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QOTT: Do you go to therapy? Do you like it?

Was wondering where this thread was.

I am completely happy and do not go to therapy and have never needed to. Life's good.
Anons i had an adventure yesterday
I have been but not currently.

Welcome back.
i took one look at the OP image and said yep earlyjune made this thread
and i was right
Hello Early June
Any chasers like seeing the transformation occur (both weight loss and hrt) or do I need to wait to pass before I can find something long term?
Welcome back, convict.
QOTT: i stopped going to therapy like a month or two ago

Ive seen him for many years. Therapist is not bad but im never been fully able to open up to him and it felt like he never paid too close attention to me anyways. Atleast he wasnt trying to cure/ignore my dysphoria like the first one i saw when i was much younger. I feel very bad about seeing him for so long without us getting much progress. Luckily the copay was cheap but i still feel guilty about it and feel like i didnt deserve to be in that office so much when my problems seem to small

ive decided yesterday that maybe i am deserving of therapy and am going to look for a female therapist this time
Guilty as charged, that drama was 100% worth it
never went to therapy, not even when I needed it the most
it all turned out fine, maybe it could've solved my deep seeded distrust of women, but meh
i hate therapy because i have been going to it for so long and have such little success
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hi chasergen.
i do go to therapy, every two weeks. it is intensely uncomfortable and last week my therapist was very frightened and concerned for my well-being. but its important that i go and continue to work through the BDD, anxiety, and agoraphobia issues i have.
Sorry i dont have a folder full of hot women relevant to my QOTTs
pichu everything is awful
i have bpd therapy doesnt help it just makes me spiral or my therapists dont get me
you'll get there. I believe in you
I went like 3x trying to hint I wanted to kms bc I was stressed for work so I can go on vacation. Lmao didn’t work anyway shit was stupid
everything is cool when you’re part of the team! everything is awful!
Were you banned from /soc/ too?
I fucking hate leg day so much I don’t know why people like it.
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Last therapist rage quit on me because i refuse to make friends with transpeople and refuse to transition. I'm gay cis guy who is not trans.
>janny said go do that on /soc/
>she does it on /soc/
>janny there says go be trans elsewhere
Sometimes. I'll usually go for a few months then just stop.
Not a lot of lgbt friendly therapist around here and the ones that say they are really aren't

I hate it
Yeah wtf was that about
Based janny
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which way transer man
Babe you take any new pics?
I hooked up with a trans girl. She has DD implants and nice butt. After we had sex, she called me her boyfriend and that she loves me. Now, she spams me messages if I don't reply in 10 mins. She's hot but istg she's crazy. What would you do in this situation 9
Date the tranner
I'd stick with her, because I already did with a clinger before
easy solution, invest in crab eggs, in no time you’ll have dozens of crabs, and they’ll continue breeding granted you have an appropriate habitat for them, which doesn’t require much. It’s infinite crabs, in a few years you’ll have hundreds of crabs in your house, and you can just sit back and watch the profits roll in. I realize this doesn’t do much initially for the transsexual situation, but I’m sure once the crabs are acquired, the answer will become clear. I hope this helps, personally I’ve been much happier with my crabs, so I do recommend it. you will need bandages, they pinch like crazy
this is a high quality post. I need everyone else to learn from this
>I post fully clothed pic of my body with zero skin
>i get a 24hr ban because im being too much of an attentionwhore
>"that behavior belongs on /soc/"
>okay ill go to /soc/ if thats what you want
>write a new thread with my images
>change mind, delete, post image in the boobs thread instead
>first booby pic in 5 days
>they love my titties, thread revived
>i post more
>i kept my trip on to create drama
>chuds quickly notice that im a /lgbt/ trip
>Chasergen notices by now too
>"erm this is the FEMALE boob thread"
>half the anons say i am amazing and want to "love" me, the other half wants me out of the "female" boob thread cause i guess they dont like my boobs or something
>after like maybe 6 images im finally banned
>i laughed the entire time watching them cry or simp
>worth it
she laughed at my simping
thank you, I’ve returned after a long high-ate-us to provide you lovely people with high quality posting
Shit was funny tho. Tell us if you do it again and turn the trip off.
Nona I'm begging you to have some self respect
I hate June so much lol
im sad and nothing can fix it
Its slowly starting to sink in what i actually did
i could not pass in a female soc thread :c
I mean if you have regret don't do it again
Sometimes I'm surprised the validation requested from the shit hole that is 4chan.
yeah i think im slowly realizing it was a mistake but it was fun in the moment
What's it like? Does it get better? 10 messages and 4 phone calls in 30 mins is too much for me just because I didn't reply.
I think some trip said you wanted chasergen to know you're posting there
after reading this im glad im not a youngcrap
asking this question again, would it be a good idea to tag myself /chasergen/ on tagmap? are there others who would do the same? would this create unnecessary drama with people there? (even though it's a deader than dead place)
I'm sorry I asked you to do that. They got me too.
It was worth it though.
Yes i did but i assume they turned their trip off on purpose so ill respect that and not say who
see >>37391744 for appropriate advice
had you posted dick pics you wouldn't have been banned
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It's really not that different than the bullshit the rest of us probably did at your age desu. But you have the upside/downside of being a lot prettier. All the shit did is long forgotten and deleted, yours might not be
Just please be careful is all, I know it's fun and feels nice but maybe set reasonable limits for yourself
does that make my discord account immediately banned?
Either she'll adjust to how quickly you respond or she'll melt down at some point, and that's when you find out whether she's worth the time or not.
Ya it probably was a mistake but oh well. Just don't do it again. learning experience
This does worry me. I try to keep my face out for that reason

I remember a few months ago i had to send an email to Imagefap asking to get a pic of me removed (luckily it was before the internet archive swept through it). So i am now a bit more conscious of the fact people are saving my pics. I try to reassure myself that the worst that will happen is i feel shame because realistically people wont ever really connect the dots. But I feel really bad for people that get blackmailed with their nudes or have literal footage of their rape posted as porn. i hope that never happens to me.
What kind of mental illness effects every woman alive right now that causes them to degrade themselves on the internet for no reason?
could be that SARS thing
Your post got deleted very quickly so I think you are ok.
Bird flu
And she's the only one socially retarded enough to tell the simps that's what she's doing but it's all of them
I wonder in which time of day the trans girls willing to top a chaser are active in
attention feel good
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ya...they tend to do that..
You're such a dork
Deleted from the site however folderfags are everywhere. Luckily only one of the photos was actually a censored nude and i havent posted it on this board, and i do genuinely regret that one, i was just looking for material to post. Im not posting it here
I wonder in which time of day the trans girls willing to marry a chaser are active in
those were some nice boobies
Two tiny black squares
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nuh uh
I love my simps in chaser and passgen, but i laugh at people who simp in the most sad ways ever like in that thread where one anon was like "im so sorry can i please take you out on a date". But if youre a casual simp on chasergen i love you a lot
Good ones still exist out there
Yeah it's cute
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boymoding today. and i mean it.
i just introduced myself to a new downstairs neighbor with my deadname
how is everybody else doing tonight
Oh ya I'm sure there were downloads but the limited time up did reduce the amount I'm sure.
I think you will be ok.
you think im posting my nipples?
I know you're implying it's you because you genuinely think that's true. But I've heard that before.
Why not? What's wrong with them?
Y tho
im about as cute as lime green Bionicle pieces are strong...as in, not at all
I got you a new Lego set my autistic queen.
very bored, about to go to sleep
brainstorming ways to be more interesting to talk to, and ways to find a trans girl to date

why did you dead name yourself though? don't burn down your confidence when you are in front of a stranger who wouldn't know any better
*hiding excitement*
hmm..present your offering..i must judge its adequacy
That's dumb. Sounds like something you might regret.
its just something i do as part of manmoding
i usually use my deadname when im out in public for anything. and im about to tell my cousin to go back to deadnaming me
idk why i made this neighbor introduction sound any different than usual desu,
2007 was a dark year for lime and orange Bionicle ball sockets
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I literally can't imagine you shaking my hand and then telling me to call you some man name.
it's all part of a master plan to confuse the neighbor
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this pleases me, thank you anon
no no, im not kicking my feet with joy..shut up..
This seems more about star wars than legos
You really are just too cute.
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literally everyone who sees me can instantly and easily identify that im trans anyway, so why bother? the easier name wins.
anyways. on the topic of lego, my friend just sent me this
Ok I dont know you super well so I didn't know that was the norm.
Nice collection.
omfg lego baby!
it's not all star wars, but it is all space stuff
not my fault star wars has the coolest spaceship lego sets
i want a baby again now..
With what womb?
Sad June is back.
very cool sarah!! there is a 9 year gap in between sets here, starting at 8096, Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle from 2010 and ending at 75257 Millennium Falcon from 2019, very interesting!
grrrrr! am not!!
It was too easy.
it goes back even farther than that if you include the sets i have in another room
Venerator-class republic star cruiser from like 2008 or something like that
i can't fit them all in there :P
I know life is kind of fucked. Just try to not focus on that stuff or the trolls
how common it is for there to be passing girls that also keep a penis longer than 6 inches?
possibly who don't suffer from bottom dysphoria
Should I just go?
ya theres older sets in that image too, i was just counting the gap of no sets between 2010-2019
What happened?
Nigga you gay
whats wrong jade?
yeah you’re annoying
I dont really belong here or anywhere really.
>asks in the /lgbt/ board
If you belong anywhere it's here, the transbian attention general.
I literally just nutted in her and she started playing with Legos.
She literally just nutted in me and I started playing with Legos.
We literally just nutted in each other and now we're playing with Legos.
It can be hard to feel like you belong but you do. And fuck the haters you have the right to be here
most wholesome transbian couple
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Just nutted in her and stepped on her Lego walking to the bathroom to take a shower hurts so fucking bad rn stg
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im stroking it fr
please keep a wide berth
Don't ever touch it
Legos literally just nutted in her and she started playing with me.
No I'm getting closer
i legos just legos in legos and legos started legos with legos
Based girlgooner
let me stroke my shit with you
stroke it until it's nice and hard
strokin my shit fr
I want to start a tranner cult where we worship tranners need members pls
Imagine gooning with Autumn
This is literally every transbian discord server
imagine gooning with Winter
Ellie I miss you
imagine gooning with Spring
Getting infodumped of every Lego set since 1970 by a cute girl
imagine gooning with Summer
Imagine gooning with Jean, formerly Ella Hollywood
>tfw you'll never goon with your 6in wiener gf
why live
would you accept an infodump about every bionicle set and all of the extended lore from 2001 to 2010 by a honfreak instead
Imagine getting healed in hardcore wow by a girl who plays priest
stop imagining gooning!!!!
All cute names
Got to see Seven Samurais at a theatre today. Pretty sweet movie, I get the hype.
start gooning!!!!
I don't think I'd be able to cum from sex after nearly 20 years of daily frantic masturbation
I just want a gf who will mutually goon with me before going to bed
Are you the autistic osrs guy who is just playing a new game
Imagine gooning with Jade, formally uwuautumn
Imagine gooning with Pring
What's the difference between gooning and jerking off
ewwwww thread ruined
I don't think you can do that unless you're underage
He's but I can't post without getting banned apparently
one is an absolutely top notch hilarious le meme good sir XD
why not?
if you want to be in the splash zone then go ahead ig
transbian hons like stu and jade are only report bombing the girls they don’t like that mog em so you’re not safe
My mom played a priest in wow when i was a kid and look how turned out
Maybe maybe not.
Your mom sounds based outside of her dork daughter. She single?
why the sad face?
I like seeing her around and she's not anymore
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rose still not here posting music hmmm


Unsees are still safe I think
I got banned for an unsee a few days ago :/
It's literally just jealous disgusting transbian hons.
i had two things deleted last night:
an INCREDIBLY blurred timeline (not exaggerating, it was too blurred to even be recognizable)
a catbox link to the unblurred timeline

catbox links have historically been as safe as unsees, so it seems everything is up in the air right now
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ah okay
Oh the retarded jannie is back again? Great.
lol everyone in the gen is so new they don't know we've gone through at least 3 seasons of jannies doing this
Whoever it is stays angry and vigilant for like a month or so and eventually peters out
Its not safe around here right now. Sad.
you and stu should fuck off the general is better when you’re not here
Peter should get out sooner then
I’ve never played osrs in my life
Transbians are entirely opportunistic. They're not attracted the least passing trans women it's their only sexual option. Since they're agp they transitioned only for sex but suddenly find that no normal human being will give it to them. This is why they're the physical embodiments of the tranny suicide meme. These are also the people who latch on to minors and try and groom as many youngshits as possible.
Nothing about these freaks is redeeming. These are the people giving you here a bad name.
>you and stu should fuck
drop the straight larp
its been across the whole board during those past times
im gonna try something
feline box. 85tivx. portable network graphics.
What you mean?
Mom saw my boobs and hasn't talked to me in 2 days, it might be over
When your family abandons you you can call me daddy.
To post pics even just face pics.

I'm not sure if it is for trans and chasers or just trans tho
Unsee of them? How big are we talking here
unsees are getting nuked rn
gotta like. post a qr code or something lmfao
Gotta post stock images with the filenamws being the urls, obviously.
Pichu can you check discord
No thanks
Somewhere between a C and a D
yea, ur done for... reported + exported + transported + port wine produced in the Douro Valley of northern Portugal and aged with a sweet flavor and a deep red/amber color with a notes of dried fruit
How do you manage that? I assume you live together?
These hoes act like I'm Scrappy-Doo. I hate you niggas with faux harems
Many layers of clothing usually
i love the ocean and the beach <3
i love to swim in the sand with chaser !!!
you mean the based janny
fuck attentionwhores
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picrel, me when I see a cute girl going by he/him
lmfao nice one anon
>i love to swim in the sand with chaser !!!
This poster is Shai-Hulud
gonna start doing this
I think I'm gonna stop posting in gens on 4chan and try to meat trannies irl. If I find one I'm gonna come back here and lol about how I finally left this board and found my tranner. bye bye

i am recovering from my illness
I meant the not talking for two days lol.
Too much alcohol and kissing with the bros
She refuses to speak to me and will barely look at me
frfr, im staying away from alcohol and the gay for now only kissing women next month and smoking meth frfr
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Who wants to go camping with me? I promise not to murder you in the woods.
the only meat is you.
you will become annihilated.
bones ground to dust by the sands of the beach
no hope
Oh okay that's pretty bad. Take is she doesn't come across as the most pro-trans kind of person?
sure babe
I love camping and the woods
she may have been showing up occasionally lately to shitpost and talk about silly things, she likes to be anonymous now to avoid getting picked on. tho this place doesn’t seem any better than when she left it, so I doubt she’ll stay long
Chaser Weekend Camp Trip
Bros only, no ladies
We'll talk chaser strats and play cornhole and
She never voiced any opinions on it to me
Same offer, but I promise I will murder you
Understandable <3
Makes me think of chicken nuggets. Sort of the same idea.
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chasers to experiment with "techniques" on each other on the bros only camping trip 0.o;

Is chasergen a friendly place?
I guess at least it wasn't actively negative.
So what's the plan from here? Just say nothing forever?
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ok smartypants, i know youre clever and techy, do your thing @ you and everyone else
accepting your fate as a he/him manly male man is actually based
Need to perfect my making out technique with bro
cute kitty car, i should post mine again
I think so, waiting until she says something is the easiest thing.
Mostly besides the one to two schizos who post nonstop trying to turn everyone away as a pastime
You can have a good time in their off hours
Sometimes with some people. It usually is for a little, eventually, at the very least. There's a cycle.
Suppose so. Still, probably helps to be prepared if the conversation is coming down the line. Never hurts to think about how you might handle it, for good or bad.
I will probably end up denying everything and pretending like it never happened
I'm not scanning that
it's a pretty boring place
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yay! I love my image!
It's at least a plan I guess. Maybe come up with some good lies. Gynocomastia and extremely embarassement necessitating secrecy is a classic.
it went to a pastebin with a base64 string that could decode to an image of me with a "good job" but pastebin staff/mod bots deleted the base64 string. so lame.
I don't think I can get away with gynecomastia but I will think of something else
am i supposed to be looking for hidden pixels or a hidden string
can i get a hint
Ah goin with the implanted chestburster parasite instead? Another classic, I dig it. Good luck either way though.
On sedons thought I think the camping trip might be a mistake.
[spoiler][/spoiler]open it in Microsoft paint and zoom all the way in[spoiler][/spoiler]
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forgot pic
wow i was way overcomplicating it
for all the super sweet guys here
if you like codes check this out. a 4chan tranny solved this by the way
I used to watch that guy all the time
yesssss im so happy the vibes connected here. i had cicada3301 on the mind as i was reading and thinking about all this
Is this supposed to me a compliment or an insult

Not gonna risk it rn
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reminder to everyone to tag themselves /chasergen/ on tagmap
June I am fighting for my life in the pitch blackness on the side of a mountain. I need more energy than this.

Ty for music
I don't blame you
I don't want people to find me.
>june jade jichu josewood
what happened to JENNY
I was excited because I had to learn how to do a Caesar cypher with like 5 steps for fallout 76. Its how you hack the missile silo to launch the nukes and complete your final mission.
although probably only 3 people have ever done this, everyone just googles the codes for that week after the first guy figured it out manually
did you enjoy my limp Bizkit?
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All I do is work out and cry I hate it
You look cute here
I love you
Yes I enjoy them here and there. There not my go to but they fun.
Same tho same. I’m just hoping having a good body will make up for my shit personality
a gymcel dude then, many such cases
usually from about 10pm to 10am my time it's nice, then it's mean from 10am to 10pm
the boymotors assassinated her
Working out is good for you, and sometimes crying is too
I like there's always a new batch of suckers for jade to pump for her pity parties.
post the boymotor remix
She overdosed
pickles just dont hit the same ever since i got off spiro
why is this link so long
I love you so much. I fear for your safetly.
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new image!! i love my image!!
holy shit
ask youtube
I'm not scanning this.
The programmer trannies are it again I'm too low IQ for allat
I think I might have to sell out and play MTG or DnD or whatever the hell these autistic bitches play
i wonder if this works

I don't get it.
I was literally just crying thank you for finding my misery attractive I guess
It won't, didn't for me
No im a femcel gym bunny get it right
It just does nothing for me there is no catharsis :(
Why are you getting pissed at someone calling you cute. That's all you ever want is to be seen as cute.
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this image is safe to scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my friend where did you get his pic
wow!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!! I love your image :D
Success stories are for suckers. How many failed attempts this year, chasers?
Jade does something called "engagement farming"
If you scan that its just Niko avocado asshole
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I can't fail because I don't attempt anything
that’s my son, you may be my sons friend, do you do drug? You better not or I won’t let you two hang out anymore
you’re welcome!!!! :D
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lotta cool song yall
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you’re so cute. i love you so much
1. She was super cool but I guess she wasn't interested because she just never responded and it felt like I was talking to a wall most of the time.
This album fucks, never heard of them before but the riffs are certified sploinkers
can we talk about methods other than taking the ELAs of the original and the encoded pics and doing a diff between the two to get a blobby qr? it worked but im sure there are better approaches. fucking with the levels of your encoded image by itself didnt get me very far
The mods want me dead for this.
I can no longer protect you. I'm sorry I've failed you.
ready to colonize space
I’m scared of women so no attempts yet
I really, really, really like this image.
This thread is like kinda boring desu

Anyone have nice bunny pics?
You could dress up like one and take some.
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i made this bun a long time ago for a draw thread here
I wish I felt cute inside, my personality is a just a black hole of negativity
not now, pamperchu
He jorkin it
you remind me of myself. but the female version
Think the arms might be a bit short for that, love
He grippin with both hands
What do you mean?

funny wabbit
if you just played every song here back to back, it would be a weird ass radio station
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They want more pics of you
Listen to this along with me!
I've been thinking it'd be a nice playlist, but I'm too lazy to make it
very cute
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This was my first pet rabbit a mini lop named willow
i dont have a bunny costume sorry :(
I don't know what to do i dont think I can fix things
alright. I'm one minute in
do it. collect every link each thread. and then post the playlist.
These are better than i couldve ever imagined
I’m ok I wasn’t the one asking lol.
That's a nice critter, feller. Show us more of your lil critter
im trying to try making a bunny papercraft again and need inspiration, looking on amazon rn but its not easy
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noise analysis (if you just zoom out) pretty instantly
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Draw funni animal in paint


thats the beauty so many cool songs today :)

kinda looks like that, its supposed to be his belly :) but idk if i can unsee it D: lol

hes going to get lung cancer :(
rats live like one year. gotta enjoy life
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I wish I had someone irl to yap at me about their paranormal experiences for an hour+
If i played this song for a boy do you think he would like me more or less?

1000% less
I don't like any of your music but I would let you play anything you want.
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You see? Sometimes wishes come true. There is a happy ending for all of us, after all.
Why thank you, I’d be happy to oblige , amigo
To get my heart you have to sing along to DotA with 100% accuracy
Depends on the boy. The real question is will you like the kind of guys that like this?
But no.
Now what would a boy think if I played this song
fake it till you make it. thats what i did.
btw jade can you be a sweetheart and tell me “I love you”

if i wanted to suck off a cute boy to this song do you think he would hate that?

Music would be the last thing on my mind in that scenario.
I would put a ring on your finger I really enjoy Madds’ music.
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Tbh if some one sucking me off they can play whatever song they want
Did you draw all of these?
The acoustic tranny be like
>wait let me put on my favourite dick sucking song
Would you want to suck me off more or less if I sent this back?
Good to know, it's gorgeous
fml youtube is recommending me breakcore now because I clicked on two of those unlistenable shits
June I don't think you realize, you're so pretty you can kind of just do anything you want.
That is true for neurotypical women
Do because i would accidentally bite your dick off at the start of the two drum hits its kinda unavoidable sorry
nta but <3
Yeh any ms I post is usually me unless stated otherwise
Wanting to put on nightcore while sucking dick might be the most autistic thing I've ever heard.
I like this song
Cute and talented.
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Would you hate a cute boy for laughing out loud while his dick is in your mouth?
I'm just going to have to gag you to the beat
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This is fucked up. Don't make him work like that.
That's my dad
Do you want like smooth jazz or something? No were reliving our childhoods, go put on some grunge or something grandpa
I wish anthropomorphic furry femboys were real
>reliving our childhoods
Nta but most childhoods don't involve oral sex
I used to buy cheap pocket radios at the elementary school book fair and lay on the couch listening to the smooth jazz station embodying the soul of chillaxing
I am one year older than you, you just have poor taste
Sleepy music.
thank you for saying this so i don't explode
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if he doesn’t work he doesn’t get wet cat food
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I ate too much garlic and now I smell like garlic
Garlic girl moment
>too much
no such thing
I ate so much garlic once that my stomach started to feel like it was burning.
Why don't I feel any better
Too much garlic will make you fart
You're such a dork
When the revolution comes you will be the wet food.
digits confirm this
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tis a pretty good one just found it from the suggested songs after listening to a few posted earlier
Wonder what my future girlfriend is up to. Ever think about silly stuff like that?
You'd never run out if you were dating me
Shut up garlic jr
They still let trans women in the grocery store if you hadn't heard. They have food there.
not in albania
I don’t know it just fit me mood well I guess
>future girlfriend
I hope that’s real for me. But I don’t know I don’t think that far ahead
thanks jade. i love you too. when i was working, i had a daydream of you resting your head on my lap and drooling
My future girlfriend doesn't exist
You looked really good in those pictures you posted of you outside.
I got banned so I couldn't say anything nice.
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its a good song :) the lyrics were comfy and relatable

ty anon, we got a real sweetie over here c:

for what?
I hate me
What about brokencyde?
jade what would make you happy?
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nobody understands my suffering
Now you’re just making shit up
probably something like this
If Ellie wanted to be my friend again and I wasn't kicked out of the discord.
desire for tribe & community. im assuming you don’t have those irl
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the revolution will not be televised
so the video is these guys groping a trans woman and she chases them down and beats them up and then twerks on them.
get fucked whore
Damn now I gotta listen to that again.
do you have any other friends to talk to?
You're welcome to raid my pantry if you want
Ah bummer. I've run into some agoraphobes before. Seems absolutely miserable.
Any idea what treatment looks like for that?
Not enough of it at least...
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This pic has made me aroused.

new >>37394232 new

new >>37394232 new

new >>37394232 new
what if everyday the entire world treated one person special and gave them whatever they wanted and praised them and made them feel like the best person on earth. and every day a different person got their turn.
dude this is terrible
>no question or anything outside of the title
>no link to previous thread
Imagine the comedown. They'd all kill themselves.
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butthurt attentionwhore detected
tranners what album should i listen to while doing dishes?
Weird Al's masterwork: Straight Outta Lynnwood
Would I be able to keep the acres and skid steer afterwards?

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