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Qott: What's your signature spell and what color does it radiate via detect magic?
Prev: >>37383326
Qott: Clock Faggot (Identify and also punch)

YETI Agave Teal.

Good morning, kids
Qott: Zone of Truth. Gold.
qott: Categorical Inverter, pure white
>and what color does it radiate via detect magic?
5e slop, yawn
I never played D&D despite always wanting to, never found a group of people interested in playing it, and when I finally almost found one, they were looking for a DM, so they didn't want a new player

I still believe my life would've been better and different if my mom bought me that D&D starter set when I was 4 yo
I'm talking about 2e.
>signature spell
summon undead, it's so versatile at different levels also necromancy is swag
black, i'm a nefarious necromancer after all
2e had magic school colors? dang. i got outed as a fake grognard, i guess. i prefer 3.5e.
i dont go for this nerd shit sorry
The additional question is for you to add fluff. You get to roleplay and make up what color you want it to have. It did let you detect magic school. Spellcrafting proficiency check could too. I don't know what 5e has I haven't read it.
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Gather Party, Light hot pink

Casts an aura on user that gives +5 to charisma checks to recruit or befriend creatures. -10;to romancing them (I have no rizz)
mental torture, dark purple
chasing trans girls has made my outlook of life more positive and made me work on myself to be the best version of me
>The additional question is for you to add fluff. You get to roleplay and make up what color you want it to have.
oh. maybe i am slightly autistic after all. much to think about
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Submit boyfriend applications in replies below please
you win
I did my makeup last night, took my dogs out, and then just immediately passed tf out. Ugh.
Sounds like a decent night. What's the problem
Dog pictures pls.

I don't girlmode often and was looking forward to feeling cute and taking some photos but now it just feels like I wasted my time a little.

I took a few pictures but I need to see if any are decent
When and where are we meeting
At least you practiced putting on makeup. Just do it again tonight.
Come to LA.
Okay let me make a collage

You're not wrong ig
I might do it in a bit
That's the spirit. I'd encourage you to post, but the Jannies might throw a brick at you for it
why do they hate us. they even nuked a catbox link last night.
i wanted to see rav's purple hair but fun is banned!
That's part of why I vote for animal pictures instead. Nobody should be encouraged to post pictures of themselves on 4chan, it's a bad idea. I don't ever give attention to pictures people post of themselves, it reinforces a negative cycle.
Booking my flight from Europe now
Oh what happened??
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Jorkin it thinkin of you my love. Come fast because I wont.
this is why soc is a board that I absolutely avoid and am afraid of, there's something creepy about seeing anon faces (and you can't even know if they're really the person or not)
I get the need/desire to show themselves, but I really can't approve (despite being one of the anons complimenting Rosewood on her pics)

besides, it's not like these are people most of us would interact outside the boards
I genuinely don't care about what anyone looks like in the slightest. It affects nothing for me. I don't know why people care, it's such an unimportant factor to valuable conversation. It goes against what this website is meant to be as well.
well yeah, why would anyone care, can be a guy, hon or stacey passoid, we're all retards on an imageboard here
looks matter only if you were to date someone, but that's not what this place is for
I care because posting how I look is the only way I can get people to talk to me. I'm too boring to get a conversation any other way
Gtfo newfag
This website was made to share and discuss loli
>looks matter only if you were to date someone, but that's not what this place is for
I wish more people understood this. It would make talking a lot easier not having to constantly dull my personality to avoid people wanting to flirt or developing feelings. I just wanna chill, off topic post, be comfy.
my male privilege is not having to dull my personality since nobody would dare to flirt with my autistic ass
I'm an autistic man too, tell me your secrets.
Youre such a faggot imagine typing allat just to larp as someone desirable pathetic
be extremely self deprecating, overly chatty and talk about stuff nobody cares about
and of course, tell people you're a man, that will turn off everyone

What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm happy for you anon. Thinking about the chaser who's gonna take care of me one day makes me want to become the best possible wife. It's hard work to better yourself but for me it's worth it if it's for someone else.
what's your ulti?
i'll give you an example
>mine is 'Darkness'
>it induces paranoia and anxiety in others
>it has no color / is black

Mine is Autism. It keeps the hoes away. The color is whatever shirt I'm wearing. Right now, it's black.
Dear Anon. I would like to apply for the position of boyfriend. I don't have any formal experience as a boyfriend but I have practiced being a boyfriend at home by cuddling my pillow in bed every night and pretending it's a human who is in love with me. Sincerely, Another Anon.
Is someone who just wants to be with 1 girl still a "chaser". Being called a chaser makes me feel dirty and I haven't even tried to talk to anyone yet.
If you want that girl to be trans yeah youre a chaser.
We like being pursued, get over that insecurity. :)
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The brown one is Cocoa, he's a fat bean

The black and white one is Spork. All he knows is fetch/ball. Literally. He only has one braincell and uses it for that lol
Being a chaser means you specifically seek out tranners and nothing else.
Aw. Love them!
Nta but what if I want to be with a *specific* girl who happens to be trans? Still a chaser?
If she had srs would you be, even the slightest bit, disappointed?
Youre here though so lesbehonest youre a chasey
Is Cocoa fat because he never learned fetch/ball? That's a good braincell choice. Spork's wise for picking fetch/ball.
today i will look at the hon thread, hate myself, and consider posting my own photo in there
Have you considered not being a fucking retard?
i have, but i hate myself
Suit yourself, retard.
ok, i wont post myself
Thanks <3

Honestly, yeah. Cocoa uses his braincell for autism rage
But spork is literally addicted. He'll be exhausted and panting or barely able to stand but still try and get me to throw a ball for him
Cocoa, I don't think you chose your special ability very well. Not ideal bud, not ideal. Spork, never change. Fetch/ball forever, you don't need nothing else it's got both things!
>If she had srs would you be, even the slightest bit, disappointed?
Not at all. Quite the opposite really...
>Youre here though so lesbehonest youre a chasey
Ok. Just that people often seem to use it in a kind of negative way to describe the guys that are basically low quality bf material because they're constantly trying to have sex with other people and don't care about anyone but themselves
Yeaahh. He does his very best at being a good dog though! Lol
Sometimes Cocoa will try to join in on fetch but if he manages to get the ball/toy he just growls and chews it agasint Sporks face like he's bragging. Kinda "hah look what I have and you don't" he's very rude lol

Don't encourage Spork, he needs fetch rehab
No they dont gincel, only you do that
I'm encouraging Spork. I'm a Spork encourager. GO SPORK GO! FETCH! BALL! FETCH! BALL! I'm sure Cocoa is absolutely a good dog, very good boy. When the rage doesn't take over. The all powerful ever threatening rage. He deserves to brag if he gets the ball before the official fetch/ball aficionado gets it. That's a feat mere mortals only dream of attaining. I forgive him being a little rude after such an astounding victory against the odds.
that's probably why the term was chosen, I am not an expert, but the basic opinion is that cis men attracted to trans are basically there temporarily to just get their rocks off on a dirty secret.

it is unfortunate to have such a label as men who legit want to have a relationship with a trans partner, especially considering that it's not really seen well to like them because they're trans
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Cute dogs.
...here is an example of what I mean.
I see comments like that fairly often and it makes me kind of scared to do anything
>I see comments like that fairly often and it makes me kind of scared to do anything
if its any consolation, your self-awareness is a really good sign. people with that sort of fear about themselves and how they act tend to not be the offenders and creeps they're afraid they are. self-awareness can be a path to being respectful and it sounds like that's what youre working towards, right?
What's the site people use to upload pics that automatically deletes them and prevents right-click save so people have to screenshot? I saw anons using it before but I forgot the link
Unsee. Are you going to post bussy for us?
there are two main temp file hosts people use. you can choose your favorite.

first is unsee dot cc. the board has filters the URL so you have to replace the dot when you post it. most people will just replace the dot with a space, like
https://unsee cc/album#k39saC7s9cbb
this one watermarks pics with viewer's IP address and prevents right clicking, though images can still be screenshot or saved with page source.

the other is litterbox.catbox.moe. it doesnt prevent right-clicking or watermark the pics. it just has a duration. it also does not remove your image metadata, so do that manually first or otherwise be careful.
NTA but this makes it feel more daunting than it should be, then again, most dating is ruined in the first place so it shouldn't come as a surprise

but the real hard thing is expressing one's desires without risking looking like a total fetishist
I wonder if being a transbian is as easy as they make it sound
Idk find out and tell us
im not a transbian and im not interested in dating
but i just wonder sometimes, because they make it look simple and comfortable to hook up
i mean, kinda? like in my experience, gay women tend to just sorta... get together pretty naturally, so like a lot of the transbians I know just kinda fell into dating their cisf bi or lesbian friends at some point, same way as most of the cisbians I know did.
but at the same time, being on a dating app as a transbian sounds fucking dire.
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>was supposed to meetup with a twink
>had a quick jerk off and busted a nut
>get post nut clarity and suddenly don't feel like meeting up
>he's not even ugly he's a cute twink
yeah but your pool for hookups is gonna mostly be other transbians. and I dunno if you've hung around them much, but at least in my experience, most of the transbians i meet irl are exhausting as hell. the risk for someone turning out to be an absolutely insufferable person is like ten times higher with transbians than with most other groups.
Yeah. I've already had to cut ties with a few aggressive transbians both online and irl. Not pleasant
>anon discovers that busting a nut drains his energy to do anything
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How do you anon trannies resist the urge to tripfag? Discord servers are too fucking fast and Im slightly more online than irl friends. I'm lonley.
just trip when you want to trip and post anon when you want to be anon
you dont have to commit
because I respect anonymous culture unlike the rest of the tripfag newfags who just got off the twitter refugee boat

Nooo he has a problem!! He's literally addicted!
Idk I feel like cocoa is just a sore winner lol
Though he's taught himself that if he's overstimulated and feeling angry he'll usually go get a toy to chew on and growl at
So I'm not the only one who gets this? After I get that feeling I just feel like I should focus on myself and my own life than try to chase ass.
Trip so I can filter you out
Maybe Cocoa knows about Sporks addiction and this is his way of trying to help. FETCH! Maybe Cocoa knows better than all of us how to handle the situation. BALL! It's all a calculated plan and his strategy is too high level for us to comprehend. WOO, GO SPORK! Just a guess. FETCH BALL! Perhaps I could learn a lesson from Cocoa too, overstimulation is quite a daunting hurdle to deal with. SPORK GET THE BALL GET THE BALL GET THE BALL!
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people are mean and scary. But finding a boyfriend seems difficult otherwise.

>4chan culture
ha ha ha.
Sleepytime, goodnight.
It’s noon stay up.
>finding a boyfriend
>on 4chan
I'm not saying you're delusional, but you kinda are
still best of luck to you
I'm not the person you're responding to. I've dated a few people I met on 4chan. It's not that unlikely.
call an entity from the void
into braps?
yeah you talk like a retarded twitter refugee, just tripfag so I can filter you out and disregard anything your retarded ass has to say
>boyfriend on 4chan
man you are such a newfag it hurts to see
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I found my ex on 2 times 4chan and dated him for like 5 years. Would have been married if things were a little different. 4chan is honestly less horrific to use than dating apps for me. I mean I come to chasergen to find like, a nice chaser yknow?
you likely dated a gay dude with the same niche interests as you, there is no such thing as a nice chaser, go look elsewhere if you want the possibility of finding something romantic
there are no 'nice chaser' fellas here, it's all just pump and dumps, these people are just incels who want to treat trans women like shit. They'll tell you otherwise, but they're literally all woman hating incels
would you be into a guy who likes your braps?
success stories don't make it less delusional
if only there were cute Euro transers I would be delusional as well
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Unironically only newfags cry about this. 4chan isn't a special club.
I'm not new I've been here all summer
nice quints if i have my glasses off
also amen, this site has been non-special trash for many, many years
>>37386469 I'm a trans woman who is gay identified and like to date other gay men.
i found a nice and cute chaser boy here but i ended up scaring him off with my mental illness
i miss kissing him
it never was a special club, but at the very least you can respect the anonymous culture, you newfag tourist
respecting the omerta was one of the things that made this place great, and now it's just a trash heap filled with attention whores and stealth advertising for other websites
you sound like someone who only arrived when it was already a burning pile of trash
it wasn't always this bad
identity politics obsessed retards, trannies, and twitter refugees ruined 4chan forever. You're very likely all of the three
>you sound like someone who only arrived when it was already a burning pile of trash
close. i got started on other boards in 2006
Why does my brain sometimes take normal things that people say and makes them seem sarcastic and like they are making fun of me
oh yeah? What boards and what are some things you remember?
They are making fun of you
>bussychan left forever
>we will never see her twerking again
>she will never post her cute anime cosplays again
It’s over
i was there for the original /x/ before it was paranormal /x/, and i started using /tg/ not long after it was added
>I don't want to work for the things I want

Why are you so fucking pathetic? Just put in the work, you lazy sack of shit.
>tfw I feel like a newfag even though I lurked since 2014
Cluster B moment.
I don’t like thinking about how long I have been here. I’m old
do u have a hairy butthole? :3
They werent though they were trying to be nice and to my brain it was like very much not friendly
borderline personality disorder
sorry the people here were just way too creepy towards me
No I will not show
I think you once mentioned you're in your 30s.

The way I see it, old is a state of mind. I'm 31, turning 32 next week. I noticed that with a simple lifestyle change of eating right, exercising every weekday, cutting alcohol and hard drugs to a minimum, I feel just like I used to when I was in my early 20s. The energy I used to have is back and my libido has skyrocketed. If you sit around doing fuck-all every single day, you'll feel old as shit.
hot! would u let a tranner eat ur ass?
I only feel old because a lot of the people I interact with are much younger than me on here. I’m actually in decent physical shape because I did cut down drinking and work out a lot.
I’m not sure I have never tried it and I’m not sure if I want to start
Why do you like hairy butt?
Yeah, sadly this board is full of zoomers but it doesn't make me feel old by comparison. Their insights and views of the world is interesting, despite the occasional retard every now and then.

I do, however, wish we had more people in their 30s here.
Okay so like what am i supposed to do about that? Just be like my bad my mentally illness is making me paranoid and schizo?
We got someone being autistic about le anonymous website before GTA 6
do like most cluster Bs do and kill yourself
not a chaser but hey can someone tell me how ugly I am, I think I'm like a 2/10
unsee cc/album#y8iHUGe913vY
i dunno i just want a guy to make me eat his ass while i jerk him off
is it goatse, or is it nicokado asshole? gonna find out.
Fellow cis guy here. I'd give you at least a 5/10, pushing 6/10. Got a head of hair. Well groomed. Non-threatening.

Don't be so hard on yourself fella.
nah it's me
u look like an average guy
if u got in better shape u would probably be hot
I am working on it, slowly but surely
down something like 30 pounds from my heaviest
oh, it was just a bloke. assuming this isn't a picture of some other person where i'm just missing the joke, you look, uhh, extremely normal. like, character creator default settings. maybe losing some weight might make you feel better about yourself, though
No idea who that even is.
how tall are u?
Are you like 40 my guy?
lmao do it
not sure, maybe 5'10"?
I mean alot of the young people are cool I just cant relate at times. But I would care a lot more about age if I was actively trying to date to meet people here.

Just keep losing weight and you will look a lot better. your not ugly now tho.
cant you just get them to give you a new one?
cant they issue a new one in the facility? just bring ID. or would they charge you?
You have that dad energy that some girls might be into
Get rid of that yee yee ass haircut, do some skincare, lose some weight, and you'll be fine. And start planning for male pattern baldness.
Respectfully, a 4 from me
Hope you're a Brit. You look excessively British, straight out of Wallace and Gromit.
a bit too high, I think
Chasers let’s post our pics
chasers post them feetsies
lol i got big ugly feet
I got small but wide feet
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damn I missed a potential dad chasey
good post true post

Darn it
Crisis averted.
Morning rose
Kisses from Brazil hello
>What's your signature spell
Waste Time
advances the time of day by four hours instantly
>what color does it radiate via detect magic?
dull grey
being a transbian fucking sucks lmao
im from reddit, tyvm
they won't. idk why but they won't

good morning chasergen! i have finally achieved a full 8hr sleep! congratulate me!
almost edated a brazilian girl once, good times, she introduced me to Arctic Monkeys
>im from reddit
You have to go back.
>Waste Time
advances the time of day by four hours instantly
>dull grey

Because posting your face on this website is a horrendous idea at best
Especially as a chaser
Y'all make it out to be so bad but it's literally just a photo
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Pimeyes is a thing
4t4 is an ftm sub now. There's just not a lot for me to engage with.
coward! the trannies want to see what you look like! if you won't post face at least show peanits. Where's the nut video with sound on, huh?
wtf do you mean? transbians have it so fucking easy when it comes to dating
There's not a ton of difference.
Which posting can lead to a host of negative attention, harassment and bullying if people decide they dislike you. Without posting anything, it is far far more difficult
Pimeyes isn't that good. You just take a photo specifically for here
They're probably not going to decide they don't like you and bully you just over a photo
Jealousy is a powerful thing
chasers won't post pics because it has an higher intrinsic risk
I was a witness to an instance in which guys who sent pics to girls on discord ended up being put up on a shame compilation

thank toxic anti-loner brigading for this
warning for people like nils who eat ass, eating shit is dangerous don't do it


Morn :) I be workin rn

Hello Brazilnon :D
well first of all that limits your dating pool to other transbians, since cis women are no longer interested. Which shrinks it by like 99%. bi trannies think you're creepy, so they're out. There goes another 99%. and even then, you better be okay with hookups and not want a relationship, because that's what everyone else is looking for. Unless you're down for joining a polycule
so like
someone put their picture into a tickytock? Or what?
all I can say for transbians is adios
said video was published on a few servers, the guys starring in the video were essentially shamed out of the community despite the pics being just of their faces, all it took was that a server also had these bullies in it

that incident is also the origin of my distaste for inner circles and secretive groups of online people
>cis women are no longer interested
Your speaking about yourself or in general here? I thought a lot of trans women were with cis women.
Enjoy work :)
Just ignore the jealous ones and/or don't engage with them
I don't think you're appreciating how insane and stalkerish these people can get.
If people see you as attractive on this website you instantly become a target. There is nothing you can do to simply "ignore" them
that's way worse for trannies, and we all do it
im sorry you got bullied anon, seriously i am. But there's no secrecy here, all posts are public
straight cis women might. cisbians don't want anyone with a dick. But ask a straight tranny if she wants to date a gay man. She doesn't. Just like how i won't date a straight woman.
didn't you date a woman after starting hrt that kept calling you her boyfriend?
Ok fair. Ya your potental dating pool is super small
im still dating that girl. We live together
yes, yes it is.
and she still calls you her boyfriend? how is that not a straight woman
there's your baby.
Girl why are you complaining about your dating pool when you have a partner lmao
Happy Tuesday dorks.
I wasn't bullied myself, but it made me realize just how wretched some people are against random guys whose only sin is trusting online people
that and how it really sucks to not be an attractive man, nobody really comes to your rescue at that point, making me question if I even can fit the mob's idea of attractive lol
transbians are notoriously poly
hiya jelly, how's it going?
im not complaining, im explaining transbians don't have it easy. This girl would not be with me if i didn't meet her pre-hrt, and if she leaves me i know for sure i will die alone
>and she still calls you her boyfriend?
>how is that not a straight woman
she's bi
>she's bi
okay but she's treating you like a man so within this relationship she is functionally straight. I don't understand why you tolerate this from a partner.
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Hey Sarah. Just vibin looking for discord servers where I can chill.

>She still calls you her boyfriend

Makes me look self confident in comparison.
Grim holy shit lmao
Blegh, I'm getting compassion fatigue. I gotta get some love of humanity in me. Anyone got any good stories?
is this who i think it is?
the answer is i love her. but if i can just vent for a minute...
I remember we went to a shabu shabu restaurant last weekend and she pointed at me and said "he's a vegetarian, so we need the vegetarian broth". I do not boymode. Full face of makeup and errything.
i know of one
Just send her your butthole for the council to approve
I’m assuming you have talked to her about the misgendering.
no i'm just a random anon stunned by how much disrespect you're willing to tolerate from someone who supposedly cares about you
she still sees you as your former self it seems, boyfriend this, his that, it's just a pattern that sounds off
dunno what to take from that, would talk it out to be sure before it becomes a big issue
she's pre-approved
oh god no lmao
what am i gonna do about it if she still wants to call me "he"? Fucking nothing.
But she has asked if i "want to be called 'she'" and i told her "you should just use whatever pronouns you think fit me". So possibly some day i'll earn the ones i want. But for right now she still sees me as a man. In another three years i'll have dated her longer on hrt than off, maybe then.
i would rather just not rock the boat
omg why are u with her xD
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I dont have a problem with anyone in your server Sarah. Its just a little too tight knit as it is for me. It makes me feel like I'm interrupting a conversation when I try and join in.

Also you need to nip this misgendering in the bud. It builds resentment.
this is beyond pathetic you can't live begging for the scraps that are your human dignity
that's not the healthiest thing to do, especially if it gnaws at the back of your mind, your call, if you feel more comfortable this way then that's the best course of action

your mental health is the most important thing
It’s your relationship so you do you. But I feel it’s totally ok for you to tell her you prefer she/her.
I posted my face a little bit ago and it wasn't bad, a little hugboxxy I suppose but oh well
was honestly hoping it was brutal
not a chaser, I figured this thread and /gaygen/ would be good threads to post a selfie to get the most honest evaluations on how ugly I am
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>I prefer she/her
i just said, anon, it's because i love her
well im sorry to hear that, but you're welcome back whenever you'd like
no u
yeah and dying alone isn't great for one's mental health lmfao
i think having her do that and knowing that every time she refers to me in a gendered way she's lying about her perception of me would tear my soul apart at the molecular level
this guy gets it. How is she supposed to take that seriously? This really is just a "me" problem.
dying isnt great for anyone's mental health honestly
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I would rather die alone than be so blatantly disrespected by a partner. Honestly pathetic. Grow a spine.
i meant the prospect
I don't think you'd die alone, I don't think that for myself, who is probably more hopeless than you, so...
>cisbians don't want anyone with a dick.
there are some who do. of course people will argue that they're not real lesbians or whatever, but the ones I know would get pretty angry if you questioned their sexuality like that.
like, my fiancee 100% identifies as a lesbian and will get mad at anyone for undermining that identity, and started dating me knowing that i'm a tranny. she doesn't love (and often forgets) that I have a dick, but like, she doesn't love it in the same way that I don't love that she has chronic joint issues. it's something that we both'd like to not exist but like. nothing more than that.
though reading your posts further, yeah i kinda see why your view on these things would be a bit negativistic
I think it can depend but generally speaking sure
I'm sorta with this, anon. This is pretty bleak.
Seriously imagine being with someone that doesn't respect you
well if you feel like posting again I can give my honest critique if you feel like you still need more of them
anyone want to recreationally disrespect me?
well you're not a transbian. I belong alone, is the problem.
im not sure that's a word. if it is, it isn't one people use. In that context one expects to hear "negative".
anyway, your fiance is one in a million, treasure her, because you won't find another like her.
okay, good for you lol
i wouldn't
Listen, this poor girl woke up one day to her 6'3" boyfriend having double D's and you think i should ask MORE of her? anyone else would have left me the minute they found my herbal estrogen bottle. I like to complain because im an ungrateful little piece of shit, but this woman is a saint for putting up with me so far
Sure, fag. Tell me about your hopes and dreams so we can get real caustic.
Well I hope one day she naturally calls you she.
Nta but it's a word and people definitely use it. Adjectival form of negativism.
i dont have any hope and i dont dare to dream
ive never heard it before, but i'll take your word for it
is "negative" not already an adjective?
me too
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Sweaty jade
Genuine question, why is it always the same pose in every picture
Look at this faggot not believing in themselves and catastrophizing their current predicament to the future, weak ass bitch shit, fag. Come up with some dreams, now, before I kick you in your cry baby ribs.
no... goodnye
I dont know any other way to pose? Cmon anon that's obvious. I'm a *failed* model
Our language has many words, Sarah, yes. I would presume referring to someone's mood as negative is a fairly modern simplifying of negativistic.
Good workout?
nah, I got what I was looking for, mostly
>not as ugly as you think you are
>definitely need to lose weight
thank you though
Lmao. Alright, see ya, anon. Try not to get bullied on your way to the parking lot.
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If you're such a fucking blight on her life wouldnt the responsible and selfless thing be to leave her and find someone who doesnt feel that way?

I'm honestly more mad at you than her. 4chan anons show you more respect. Pray you outlive her because she will bury you as a man at this rate.
You look like you need sleep
Well not necessarily a pose, but I dunno, smile or have a different facial expression.
it is a word! https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/negativism
it's probably just something i've picked up bc i'm ESL brained but there's a slight tonal difference between it and just "negative". negativistic refers more to a mindset or a way of thinking that's prone to making negative assumptions.
>anyway, your fiance is one in a million, treasure her, because you won't find another like her.
of I definitely do treasure her. I don't think her attitude towards trans ppl is as rare as you say, but other things about her deffo are, i love her lots.
Based gummy
This anon is correct.
yes it would. idk where you got the impression that im responsible and selfless.
>she will bury you as a man at this rate.
so what? that was gonna happen anyway. And i'll be dead, so it won't make a difference to me
yeah i can see that. i probably still won't ever use it :P
i don't think that's her
boss is making me take a week of vacation so thinking about booking motel 6 and filming year's worth of OF content maybe become grooby girl is this good idea any requests?
can i request a 3 hour video of you silently playing chess against yourself
I second this
>4chan anons actually being respectful and helpful
turns out the girl looking for a bf here was right all along
idk i would probably start crying after five minutes due to mental stress and anguish
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>I don't think that's her.

It is Sarah. Genuinely being with someone for so long who blatantly disrespects you honestly makes me strongly dislike you. It's so disgustingly pathetic. I can put up with your self hatred up to a point but you so desperately want to be despised I can't help but give into my good nature and do as you ask. It's so lowly ans cowardly you actually are repulsive. Take my advice when we first met and leave 4chan, and then leave your shitty worthless girlfriend. Get a fucking grip on yourself.
Lmao good boss. Maybe go and make friends and be a normal girl instead? Why is it always porn with you?
book me a flight up there and ill enter the shot a single time to tell you to shut up, stop crying, get back to chess
Based Gumbo, entirely correct.
i will buy your of if you put up a video of you 100%ing crash team racing
you don't need platinum relics, sapphire is fine
maybe that's not 100%
But you need to do it in one sitting!
i mean i didn't want to say anything but that's absolutely a lie. Refer to >>37389631
>It is Sarah.
tell me on discord and i'll believe you
Crash Team Racing mentioned! The best fucking race game of it's age. Mario Kart had nothing on the insane drift boosting in Crash.
Corpsepaint in diapies, let's go
>Maybe go and make friends and be a normal girl instead?
how tho?? people just say this and don't explain
thot about clubbing it up in the city but people only do that on the weekend
>Why is it always porn with you?
it's a financial investment plus also could lead to friends and girlness
can i do diddy kong racing
right??? it's fucking crazy to me that mk became the staple kart racing game
it HAS to be CTR
clubbing isn't a great activity to meet friends, or at least not the nightclubs here, my experience was always carrying my best friend, get somewhat tipsy, dance and return home with 0 new friends, most action we got was a drunk girl that was slobbering all over us
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i dont hear chess pieces moving.
i wish some of the girls here would take their dogs out haha know what i mean? i love feet!
i wish some of the girls here would take their dongs out haha know what i mean?
i wish some of the girls here would take their gocks out haha know what i mean? i love gock!
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I already blocked you. Genuinely why the fuck shouldn't I hate you if you already hate yourself so fucking much. Send me your girlfriends contact info so you can watch me impregnate her as she genders me correctly.
i strongly prefer ctr too but like. you gotta admit, it's only truly fun if everyone's already good at it. mario kart has like no learning curve whereas ctr requires tens of hours of practice to be even slightly competent in.
None, it reflects it.
where's kate
I showed it to some one that was new and they tried online. They got lapped by everyone. The steep learning curve is brutal but why it’s better.
where’s gock
I was raped.
How come some t-girls say their dongs don't work and serve as ornamentation, while other t-girls say they're gooners and rapehons like Sarah, and can coom multiple times a day? What are they hiding
We know that Rick
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Play faster!
don't transbians have a whole thread for themselves why do they have to come here. i don't dislike them i just don't get it
ee ee hee ha ha
*children laughing"
do, da do, do do do do da do da, do do do do da do da da do do
ooh ooh ah ah!
bouw ba bouw ba ba ba bouw bouw
oh no!
yeah ha ha! yeah ha ha!
(Bumper) oh no!
(Tiptup) urgah!
Ya hoo!
ee ee hee ha ha
Diddy Kong Racing (TM)!
Press Start
well then how do i go make friends and be a normal girl? huh, asshole?
I shoved an entire prog up my butt and I am now cock drunk. I think it's because of my previous rape.
if I knew I would have an hot and caring gf to talk about and rich friends that invite me on their yacht ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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boymoding today
i actually only play single player so maybe i can't comment. I'd be devastated to learn after all this time that im bad at the game, but i might be lol
im not sure where this is coming from. Anyway, it seems like you don't want to talk to me right now. Just know that I maintain that you are welcome back whenever you'd like.
that thread is for flirting. Effectively, anyway. That's not why im here.
I've survived two rape attempts and I killed a man who tried to steal my hrt. You're nothing to me, I don't need you anymore. I'll make my own transbian server.
I need to get to the bottom of this
would tagging myself /chasergen/ on tagmap drag hatemail on me?
I remember someone promoting it on this thread a few times, and considering I get no interactions there anyway, it could be a funny way to send people on a goose chase whenever
I'm going to wear this hoodie when I'm out with my gf
transbians really out here letting w*men disrespect them
Damn it looks like it hate on Sarah day.
Time to ignore the thread for a bit and do my workout.
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a mouse in tha thread?!
I'm sure you'll get a gold star for her server for this
i have never (publicly) called myself either of those things (i think)
Bingus mouse???
Dying alone is not pog but living every day until ur death being treated like your lesser than is giga not pog
do you post ass pics or is that Rachel?
Oh that reminds that reminds me. I need to feed my snakes
I fell asleep before getting to it last night
we need to take some time apart.
Wearing a trans hoodie as a cissy goes kinda hard.
easy for you to say when you're not faced with that choice
you're probably thinking of rach. although i have posted ass once or twice
You're not pumping your brand hard enough then
I’m not begging to get in the server lol. She has just always been cool to me so I have no reason to hate on her.
what is happening here? gummy sarah drama? i thought gummy was in sarahs server
I didn't know I was dating Pichu, I'm a really lucky guy or was
sounds like you're not happy in your relationship and desperately want a way out, hence posting in here for attention and validation, even going as far as to post ass
you're a poly scum cheater like any other fetishist transbian, you deserve to suffer with this girl, dying alone would be a mercy to you
It's not hate to say someone's mistreating her
don't worry champ, plenty of fish in the sea and all that!
rapehon is one thing. I have some disgusting tendencies. But "gooner"? i have definitely never called myself that, publicly or privately, and i never will. That's not me. That is not my "brand".
okay THAT one definitely isn't gummy. She doesn't use that trip anymore
I do agree her partner is in the wrong. I just think it’s a decision she has to make herself
I am faced with that choice, and I will choose myself over someone else every time. Some might say thats kinda pog of me and I would agree.
>okay THAT one definitely isn't gummy. She doesn't use that trip anymore
gummy doesn't trip at all anymore? why what happened?
she got bullied too hard by based Ava because she was being a transbian fetishist who thinks prog is an aphrodisiac
nvm i cant read
it's not really for me to say. But i won't pretend i don't think people here were very unfairly and unnecessarily mean to her.
you haven't been paying attention. I did choose myself. Just like i always have and always will.
Ya im half paying attention rn. My bad
Anyone else kind of enjoy life now that they're out of their early 20s? I have stability for the first time and I won't ever give it up
I am too overworked to enjoy my life, even if I could afford a more luxurious lifestyle
why'd you turn your trip off for that?

also, people, this kind of thing is exactly why i don't mention her much. So let's all appreciate that im making the right choice. It feels good to be right.
He didn't turn his trip off because it wasn't him it was (me)
Oh shit I didn’t. I’m outside and can’t see the screen well and thought you were talking to me and it wasn’t me. I didn’t turn my trip of I’m just stupid
I'm in my mid-20's and I constantly dread how far behind I feel. I'm slowly catching up but it has been a disheartening decade for me so far. What allowed you to be more stable?
What do you do for a living?
I'm a taste tester at the flavored condoms factory
Reminder to not take on chaser as an identity outside of this board because it really means an objectifying fetishist who just wants to use them
If that's not you then you're just a guy who likes girls who are trans
gosh imagine sarah’s hairy smelly bussy farting as she breeds her gf’s vagina
med sector stuff, keeps me busy from morning to evening, even during weekends, so I barely have time for activities outside it, often times free days are just rotting days to regain energy

but would the chasergen tag on tagmap have these same negative connotations? do people even check?
I don't even take it on here, it's all used ironically here
I'm not in the private sector. My ass is public property babyyyyyy
I imagine the pay is probably decent, but there's very little free time to enjoy it. The burnout factor most be quite high with working in the medical industry. I know someone who works as an EMT and she always seems exhausted and has little time to socialize anymore.
it gets isolating quite soon desu, barely even know if I'll get to meet new people in the near future, or if I will even have the drive for it
maybe i just have a bad bias bc i failed at that stuff but i think you should just relax and enjoy the time off.

idk you also arent a hated freak like me so it could work out great like venus or any of the other trips that have been able to make it work
has anyone seen frisson?
EMT doesn't pay anywhere near enough to make it worth it
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this is the HSTS tripfag I was telling you about
chasers can't compete with transbian rapehons like sarah and venus' gf
Yes I can
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I met her in a club down in old soho
where you drink champagne and it tastes just like coca-cola
they are above 6 feet, fit as a fiddle, chad jaws and chins, heads full of healthy hair, and they have big working dicks
admit it, you cannot compete with a transbian rapehon
Sorry chaser, this is real life. Hon gets the girl
i wish i knew what my life would be like if i wasnt ugly on the inside
When does Mina’s ban expire. Asking for a friend.
You can literally fix that.
chasers are only good for licking a transbian’s cum out the asshole of the tranner they love
This one was pretty hilarious, desu. Only handsome 6'5 men for her, or shorter hons that drag her into onlyfans.
I don’t know ther other girl but I’m aware Sarah is taller than me. Can’t comment on the other stuff
I met her in the drunken clam down in old
Quahog where you drink Pawtucket Patriot Ale and it tastes just like Pawtucket Patriot Ale
i know who you are
nuh uh
dont make me come over there
Tired after work. Taking a nap now nobody do anything sexy or funny or interesting until I wake up

Music posting because rose isnt here to do it
Pic posters got 3 days, replies got 1 day
Janny mad
you can rest easy until tomorrow then
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don’t make me take his iPod away
An unfortunate truth for bi trans girls
Completely reasonable standards for women but a man needs to be gigachad
they're not bi
they're transbians who only use men for validation and attention
so basically they have the same standards for men as any other woman, color me shocked
Ok temp rose I’ll listen to your music
thats too far :(
hes listening to his favorite song rn you cant take it
They call her stu because her bussy be stewing
Okay how do you fix never feeling good enough on the inside to the point of self loathing and other issues
Clearly not because you can see who she's sleeping with
Still working on that myself, I'll get back to you when I figure it out
you’re right I’m sorry. I’m evile…sick and nasty. I may jump off the couch and DIE
in terms of men, not in terms of hons
the only hsts women itt were Ava and LB. im dating a femboy who has no attraction to women whatsoever lol. easy life hack
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Straightest chaser

Don't just sit around all day wasting your time! - Chef
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My life got better and this board has become progressively more boring. Me and the gummy rape poster fell in love and our trying for our first baby. Its time to move on.
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that's NOT COOL man
it's boring because it's too sanitized, not enough tranner attention towards chasers and too many transbians
and if there's activity it's either drama or schizos
questions and convos are immediately drowned from that
I hope they'll let me leave soon
Can we be friends again or should I just leave you alone
I dunno I used to have some pretty cool conversations on here pretty recently and then now its just not my thing anymore. I'm just not able to form the kinds of friendships I was hoping too on here. I have had more success with /soc/ making friends than any of the gens besides frengen.
Good conversations do happen but ya it does tend to get drowned out by noise and it makes it hard to have solid connections
i think the next thread should be about seals :)
I think the next thread should be about getting rid of all the fucking transbians
I mean, I don't expect much, it's just funny that in the end there's little about the demographic at hand here lol
Name the transbians.

Next thread QoTT should be about sock colors and patterns.
QoTT: bikini date or skiing lesson
QOTT: Gock or Clit?
you know who they are
Name them.
stu sarah gummy and jade are back to shitting the thread up with transbian shit
Im hsts but im always anon, im sure theres a couple more
im neither agp nor hsts
I'm a guy
I'm just a chaser with a rocket launcher
i just want to pass, idc anymore if it makes me hsts or agp
stu gummy and jade are alright, dont drag them into this
Jade kinda deserves the reputation

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