to answer these questions. If I fuck a passing crossdresser is that gay or straight?
>tfw want to fight for control every time but still lose every time
one day I will find my 100% Brat Tamer bf until then no one will be able to handle me
gay, you retard.

if they don't identify as a woman, that's just a dude in a costume.
Now what happens if I didn't know? You can say the act was maybe, but am I gay in that scenario?
It's gay-leaning GAMP
Real life isn't trap doujins
I was going to take the boomer test but it’s 25 questions so I have up

Tank role sucks tho. I used to play tank in ow1 but single tank is bad. I just play brig and hit people now
It's a thought exercise. I'm making a point here.
you didn't know and you still fucked them?

means you're so stupid that it doesn't matter at that point. stop gooning and get your life together.
I hope those two who were flirting get together
What if there was a girl who had a thick dick with a bio-pussy at the tip
Would it be gay to fuck it
Idk I haven't played Overwatch in like five years.
Hyena if real.
It’s kind of the same as before, but also much worse
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Fucking lol. Sorry
lmao sucks bud
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i got the same score
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is it just any test or
How can taking internet tests be how you spend your time? I don't get it.
Gotta have hobbies I guess.
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Personality test are for women and bottoms. I'm just cool and I know how cool I already am
same reason why you spend your time on imageboards
What's the biggest animal you think you could take with just a rock?
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this but unironically
100% based / 0% cringe
5 metric tonnes of dumb muscle
Sagittarius ass motherfucker
Borderline? Nah I crossed the line
Bloodline? Descendant of royal incest
Anxious attachment style
IQ? Pure midwit. Sat atop the peak of the bellcurve surveying all below me
INFP or some shit I ain't doing one of those
200 words per minute
Visual learner
Feather of Maat sends my heart flying into the stratosphere from massive weight differential
Need any more info feds?
grindr is horrible never going there again. How do you meet tranners? hinge?
the pacific northwest giga-hon
On land? Whale. In the sea? Giraffe.
> grindr is horrible never going there again. How do you meet tranners? hinge?

Some one answer. I also want to know.
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this is my other one
I fucked it up
Keep going.
There are people I want to talk to but every time I write out a message to them I end up thinking "why bother" and delete it before sending

I don't just have negative game. I have positive antigame
Why not just send it anyway then?
Type faster, faster than you can think. Hit enter at maximum speed.
I have people I wanna talk to but they're all tired of my shit.
I would like to talk to someone but I think he does not wish to talk to me
Is this here or elsewhere? If it’s here 100% just say it(unless it’s mean or fucked up)

But do you want to look back and regret not talking to some one?
Nice work being normal anon. Good job. c:
Now get off this website and integrate into society
What makes you think that?
he said this to me
Said what anon
I'm not. Let's chat, weirdo

It's Discord private messages, because of course it is. I would rather never send a message than send one I regret. I guess I'm just getting my frustrations about it off my chest.
That might complicate things a smidge.
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not my prettiest batch of gyoza but it made 5 portions for pretty cheap

one day I will have gf and we will make gyoza together
Why would you regret sending a message?
Honestly just send them. Fuck it. As long as it’s not creepy or mean who cares. If they don’t like it they will just not respond
nah I need to stop
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with that lack of finger dexterity, you will never find a life partner.
So fucking tasty looking
im not sure how that makes things more complicated, it is my fault for acting "weird"
oooo who?
>acting "weird"
What does that mean?
oh i should try indegrating dumplings into my diet i think that has a high potentional for being a nice complete meal
you will win at love, you are a love succeeder
Sticks aren't tricky to use
oooh link, pretty please?
This looks good and now I am hungry
How many calories did you eat today?
No I'm hurting her I need to stop
I wish she would talk to me and keep me as a platonic friend instead of outright ghosting me.
That's rough, buddy.
i would like to feel joy
have sex
I can’t I’m embarrassed what if no one play with me
does any chaser wanna be my pet slave?
his words not mine

this has nothing to do with love he just does not want me to ask him questions anymore
i dont want to calculate right now, i think itd be pretty bad

>0% fat plain yogurt cup with some whey
>pack of blueberries
>frozen blueberries
>can of pumpkin
>2 eggs
>some heavy cream like maybe a tbsp
>like maybe 8oz soup, mostly veggies with pork
>slice of american cheese
>really hungry rn so im eating leftover rice, maybe 100g dry, probably too much

yeah low protein day
Same. I know it’s out there but it’s hard to find
>have sex
It usually works better if there 2 I’m only 1
That sucks, dude sounds like a bit of an ass. Probably for the best to just move on. Sorry though.
Playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time, it’s pretty cool ngl
are you really a femboy? do something femoboyey
I need to find a new target unfortunately

that is just the way life goes, sometimes
nice, can you describe your butthole for us?
sex does not spark joy
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>another night of no sleep
sodium nitrite my beloved...
I'm full of life force today. I'm emanating pure unadulterated bullshit. I'm unstoppable, toppable and no longer a danger to myself, others and their fine milf mothers.
I'm over my ex and that is to say, she's very much still in love with me. Onto the next I say. A trail of yearning hearts in my wake on my way to my crowning as number 1 fuccboi (girl) in my tri county area.
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ok goodnight Chase R. General. here is a photo of my cat snoozing this morning as a parting gift
the snoozer
Night and nite to cute cat
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There, I did 3
goodnight kitty cat
It’s flabby and kind of ass, pun intended.
>new target
Sort of ominous phrasing, but alright.
jiggle that flabby bootyhole for us babe
I tried FF7 emulated but eventually i just got bored and too often stuck on bosses. Older RPGs tend to have that issue and i didnt find the story compelling enough to work past it. The characters unique qualities often were more distracting and unharmonious than interesting. The combat is also uninteresting and confusing and random encounters are too dated for my taste. I only really liked the visuals, very strong character

i dont play a lot of RPGs, but i think the World Ends With You has been my favorite, perfect late 2000s vibes, cuts out so much unnecessary classic RPG stuff, amazing story. Not absurdly long. i should finish it though
I can respect the classics but I can also respect people who can’t. The games pretty dated and it doesn’t help that you were playing the PS1 version of it. The port that I’m playing has some qol changes that make it a little more palatable. I still play games with retarded mechanics like tailing in watch dogs 1 so I’m not one to complain :shrug:
fake ass femboy with a flabby pancake ass
Rosewood isn’t here posting music

Some one else what you listening to right now. Post some stuff
is it straight to make your chaser bf call you a pathetic failure of a man and deadname you in bed? He doesn't like it but I love it. I think it's pretty straight
Listen to some Herbie Hancock
Sure <3
if i was not trans i would totally want to experience the mid 80s
chasers post cock?
chaser here, I am listening to barbie girl on repeat while I am wearing my chastity cage and my diaper my trans gf forced me to wear
whose trip is this
Mine is in the shop right now, sorry. Using a rental.
A few more

Random super pop song

Obligatory TV girl

Obligatory ABBA

More TV girl
where does one find chasers offline? im tired of being alone
my mistress doesn't allow my cock out of my sissy cage sorry
Sometimes I buy groceries or go to the movies.
Ty for music I’ll listen now
It’s hard we look like normal people
They find you. Hence the term. Chaser
I usually hang out by my local gloryhole
you don't. drop discord
Some Wang Fei for you all too

I love her, i burnt Fuzao to a cassette a while ago. I really want her to get some exposure on Tiktok, dream/ethereal cpop needs attention there




I heard this song before hearing Dreams by the Cranberries so whenever i hear the cranberries i think that its an english cover and not the other way around
don't respond to me, you make me sick
typically yes, but im cispassing
online things haven't worked out for me
Just pass less then nerd. Wear some signifiers. Literally what fags have been doing for centuries. One earring. All that kinda shit.
Literally just wear one trans coded thing (a pin badge would even do) and they'll flock to you like moths to a flame.
well gotta keep trying, or you'll end up in an abusive t4t relationship like the rest of them

cast a wide net, you'll find a keeper soon enough
you should wear a diaper or a buttplug furry tail, a chaser will clock you immediately
I think this is the wrong place to ask. People on 4chan tend to be anti-social and don't go out much. Besides buying groceries, going to the gym, to the library once in two months or going for the occasional walk outside I don't really go out that much
i could try a pin. hope i dont get hatecrimed.
maybe i deserve abuse
Ty again. I get stuck in my metal genera and these threads always are nice to see new music. One of my favorite parts of them
Do I have a savior complex if I just want to generally make a sad trans lady happy
shut the fuck up with that bleak shit.

talking like that but too scared to drop your discord and put yourself out there. coward for real
Could try a more low key signifier.
Want to share?
What kinda metal do you like dude?
True chasers can clock you without a pin
it's true. I can spot a tranny from a mile away.
Here’s a few song I have been listening to. Mostly deathcore but venture into black and hardcore



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idk if anyone remembers this, but i'm the anon who was posting about my pushy chaser neighbor the other day
small update
he has now come up to my car window like, four times i think? last time i finally got a handle on it, just said "i'm in the middle of something, have a nice day" and he got my drift for once.
he's also begun sporadically showing up knocking on my door.
i continue to think he might lurk here, so if you see this, bro, leave me ALONE. i don't know you, anything about you besides that you have a kid and "really like trans," i have plenty else going on in my life, this is not how i get to know people, and i am not even actively dating. i am on the brink of filing a police report, or at least warning you that i'm gonna do so. CHILL
Alright, but we have to be holding each other when we go
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im infj which makes me God's favorite princess but also his martyr
then why dont any ask me out? I do get attention from some attractive guys, but they are suddenly no longer interested in me when they learn im a tranny.
Aren’t you a gaygen poster?
because they aren't chasers, moron
ah geez anon that sucks id just tell him if he interacts with me again ill pepperspray him
two infj's back to back. is that the tranny mbti or something?
i stopped after i moved out of the big city, but i started carrying pepper spray on my keys again because of him -_-
i'm a peaceful soul though. that's for if he tries to touch me or follow me inside
ooh link?
pls be safe that guy seems scary
what is that rare or something?
aren't you?
autofilled wrong trip cuz i posted in a guessing thread and wanted to be fair
I'm assuming you must pass pretty well
infj is the rarest one yes, and ur basically fucked if you get it
it's true. infj are fucking doomed
she is a crazy passoid its actually insane
ty, will do so! scary factor's kinda down despite the knocking at least, i was scared at first but increasingly i think he's just dense and pushy and it's shifting to cautious annoyance lol. he's respecting the boundaries just standing right on the absolute edge of the line. kinda guy who won't harm a stranger but might abuse a gf lowkey
I remember you sorry this is still an issue.
Honestly I would probably just file the report. You can threaten him with it but he might retaliate. If there a report filed and he does something to you they will know right where to look first.
They don’t like trans I guess

But I’m a chaser and just because I see a trans person dosent automatically mean I’m intrested
most passoids are crazy. burden of the beast.
Ah nice. Core stuff can be fun. Swedish homie was showing me some fun new symphonic deathcore the other day.
You'll probably dig
wait why??
same :(
def report him to the police and carry pepper spray
do i count
i like to think that I do. got hrt at 13. im still insecure about some things though. but i try to believe what im told.
thank u bestie
I very much do. I posted this song a few days ago lol. I want to see them live if they come near me
no i mean crazy as in good like very passing
I have no idea if you count. idk what you look like. discord it, stranger
not me I'm not crazy
yus we gotta plan the new york trip soon
sure sure ;)
Oh based haha! Yeah I'm sure it'd slap live!
I swear to god I am not crazy
absolutely! it will def be a lot of fun to hang out again
>got hrt at 13
No normal chaser would be able to clock you then
blasphemy won't help you here, stranger.
Nobody was talking to you.
shut up you fake ass 'femboy', you shouldn't even be in this gen
hmm both y'all and my mom saying this. and i did tell myself the other day "if he comes to my car or knocks again i'll file the report" and then he did both of those things again since that. at first i was just trying to not be overly mean about it, now it's lowkey just feeling demand avoidant about the fact that this jackass has forced me to spend probably multiple hours of a day on a trip to the police station >.>
but y'all are right. i will go file a report sometime this week. or maybe they'll let me do it over the phone, that'd be nice
Where are the gigachasers to clock her based on her gait even in the fog from a half mile away? Smh what's the point of this baka board if we don't have one of those running around?
literally me.

I spend my days out clocking strangers with my wife.
They how come im clocky??
How do I become you
do it sooner rather than later! i dont want to scare u but what if he does something before u can call the police
you were just talking to me, are you dense or smth?
>tfw will never find a bf despite being a passoid because years of eating disorder/purging ruined my molars and good teeth are the most important thing when dating
do I just sui now? I don't want to be alone anymore
You can get dental implants
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I hope so some bands can disappoint.
You might be able to do it over the phone. I have never done it before but you should definitely. He’s making you feel unsafe repeatedly.
spend too much time around trannies and learn their traits through immersion

then escape the toxicity and get married to someone equally as judgmental

play 'spot the tranny' at any chance you get in public and share knowing looks at each other when encountering yeti-hons.
right... molars... i think you have other personal failings than that...
whoops. quoted the wrong post. my bad. meant to click on this one.
That doesnt really explain how i can be a clocky youngshit
I have never seen your face but you probally pass better then you think.
and thus, my dilemma. maybe i should go on dates with someone and only reveal im a tranny before any sex happens
>assuming i walk like a man
excuse you, i learned how to walk correctly from a young age
You are to chasers and trans people, but you aren't to normies
this is stupid. be honest from the get go.
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my ugly fat ass around a month ago
Disclosing earlier is probably better. It's not worth wasting the time dating people that wouldn't be interested in you
thats what ive been doing and it gets me nothing
solid.even I would have a tough time clocking you desu.

unless you're over 5'10"
Honestly you do pass. I’m sure if I saw you in person I would assume cis.
PNW winters coming soon

Looking for nice trans lady to cuddle with when the snow makes the roads unsafe and we're stuck inside for a while.
then either you're ugly even if you pass, or your personality is repugnant

can't tell from image board sadposts tho
no they aren't, dumbass. Plenty of people don't find that a dealbreaker, and veneers are a thing. Live your life instead of focusing on something so fucking tiny in the grand scheme of things.
yeah I figured lmao. Guess I need to immerse myself a little longer.
gait is such a hard thing to change, and it's deeply personal. I've seen smudges in the horizon that I recognized as family members of mine, even.
oh that's right, I remember seeing you. You're very pretty actually and I've always wanted to tell you that that shirt of yours looks like it has the smoothest most amazingest texture ever
i thought u were supposed to tell them after a few dates that way they could gauge if they actually like u enough to ignore the tranny shit
That was okay before as long as disclosure happened before sex, but people seem to be getting pretty hostile lately
Im around 5'9. when i measure myself i get between 5'8 and 5'10. I really wish i was a lot shorter. Im not sure why im not shorter even though i started young. Wish there was something i could do

atleast im shorter than my dad i guess
Your so fucking beautiful
I like this honestly. It forces people to actually make a decision based on your personality as well and not just if your trans or cis
*you're are
This shirt is super cheap and the threads tore loose after a single wash, have to hand wash this shirt. also please dont try to make me think im better than
lol fuck off
that's not the worst. my wife is 5'8"

good on ya, stranger.
why do hussies always pass
thats scary :( especially wheee i live ppl can be nasty but im stealth so it hasnt come up and ive never been in a relationship yet so idk
thats what i was thinking. at least i have a slight chance to convince someone that im a real person
Your heights fine. Besides you like tall men so you will be short compared to them.
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fug this song is hard too learn
not ugly. i get a lot of interest but most are extremely turned off by the concept of me having a dick. as for my personality, im a bitch sometimes but no more than anyone else.
yes and i was paranoid enough to learn how to master it over the past decade.
that was my thought as well
What do the back of those jeans look like? Yk for fashion reasons
Welcome back rose and your scary Russian war movie pic. I still still need to watch that shit

You trying to learn the song?
I dont like tall men i like men that are taller than me. if 50% of men are shorter than me, and most that are taller are only an inch taller, that makes me potential to see a taller man a lot smaller
not true T o T
why are you all so mean :(
Ya if you are 5’9 and you want taller then at minimum it’s 5’10 and that’s still considered above average. Is 1 inch enough or is a bigger difference the goal?

And would you consider shorter or not at all?
tyty :) lol its really not for everyone but the pics are def how im feeling rn, im a but stumped on howe fast the chord transitions are but its like only my first hour or so trying. i love this song sm

>responds to the only negative comment
okay but I couldn't have possibly known that. I only call what I can see with my own eyes, and I thought that shirt looked nice. You don't need to hammer yourself down like a nail slightly taller than the others. You're pretty, that's it. I didn't say you were funnier, more interesting, more intelligent, more worthy than anyone else in here.
because you're doing the annoying woman thing of saying "i look so bad in this picture" to farm attention and compliments
idk why y'all are jumping on her like that.

that's just what women do. lmao

passing behavior imo
That's what annoying and narcissistic women do. Probably should've expected that from a tripfag youngshit
>idk why y'all are jumping on her like that.

i just made a statement, just though it was a bit funni, sorry ig

>passing behavior

i wouldnt know it
Great song. I don’t know enough about music to give any input but I’m sure you will get it. You know music well
>tripfag youngshit
you ever just step back and look at the words we all use and try to imagine normal people trying to make sense of our conversations?
>You know music well
same desu im kinda just winging most of these lol, i habe 0 formal training heh :)
I pass but I'm agp

what are the ramifications of this on society?
the same is perfectly okay, its neutral. I am attracted to any additional height so 1 inch is plenty enough for me to feel better. As long as nobody would look at the two of us and thinks "wow he shorter than her that must suck for them" then i wont be self conscious. If theyre like significantly taller like 3+ inches more then i would feel physically attracted but honestly even an inch is enough to make me feel something when an active comparison is made

>Would you consider shorter
i would, but not significantly. 5'6 is an instant swipe left on tinder
I would drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear you fart into a walkie talkie
>I don’t know enough about music
i mean to highlight this imma retard :(
You were just trying to remind her not to feed the trolls.

And you pass lol
>wow he shorter than her that must suck for them
Do you think this when you see a shorter guy with a taller girl?
i dont, like at all.
> wow he shorter than her that must suck for them
Honestly most don’t think this. I know a few couples where the woman is taller and no one really cares

But good news finding 5’9-5’11 shouldn’t be that hard but after that where it’s hard.

Ok you said you posted in passgen the other day. What did people say there?
I dont see couples very often and when i do the man is always taller 100% of the time or i like just dont clock theyre a couple. Sometimes i see a short guy but his gf is always shorter. if i do see a couple where the girl is taller i would probably not think much of it unless the difference was huge like 6+" and then i would assume the guy really likes taller women and shes settling

I dont know the average height of men dating women my height. I assume its taller because some tall men like women that are also tall and of course a lot of tall girls like a taller guy, but i assume the ratio of guy-taller-than-girl to girl-taller-than-guy is smaller just because there are less opportunities
When I see a shorter guy with a taller girl, I think, giwtwm
Shut up baby dick Mina
>the guy really likes taller women and shes settling
Okay, so you're actually just a piece of shit and projecting.
You don’t have formal training but you still seem to be good at it. That song you posted had a really cool sound and vibe to it.

Honestly I don’t know I live in a very short state and almost never see taller women. I am in to them but I have mostly ended up dating the short ones.
yes i am projecting, ive youve not noticed already i do that a lot
alright kids, been fun.

gn babydick
Lol Mina really got a tiny wee wee
I fucking knew you were that same anon that commented that lol
I did some I got from the random button, they told me that the dictator I'm most like is Stalin, that the dominant side of my brain is the right, and that I am Typically Feminine. Plus picrel.
lol I’m sort of in persistent it’ll catch on
>they told me that the dictator I'm most like is Stalin
What are you Karelian? lol
if anything it's just making me think you're taking a page out of June's notebook:
>yes i am projecting, ive youve not noticed already i do that a lot
> wow he shorter than her that must suck for them
legit never have heard this, if ever I heard comments, it was either about the guy being lucky or just a bit of surprise, but I never heard of anything negative.
your preference is your preference ofc, but I felt like this needed a clarification
> 5'6 instant swipe
I'll be someone else's short king :(
*im sorry if im persistent it’ll catch on
Loook I don’t know shit but I do know Mina has a 1incher
>What are you Karelian? lol
my grampa was, funny enough
was curious what this would give me, it gave me a good lol
>the asexual quadrant
explain this in language a hillbilly would understand pls
This test kind of sucks. Does this mean slapping some gock around isn't gay?
the test just asks "a man" or "a woman," we can infer therefore it's only gay if you felt like sex with a man to you. greco-roman rules. kinda based
it's definitely gay if you touch mine though and i will call you a faggot for it
not that you're not allowed to touch it.
that would just make you a big gay faggot
checked myself as woman for this test evem though it feels wrong but whatever
i dont want anyone to touch or even see that gross thing
haha nice, making paapa proud
>explain this in language a hillbilly would understand pls
You'd fuck either men or women if it weren't for good 'ol whiskey dick making it unlikely to happen without effort
Sounds kinda hot. Can I call you a failed male faggot while jerking you off and breeding you?
I would never touch yours. Yours is for caging exclusively.
Not letting some one see it might be a little harder. I feel it would be hard to hide it
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sorry to jumpscare yall with my face imma prolly head out now :D, spirited away sounds nice atm

i mean its like a mix of everything and some people can be a bit too nice there (bless their souls but still). i fear i dont get proper ratings. in old passgens people were fairly brutal to me but constructive in a way, i dont keep spreadsheets or anything but like i know Ive gotten 'clocky pass' enough to paint me a picture. and rn its a fairly bad one. gaining weight really fucked my face a bit more mainly cause the fat stored in my cheeks/lower jaw. also bad diet made my skin look worse as well but thats slowly getting better with consistency. Ive looked a ton better tho and it did lead to me passing in certain situations more, im at least trying to get back to that, where i was last year before neeting. rn im an uncanny mess and i dont have a problem admitting that. vting would help but like it feels like such a fruitless endeavor. idk i know i shouldnt but like this was my passgen shit this week. idk i know i needa try so much harder but i aint gonna lie i barely got any motivation anymore. i just feel burnt out

i have that natual talent B) jk but i do feel myself getting better everyday! like a month ago it was impossible to sing and play but im doing alright with some songs now, the hours you gotta put in the is pretty wild for anything to really stick tho.
not suprising honestly
>rose is hot and cool
How can other trannies compete?
I need srs so badly
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alright, I'll take one
can you do this to me please
If you're cute, yeah.
yea I am
>whiskey dick
i'm a teetotaller but hrt is my dick whiskey so this tracks
test says i'm "ace" apparently, so yes but only if you take me on dates and snuggle me when we're done
wait wait, not that asexuals aren't real
i just think it's really funny the test labelled me asexual for 32% on both attractions
Lots of dates and snuggles for sure.
> spirited away
Good choice that one of my sisters fav movies

I know passgen isn’t always the best place and honestly I might not be as well, but I’m not sure if I saw you in public if I would know you were trans desu.
But It is good to keep working towards your goals and get to the place you want to be looks wise. Sorry your burnt out I can only imagine how much work all this shit is.

And I’m excited to see new music when you drop it.
Goodnight enjoy the movie or music or whatever you doing
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this one is so weird. i'm a bishit and don't fantasize much about anyone or think about sex that much in general, but do find my partners attractive, so that means i'm a grillpilled centrist but in a slightly gay way.
I know I know.
are you sexually attracted to propane and propane accessories anon? it's okay, this is a safe space
daily complaint about lack of EU representation in these threads until I annoy enough European trans girl with said complaint

my enough could be a bar too high, so get working
>old worlder
opinion disregarded. your entire hemisphere is for boomers and royalists
im EU representation :X
Well us Americans are almost out of here so you can take this shit over and do whatever you eu people do.
Very sad

Anons does anyone want to make out with me in a local cornfield?
We know a lot of people here will say yes. But why a cornfield
finally, we'll be able to discuss Deutscheban, croissants and Real Madrid like real people do!
fool, i am made of pure unalloyed all-american insomnia
Most romantic thing you can do in the midwestern united states
do you have any idea how itchy corn is
heart of a corn maze is one thing but corn fields are not sexy
if you were European you could be making out in front of the Tour Effeil or in Venice instead, or any other romantic European city
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midwest mentioned day made
Ok fair. I never got used to the Midwest life for the short time I was there. I think I just want to always live near the ocean.
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very easily, in fact i dont keep up. I dont compare to anyone here and i feel my interests can only take me so far, like many said 'id be cool to hang out with' lol............. yeh but thats prolly it tho. im dejected anon. it really just feels like im just abusing myself trying to keep this up. my dysphoria is genuinly so bad but im just numb to it now. i have to be, i cant be some neet my whole life, but fuck it just hurts so bad. have a good night anon <3

same it was on cartoon network all the time so i just watched it a ton when i was little, sorry for kinda venting a bit too much. i prolly shouldnt come here as often seeing how it makes me feel sometimes. ty tho dude i hope you hav a gn aswell :) the encouragement is always heavily appreciated. like a serious ton
i havent been to an ocean beach in around 8 years
That all sounds unamerican to me. >>37373625
Sleeping is fucking hard
I drove though Iowa and had no idea how beautiful that state is. I honestly didn’t expect it
Vent whenever but ya this place can be bad for the mental. But if coming here messes you up then ya doing it less might be required. We will miss the conversations and tunes but make sure to at least be here some of the times.

When I moved it’s one of the things I missed the most, and Mexican food
I just want an excuse to wear a bikini when i finally lose enough weight
I mean you got lake beaches not super far right? And there always just going to a pool.
omg right?? it's so gorgeous. great parks too if you're ever not just driving through.
what season? my favorite is the bare fields in winter when there's a few feet of snow.
going out to rail bridges or on the edges of corn fields to meditate when it's blizzarding is rly comfy
yeah we do theyre very nice and beautiful, i think theyre similar to coasts in colder areas like new england or some of the PNW. but typically its too cold out to justify that much skin and i think native midwesterners are adverse to showing that much skin anyways. There are days of the year that you CAN wear a bikini but not need to, like its not so hot you want more skin you just wear it cause thats what you own and want to wear. its been a while since ive been to one of the lakes but i dont remember many swimsuits, often just normal clothes for the season but you swap the bottoms out for skim trunks if you plan to swim.

I think honestly a lot of the bikinis in michigan and surrounding states are owned by younger women with the sole intention of wearing them at like parties or whatever. We dont have a lot of pools (public or private) and beach days are not common for us even if you are near the lake coasts.
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time to ask questions, might ask again in the other thread if everyone migrates there before I get my fill of answers

would any of the girls lurking around date a guy with long hair? and in general, what kind of hair length and style is your turn on/turn off?
honestly, depends. I wouldn't date a guy with shitty metalhead hair, be it dry or greasy, but if it's well taken care of and sorta lion's mane esque then sure. there's a guy i see out on the town sometimes who has feminine long straight hair with bangs and a beard and he looks so fucking good, but like, that requires being really hot in general to pull off.
good long hair can make a hot guy look better, but shitty long hair can make an ugly guy look worse. i don't think there's many guys i'd date with short hair but not with long hair, but some men who are already gross turn ten times grosser with greasy long hair.
Looks are cumulative. I think on average long hair, as in shoulder length or longer, is typically less attractive on a man. However that doesnt mean having hair that length makes a guy ugly. Firstly if youre a pretty face already the long hair might not make enough of a difference. Secondly if you style it right and keep it well groomed it can be an attractive hairstyle (but typically men dont do that). Thirdly if it matches the rest of your personal style it can work. Some guys have that kinda lone wolf/bounty hunter/ladys man look to them (if you know what i mean) and some of them really really rock that ponytail. And i think that some of the skinny rocker-style men can look good with messy kinda greasy long hair. however thats not really the majority of long hair men, most of them just dont seem to hair about grooming, and that is unattractive
omg, that guy has my look, my hair is almost shoulder-length but I usually get it trimmed to not go over that, also bearded guy

styling is my biggest issue because I never know how to properly style it, one day I guess I'll find out

for both, in agreement on the greasy badky kept long hair, but I would guess it's just standard to take care to at least have clean hair
>I would guess it's just standard to take care to at least have clean hair
yeah I think the reason why we both bought it up is that a lot of guys don't do that? so my first thought of a guy having long hair is "how greasy is it?".

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