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Qott: Whats your favorite vidya?

Q4T: What’s the nicest thing a chaser has done for you?

Last: >>37381765
outer wilds

bought me a dress
Qott: SS13.
It was nice while it lasted.
Wait wtf are you taking to get a bigger ass?
>Qott: Whats your favorite vidya?
Just anything valve has made

I put an unhealthy amount of hours on TF2 and L4D2 and played them for about 10 years.
Nice. Haven't played in a hot minute.
Imagine her slapping you, making you get on your knees and spitting on you
held me while i sobbed
So is Rick pretending to be the guy he stole pics from now or what?
They were just gay
Drop disc I’ll buy you something nice
qott: call of doggo
pio is so goated
no anon youre retarded
Kys dumb cunt Rick
Can we just add each other on discord?
Schizo wheels within schizo wheels within schizo wheels. It’s best not to dig into it too much, although I know curiosity gets the better of us so often.
ummmm yea but can you post yours?
Are pio fat distribution gains permanent or do they stop when you stop. And also can you take them with type 1 diabetes
Yes but did Rick steal those photos?
ok i get it you hate me i'll stop posting now :'(
I don't want to post mine here anymore it got spammed by trolls last time
Same, been busy with other vidya.
>i havent ever met a chaser irl
You probably have you just didn't realize
This is nice.
I'm ACTUALLY never met a chaser irl
Ah hey don't listen to him. He's just being a goof. You seem so sweet anonette. I think you deserve better anyways
So Rick stole photos and pretended to be someone else?
thanks for encouraging them retard
here's more pictures. feel free to save it.
And now you're breathing manually
"Them" who are they? A troll group?
So where is the real Rick?
Thank you.
kys rick
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my head hurts
Ok so im a chaser. I have met lots of trans women and I'm sure they had no idea I was a chaser. Its only obvious if they tell you are act odd.
But just tell me, did Rick steal those photos or not?
I just haven't met very many people
qott: right now I'm really enjoying ufo 50. even aside from the 50 games all being really good, the way the pack is put together and the story it tells is super cool and interesting.

q4t: I've dated 2 chasers. one of them assaulted me and the other cheated on me with a cis girl. so nothing I guess.
i really hope you do kill yourself rick your life is such a pathetic stain i bet ur own mother is hoping and praying for you to finally pull the trigger
You get it, I can call girls pretty, and I don't ever have to be impure.
Ok fair then you probably didn't. I don't think there is a huge amount of actual chasers if you factor out the dudes who just like cis and trans.
Okay okay, I hear ya but tell me. Did Rick actually steal those photos or not it's really important we find this out tonight
This is nikocado avocado getting railed.
Q4T: sucked my dick. that was a pretty damn hospitable thing to do in a library
What class?

Also, what a gentleman.
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I'm gonna blame it on the rain
it was mighty and it tried to kill me
Rick never made a timestamp when asked about the photos. Does that mean he stole the photos? Can we assume that or not? Why would he not make a simple timestamp? It's driving me crazy. It goes against the entire lore in my head
I would like to meet a chaser? but I really just gotta focus on getting a job and getting my career up and running for now
I love the rain :)
Okaaaaayyyy but did Rick steal the photos or not? I need an answer for the Wiki
It don't open, what is in the pic?
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me too
just not when it surprises me while riding my bike :(
sick docs, kirbposter.
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Question for thread. How do you know if someone you met on a dating app might flake out on you? I met this cute ass twink on taimi who liked me first. I asked if he wanted to hang out and he said we can do it tomorrow or the next day. I even asked for his snapchat and he gave it to me. I ask the question because he didn't really seem enthusiastic about it and he would only reply when I replied to his messages.
That would be pretty cringe, ngl
I noticed that your ass too big for your drawers
You need a chiropractor just to marry yo' ass
To tell the truth, you need a tractor just to carry yo' ass
Try again
theres a wiki ???????????!
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Why are these tranners so desperate for male attention, but never post region?
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jesus christ What's The Heck Is Going On
CAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got caught out? I kinda like it sometimes if it's not too cold out. Sort of frees you from the mundane world once your soaked through, no longer have to pretend you're a normal person or that rules matter once you see the drenched person.
What a chubby cat
You should still love surprise rain. It's a gift to be enjoyed.
Yeah we're catalogging tttt happenings and I'm editing an entry on Rick among others.

So did Rick steal the photos or not?
You shouldn't use 4chan as a dating app tho
The jannies got mina
attention feels good and makes me happy
people thinking they have a chance with me makes my skin crawl and the idea of meeting someone from here makes me dry heave
I won't speak for him but not all of us feel need or care to prove anything.
First tell me if Rick stole the photos or not
ill tell you if you link the wiki
Timur, nice to see you.

Also, can you speak me some russian?
yes he did. post the link
So you think it's likely that he didn't steal the photos? Or are you just unsure?
he is very round no matter how much i avoid overfeeding him and try to get him active. destined to be fat and orange
but also in that pic he was sitting on a cold windowsill by a cold window on a cold morning so he practically puffed himself up for warmth. it was impressive how he was able to become Sphere like that
if he gave you his snapchat he probably doesn't plan on flaking
if you wanna know if he's interested in you, post some snaps and see if he views them
Just ask. They'll tell you.
I dont know. Some chasers are creepy. Honestly the best is probably a dude that just like all women and treats you as such.
Same it so nice. Rainy day with tea
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Whats the problem? You dont like fat guys with feta cheese dicks?

Shes trying. Good girl
well I don't mean like, for a relationship or to have sex

I just meet like, I'd be curious to meet one and see what they're like lol
Kill yourself rick
it can be liberating but I'm just hopign I won't have to buy a new phone since I got completely drenched, I am very thankful my backpack is waterproof though
it came outta nowhere super heavy rain with fast wind and some hail, there wasn't a cloud in sight all day then suddenly rain and wind out of nowhere. I otherwise love rain
>You dont like fat guys with feta cheese dicks?
yeah that pretty much sums it up!
My neighbor cat (that sometimes sleep with me) is also a chubby fluffy fellow. I think its something relative to metabolism + their fur that make them chubby
they're psychos
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I don't know or care about him enough to guess.
Oh ok I'm actually not sure. Every person I have met thats a "chaser" is really a dude that just views trans and cis as the same and both attractive. But I'm also in a very liberal state so it affects the views.
There's nothing exciting happening, I'm just an entirely normal person. Debatably even a chaser. Whereabouts are you from anyhow? I would imagine near big cities you can find plenty.
>Whats the problem? You dont like fat guys with feta cheese dicks?
I am a male
I can guarantee you that's not Rick. Does everyone just think every shit poster is Rick now?
Sounds pleasant and fun, I'm jelly that I did not receive this rain gift. You got lucky to have been out in the midst of it. All rain good rain :)
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i bet it's totally real guys
is this on that TerminallyOnline wiki someone was making back in march or whenevs?
>Every person I have met thats a "chaser" is really a dude that just views trans and cis as the same and both attractive
how many chasers did you say you've met again?
I could understand the "nahui"
ye I just wanna meet more people

socal near LA so theres probably a fair amount
Oh jesus was that bad? I'm honestly surprised by it but the rice trick worked for me. Walked into the entire ocean with the thing in my pocket.
Back home snug as a bug I hope at least? Nothing like getting out of the rain and into some warm clothes.
How old was he? If he's like barely in his 20s he's probably just shy or doesn't know how to talk.
Ah well, can't help you all the way out there. What are you hoping you'll find here anyhow? Just curious about what makes them tick? The psychology of it all?
Can't say I'm not somewhat curious myself. Even I don't really understand it.
every person I've met that's a chaser has been an unempathetic, uncaring, unloving, abusive POS. I've yet to see an exception to this irl.
He's 22 it's prob what you said. He was typing in all lowercase and cutesy-like.
It's the kind of intuition you get from dating apps that's hard to explain. Just how they talk and respond. But if you're meeting up ASAP I find that tends to reduce the chance of ghosting for dudes, femboys included.
remember these days? I used to laugh when news channels mentioned "misinformation" on the internet
now it's not so funny anymore
we're really all supposed to take this stuff seriously, i guess
I just like chatting here
I am a bad person for falling in love with a trans girl?
Sorry I meant more like, take a guess! What's your running for hypothesis for what makes a chaser tick? Genetics? Parenting? Is it a distinct form of sexuality?
But yes, I usually do too, that's a fair enough answer.
Why you wanted to hear?
People aren't bad for falling in love with trans girls, but you are specifically, yes.
Stop it, all of this.
love to see chasergen at its rightful place of #1 on the catalog. how are we all doing tonight?
Well there's more backstory to it. I saw him on grindr before taimi and when I messaged him on grindr I complimented him and he said thank you, then some days later I guess he just saw my account on taimi and sent me a like and we matched. I figure if he was actually interested in me he would've said something more on grindr.
yeah I'm gonna leave the phone inside a cup full of rice in hopes a chinese fairy fixes it
now snug after a hot shower and hoping the headache pill starts working so the bad thoughts go away
I don't know. Good? Maybe? How bout you?
Goodnight and fuck y'all
Curiosity. I am from an ethnic diaspora from a eastern european country and wanted to compare accents of my language x yours
look don't touch. worship, don't deign to Know. Your only repentance is through simpery
Sarah can you confirm or deny the allegations that you pretended to be Rick. Can you confirm or deny that Rick is the man in the photos posted or did he, in fact, steal them?
Not sure not everyone tells me their dating preference. But Maybe like 10-20 people have expressed they are ok with or dated trans in the past.
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Some people just get caught up in their own shit and are really bad at communicating online or keeping up with that communication. But if he is like following you up himself on a whole ass different account, yeah man I think he's very much interested. Sounds like you're freaking yourself out a little. If someone else is a shithead they're gonna be a shithead whether you freak out about it or not. Just try not to worry about those things and keep at it.
Goes hard
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I see. OK.
i'm good maybe too, kind of full of nerves for whatever reason. why is that bird's hair burnt?
have you ever heard the phrase selection bias
none of the freaks wanna talk to you because youre not a tranny
they all want to talk to us though. and its 9/10 of them
I have no idea lol
I think it probably depends on the chaser
i am sikc
stop eating doodoo
>zigger still mil larping

C'mon man he's right there, that's just what he looks like. Have a little empathy for a guy, yeah?
>kind of full of nerves for whatever reason
Good that you're maybe good, but oooo is this one of those things where you're sort of ambiently anxious but you're not even really sure why? Or like when you were anxious about something and you fix it, but your body hasn't fully gotten over being anxious yet? That's a fun one too.
Start taking shots at random people and guessing then!
Yes, I get that. Thats why I said as far as people tell me. I know real chasers don't tell me they are. well one did but
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they make pretty cool stuff got the rec from someone here, i think this one is one of their more popular songs i remember hearing it around social media for a bit
Airsoft is fun
If any tranners want to ditch this thread and talk to me on discord let me know. I'll sing and read to you
any chasers wanna fight to the death?
i rly want to but every time i add someone from here it ends badly :(
Fight Rick but I have a suspicion that Sarah is Rick since she admitted to it
It's cringe. You're cringe.

Running around with full kit you don't even rate with an admin pouch full of Ozempic and your mom's phone number is cringe.
if he wants to fight to the death I will fight him idc
Is Fred lover still here? Add me plox
Can we just fight til one of us says like "ah shit, ow ow ow, no for real man, c'mon, no seriously dude seriously stop this fucking hurts dude no we're done it's not funny anymore" or something
hating other peoples hobbies for 'being crige' is like 35 times more cringe than any hobby
i meant no disrespect to him, he's still very handsome. and it's pretty ambient or focused on things i can't fix in a night. i think i probably just take sleeping pills and roll for being more chill tomorrow.
i told her that joking about that would end badly
Any good stories at least?
Coffee :)
Airshit kiddies deserve the hate they get.
got assaulted twice :/ not rly fun stories sorry
Dude think of it this way. If that twink is as cute as you say he is, he's probably getting dozens of messages a day that are telling him he looks good. You think he's gonna respond to every single message? If he responded to you, he was probably really interested in you but you didn't keep the convo going after he thanked you. It sounds like he didn't know what else to say and he sent you a like on taimi to see if you were actually interested in him.
ok but I will not be telling you to stop
Vaguely nightmarish as a concept, but yeah sometimes just going to bed is the best idea if your brain is just fucking you. Get a nice reset in.
It does sow more misinformation and it's believable that Sarah could pull a stunt like that. I could believe she was Rick this entire time with Greg
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>Tranner friend of mine inexperienced with romance
>going on dates with a handsome guy
>giving her advice
>she's older than me

Feels weird but thats tranner life. Fucking lucky bitch.
doing what makes you happy even if other people think its cringe is literally the definition of based from the mouth of lilb himself
Oh I'm so sorry, that's awful.
should I drop out of college and just sell drugs or something
nta but this post gives me a lot more confidence because I've messaged really cute people before and they replied
i want to be desirable :c
is okay. just more trauma. life goes on
What an ideal date looks like for you?
What will you sing for me?
imagine making your perception of happiness about whether or not someone thinks you're cute or you make their dick hard.

get a fucking grip and get a personality.
I'll sing you a story about you being a cute little princess
What's keeping you from being so?
mentally ill
fridge bod
did porn
I think its valid to want to be desired
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what the sneef? im snorfin here!
That it does. Here's hoping it gets better for you though.
yes but don't make it the only reason that makes you happy.
Woah insanely small little dude. What is he? Almost looks like a mole to me?
cant hear this song without thinking of zapp brannigan singing it lmfaooo
shit now I hear it
Blame the faggot who decided to run Naoto off. She was the most recent guitar girl here.
The velour fog. It's so fucking funny that the actual William Shatner did that whole spoken word album.
damn didnt think of that
don't blame me, blame her beard shadow.
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that's nice of you anon. thanks. i hope you have a nice night
Go back to mtfg
that anons wrong. NASA scientist eat poop to strengthen their mcirobiome
Jade, I think you are cute
goes anyone wamna be in my math rock band
first off, I'm a chaser
second of all, i just pointed out something she didn't see. if anything, she should be thanking me. ain't no one gonna wanna date someone with a 5 o clock shadow.
do you like Invalids
Thanks! You too. Quiet one tonight, which isn't always so bad.
I don't wanna get bullied by the other bands.
are tranners into photography
you're cool
i saw them play in a basement once. which math rock band should i listen to next
You pointed out something from months old pics. Congrats on running off one of the last cool trips here.
yeah. they're into anglefrauding.
woah.... need.... to eat.... twink assss
and clearly it was still there if she had the reaction she did. either way, womp womp nigga.
i am all of the trips except gummy rabbit ava and jennie, and most of the new male ones. Those are all Greg.
But EarlyJune is both of us. I'm the one that writes her long rambling posts, if she ever posts something short it's probably Greg.
And yeah, i stole pictures from gaygen when i was being muscleanon
i'll knock your dick in the dirt you little idiot
>it's believable that Sarah could pull a stunt like that
your faith in my abilities and dedication warms my heart, anon
yeah maybe
i just hope someday people are posting
>has anyone seen Sarah?
that could be cool
She posted a pic like last week of her hair cut and there was no beard shadow. Go back to bullying Jade you pathetic faggot.
I like dogs, but I don't think I would want to own a dog.
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Where tf is rav?
very nice
Can you leave this general already? All the cute tranners have left and nobody likes this cringy larp. Your presence just invites faggots like blobby here to run off all the cool trips like we saw with Naoto and Ava and Autumn and Venus and LB.
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Take me somewhere pretty and quiet so we can talk and look at the sights together. Shrimple as that you have me.
you're mentioning Venus here??? I am sorry to burst your bubble, but...
lol this comment
>PewDiePie after losing a game of pubg
Yeah yeah you think she is a racist. And her ugly GF, get new material faggot.
What? I like her personally, but she's a OF transbian so I just assumed someone mentioning those other trips but berating Sarah would care
Since when?
she is literally a confirmed racist and a transbian though
a chaser bought me nitro once ! :D
racism isnt welcome on chasergen
qott: idk animal crossing or something i really liked fantasy life for the 3ds but i havent played games in a while
qott2: one raped me but that does mean im fuckable and he bought me dinner so that
Just once? What did you do to scare him off?
Can I buy your nitro and a pack of cigarettes
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this desu
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I'm racist against Kobolds, Drow, Tieflings
how do u feel about half elf half orks
Tell us what happened lad
i promise you my presence has nothing to do with autumn naoto or lb leaving. idk who venus is, so that probably happened before i even showed up.
since starting having sex with women
i didnt wanna ask him for another month
Disc? But I need to see ass tho
Based, no problem at all.
I had vaults of treasure beyond comprehension. HAD!
i was racist against elves in walmart
Well that's considerate of you.
had gay sex again
Whats nitro?
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nitrous oxide like whippets
discord premium
Cool dog
It's what you buy a girl so she can send you longer videos
r u fun to talk to
So you can have more emojis an bigger images?
discord premium its $10 for useless shit its only worth if someone buys it for you
Ye but why
ive been lying in bed for three hours, awake and hungry and headachey
why has a cute cyborg man not come and bust into my apartment and forced me to put down my phone yet

and then injected me with cyborgifying nanobots that can rewrite my DNA and cover me in metal plating...
did they kick you out of Walmart?
I'm already a cyborg
>when her nipples are brown
I hate this shit and it disgusts me for some reason. Does anybody else feel similar? I know it's something completely out of their control and doesn't fucking matter but my brain just registers it as a huge fucking turn off.
>and then injected me with cyborgifying nanobots that can rewrite my DNA and cover me in metal plating...
sounds like the Borg on star trek
agi isnt coming eat something fatass
this is how i feel about pink buttholes. its supposed to be brown.
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this song is shit and great at the same time
Pink is so much better
I lost my virginity last night, ama
yeah, basically. Although images usually aren't the big things you can't send, i think that's mostly videos
is this pich? sounds like pich
>when she isn’t a priest in hardcore wow
Shit is lowkey sickening fr on god
no its unnatural and weird. you know every single person who has a pink butthole bleaches it, right? with actual bleach. it prob tastes alkaline forever
tranners does your butthole color give u dysphoria?
favorite sandwich?
shut the fuck up
sounds pretty cool :) likin it so far

was it good or bad?
Was it worth it?
mine is brown :)
I like a grilled cheese

borg nanoprobes are what inspired me to say that, so 10/10 reference get
mean and no. dieting
I like how it looks more
i bet you think cellulite is a deal breaker
mine is pink and I didn't bleach it
I need it
It was really good
Can I see it?
woaw idk who real anon is but jealous and real happy 4 u anon! c:
stranger danger
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so gullible lol
Let’s see it babe.
im not shaved so you probably wouldnt be able to see much anyways
Thank you! He was very sweet, patient and calming. It was a great first time
has anybody seen frisson?
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Boymoders, can you confirm this?
has anyone seen me?
omg its actually me :O
that was the last 2 years of my life until I started passing now I'm just aimless
I don't need ffs, I need limb shortening surgery or something
Cuddling, snuggling even
I'm exactly like this.
Just kinda floating through life until I pass, not dating, not making friends, not engaging with any hobbies, just studying so I can get a job and save up for all the surgeries I'm gonna need to pass.

It's hard to summon the confidence to actually put myself out there socially until I pass and don't feel like I look like shit.
Yeah actually
i wish i had a bf to cook for and snuggle with so badly aaaaugh ;~:
Comfy :)
I look down on men. Men are brutish beasts with malformed brains. Which is why it's so hot when I imagine them fucking me like the beasts they are.

Any other misandrist trannies itt?
opinions on fat bitches?
Come to bed babe it's late.
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aaaahhhhhhh, some songs hit too close to home :(

Lovely need to see it from the back tho
Damn :/
Yeah all the bnwo fetishists
>ad tells me "your estrogen is probably too high, take this supplement to get shredded bro"
thx YouTube
its just a body comp pic, not willing to take lewds til i get wider, fuller thighs and hips
What you don’t want to get shredded for you fight?
I live in a swing state so it's just "u should vote 4 trump :)" 50 billion times
You see ads? What? Why?
Mine is usually kamala begging me for money
mobile and i haven't set my pihole yet
i will lift, but i'll keep my estrogen high, thank you very much
Nta but you're looking real good
Phoneposting is yikes.
This is a really well animated cry it's how it feels
Kamala personally emails me 10 times a day asking for money and I email her back telling her shes being a bad kitten for not sending feet pics first
im literally on an iphone with no ads just turn them off what
thank fren
How im retarded
yt vanced isn't maintained anymore, and im not paying for youtube
no u
No u.
uh brave browser and firefox focus browsers both work and I’m pretty sure you can also get adblocker extensions for others
this sounds like it's from the Juno. Have anymore songs like shieks theme from Zelda ocarina of time?
oh. yeah, that would probably work. But my yt app serves ads
nothing makes me happy, I can't live a normal life with this body, like yeah, I need surgery first to even have a hope of feeling ok
so real ;~;
are u weight cycling...
yeah sometimes I see gymbro stuff in my shorts, men are so silly lol
also look at revanced
Your body's kinda nice though
ive always been doughy but HRT shifted it more to the outside rather than tummy and back. recently im trying some fucky shit with topical fat growth creams tho.
This is pretty girl hour
Should I leave?
you can be pretty girl 2 mr TheDude :]
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well mainly that first part but its ok lol

oh my lol ive been getting a ton of political ads lately

it really is, evangelion and a lot of 90s animation just hits different

its kimya thats why, she was the voice of the moldy peaches band and played to i think she made a whole buncha songs for that movie :) of course i do. any version of this song is so good to me
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>so real ;~;
clown can cook?
you should do voice acting you sound cool
also picrel
you have saved my life tysvm i can never repay this debt
holy FUCK i missed yt vanced
no it's grotesque, deformed, and unfeminine x_x
ah38? I wanted to try it but idk if it works, rly need to get on pio too, how's ur results so far?
not rly, can cook some stuff ok, I kinda cba to cook anything high effort for myself but would for a bf
https://unsee cc/album#vsfDTj0lzRM2
r my tits stupid
lol I am very happy being a dude.
> well mainly that first part
Ya I know. I think you told me that you had moved. New city’s are lonely city’s
no they're normal
> r my tits stupid
I don’t know did they fail there history test?
But no they seem fine.
Seem fine enough. You're stupid though. Stop cutting
Dead on
No they look nice but we’d need to see them standing
I'm too tired to disagree, but you look nice
mix of ah38 and pio at different points. ah38 did wonders for my face and hands but not much for my boobs or hips. pio seems to have helped me put on 10 lbs in a month so ill need to lower my total dose to limit systemic action. in future ill be making a combination ah38 and pio gel to use in places, i dont trust either alone to be effective, and sarsasapogenin seems sus to me.
same it's 7am and I haven't slept -_-
how tf are u making topical pio??
i buy almost all my meds by the gram, plus the equipment i need to make them.
Alright, let's agree to sleep then
no one 2 cuddle ough
yeah I'm too scared and don't rly know enough about raws, also live in the UK so trying not to give them an excuse yk
I caaaant

late night ps1 banger time
Fuck this gay Earth!
Come to bed babe
fuck this gay earth !!!!!!!!

im in bed where are you
I'm in bed also...
That sucks, hope you can get some later
im in the UK myself, if you wanna fuck about with this sorta stuff i can chat on discord or w/e if you like
yeah idk why qwq
aren't u scared living here?
not massively, desu. i feel like we can get through most things they can feasibly throw at us. transphobia is an age demographic problem imo.
Don't even think of touching your gock
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i wanna touch my gock
now i made chicken noodle soup but it is better than chips so i am happy
as in if ur a youngshit passoid nothings gonna happen? :x
Send me some I’m hungry
as in transphobia is an old persons prejudice
Do eet.
they have all the power, our media and political class are getting their talking points and policy from terfs
Someone redpill me on ah38 theres no hrtgen
topical PGC1a stimulator, promotes the growth of new, small volume, collagen dense fat tissue. its excellent for adding mass onto reasonably well developed breasts.

remembering that i want to kill myself
Can't kill yourself to music this nice. Maybe try like Rude by Magic. I wouldn't mind someone killing themself to that.
I love you thanks
LOL yeah real of you. i just have many regrets, i feel like i dont have room for more
Yeah I feel that. Still, can't let regrets control you life. That's just how you make even more regret. Don't want to look back on your life and realize you spent all your time making yourself miserable about the past when you could have been happy in the present.
Just take whatever lessons you can and resolve to do better in future. All you can do really. Shit does suck though lol.

sadness and regret are bullshit, the worst emotions to deal with
i am mentally ill so its just tough to just be better, yk. i wont kill myself, just cause it would bum out my parents, but ive wished i could for more of my life than not
>the passing trans girls are few, most are clocky or hons
>look at random pics on reddit
>get blackpilled
>look at passgen on 4chan
>tfw more than half look as feminine if not more than girls I saw irl
is there hope after all?
Yeah I get that too. Not saying magically get better. Moreso, just when the thoughts come, don't let em come easy, give em some fight, ya know?
>i wont kill myself, just cause it would bum out my parents,
Well, we take those. Whatever works. I've had my suicidal years so I can definitely relate. Things changed for me so I hope they can for you too. Anything in particular got you down or just got one of those bad brains?
i just think, i used to have a lot of dreams or ideas of how i wanted to be, and eventually i shelved them with the thought that i could return once i got better, but now i dont think i'll ever really get better, so im just here. it would be easier to just kill myself, but i cant, so im just my own corpse every day for the rest of my life. im gonna go to sleep, anon.
Well, I still hope things do get better. Sleep tight.
my most played on steam is FONV and my general fave is bloodborne.... i'm a horrible stereotype
propose to me, lol.
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meow :3
I'm going to eep more
There's a group of jogging girls I pass every morning, 6-9 of them. They all say good morning to me, often in unison. One guy jogs with the girls sometimes but he isn't fit enough to keep up with them so his head aims down at his feet and he's huffing and puffing not paying attention. Multiple times now he's been in my lane and gotten within a foot of colliding into me before noticing me squealing and diving off to the side. I hate this man, he doesn't realize how dangerous he's being by recklessly charging forward desperate to keep up with the girls. I will never move out of his way, it's my side of the path. There's a line down the middle, stay on yours. Plenty of signs along the way explain not to use the wrong side.

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