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can i actually get a boyfriend that loves me or he will always dream about leaving me for someone with a pussy
If you are planning on getting SRS I won‘t leave
why is It so important..
In a real life situation, of course. In the terminally online theorycrafting illness bubble, no.
There are guys who would get to know you through friends, become friends, flirt, become attached. There are guys that already date cis/trans women and don't want kids so it's all the same to them.
Bisexuals love ass and dick and (usually) feminine features. Free W.
Will you possibly face more rejection or lack of interest for being trans, yeah, probably. But people get rejected or low interest for all kinds of shit. You just need to become good at figuring out if the person across from you is a piece of shit or not.
Welcome to dating.
No offense but my wife having a dick is gonna just be extremely weird and off putting by my 40s
what does It mean
This is basically 100 percent true.
Oh, one thing I would add to this is for the love of god, have realistic expectations/standards.

I'm not telling you to accept any fat ugly bastard but just don't be that one weird, 35yo trans woman who expects a tall, handsome, rich 22yo gigachad to be interested in her.

Date at your level, it can be tough to judge exactly what 'your level' actually is but the best way to do that is practice, which you get by dating lots of guys, and probably date older too (most women date older to begin with, I'd say cap the gap at around 10 years max unless you're actually into old men though).
I'll be totally honest, if I was in a relationship with a guy and we were gonna get married I would basically just let him decide if he wanted me to have SRS or not.

My dick does bother me and independent of anything I would want to get it anyway so I would definitely get SRS if that was what my husband/long term boyfriend wanted, but it doesn't bother me SO much that I would insist on getting rid of it if my husband really liked me having it.
i just want a cute bf that isnt obsessed with sex and not lowkey a pedo
i just dont really like srs results desu
Of course you can
personally would be dependent on if I get baby crazy, but let's be honest, at this point men have kids over the age of 30, but as of now I'm so put off by pussies that I wouldn't really have that dream
What is unclear here? It‘s just kinda abnormal, and not something I can imagine being okay with the rest of my life lol
I know this word is way overused but dating a chaser is the solution.
He will always love you for who you are and will never wish you were someone else. it doesn't matter if you want to get any kind of operation or not, he will always love you.
At least that's how I see it, I wish more chasers were like me, trans girls deserve all the love in the world
Unfortunately anon, most chasers fall more into the 'I want a trans woman as my dirty secret for sex stuff but have no interest in having a real relationship with her' category.
I'm not against the idea of dating a chaser long term, but dating a chaser is like rolling a D100 and the roll landing on any side other than 100 means he's just gonna use you as a fetish object then bail as soon as you start trying to get him to actually commit to a real relationship (that or he'll insist on an 'open relationship' and/or cheat on you).

Nothing against you personally, but the reason trans women don't want to date chasers is because most chasers are NOT viable options for a lasting relationship and will never marry us.
I thought it was just a loud minority, I'm sorry for some guys acting like that
I really hope you'll find a loving bf, you were really nice for responding to me
just in case, where are you from?
Please make decisions on your own body for yourself. I hate I even have to type that.
There's a lot of guys like that though, me included. Antidepressants killed my libido, I masturbate like once a week.
>Please make decisions about your own body for yourself
Don't tell me what to do.
Based mindset. Would marry
Oh you think you're SO damn clever you little hussy.. but look who's still wearing diapers.
Flexibility and compromise are important in relationships.
Cis people in relationships make compromises related to their bodies all the time.
If I can't even compromise on something so small (literally) that doesn't really matter to me, then how can I expect any prospective husband to be willing to compromise in other areas of the relationship.
prospects of having children will always be a dealbreaker for long term, it's inevitable until they invent artificial wombs, that's just the unfortunate reality

that said, the dirty secret is a dynamic that is applied to a lot of other cis relationships though, the truth is, people are assholes in general and it's hard to actually land a proper relationship based on trust, plus, many cis relationships aren't planned to last and are essentially just a façade to get off

I'm not trying to invalidate your experience, just trying to give you a different perspective
Yeah any man has to compromise on the prospect of childbirth for example
>prospects of having children
Surrogacy is a thing that exists and when I do get married, I actually plan to seek out such a solution because I want kids too

Other than that I would disagree pretty strongly that cis relationships involve the 'dirty secret' dynamic all that often. The only time I could think of that a cis-het relationship would involve that dynamic would be if it was part of an infidelity thing.

It is absolutely NOT typical for a guy to not want to be seen in public with his girlfriend or to refuse to commit seriously to the relationship.
Your perspective is extremely chaserbrained.
please what country are you from, you could find a bf in this thread
i am indian by di way looking for boivagen gurlfriend please mams give indian man a chance
you should consider ending your life
fakk you show bobs!!!
I'm an ugly fuck to the point of being an abomination so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I'd much prefer a trans girl with a dick. I don't want you to get surgery and fuck everything up down there, I want us to be fucking all the time and enjoying our bodies together. Alas, I will never get to have that experience, but at least dreams are free before I die.
Honestly I'm not sure. I'm sure it's possible for you to find someone like you described, but just how to do it without trial and error is something I'm not sure is possible. I'm assuming you're a trans girl, so the guy with the lowest chance of leaving you for a woman is a guy who likes girls but doesn't like vaginas. They exist. I'm one. How do you pick out someone like that from a regular guy though, I don't know, I don't think it's possible without directly asking them or putting a vagina in their face and seeing how they react. One thing might be if they say they don't want kids, but that's probably only going to narrow it down a little bit because it's not uncommon for younger people to say they don't want kids and then change their mind later.
One way to avoid a lot of the guys that just want sex and nothing else is just don't have sex with them. When you first meet someone just don't have sex for a few weeks or something. A nice guy will wait quite a long time, months even
kind of assholey to bring that up randomly when talking to someone who had to lose that without anything in return at birth
My husband hates Russian and still marry me. There's hope for all of you.

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