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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Kitchen tradition edition!
>QOTT 1: Do you have any old family recipes?
>QOTT 2: What food reminds you of your childhood?
>QOTT 3: How would you rate your culinary abilities?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previous thread >>37366045
first for call me jordan like you said you would this morning
The hardest part about your first ex being your first love is every girl who looks like her makes me fall in love.
And its not fair on the girls.
So i have to go out of my way to AVOID anyone who reminds me of her ;_;.
manifesting an older woman who wants to rape me
I feel so bad for OP putting in all this effort for a gen that doesn’t deserve it. Wait, is this lago making the OP?
God thatd be nice. When im having a monthly bpd episode the one thing that can snap me out of it is a light justified beating..

I wish lesbians knew how to deal with bpds like me..
probably. if it was made by a troon the op image would be an anime girl, the edition would be called retard edition and the QOTT would be "how many jorks does it take to make your gock cum?"
lago posted anime titties too
>How would you rate your culinary abilities?
solid 8, I love to cook and my ex used I was amazing at it (she is british so take that as you like)
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>if it was made by a troon the op image would be an anime girl, the edition would be called retard edition and the QOTT would be "how many jorks does it take to make your gock cum?"

Absolute kino sign me up
genuinely how can you type this shit and not want to kill yourself. projecting self loathing embarrassing
wago :3
bnuy has been making the threads since lago left
>>37380983 betcha feel real stupid now don't ya?
if lago was a dog she would be called wagowoof
are male trans women allowed in?
bnuy is just lago larping so she can pretend to have a gf everyone knows that
>lago is here
>the whole gen is about her and her self hating simps
>lego is not here
>the whole gen is about her and her self hating simps
berlin doesn't even posts her racist toned belly here anymore, this place sucks because of lago
why would bnuy make the ops she doesnt even post here that much
Im a top transbian but i want a bottom transbian to rape me (coerce me into topping) then i wanna be gaslighted into thinking i consented
berlinanon looks like a homeless man and has an ugly personality to match. you have shit taste.
volunteering to assist the mentally disabled
bnuy is weird
this is so real i just need to be lovingly assaulted when i start to act up
hi im a rapehon bottom
Omg hiiiiiiiii where are you from cutie
nta but uh post discord?
why do i have to be the one to post discord imshy >_<
Sorry im from europe...
*headpats u*
Uhmm.. c-can u write a greentext of some rapey bottom things youd do..plz..
that's a funny thing to say anon
oh is it
get you drunk and sit in your lap and pressure you into having sex with me
sorry im not good at writing or describing things
holy fuck i hate javascript so much
but shes interesting and smart...
my coworkers and I cuddled, jokingly said we were going to marry and one even made me grab her boobs all because they think I like men, this is gonna be really awkward when they find out i like women
no and not really
no? i'm kinda creeped out, some of them have husbands
so um meow
wow this general sucks
and it's all your fault lago
lago, mechanon, drawfren and venus all reading our posts in a secret room and laughing at how shit we are
what's tarotanon doing
anon im so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but tarotanon is normals gf
just fell on my kness
she does that every night too
I can't do anymore tarot readings because we had to symbolically destroy one of the cards so the deck is ruined. I only use decks that were given to me and that was the last one I had so
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>QOTT 3: How would you rate your culinary abilities?
pic related
im sorry nona :(
Cis asian gfs tho.
are there any girls here who like emotional hardcore
How de fuark did u know it me 0_0
where is Ryukop when we need her
why would she post here after how the remaining cis poster was treated and how that one anon keeps shitting on her when she posts
>that one anon keeps shitting on her when she posts
I hate them
>transbians try not to bully cis women out of a lesbian space challenge (not possible)
We didn't deserve lago
passing trans women are female trans women
unpassing trans women are male trans women
yea honestly i wouldnt blame ryukop for leaving or never posting with her trip again
you triggered the seething hon who harasses cis women out of the gen
socially isolating your partner is abuse 101
is it any surprise jordie wont let stacker have friends?
is that why I was alone with her...
abusers always isolate their victims
how come you never replied to the cis asian who said hi to you in the other thread?
after months and months of posting
need black gf
>>QOTT 1: Do you have any old family recipes?
>>QOTT 2: What food reminds you of your childhood?
Not having food.
>>QOTT 3: How would you rate your culinary abilities?
Very high, I love cooking!
javascript is the devil. too bad wasm still isn't real. everyone wants to use rust with it for some reason while swift is probably the best choice (no vm, no gc, pleasant to work in)
> Rust
Nobody that wants to get hired uses Rust. If you want to get hired in programming, stick to Javascript, NodeJS, SQL, Python, and Java

Rust and Assembly are faggot troon meme langauges that will never be taken seriously
I wanna learn assembly as my first language :3
i'm so lucky it's unbelievable
everyone including ppl i talk to love saying im not actually dysphoric because im not on hrt but im literally just depriving myself because why should i improve or do nice things for myself when im intrinsically worthless
no one cares about your tranny problems
this is a thread about being lesbian
>trooning out is improving
it would be for me since i really want it
thats not how self-improvemt works retard
stop doing drugs if ypu hate yourself so much you little shit
>stop doing drugs if ypu hate yourself so much you little shit
i stopped doing edibles and started vaping because it's more expensive and is worse for you
good now kill yourself
>good now kill yourself
what do you think i'm trying to do by vaping
Smoke angel dust then pussy bitch
you are trying to get anally raped by a hon named jordan
oh god no
dont know where to get it
This is consistently the worst general on the board.
this is the only one I even read idk how yoy have time to compare gens like that
> I want to learn a low-level langauge as my FIRST EVER programming language :)))
Actual retard, holy fuck
jordan this jordan that have you men tried diversifying ?
>Actual retard, holy fuck

Someone jelly ill have more control of tbe hardware than you. You just get the scraps
it's a trans lesbian thread, you'll have to use /clg/
lol good one
diversity is not a strength
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Update from my post yesterday(

So how are the snacks im sure wondering. They're actually not that good, not at all really, wasabi is very overrate, its most likely just horseradish anyway.
But what about the effects?
Well actually, i do feel a lil bit cuter. So there ya go thats science.
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Tfw no partner who socially isolates me then straps me to a bed and kisses me until i fall into a trance of kissesssss yipiiiiii
feeling blessed to have my gf tonight
feeling cursed to have no gf tonight
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lowkey would not date a girl who eats whipped cheese, spreadable "butter", "honey", etc
Hi im asian and cis and have a womb
real Asian (pale Japanese or Korean) or fake Asian?
Does vietnam count
of course not silly
doubt it
she probably bought those for her bf
self esteem is in the fucking gutter but at least i can go out in public today. this shit keeps happening to me.
you're doing your best and that's enough
its not enough to make an actual friend apparently
isnt it crazy that in 22 years of life i havent made a single fucking friend ever?
Nooooo Why would you say such an awful thing..
damn that is crazy
Jordan says I'm allowed to rejoin the server if I behave.. she made me write lines in a notebook over and over about how I'm a dumb dog that needs to listen to her master.. ugh
stop exposing us to your fetishes fucking hell
she made me post that it's not my fault
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>blocks your path
puke all over myself and them
*awkwardly avert my gaze and circle past her*
Um hi, are you real?
projectile vomit
had to wash my hair with soap because im out of shampoo fuck my stupid retard life
js bootcamp clown
holy based. look up NAND2Tetris. then learn C. you will be set for life
You can do that every time, shampoo is literally a scam
i don't think this is true anon
so true i use dish soap for all my soap needs
I've been using cheap bar soap for my entire body including face and hair for years, never had a single problem
You have been pumped full of advertisements for 20 years straight and it worked
wash your ass with it then
I do wash my ass with it then... After my face and hair. Working from top to bottom is just common sense. And what exactly are you arguing? Soap doesn't get dirty in the first place
idk like soap is better than nothing but my hair definitely feels better after using a nice shampoo
What is that? Im scared of googling random words i don't know the meanjng of
nand is turing-comlplete, so presumably it's a guide on how to program tertris with only nand
my gf calls me mommy and masturbates to pictures of me
i need a gf who smokes weed with me and watches me play armored core 6 and tells me im such a good mech pilot
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my mom came to visit me for our birthday and i almost didn't realize how much this meant to me since she's the only one that cares but then i opened hsr and saw the happy birthday message from pom-pom which made me cry and reminded me to appreciate her for doing this

thank you pom-pom, i love my mom <3
Tfw no gf who faps to me..
I hope so, the server isn't the the same without your hooting and hollering and rooting and shooting
Mommy please stop strangling me a-ahhh the lights r blurring mommy cant u hear me.. i thought u loved *gasp*..me......

Lesbians aren't abusi-....
Be not afraid of loving another woman, nobody can control who's attracted to them, just as nobody can control who they're attracted to. Avoid not the women who remind you of your ex, for doing so means you only avoid your own heart, and risk leaving theirs empty and without your love.
no you dont understand lesbians have high abuse rates because they date men lol
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Nah thats bullshit as fuck. Disinfo cappin ass. I aint about to date chicks just because they remind me of the best chick. That aint fair on the chicks.

*dizzily exit the kitchen * ahh my beautiful gf is having nother episode today.. im so glad lesbians are pure angels ^^
Wash your ass.
*bumps into you*
Oh hi sorry I haha didn't uhm see you there I
*bumps into you*
Oops! Clumsy me sorry haha I'll just haha get out of uhm your way
*leans against you*
Oh my, oh my indeed, this situation has not changed! I uhm, seem to have tripped, would you uhm mind haha escorting me to a place to sit?
you fantasize about beating your mom and other women and you’re bisexual. you’re no one to talk about abuse. lol
It is not "unfair" as neither of you had a choice, it's only unfair if you're a rapehon
I do! Funny story actually, i recently bought a mint shower wash, now here's the kicker.. when i apply it to my groin area.. m-my penis.. or m-my empty b-b-ball sack *awkwardly fidgets* it..uhmm. >_> it gets cold.. and gosh forbid i apply the mint to my asshole, it feels like i had a hrt femboy made of mint chocolate rim my girlyboyhole..
So i opt for using regular show washes for my ass...
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Based disinfo spreader.. you and me.. r not so unalike..... *blushes*
there’s nothing girly about you, hon
the gen sucks now that we’re stuck with the biggest manmoder hons (Luz and office autist). they don’t even like women. why are they here?
is luz even on hrt? doesn't office autist girlmode?
office autist doesn’t girlmode she says she “boymodes” even though she’s been on hrt for years and she freaks out about her coworkers knowing she might be a tranny
I love women askshully *pisses myself*
I-i-i d-dont knoe if thew like mr tho *sweats*.. i uhm.. ubh tend to spill my spaghetti... around beautiful women... im kinda a simp... aha...
oh lol, deepest lore

I look like this and say this
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Here are my REAL no shitpost declassified opinions on women

I think they're amazing. I think the world should be matriarchal. I love women so much and they are much smarter than me (i am a dumb oogo booga warrior male brained creep)
I like working with women, i hate working with men cuz theyre mwan and rhey make me nervous and scared and i think all men shkuld be xastratwd in order to prevent their anger from hurting innocent and often beautiful women i think all women are are beautiful even the old hags they are wonserful souls today at work i was listening to some beautiful well not pretty but her soul was so pure i listened to her talk for nearly 29 minutes i think i sidnr quite unsertsajd what she saiad but oh god shebhas such vivid and amazing ezpei3nces thebfemale expiefce that i as an ecil male beained tranny will never get to know im sire, which is why im a knigbt i protect the beautiful women from EVIL men..

You're welcome ^^
this is the second worst era of lesgen
need abusive gf
you need to protect women from yourself by staying far away from us
I had PIV lesbian sex today <3
it’s easily the worst. there’s almost nothing good left here.
wow nice
nope, the acorn and charlotte impregnating cis women era will never be dethroned. every thread back then was horrid. this is easily the lamest though
Y-yes maam.. as u wish maam... *cries*.. u-uhm.. w-what do i do i-if they come to me.. should i just assume a defense position in the corner and crawl into a ball .. i can do that if u want.. i uhm.. ihmm.uhm.. i was thinking.. *nervously fidgets*.. i was thinking.. m-maybe one day.. uhm >_>.. maybe i could.. be..uhm *gulp*.. h-happy too.. pleas dont hit me it was just a thought
Can I get a tl;dr on the various eras of lesgen?
I wanna know the lore
gratz ig
ok sorry i guess that wasn't impressive enough for you
we did it lesgenners!!
acting like lesbians are abusive when you’re a bi manmoder who wants to beat women is crazyyy
im a woman does anyone want to hit me
ill make a huge post about it once i get home
m-mommy..is that u.. p-pleazs.. i -i wont do it again please im so sorry
bro stop acting like u understand cis lesbian relationship dynamics when ur only relationship experience is a LDR online with another tranny at 24 who you never made cum by your own admission that only lasted a few months. you literally dont know anything about relationships or sex
wow that’s even more pathetic than I thought
Gf requirements:
Girl (required)
Loves me (optional, using/abusing me is a viable alternative)
Pretty (optional, but makes using/abusing me easier)
Let's me cling to her (MANDATORY)
Greentext or it didn't happen
thanks do you want to have sex
you're not me shut up
no you can post your tummy though
I don’t want to see another manmoder tummy pls stop asking them to post
why do you keep talking about manmoders?
because the gen is full of them and you all need to leave
Because the Venn diagram between man moders and lesgen isn't a perfect circle but let's be honest it's pretty fucking close
I have a feeling you're misusing the term
no, she’s right
ur mom is mad at u
you mean male trans women
yeah you too
A place for cis lesbians but
Trans lesbians can join if they are in a relationship with a cis lesbian member
(no polyfags, you can only bring in one tranny)
great in theory but impossible to moderate in practice
no, the problem is bitterhons and manmoders. trans lesbians are cool when they aren’t incels who hate cis women for existing. don’t care about poly, that’s a personal thing.
I love it, you've really gone out of your way to take the joke and run with it to even more absurd levels of gatekeeping and exclusion

good job :)
found the bitterhon
it isn’t absurd not to want people who live as men and regularly harass women in lesbian spaces
lesbian sexuality is inherently exclusive, yes. shaming us for our sexual preferences isn’t as woke as you think it is.
>lesbian sexuality is inherently exclusive
>shaming us for our sexual preferences
who's doing that?
i wish i had orgasms that actually felt good :(
mine are ao unsatisfying
i can tell you've never been around lesbians irl because what you just posted is literally the expected
Are you on antidepressants? Might help to switch to a different kind.
The manmoders here (most of the gen) are upset lesbians both offline and online don’t want to be around them.
i've never taken anti depressants in my life
Well that just means I am so smart I came up with a great idea that actually worked without having any social reference to use so you have therefore confirmed my intelligence
Thank you
oh you really don't know what it means do you?
She just doesn't get it nona
>t. manmoder
what do you think that means? I'm only here because you people keep talking about manmoders
This thread isn’t for you, bye.
Why do you think you’re having trouble orgasming, then?
I meant to say that these groups are deeply transphobic and the presence of tranny there are extremely conditional, but take it as a compliment ig self aware is not for everyone
idk! i used to have really good orgasms but they started getting worse 2-3 years ago.. maybe i'm not horny enough when i masturbate or smth
stop talking about me, then
Stop infiltrating our thread and we won’t have to complain about the over abundance of manmoders who harass lesbians.
you literally started it
That and/or you have to find new ways of getting off. Get reacquainted with your body and find new erogenous zones.
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since we're on the topic just a friendly reminder that you're only a valid female trans woman if you pass, but if you're not successful then you're still male
male trans woman*
lago would be based if she actually said that
but she did say that, it's right there, being female is conditional on success and passing
she didn’t talk about hons or validity. she’s a lesbian of course she’s going to only be attracted to passoids. bitterhons like you ruin this gen by giving the worst bad faith interpretation of things allies say. I think Twitter or Reddit are more up your alley.
that statement didn't include anything specific to who she's attracted to, and I don't care either, she simply stated very specific and exclusive conditions (multiple, as in she went out of her way to define them in that statement, unprompted) for trans women being "female"
she said she posted in response to someone calling her straight for being into trans women. you always leave that out. she also is pretty obviously joking by saying the woman she’s talking about belongs in the kitchen. or do you think she’s actually a sexist too? why don’t you complain about that? very telling. congrats on taking a horny shitpost so literal that you harassed one of the few good posters into leaving. have you gotten checked for autism btw?
female trans women: failed males
male trans women: successful males
She isn’t wrong? Manmoders and bitterhons shouldn’t post here. OP, you should add it to the next thread.
there's no ambiguity in her statement and she volunteered those conditions, nothing about the full context available from the quoted post changes that

I had no reason to post here before
but this place turned into a little circlejerking clique around the discord and its exclusivity or drama around its gatekeeping specifically orbiting around her personality while you kept calling random people or things manmoders and blaming manmoders for things that have nothing do with manmoders, and then the central personality holding this place up and dictating how it runs kept making shitty statements like that one and lashing out at or throwing people like me under the bus for no apparent reason
seconded. add a disclaimer like
>babytrans, manmoders, and bitterhons who cry about validation and hate women need not post in /lesgen/
The cis lesbian threw you under the bus by not explicitly telling you she wants manmoder gock in her pussy? ABLOOOBLUGHHHHHBLOUGHHHHHH
nobody said anything about that, and it never had anything to do with what an individual person is attracted to
she is talking about a tranny she wants to fuck and is calling her a failed male turned female. are you esl? or such a massive narcissist that you think her post is somehow about you and other hons?
this is really just mtfg again, the gen is only active when bitching about passing
male trans women*
Seriously, OP needs to add a disclaimer that tranny bitching is off-topic. This is the LESBIAN general, not the “validate me or you’re a transphobe” general.
me, specifically? of course not, we've never had reason to interact
but when one person repeatedly goes out of their way to share unsolicited opinions and definitions excluding or deriding conditionally specific subgroups of people they otherwise feign support for and the place they spend their time increasingly echoes this sentiment while mentioning those subgroups directly by name, yes, one can infer they are talking about that group of people
>calling her a failed male turned female
chasers are so gross
she wasn’t defining woman, she was calling her tranny crush female
>she was calling her tranny crush female
>Successful mtf trannies can’t be male. Failed males become female when they medically transition and pass.
>when they medically transition and pass
I don't know why anyone is pretending there's anything to debate or something I'm hiding or not including for context
aee you illiterate thats not what I said at all :(
Don’t bother, anon is dead set on pretending she’s a transphobe who hates hons and continuing to harass her when she doesn’t even post here anymore. Nevermind that she always defends manmoders being in the server even though many of us told her we’re uncomfortable with them being in a lesbian space.
Just because she talks about one group being successful doesn’t mean others aren’t? I don’t understand why it bothers you so much that a cis lesbian is only attracted to passing trans women.
>I don’t understand why it bothers you so much that a cis lesbian is only attracted to passing trans women.
but it doesn't, why do you keep repeating that? what bothers me is people acting like they're not all the same hateful animals
wago :3
Imho the cisgender hate is a flase flag to make trans seems bad. Obv the lago person and others like her have good intentions and positive views towards trans. Obsessing over some words used in passing are irrelevant and theres like 1 billion and 1 bigger issues out there than that.

Also even tho this doesnt apply to her case or others, it is silly to ignore that people have dif preferences. U become like that 2016 riley dennis person getting mad that straight men dont want someone who visually looks biologically male. How people identify doesnt determine sexuality and what people r attracted to, that's visual and irl not identifying related
Calling a cis lesbian hateful (and an animal which has racist undertones) because she is attracted to passoids is wild. She didn’t talk about hons, you raging narcissist. She talked about trannies she is attracted to because she was replying to someone talking about who she is attracted to.
Anon at this point is a false flag or a useful idiot lolcow. Shouldn't take them seriously. Just making transgenders seem insane and derranged and evil or whatever. Not good faith
petition to bully bitterhon off of lesgen for good
>muh racism
fuck you I don't care what you look like or what particular fucking patch of slime you crawled from you're all filthy screeching apes
>She didn’t talk about hons
except she did, it was hardly the first comment she had made along those lines, or the first time she had been quite specific in drawing that line with or without the context of who she was attracted to
Erm heyyy
Kicking them out wud be good, but, sadly there is no king of transgenders to moderate the community. So these sorta flase flags/lolcows always pop up and get elevated to the max. if there was a king/president of transgenders he would not permit this sort of screeching or "u must love penis" or deranged bizzare diaper poly stuff.
The context was there but you left it out on purpose. You are continually attacking a cis lesbian dating a trans woman but you never once said anything negative about the poster she replied to who called her straight for being attracted to trans women at all. Almost as if you don’t actually care about people who think of us as men. You’re just like >>37389980 says, a troll false flag trying to make trans people look unhinged. We don’t claim you and we don’t want you here.
OP just needs to add a disclaimer to next gen so this sort of crap gets removed for derailing. It’s a gen about women loving women. Not for harassing women because they don’t want to fuck hons.
uh uh right sure I'm a false flag I'm acting in bad faith anything but the simple awkward truth, keep simping for the conditional acceptance of your exclusionary cis godking who may even genuinely believe she isn't acting superior and hateful
Theyre not even genuine, just playing the imaginary role of "hon who hates women and wants them to fuck him". Which isnt even a real stereotpype since the vast majority of trans want to date men not women and beyond that the vast majority also have GD and wudnt want sexual stuff with women or even at all pre op
>Not for harassing women because they don’t want to fuck hons.
it's really REALLY funny that you keep going back to this and only encourages me :)
They are genuinely pathetic, though. haha gottem
Successful mtf trannies can’t be male. Failed males become female when they medically transition and pass.
imagine getting this mindbroken by a trip roastie who wasn’t even talking about you
it's been a long time that this place and the trip that ran it was talking about people like me unprompted and saying dumb shit like this about them, and I probably wouldn't be bothered by it if I hadn't thought there were some genuine "allies" on the board only to slowly be shown that is literally never the case
Thinking she was talking about you when she was talking about who she fucks is literally schizo. You need to see a shrink asap. You are mentally unwell.
>lago leaves
>all her mindbroken haters keep seething and crying about her regardless

how does she do it?
we just did this up above
It might be one of the people who’s been harassing her and trying to dox her on discord. Anon’s tireless obsession with her and thinking she’s speaking to or about them in code is what stalkers do to with victims.
I don't use discord and I have no interest in doxxing anyone, nor do I think she's speaking or has ever spoken directly about or to me (literally how or why would she even know I exist? we don't interact outside of this recent nonsense) "in code" or otherwise

I just think it's nice for fake people to be exposed
You’ve been going on about how she hates you and other non-passers because she made one post about a tranny she wants to fuck. You are mentally unwell. Leave us alone. You creep women out.
how about you stop bitching about people like me and blaming them for things other people do to you or that are wrong in your lives, and maybe stop sucking up to a typical cisoid who will throw you under the bus at the first sign of trouble? I'm literally only here because you keep using the word manmoder
the pathetic desperation of bitterhons for cis lesbian validation vs their unending hatred for cis lesbians for having what they want
You’re the one throwing us under the bus by harassing cis lesbians for not wanting to fuck trannies who look like men.
>for not wanting to fuck trannies who look like men
never once did that
why would I care what some fucking loser who found a minority demographic to lord over wants to fuck, anyway?
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>but she did say that, it's right there
Whether or not she said it is irrelevant, it's an accurate statement regardless.
you will never be one of the good ones
neither will you, hateful hon
and I'm not a spineless fucking pickme like the simps itt so I don't want to be
lago transitioning from cis f to trans f?
lago derangement syndrome
i love chaos
it's not like her simps keep bring her up every post
Can we talk about something else already?
> having what they want
worried due to this post
Worried everyone is and looks like their birth sex and trans isnt real, and is just silly insane pronoun stuff as is often said in media and here
im more of a nid fan
Is Left4Dead still a fun game in 2024?
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why wouldn't it be?
it's a timeless classic you can always come back to. it's better if you have some friends to play with
I spilled pop on my keyboard and left shift won't work anymore
Do girls like banana bread
i am quite infatuated with a trans lady in my area. lots of new and interesting feelings and insights on my own sexuality. i can't wait until we fug. it's gonna be so good. i want her cigarette smell all over me
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does she like banana bread
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how do I get a one night stand with an older woman who will let me eat her pussy for the first time
bunnies love bananas
offer her some homemade banana bread
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I don't have an oven
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everybody has an oven
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I live in a garage turned-apartment, I have a kitchenette (a sink and some counterspace)
well inmates manage to make all kinds of crazy stuff in a prison cell so i guess ur just gonna have to FIGURE IT OUT
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I am never going to get pussy, I wish women were as open to one night stands as men were
Being a lesbian is so hard
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thats whats happens when you wont make any banana bread
um hi are you cis?
no, I'm using 4chan, why would I be cis, don't play with me anon I'm want to try eating pussy badly
um hi are you the hacker known as 4chan?
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u r mean
New thread >>37391928

New thread >>37391928

New thread >>37391928

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