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Femgen is an inclusive general for femboys, trans girls, trans boys, non binary people, etc.
QoTT: Are you a virgin? Are you kissless? If not, when did you first get some action?
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And heres the rest of the op
griffith is my spirit animal
Question for the thread. If a literal IRL Griffith walked past you in the streets how would you react? Would you start stalking him?
do you guys go out of your way to message people you're interested in on grindr or do you let guys message you and you wait for the right one to message you
I think I was sixteen bc I went to a girls house to watch game of thrones season three with her
It's got to the point I never message anyone, but if I boot grindr up, I'm flooded with like 4 - 5 messages everytime and it can only be for 10 mins, messaging for me was when I was really horny looking for someone to fuck, i get a lot of the straight men on the app, but I also find straight men to be terrible in bed (no shade to straight boys out there, but it's never great) so I just use it for conversations then come here to hate myself
so are the guys you do message ones you actually would consider fucking even if you weren't horny, or do you get post nut clarity and think to yourself those guys weren't all that attractive to you?
Do people actually believe non binary is a real thing? Everything else about lgbt makes sense to me except for that
Do you mean are there people who really don't psychologically or socially fit into either gender role? Most lgbt is an implicit subversion of binary gender, non binary is just explicitly so. Not that this means you have to believe in it, I think a lot of people feel the same way. Have you met any nonbinnies irl?
I think that there are people who don't fit into gender roles, but I don't think that makes them not their gender or not a gender at all
it just means they don't conform to gender roles. Making a whole new identity out of (usually very little) nonconformity seems backwards
Every man I've been with hasn't made me finish, usually I just masturbate and see how I feel, being on HRT for over a year the clarity doesn't really come that often, I could go again about 5 mins sometimes straight away, a lot of the guys are attractive I would message (nice body, small bit of stubble, professional-esque types) tend to take too long with the flirting, if they were more assertive I would have had them round within half an hour

Now I just do t4t cause I've found the sex to be better (again, bad sex with men and cis women ime, aren't that much better either), I prefer someone on the kinkier side of things, vanilla doesn't do it for me, but I am a pain freak and finding a sadist is a lot more difficult than you'd imagine
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You’re coming into a femboy filled general saying “nonconformity is backwards”? Do you know how retarded you sound rn
that's literally the opposite of what I said
What are you mtf? Or are you a “””hrt femboy”””
You literally said:
>nonconformity seems backwards
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my body passes now
I never thought I would get this far
I said that making an identity out of nonconformity seems backwards
can you read?
if you were looking for sex wouldn't you prefer the guy just ask to fuck? or you straight up ask yourself?
I think of it like forsaking a socially expected identity, rather than creating a new one, but I think your point is more that it seems ostentatious to you, which is fine. It's to be expected that most people would have to be won over to new (to most contemporary cultures) ideas, and I think talking to non binary people is the way that happens
MTF, clocky, but have no issues in women's spaces or anything, bit older - 28, suppose the maturity is a bit of a turn on for some

I tend to find though young straight men come at me a lot, like 20 yo's etc, I'll destroy <25 men when I'm in my 40's but I'm not THAT old yet to be sleeping with early 20's that's my validation strat at 40

Grindr is wild, I tend to find trans femmes on Grindr are too, flakey? Trans men I don't really bother with cause the two times I bothered with them they turned out to be a bit mental, older men can't take no for an answer, unironically people around 28-40 tend to be mentally sound and take care of themselves a lot (at least in Ireland)
But there are definitely a lot of trans people on this board who probably feel like they don't fit into either gender role well at all. Those people don't have to be non binary, but there's definitely psychological space for this idea to be taken up as far as I can tell
If he's asking to fuck, he better be sure to learn what I like and not just assume I'll do missionary or doggy and that's it, too boring for me, I need something a bit kinkier, light spanking, rope, just something, being vanilla in a sea of dicks is difficult because I could load the app now, literally call someone round now and they'd be round, I can get normal sex anytime, fun catches my eye more these days, like idk, go out for a cute date, I blow you, add your number to my phone then if I want a fun fuck, I'd message etc

Tbf I am a weird girl, not AGP but I do like "fun" sex, can't stand getting done for like 15 mins for the guy to finish, bores the tits off me
Sometimes, I’m too pretty to read dissertations from retards on topics that aren’t interesting or worthwhile.
I’ve never used Grindr so I wouldn’t know anything about it in my area.
It's what you make of it, I have a lot of trans women coming too me asking me questions etc (bare in mind I've had no surgery and been on NHS waiting list for 6.5 years) so I just kinda help them as much as I can, try not to hugbox them either, very bad thing to do imo

But yeah made a few friends off it, you'll figure out your locals if you're on it long enough, I've been on it 3 years now? It's basically turned into another shit posting website for me rather than a hook up site

A lot of people get very pissy when you don't put out though and then they become hostile, I know a trans prostitute (not clocky at all) even she gets it when they get declined by her, just gotta have a strong mental to use it sometimes but if you're on 4chan you'll do fine
so true bestie
his cult: joined
If an irl Griffith existed he would literally rule the world with his beauty
nah I message first almost always
>I'm flooded with like 4 - 5 messages
you say it like thats a lot lol
Griffith would rape men and pillage woman’s houses.
how many attractive guys message you and how do you decide to pick between them?
Every 10 mins you log on, get 5 messages, you're logging on maybe 3 times in an hour, it's a lot of messages, I physically can't reply to them anymore, too draining
he would probably rape everyone in the house
>Sometimes, I’m too pretty to read dissertations from retards on topics that aren’t interesting or worthwhile.
then don't reply
But I have to reply desu
I would fund his army in exchange for bussy even knowing it would be my death later
>how many attractive guys message you
somwhere between 0 and 1
>how do you decide to pick between them?
honestly depends less on if they are attractive and more if they are available when I am and if they can host

I barely meetup with men tho since I dont enjoy bottoming that much and I ain't topping no masc guy
why reply? just ignore them or delete them if you aren't interested
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thank you for your service
Because keeping their DM's lets me know if they've messaged me or not before if they change their profile or name, I'm not retarded, I'm not sleeping with a random stray who comes and goes, that's how you get STDS, I only sleep with the ones I've seen on the app for long enough to know they can be vetted by someone else who's slept with em / met them, Ireland is incredibly small, plus like a lot of men over here will come to me sleep with me but god forbid if their friends find out i'm trans, where I live it's very, very conservative, gay marriage only got legalised a few years ago, abortion still illegal etc, like trans people can live fine over here, but if they find out about it, it's like socially difficult for both people, not that I'm bad looking, I'm certainly not a passoid, but I can get by with straight people, the fear is getting murdered due to domestic violence rates being the highest over here and i'd rather keep my teeth, but yeah, safety more than anything else deleting them is how you end up with the dude who message 20 times in the span of 10 mins and he murders you after he nuts
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just use a condom?
I ain't blowing a dude with a condom, but fucking yes, and prep, but STDS still possible, people are gross and i wont sleep with a brand new account either, Friday's and Saturdays do be the wildest for that
So you agree, nonbinary is not a valid gender identity
Can I get in on this one? Yes, not valid, relegates trans people to a meme and they shouldn't get to pick and choose while I live my life this way, if only i could have picked or chose
Is it important to you that we agree?
I never message anyone on Grindr, every time I open the app I'm flooded with like 10 messages at once so I can't imagine adding to that by going first. Most of them are ugly af but the volume is high enough that I can always find one I like in there.

I was super surprised when I first installed it actually since I'm FtM and I've heard usually trans guys struggle on the app, but I figure it must be an area thing and I just got really lucky.
The whole situation sounds very unsatifactory for you, I don't know why you're going on this grind for sleeing with randoms when what you seem to want is to have real dates and a real relationship.
How do you feel when an attractive person taps you but doesn't send a message?
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Valid AND cute.
After starting T, gender made less and less sense to me. My body doesn’t function the same as a male or a female at this point, and my gender identity doesn’t really hold any real meaning to me at this point. I kinda just exist in the weird space between man and woman. I don’t wish to be like either, I want to be devoid of gender. It’s liberating honestly, I kinda just do whatever I want and not worry about how others perceive me.
I’m just G~, that’s all.
nbs are fine so long as they’re actually transitioning but also theyre more an online rage bait thing. most of the nbs i met irl are just autistic theyfabs and are pretty nice to talk to
I don't dwell on it too long desu. I just kinda go "eh, if they didn't message they probably weren't that interested" and leave it at that.
Dating is hard and apps suck, I am with someone currently, but it's only been 2 months, and I was with someone for 7 years so like, early days

Now I just keep it to talk to people who need a bit of advice or anything; my fav is do you know where I can find trans girls to exclusively date, how would I know, I'm bi and don't chase people, easier to booty call, get my bit and not need to worry about the emotional stuff
i think the only ones i've interacted with were kind of annoying. they always had to let you know that they went by they/them even though i always respect their pronouns lol
oh yeah that is true
i did have one tell me how liberating they found it when someone asks them their pronouns. which i found distasteful as a tranny
I never did that to ya bug
i mean like irl. for being a small town i grew up around a lot of faggots lol
i distance myself from most queer circles in part that i am a literal misanthrope and hate talking to people unless i want to. and because i hated being gay for 18 years of my life and still have a little internalized homophobia
The probelms come from trying to fit these very modern ideas into our legacy culture and concepts.

You go far back in time and you see wild ideas like eating pussy being "more gay" than fucking a man in the ass and way more things that don't make sense to the old mainstream categories and boxes. People are really complicated and varied and don't come off factory lines to a spec.
yeah im a kissless virgin. i thought about grindr and just losing it to some std riddled slut but like that feels like cheating and its not like ill get a friend out of it so id still have the personality of a lonely incel
this wasn’t in some queer circle it was in grad school :’)
i hated being gay for so long and then i embraced it and i became the token gay and that just made me feel worse. i just wanted to be me
>Yeah, pal, so I was fucking this guy I met in the butt and then he told me he ate his wife's pussy last night. What a faggot!

You are now aware that someone seriously thought or said this at some point in history.
Just make friends instead. From there you can find other things. Even if you don't get something physical getting a bunch of good friends that can be with your for years or life is a good thing and they can help you find others too.
I wonder what this threads demographics are
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If you want to present androgynously, someone asking your pronouns is to some extent the enby equivalent of passing (i.e. someone using your preferred pronouns naturally), isn’t it?
100% faggotry
many werent presenting androgynously tho
like ive gotten grindr and all the men who messaged me will prlly be dead within the year...
you must be incredibly smart and make some good money.
Isn't using grindr for platonic relationship seeking making life difficult for yourself? You want to go to places that aren't about sex and stuffed with coomer and horny brained people.
Like they looked like normal dudes/chicks, are there really people who just ask everyone about pronouns? I guess I was making assumptions, it seems natural to find it distasteful, especially for mtfs. The deliberating on how “valid” enby behaviours are I find distasteful, although I don’t think it’s wrong to talk about it
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Seriously, socialize and meet people who aren't like or expected to act like pic related. There's always social stuff and events or clubs and things you can do unless you are on craggy island.
yeah in 2020s grad school life it’s oddly common place to ask that question unprompted. makes me uncomfortable bc i just blurt out a “a-any is ok”
yeah i have a masters. rn im in onboarding for a crap job but hoping i’ll be able to get my career moving so i can make a solid $70-75k a year starting
im def not smart though lol
>Are you a virgin?
>Are you kissless?
>If not, when did you first get some action?
at 21, kinda late but i don't do hookups, he's my ex now and i don't wanna have sex again until i have a bf again. there's no fun in sex without romance
theyre shit, and gross, and youre gonna get some kind of disease. Really not worth it. Go through the proper channels and get a proper, regular partner
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qott: not a virgin , not kissless, lost virginity at 18

btw sorry if my presence here is bad i don’t wanna feel like a weirdo tranny intruder. i only popped in bc spider asked me to bump from chasergen
Safeguard against janny tyranny
Join the femboy general discord today
I was a virgin until I met my bf at 19
I’m gonna marry him once our finances are in order
We all owe nintendo a great service for finally starting to bring femboys into the mainstream in the west. Slowly but surely we can move away from the idiotic western notion that the ideal male looks like a gorilla
no I'm too spergy for that
Fugtrup is some kind of wizard with how he crafted his works. Legit raised the bar.
>gorilla nigger hands
no thanks
No you're not. You deserve better than to just be lonely between brief coomer sesh.
It's meant to be ganon, I'd assume. He's green and has orange/red hair. More like the modern sexy barbarian orc stereotypes tend to show them rather than the old pig faced non-human looking things.
what's the appeal of feminity for you people? Speaking as someone trying to understand it better. Of course, there are obvious factors such as bigger liberty for self expression and emotional openess, as well as aesthetical satisfaccion, but why exactly? what drives YOU?
t.male on estrogen (for some reason) who doesn't really posses an ounce of genuine feminity
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Damn, that is pretty weird. I’m doing a PHD but I feel like there’s not really that culture. There are some enbies and trans but people really don’t talk about it. I guess that is kind of British
The more the merrier in my onion
Answermogging the whole thread huh, you son of a butterfly. Mazel tov
I love my bf :3
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The aesthetics are a big part, but the emotional honesty associated with feminine personality would be beneficial for most people to incorporate. There was a psychological theory that androgynous personality types were better suited to face challenges and flourish than generally masculine or feminine ones, like having a strong propensity for risk taking and ambition, but also being empathetic and open minded for examples. Not exactly up to date, but I feel there’s truth to it
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Oh but personally I feel a desire to be perfect or inhuman, and androgyny appeals for that reason
i was always effeminate as a kid and feminine interests were something i was always into but never felt really safe doing until i was already free from puberty. masculine stuff always ended up leading me to really depressing experiences like when i played sports as a teenager or hanging out with normie guy friends, distancing myself from that really opened up myself way more and unbind myself from the anti gay regret i had from age 11 onward. also i’m a dysphoric mtf so it feel naturally right but idk
ah that’s fair yeah. american liberal universities seem to push it more which is admittedly tiring
ah i feel this too. i love the aesthetics of androgyny like angels or roman antiquity. probably more than “conventionally attractive femininity”
mh, this feels much more tangible as a reason to me for some reason, almost something i could adopt myself should i change my habits and mindset.
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thats not fugtrup anon, but you are still right, as he has inspired a whole new generation of femboy artists. He used to do only hetero art too, before BOTW dropped. Seems link brings more to enlightenment every day
I suspected it wasn't him but I recognize the lineage of inspiration! The hero we needed! His Lies of P is amazing too.
Griffith and other bishies will never be “”femboys”” and they mog every femboy and troon here.
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Yeah that’s the vibe, the angelic beautiful/youthful/androgynous is really common as an archetype in lots of cultures
It’s really the most impossible goal there is, but it’s deeply appealing and I do think it helps motivate a lot of the better parts of my personality
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Griffith and other bishies will never be “”femboys”” and they mog every femboy and troon here.
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There’s a book called “Cartographies of Desire: Male-Male Sexuality in Japanese Discourse, 1600–1950” which looks at Bishōnenism, and mentions it as an example of a type of GNC, it’s quite interesting if you’re a weeb. They are in a sense femboy precursors, but the aesthetic is very different now of course
I just painted my nails for the first time, the actual act of painting felt nice but I don’t feel anything like gender euphoria
>Every androgynous male character with feminine traits is a femboy
I will never accept tranny logic.
more like the act of painting feels like a pita but later you feel like you should be giving footjobs
gender euphoria isn’t real anyway
yeah. love seeing it in museums and stuff
Some wakashu were GNC as they literally played the role of females in kabuki theater, but if you think bishounen characters like Griffith aren’t filling a male role in the stories they’re in 99% of the time you are delusional.
I’m gonna be 25 by the time I can afford to move away from my conservative parents. I’m an ugly KHHV and I have no choice but to stay in the cuck cage for 2 more years just to save money.

It’s so fucking over its unreal, I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life
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>more like the act of painting feels like a pita but later you feel like you should be giving footjobs
My thumbnails are wavy like picrel (not me)
How do I fix them?
You could just file them flat
How do you know if you are too masculine to be a femboy/man
Sit on my lap and we'll see.
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everything he does is incredible desu,though i would love to see more pinocchio and cloud/ FF characters in general


many of us have faced similar situations anon, try to make the best of the time you have until then. you can get more in shape, get more invested into skincare and haircare, and get yourself nicer and better fitting clothes/ jewelry. by the time you hit the scene, youll be the belle of the ball. femboy doesnt stop in your 20s, you can still have it into your 30s if you work for it. hang in there

you cant, thats just how they grow. File and buff them as needed

post to femboy communities looking for input (not on 4chan)
>post to femboy communities looking for input (not on 4chan)
I think I already know the answer deep down :(
its over
Is it over if I have terrible skin conditions all over my upper body? I have keratosis pilaris everywhere and a ton of keloid scars from acne...
From the heart
Make up covers the face, clothes cover the body. pilaris isn't such a big deal as per wiki:
>Worldwide, KP affects an estimated 30 to 50% of the adult population

So you're talking about one in three to half the people you meet have the same issue. Hardly a deal breaker then.
Goodnight all!
What if I also have terrible stretch marks all over my body?
Happy to see femgen is still kicking :)
They are actually extremely common in men and women. If you look at high tier women on insta without being shopped, women in porn, etc. you'll see them all over the place and people literally pay money to look at them and other women look up to them. The marks will look worse to you than anyone else due to viewing angles from your POV, foreshortening, etc. on you and most likely covered with clothing too and in which case why lose any confidence over something that will be invisible in public?

There are some creams and treatments (like derma rolling) that women will discuss online to diminish those sorts of marks. You can look into that and try it for a few months at least (6 plus months for most cosmetic stuff like that) to see if it gives effect and improves appearance or quality. What do you have to lose?

Give some solutions a try and work around and with what you have and you'll feel better than thinking you have an impassable barrier and no hope, no? :)
It's just really hard to do anything when you permanently look shittier than everyone else on top of already being way behind. I guess I'll try micro needling. Maybe I can hide the worst ones with makeup too.
The problem is we look at the internet and compare ourselves to the filtered results posted online. Even the people who choose to upload are often picking nice pictures and people who feel more confident.

Walk around a walmart. Look at news stories of in the street events. Look at police mugshots. Look at PTA meetings. You will not see underwear models elbow to elbow filling the space. You'll see 400lb people in walmart scooters. People with scars. People with odd proportions. People balding early. People with acne or other skin conditions. People with weird tiks and postures. People shuffling around in dressing gowns. The list goes on. People are really varied and we mostly don't laser focus on these outliers or variations unless we're super judgy.

Most people are not at a healthy weight either and are completely unfit but you probably turn a blind eye to that as you judge yourself so harshly too.
I wanna rape that uggo griffith avafag
Meet me in the octagon bih
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i wish i had someone to watch top gear with
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fuck top gear, all my homies hate top gear
we metal gear in here
Based taste, the specials are the best.
I’ve neglected my appearance my entire life and now I’m old without any clue how to take care of myself. What do I need to do to look good? Other than losing weight and building some muscle
today in the femgear thread: G drives a Hyundai Sonata into the ocean, spider hires a gun twink to kill a chaser, and fluffibunni finally takes off the helmet for the first time
The Real Boywives of /tttt/
convince me not to blow all of my savings on a motorcycle
This was what Jean Hollywood looked like :(
Very much a virgin but training on a dildo.
Not kissless but I've only had 1 proper kiss and 1 rapey kiss. My most recent ex gave me my first real kiss, but I got the rapey kiss from a greasy guy in hs
skincare and since you're in femgen, body/facial hair removal and addressing balding if it's an issue

limiting your sun exposure, using a retinoid and lasering off your beard is the simplest way to look younger as a male without taking meds or getting cosmetic procedures besides laser (you can technically do it at home but idk how good of an idea that is)
theres no hornygen anymore?? where do people ask about masturbation and stuff or just cut loose around ere
No more hornygen or femboygen sadly
This is cute and gives me more romantic pangs than it probably should. It's the daily real life shit I think we miss at heart, not coomer bait itch needing scratched. ;__;
Vaan is so underrated
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Oh gosh so much pressure

Just be horny in here
okay sp what sex toys do you guys have? it seems like mostly bottoms in here. looking into ordering new ones (uk), i have vibrating anal beads and thats it
>Just be horny in here
ive only ever topped/oral with other guys but im trying to go vers/bottom once i train my butt more, ive got a few trainer plugs and an assortment of dildos but im lazy so i usually just use a hitachi wand on my pp to cum. lovehoney is a decent place to buy basic toys from and i believe they're UK based
Lovehoney is reliable but you will start getting more spam for a good while after you use them as they sell details.

Find a caring guy for your first time to reduce the need for training rather than a hookup who is just desperate to slam and nut.
ah i use a throwaway email for all my sex toy purchases to contain the spam lol

>Find a caring guy for your first time to reduce the need for training
that would be ideal but it's grim out here
>that would be ideal but it's grim out here
Try a more dating and romantic friendly approach than hookup. Don't try to get a steak at a vegan restaraunt.
bump for boykissers
what do i wear to the tranny rave anons
Someone cute
i don't know anybody cute who'd want to go with me :(
Seek them out. This is your quest.
Nipple pasties, stiletto heels, and chastity
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>nipple pasties on a femboy
literally the hottest thing in existence oh my fucking god
why would i wear stilettos to a rave i'd fall over
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ups didn't deliver my package today.

what are you fellow fags up to
Into the arms of a hunk. Problem solved.
>ups didn't deliver my package today.
Time to go full karen
I'll rip open the driver, and every other employee, until the package has been delivered!
You're not just doing it for yourself, you're bringing justice for us all, all who have suffered late packages.
a hunk? at the queer rave? it's gonna be all anorexic trans women
Bouncer, boyfriend or bartender. The three B's always waiting for you to steal away.
where the fuck do i go to go to a tranny rave .w. i wanna see what they're like
>t. edmontonfag (if anyone here is from there please help me out qwq)
For me it's at least partly the urge to incorporate the other into myself as part of a process of metaphysical annihilation and transcendence, but I'm also likely schizotypal
Nobody wants twink x twink anymkre
Me n my bf are twink 4 twink, though he’s more of a twunk now
You must be confused as to your whereabouts.
>t.male on estrogen (for some reason) who doesn't really posses an ounce of genuine feminity
me too...
You mean you don't act, don't think, don't look or don't dress that way? There's many layers.
>You mean you don't act, don't think, don't look or don't dress that way?
All of the above. I dunno why I want to be fem so bad, but I do.
What do you want to get from it? What is the appeal? Do you have a goal in mind?
>you gotta register as a business to be an OF whore
I dunno... I just want to be cute I guess. Part of it is definitely sexual. Maybe I'm just agp.
>Do you have a goal in mind?
Try to at least make myself a little bit feminine in appearance and maybe mannerisms.
Makes sense if you have to pay taxes and with the pronography ID record laws. They don't want a repeat of what happened to PH and the scandal there.
Wdym, I started femgen after the banishment of femboygen
So you do want to act and look fem presenting, you're just not there yet? In public, just for yourself or as part of your relationship?

There's no shame in not yet being at your goal and still having desire for it. That's what drives people onwards.
Just for myself I guess. Maybe a tiny bit in public, like an earring or something. Presenting fem feels like larping and it's way too embarrassing to do in public.
No need to rush it. Go at your own pace and comfort and find what works for you. Be sure what you want and figure things out.

I find expressions of masculinity to be an exercise in discomfort; a race to the bottom if you will. The most masculine men are the types who indenture themselves to a truck they can't afford and work 80 hours a week so they can miss their own life. It's beer over cocktails, ugly worn out clothes over couture, it's drab over colour, it's stifled emotions and anger instead of a good cry and a warm hug, it's lumbering instead of grace, it's joyless topping instead of exploring pleasure. I want flowers, I want art, I want nice things, I want to be comfortable, and I want to be pretty, why would you want anything else?
>jobless topping
Topping a twink is wonderful
Some people are locks and some keys, so thankfully everything works out.
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Is there such thing as too fem in your opinion?
Not really. It's a spectrum up to the individual and maybe you have days you want to go more in that direction than other days.
You could easily get doxxed
Why would your boss or the company you work for dox you? It's normal for companies you work for to know your name, ID, bank account, SSN, and address and other such details.
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For what I want to look like, yes; for what I enjoy in others, no
i'm a student in a very studenty city and it was posted on the door of my block of flats so idk how other ppl would find them
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“What’s up, my niggas”
Didn’t even get the chance to see that until like 3 days later. Definitely would though.
Maybe got to a studenty town....

The answer is always PENIS.
Vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9aiYqSRfCM
>too fem
still looks like a guy
OF is my boss? they could get hacked tomorrow and then your info is floating out there
>OF is my boss? they could get hacked tomorrow and then your info is floating out there
They are if you're signed up with them and using that as income. They are who writes your check and handles the website, branding, money, admin, legal issues, etc. Your details can come out from any website that you do remote work for or buy from.
Because I'm bad at being a man. My whole life I pretended to understand football and still do. I don't fucking understand it at all unless they score a touchdown
What dictates a man in y’all’s opinion? Why choose femininity and flamboyance over masculinity and stoicism?
It's a you know it when you see it situation. And simply, it makes me happier
Can’t disagree wit that :3
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And it makes me happy that it makes other people happy so I've got cute guys to look at and appreciate.
Is there reliable kit to bleach asshole?
Maybe look at skin whitening kits. See if the label says it is okay for areas.
I'll suck your penis tripfag
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Felt cute
Every time I post here I fuck up the trip
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Just wanted to share with you my happy day!
I got today for the first time the courage to go shopping women's clothing in person in a local thrift store.
I got this nice ladies' trenchcoat, women's white jeans and a braid belt. Felt super tingly and happy going shopping groceries wearing them later. I felt there was enough androgyneity for me not to feel super creepy, but I've only worn feminine clothing in secret at home before.

- a cis dude falling for his fem side (picrel is me)
because you are :3
it is cute, and sexy id hit it
Looking gorgeous there. I love the tummy and the set you're wearing. Works good for you.
That's a nice coat and it suits you well! It's a great choice to start with too as it's just that touch of ambiguity with the cut and style but you can just wink and enjoy that mystery as no one will call that out.
If only the coat was red and had a fur neck.
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Thanks. I'd take photos more often if I weren't so lazy.
Kissable belly button
>Are you a virgin?
>Are you kissless
Yes :/
cute jojo pin
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is the pin blue and black? or white and gold?
I would love to have a pair of foe leather opera gloves ;3
And so it begins again
They can look amazing. Long gloves are so underrated.
I want to serve all types of CUNT
A noble aim
I will die on the hill of true blue
i'm the sole proprietor
what size
do you mean faux leather you unread vagrant
Honestly you guys are my only friends
There are no friends here, only enemies. Everybody dies you either kill yourself or get killed
Any advice for bleaching your (blonde) hair at home femgen?
Get hair dye from Walmart and once it’s bleached don’t wash it for a couple days until it get greasy to prevent drying out and dead ends
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I’m an expert at letting hair get greasy, thanks bestie
I guess the bong equivalent is Asda. Any tips for tools to visualise it? I tried the Tresemme app but it looked bad so I’ve wiped it from my memory

nice hair
Yeah like, Shut up :p
No. He makes the gloves from the skin of his enemies. You will make a fine supple pair of pants.
hello fags, curious as to see why 2 (occasionally 3) of the trips from ftm frequent this gen so im tryin it out
surprisingly no for both, i cant remember my first kiss but i got to fuck my tranny girlfriend in the ass recently, felt powerful
cant wait for her to come back
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(Borrow this image pookster :)
>have frail twink manlet body
>but also a literal regular ass man face and balding
its over
Take finasteride and get a good skincare routine :3
Not the file name ;w;
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We speak in code a lot here, whenever you see a post seemingly from a man desperately attempting to fight the ravages of time, that means “I’m cute and frolicking teehee :)”
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I love blonde twinks in gaming!
like what
>Hunter Schafer in profile, without the booba
It’s so Joever for you girliepop smhmyfuckinghead.
dude i had to fuckin screenshot it because it wouldnt let me post the same file took three goddamn tries
ill try to keep that in mind, i struggle with "codespeak" and anything that isnt put bluntly
oh my god who is that and where is he from
Loser lol
I’m gatekeeping <3
ok fuck you im reverse image searching
What about blonde twinks outwith gaming, like in irl, asking for a friend
As the sparrow flies so too do thee think
I just love good looking men of any variety <3
It’s Ash Crimson from the King Of Fighters series ;3
thank you for further confusing me
i figured that out, first search recommendation was for his age and i got concerned when it came up as 16, but another wiki says 25 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
His age is kind of retarded? Like he was a teen in his original trilogy when I was a kid but he erased himself from the world or something so now he’s like 25?
Solene and Grimes are my muses fr
My skin has always been rough and ugly, with bumps and marks everywhere. I want to have the flawless skin of a jade-like beauty. What do I do? I don’t know anything about skincare. I know you are supposed to avoid sunlight, but I don’t go outside anyways.
Please I will do anything and everything to be fem
Ty it’s an old pic I go natural now
Also Ty she has a very beautiful face >>37411198
Seek a dermatologist ask about Acutane & get ready to fork over a whole lot of money
who is this fucking vision of beauty

you look great fr

do you have a penis

this is, in reality, fem boy general. shh its a secret
>Is there such thing as too fem in your opinion?
in terms of personal taste, sure. my femboy bf is very feminine, but he's still obviously a man, which is what i like. he can fool you in a hoodie, tight jeans, and some eyeliner, but when he's shirtless, he undoubtedly has a man's frame, a dainty, feminine man's frame, but a man's frame for sure.
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>do you have a penis
Put it in my mouth~
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Feminine guys are just so fucking beautiful, they have an almost angelic appearance. Its something to do with taking male beauty and female beauty and combining them into a single being. Whether its twinks or femboys, they make me weak in ways I can barely describe. Personally I see that as greater beauty then pursuing an 'only masculine' or 'only feminine' appearance. After all, the human race is composed of both men and women, not just one or the other. To be androgynous is to represent all human beauty

those things you describe are toxic masculinity. to pursue flowers, art, and beauty is true masculinity. the idea that men must be hideous rage monsters is a stupid idea, propagated by failed men who wasted their lives doing exactly that, and are now trying to drag others down with them

jesus christ i am awestruck
I took acutane in the past for bad acne, not sure what it would do now. I’m trying to get a dermatologist for other issues (my old one retired) but everywhere I look is only accepting cosmetic patients.

holy fuck how is this even possible
God damn that is looking good. I'm not leaving the house that day if I wake up next to that.
What’s the difference between cosmetic patients and regular patients? Do they just focus on making skin look softer or better or something?
Cosmetic dermatology covers botox, fillers, laser stuff, etc.
Medical dermatology is more like acne, cancer, infections, skin conditions, etc.
Would the medical also include grafts, burns, etc. or would that be another field?
Apparently that wasn’t just an /lgbt/ thing all mods had some kind of authoritarian freak off in early September
Maybe someone found out that it was getting audited lol
I just want to say Mithrun is fucking handsome
who tf would audit a 4chan mod
The FBI handlers for the honeypot staff.
we can give it a bit and then try putting up another /fbg/
I hate throwing up in a bathroom, but I do get better at it every time
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I leave a little strip of pubes above it, it would tickle your nose.

Thanks anons.

>I hate throwing up in a bathroom
Why not just eat less? I made it to a 25" waist a few weeks ago and got under 60kg literally today. Just by eating less.

Throwing up will fuck your teeth up.
jesus christ i want to get between your legs and lick and suck everything you have to offer.
Maybe I want my nose to be tickled.

You want to avoid that if you can. You have a bug or something or is this a misguided way of losing or keeping weight off. Please not the latter. LIke Hips said it's bad for teeth but it also is rough on the throat and mouth.
Ahhh, sorry yes I’m not doing it for health reasons, I had too many shots. I appreciate the advice THI
Nice, I’m happy at 28 but 25 is quite sexo I must say
1 cuppa water per shot/beer/5 oz of wine
It might not prevent puking but it will prevent a hangover
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I drink the water. I fight. I don’t have the strength to get retinoid from the fridge. Remember m
You too are the struggler at heart. You can make it. I believe in you!!
Bow to your masc king peasants! mwhahahahaha
Femboys and twinks are gods. mascs are the servant class, putting their silly muscles to use doing hard labor and occasionally being put to stud when their masters feel it appropriate
with me and my younger femboy bf, i'm daddy in the streets, he's daddy in the sheets. i have the bigger muscles, he has the bigger cock.
Wrong. I am the Warlord here to claim my rightful Throne as the King of this land!
I too have had a bf who was shorter and thinner than me but had a larger cock. its pretty hot
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How do you all cut your hair? I'm scared to show the hairdresser pictures of women
>bottoms actually believe this
Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot

A unisex one or female focused hairdresser will be okay with whatever you ask and pay for. Just don't go to a men's barbershop.
God yes. Marry me.
You guys cry if I don't let you eat my fries.
Who are the proverbial leaders of this general?
It always shocks me when I see this combo but big or small down there works fine for me aesthetically
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my bf is like 130 pounds wet, 5 foot 6 on a good day. an 8 inch cock is already massive, when it's on a tiny femboy, it makes porn cocks look small.
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut UP
You guys also cry when I don’t want to hold your hands. For shame
Holy shit. That's going to look more like hentai or the meat they draw on futa. He's one in like a hundred million with those proportions. You lucky devil.
plz gib bf, fren
Femboys are like cats. They act like either royalty or helpless baby when it most suits them.
The Dog gets the Cat.
Some of us need it doggy style tho.
first and only 8 inch cock i've ever seen. he's a little pervert too, he'll come up to me with his monster out and say things like "hey, can i rearrange your guts for a bit?" or "i want to ruin you for normal cocks some more".
You are living the dream. This sounds hilarious and lewd. I am happy for you and envious.
I dated a twink with a 7.5 incher. God I miss gagging on that thing. His nut tasted so good
pizza power, a flying femboy food delight
Only another estimated 300 days of diet and exercise until I can be fem
Oh my fucking god how do I find this
itll be worth it fren
newest bread


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