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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for /mtfgen/, /hrtgen/, /passgen/, or any other of the multitude of trans-related threads on the board.

Take your meds edition!
>QOTT 1: What are five things you can see right now?
>QOTT 2: What are five things you can hear right now?
>QOTT 3: What are five things you can feel right now?
>QOTT 4: What are five things you can smell right now?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previous thread >>37391928
Anon won
are there any girls who like blood here
vaping is my medication
bong resin is my medication
grool is my medication
diversity win: That fascist is a trans lesbian!
her politics might suck but shes still a cute girl sneed harder
keep misgendering me. really showing off that moral superiority of yours
that's a cool picture i like it.
drinking the bong water to get extra high
marry me
you sure showed her by… being both transphobic and racist. kill yourself.
youre so welcome
sorry ill go....
im saving these images and you can't stop me btw.
Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, UNCIVILIZED peoples,
Half UNCIVILIZED and half child.

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain.
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper—
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead!

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard—
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:—
"Why brought ye us from bondage,
Our loved WESTERN night?"

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
Ye dare not stoop to less
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.

Take up the WESTERN Man's burden—
Have done with childish days—
The lightly proffered laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your MORAL VALUES
Through all the thankless years,
Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!
thats fine i just like sharing the soft blood/guro art i find on tumblr
they actually sat there and changed every line..
dude acorn is hot and even more desirable because she knows white people and america own, just deal with that
please don't make weird, racially charged implications about me. it's not helping
im only here for the truth
its crazyyyy how its all white countries who are civilized and have good moral values, while the stinky brown countries all mostly have bad bad icky morals. good thing good ol america and israel will bomb morality and western values into them!! that will bring them to the whi- modern age!!! GO WESTERN VALUES!!!
is this like a scrapped nato anthem
this but unironically
yuri is a product of western sentiment and i think we should all well remember that
need girl to cover me in cuts
why is it so hard to make one fucking friend
because they always come in pairs!
need friend to come with
i mean, invoking 18th century white supremacy doesnt help :////
need sister girlfriend
for real
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need friend to cum with
who are you
hi do u want to be my sister gf
The true test of an alpha woman is the ability to dominate another woman.
acorn whats ur view on the vietnam war im curious
only if you're little sister and I'm. big sister
Well this seems like an interesting thread. Open to all women. One question, when you get around to the sexy talk?
omg yay
hi big sis
any alpha women in this thread looking to take the true test near me
taking a big dookie rn lesgen and let me tell you I sure am paying the union dues at the fudge factory today if you catch my shit. smell you later turdlets
im an alpha woman
whats up !!!!
i'm not well-informed enough about it to feel comfortable commenting
It's like I'm hearing that song again "welcome back"
the vietnam war meets all of augustine's rules for a just war
oh, of course. lol. i guess destiny hasnt commented on it so u arent able to make ur own opinion :p

also did u watch the vid i sent last thread? :>
i don't watch streamers. also i thought hasan was the big one? i don't really know anything about destiny. i just know he doesn't like vaush or something? i don't really keep up with them
So everybody's a lesbian here, I think that's so cute!
never, thats rapehon behavior
so were do u get ur hasbara then, big boy~? who taught u these fashy words that come out of ur mouth? or were u just born evil? 0_0
Don't be so silly
stop being mean to acorn just because she doesn't like sandniggers!!!!
i had to google this. holy shit you are unwell
>ignorant about the vietnam war
do americans REALLY?
Office autist sounds like that “Gaza/Conservative/Trump/etc Boi” cringelord who spams their unfunny threads and replies to himself.
Be sillier
wanna go to the park. .
i like being mean to her because shes actually evil so i dont get to feel bad for being mean. its like when u tell a pedo to kys its awesome. also SEE. i used SHE/HER on him
i mean, it was a term created by israel itself so how am i unwell? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im not the one bringing 18th century racism into the table. also have u watched the video???
she probably either retarded, learned that the us lost and chose to actively ignore this part of history like many conservatives, or supported ARVN and knows that they are historically seen(by everyone other than the united states) as the bad guys so she knows shed look bad by supporting it
why is luz harassing acorn just for noticing things? are race facts too much for his tiny monkey brain to handle?
im not luz you fucking mongoloid please kill yourself for thinking i am
yes !!!!! please !!!
only luz cares this much about racism
sweet . there's so much to show you
what park do u want to go to
luz is too busy crying and jerking off to jordan insulting them to post racial politics
spoken just like luz
daily reminder that this is how the average leftist thinks: your womanhood is contingent upon good behavior, and it can be taken away if you don't behave/dare to think differently. "we don't REALLY believe you are women. we are just being polite"
I just realized there no black chicks here
Whats up with that?
you are so. politically uneducated, that it hurts . it is how ever true of most people, so your ignorance is sadly unsurprising
yea the average leftist thinks this. when karl marx wrote the communist manifesto he famously wrote as the first rule"trans women are women, unless theyre not communists then theyre men" youre so right and so smart and intelligent and it really shows man. also i used she/her on you bro what more do u want?????

btw have u watched the video? :3
It actually sounds nice when they phrase it that way, altho, prbbly the reaosn why it was bad is cause they werent genuine and actually just wanted to get slave labor and free stuff.
that said, it is un cool to be evil to people you do not like in my opinion . that person is probably exhausted
>your womanhood is contingent upon good behavior, and it can be taken away if you don't behave/dare to think differently
i didnt know karl marx was a dom
Yes that's how far left people think. Middle left see trans as men but tend not to want to actively harass them or bother with them. Middle right sees them as baddish men and far right sees them as evil men who need to be like exterminated. is what it is.

Does anyone here know kerfufin/mira? Or did know them?
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itt : americans who do not know what leftism is
wasn't the topic of the last two threads literally just a torrent of misgendering trannies. isn't this gen constantly misgendering trannies based on appearance and behavior lol it's only a problem if happens to you
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what do the ladies here think of my new motorcycle (the one on the left that's all shiny and blue)
leftism is everything to the left of reagan. if u say something to ronald reagan and he disagrees then its leftism
the red one is better :(
I don’t date future organ donors :(
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i love moto moto moto
leftism is when i think about my ex all day and wish she'd come back to me
the blue on the left is too loud and stands out too much in my opinion but the colors on the right are so swaggy i like the subtlety of the red highlights throught the black they look like sonic and shadow the hedgehog
for real
someones DID is splitting again -__-
Hou you get my code
Hou you get MY code
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I know it's sportier looking and cooler but I really needed a bike that I can regularly commute on and middleweight sportbikes are almost all clapped out. Maybe if I ever have the money for a funbike I'll get a cbr600rr, those are cute
This one is nicer sounding and faster though!
look! look! https://streamable.com/308cd4
you don't date anyone
great pic, hi friend
>the blue on the left is too loud and stands out too much in my opinion
I see what you mean but the amount of times I've been run off of the freeway because cars can't see me on my black bike at night is too many to count
>but the colors on the right are so swaggy i like the subtlety of the red highlights throught the black they look like sonic and shadow the hedgehog
it was actually a whole custom paintjob the previous owner had on it, was all glittery in the sun, picrel
Was very nice but unfortunately a bit too slow of a bike for commuting on the freeway every day
You have a code breaker function. Why don't you make my code say something cute.
aww, like this?
I have a persistent fantasy of making a girl my pet. She follows me everywhere, does tasks for me, organizes my schedule, brushes my hair. She's sexually submissive, yes, but she's generally submissive as well. She is a servant to me. That's really hot.
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>I have a persistent fantasy of making a girl my pet. She follows me everywhere, does tasks for me, organizes my schedule, brushes my hair. She's sexually submissive, yes, but she's generally submissive as well. She is a servant to me. That's really hot.
i think this is 3d chess and someone larping as a prison top writing what they think a trans wud have as a sexual fantasy
please be cis
Come on. The code part
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It's me, state your wishes
>77 miles
that's it?
Why didn’t I prioritize forming relationships in high school and college
I like you, talk to me
that doesn't work that way :)

it looks like you were talking to yourself...
Just noticed that's all
That's some silly bullshit. You don't know how it works and neither do I. What are you like?
I thought I did... I'm not like anything
smells like unwashed ass in here
Of course you're like something.
new office autist name just dropped
Can’t wait til I’m like 82 retired just sitting on my porch doing nothing waiting to die
hons with guns
old lady lago knitting on her front porch…
Extremely worried due to psts. feel must kms maybe due to posts
don't worry about it babe
I won. I beat women.
I feel suicidal and am having panic attack due to this ost
and many others itt. i was already semi panciked abt surgeries prior. ill take a benzo now tho. prbbly must commit suicide but shud think it over with a more level head
can you beat me
that person never played tekken with me
goodnight lesbians
good morning lesbian
more of an afternoon lesbian myself
can't believe bnuy just got lago pregnant
it’s true I am the fetus
lucky !
i just really want to keep a girl in a cage...
having a human pet pawing at her cage door and begging to be let out, letting her out for a little bit of cuddling, and then telling her your putting her back in the cage again while she's sobbing and begging not to be put there, igoring her pleas and locking her back in her cage...
that sonds horrible
also slavery is illegal in the us
>approaches you with a clothes hanger
you are the antichrist
god why is this so hot
Because you're not actually doing it. That would fucking suck.
no it wouldn't
honestly put me in there with a laptop and a comfy blanket and id be content
well, yeah, obviously. i would get bored of it almost immediately
i meant why is the idea of it/the play so hot? like the question still remains even if it's confined to just the bedroom
need gf to put me in cage now
larp. the baby is actually olive’s. everyone knows bnuy is a cuck.
do you think she gets to sit in a cuck chair and watch, or can she only stand outside and listen?
some people were just made for the cage. nothing to be ashamed of :)
i yearn for the cage
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jorking my gock becoz i wanna PIV into asian cisrussy so badddddddddddddd
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Cis asians (the brown ones too) know about you and actively avoid you
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anyone else here bipolar and deal with mania/hypomania before? does it affect your relationships/sex life? (did you know some studies report most women with bipolar disorder are some level of bi or les?)
>did you know some studies report most women with bipolar disorder are some level of bi or les?
it does help one feel less alone in a way. I’ve met more people who are bipolar as I’ve gotten to know more lgbt people.
>(did you know some studies report most women with bipolar disorder are some level of bi or les?)
we knew
i wish my flavors of mental illness were the fun, extrovert type rather than the sad and alone type ( ._.)
how am i still fucking sick after five days my god this is ridiculous
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no but like, I get what you’re saying. I feel kinda robbed of myself now that I’m taking a mood stabilizer. you mean to tell me the good moments I had in which I thought I was getting better were part of this mental illness? who even am I? what is left of me? shit’s wack.
hope you get better soon, being sick sucks
I wanna play..
play toys with me
thank u anomalous
>elected 12 LGBT judges
>more than any other president
>did it in less than 4 years
I'm riding with Biden
He's going to pass away from old age and go to hell forever for being a pedophile
bleeeeeegggghhhhhhhhhh i feel so fucking horrible
>He's going to pass away from old age
To be fair, that's basically the best possible way to die
Being tortured by imaginary demons while you slowing achingly fade away
women are so cute when they're sick and helpless tho
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i want to die i have done nothing but sit in bed for the past 5 days literally i think i have gotten out to shower once and to pee a few times i feel gross and disgusting and i keep coughing and my whole head is STILL CONGESTED AFTER FIVE FUCKING DAYS and i can't sleep and i feel restless and at first i was freezing cold and now i feel really hot and i just hate it so so much
plus i am missing work which sucks bc i was trying to save up some time off but rip to that idea i guess right down the drain with it :/
hi a corn ^^
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hi i feel horrible i would like to be unconscious now please thank you
too embarrassed to do anything
feel that
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bridge piercing after sleeve maybe..
calling yourself a lesbian when you are a tranny is fucking embarrassing desu
just say youre 'sapphic', bishit or some other meme word please
call yourself what ever you want i'm gay i girls i'm a gay girl does any one want to give me a hug i want one
I'm not lago lol
just giving an advice to avoid becoming every group's lowcow
Does anyone like lose alot of respect for bi or straight women who do hookups with guys? It just feels fucked up to me, like they're lowering themselves and it's just really disgusting, if they were doing it with women it doesn't really matter but suddenly if it's with a guy then like, I pretty much lose all interest and respect for you.

I've seen women I've respected or even been attracted to say they 'hooked up with a guy' and suddenly I don't want to be around them at all.

Is this like relateable?
Proceed with killing yourself bnuy.
what group would i possibly be in where the idea of identifying as a lesbian would make me a
im not a pickme retard that associates with bad people
Women lose value when they get dicked by a man. Lesbian sex isn't really sex so it doesn't count.
I'm not a pick me either? Literally just trying to help, no one thinks trannies can be lesbians, they're just being polite and probably disgusted by you calling yourself one too. everyone knows this label doesn't belong to you. Just avoid the embarrassment and getting laughed at behind your back
jeez this is just straight up misogyny & homophobia dude cmon get better bait
jeez this is just showing your deepest insecurities dude you should get better friends cmon there's more love in your heart than you know and it's a shame that you're turning it into an inward-facing spike
>Literally just trying to help, no one thinks trannies can be women, they're just being polite and probably disgusted by you calling yourself one too. everyone knows this label doesn't belong to you. Just avoid the embarrassment and getting laughed at behind your back
unlike you im not so terribly insecure that i think people laugh behind my back
if i associated with any of the type to do that they wouldnt be in my life long you rat
>if they were doing it with women it doesn't really matter
>if it's with a guy then like, I pretty much lose all interest and respect for you.
I only reformulated these two statements. Cope about it.
yeah but at least that poster is dealing with their internalized feelings about it rather than straight up saying that shit you feel me ?
No I don't "feel you"
lol ok plug your ears then. Lesbian = afab, when you finally realize this don't start crying
>No I don't "feel you"
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trannies love to use tricknology against me
>i think i have gotten out to shower once
this thread doesn't talk enough about black male womanhood
tfw no triboelectric gf...
would you rather ryukop or her sister
the qotts suck but that's such a nice op image, do you know who's the artist
>the qotts suck
that's the kind of wonderful coping tools you can learn from a therapist for a smol price of $150 a session
racism is cringe
if it's cringe then why is it a popular past time for cool lesbians?
ryukop seems nice
Fuck off nigger
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How am I supposed to become interesting if I feel like doing nothing and just rotting all day? I could try knitting, painting, gardening, etc, but I just don't have energy for that

I want a gf, but I need to become interesting for that and nothing interests me
girl you have depression
Pretty much all Americans lol
Unless enacted "temporarily" on a convicted criminal
I would kill to be cage girl
Don't have it but had a friend that does, manic episodes lead to a lot of hookups
Wait stop describing me
Nuh uh I'm happy sometimes
I have type 1 with psychosis. It plays tricks on me, it feels like a malevolent entity inside me that craves my downfall and does everything in its power to twist my emotional extremes until something snaps and I lose my job or partner or whatever. People that know me well are shocked at my behavior, but they don’t understand my inner world. They don’t know what its like to be goaded by your own hippocampus repeating every mistake you’ve ever made into suicidal ideation. And of course :) it impacts libido too. I feel like I’m literally incapable of refusing sex while manic, it has never once happened. I have fucked men, old people, exes, friends, family, coworkers, I just am incapable of exercising discretion in my sexual affairs during an episode because the part of my brain responsible for… well being responsible is just shut off completely. It’s a waking nightmare and every day I experience the horrors anew, my reputation suffers and yet no one truly understands whats going through my mind, me least of all.
erm... story?
That sounds draining, anon. I just got diagnosed with type 2 but I experience some of that paranoia and yeah
>yet no one truly understands whats going through my mind, me least of all.
is really relatable. Hope you can find the stability you are deserving of.
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>you're not gunna make me feel bad for that
lol, too late. ho mad af.
when they can't pick a side it's because they want to retain a sense of moral superiority, but there is none.
fuck thus bitch.
What are you talking about and what does Chappell Roan have anything to do with this?
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Lmao? I just looked her up and I’m guessing it’s because you’re one of those schizos who thinks that because she doesn’t blindly endorse Democrats and tells people to question those in charge, she must be a secret Republican or think that conservatives are just as bad? Talk about bad faith interpretation. Your favorite pass time sounds very familiar to what happens here all the time COUGH COUGH and on Twitter/TikTok! Interesting! :3c
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This is now a Chappell Roan thread.
>because she doesn’t blindly endorse Democrats and tells people to question those in charge, she must be a secret Republican or think that conservatives are just as bad?

i think she's weak an unintegrous.

you don't want to endorse kamala? don't bother voting for her at all then. if you can't stand behind your convictions it's because you're weak willed. if you're voting for kamala, then that means you endorse her. all of this mental gymnastics is to shield them from hate from the free palestine folk.

if you can't pick, then you have no right to complain about what you get.

she comes across as the type that wants to have their cake and eat it too. fuck people like that.

she's a lesbian and this is the gen to talk about lesbians?
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She’s such a doll. I should listen to her album while practicing kanji today.
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I asked why you brought her up because you provided no context, smoothbrain.

She told people what she stands for and to do their own research and vote in small elections (which most young people ignore). You’re actually insane if you think that’s not good enough and that Democrats are entitled to minority votes for not even doing the bare fucking minimum for the minorities they claim to stick up for.
>I asked why you brought her up
i saw something about her and it was on my mind? what more reason do i need?

she didn't tell people what she stands for. she told people she's ashamed of voting for kamala in a round about way. it comes across as slimy or sleezy. she wants to retain her fans (the queers for pakestine folk) and nothing more.

so here's the thing: when you're speaking to the masses you have to keep the message simple to make it digestable for them. trying to give this nuanced answer makes it look like she's talking down to the average voter or otherwise thinks they're stupid.
i have to write a play for class and i really want to adapt the story of yakub but disguise it as a fucked up version of frankenstein
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That’s so sad she didn’t keep her answer simple and digestible for idiots with bad faith interpretations like you. :/
you'd think she'd want the dem money. what a shame.
based? uncritical support for chappell
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>can't pick a side
>/why are they ganging up on me QQ/
Getting bullied at work by this creepy mom who likes snakes.

If she goes to far im literally gonna run to HR i don't care anymore
Bigotry towards muslims is based
Even the "good" ones are happy to praise a literal pedophile
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Chappell Roan:
>explicit unequivocal support for minorities
Toxic literal whos on the internet:
Bigotry against any abrahamic religion is not only reasonable but it's not bigotry at all, actually. The values of christianity, islam and judaism are inherently bigoted and in direct opposition to equality and justice. Fighting bigotry isn't bigotry. I consider any religipus person to be my enemy, becayse they are. It's always religious people opposing it whenever a new law making progress in equality is discussed. The only reason I can legally marry my partner, is that atheists won the battle.
yet another motive to keep on repping
>doesn't want to voice who she's voting for for fear of backlash akin to taylor for endorsing kamala. her brand is too small to sustain losses.
This, it's why I prefer France's freedom from religion over America's freedom of religion
>but the hijab is a symbol of identity
Idgaf about your opinion if your identity is based on concepts that define me as lesser
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maybe do some basic research before arguing this topic, sweetie :)
female drag queens give me the ick
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anti-racist gamedev gf....
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my gf wont talk to me because i was racist and homophobic
you don’t deserve your gf
good. hopefully she leaves you.
jesus said, let she who has not said the n word in a moment of weakness cast the first stone
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yikes, look at those conetits. is she even trying to pass? you'd think she could afford FFS by now :/
double cheeked up
i think after school im just going to become a seat warming help desk i.t. tranny
ill work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for the next 40 years, making average to slightly above average income, and own a cat
meow meow
thats the impression of the cat
you sound boring
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need intelligent gf with nuanced takes
who doesn’t kowtow to the ignorant
I love the ignorant deplorables with unnuanced takes
my nuanced take is that you should find love in your heart :D
i should learn rust
its a pretty simple game
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>$8 for freshly baked bread is too much!
now look up how much flour they output every second
tfw i was leaving the bathroom and a woman was entering at the same time and she did a double take and looked at me like i was a monster
and yet if i go in the male bathroom i get a mix of creepy stares and men trying to direct me to the womens
i hate being a tranny so fucking much holy shit. being a tranny is one of the most subhuman experiences you can have.
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is it tacky to set your tinder anthem as one of your own songs?
lol are you a SoundCloud rapper
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worse, I only make instrumentals
based, what instruments do you play
drums, guitar, bass, little bit of keyboard, about the only thing I can't find my way around with some extra fiddling are wind instruments
um this is off topic? please read the op
Oh it is? what are you gonna do about it??? fucking nothing? kick rocks loser.
wish a girl would kick my rocks
for real
oh i didnt realize this thread sucks ass again.
so leave
my grandpa has been talking to me for about 14 minutes about steel. it's his special interest i guess.
oh now he's talking about concrete
she's so hot...i would do anything for a gf that looked like her
I wish I had a special interest
my special interest is getting pussy
i also really enjoy fantasy anon
A grain mill literally just needs to pulverize the grain to make flour. You can sift the junk out. You don't need to goyslopify the process.
yes precisely, you took the words out of my mouth
Separate the wheat from the chaff then smash the little shits. Everything else is just bullshit participation trophies.
sipppp damn straight. they don't make flour like they used to. it's these damn special snowflakes they're too busy eating avocado toast and overpriced coffee drinks
I honestly don't even care if she's slightly transphobic if she's a hot older cis woman desu
um, hi are you cis?
lago trying to samefag with a new trip like nobody was gonna notice smdhfr
um, hi are you cis?
I'm not lago and I forgot my trip already so
hi.. >.> >>37403572
Thought you have a gf?
I have information that will lead the the arrest of Jordan.
i do
Oh is she non-op?
she didn do nuffin
um, hi are you cis?
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wydag who wants to drink lacroix and watch live wildlife streams with you on a Wednesday
is consuming pornography cheating . my ex used to read a ton of erotica while telling me she was never really into sex
is erotica pornography now?
yes but also the joke was aimed at anon trying to tease her rather than intending to be self-deprecating
um, hi are you cis?
making a grilled cheese lesgen with mayo instead of butter spread on the bread slices
Thank you for explaining. How are you?
please don't do that
pretty tired. i didn't get enough sleep last night, but i will try to catch up on it tonight. you?
already done. tastes great btw. what's the problem with it?
Why do you still use a trip?
i play
New thread >>37403918

New thread >>37403918

New thread >>37403918
how else am i going to get attention?
yes? have you never heard of booktok

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