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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiralling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for /mtfgen/, /hrtgen/, /passgen/, or any other of the multitude of trans-related threads on the board.

Girlfriend edition!
>QOTT 1: Where did you and your girlfriend meet?
>QOTT 2: What do you love the most about her?
>QOTT 3: How does she get on your nerves?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previous thread >>37380845
>QOTT 1: Where did you and your girlfriend meet?
>QOTT 2: What do you love the most about her?
her sense of humor
>QOTT 3: How does she get on your nerves?
her sense of humor
>black girl x ginger
kill yourself lago no one is falling for this psyop again
it’s lago’s gf making the threads now
accept the truth
gingers belong to black and brown women
NEED cis chaser to jork my gock
>Topics such as dysphoria spiralling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for /mtfgen/, /hrtgen/, /passgen/, or any other of the multitude of trans-related threads on the board.
i literally do not care still gonna blogpost
sir please this is clg you can go literally anywhere else okay
Blogposting is fine! Talk about women all you want. But derailing the thread with trans-specific issues is off-topic. This is a place for wlw to discuss being a lesbian. Please be respectful and use the rest of the board for arguing about trans-only issues, thanks!
um hi are you cis?
but it makes my peepee hard knowing i make women uncomfortable
idc troons are evil creatures
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where do I meet an older cis woman who will let me take her on a date, eat her out, and then leave never to be seen again
This is the trans inclusive general. Since transphobia is tolerated on this board, I suggest you make your own thread or go back to /clg/.
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reddit lol
this is now the thread for talking about who you hate the most (gender, race etc.) and racoons
Idk but great pic. Mature pussy goes brrrr.
>why are all of us pedophiles in one way or another?
what the fuck are you talking about
It’s a troll, ignore and report.
whatever this isn't the thread to blogpost in, stay on topic and no trans shit
everything is about mommies and diapers and daddies and looking young and being babied and being able to act like a little kid and anal fisting and wearing school uniforms and playing kids games and getting over being molested and and and and
>also reeee please save me from words and opinions 4chan janny or ill cry
>whatever this isn't the thread to blogpost in
but it is tho
>no trans shit
really? I thought it was trans inclusive
this thread like anyother thread on this dumb website is for doing whatever you want and this is the literal tranny board go anywhere else for cis normal organized discussion
The OP is very clear and reasonable. Talking about being trans is fine if it’s relevant to your dating life as a lesbian. Now please, resume discussion about wlw. This isn’t a chatroom. This is not /mtfgen/ 2.0. It’s a lesbian general.
women suck
You’re halfway there, at least.
i like men
>QOTT 1: Where did you and your girlfriend meet?
>QOTT 2: What do you love the most about her?
no one has ever made me feel more safe and loved
>QOTT 3: How does she get on your nerves?
razzes my tummy without consent.......
women suck and they also dont suck (theyre selfish in bed) i would never date a woman again (one without a penis)
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one night stands r bad and make finding relationships harder for others

love this omg

personally i am asexualish/nb but i recognize that no woman would ever want me or date me regardless so im cel no matrer what. ultimately im finde with that since id rather be srscel transcel than like john, 50 never transed.
you *must* realize an OP like that is just inviting the trolls to shitpost
>cis men are okay but trannies arent
oh I get it this is like a terf space
maybe that was the intention, though
straight cis men (mainly white ones tho) are brave based chivalrous white knights, who help protect cis women and male children from evil villainous trans raping hordes
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are there any cis women ITT who have been in relationships with Male trans women and Female trans women? can you describe the differences in your WLW relationships with these two different kinds of women? in case you forgot the definition, male trans women don't pass but female trans women do
>Successful mtf trannies can’t be male. Failed males become female when they medically transition and pass.
like, who ever thought "here's an explicit list of all the worst (best) things you can post about to annoy users, derail the thread, and generally wield to be a nuisance" was a good idea
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u say this as if this isnt how the thread is normally
Any other girlmoders have a difficult time differentiating flirting from being friendly?
wtf lol this is so bad its everything bad ive joked about cis women who date trannies
its literally a way to lord over men and get back at any pain theyve caused or their dads, they get to do that and fulfill their god complex being worshipped by men (who they hate) who they have feminized and basically enslaved
gooners in this thread will say *hot* to that which goes even further to show what the basis of these relationships is
the thread is spectacularly shit atm. surely it's not like this normally?
Take your meds.
it should be posted its a pretty damning few sentences to the entire dynamic of these threads and relationships
>gooners in this thread will say *hot* to that which goes even further to show what the basis of these relationships is
It isn’t damning for cis lesbians to say they’re only attracted to passing trans women. Seek help. Your obsession with this tripfag is unhealthy.
>wtf lol this is so bad its everything bad ive joked about cis women who date trannies
I honestly thought it was like an ironic TERF larp bit at first
>say they’re only attracted to passing trans women
idk what you mean, they didn't even say that did they? maybe somewhere else in the thread
cope is big
the only trips i care about are the ones that you check new friend
i love red scare
lagoloaf wad talking about trans women she is attracted to. Anon thinks that because she considers those women “female,” that it means she doesn’t consider other trans women female even though she never said that.
aside from the phrase "failed male" (which admittedly is pretty inherently fetishistic and a little weird to say, but i will give her the benefit of the doubt here and assume it was a joke/tongue in cheek), what exactly is the issue with what was said? i am assuming she was speaking as to the attitude of society at large, and for that, she's pretty spot on? good people respect everyone's identity irrespective of their looks, but as far as interactions with society go, of you pass as a woman then you are a female. what is wrong about this statement?
never cared for it, its fans are pretty annoying. what do you like about it (it’s a podcast is all I know)?
this is hard to watch, i really hope you all get some self respect and stop de humanizing yourself and everyone else with a penis for a crumb of it :/
makes me pretty sad
wago.. :<
It is pretty pathetic you keep harassing cis lesbians who never brought you or other hons up tbqh.
>what do you like about it
the hosts are retarded and have awful opinions but they're funny
im not the person who posted that and i dont harass trips and came here to shit post but i thought this was sad..
maybe more than one person can have a different opinion than you without it being an invasion of trolls
her being cis shouldn't really be relevant, and calling someone a hon due to their actions is pretty unhelpful and only serves to hurt bystanders who didn't do anything wrong
Can someone be a lesbian without touching the girl's bottom just cuddling and kissing?
sexuality is about attraction (i.e. how you feel), not necessarily what you do with that attraction. so yeah, sure. it's just a preference at that point
need abusive older woman
i want to go back to my delusions of lesbianism where it was about pretty soft things kissing and holding hands and love.. maybe a little cutting
these threads have completely ruined it for me
anon is leaving out the fact that she’s replying to a guy that called her straight for being attracted to trannies
being a lesbian is about RAPE and ABUSE.
on the very off chance this is a good faith post and not just a troll, there is obviously a selection bias at play here. 4chan attracts mentally unstable people. clearly this is not a representative sample of all lesbians
please get a hobby
dont forget anal animal play general de humanization big cocks failed men and so on
so wholesome
>Anon thinks that because she considers those women “female,” that it means she doesn’t consider other trans women female even though she never said that.
if she didn't think that why would she specify?
older women with big soft breasts
because she was talking about who she is attracted to, dumbass
>because she was talking about who she is attracted to
how does that change anything? she didn't say failed males she is attracted to
i have hobbies they include posting on 4 chan and watching anime i love being a woman yayyyy
im gooning my shenis big time rn
I was the gay man who transitioned. I couldn't keep up with gay men sexual appetite anymore. I had srs and I've been asexual for a long time. I was wondering if there are lesbians who just like to kiss and hug because I don't think I'd want to touch a woman down between her legs.
why would she bother to try to clarify when no matter what she says, trolls will take the worst faith interpretation of whatever she says, twist her words, and try to stoke some nonsense """drama""" over an offhand comment
yay i am glad to hear that anon. hobbies are good for you
>why would she bother to try to clarify
I didn't ask why she didn't clarify, I asked why she went out of her way to specify the difference in the first place
lago and bnuy are pieces of shit for trying to befriend jordan
because she was replying to a man who called her straight for wanting to fuck Olive, you buffoon
i want 2 get into more hobbies but laziness issue and such
i think i will start building a desktop PC soon and use that to learn more about computers and also get more into gaming so that should be fun i just need to save up money for it
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rare good take
how does that add up? she said what she said, even within its context it's a very broad statement that's very specific
worried due to some of the posts here
im new to this gen can someone give me a plot summary and a rundown of the main characters
you’re retarded for thinking either of us befriended Jordan and even more so for sending death threats to lago on discord when she and Jordan have never been friends or talked to each other outside the gen
worried due to theory...
i think it's fine if that's what would make you happy. it just might be a bit more difficult for you to find a partner
the way i read it, she was basically saying "it's ridiculous to call a trans woman a failed male, let alone a regular male. they stop being a male when they transition and interact with the world/are perceived as a woman". i don't think that's very unreasonable?
computers are hard ;(
I'll be honest I don't think lago meant it maliciously, I think it was a slip that exposed something she's unwilling to face in herself and that her simps will zealously defend her for
guys please leave lago alone ill never impreg her cisussy at this rate
they wanna act like they're nice and kind people and you're insane for disliking them when they pursued a fucking friendship with a known piece of shit who loves hurting me and destroying my self esteem
why else would she have been so defensive about it instead of ignoring it? lol
im not entirely sure but from what ive surmised this jordan is some type of god that gains strength from living perpetually in these peoples minds and at the end of their figertips
truly they are to be feared and revered... i even hear they went to federal prison and can fly
you clearly see no problem with anything she does and she's always a victim of my abuse in your eyes
yeah computers suck i tried to learn JavaScript a few years ago and that went nowhere and that has kind of discouraged me from learning more computer stuff but also i was a druggie retard trying to reach myself how to code so perhaps i would fare better now that i am not a druggie and only kind of retarded
calm down lucy
I don't know if I can find a partner, but I'm around more women than I am around men and I'm not going to let some man fuck me
no you stop fucking breathing
Me too but am researching a lot etc
My main problem is most of my tests have been with men
lago was very kind to you in the past but you sent her vile messages because you’re insane and convinced yourself she was friends with someone who is a literal stranger to her.
also i didnt send death threats i told her to kill herself
the only time this general isn't dead as shit is when you guys sperg out at each other
are you going to be conducting tests with women now?
that doesn’t make it any better you fucking schizo
Wow. I hope you're not a lawyer.
there's nothing wrong with telling someone to kill themselves
so Luz is the schizo manmoder who harassed lago out of the gen? the plot thickens
i still need a plot summary and a character list please
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need gf who suipushes me
I feel like I just made a post but I can’t find it
Jordan just said to me: "I thought bnuy was my friend... maybe I shouldn't let you rejoin that server"

;~ ;
ok who are you
Nvm I found it
No (you)s though
you unbanned her because you want her back in the server. you condone her actions.
i should take credit for it honestly
it isn’t really based to tell someone to kill themselves for reasons you made up in your head lol
here's a (You)
i just don't understand how you all have the energy to keep this up day after day after day
oh yay jordan's gf is gonna hold me solely responsible for jordan restricting her from the server now
im a perpetual shit reactor
i have no fucking friends, i've never had friends in my entire life, and i have no fucking life outside of this gen i can bitch and moan for weeks or months at a time
lucy shut up!!!!!!! stop making everything about you!!!!!! nobody cares!!!!!!!!
youre so irrelevant and you build yourself up into these grand delusions, no one blames you for anything because no one is thinking about you
considering searching for any of the generals it lists now brings this thread up too, I'd say so ;)
you literally pay Jordan to hang out with you irl
this jordan being really is starting to sound impressive
I was never molested anon, I just like submission to older women and letting them control me
Male trans women belong to theyfabs (me)
the moment i stop making everything about me and let my guard down is the moment it becomes about me
ugh need
jordan is based wow
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>one night stands r bad and make finding relationships harder for others
how does a mutually agreed upon one night stand make finding a relationship hard for someone else
i don't play any of the games but they always have really cute art. i feel like there are a million different ones that are basically all just reskins of the same game, though, lol
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waow a sign
it is truly the era of jordan
>youre so irrelevant and you build yourself up into these grand delusions
these "grand delusions" always turn out to be true. yeah i have no evidence for them but i eventually find out from people that i was right all along. i have perfect intuition.
desperate times call for desperate measures
This is how cis women treat us.. unbelievable..
>Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Jordan
Went to the bar and waited a while for a ride back home... sitting down watching people talk and drink, and all I thought was nothing. Then my eyes caught a sight of two women, sitting I analyze, and come to conclusions. From eyebrows to the heel of their shoes. There it was. Clear indicators of Trans likeness
jordan blocked me for no reason
I heard jordan keeps stacker chained to a radiator :/ somebody save this girl
Jordan is so powerful she’s friends with people without them even knowing about it
that's so much work...we've had so many posters who heavily influenced this general, i'll do my best. take all of this with a grain of salt, i don't pay too much attention to the drama nowadays but i think most of this is accurate
part 1
cisbian latina, dating a trans woman who goes by bnuy in lagoloaf's /lesgen/ discord server, which they both moderate somewhat iirc. lagoloaf replies to trolls a lot trying to shut them down but this usually derails threads which annoys some people, she posts a lot of good art though and made a lot of OPs in the past, kind of the MC of this gen until recently when she decided to stop posting because it was taking a big mental toll on her. she's also been accused a bunch of times of being a transphobe but i haven't personally seen her be transphobic
>acorn/sophie/bapysekai/creature/sanest poster
possibly a janny or mod, really wants to have bio children so usually dates or pursues cis women, is extremely autistic and desperate, currently dating a trans woman. has annoying liberal opinions and had an extremely racist tirade against black people once when she got drunk, weirdly open about supporting israel and hating muslims. other than that she's slightly annoying but not an active troll
annoying, literally insane, went to jail for beating up her ex (another poster who went/goes by reese, i'm unsure if reese still posts in other gens), currently dating a mtf who pretends to be ftm. jordan is extremely manipulative and generally unpleasant to be around
schizo manmoder who really hates herself and never shuts up about it and how lonely she is, "friends" with jordan and her gf but really they pretty much just use her for money and to laugh at her and openly make fun of her in these threads. luz has anger issues so everyone else kinda shits on her too when she spams with her angerfueled rants. very difficult to have a normal conversation with.
umm no it's the era of meee
>jordan is extremely manipulative and generally unpleasant to be around
>referring to luz as her
you're not fooling anyone luz jump into a gorilla enclosure already
damn we need a /lesgen/ wiki
I think cisasiangf chaser is an important character too
im upset I didn't get my own greentext meme arrow I had to be lumped in with jordan.. btw thanks for invalidating my identity for literally no reason
gross mischaracterization
im actually not that insane
its okay babe, ill remind you how inferior you are for having a vagina later when i unchain you from that radiator
thank you master, as you wish
>very difficult to have a normal conversation with
i can be normal when you don't have ulterior motives like literally everyone i've met here
no that was me, an outsider
thank you anon i hope one day to make it on to the lesgen list of main characters
can't you people please just be nice to each other and get along? isn't being mean exhausting? seriously, it can't even be entertaining at this point. are you really not bored of it by now?
>possibly a janny or mod
>really wants to have bio children
>so usually dates or pursues cis women
i haven't dated a cis woman since 2016
>is extremely autistic
>and desperate,
not really. it's mostly just a joke
>currently dating a trans woman.
>has annoying liberal opinions
sounds about right
>and had an extremely racist tirade against black people once when she got drunk,
this was literally years ago and i have since apologized (multiple times, not that anyone cares)
>weirdly open about supporting israel and hating muslims.
not really that weird imo. i also hate fundamentalist christians, jews, hindus, etc. it's not unique to muslims
>other than that she's slightly annoying
more than slightly
>but not an active troll
awwww, ty anon
Well ive been trying for a bit but it's hard to find stuff. I sent an application to this ant trans convention with women but they rejected my app. I talked to 2-3 young women at this conservative college event but id like to repeat that with more direct questions

oh because it's not always mututal, also it can be hard to sus out the other guys intention (one nght or not), also it makes people more nervous/blackpilled

Ill go for another walk in a bit
does anyone want to be mean to me for entertainment
id apologize but i dont feel like it
why did they reject the application? did they say? what did you put on your application?
how to get a gf when im fat ugly retarded 500 pounds?
They said I wasn't experienced enough with activism and the movement. I was mostly honest in my app. Saying i wanted to learn and see new perspectives etc and was nwish to the movement
>how to get a gf when im fat ugly retarded 500 pounds?
just wait for all the replies to this post asking for ur discord
because it's literally that easy for women
a cis man like me can't even make a single friend in 22 years
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if your a cis man why are you here
i already told you it makes me horny seeing women made uncomfortable by my presence
lucy will you get us a pizza
do you look like a woman
unblock me jordan you stupid cunt
how many piercings do you think a girl should have before you start finding it worrisome or unattractive
piercings are hot but i don't like guages
not even a little bit im not kidding 0% looking like a woman
i wouldn't be this bitter and sexually deranged if i did
are you the hot bitch who posted her belly a few threads ago? if yes discord nao
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i dont think i have anyone blocked i just dont look at my phone or discord.. unless this is lucy and then the fee is one pizza
i love how you claim to feel bad for me then say this shit about me
acorn attacked me on my way home from work yesterday she kicked me in my girlballs and called me a dirty muslim (im not even muslim I'm white???) and spat on me and then forced me to suck her girlpenis
very problematic character can we please cancel her
ladies dont pierce anything besides their ears
give her a raise
i'm not buying you a fucking pizza after you guilted me into paying your "electric bill"
pictures of acorns genis or we riot and burn this gen down
damn u rly extract money from ur paying in public that's brutal
was this gen higher quality before lago left? she did post cute pictures
acorn's little feet
you cannot say you hate fundamentalist jews and then support israel considering israel was built from extremist jewish fundamentalism(which has long been disproven btw). this is just cope to seem less racist
need acorns feet in my face tbqh
yeah it was better unless she was replying to trolls too much. tbf she was pretty funny and smart but sometimes needed to let it go.
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orthodox jews are cool and condemn gay and pedo israel they also dont try to trick god with weird sacrifices and loop holes
but mutts are subhuman to you
part 2
>venus/venusanon/womenposter = old poster who's been gone for a couple years but was the mc of the threads and made most OPs alongside drawfren, until some anons and acorn harrassed her out of the gen, she was the soft babytrans kinda type and sucked up to cis women way too much, she was kinda autistic but overall inoffensive and nice to 99% of people. ran a lesgen server back when it was called wlwgen
another cisbian latina, used to post her art and made most OPs for a while, generally nice but kind of annoying babydyke, would bump the threads a lot with art and questions to keep things active, was harrassed by /clg/ trolls during a raid and "left", still draws the art in the sticky threads during pride month, possibly had a fling with berlinanon
>berlinanon/tortilla ass
kind of a hon, often posts about techy music topics, finding drugs in the streets of berlin, her incontinence, posting her absolute disaster of a room, going to parties, her ass/body for attention, etc. you can tell a post is by her when the image has a white outline in the margins
>cisasiangf chaser
mtf obsessed with finding a cis asian gf, you probably know her as she posts about this in literally every thread
cisbian who is in love with her trans sister, unsure on the current lore but it seems they had a happy ending

some honorable mentions that i personally don't know a lot about:
might've dated berlinanon? seemed really cool and funny but disappeared one day
>vampire knight
seemed really nice and cool but suddenly stopped posting one day, met up irl with acorn, acorn's fwb, and charlotte and posted an irl pic of the four of them hanging out
harrassed out of the thread, unsure why or by whom
harrassed out of the thread by jordan, was really nice and liked mechas a lot
>red jacket anon
was hot and wore a red jacket once
can't remember much about her except she was really negative and annoying and shitposted a lot
hey does anyone want to have sex
damn i fucked up my greentexting, oh well. as you can see i'm missing a lot of people so feel free to add anyone i missed
uwahhh >_<
i don't support israel for israel's sake. it's useful to have a ``friendly'' nation in the ME for logistical and force-projection purposes. it's important to further our imperialist goals and spread democratic, western values - by hook or by crook
>by hook or by crook
civilians are being genocided you heartless cunt
im too goated
every tranny i've met has been a massive piece of shit
hold up
im a nice girl
>it's useful to have a ``friendly'' nation in the ME for logistical and force-projection purposes. it's important to further our imperialist goals and spread democratic, western values - by hook or by crook
literal fascism lol. neoliberialism is just gay fascism. tell me, how is a country going to adopt western values by bombing them into the middle ages? if anything the 70 years of constant attacks to middle eastern nations has pushed their values back into the past. all its doing it not letting them develop you heartless fuck
How so? Rude? Mean?
you cant just lump stacker and jordan together
>stacker/tarotanon/nirvana the thread poster etc. many other minor lesgen memes
an enigmatic and mysterious character that operates behind the scenes pulling strings like a puppet master, she is an ex ftm boymoder girl dog that is apparently being held hostage by normal and forced to shit post on her behalf shes a based kino aryan that doesnt like brown people or jews and has been on 4chan so long she likely had a hand in helping moot create it
he likes that. when he hears innocent browns being murdered by the us he only years for more
Its not that hard see
manipulating and gaslighting because they're bored
oh ok i fucked it up this time sorry that was embarrassing
ok fuck you
im not a liar
Oh I see. Well that's too bad. Perosnally I dont think im a bad person. Im just an extrmeley boring generic robotic person. Ur standard hikimoder. and i am a transexual. i have met nice trans irl and online too in my trans research
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wtf i thought repeating digits anon was based but now i know that they are cringe
right, it's better to let the backwards theocratic autocracies kill off all the gays instead, yeah?
also, they're not being genocided. words have meanings. not even the UN is claiming that, and they are MAAAAASSSIVE anti-israelis
see above
also, if their culture regresses to such a degree, maybe it's not a good culture to have in the first place? not every culture is equally valid. cultures which are *inherently* misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, etc. don't have to be accepted or tolerated!!
lol holy shit. how are neoliberals always saying the most fascist shit while coating with ~diversity~ and everyone eating it up
troons are nice to you because you're part of the tribe. they see me as a cis male outsider and they start using tricknology against me.
hatefucking acorn until she says free palestine
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supporting israel is cringe.. but supporting anyone who furthers the goals of the us is amazingly based, only in so far as we dont become their cuck slaves
its a real dilemma
we just need to wipe out the whole area and let india have it since theyre basically our slaves and view us like gods unlike the plotting jew bug
but i have 2 nose piercings and im debating getting my snakebites again..
also my navel in the spring..
what could this mean
i thought nirvana was acorn's previous fwb
I feel like if stacker was a tranny luz would’ve revealed that already
getting hatefucked by acorn until i say israel has a right to defend itself
>right, it's better to let the backwards theocratic autocracies kill off all the gays instead, yeah?
if the only way to do that is to indiscriminately bomb civilians and then invade an unrelated country then yeah. there's no fucking justification to ever target civilians. you're white knighting a guy who is currently on trial for corruption and is trying his best to get trump elected. you fucking retard.
I'll say though I really like clocky trans women (don't consider them men) but there's something so alluring about them. probably the such sadness and longing in their gaze, only achievable by constant abjection
does anyone want to edate me and break up and have lesgen drama? im trying to fast track myself to main character status
if im a new poster and i join the lesgen discord is everyone going to beat me up and attack me and kill me
no, you'll probably go unnoticed
no, the server is nice
>luz would’ve revealed that already
i only reveal things that are safe to reveal. i'm literally holding my tongue so hard right now theres so much more underlying shit thats contributing to my being angry rn that i actually can't talk about.
oh so everyone's going to ignore me because they hate me....
let me ask you a question, you obviouslynotasociopath. 50 years ago, the united states was on the same degree of fascism, and maybe even worse than the middle east of today. gay and trans people being killed and left to die, black people being lynched and having their neighborhoods firebombed, japanese people being shoved into concentration camps, womens rights being so bad it was straight up sharia law, latinos being rounded up and deported in operation wetback, women being sexualily mutilated post pregnancy by being forced to get a husbands stitch by their doctors, women being forced to have a billion babies, mkultra i could go on.

the point is, how would you feel if during that time, a more advanced nation decided to bomb them into the middle ages over and over and over, conquered their land and took their resources, raped them and tortured them. would this theoretical united states deserved it? would they have succesfully developed socially as a nation if this happened?
fuck no there will be problems
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hi jordan here, i just figured id ask this while the thread is kind of active..
heres a pic of this tranny i dated for a short while who was just starting hrt (they were a schizo and scary it turns out) anyways we stopped talking and i they havent logged into their discord or posted or anything in like 4 years all of a sudden and the last i heard they were on the side of the road and living out of their car in portland even though they were from the east coast then they just disappeared ive been worrying about them for a long time anyone know them?
that is a picture of a man
that is a whole ass man
if they were weak enough to get treated that way they would, the only important thing is strength to protect you and the people you love
Thanks bae
trip on, pussy. dont do that thing were you go offtrip just to say sociopathic evil shit
Hmmm I see. I don't like the word troon, I think is a slur and negative and trashy. However with that said, I treat trans and non trans well to the best of my ability and I think I treat cis males normally. My 2 close friends online r cis males.

well to be fair they said "just starting hrt" and the term is male to female trans...

on the same topic here tho, does anyone know of mira/kerfuffin? my former bff and platonic life partner
yeah they just started hrt like a few months before that i just said
don't threaten us like that
its not sociopathic its realism. any country in a perilous situation would rape kill and murder to protect all its women children and culture and that is just the way it is
being willfully ignorant to human nature and the realities of survival doesnt make you some moralist visionary saint
oh here you go again calling me a creepy rapist right?
think about everything thats happened between us. is there anything i can bring up thats directly related to you that could be sensitive? i didnt think so. chill the fuck out asshole.
I don't like your tone
why does everyone to the right of aoc always turns into sephiroth when describing why colonialism is good
shes cute
Am very worried due to this thread and related topics abt sex, sex appearance, transexualism
where are they right now
pretty face or good body what's more important?
i have never supported targeting civilians, and i think it's kind of a strawman to imply that i have. in terms of urban warfare statistics, israel has done an extremely commendable job in minimizing the ratio of civilian casualties, ESPECIALLY against a force which hides behind and within civilian groups and generally just disregards all of the ``rules'' of warfare. if you actually go and read, you'd know that it's actually the terrorist organizations who are committing the crimes against humanity
>ART. 19. — The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may,
however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.
>ART. 28. — The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.
>ART. 34. — The taking of hostages is prohibited
colonialism in the modern age isnt good and thats why white people dont do it and only backwards 3rd world brownos and jews do
Envy them a little bit if they have a functional penis. I lost mine yrs ago. Now I'm the same as cis women
>the point is, how would you feel if during that time, a more advanced nation decided to bomb them into the middle ages over and over and over, conquered their land and took their resources, raped them and tortured them. would this theoretical united states deserved it?
what does that have to do with anything we're talking about?
acorn just admit the jews are evil but its based they kill browns stop pretending youre among friends
>i have never supported targeting civilians, and i think it's kind of a strawman to imply that i have. in terms of urban warfare statistics, israel has done an extremely commendable job in minimizing the ratio of civilian casualties

please watch this video
>america bad: the channel
im asking you a question dont evade it. if a more socially and technologically advanced nation decided to treat the us of the 1950s to 1970s the same way the us and israel treat the global south, would it be for the better good?
I believe U r a mtf larping/trollng. Funny heel character tho. Fundamentally though it's wrong to bully people in such a way. I did it in my teens up to my early 20s as a stress releiver, playing these sort of heel charcaters, but ultimately it's a form of bullying as the punchline is ywnbaw and so on. it's fine to beleive that, or express that, but u shud do so in a genuine upfront manner. Like just make genuine posts abt how everyone is their birth sex and not create elaborate characters to subtly drive home the point. This isnt shakespere
ahhh yes, seems a very reliable source
acorn is doing the /pol/ thing were they admit that jews are evil, but theyre being evil against the right people so theyre a net good for the world
>any criticism of america is LE BAD!!
if your views are true and just, no criticism will leave a dent to it
they answered the phone specifically not to talk to me
>any criticism of america is LE BAD!!
thanks for spoonfeeding us noobs, nona
le rapisme...
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>elected 12 LGBT judges
>more than any other president
>did it in less than 4 years
I'm riding with Biden.
I think Vampire Knight just stopped posting because she and Charlotte broke up and might’ve had a bad breakup. Also how could you forget they are (distantly) related but dated anyway?
shoot acorn cmon sister were all friends here partner
anon I think you have dementia like Biden because he isn’t running anymore…
need sister gf
>shoot acorn
im on it
thats based, makes her even hotter
*nuzzles acorn's neck and smells her hair* ooh..
im going to impregnate acorn
it is always morally correct to protect the innocent from those who would do them harm, even if that necessitates the use of force. i am a pragmatist, though, since i live in the real world, so i would rather have us try and fail than sit and do nothing while evil festers unimpeded. fundamentally, it's an issue of the trolley problem: there is an evil man who controls a trolley. the trolley is currently set to run over one person who is tied to the tracks, but the man wants to pull the lever and set the trolley to kill two people. in my mind, it is clearly morally right to kill the man to protect the greater number of innocents, even if it is impossible to save them all. people like you would rather wash your hands of it and feel morally superior for allowing more innocents to die simply because you weren't involved
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now were talkin
need acorn to call me a retarded leftist and spit on me
im serious .
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>it is always morally correct to protect the innocent from those who would do them harm
So we should nuke the US
this tbhon
and i support you 100%
if enough of us try to give her a child something has to stick
i like leftists. i think they are often well-intentioned but misguided. with age and maturity, they can hopefully be coaxed to rejoin society as a neoliberal so that we can progress
now you're just being silly
....you do know youre basically describing the white mans burden right? like, word for word? youre doing 18th century white supremacy
acorn cool wth
i just hate neo liberalism so much it is so soulless and nothing gets done about the class of elites who literally just live off hoarded wealth and tax breaks and there are just so many things i hate about it it is irreconcilable with any vision of a world that i would like to live in
not a racist anymore btw
i we try hard enough we can get acorn to accidentally recite the 14 words, but using annoying woke language while doing it
no? It's literary what you said
erm literally
and did the primitives eventually become more civilized and accelerate their culture and governments? maybe even have a little christian morality rub off on them?
i can understand how you might interpret it like that, but i vehemently disagree. i think it is far more bigoted and biased (although unfortunately also far more common in left-leaning circles these days) to posit that simply because a culture exists outside of western hegemony, it is inherently moral or equally valuable or deserving of protection or support. a culture which is biased and harmful towards minorities (minorities here being used as shorthand to refer to immutable characteristics set from birth, as opposed to religious or cultural minorities) is ALWAYS bad. if a culture exists which subjugates any people based upon these immutable characteristics of their persons, then it is immoral NOT to actively oppose them
to claim otherwise is to imply that somehow the people who make up these cultures are somehow lesser and incapable of understanding historically ``western'' morality such as equality and justice. it's really quite insidious
it's really unfortunate the degree to which corruption and rot poisons so many good things
>We must bring progress to the world and assure a future for trans children
All I wanted to know was if girls like banana bread.
Too much banana for me.
ok, explain how what youre saying isnt the white mans burden. ill wait

also have you seen the vid?
This is a poem for Luz..

I'm a creep
She's all that
I'm a mouse
She's a cat

I can't think
I don't know
She's sunshine
I'm the snow

I miss you kat
Please come back
I need you kat
Please add me back

Oh please kat
Please come back
I need that ass
Sniff where she sat

You're my Goddess
You're my mary
Going 90
It ain't scary

There's no other
No other love
I want kat inside me
My turtledove
ok so you agree the more socially and technologically advanced society should be able to treat 1950s us the same the us and israel treat the global south. got it!
notice how his replies are getting wordier and wordier?
because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture, which is not intrinsic to race and is in fact far more derived from the landscape/environment where the culture was created. western culture isn't superior because it was created by white people. rather, it is superior because its morality is more humanitarian. it just so happened to have its development primarily driven by ``white'' people because the lands in which they lived had the natural resources and climate to allow for that development. rather than some sort of "enlightenment of the savage", i would more so liken it to the courage of a boatman in buddhist mythology
>What is meant by the courage of a boatman? A boatman aims to arrive on the other shore at the same time as all of his passengers. Likewise, the wish to achieve Buddhahood for oneself and all beings simultaneously is known as the boatman’s way of generating bodhicitta. This is the wish: “May I liberate myself and all sentient beings from suffering and obtain the level of perfect enlightenment.”
why do you misgender girls because you disagree politically? that's cringey
i always get misgendered here. it's actually super common. usually no one says anything or calls it out, so thanks for that, anon. i really appreciate it
acorn i swear its okay and you dont have to preform all of this showy rhetoric
youre based and thats okay
ok, so lets do a rebrand! "western mans burden!". now the poem will change the words white man to western man! and the "half devil" part will be changed to "part uncivilized". now there we go! now we can update this poem of 18th century racial politics to the modern age! hooray!!

also lets ignore the fact that the people doing all this are all white men and the victims are all brown but lets just set that aside :)
im acorns #1 fan
I promise I won't bring it up next threaed
New thread >>37394120

New thread >>37394120

New thread >>37394120
>also lets ignore the fact that the people doing all this are all white men and the victims are all brown but lets just set that aside :)
literally yes it's irrelevant. it's entirely coincidental. there are plenty of instances in which non-white (god i hate that you got me to use that phrase) cultures have had superior morality

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