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prev: >>37368796

QOTT: when’s the time you
>took a shower?
>washed your bedsheets?
>cleaned your room?
meant to be the /last/ time, in case you couldn’t read between the lines of my retardation
Showered earlier today
Idk last month
Always keep my room pretty clean, except behind some of the furniture is horrible

Currently imagining getting impregnate by picrel
I banned onions from house because it makes the cats cry when I cut or cook them and I feel bad.
how are you gonna cook without onions son
why are ftms and poonreppers so filthy
>Two days ago
I'm the laziest person I know but I just can't focus on anything if my room is a mess. I'm a little more lax on personal hygiene but usually shower at least once a week
I would rather kill myself than not eat onions
https://unsee cc/album#ueNZ1pibwGmS
hairy. naked. pooner
I like your hairy boobs
I like your lil tdick sticking out of your poon. It’s cute
>like two days ago
>like three days ago
Avg white guy congrats
Showered earlier today. I haven't washed my sheets in months, and my room is a mess.

I have no motivation to clean it. It won't make me happy.
thanks, im trying to get them removed
would you suck it?
>took a shower?
today desu, everyday i shower like a normal person does
>washed your bedsheets?
>cleaned your room?
Maybe if you shaved your poon I would
Yesterday, will again in a bit. I usually shower daily and occasionally skip a day, but I never skip more than that and sometimes I take multiple (usually only up to 3) showers in a day. I change clothes frequently too because outside clothes shouldn't touch furniture and so on.

They're washed I just have to actually put them on the bed, so I'll sleep on the couch until that happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I cleaned a bit today, did a few things I had to do that I didn't get around to. I force myself to clean at least a bit daily. If I have zero motivation I set a timer and try to make a game out of "How much can I do before it goes off" and somehow that helps and stops me from finding something I forgot existed and focusing on that instead of cleaning. I set so many alarms for everything or I can't function and would probably burn the house down.
Hey /fitty miggies/, hah ya doin? I was passing bah just wundering if any o' yall seen a meng 'bout this height, lahk 5'6", black hair, blue ahs and a dump truck for a sitter, cuz that boi is done for. His name is Skank Cunt Frank. One of you people. Beware o' that meng. He's a snake without a snake.
Kill me
i'd trim it, but never shave. do you realize how itchy i get when i shave ANYTHING except my face?
you have a beautiful body structure, i like your arms and shoulder size, also hair distribuition is hot, congrats for being charming
>Took a shower
Yesterday. Actually took a bath and stayed there for like 2 hours because my back was killing me, the warm water really helped.
>Washed your bedsheets
No fucking clue honestly, I always forget. Unmedicated ADHD is what it is.
>Cleaned your room
I do it every saturday so, last saturday.
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I would really love hot tub or better, hit springs nearby. Bath feels gross as fuck to me.
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showered an hour ago, washed sheets 4 days ago, cleaning room rn. it's not making me feel emotionally happy but i recognize it's healthy for me so i'm trying my best
Honestly I totally see that but it's the only thing that helps my back pain. I always take a shower before & after bath so it doesn't feel as gross.

Having a hot tub or hot springs nearby would be so fucking good. But unfortunately I live in a kinda shitty appartement and all the public baths in my city are trash.
orange juice for dinner
I understand. Sitting in tub or being in shower feels very gross to me. But relax in blankets in cool room after hot shower is so good.
Night night
>like 4 days ago
>3 weeks ago
> god knows when
i want you
fellow pooner or?
why do i feel so empty all the time. i'm almost out of oxy and i'm realizing i may need to be on anti-anxiety meds
Oh the things I would let you do to me
>this morning
>i sleep on a bare mattress
>months ago

ok real talk. what would happen if i put injectable testosterone up my butt? would my body absorb it? would it burn?
you have the posture of a chimpanzee
yep, fellow pooner
>2 months ago
>2 months ago
Unfortunately I'm usually worse. I've gone 10 months without changing my sheets, and at one point the sheet started rolling off since it didn't fit the matress properly, so I just laid on a towel instead. This is why I hate myself.
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https://unseecc/album#eQlHeKuH8gnn not as hairy as the other guy but i'm finally starting to beat the hairless allegations
very nice, i like the color of your pubes. how long have you been on t?
nice. i always get worried that it's secretly TH jorking it behind the screen
i can't stand normally in photos i'm sorry.
like what? i need some more ideas
Probably not, unless you’re allergic.
In the literal sense, probably, but it might fuck up your organs or not be as effective (if at all) since it’s not approved for that application.
How is everyone in here fucking hot
Jfc I need to get dicked down I’m going insane in this bitch
just over a year, hoping to see more significant changes soon. i know these things take awhile though
i can take time out of my schedule just for you
Bending over rn
I wasn’t expecting to see pussy lol
VERY suckable t dick. I'm on my knees...
i mean does that really count it's covered in pubes
i feel like i'll never get to a point where i look like this and be happy with how i look and feel attractive

i know that my face is conventionally attractive but i don't pass and i feel like my body is hideous. not on t right now and i know that logically that is causing the majority of these feelings but i feel raw and insane

i wish that somebody would love me and want me even though i am how i am
i wish i felt like i am enough for someone
i don't post nudes because i'm super confident or anything. it's mostly because anons on here tell me i'm hot and i like that.
yea same. i'm never posting face bc i'm not retarded but i'm not exactly a looker. sometimes i post here to help snap me back to reality when i think i don't pass lol
i abuse oxycodone, post my crotch on 4chan, have been single for 7 years, jack off 3 times a day and work in fast food. no one wants me irl but i also don't try. T helped with my GD but BDD still haunts me and there's more to you than your body, you have to work on your soul to let someone love you
Why is she like this? Every time I open this gen I see G in here behaving like a woman it's driving me mad
Athey need to make theyfab general so all the women in ftmg will leave us in peace. tired of it fr
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Get pregnant girls!
you first
god bless you, muscular tumblr men anon
Sounds like someone needs to get dicked down
Hmmm. I'll pretend he's Ukrainian and not wearing the uwu shit.
Showered last night, changed my bedsheets a few days ago. I don't clean my room often because it doesn't get dirty and I'm not a slob, I just vacuum or sweep the floor every few weeks.

I had my T levels tested the other day and despite my dose being 100mg weekly injection I had my T levels at 350 ng/dL when usually it ends up as 600-700. I don't do bloodwork at trough either. Does this mean anything? Why the hell are my levels so low?
What was your estrogen at? Did you gain any weight since you were last tested?
Idk what my estrogen is, I've asked several times for it to be measured but they don't do it. I have not gained any weight.
I don't know where to ask, but curious - how does woman or transguy have orgasm from anal?
Unless the T you’re using or injection/application method changed, you might want to talk to your doctor about being concerned that it’s half of what it was previously on the same dose, and that it may be aromatizing.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if it’s possible to know if aromatization has occurred if they’re not regularly checking your other levels.

What will likely happen is that your dose will be lowered, which will either raise or lower your T levels. The other option is that you raise your dose, which will also either raise or lower your T levels.

If you raise it and they go down instead of up, probably aromatization.

If you lower it and they go down, not aromatization.

Obviously, the risk with dose changing in any direction, is lowering your T levels.
I hate G so much. I hate women.
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should i shave my head
yeah give it a try
what if it looks bad. if it looks bad im going to blow my brains out with a shotgun. if i kill myself it’s going to be entirely your fault, anon. think this over.
I showered yesterday morning and cleaned my depression room a few days ago, too. I missed seeing my floor:3
it's been a month or two scene. I've changed my sheets, but I'm sick rn, so I'll change them later.
Go for it, hair grows back
Shaved my head my freshman year of high school, it was a cool look for a bit.
thres only one way to know if its gonna look bad :)
Depends on your face and head shape
shame on you anons.
i almost did it;
you would have killed me;
the blood would have been on your hands.
i trusted you,
and thus,
i shall never trust again.
Your hair really suits you, so I'm glad you didn't go through with it. Super pretty as purr usual btw, ignoring the fantastic photoshop job
we really should start lynching your kind again
Be the change you want to see, it'd be a honour to be lynched by such a magnificent being
Do ftms get male privilege? Does your salary increase after you pass for a man?
ill be studying at your uni in like a year…. dont get too comfortable lil poontang. >:) do you just act like a cornball to make me more irritated with you?
i get male privilege in the form of guys nodding their heads back at me whenever we pass eachother. i dont know why they do that.
You're gonna transfer here just to kill me... waow. I'm not being a cornball, I'm just saying how it is, retard.
purrhaps. as long as youre okay with that. :p and yeah whatever. also… it’s about that time
I'm more than okay with that :p. Thanks for the reminder, wished. See you around nerd
hope class goes well. cya niggerfaggot (an attractive one, at that)
It's kind of like a "I'm cool, I'm a reasonable person, not a violent psycho lunatic" and you respond with a "yeah I'm cool too, we can pass by each other without issue" kind of thing.
im clearly a violent psycho lunatic and an immediate danger to myself and others in my vicinity. are they just retarded?
>im clearly a violent psycho lunatic and an immediate danger to myself and others in my vicinity
Awwwww ok wittle pooner
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sorry im rocking the thug life too hard for you.. most people couldnt handle half the shit ive been through. you havent been through the ringer, you dont know what it’s like to grow up in the hood. youd shit your pants and cry like a little sissy bitch if you had to live a day in my shoes. shut your mouth anon, if you know what’s good for you. me and other real malebrained transguys are here in this general. and you dont wanna mess with us. you’ll regret it.
respect us or your pronouns will be was/were.
I get to see my boyfriend tomorrow and I’m bouncing off the goddamn walls in excitement. Haven’t been able to get down and dirty for two months ;-;

Yeah no, nvm
You’re cute btw
the fuck i couldn't live like that
onions are like the base of my food
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Have fun.
Hi durian. What's up?
Dunno, it'd just always felt good. I'd masturbate and hate insertion but anal felt really good
does anyone know any good restaurants in seattle? im gonna be here for six months
hello not that much but at least i got onions on my pizza :)

how're you doing?
I'm OK thanks.
Mmm i do love onions. And pizza. Enjoy.
i do! :3
Thanks, we fuckin will lmao
Also what happened to your trip?
hello qt
as some weirdos think calling someone qt means wanting to fuck i don't (yes, it's true some ppl are weird af)
hope you have a nice time though :)
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Putin took it from me. He remind me Russians can't be individuals. My ass hurts for some reason.
hemorrhoids? painful as fuck i tells you :(
Those are from politsiya and baton... anyway...
What's up besides pizza?
how do i get into being an ftm chaser
what does this question even mean?
like how do I like
get into it
What you can provide?
it's over
ill never like
get into the uh
ftm chaser game
goodnight my lords
are you cism?
like on a fleshy level?

cis m
go on grindr, gaydens are desperate for any sort male attention. preferably state youre gay to indulge in their yaoi fantasies and you viewing them as valid bois
woah woah woah
go on Grindr?
that requires me to be social
i prefer to shitpost online and at most have a long distance relationship over discord

sorry but the whole ftm chaser thing seems like too much for me
Why does this gen always attract weird retards
if you post your discord here or frengen im sure youll get a couple adds
yea probably

do I meet ftmchad standards
excuse the autism face
because this is a website filled with weird retards
What attracts you to trans men?
Aw thank you <3
Noooo, damn you Putin!!
what happened to your bf
i think he's asking how to be attracted to trans men. cuntboy porn?
thank you for the compliment, weird little creature that lives inside my computer
ur cute
where do u live

already am

i am single long time

Thoughts on gaygen?
sorry sir i must return to sleep

place sucks tho lol
this thread made me clean my room a bit before interacting in it
>washed bed sheets
beginning of the month
>cleaned your room

im super behind on some school work but thats okay. ive been really burned out and exhausted lately so im thinking about going back to therapy so i can get ideas on some better habits to make
I mean, similar muscle groups are there in regards to perineum involvement during climax. The two organs are right there next to each other regardless and any kind of nerve dense area can be erotic for some people. Some people can get off from their wrists or necks.
how do i figure out how to dress? ive exclusively worn hoodies for the past 5-6 years.
Damn gaygen has more drama then all the other gens combined.

I hope you all have good night.
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Gaygen sucks, we been knew
They don’t even have funny memes like this
tell me the lore :33
Faggots fighting over ugly dudes and hating on flamers n trannies
someone post the gloves x terje comic please please pl3ase please
of course
I never fit in with other cis gays, it's always drama.
LMAOOO who made this
what happened to wolfgang anyway
You can chill with us bestie
We take in all the gaygen rejects, gaygen is for losers gays anyway
I don’t know, a random anon made it and I saved it lmao
Will admit, I’m the person that made the Wolfgang edit of his face on pixiteris body
School started so he left (thank fucking god)
It’s much less drama with him gone
I was thinking things had been strangely good in my life recently, it was because I hadn't thought about wolfgang in a while
Real and true
Thanks, I will sleep on couch. Don't mind the dirt.
gamers, my period started for the first time in like 4 months.. i just started feeling like i was getting out of my depressive slump and this just sent me right back into it. this blows
I miss King Wolfgang every single day. He was the last interesting ftmg trip, he really brought some spice to every thread. Now all the tripfags are all women, tourists and gloves. I hate TH for getting him banned, please please come back WG
hello again fags im still here unfortunately
i fucking love these stupid images so much i need more
damn timur RIP the tripfagging, not even gonna namefag anymore?
at least its not hard to pick you out from other anons
id kill myself, im sorry that happened to you
i also keep seeing you on r9k, i need to get off of it but i like starting retarded arguments with the freaks there
who r u?
i need more boobs i need more
genuinely makes me wanna just lay in bed and do nothing till it passes. i dont want to be seen like this

and yeah im on r9k a lot. its where i go to be generally silly :3
I can donate mine to you, I don’t want em
> captcha: GAY KV
How many?
So do I anon. Wolfgang was so handsome, I haven't browsed ftmg as regularly since I stopped seeing him. Did he seriously get banned though?
Anyone else gonna find Jesus eventually? Not soon
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When do you think you will?
t-thank you for the boob..
He got banned for calling out TH. Multiple times.
is TH janny or something? it happened to me once a few months ago. only a week, but still
he got banned because he couldn't stop saying nigger nigger and posting nudes of himself. stop painting him as a martyr
>he got banned because he couldn't stop saying nigger nigger and posting nudes of himself
waow based
Isn't he a Afro-Chicano or something, what's the big deal
where is every poony
stroking my tdick to bbw tgirls rn
having dinner.. eating my yellow food
lurking namefag thats trying to not be a tourist
i dont have any cool lore other than i talk to like 2 people here specifically and im mildly retarded like most users
im glad you dont let them get to you, surprised you get a few white knights there
namefagging is the most fembrained thing a tranner could do
i luv skittles <3
yellow food......
its no big deal really. im just there to have fun and interact with randos online. ive made some friends on there :3
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>yellow food
yellow food
This looks like minced up pancreas
what do you think it is
reminds me of my egg and rice bowls :3
Minced up pancreas
Probably in the next ten years. In a regular lifespan I could see it happening afterwards, but I don't think I have that much time.
What makes you say that?
The whole trajectory of the world is blatantly fucked. I don't know if it'd be worse to die young or live to witness it.
The world is going to implode into a dystopian wasteland in seven or so years, but I don't see a good long term future in the cards for me. Not by my doing, either.

Honestly, day to day I'm a well adjusted material person. Not spiritual or religious, but I've had these sentiments since I was a child, along with many others that became true.
So in a material sense I'm gonna look for some psychedelics to trip on and see where that gets me, and then go to work the next day.
>is going to implode
is NOT*. Not going to magically implode.
Women scare me
Is it possible for testosterone injections to cause some sort of muscular hypertrophy? Is my dose too high?

I know you people keep accusing me of LARPing but I'm serious and I'm a bit scared now. People in real life are starting to make... comments.
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But it’s brave to admit that.
yes? did you not know that testosterone increases muscle mass? what do you think roids are lol
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i want to fuck him so badly bros
Comments about you being jacked af? Lmao what are you scared of pussy?
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what do pooners think of this?
twinks are overrated as fuck. also i wish i had muscle tits instead of woman tits
i'm so fucking depressed. therapy was shit, dnd was shit, i feel like shit. all the fucking time. i'm so tired of hating my body and never being satisfied and getting nowhere in life. i don't wanna end it all but i wish it would just end
>injection day
>normally inject at midnight or 1am
>they forget my fucking draw needles
>office opens in 8 hours, at 9am
>delivery is between 2pm and 6pm
is it safe to draw with an inject needle IF i change it? they gave me extra ones i'm just scared of refeminizing as well as injecting metal
yeah, injection needles are just smaller so it'll take more time to pull t from the bottle but as long as you get a new needle to actually inject the t you're fine.
good to know, thanks anon! as long as i'm not fucking myself up i'm good
ok that didnt work, it was sucking the air out and not the test
>struggle sleeping lately
>body hurts
>rub lidocaine ointment all over myself, max non-prescription strength
>feel the buzz
>suddenly sleepy
>realise i was struggling to sleep cause i hadnt applied lidocaine on myself like i usually did after work cause i quit my job
at what point do i just buy weed
what is the gauge of your injection needle? i've done it before, it can just be difficult. otherwise waiting for the office to open should be ok. you won't refeminize in a day
thank god
idk how to describe it (bad with numbers) but i take 100mg/2wk and the dose goes up to 0.5 on the needle, so probably 2, because a full needle would be 200mg?
wait i reread and you said needle, it's extremely fine and its an IM needle. i'm fat enough that it's safe to subq with, though
Nobody cares. You're a disgusting morbidly obese woman that causes instant vomit reaction. People avoid you in real life, so you seek attention here. Even your parents are ashamed of you.
TH, if i can cause you pain that makes me want to live more. because unlike you, i have a good family, and you're a piece of shit
Stop being a necrophile
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What you hate about your body?
Hi kodkod what's up?
Kgb took my trip. Once I am done sucking all the cocks I might get it back.
i draw and inject with the same needle, and I'm fine. it dulls the tip a bit, so it hurts more, but honestly, not by much
this shit is so dead im gonna start posting ass cheeks
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Today's face.
shidded blood
im back
also im good, im getting back into working on the html code project i dropped a while ago
its a little frustrating but its because i dont entirely understand everything im doing, forgot what some things did and all
anything new with you?
please do it at this point im waiting for my thread watcher to light up
weird little guy, pleasant face
I used to inject my T into my thigh with 18g needle before I started ordering my needles online (pharmacies are always retarded with needles it seems). It barely hurt back then but I don't think I could go back after using normal needles for over a year.
18g?? Bruh
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Putin's secret service basically.
It's always nice to chat, kodkod.
I'm little dehydrated from the meds flushing out infection so low energy but good spirits. Nothing interesting with me, just how I like it. Waiting for cool and cold weather so I can happily go outside more for cardio.

Floki is going to sell paw pics on OnlyCats to make us some money.
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Why do you feel a need to mutilate your fertile AFAB body? Why won't you get pregnant?

Nice cat. How's the weather in Russia? You can feel autumn here, and it sucks. I was hoping for some warm, sunny days, but the weather switched from 25+ heat to this grey cold depressing shit.
Will finasteride give me softer skin?
Also, any cute AFABs here?
I was wondering the same thing for awhile. Blocking DHT I would imagine would make skin softer, at least a bit. I personally wanna go on duta to help with this as well as prevent hair loss. Dutasteride is much stronger than fin and we don’t need to worry about the weird side effects like cis guys do.
Might even look into topical estrogen face cream. I’m tryna prettyboymaxxx
Where's the boy
Very funny, wow, where’s your funnyman award
Do you guys feel bad for fat people that struggle to fit in plane seats?
Imma be real, no, unless it’s disability related
I think duta might be overkill for you, not to be rude, but it doesn’t seem you have very high DHT production to begin with. I don’t I’ve been looking into topical estrogen face cream as well, conjugated estrogen creams or creams containing estriol primarily are the best bet to avoid systemic effects it seems.
>topical estrogen face cream
Is that a real skincare thing?
t. ranny
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what if i knocked up and impregnated G~? I'm a trutrans pooner if that helps.
>which ftmg trip would be the best to get boipreggers?
It won’t have much effect on you if you’re taking estrogen already. According to Dr Powers
Im so tired of this woman. I.. Im just... So tired. I can't even say anything else I'm just exhausted
Thanks for the advice, might just go with fin then when the time comes. I do wonder how effective topical estrogen cream is, I haven’t seen too many people use it. Might need to be the lab rat myself.
Yep, I’ve heard femboys talk about using it. Supposedly helps with keeping the skin on your face super smooth and reversing some of the texture/roughness. Its usually for women going through menopause who start getting wrinkly due to low or non existent estrogen levels.
Yeah, but I also think it should be a wake up call to them to turn their lives around. People don't get that fat without having severe mental and/or physical health issues so I don't see a point in looking down on them or anything like that, it's sad that they're so dysfunctional they can't just do normal shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't like the ones who cry fatphobia and shit, and I think they're wrong to think things are wrong with the world rather than them, but even those types I feel a level of pity for.
With what dick
I’m also probably infertile anon, this coochie is closed for business
How could someone get that fat without severe mental illness or disability or both? (They can't.)
Woman stop talking
You’d be surprised, my aunts were all skinny and stopped taking care of themselves and all of them ballooned to over 200lbs. They all went on ozempic and lost the weight tho in the last year.
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I love being bred but no baby yet. What we are doing wrong?
Shut up female woman. Show me your breasts
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This u?
Also what boobs, they’re basically non existent.
>It's always nice to chat, kodkod.
aw, i appreciate it
its been temperate and rainy over here, ive been up early regularly now and its really nice to sit on the front porch and watch it rain, i have a soft spot for early morning hours
bout time he started paying rent
What's the joke? You think Indian guys are bad? Am I supposed to recognize that person? Being racist doesn't make you fit in with men G, try ditching the makeup and dresses instead
It sounded like every poorly worded dm I’ve gotten from an Indian guy on instagram
>Complaining about indians messaging her
Holy fuck could she be any more of a woman
You act as if woman is an insult which makes me question why you transitioned.
Being a woman itself is not the insult, it's that you claim not to be one
Yeah im not, whats your point
Take your shot Ayden
>im not
How so?
I inject male hormones into my body and look like a goblin 90% of the time
To be fair, I’m not a man, but calling me a woman isn’t correct either. My body doesn’t function like either, I’m just sorta… indifferent to the whole thing.
nah, unless they've got some freak combo of hypothyroidism + pcos or something they ate themselves to that point and must face the consequences of their actions. i'm not that fat but i feel it's only right to take responsibility if i was
>I inject male hormones into my body
Ok, you do drugs. Which are clearly not doing much
>and look like a goblin
Ok, so you don't put effort into your appearance.
This doesn't make you not a woman, you're just a mess of one.
Indians will flirt with anybody.
I wouldn’t say that’s “doing drugs” considering they’re prescribed by a doctor for the point of transition.
Some of us got twink genes, not all cis men are big and bulky. I look a lot like my brother.
Of course it's drugs, nothing wrong with that.
Twinks are youthful slim men. It would take a lot more for you to achieve that from where you're at now.
There's nothing wrong with being a girl who expresses herself like you do, but you're in such deep denial about it. If you really wanted to change this you could, but you're satisfied being this way and that's a good thing. A very good thing, there's no need to claim you're something that you're not.

>Captcha: GAY DP
Why does it matter to you so much what someone over the internet is doing with their life? I’m just being me, you keep being you, and we’re all happy in the end.
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testosterone makes me want to be such a slutttttt
Not taking care of yourself is a sign of shit like depression and other issues. No one just goes "Oh well I'm fat now" without something being wrong.
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Rain is good if it's cold and I get to sleep in.
> wet gaping hole
Testosterone did away with that already, wishful thinking
what is /ftmg/ listening to on this lovely day?
Because I like this general and people are constantly going back and forth with you, but you don't seem to grasp why they are so passionately against you.
It's not wrong to be what you are. But to claim you're trying to be something that the people are actually attempting to accomplish is obviously going to piss them off
Maybe they should just focus on themselves. It’s not my responsibility to coddle the feelings of insecure pooners ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Watching dashie until I hopefully fall back to sleep.
If you don't want people to criticize you or your identity as trans/nonbinary, then don't tripfag and post about yourself and your choices every day
lately ive just been fucking with soundfonts on midis i downloaded, and some ancient fl studio instruments
fl slayer is so hard to mix but i like the default guitar a retarded amount
when it comes to actual songs, ive been listening to splitter girl a lot:
I don’t care if people criticize, it’s the hypocrisy of saying I’m shitting up the gen when the only people doing so are the ones that feel the need to sperg out.
I’m getting in the shower now, have a good rest of your day anon <3
not to be rude but it's genuinely a waste of time to continue trying to convince G of that. i dont have an opinion on the matter but, you're spending time trying to change the mind of someone who cannot have their mind changed. you're getting mad at pixels on a screen. at the end of the day, you're losing. pretty sure you can filter posts anyway
>I'm a heckin goblin dood!!!!
Why are women like this
I'm not mad that G is a girl, or even that she doesn't think she's a girl. It just is what it is. Nothing else to do in these threads anymore
you just arent going to get through to someone who isn’t willing to listen, or moreso, willing to take to heart what you say. i don’t know why you bother with it. it’s funnny and pretty true but i just dont know why you spend your time on it. not to say i dont find it entertaining
It is pretty funny when G backs up to the point of going "whatever! Why do you even care?"
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>Dooda!! I am going goblin mode!! I'm such a heckin valid gross boi!!!!
>Takes shower
Fucking poser.
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Everyone who complains about G~ are literal crybaby’s.
Why should anyone care?
Cause it’s true. You really shouldn’t be putting this much effort into it.
>open ftmg
>G is being an annoying woman
>close ftmg
The guys in femboygen are much nicer and accepting than ppl in here. It’s why I started going in there more.
You’re cool bug
And yet here you are every single day shitting up ftmg with your femoid bullshit
you are simping for a jew whore
you are beneath everyone here
Bug isn’t into pooners
Post cocks
Fellahs, I fell asleep at a red light and had a dream G was talking to me.
G, will you go on a date with me? I have no idea what you're supposed to be but you're really hot
Nah, you’re all just fucking grifting about someone who is just expressing themselves their way? Like get a fucking grip you bunch of crybabies.
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tbdesu that’s even more of an acknowledgment of defeat than outright agreeing with you
My bf must come on the date as well, we’re a package deal
Is he hot? I like guys so this works
I think he’s very cute, he’s a twunk with a mustache n a shaved head that he’s working on growing out again.
Do any of you have or plan to get surgery for a cock? Do you know anyone who has? How does it turn out?
i saw pictures of an infected shitty one and now im terrified of ever getting phalloplasty
I've seen some really good results but thats after all of the stages, healing, and medical tattooing. Definitely a lot of money, time, and recovery but it seems worth it in the end if you're dysphoric enough and got the money.
I wonder if being a pooner is what made me unlovable. Though if I detransitioned, I'd likely still be just as unlovable, if not more so. I'm physically and mentally repulsive and I feel the only way I could have prevented that is to not transition in the first place, even though if that was how things turned out, I would have likely killed myself. Does anyone else here feel this way?
NTA i think that many picked up on my poonerism from a young age and i ended up a bit of an outcast because of it. then actually following through instead of surviving the trials the 'right way' and becoming normal made me more of an outcast.
I think many people feel very similar at least, regardless of trans or not.
Yeah thats pretty much exactly how I feel. I'm really doomer on finding a partner but if I stayed a cisf I wouldve roped.
Are you me? It was pretty much the exact same thing in my situation. However , for me it feels like explicitly pooning out was what cemented that. In both the way it caused me to feel deeply isolated (internal) and later on, how people treated me (external). I think the former was caused by this breakdown of the identity of who I was, even though I was only conscious of that identity for a short while prior to pooning.
Ah, well it's more a contemplation on whether or not it could have been prevented in my case. That is pretty comforting to think about, though.
I'm sorry anon
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Height is the no. 1 passing factor in FTMs. Boob size doesn’t matter since they’re all getting chopped off in the end. Hips don’t matter unless they’re comically wide, like a pear-shaped fertility goddess. All FTM voices eventually get read as male with enough time and voice training. But if you’re 6 ft you’re not getting misgendered for a single day in your life from the moment you hit 1 month on T. 5 ft 6 is the hard limit for being able to achieve full stealth. Any shorter than that and you will always have your manlet status be a clockable factor.
who is she? id let her sit on my face
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>tfw want to see therapist for long time
>desire grows stronger regularly
>last 2 therapists were disaster and made me feel much worse
>too scared to try one again
>but really want/need to
Just venting.

Her name is Mel Capperino-Garcia
Bitch is kinda mid but enjoy anon
Wanna sui, wanna od, wanna blow myself up, wanna kms
same anon
wanna talk about it?
Same anon back here. I messaged my providers about it and they still insist that they don't need to measure E levels because they wouldn't do anything different based on the results. Doesn't make any sense to me because having high E as a pooner would fuck over my transition. I go to planned parenthood btw, are they all like this or..?
god bless you
What is this coat color/pattern called? Is it calico and tabby together?
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looked it up and it's called a "cabby"
Why are you larping as French now
Anyway, therapy is a money sucking scam, there is nothing that’s done in therapy that can’t be accomplished through self-reflection and a willingness for self-improvement. If they can’t decipher you they’re just wasting your time when you know yourself better than any stranger who has a financial incentive to keep you roped in.
FINALLY someone who isn't a therapy shill *gives you a big wet sloppy kiss*
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That's unfortunate.
It'll be okay little poontangs
fuck off
don't forget your chest workout routine doods
*It will not be okay little poontangs
please don't be who i think this is
what is that supposed to mean?
If I were born a male, I’d want my penis to be uncircumcised. Imagine having a tdick but with no hood. Violating. It makes me angry just thinking about it.
I’m not sure what to say/how to make you feel better, or if I should even say anything at all. I love you, I’m sorry for putting you through this. You’ll be okay, it’ll be okay.
it is you isnt it. why do you get off on being better than me? you literally mog me in every aspect in every aspect of your life. good for you! i genuinely dont understand why you insist on being so goddamn condescending. is it because you're insecure and enjoy having someone you sincerely feel is lower than you? *you* wanted to not talk, i don't know why you keep trying to talk to me here.
I've been through several therapists including one currently and its really hard not to feel this way. I find way better advice on random shitty articles online than from some asshole I pay every session. All they do is tell you to stay positive and are unhelpful when you have actual issues. Its bleak as fuck because I don't know how els
I think it’s the other way around, I don’t mean to come off as condescending. You’re much interesting, much more intelligent, I’m not sure why you don’t see that. Sorry you’re right, I just want you to be okay
i love you too, im yhe one who like put you through everything. you have nothing to be sorry for. im sorry im being a cunt
im scared you're gonna realize youre better without me/you can do better than me. like i was genuinely keeping you from your full potential and thats clear to you now. im really not that great and like i know i should be happy you're improving but i just wish i could like bring out the best in you, not my absence. i dont know what im trying to say i just wishyou yhe best. im sorry
You honestly do, I wouldn’t be doing what I am not if it wasn’t for you. The issue was our excessive time together that I didn’t have room to fully do so. Please don’t apologize, I understand.
*what I am now
By “you honestly do” I mean you bring you the best in me. I want he beat for you too
you really dont have to say that. i love you so much. i hope when we talk again i can truly act like it. til next time? (3 months)
god i love you dork. whatever you say, im glad you think that. but all of that is on you. you need to give yourself more credit.
Well it’s true retard. I love *you* so much, don’t forget that in the mean time. I can’t find better if I already found the best. Please take care!!
youre stupid. but im glad you think that, though i should be the one saying it :p
you take care too, annoying retard

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