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QOTT: Why is everyone so narcissistic in these threads?

Previous >>37380062
Can we finally have that cologne discussion?
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my husband rick
It is bisexual, pansexual even, to find MtF trans attractive. You are coping hard if you think it's straight.
No Puerto Rican showers, tyvm
I don’t care what it’s called I just like women.
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i didnt get attention growing up and was beat for doing things i liked. i feel i dont do iot often tho but yeh i def focus on my looks too much. i just wanna be called pretty and actually feel it one day
its actually gay for everybody. if i dated a man, it would be gay for the man. if i dated a woman, it would be gay for the woman. hell, if i dated a totally agender NB it would still be gay for them, somehow.
this is the true trans superpower.
Where I live the stereotype is that Arabs wear too much cologne :D
I only like passoids
i wasn’t hugged enough as a child and was harassed and bullied constantly for being effeminate. now im an annoying motor mouth autismo
>I'm one of the good ones, see trannies?

fuck off retard
It's still bi/pan, passoid/youngshit or not.

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Who up being sexy getting down with they bad self who up posting them unsees who who doing that rn
I am bi but I don't think I'm into trans women because of that
I just don't have the hangups that straight people often do on the topic since I have no shame and fear about conforming to strict gender/sexuality expectations, and trans women are often hot and cool so of course I'm into them

Straight guys don't need to be bi to feel the same they just have to not cave to the pointless strict gender expectations and shame
It's obviously not pan because it doesn't include everyone. It's obviously not bi because I have no interest in men.
Why is everyone falling for the obvious ragebait
go away already seehon/kate
It just gives me an opportunity to talk about myself which is fun
kill yourself
lol fair
Na I’ll stay thanks
Trannies are not women but they're not men either. You are bi, pan at best.
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i like feminine penis and feminine penis accessories (the passoid that it's attached to)
It's not narcissism when you truly are better than everybody in every way possible.
God forbid some chasers want someone that puts in effort into looking like a girl. I'm sure there's a market for twinkhons though.
Neither of those apply, if anything it's straight + mild gamp.
It’s only gay if it’s man on man action. That’s the rule
GAMP is bi with extra steps.
>its over 100 degrees again
Man I was hoping it was gonna stay in the 80s for the season
Tryna chill outside but it's not comfy
rip and same
Stay mad.
This was studied and that's false
GAMP is straight-plus
You can be bi and GAMP but it's not a prerequisite and not all bis are specifically
Weather literally just turned here. Yesterday was summer boom today it feels like fall
yeah it was like 65 today
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today, I will remind them
I'm interested in the unblurred. Hair looks big af
Idc about any of the drama fr I’m playing hardcore wow rn fr
You smell like mtfg
this new synth is cul
It's getting dark early it's so over
On a scale from one to pretzel, how salty are you that I'd rather court a passing transgirl over a pale disheveled twinkhon?

Not everyone has to find you attractive, y'know?
Idc about any of the drama fr I'm playing with my binkus
Who is this?
the thought of having a skeleton in side me is scary pls spoiler this image until halloween
That's kate
kill yourself
just another boymoder
Clearly a seething twinkhon or perma boymoder (coward).
i'm not her
The big hair was a lie. You look good though.
Will you be my gf
Stay mad, boymoding coward.
It was this temperature before recently but the air feels different, like it’s just about here to stay now. I just hate snow and will spend the next 3 months dreading the following 2 months

How are things otherwise
>Why is everyone so narcissistic in these threads?
i can only answer for myself
it's because i actually am the greatest and I need everyone to know that.
are you willing to date a boymoder like me
I'm just going for a ride inside a skeleton mech suit.
thank you
i wish i remembered which GIMP filter it was that did the big hair blur
who is this anon who has been strongly anti-boymoder lately
It IS so over and by it I mean the day and by so over I mean hours of daylight are decreasing
Yeah boymoders are chill
You sure are mad. Not very ladylike of you. More malebrained than anything else. You sure you're not a manmoder instead?


Stay mad, nigger.
waow Jennie was the shitposter the whole time that's crazy
come to portland
that’s what i’ve been told just don’t think about it too much ;_;
yeah!! i’m so happy autumn is finally here
>removes yo bones while you sleep one night as a favor
Yw btw
Imagine if jennie was rick all along
She's not here
I miss her but she's probably better off
I bet you don't even voice train, coward. Boymoders are the lowest form of tranny and until they girlmode, they do not deserve love.
end your life
Rick schizophrenia replaced with the eternal boymoder debate
ok update. it's the dark times officially now
finally i am a gelatinous blob
not that autumn silly. tho i may join her in the not posting here anymore . my dysphoria has gotten bad and i dont want to burden ppl here with my deceptive male face and body anymore
Stay mad, boynigger.
fred would date a boymoder
just saying
I'd miss your cute pics
Janny would be mad about them anyway lately
this feels like u are saying im copying u
Shitty thing about schizos is they just immediately ban evade so moderation isn't real for them while normal people just take the vacation for doing shit that wasn't even bad in the first place
fred is a coward who won't post a timestamp
Where's clown
FACT: boymoders should be physically and psychologically abused until they girlmode
fun fact: rick is the only cool person from this thread
girlmoding is a trap. why do you want nonpassing transers to girlmode? that's dangerous.
why would i say yr copying me? its weight. what?
aww sorry anon :( but also true i got banned the other day for tummy pics. idk i just feel gross lately so it feels wrong to post here anymore
that way, only the passers live on

work on your transition, assimilate or get the fuck out of the gene pool
My post got removed :(
I like boymoders but they don't like me );
True until you cross the visibly-estrogenized threshold, which you did long ago
Now it does the opposite
Especially compounded with hardcoded woman traits like that hair style and shapes eyebrows and glasses frames lol
Oh wait you've just been shitposting the whole time you must know you're not boymoding smdh I really fed into that
its not your tummy you should worry about, its your everlasting beard shadow
it's pretty impossible to get a boymoder to hate you
you have to be worse than Snake-tier douchebag rapist for a boymoder to hate you
I don't see the appeal of boymoders. If I wanted to date a twink, I would be a faggot.
Only explanation is they got a new jannie who is the only active one and actively transphobic, letting rule-breaking shitposting stand while banning any mtf that gives a shadow of a reason
it was funny the first time
To be fair, it was a rando from tagmap. I'm assuming she saw the chasergen and thought "RUN."
Do you think peanut butter would help? Or maybe something like pumpkin seeds?
>or get the fuck out of the gene pool
good news, anon
i don't shitpost about this, i really do boymode. its true the stupid short bangs i didn't want to get cut that short do make it harder, but im serious that i boymode
if the use of "boy" in "boymode" bothers you like it bothered jennie we can call it guymoding or manmoding instead
um do you understand that boymoders do it for safety and comfort, and not to be found attractive
you literally don't, most of them are low self esteem and all you have to do is shower them with compliments and eventually they start to open up and let you see pictures of their girlmode
t. knower
i wasn't trying to be funny though? look in the mirror and you'll see your taliban-tier beard
shit u saw my RPG …
yeah this jannie sucks
nta but your beard shadow is still pretty crazy
it's mef fetishism, but boymoders are just bdd passoids desu
new? they've always been transphobic since I started posting idk
>comfort and safety

so cowardice. got it.
>every boymoder is a passoid

You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
stfu omg
hey jennie, still drinking piss and getting fucked by dogs?
literally tho
>it's mef fetishism, but boymoders are just bdd passoids desu
kindly go fuck yourself xx
do you know what happens to nonpassing trans women who dare to present as women? things like people avoiding us, mockery, parents rushing their children away from us, photos getting taken of us out in public, verbal harassment, violence, getting killed. not every hon gets killed for girlmoding but im not going to risk it. it's not worth risking it until we pass flawlessly.
Its hard to take this clown retard seriously.
They aren't "boymoders" if they pass. If I saw a passing trans woman who called herself a "boymoder" I'd tell her to stop talking
it just seemed like you were being sarcastic.
I have literally never seen a pic of Naoto on here with any beard shadow like what?
I'm right and u know it
She's based though
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Who am I supposed to agree with to receive social credit points? I'm try to minmax my score
the distinction between the terms is not worth splitting hairs over. manmoding, guymoding, boymoding, they're all different memes and modes here with different histories but it isn't that important
fuck off. you cannot explain how i am a bdd mef fetishist because im not and im not
*carefully removes fluff from your hair and gives you a smooch*
im retarded i guess
that pic is from may. i don’t have mustache shadow anymore. its also a shit pic with shit lighting
Be a no drama trip, that would immediately make you one of the best here
no the appeal of boymoders for chasers is mef fetishism, ur asexual so could never be any kind of fetishist... but yeah u are a bdd passoid, needs no explanation rly
yeah nah, it's pretty obvious
"manmoder" just means you don't put in effort. its the same as an hrt repper
i cannot be convinced im wrong
>mef fetishist
i started saying "sef" to differentiate
maybe not mustache but u still have beard shadow
Are you on ketamine rn
She's so perfect
wtf she’s so pretty
jesus fucking christ
Boymotor go vroom
>but yeah u are a bdd passoid, needs no explanation rly
shut your mouth, you're a fucking moron
do you have a longer voice clip? your voice is calming
zoomers don't say retarded shit challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
whatever, and yeah ur wrong
anon don't take the lord's name in vain
lol, calm down
can't imagine you having any decent genuine opinions on boymoders since they apparently keep rejecting you, so maybe don't bust out those incel opinions just yet pardner
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lotta boymoder talk rn, most these words have no real meaning desu. i kninda think you just pass or you dont
later chasergen i’ll go post in mmg
you need to move on from two things

1. talking about me because i have been long gone from this place and you look completely obsessed still whining about le evil jennie

2. calling yourself a boy at 31. at that age you’re a man. either accept this fact or become a woman by actually socially transitioning

ok everyone goodbye see you never again
I need to gaymarry pichu in boymode in a groom's suit so bad
laser. go get it.
they are being a retard ur fine
The trannies in this gen are the most susceptible to shitposters I've ever seen in my life it's kinda crazy
Like no wonder they're all drawn to here like flies to shit
>woah hey calm down don't get so mad
killing you in a friendly manner in my mind rn
i agree, it's just that boymoding is presenting as a man until you do pass. idk why after years it still has baggage
ok whatever you say fake jennie
quite literally did and am?
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i think she does but have you seen her pre trans? full beards like that can take up to 20 sessions and sometimes even electrolysis
Come on, it's only been ONE so far. Maybe using tagmap was a bad idea
why did you save this you creep
This is not the usual escapades it smells like tranny-on-tranny brainworming
Wait that probably just means it was always them but they're dropping the guy larp
theres consequences to posting stuff on the internet, that stuff will stay online forever btw
leave her alone u freak
omg oh no is she crying really hard on discord? please describe it to me oh no that sounds terrible!
wait maybe you're real. huh.
i don't talk about you, i just used you there as a reference for what issues people might take with the term boymoder
i am a manmoder then
kill all folderfags
not really, no. i beat myself up worse than some random anon on 4chan.
Wtf you better stay your the only reason I come to 4chan
Why are you dummies STILL feeding into it holy shit literally just stop
it really dosent imo just people trying to give more meaning to a niche internet word, but a word ive seen around for a long time. things like manmoder or guymoder and all the other crazy shit is mostly a new development risen from the rot on here or discord. kinda cool how "culture" works and grows, even if its inherently toxic
I think the ragebait is supposed to act as filler or something
i am never wrong
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jade ftw
my point is that it's all kinda the same thing, like i don't want there to be a small distinction between all of them, i just want an easy functional word that means "i am presenting as a man right now" to self-describe
imo all of them are close enough in definition to be interchangeable
nah just leave 4chan this site ruins yr brain and wastes yr time. later anon <333
dont post pics of people u weirdo
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teeheee such a cute little boymoder
Frog you're why they all hang out in a transbian discord server
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uncomfy thread

>"i am presenting as a man right now"

then just say that, its what i do. i just think all the terms are dumb and lost their little meaning a long time ago
goodnight. I love you
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then why are they still begging me for invites nonstop?
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big ol dawg

i dont have any fat dog pic tho i hope thisll suffice
that's it, im buying a plane ticket right now
you've pissed me off for the last time, clown
u won't do shit
if you like art you should go to college for art with a focus on music stuff because you like making music.
the server isn't transbian just because the person who made it is!
bitch i will feed you your teeth
thats random anon, i mean it would be cool but kinda a waste dontcha think. art degrees are like next to worthless unless you wanna be a teacher or something. which i did in the past but i dont think id want to pursue as much anymore
is that actually frog? ew
yeah, you make a good point, just spelling it out is best
Because you live with your mom
are you actually the one posting peoples pre trans pics, frog? wtf is wrong with you
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Yes fat cats are more than acceptable
Did you end up adding me last night or was that some rando? What's the humiliation ritual I have to perform to join?
imagine frogposter as a janny
nah I'd win
imagine shrimp as a cat
Sarah is huge, her jaw and everything else. You're a scrawny little thing
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yeh kinda just best to not worry bout it too too much especially since the barrier for entry is a ton more lax now. the overton window for what is passing and not has changed so much since ive started, it all just tires me so.

this is an exciting development
literally you
this thread is really trans-dense, the anon earlier was right
i hate being stuck here
not scrawny or little! and she's a bit taller and maybe stronger but I'd totally win
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shrost cat jump scare! BOO!
oh shit wtf
>not scrawny or little!
Come on now, we've seen the pics
You got me good.

I often imagine shrimp cat.
it was me. You just accept the invite i sent you and the photo-verification channel will walk you through the humiliation ritual
im like half a foot taller than you and 70 pounds heavier
but the clown makeup is verrry intimidating so
yeah maybe
>maybe stronger
i could break your wrist just by squeezing it
if i have to have these giant hands im gonna get something out of them
rosewood tho, she scares me
what kind of twisted cyclepath just posts something like this??
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how tall are you
what does the scouter say about its shrimpcat level?!
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hear ye hear ye, in celebration of shrimp cat posting ill make a new one but not rn i have to make dinner

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lel ill throw you in space just like i did this poor soul
If there a fight can I join or at least bet money on it?

Cats seem to be more popular around here then
hey thedude. can i give your discord to earlyjune
Oh i kind of forgot that was a thing. I stay off most social media
yeah whatever
ya go for it.
>ill make a new one but not rn i have to make dinner
Hell yeah

she is this is all just a lark
i would also never actually hurt her
as an aside, is anyone else fascinated by how "larp" has come to be a modern synonym of the relatively archaic "lark", seemingly entirely by coincidence?
oh god oh fuck
bet on her and i'll take a dive and we can split the ridiculous amount of money that earns
Astroshrimpcat will return safely to earth, right? Right??
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here's that hot goth dommy mommy i was telling you about
Go away frog you fucking creep
>bet on her and i'll take a dive and we can split the ridiculous amount of money that earns
Yes this is a good plan. Lets do it
how to not get emotionally attached to a fwb homie who's just a really passionate lover? Now I'm thinking it it's gonna happen isn't it. Fuck sake.
We talk on discord sometimes
its navy
nope -_-
i don't actually think that's frog
happens to us all, friend. Best of luck navigating that. It's not easy
only scary bad internet ppl do that
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is there such a thing as passing too much?
Mina I've been thinking about your braps all day <3
>bc im paranoid im going to shit my pants
you should start wearing diapers Mina that would be so hot, your incredibly fat ass in a diaper
wait, is Mina the new brap queen? Has autumn lost her title?
It’s so over bros. My irl crush ghosted me and now my tttt crush is gone
>shit my pants
Ya honestly don't recommend.
Is Autumn even still around?
but we need Mina braps, how else will we get them?
Does Mina have a fat ass or something?
imagine Mina brapping in the middle of a twerking session
hi mono
Her smell still lingers
She’s mine you ugly fag
Mina takes a diabetes medication that gives her a really fat ass and really smelly farts. I guess it also make her shit her pants when she braps which is a shame because I would really love to smell her pungent braps
It's not me I swear
Type 1 or type 2?
my grandmother used to take those kinds of diabetes medications and she would shit herself it was nasty, but I swear it wouldn't be nasty when you do it if you wear a cute diaper
I'm ricotta
???? Really? Unsee of said ass?
Mina could shit on my dick and I wouldn't even care. I've always wanted to upgrade to a brown dick anyhow
i see it's gross hours once again
i'll check back with you guys in a bit
Transbians pls go
I've always wondered how big and smelly your shits are. I hope one day you'll be brave enough to post them here to see if they pass
I don’t even know what that hon looks like you can have her fag
Why all the scattered fetishism? Is it Japan or Germany hours?
I blame German toilets
(No <3)
Where is my guitar tranner wife at?
which of the girls here takes the foulest shits?
if you were my gf I would put psyllium husk in all of your drinks
im here anon but I'm probably not the anon you're after.
which of the girls here plays priest in hardcore wow?
where's my lactose intolerant trans gf at?
I'm not after anyone in particular. I didn't even know any of you actually played guitar, but I figured statistically someone probably did.
would you be ok with me force feeding you dairy products?
nothing to lose anymore life is suffering
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which of the guys here plays hunting horn in G rank?
Whch of the girls here have a hobby outside of the internet?
are you hot? I will take care of you forever if you let me feed you dairy products whenever I'm horny
I just want to be left alone. Also was Sarah actually Rick this whole time?
Mina seems like a catch.
I keep getting recommended tiktok videos of mtfs talking about "painting trade"
have you ever done a painting with explosive diarrhea?
sure y not
S-tier. Good on you.
tfw my vibrato doesn't pass :'(
Mods mods! Take this down right now. I was at the gym and helping my mom. You know I don't like this right? I didn't see this. I knew you were trolling me. Never mention me again!!!! >=(
What have you been reading?
i havent eaten all day
Mantra left because she's too good for us unfortunately
no. unless you count sitting next to a river for a few hours 3-4 times a year
the face is censored :( please dont hate me it doesnt let me erase anymore i thought you were cool if the face was censored!
Increase the lake attendance and bring a fishing rod or something.
Fred lover... I appreciate what you're trying to do but I'm trying to remove myself completely from 4chan. I don't want to post on this board anymore because it's bad for me and people hate me here. I don't see why you like me anyways, I'm an r9k loser that can't do anything right. I'm a disgrace of a man and I push any potential friends away from myself. I have so much to work on. Idk why I'm so messed up :(
I am a man and I am not a woman and I will never be a woman
I need a chaser to just kill me with hammers. Pity killing.. put me down out of mercy
I only kill passoids
I would only do that if you looked like ET
Was Sarah actually Rick the entire time?
ive been teaching myself

kinda, trying to make music and drawing mostly. ive been planning to make some clay doll rigs of something but idk what just yet
Rick was the enemies we made along the way
lol this is true
hope you have a beautiful life anon. try to savour it while you still have your health
So who is he? Or is Rick an idea, a meme, a name for trolls to go by?
shut the fuck up retard
please dont go i'll stop posting about you and drop the trip i love you so much please
This is nikocado avocado
Girl got a booty.
This is fake, you never messaged me anywhere. I'm outta here
I'm not real so I can't shut up
Interesting that you replied to that. Nice admission. Fuck off already dumb cunt
Wow. Nice.
so are those profiles real? people kept telling me they werent and i got no confirmation from you....
day 2 of taking the cumstack to see if it'll make me able to shoot loads again. See u in 2 weeks with an update
it works, trust me
but make sure to stay hydrated
I can't make a timestamp, just wait a little bit longer. I just need a little bit more time
I didn't steal anyone's photos, you can't prove it! I'll never admit that I stole photos!
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but are those social media profiles you or people pretending to be you?
Jade you need to eat. Just eat something small
>vitamins or something to help u cum more?
Thats exactly it.
That's exciting! I got a cute guy who I wanna suprise. Is the hydration for extra load or for health reasons?
Now I'm confused, whatever it doesn't matter. you know where to find me.
tell me where to find you >:( i don't know
Cumstack? Why, my Uncle Thumper had a problem with his cumstack, and he had to take these big pills, and drink lots of water.
>got a cute guy who I wanna suprise
Surprise him by shooting a load on him?

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