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Most recent intact thread: >>37377278

Shitpost QOTT: Have you ever worked as a custodian or as janitorial staff?
Real QOTT: Would you take a transcontinental flight to meet your trans girl?

Also, chasers here, you've got a trans woman who wants to get coffee.
Someone take her out.
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:) thx anon, this place has been getting to me a bit lately tho

:D asking jannies for certain things can work desu
What happen to last thread?
shitpost qott: never

real qott: maybe, who knows, for work reasons I'd rather the opposite happen, but it needs a thorough plan basically.

q4c: coffee date sounds like an awesome idea, unfortunately it would probably not happen in my city, where I know lots of chic and cool places, plus I always wanted to try bringing a date to the rooftop bar I know
june got banned for posting a pic and since she was OP of the next thread, the ban purge deleted the thread too
whoever is the lover of fred, you should it least trip so he knows you're not a troll trying to fuck with him
>kate comes back to cg
>every selfie poster is back to getting banned all over again
lol good job once again kate
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prolly too many "rate me" posts, jannies purged a bunch of em not too long ago
I hate jannies
>Would you take a transcontinental flight to meet your trans girl?
Honestly if the connection is strong enough yes.
It worked for the one time but probally not going to test it again.
Kate or Kat? Kate seems fine but stupid, Kat is the one who seems malicious
why do they never band chasers when they post selfies of themselves like Fred?
is kate the hot one
nice eyes
dark hair
I mean Kate, she was doing this last year around the same time we had the crazy janny, she would get all the selfie posts deleted, all except hers
oh yeh def not its kinda like a family guy spideman sitch, "everybody gets one" lol, ive been banned for like a week before
She denies it but it's so obvious it's always been her
>Have you ever worked as a custodian or as janitorial staff?
>Would you take a transcontinental flight to meet your trans girl?
i wanna take a transcontinental flight just to meet friends! of course i would.
is expensive tho :/
>would you ever keep a chaser in your basement?
i probably shouldn't. im not sure if id remember to feed him...
Because chasers aren't insecure weirdos who report other chasers
someone post kate pl0x

cigarettes are bad you stupid cunt
They both have pretty eyes and dark hair
Kate is the mexican one who BDD posts every time
Kat is the german one with the vines on her mirror
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ciggies are not good 4 u azelf :( smoke weed at least
>kate is the mexican one

my queen
luv 'er
shame about the BDD posting, but we all got our 3 letter acronyms
:((( it’s ok bestie
it’s been a shit day for me too been crying all day from dysphoria
im a tranny but i might do a flight to meet a boyfriend yeah
i know :(
why do u have thiis
I got banned for say I would post a pic. So it does happen.
Damn what did you do for a week lol
where did my trip go?
I would compliment kate honestly if she posted her pics and didn't report others.

I'm afraid of you anons though. I heard Rick stole my pics
It'd be a better day if you double that
if more thought about it like you, I could just edate an US girl and be happier :(
is kate single
File deleted.
i love fred so much, i want him to princess carry me to bed so we can kiss and cuddle all night long
I will ask a controversial question please don't say im trolling: Where can I find trans girls that are attractive\sexy BUT have advanced STDs which cause them to be unable to find partners for sex? even if they use condoms?
AIDs (not just HIV+), any of some of the 4Hs, Syph etc. I have a weird saviour complex and I consider myself an attractive guy so I think "I will give this trans girl pleasure by having good sex with her"
>i also have a deep seated issue and thus masochism paraphilia, so even if she wants to bareback me i'd eagerly accept
My chaser is flying all the way over from New Zealand for me
i hate you so much
STOP IT, TAKE THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW! STOP. okay, that's too far, actually take it down. You didn't even blur my face bro? okay now I know you're trolling >:( I'm leaving
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desu it was a post asking if i looked cute for a date so i was too busy being a suck up to a marine to really care lol. damn i miss him
mogs me
>custodian or janitorial staff

I've literally been a custodian yeah. Worked at a university in the student dorms. Super good pay and easy work 90% of the time, 10% you find a onesie full of shit stuffed in the trash in the common room toilet.
i learned a valuable life trick. i can put beans and cheese on a tortilla all by myself without needing to actually go to Taco Bell. and its much cheaper. why is nobody talking about this technology???
oh is this the guy whose pics got stolen by that one guy?
i should switch to weed prolly
ily<3 feel better
it's not fucking me Sarah!!! please oh my god, please report this and take it down, I don't want people seeing my actual face. Besides, I've been actually trying to be nice to you. I made you a love song for god's sake on vocaroo and you said you liked it :(
im at the point where edating seems like a viable option bc i dont expect ill get a boyfriend thru normal life anytime soon. esp while i dont pass / am boymoding
>oh is this the guy whose pics got stolen by that one guy?
Oh I see
> damn i miss him
Damn I’m sorry. I know the feeling it isn’t fun
>10% you find a onesie full of shit stuffed in the trash in the common room toilet.
that's alarming.
sorry i didn't know you hated your face. i love your face so much, i will take the picture down. please forgive me
have you seen his cock? it's so big, i love it

knowing how wild the guys in my dorm partied, i believe it fully
its ok its my actions that led me back here, it gets better tho. yall have really helped ty dude <3 i hope it dosent eat you alive like it does me
so who wants to date
i have ginger beer & chicken breast in the fridge
pretty sure I don't mog any chaser here. I used to post in /gaygen/
no but I don't want these pictures up
yeah please, thank you. Yeah, I mean I'm all for fun and games on 4chan but when people post my unblurred site on this frog site, I get kind of freaked out. I don't want to be associated with 4chan irl. >_> Sorry for freaking out, that's just one thing that really scares me
those are his real pics, fred is real and i love him so much
personally I'm just afraid of distances longer than cross country, because the difficulty in meeting spikes so much that it would be difficult to bear.
also I honestly feel like it would eventually break the relationship due to attrition, imagine being able to meet only a few weeks a year, when you could arguably just hop over for the weekend (I wouldn't even mind footing the bill for that)

other than that, I relate to that sentiment, I never heard of any transgirls around my parts, maybe on the other side of Italy, so... edating is also my only option left
are you a lady
It was my one actions as well. It will just take me time to recover I was with them for a wile so it will just take me a little longer to be good.
sorry i just assumed you didnt care since i found the pics on 4chan :( please forgive me i will be good from now on
Forgot to add I’m going to go finish up my workout have fun everyone
yeah, I'll actually post a timestamp if people cared to see. Thanks babe and wow, you actually deleted the picture. Thank you so much, yeah, I just don't want my face on 4chan. I love this site but it just has to many negative real-world connotations. I've met some actual cool people from here
>Rick is now larping as Fred of all people
It doesn't get more pathetic than this
a timestamp would be good but i already know youre real and i love you no matter what, but it would be good for everyone else
aw, you're okay :) sorry for freaking out and being overly dramatic. Yeah, I'm trying to get my pictures taken down. I used to post in /fit/ and would blur my face. someone found my socials though and put me on blast there :(. You want to talk there instead? or are you still too afraid?
fred and fred lover look like someone having a schizophrenic episode
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here's a body pic I've spammed before
what is this fucking thread lol
the long relationships always hurt the most, that sounds rough... like you wanna hang on cause you almost feel lost without em like they were a part of you by that point. that marine i was talking to, we never even dated really. just the first guy to make me feel speacial and share a kiss with. still have the movie ticket from our date. its pathetic but i always keep mementos , he has a gf now. i should throw it away but i just cant
someday people will learn to check the archives to see if tripcodes have actually been used in the past before assuming "tripcode = real!!"
can you do a brotha a favor and transition then
oo didnt see that have a great workout dude dont strain yurself too hard! :D
where else can we talk that isnt here? sounds a little scary but try to convince me maybe?
i'm real >:(
I'm still convinced she might be fake... idk she mentioned we talked on discord for hours about marriage and I don't remember that... maybe I am being "chris-channed" and this whole "girl that's interested in me" is just part of a saga against me. I'm going to the gym, take care anons :)
Men trying to get their asses fucked by women who want to date a straight romantic man lel
<33 ily2 feel better soon.
yeah :( edating sucks but dating in general feels futile idk anymore
hell no bro
i would never mess with you
you are precious to me
i love you so much please do not think evil thoughts about my undying love for you
i am not plotting against you
Whoever prayed on my mcfucking downfall won
therapist said she doesnt know if she can help me and is discussing with her supervisor if she should help me find someone else its fucking over dude she also says she wants me to go into a higher level of care but i dont want to do outpatient that shit is annoying and a waste of time
hmm, I'm not sure what I could say or do to convince you. I don't want to make a timestamp here because I saw what they did to Pichu. They just wrote nasty stuff over her sign and photoshopped mean stuff onto her.... poor pichu :(

I have to go to the gym anyways and mow my mom's lawn. I guess you know how to find me?
If only you knew how accurate that is
Hint: it's Rick's actual diagnosis
that's why I prefer keeping it at friends level when distance is too much, had to put walls to not lead on a girl too much, but ironically I ended up falling for her later and she rejected me
karma is a bitch

sometimes I feel though that even a few weeks a year could make it worth it
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>express sexual attraction to women
>express sexual attraction to me

I'm anime sexual now.

t. ranner
are those socials really you? maybe i will message you on there
stop being so insane and down on yourself jesus christ. Getting better starts with YOU

Stop taking the doompill and maybe you'll see some improvement
where's kate
i know how dangerous fred is but i can't help who i love, he's just so perfect i want him so bad
I need to murder a chaser in cold blood
Mogs me
Ya it’s kind of hard when you’re used to them around all the time and doing everything with them. But I’ll be ok one day.

Holding on to the ticket is ok. One day you will meet some one and they make you feel special. Then throwing away the ticket will be easier.
Fred's available
it is 11pm, the official chaser bed time.
i will put on my chaser pyjamas and close my eyes thinking of holding kate's hand while we walk along a cute river
NO NO NO he is MINE i will defend him with my life do not harm a hair on fred or i will destroy you
Did Rick steal my pictures?
oh okay?
I'm not dangerous. I made a couple mistakes and I think I learned from them. I acted like an idiot a couple months ago and I feel really bad for what I did. I just wanted attention and said stupid shit and handled the trolls poorly. If I could have went back in time and stopped from posting, I would have
it does feel like those few weeks would be so nice but also so painful when they’re over. idk i just want a cute guy to cuddle with it’s so hard
I wonder if posting like this is gonna get me put on a watchlist or something I should probably stop

for future, past, present reference, all posts by Anonymouse related to murdering a chaser in cold blood, keeping a chaser in a basement, torturing chasers etc were jokes and are jokes and I have no intention of actually harming another person
are those socials really you? where can i find you? you deleted discord
thanks babez <3 I think I'm starting to trust you now. I should go though, I don't want shit up the thread with drama and I actually have to trim the bushes and mow my mom's lawn. it's overgrown and I told her I'd help her out today. I love my mom sooooo much <3 :D
i wish Kate would torture me
it's over
outpatient is just stupid bullshit adult daycare with fake lessons baked in
why don't you message them to find out?
your mom sounds so cool, i wanna play runescape with both of you once you and i get married, i love you fred good luck at the gym and trimming bushes
>>express sexual attraction to me
what do you mean?
>June got banned

Thank fuck.
... how did you know about the runescape stuff? you've been following me this long? AHHH idk now I'm nervous.
um ok
mirrored sentiment, would love to just be able to cuddle myself to sleep with a loving girl
listening to space age love song and thinking about how much i love fred
I’m not cut out for the schizo posting hours I yearn for normalcy and human conversation
Bro talk to me. Let's keep each other sane. How's your day going mane?
June gets banned but this larping doesn't
Your already on the list sorry
yea its good i just feel bad because it means i have issues she cant help me fix
wait someone named "june" messaged me on tiktok
i am obsessed with you i love you so much i want to kiss you and cuddle you all night long and make you breakfast, maybe bring it to you to bed and we can watch some tv shows together while we sit next to each other enjoying our company
jannies might be transphobes. like when they see some jealous person report a selfie that's their opportunity to finally ban a trans person for a reason. meanwhile they don't give a shit about the annoying trolls
Please lift the shaman's curse. I'll stop trying to start the cologne conversation, I promise
one day for both of us anon
how MANY TIMES do i have to REPEAT MYSELF i am real and i love fred so much, he is my ideal chaser just so perfect in every way
people think we're schizo posting though so maybe we should take this somewhere private. I don't want to shit up the thread. um, wow, I guess I'm flattered.
I'd rather read this schizo bullshit than read whatever retardation June spits out of her zoomer mouth.
June seemed nice, I think she wasn't ready for all the trolls attacking her. She did what most girls do here though, post her ass and tits for attention. Hope she's doing alright
you think i'm crazy don't you its okay almost every guy i talk to thinks i'm crazy but its okay i would never do anything to hurt you if you want me to stop talking please tell me i am just so in love with you since i first saw your pictures
its goin okay, spending time trying to figure out where my priorities are in life

thats fine i dont have anything to hide, i just hope they dont waste us tax dollars on me xd
same. I've been in therapy for 7 years now. i've come a long way from when I first started and was way worse. therapy got me to a certain point, and it keeps me from getting too bad. but I'm still always unhappy, its just not as intense. or maybe getting older made me more numb to it.

there's only so long you can cry about something until even you are tired of doing it and don't care anymore. like those same feelings are still there but my attitude is like "whatever, nothing I can do about it, worrying is just adding to it" then distract myself with stuff that gives me pleasure
Hair is purple. I'm gonna relax for a bit before makeup
I also found my nose ring I lost the other day. Idek how bc it absolutely was not in the tub but it appeared when I started filling the bath

I also epilated my arm pits..do not recommend
framing it as distraction just puts the mentolity on centre stage
I don't remember asking for your opinion, you schizo nigger.
nah, I think I'm lucky. I'm sure every chaser dreams that a tranner would actually like him. I just think if we do talk, we shouldn't post here and talk privately since people think we're shitting up the thread.

thanks but I'm just an average guy that wants to get as naturally strong as he can. That's it, I'm also a very very flawed man
>hair is purple

so, what's your relationship with your father like?
Fine ig, why?

It's also dyed bc of the music festival I'm going to in Oct
I figured it was worth a shot. It actually is super smooth but it hurt pretty good too
oh ok
laughing so fuckin' hard rn
Most based post ITT
I still think you're a schizo larp along with the others. But. I was asked to tell you that June is currently posting over on /soc/. So I guess you can find her over there.
so did rick steal fred's pictures?
stop being mean and racist to the love of my life, how about you read the site rules before you do this sort of stuff?
but those socials are you yea? i can message your insta on my main account and we can talk on there once i muster up enough courage
Yup. He's now larping as Fred but the issue is Fred is a literal gay bottom, not a chaser. He doesn't like trannies and hasn't been known to post on this board. So it's a weird thing to do.
>but those socials are you yea?
It will be fucking hilarious when Fred replies that he's never once been on /lgbt/ and much less in the chaser general
yeah, this is disappointing
shut the entire fuck up
tfw no more lbposting
can you please post a screenshot of that? i don't believe you i believe fred is real and in this very thread and he is the love of my life
Post a screenshot of what, retard? How's your reading comprehension?
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I am back down to 142.6
Hey. why don't you just message him on insta and ask him about this board so we know once and for all?
does he think this is going to confuse us? How do we know it's Rick acting as Fred? How do we also know Rick isn't Fred and just stealing his pictures? The lore runs deep
it's hilarious how the schizo monopolized a thread to its shutdown

it's been a good run I guess
you said it will be funny once he replies saying he doesnt go on lgbt 4chan but so far i don't see any proof indicating otherwise?
so why haven't you? i will do that soon
Is it a bad idea to enlist? I am unemployed and cant buy shit
It's a good time to eat dinner.
what do you mean? People can post and have other conversations.
I messaged him before and he said he's never been to 4chan. He only posted on Reddit and people took his ass pictures to /hm/
Anecdotal, but most people I've met who were in the military hated it, though they were active, not reserves
do you see any parallel conversations happening?
It will be funny when you message him, yes. Do it you stupid faggot.
Never a bad idea to serve your country. Patriotism is based.
If you score high enough you can get a comfy job. I would recommend the Air Force if you’re actually serious.
glad to see you posting wins
there should be some, people just need to ignore the whole rick / fred / seth drama and it should go away. It seems like there was bad blood between a chaser that goes by Rick here stealing another anon's photos catfishing others. I say this because it's a known fact that Fred is a gay bottom
can you post those conversations? likely never happened because he is real
i don't how it will be funny to talk to a handsome guy and be his wife soon
if you are poor and don't think you could make it in college, its a good way to have a better life, and live in the suburbs. got family members who did that and are successful
Muscleanon ????? Lmaoooo
so anons, the real question is: Did Rick steal Fred's photos?
Kill yourself faggot
They exist. Yes hello
question for the trans girls: at what point
do you feel that a sexual attraction to you rather than a cis girl is a fetish and not a kind of sexual preference?
Correct. He stole the pics of a gay bottom who posts his gaping asshole on /hm/ and talks about how he wants to get fucked by men on camera.
so campers, the real challenge is: find a reason to keep going
Correct. I've been found out.
the only thing they are both guilty of is stealing my heart :3
Any of you bizarrely passionate about a niche interest that you'd like to ramble about for a while?
kill yourself at your earliest convenience
yes but last time I did it someone got parasocial
Guns. Grilling. God.
that's my main character trait and probably why I have such a hard time having social relations
i could ramble about how much i love fred for hours
The internet makes me sad.
Oh, that sucks. What was the particular niche anyway?
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threadly meow
so rick did steal fred's photos because fred is actually gay?
Rick is probably a little bit gay too since he lurks /hm/. He's a repper after all. Future hsts?
they are all the same people he didnt steal anything stop slandering his good name
I topped a guy about a year ago (im a guy too)

last month they messaged me saying they're now transitioning and would like to catch up again, so we caught up - they're only about 8 months on HRT

I've successfully had sex with the same person that has identified as both genders
What were they hotter as though?
Asked by who? Seems suspicious >>37380748
Gen fallen on hard times since
see? there's zero attempt at ignoring them lmao
>Asked by who? Seems suspicious
another transer who has june on discord
dont worry about it
if chasers here are mad fred is getting all the attention then maybe they should try to be as perfect as he is
Well akshually I would personally say 2001-2020 was a fairly bad time to serve this country but that’s just my opinion
discord was the bane of the chans
As an American, it is fully within your right to be wrong.

You are wrong.

God bless America.
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She refuses to post them here but just gives them away on another thread
They were always feminine, I would say hotter because she was wearing lingerie
You are part of the cabal
When will I receive my invitation
Oh I get it, because kat
june is not in that server with the cabal council triumvirate guardians cult
God I just want to beat all you Americans up
yeah that surprised me too
june should not be on the internet oh my god what the fuck
that's how attention whoring works
same, tranner bussy belongs to the Europeans
Why? Jealous?
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i found out my 6'5 normie passing manager is actually a tranny chasing communist who has plowed bussy exclusively his entire adult life. its kinda based, but now i also wanna abuse and manipulate him. he probably uses this board desu, he's in way too deep
I hope tomorrow is better!
you're not posting screenshots of attempting to message him so I'm guessing you're not actually interested.
Besides, Rick stole those pictures. Fred doesn't actually post here
We should batter all these fatties
Katherine is just captivating to look at
I love the response she's getting lmao
at the point it becomes a preference. If you don't care if a girl is cis or trans, you're good. If you prefer trannies, that's a fetish.
Oh god I just checked it out. It’s bad lol
I think my goal should be to try to get 8-9 hours of sleep every night

I don't really care about anything and feeling super apathetic and honestly it might just be from being exhausted all the time.
but what if there's no attraction to cis girls in the first place? basically, an exclusive preference
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June is a master baiter. Never seen anyone play believably dumb so well. It is actually impressive and kind of endearing after awhile
Chuds hate it when they have to confront they're attracted to a trans
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but the men look like this
that's not just a fetish, it's a gay fetish
Passes as a boomer-minded woman
That's basically the ho tactics of yore, pretend to be a retarded helpless woman to get the chauvinists all bricked up to save or rape you
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fred i love you
lol, but then, what if there's no attraction to males?
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bad take
Well deserved desu
she simply should not have used her tripcode or name
Why do you hate bisexual men?
>lie about being trans

LGBT rights were a mistake
Based clowngirl
trannies take anything that doesn't validate their gender identity as a slight against them.

it is bi to like trannies, even the passing ones.
i think this is like my base weight tho so i think i have to like actually burn a bunch of calories and go a couple days negative now for any actual change to take place and for my body to like burn actual fat deposits. i dunno this is kinda where i always slip up so am nervous
Race to 130?
>Am close with one tranner, she has feelings for me. We're technically not dating yet but
>Get to know another tranner. She's much prettier and we have a lot more in common. I like her way more than the first one.
What do I do now?
one day fred will be mine and he will mow my lawn and trim the bushes in our home
Create a trans harem
> I like her way more than the first one.
You already answered it yourself
basically it ended up converting someone, and having soc turn against her, what an epic result
The first one might be fine with that but the second one definitely isn't
go for the prettier one. its not like trannies are for long term commitments
fred lives in a dingy room that smells like cum socks and cheese. there's no home.
bad take, if I could, I'd date a tranner long term
She's so attached to me that I'm worried about what would happen if I drop her

The second one is though. She passes well and is just great.
Play games with, and hurt both of them
i wanna sniff him
I can't do that. It would just make me sad and feel like a complete faggot.
what is yr goal?
oh you're fred, nvm.
I get that but you both also deserve to be with people who 100% want to be together. It’s not fair to rather one of you to be with her because it’s easier
empathy is a feminine trait. be a man.
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another chasergen thread with people discussing weight and stuff
im gonna post horror cyborgs instead
this is my nightmare omg x_x
i'm not fred, and you're just a fred hater, go away
go purge right now, tubby.
Reveal anything about yourself that would prove you're not Fred trying to improve his reputation. Come on fred, you can steal more pics
she’s really giving boob pics to random dudes on /soc/ who are attacking her
what would you like to talk about? or in general what should be the topics?
I feel like shit about it
Probally not any more there attacking her
>that one guy who apologized and asked her out on a date
what can i reveal to prove i am not fred?
well just be the prettier tranner then retard
O I think she got banned
>June got banned on /soc/ and her posts were removed

how about a hand pic holding a piece of paper that says /chasergen/ with today's date?
RIP June
She should have just started her own thread desu
ive got no power to tell others what to talk about so nothing i guess
i haven't eaten much today and im tired and lightheaded. i kinda want to go to bed, but it's only 7:30pm.
To be fair, she should have just gone to the tranny thread.
i can't -_-
over 1AM my timezone, gonna hit the bed soon as well, but really, it's just a matter of suggesting topics, not forcing them on anyone lol
Classic June
Well, that source of entertainment is gone now. At least the angry Chuds were fun while it lasted.
She might harm herself if I tell her
agreed. your male ribcage gives you away.
>youngshits learning that they don't get to not be seen as trannies just because they transitioned early
Sad, but real
It's why you never stoop to pickmeism
not with that attitude
If she does, then you're dodging a bullet. That sounds like more her problem than yours.

Avoid cluster B bitches like the plague.
We've never seen her ribcage, have we? Share it if we have.
lol and all the simps here she ignores. like one time she was crying about something and some dude wrote her this huge reply and she did not give one fuck lmao
You can disgust topics and we can chat about it if we chose tho
Oh I don’t visit soc I didn’t know they had one. But it would have probably been better. It’s hard because most of us here view trans as women but that’s not the norm for this site
get fucked whore
my male everything gives me away u sperg
i'd need 100k+ in surgeries to pass and even then all the other trannies are just naturally better than me...
he's just an obsessed hater who calls me ugly
I didn't go as far as defend, but I appreciated how upset the fellas were getting.

Rest in Peace, June. Your star burned too bright.
this is a HUGE red flag and even more of a reason not to go with her.
no u
that doesn't happen. If you're attracted to passable trannies you're attracted to cis women. If you are exclusively attracted to trannies that don't pass you are exclusively attracted to the presence of male characteristics
that's at least bi. come on now.
you're flat like a twink right? come be my gay bf desu, it's better than trying to make yourself look like a woman, just so gay freds and ricks can try to coerce you into topping them
She needs to post to Reddit or collect an army of discord simps or something
Shit. I don’t know what to say. It’s not really fair you have to think about that but it’s like that some times.
i kinda want to talk about transhumanism but its a little too reddity as a subject so idk. and googling for art to talk about it is useless now, its all just AI slop.

the baiting anon in this thread rn needs a lesson on how to bait well, this is a shameful display
Standard behavior with severe brainworms, positive attention barely registers at all, they will endlessly engage with the negative because it actually feels real to them and validates the constant negative self talk
I don't think she's cluster b whatever that means. She's just depressed.
like becoming a cyborg?
>their trannies

June's just another retarded whore that posts here. None of you are special, let alone defending on the internet.
ok but what if the chaser likes passing trannies bc they have a benis is that gay or bi
liking trannies is bi in general
> transhumanism
This is like nuralink and brain interface stuff right?
Or like cyberpunk stuff
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yeah. i want to be a robot. or a cyborg. or a golem. some kind of metal construct. maybe even a terrifying amalgamation of multiple people and some technology into a new horrifying thing.

and not to become a sexy robot like picrel which is as good as i could find. i just want to be a robot.
ur in a cult
kys demon
doesn't matter. if she'll self harm, you better run. trust me, you do NOT want that in your life.
fair, fair, was wondering how far the argument could be pushed by reducing any other preferences to 0

imo that's still a cool thing, imagine discussing artificial wombs or sci-fi remodelers, or just plain old cyborgs
BASED jannies banning the whore and her simps
AMAB + AMAB = gay
AMAB + feminine/estrogenized AMAB = bi

Any deviation from these statements are wrong and coping trannies.
i think 130 or 135.i am not really sure how much implants weigh but im trying to kinda calculate that in so i dont do too much
>all the other trannies are just naturally better than me
have you looked at the creatures posting on this board? you are in the top 1/3rd easily
its usually the chasers saying it isnt gay or bi
youre not gonna catch me saying that finding my body attractive is anything but bi at best

finding a face attractive, i could make an argument for that being straight. and maybe post-op it can be straight.
but anything else, im not bold enough to call it straight

yeah yeah i know im legitimizing a troll's bait whatever.
Chasers genuinely believe that trans women are women
How come no one else does, not even the trannies smdh
NTA but I'm a chaser and I believe this. Its more pansexual than anything else.
ah ok so same as me
i hope u reach it :)
better look on reddit
I don't understand how anyone who seeks out transwomen on purpose can't be considered bisexual. These people are sexually aroused (and sometimes romantically drawn) to a person who has a COCK, so they are aroused by male and female features, that is bisexual.

I mean I've seen ""straight"" guys go through all kinds of mental gymnastics. Some identify as straight but cocksexual, like they only want women and dick, but without a body. As if a dick doesn't always come attached to a male person, even if feminized.
I don’t know I like women. Other shit don’t matter.
first, you should become a sexy robot like that.
I would prefer science or medicine that could just keep this body young and alive forever. but if that doesn't happen then replacing each part as it fails with cyborg parts.
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>kys demon
homophobic weirdos should gtfo
You, June and the rest of the AGP
Are transwomen not turned off by the fact that chasers pursue them BECAUSE they aren't natural women and that the chasers 99% have an interest in your dick, even if they want to top you? Is that not a turn off to a person who wants to be seen and live as an actual woman?

Or do you not see yourself as a woman and more as a gay man in a more attractive shape so you can mess more with guys?
why do i have to give a timestamp when none of the other girls have to?
because the other girls aren't Rick
Wouldn't every girl you travel transcontinentally to see be a trans gf
Most of the girls in here have done timestamps as some point
I only chase trannies because they're easy lays, not because of the dick. A hole is a hole. I don't see them as women, just a hole.
I want a man to have sex with me lol, I'll take what I can get. If he can larp that he doesn't really care about me having a dick than that's good enough until I get srs
i just want somone to love me for me man, the cut off for me is head just dont do that to me
autist + rope when?
yeah almost all mog me completely
no, transphobic faggots should gtfo, it's not ur thread u freak
giving yr heroin addict boyfriend one of your needles when he’s out
>rehearsed fag speech
Sure big guy
im personally well aware that interest from chasers *probably* confirms im nonpassing or clocky at best, since everything ive seen and learned indicates that nonpassing is their type
some will imply otherwise though and say they only like passing trans women. i have not verified this.

odds of anyone hooking up IRL from these threads are close to 0%, and i dont post my dick, so that part is functionally irrelevant to me.

personally, ive said it before and i'll repeat it, this thread is just a nice place to hang out with the guys and kinda be one of the dudes again as i shoot the shit with them. if i was here to find love, it would probably bother me more. but im not, so it doesnt.
Took a delectable bleach bath and now my skin feels pure
i am not rick though
only pichu has
It is my thread though. You're a tranny who wouldn't be trans if women didn't make your dick hard. That's not even LGBT, it's something else a weird variant that has arisen due to extreme pornography addiction.

Either be gay or be gone
please dont be deceived by my careful anglefrauding and, at times, makeup
>You're a tranny who wouldn't be trans if women didn't make your dick hard.
lmao what?
xx please it costs $0.00 to stop replying to gincel's shitty bait
i find you attractive
you make my dick hard
i identify as bisexual because of it

stay mad, nigger.
I had to reluctantly admit I'm bi, but in the end the label doesn't really matter when the attraction stops when the looks are masculine, the obsession with categories ruins everything
kinda like the chaser label, like, ok I prefer the girl with the cock, but that doesn't mean I think it's an easier lay or a dirty secret, I yearn for a girl I can take out everywhere and show everyone of my friends, idc if they're gonna call me gay
a category doesn't define anything but general characteristics really
If you want to get really clean throw some HCl in there too
Did I expose you? That's why you hate gay people and judge men with suspicion, because you don't actually like men, you like women. Men are your nifty little stage prop, needed to help you feel like you're a woman. We're not even human to you, are we?
New attentionwhore-free thread >>37381765
New attentionwhore-free thread >>37381765
New attentionwhore-free thread >>37381765
New attentionwhore-free thread >>37381765
>it's not ur thread
>literally called chasergen
Not possible, anon
yeah here is nice to talk and flirt with guys and occasionally i get compliments. but i know i don’t pass and look like a fag irl so it’s not really weird to assume ppl are bi for liking me
If I called clown fat, would you respond with
>I'm not fat idiot
That's odd, how you think my conversation with clown includes you.
am i allowed to post in this one
later reply, I'll be sincere, either someone passes to my eyes or I'm calling it off, I know it's kinda rich if it turns out I'm not actually hot shit, but what can we do, appearances are also important
Bisexual men are attracted to men. I am not attracted to men. Therefore I am not bisexual QED
I am bi but I don't think I'm into trans women because of that
I just don't have the hangups that straight people often do on the topic since I have no shame and fear about conforming to strict gender/sexuality expectations, and trans women are often hot and cool so of course I'm into them
not even gincel this time but ur right
yeah idc, ew
i mean ur demonic so it's hard to recognise ur humanity, but i like men, couldn't make myself attracted to women if i tried lol
need to smoke dick
other than that, would take you out to cheer you up.
you shouldn't even be here
because it's not good for you, pup
and i want you to be doing things that are good for you, and not be doing things that aren't.
Don't trust her, she's just trying to isolate you
from freaks on 4chan??
this feels like you are saying im copying you

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