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what was the last pizza you ate
tell us about it

OLD >>37373401
qott: bacon and potato pizza
That's not real
was it any good
was it like a loaded potato pizza complete with sour cream etc.
honey goat cheese pizza
It's in my fridge. XL papa John's extra peperoni
I put pickled banana peppers on it and red pepper flakes
very real actually, it surprised me but it ended up being pretty good
it was delicious, the savoryness and grease of the bacon complemented the delicate taste of boiled potatoes
technically it also had an extra kind of cheese (provolone), no tomato sauce, in the end it's simpler than it sounds, but I'm a fan of this kind of pizzas
a delicious pesto base five cheese with extra feta and garlic
>Ive been binging his video, not sure why theyre just really nice
You know why, he's attractive and you're vapid. Shrimple as.
I like him. I saw a video he did with the other dr mike and he seems good
The emergency frozen red baron thats for emergencies ONLY
It wasnt an emergency and im ashamed
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Corn Pizza
Thinking of getting with a tranny just so I can eat pizza all the time.
>tfw no tranny gf to share an extra large pizza
it was one from a kebab shop, with pineapple, blue cheese, chicken and salami. I ordered it like three weeks ago I think? it was kinda mid, they used a kind of thick shitty salami you'd put on bread and there was like three pieces of it, the chicken tasted weird, and the blue cheese was the cheapest possible stuff. at least the pineapple pieces were good.

I'm kinda craving a pizza but i'd have a hard time fitting one in one day's calorie budget comfortably.
I want to be comfortable in my own skin but like me being my "normal" self is clearly not working so im trying to be less of that
Well played
i called game
haters will say it's scripted
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put me in the screencap
thank u
think my last pizza was almost 3 months ago at this point. it was Dominos slop, with onions peppers and mushrooms. it was good.
If she's a cluster B, she best stay the fuck away from me.
cluster bussy...
amen brother
holy shit holy shmo waow
Sounds like youre running from yourself out of self hatred instead of running towards the things you want. If you wanna be more femme just seek out things that make you feel that way, its not complicated. Insecurity and self loathing will only hold you back. Youre a tranny and you need to hear this? Youre on hrt right?
Angry Cluster B spotted. Have you tried cutting about it?
are there any chasers here who like it when cute girls cut themselves
only if they let me drink the blood
that's not a personality test
hi ..
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nope, hate that shit
If you cut yourself, you're not cute. You're a one night stand.
Istj Chad back after having fun last night with y'all. What's up?
please please please please ill slurp it like a good boi
i didn't fucking ask.
bark for me first
your a retard lol
you literally did
ARF ARF ARF *wags tail*
good puppy
oh sorry i forgot
if you're gonna cut, cut your neck instead you cluster B piece of shit.

except you did, you retarded nigger

kill yourself
Very much no
yes but only if they cut their arm open, bleed out and die because cutters are subhumans.
sneed !!!!
im going to put estrogen in your food btw.
Cumming on your sh scars
yea but people say im not feminine enough or dont have the right body to wear the kind of clothes i want so i either have to choose approval or being myself and thats not fair.
awhhh qwq
seek help instead of glamorizing cutting
if you want me dead you need to work for it yourself anon...
No wonder you're incredibly fucking retarded.
Taking LB to church.
>be on grindr for about a week
>get taps and messages by some cuties telling me I look handsome
>they never actually ask to meetup or anything like that
>I don't have pics showing off my body because I'm skinnyfat
>there are some cute people I've sent taps and messages to but they didn't respond
What's the problem? Do I have a barely attractive face enough to get some attractive people interested in me? Or would most people prefer attractive face and body combo?
You already posted this
too lazy to screenshot but i got 50/50
You should go up and down your arm with the razor you fucking retard.
submissive chasers belong to bratty tgirls sorry i don't make the rules
blood is hot
become attractive body wise, easy solution
Yes. Slit your fucking throat open, nigger.
vertical cuts are cool but I like going diagonally and doing little patterns
sneed !!!
you're probably just attractive enough for someone to consider fucking when they're really horny but they know they can get with someone even more attractive
conflating bloodplay and cutting is dangerous and enables self-harm
i think bloodplay is reprehensible too but it at least implies controlled and responsible use of bleeding
im not subby, i wanna drink blood in a dom way
bratty tgirls don't exist
>What's the problem?
did you try to talk with them and get to meet them or you're completetely socially retarded and fumble the bag everytime?
hewwo twannews do you wike small cute widdle cuddly bottom chasew bois? :3
Need a gf to carve my name in herself
this is... incredibly false
Youre absolutely right it isnt fair. But like are you gonna stop hrt because transphobes dont like it? Its your body not theirs, your self expression. People who unironically judge others for what they like are repressing themselves to fit in and want to make you conform alongside them because they hate to see you happy when they cant be.
You guys do realize the “girl” that’s into cutting isn’t actually a girl but is actually another Rick persona right ask her for a timestamp and see what happens
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can you stop posting this bait in every thread already, you're not even funny
I figure if someone messages me first as if they're interested then they're the ones who should put more effort into it
it's not bait ><
your retarded LOL
ok yeah i see where you're coming from but still i think it's hot
u literally barked for me
Post sh scars
are chasers usually dominant
The ones who aren't reppers yes.
only when they talk, then they either dip before the fuck or get on their knees
lapse of judgement :'3 i just really like blood
There are no trans girls without selfharm scars. They do not exist.
>they're the ones who should put more effort into it
both need to work for it you retard, trannies get hundreds of dm, if you don't work for it why would she chose you?
i'm not that dumb. idk ask my ex or something.
yes you should work on your body
i'm not a cute twink or femboy but I know if I were i'd want a guy with a good face and body, dick size wouldn't even matter as long as it's not comically small
My only scars are from genuine accidents
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large pan from Blackjack with green peppers, red onions and mushrooms
holy shit
okay i took this one, don't normally like long quizzes but i was interested in the results

good morning chasergen!
what differentiates successful chasers from the unsuccessful ones? successful chasers what do you do?
I love jacking off kill
>successful chasers what do you do?
i don't do anything trannies are the one chasing me
it's evening.
Okay, those are people dming them, not the other way around dumb fuck. I'm not saying I don't ever say shit back to them but if someone dms anyone first regardless the circumstance they should be the ones who know how to maintain a conversation.
wait i took a different one! link the one that you took!
>asking chasers instead of trannies
Trannies, why are none of you normal? I mean no mental illness and a job. We're tired of being expected to fix you.
you're genuinely braindead, no wonder nobody go further with you lol
It ok if they have them. We just don't want girls making new ones
Chasing is generally pretty easy. I'm

>physically fit
>decent face
>a top
>like many of the same video games that trans girls do

This has been enough for me to never get rejected by a trans girl. Not once.
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>why are people who are traumatised and gaslit from birth mentally ill
least psychopathic chasoid
i had a supreme pizza a few nights ago. it was pretty good :)
Pizza is torture. I want to eat it so often but I eat healthy so is rare. Pizza is love you.
that's not how courting a lady works anon, you're supposed to put in all the effort, if you manage to not look like a desperate creep in the process, you're golden
so get on with double texting, you aren't owed a response, remember that
Nice argument
but i just woke up :P
>no mental illness
but i have a job and no OTHER mental illnesses (diagnosed, anyway)
we're out there
that sounds like a whole lot of your problem
>>3737768 1
We dont even want you faggot whos asking you to fix them
she called me a sick bastard and she blocked me. just said i wanted to get to know her. i genuinely tried my best. my fucking god
Greentext it
Something else must have caused her to say that
were u creepy?
Why though? What does doing that help?
nta but nigga grindr is a hookup app it'd be easier to tell that anon to just improve his looks and get more messages than tell him to put in "effort" ya'll sound retarded
Do you even have to ask lol
Probably asked some shit about her gock
this one made me realize I should start looking for a therapist again
i have like three self-inflicted scars and none of them are self-harm related, i'm just dumb as shit sometimes and shouldn't be trusted around fire or sharp objects when drunk
blood is just hot
Be normal.
working on looks is also putting in effort, you just don't want to recognize that the deck is always stacked against the guy
i don't think so no, didn't say anything sexual. i said i found her attractive in a very subtle way
Post a screenshot of your messages
>those quints
I kneel
god i wish someone wanted to cut me but like really soft so i make little squeaks and gasps ugh
>be tall
>have a decent face
>have a fit body
>have money (optional for not being tall)
You cut yourself enough. As with everything else, you are used up.
i know who you are
nice digits
I can make you make those noises with my penis.
Get one of those cauliflower or mushroom crust ones
im hitting a vein
is there a better app than grindr my area is almost dead
I know who you are too.
no u don't.
aim for the artery please
holy quints
Now I definitely do.
just blocked some sick bastard creep
If grindr is dead the other apps are too
i don't think those exist where I live, sadly :<
ok ummm hi
just blacked some sick bastard creep
i mean 1 time in like a bunch of years is good anon
i dont think u can anon
what would tranners do if their bf kept trying to smell their butt? what should be done hypothetically.
Make one. The mushroom ones are really easy
do it yourself lazy woman
ok good one i laughed really hard
Man I wish duo was more popular. It's actually perfect design-wise and has no monetization.
I hope you're doing well. I know things have been wild.
oh yeah blood as hot as fuck
how did u phrase it?
can you fucking not glorify cutting you stupid fucking ugly retarded cluster B cunt?
i had a pizza yesterday and i decided to have hawaiian yesterday cause i hadnt had it in a long time
it was really yummy i still dont understand pineapple on pizza hate
im going to attack you
Fellow chaserbros what are your manipulation tactics to get bussy too good for you?
Please do
i love blood and cutting and razors im still so mad the psychward took my fucking razors i still cant afford to get more months later
ok attacks you
lovebombing followed by ignoring them for an hour
>manipulation tactics
Id rather just be honest and get what I get.
I only manipulate women. With trannies, all you have to do is be nice to them.
I'll buy you one if you carve my name into your body.
How do you do, fellow Chaserbros? Don't you just love gock and abusing trannies?
If it were more popular it would get monetized
>your manipulation tactics
huh? i don't have any, trannies just like me
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"its too late 4 me, baby" wish there was a full version of this song

i also miss making pizza :/
get a load of this faggot

i don't love gock. i love tranny hole. i also love abusing them. not physically but psychologically.
Chasoids say shit like THIS and then wonder why trannies don't like them!
i might depends on the name if u have more than 5 characters in ur name i def wont
is plain black beans on a tortilla and nothing else a decent dinner
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hey fuck u im not the only one who likes blood and pain yell at everyone else
As long as it kept the same type of userbase, like 4chan people then I wouldn't mind. Tired of going on dating apps and seeing everyone be a basic bitch and having pics of themselves doing shit like go on expensive vacations and shit.
it's obvious bait, dumbass
No chance on getting all of Bartholomew?
? razor blades are like dirt cheap. you can get a pack of 10 at walmart for like 2 dollars
someone pls yell at me so i can stop being a pussy and just take my shot,,,
>posts psychopath shit
>gets called out
>"Heh stupid tranny, it's a JOKE!"
*slaps you across the face* GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN
You're about to become a boy if you don't take your shot.
Wishing the agoraphobic tranner reading this the courage to walk to the bus stop and back today <3
lol im not gay I swear....
Remember to do your workout chasers.
Sometimes this thread feels more like babysitting emotionally immature trannies than actually flirting with them.
He's not the poster I am and it wasn't a joke, stupid tranny
i cant cook im busy!
genuinely horrifying....
some posters here really can't distinguish over the top satire from serious talk
At least you're honest.... SO many chasoids act like their nastiness is 'ironic'.... it's ALL a cover!
'satire' is used to say WHAT you mean but with plausible deniability....
Literally not the same anon, but yeah go off sis, I'm totally just trying to pull a 'iTs jUsT a JOKe, liGHtEN uP' and not calling out the dumb shit for what it is and then getting assblasted by you for it
My nastiness isn't ironic. I don't see trannies as women. They're just another hole to fuck.
the thing is is that SO MANY chasoids believe in the thing you called OBVIOUS bait...
like THIS poster >>37378053 is a NORMAL chasoid!
fuck no lmao could do bart though
i dont really like carving specific stuff though its hard and makes it harder to count how many scars i have later
i cant drive anywhere and i cant buy them when my friend takes me grocery shopping occasionaly cause like she wont let me and getting them online is like 15 including shipping ive managed to get 10 dollars though begging my instagram followers
i wouldve gotten more but i told them that i was gonna buy razors with the money like an idiot so they didnt give me the money
done :3 yippee
I just picked the longest name I could think of off the top of my head.
it feels more like a psych ward mixed with a battleground between chasers on who is more chad than the other
Why would i flirt with some anon? The chances of you being someone im attracted to are pretty slim. Im just here to talk about tranny shit with the straight girls
You chase trannies, I chase twinks with feminine faces. We are not the same.
not happening i had a panic aattack when my roomie took me to get pizza yesterday
Thin crust pesto base with fresh mozzarella, buffalo chicken, onion, artichoke hearts
Around 800 calories for the whole thing iirc
>Am close with one tranner. she has feelings for me
>Get to know another one. She's prettier and we have a lot more in common
This is gonna get ugly
There's no difference.
it should be treated like bait regardless? Like do you not see how both serve the purpose of winding you up when you could instead expend your energy on people that don't do that?
I CAN'T help it.... I get wound up easily and once it starts it WON'T stop
This is entirely transbian territory
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Usually rapid weight gain like thats a side effect of some medication
are you measuring at the same time each day? i weigh myself first thing in the morning before i eat anything so that i dont get any water weight
are u pooing before or are u bloated?
>make pizza post
its actually over, i dont belong here
If it makes you feel better the “master baiters” cant either. Every time i come to this thread theyre here its creepy as fuck
Just be with who you want.
Did you make this Rosewood?
Weight will fluctuate normally like that through a week depending on how much sodium or other water retaining things you ate. The thing to focus on is trends over time and sticking to the plan as vest you can. That's why they tell people dieting to stop doing it every day and weigh once a week.
There just a lot going on rn.
What pizza did you make?
We're arguing right now.
You nuked your metabolism with ED habits and now your tdee is lower than it should be
Excellent crust but too much cheeeseeee
I should've worn gloves. I have purple hands. Oh well
I don't think this place is for actual normal discussion, it's just yet another drama fest
why r u ourple
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I love you rosewood.
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yeh i used to have a pizza job heres a hawaii from there i know some people will find it blasphemous tho

just Neapolitan style

i see i dont really look through the other messages often, i know its a 4chan but still i dont like butting in a lot of the time

ty in wish i was still there sometimes but the pay was very shitty

well i dont talk to anyone so i have nothing to add to random drama sorry ig
>ywn eat rosewood's pizza
It's over
i genuinely hate myself so much anon
Now that is perfection! Mogs me
ingredients! I need me an ingredients list!
aside from that, looks tasty, good job!
She's the best trannard poster in this gen
Doesn't bring a bunch of bullshit drama or BDD shit in here
I wish I could give some of the love I have for you to you. You're the only reason I even come here.
Sudden increase in carbs going from heavy restrictions to a lot of sugar can cause a lot of water retention
If it doesn't flush back to a lower weight within the next week then it's probably not that
June when are you gonna make birria tacos
I prescribe you with prolonged skin to skin contact
Perhaps cuddling while watching a movie or spooning in bed
I'm very afraid of hurting the first one
I'm dying my hair
June would you date a ftm.
> Neapolitan style
Sounds good
We all love you tho
break up with him
every girl who's ever been interested in me has been too good for me, idk what im doing that's attracting them
be the change you want to see in the thread, anon. Post cock.
cock rating should start from the ladies first
>too good for you?
i have the opposite issue, trannies constantly think i'm too good for them and have mental breakdown because of it
girl pp
In what time period did you gain the 10 lbs?
Yeah usually its like zoloft or wellbutrin that cause weight gain but ive also heard wellbutrin can have the opposite effect. Were you on something else before? Its just too much weight to be like a random fluctuation, the body doesnt like to change rapidly, at least not to that degree
Talk to your doctor about it. But it’s also not uncommon to spike in weight when you change your diet in general or change your workout routine
stop stuffing your fat fucking face
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its 40 bucks to get my ears peirced i kinda want to but im scared cause it might hurt... part of me feels i should just go to a nicer shop but i have zero patience and i dont wanna pay like 100 bucks for earlobe piercings


if i knew you for maybe a month id prolly go out and see ya if you were cool, im so lonely i just want someone to hang with

pizzamogged its beyond over for you anon

i used to know theyre recipe for dough, gotta find it somewhere. but its real simple desu what you see on there is pretty much it, pineapple, ham, green chile, basil, and mozz. the sauce we made was real simple too. just peeled tomatoes and basil in these huge cans.

that sounds very nice, i dont think id ever let go

ty dude yur too sweet for this world
>she didn't answer
I'm guessing no then
a lady does not show her penis to groups of anonymous strangers
except that one time
you made me compliment pineapple pizza, I hope you're ready for the terrible consequences this action will demand
Hi would you date a ftm?
Ew that’s gross, blood is gross, YOU’RE GROSS

So I just googled it and lexapro does cause weight gain in some people. I think you’re just an unlucky ones. If you keep putting weight on I would just talk to your doctor about it
>like the past 2 weeks
A pound of body fat is about 3500 calories, so ten pounds is 35,000 calorie surplus you'd have to eat for that to be body fat. Divide that by 14 days and you'd need to be eating 2500 calories above your TDEE for that to be 10 lbs of fat
Unless you've been bingeing over 4k calories daily and lying to yourself about it, it's impossible. Your body is just doing fucky water retention from the diet or exercise change
what would it take for a lady to send a dick pic?
There’s a good chance it will come down. It’s not going to be 10 lbs a week. It’s probally mostly water retention.

Just give it a few weeks and see what it does.
It's over :(
Let me see those fat tits baby.
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holy shit just eat less


lol imma make you eat it and you WILL enjoy it anon

Not very cute but 6'2" due to a hormonal issue
Do not listen to the person that told you to purge, that’s incredibly awful advice and could help form eating disorders and the habit of doing it.
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its too late anon >:)
there are two reasons to send a dick pic: pride and shame.
Shame is the easier one, because it's usually fetishized. Trannies will send dick pics because they have low self esteem and you told them to and they get funny feelings from being laughed at. The trouble with this is it's easy to do in a way that's manipulative, even if you don't really mean to.
Pride is more difficult. Most trannies are not proud to have a penis at all, let alone anything about it. Even for a top with no bottom dysphoria like me, it still feels kinda gross, something i SHOULD be ashamed of even if im not. But if you act extremely submissive and show enough interest it could work out for you. but first you need to find a girl who likes bottom chasers, which is hard enough as it is
My online chaser is acting like a baby. I think I was either too hot or too ugly and he chickened out. Where do I find a new one?

oh well, but at least I got to taste some good homemade food
Let me see that fat ass baby.
East coast. Maybe in another life?
And then you bitch about people saying they want to rape you! MY SISTER IN CHRIST YOU ARE REAPING WHAT YOU ARE SOWING!
jesus june, you're not supposed to just say it out loud
Validation-fishing does not beget rape wtf
has anyone seen fred?
stfu retard
I wasn't expecting a real answer, now I feel bad for joking like that
Do twinks and femboys prefer fully shaved tops? As in no body hair at all?
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ive lost 5 pounds this week, its just consistency and discipline. gonna go to the mall then gym now :)

if you share some of said homemade foods ill spare you :)
Bro, she’s seeking validations from known cretins???
I’m going to fuck you.
No because if it is the lexapro then it’s not a sodium issue. And deffently dowt drink less water. I’m not super knowledgeable on affects of medication. Again your doctor is the best to handle all this.
>Do twinks and femboys prefer fully shaved tops?
yeah obviously, hairy tranny doesn't sound so good
Good job babe
no I like my men as hairy as possible :)
you've probably already seen it atp
meant your pizza, but if you insist, I can make some really good lasagne, I also dabble in making some asian recipes, but they're not my specialty

or really, I have a lot of precedents in terms of home cooking, so wouldn't mind sharing
I want to lovingly impregnate you.
how would we know?
i kinda figured you were just being coy, but a real answer seemed like more fun to write tbdesu. i like to answer chaser questions like that, even though im not always right about how straight trannies think.
That doesn't mean I don't want to see it more
>I’m going to fuck you.
that would be really gay
Whatever, I still think you’re a retard who preaches to the choir and then bitches about all the shit she gets from doing it.
You have value past your looks. Dont forget that

Grats on the -5 lbs
Me soon as well.
fred please talk to me you are my sunshine the one who brings light to the darkness of my life......
He's a gay man.
well i dont feel like posting ass sorry
You have to go to /hm/ for that
oh it's yet another gaygen trip coming here because nobody like him in his own gen? sad to see
No, anon, it is not dinner.
I still think you need to give it more time. There is almost a 0% chance you're going to keep gaining 5lb every week so I wouldn't worry. But if you have massive weight gain you just tell her and let her decide if there needs to be a change or not.

The more important thing is that the drug works. A healthy mind is super important and more then being super skinny.
>i dont
shut up with that bs
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ty anon imma be at 135 soonish and then ill be ok for a bit. then itll be my pioglitazone and squatting era. seeing how brainless some can be over calories in and out is genuinely insufferable, i dont mean to sound mean about it but damn

ty dude im depressed but still putting in that work. its hard but itll pay off hella. i look pretty good at 135 and my face looks so much healthier. soon ill be at least a bit calmer with myself

drop yur fave recipe to make anon, or something kinda easy and not too heavy. idk what to make tonight :)
i honestly don't understand why you post here when you said a lot of time you hate chaser, got a gf etc.
C'mon now. Don't be like that.
are we so back or is it so over?
I'm still in a learning process to be quite frank, testing boundaries a bit and whatnot since the place is what it is
but thank you for being perceptive like that, I still have lots of questions honestly lol
fred please i wanna lovingly impregnate you with my tranner jizz, my 8 inch bbc belongs to you please stop ghosting me
Has anyone seen Rick lately?
attention seeking
no problem, anon, any time
i talked to him a few days ago on discord. he wanted me to take my clothes off and vc him. kinda gay if you ask me
You should make foccacia.
You don't actually like Fred's beefy ass. Stop lying and stop bringing him up
nick rick fred seth whatever you wanna call yourself i love you please talk to me
>depressed but still putting in that work
Im trying to do the same. I sometimes get better workouts when I'm sad.

You're not far off 135 right? you can post progress pics when you get there if you want.
Its the wellbutrin 100%, your body will readjust dont worry
If you base your worth off what retards on this board say your life is gonna suck.
She does it to subtly brag about how she causes the shitstorm behind thr scenes
easy stuff... desu, I don't have a lot in my repertoire that doesn't take a lot, what I sometimes love to do is pasta with stirfried zucchini topped with grated parmesan, otherwise I love making meatballs
Your focusing on only a portion of the users. Most of us don't require boobs to be nice.
Who even are you? Why are you obsessed with him?
That's super pathetic lol.
She'd probably cum tribute him to prove you wrong
I wish a cute tranny would cum tribute me
fred i love you please forgive me i wanna lovingly impregnate and marry you like we talked about
Fred isn't Rick, dumb fuck bitch. Rick just used his pics.
they totally are
Fred is a gay bottom guy who posts on /hm/. Rick used his pics to lure in trannies.
no we voice chatted he is definitely him please fred take me back i love you
I don't actually believe it, if he posts his ass. Would she actually spill her girl milk on his ass?
I don't think you ever talked to Fred or Rick
Exactly everyone doesn't know the truth lore about how Rick stole Fred's pics
Ok Rick
chasergen deep lore
i know ricks uncle. his name is tom mcdonald and he likes to piss in bottles and throw it at his nephew.
You never voice chatted with Rick or Fred what are you in about?
Where's your proof? Was rageanon Rick the whole time?
we talked for hours on voice chat fred don’t you remember we were gonna get married and start a life together then you disappeared
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He told her, "Everything ends when you reach that thrill"
He told her, "Nothing exists past the window sill"
It's nothing new, I wait for you, I wait for you

I wanna tell my baby to pretend
That every word I say is what I really meant
And when I get my head back on all right
Then we can be together for another night
And we can have those dreams like no one else
It's just one more reason to control myself
Its just one more reason to control yourself
It's just one more reason to control myself

god this song hits me in the gut. this is what its all for anons. one day ill be loved by a decent man and ill love him back. it doesnt have to be forever or even the best thing ever, just enough... enough for some solace in this fucked up life ive lead. itll be beautiful

alright later for now anons

maybe hmmm

not really me my workout suck when im sad lol but thats what cool upbeat music is for! :D

ooo drop a meatball recipe then i love making meatball :)
If I was her gf I'd have a real talk, that shit aint cool
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wrong link post runied D: but still i love this song so much
stop playing dumb with us fred please add me back
Fred doesn't talk about marriage because he doesn't think the government should get involved with people's love life. Additionally Rick feels the same way.

Anyways they both left the thread weeks ago. Carry on with your day but I know you never actually cared about him you just want to make fun of him because you hate him :(
holy shit
>ive lost 5 pounds this week
Too much to be real (i.e. fat). You're either dehydrated or the light weighin was after a big poop. Sadly, it was not on my chest.
Tbh Mina, you called Fred a bunch of names so that kind of made me upset. You didn't have to be so harsh
I don't think you ever talked to Rick or Fred. How do we know Fred didn't steal Rick's photos huhhhh??
You eat the food, I drink your milk. Perfect nutrition for body and spirit
Prove your love to Fred then anon
They were able to predict their post number, pretty neat stuff
Shut the fuck up already
Sounds like the average experience for antidepressants. Wellbutrin is notorious for messing with metabolism, but usually people dont complain about weight loss
oh lol im stupid
cry more??
how do i prove how much i love you fred
Mina has the best booty here
Nah you aren't stupid. I didn't see at first either. Why do you hate Fred so much btw Mina? What did he ever do to you?
thanks but i doubt it
he's rick and rick is fucking annoying
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mostly just lost a lot of bloating from fixing my diet, its pretty cool. im 140 atm was 145 like a week ago. tums already lookin a bit better and my cheeks arent as noticeable. not dehydrated ive been drinking a shit ton lately. i know early losses arent much but it gives me a good amount of motivation to keep going. when i see 139 ill be ecstatic. also eww. see yall later fr now
my meatballs have an issue, I do it the nonna way (my mother taught me the recipe but I never did measurements), I eye everything, so you might have to balance it out yourself in terms of servings (plus my approximations might not yield the intended result)

150g minced beef
1 teaspoon of salt
1 egg
30g grated parmesan
1/2 tablespoon of oil
oregano, black pepper and fresh parsley

so essentially you start by putting all the solid parts together, so beef, parmesan and the seasonings, giving it a first knead, then you make a cavity in it and add egg and oil, then you knead more (I usually start this second kneading by mixing with a fork first, then use hands later), knead until it feels like the meat absorbed the oil and egg, then start making the meatballs, I usually make them slightly smaller than my palm, then squish them, so the cooking is quicker and easier.

it's up to you if to grill like an hamburger then or fry them (I prefer frying them)

it's one of my favorite recipes, but it has this obstacle of being something I never learned in a more structured way
And the Woodberry Prize for September 2024 goes to...Kat! Congratulations! Clean out and lube up!
I'm not Fred!!!!! >:( print out Fred's ass pic and kiss it?

Lol idk, I just know you're fucking with Fred you don't actually like him. Nobody does. Gaygen only tolerates him
how do i fix being so ugly
They still do it
Rick doesn't even post here anymore. There are just trolls baiting each other into thinking they're him
i wanna marry fred and kiss him for reals
i dont really care. it's annoying either way, they're like a bunch of mosquitoes
saved for later ty anon, the ballsll be glorious!
Post your discord if you're for real then
Me either desu very annoying shit indeed. Rick has been gone for weeks if not a month or two but people still pretend to be him or people keep mentioning his name.

If people would just stop, the whole thing would go away
you're very welcome, I hope they're gonna be as good as when I or my mom make them
Whats your estrogen levels at doll? I struggled a lot with depression but raising my e a bit did wonders. Its like honscience i know but its what did it for me.
they still do it just under a slightly different name
i had electroconvulsion therapy once
it didnt change anything i dont think but i didnt do all the sessions cause the anesthetic fucked me
and theres a very small chance that if ur lucky itll completly fuck ur brain and memory capabilities and the government gets to take care of u forever :)
lol the thread after this one just 404'd
and june has a deleted message here

did she get b& for the body pic and get purged? RIP
I think the janny hates us
I need me a trans girl that looks like Sienna Guillory and will dress up like Jill Valentine for me
got confirmation that's what happened
guess we need a new new thread then
I noticed zero of that happening, but wow, gonna patiently wait for someone to open the new general
>did she get b& for the body pic and get purged?
fuck attentionwhores
lol did June get banned?

She got to stop feeding the trolls
>fuck attentionwhores
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she did in fact get a day ban for it
someone give me a qott and theme and ill make a new i guess
Oh shit lol. Well it’s only a day might be good to take a break from here
EarlyJune memoriam thread
wait, so that means that happened to rosewood as well ;_;

didn't get to tell her that she looks even better in the pics she posted later
jesus all the chasergen regulars getting sniped
glad i didnt participate in the timeline thread then, i guess

in the last thread i posted:
>hi chasergen. im bitter. i updated and spruced up my transition timeline pic for the timelines thread that was up, and by the time i was done the timelines thread got deleted.
> how will i make self-deprecating anon replies to myself, like "wow a guy who grew out his hair, so impressive," now?! life is SO unfair. ugh!

and i nearly posted a fake FTM version too...
I’m not sure she said she was going to the gym. So we will see if she pops back up later
imagined not even knowing you're banned and coming back right as it expires. That happened to me once. got a 3 day and didn't know it. didn't check 4chan for 3 days, and when I did I got the warning I have been banned and that its now over. "Sweet"
she had a thread going too with her face as the OP, and that 404'd, so id put money on her getting a day vacation too
ok people are talking about new rosewood pictures. I just got home from work and missed it, and shes like so God damn cute and perfect. how cute were the pictures? describe them to me in detail, is there a slight glimpse of her feet?
Good she’s fucking retarded
Oh ya I went to look for it and it’s gone.
No rosewood music tonight :/ sad
I was referring to this >>37379849

no, no feet, she's not someone I'd feel comfortable joking about seeing feet or something either
if jannies remove all the girls, who should we make the thread girl, Nils or the dude?
ones a husstuss queen and the other is an agp transbian
Now time for my music recommendations
A guy just called me an ugly bitch because I took more than an hour to reply to him

Why are they like this
she had posted the pics in chasergen shortly beforehand i think
>sorry for posting this, pls dont ban me
fred should be the thread girl, considering how often I see that name said
incel energy
that's because fred is perfect i love him i wanna marry him
stop trying to make Fred a thing
>mean girls screenshot.png
there was a new set, where she looked even more passing and cute, but I'll stop fawning now, it's a bit weird to write stuff like that
well does the anonette that likes fred knows that he posted his cheeks online for the world to see?
Fred and Rick aren't real stop trying to make them real again. He's just anon like everyone else
I’m on my phone rn I think some one else can make it better
Go for it
I think that’s the new ones. She said she took them last week for passgen
idc i can fix fred i just need to find out where he lives i will turn him into my perfect chaser husband and we will live happily ever after in our dream home
... that actually sounds nice... living in a house with my scared 4chan wife. It's a shame I know you're just fucking with him. I.. um er.. Fred thinks that would actually be nice
on mobile as well and not good enough for a qott, I just have random questions every now and then

I think at some point people will catch on to my patterns
ill make a new one in a sec. just need to fix up an image real quick
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they on the prowl today, i made a bdd post and jannies wouldnt lt me have it, might just post it to /soc/ or something idk. i asked jannies to not ban me in my post so they gave me a warning. ask and thou shall receive
wait. shit. someone give me a qott. anything goes
not fucking with him :( he should know i am being for reals and its such a shame i am such a scaredycat
>be jannies
>see op says "please don't ban me"
>well, they did say don't ban me so I guess its ok
For some reason my mind keep telling me every women is bissexual.
qott: would you take a transcontinental flight to meet your trans girl?

(although it should be aimed at both trans and chasers, but it's funnier this way)

QOTT: would you ever keep a chaser in your basement?
what would you do if he tried to escape?

Q4C: do you wanna go on a coffee date?
something happy pls idk what tho :/

ive done it plenty of times and jannies usually oblige i just dont make em a ton either so im not on this ice

i will eventually ngl
desu, fred is afraid of you. he doesn't know if you're actually being forreals. what about him do you like? At the end of the day, Fred just wants love like anyone else y'know?
I'm glad they were lenient, don't want to lose the most wholesome poster there
Yay your alive
I said the same thing when I posted a pic and I didn’t get banned so I think it works
Idk ask about fav vacation or fav restaurant
my chasergen threads suck but someone had to step up. (someone would have done it and better if i didnt do it)

its here. go.
Kate seethe-reporting at it again
not my fault all these bitches mog me =/
Hair is purple. I'm gonna relax for a bit before makeup
I also found my nose ring I lost the other day. Idek how bc it absolutely was not in the tub but it appeared when I started filling the bath

I also epilated my arm pits..do not recommend
:( awww me time then pls

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